diff --git a/approxCompErrScript.sml b/approxCompErrScript.sml
index 0e2e095f0902a5d1216bab22d77f90e0f9ee4758..c2292de586962854b63e5e7efd073ef28bbde818 100644
--- a/approxCompErrScript.sml
+++ b/approxCompErrScript.sml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 open IntervalArithTheory ErrorValidationTheory sqrtApproxTheory;
 open mcLaurinApproxTheory realPolyTheory realPolyProofsTheory transcLangTheory
      approxPolyTheory transcIntvSemTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "approxCompErr";
diff --git a/approxPolyScript.sml b/approxPolyScript.sml
index 770e80eb8efe558099249ac2061817ad8f9c9426..f0149e76971aa913af78d9bc253bdb586e91f091 100644
--- a/approxPolyScript.sml
+++ b/approxPolyScript.sml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 (** **)
 open realTheory realLib RealArith transcTheory;
 open realPolyTheory realPolyProofsTheory mcLaurinApproxTheory transcLangTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "approxPoly";
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ Definition approxPoly_def:
       else NONE
   | Sin => SOME (sinPoly approxSteps, sinErr iv approxSteps)
   | Cos => SOME (cosPoly approxSteps, cosErr iv approxSteps)
+  | Tan => NONE
+  | Sqrt => NONE
 (** Simple properties of polynomials used for proofs later **)
@@ -486,10 +488,7 @@ Proof
       >> qexists_tac ‘abs (x pow (2 * m'))’ >> gs[ABS_LE, GSYM POW_ABS]
       >> irule POW_LE >> gs[ABS_POS]
       >> irule RealSimpsTheory.maxAbs >> gs[])
-  (* Tan function *)
-  >- ( cheat )
-  (* Sqrt function *)
-  >> cheat
+  (* Tan and Sqrt function missing here as they are unimplemented *)
 val _ = export_theory();
diff --git a/bitArithScript.sml b/bitArithScript.sml
index 4123036a6594eeaba3a8e7b171e5ffa79b8c6f15..a64d96ade74d6989acc2489962c31409af741c73 100644
--- a/bitArithScript.sml
+++ b/bitArithScript.sml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib arithmeticTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 (** Check reduceLib.num_compset() **)
 val _ = new_theory "bitArith";
diff --git a/checkerDefsScript.sml b/checkerDefsScript.sml
index ecf12bbcc3ca9f9210d230fb3f1c3ddf6ad676a3..07ef42787cbb16ac2f0ee20d39db8d872efe5911 100644
--- a/checkerDefsScript.sml
+++ b/checkerDefsScript.sml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 open realTheory realLib RealArith stringTheory;
 open renameTheory realPolyTheory transcLangTheory hintTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory"checkerDefs";
diff --git a/checkerScript.sml b/checkerScript.sml
index 4d7c69b4b5f14be85fb063b12142431ba0b665b7..67ed56954f74dbcea46d97b5c4cc0758100ee7ab 100644
--- a/checkerScript.sml
+++ b/checkerScript.sml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ open realTheory realLib RealArith stringTheory polyTheory transcTheory;
 open renameTheory realPolyTheory transcLangTheory sturmComputeTheory sturmTheory
      drangTheory checkerDefsTheory pointCheckerTheory mcLaurinApproxTheory
      hintTheory realPolyProofsTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "checker";
diff --git a/drangScript.sml b/drangScript.sml
index e5a64f2bcf0bdfd1ecb1e3f0423c02a55edfaf00..ee615caea4959684e20d51e5591b53c411af1e4d 100644
--- a/drangScript.sml
+++ b/drangScript.sml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 open bossLib RealArith realTheory polyTheory limTheory;
 open renameTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "drang";
diff --git a/euclidDivScript.sml b/euclidDivScript.sml
index 4d80b8ee1ae7e549dfd08515fca88960a3b05e70..c1d906791da25ef92762094f5cfe6b9e67cde00c 100644
--- a/euclidDivScript.sml
+++ b/euclidDivScript.sml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 open pred_setTheory listTheory bossLib RealArith realTheory polyTheory;
 open realPolyTheory sturmTheory realPolyProofsTheory;
 open renameTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "euclidDiv";
diff --git a/floverConnScript.sml b/floverConnScript.sml
index c01959a4761c8840c08946341538c2256d9e66d9..92540476c97d642b9a648865abe5b8636928cff4 100644
--- a/floverConnScript.sml
+++ b/floverConnScript.sml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 open ExpressionsTheory ExpressionSemanticsTheory realPolyTheory
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "floverConn";
diff --git a/hintScript.sml b/hintScript.sml
index c4c8192b11d2d73d05e8c65af22dee370c35a163..ad3f5a38551c437d3b742f0b33b8c8fc6567546c 100644
--- a/hintScript.sml
+++ b/hintScript.sml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 open realTheory realLib RealArith stringTheory polyTheory transcTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "hint";
diff --git a/mcLaurinApproxScript.sml b/mcLaurinApproxScript.sml
index 9d7b5454ac2471d523229948866bfa6570e42fcd..6ce55b3bdaff5c3e28052ebf06130d8ea2568154 100644
--- a/mcLaurinApproxScript.sml
+++ b/mcLaurinApproxScript.sml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 in the transcLang file **)
 open moreRealTheory realPolyTheory realPolyProofsTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "mcLaurinApprox";
diff --git a/moreRealScript.sml b/moreRealScript.sml
index 27e83dc19fe4c1bda040f0e215e0729c57f0d13a..7a8c25baa7e040622ea80a214a4e81965d2a0725 100644
--- a/moreRealScript.sml
+++ b/moreRealScript.sml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "moreReal";
diff --git a/pointCheckerProofsScript.sml b/pointCheckerProofsScript.sml
index ca13cf43b006f5fa5753d427ee71b4c68f92215e..4b2e06dca06eaaab12cc4ec2634e44f5d7a357ed 100644
--- a/pointCheckerProofsScript.sml
+++ b/pointCheckerProofsScript.sml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 open realTheory realLib RealArith stringTheory;
 open renameTheory realPolyTheory checkerDefsTheory pointCheckerTheory;
 open realPolyProofsTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "pointCheckerProofs";
diff --git a/preamble.sml b/preambleDandelion.sml
similarity index 98%
rename from preamble.sml
rename to preambleDandelion.sml
index 5d098b58aaf71fd7f22ad7799c462add312f7ad4..33ca1a3acce837cc0969d83839092b6e1c61bc18 100644
--- a/preamble.sml
+++ b/preambleDandelion.sml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    Proof tools (e.g. tactics) used throughout the development.
   Copied from CakeML (https://github.com/CakeML/cakeml)
-structure preamble =
+structure preambleDandelion =
 local open intLib in end;
 open set_relationTheory; (* comes first so relationTheory takes precedence *)
diff --git a/realPolyProofsScript.sml b/realPolyProofsScript.sml
index ace1d932a1e75743f06561c7ad854b5604907034..737986e4c4c9c4f2259437898ee37cc0e63b0301 100644
--- a/realPolyProofsScript.sml
+++ b/realPolyProofsScript.sml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 open realTheory realLib RealArith renameTheory polyTheory;
 open realPolyTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "realPolyProofs";
diff --git a/realPolyScript.sml b/realPolyScript.sml
index b939000cd63e6fa61bea948f99638c64944f05ab..7adecfebc927cb2ba6e0aa276775e24d922cb05b 100644
--- a/realPolyScript.sml
+++ b/realPolyScript.sml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 open realTheory realLib RealArith bossLib polyTheory;
 open renameTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "realPoly";
diff --git a/realZeroLib.sml b/realZeroLib.sml
index e1485fea4780e10e269a2434146d57294eee8439..71f77d214135d9a4577295c90fdcc2a638dfd75a 100644
--- a/realZeroLib.sml
+++ b/realZeroLib.sml
@@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ struct
   open realPolyTheory realPolyProofsTheory checkerTheory sturmComputeTheory
        transcLangTheory transcIntvSemTheory approxPolyTheory
        transcApproxSemTheory transcReflectTheory euclidDivTheory;
-  open bossLib preamble;
+  open bitArithLib bossLib preamble;
-    exception ZeroLibErr of string;
+  exception ZeroLibErr of string;
   val _ = computeLib.add_thms [REAL_INV_1OVER] computeLib.the_compset;
   val _ = computeLib.add_funs [polyTheory.poly_diff_def, polyTheory.poly_diff_aux_def, polyTheory.poly_def]
+  val _ = bitArithLib.use_karatsuba();
   fun appOrErr (P:term -> bool) (f:term -> 'a) (t:term) (errMsg:string) :'a =
     if P t then f t else raise ZeroLibErr errMsg;
@@ -357,3 +358,172 @@ Q.prove (‘(! x. xlo <= x /\ x <= xhi ==> (P x /\ Q x)) <=>
   (* val t = REAL_ZERO_CONV “! x. 90 <= x /\ x <= 100 ==> evalPoly [1; 2/100; 3] x <= 100:real” *)
+  local
+    fun rhs_fun_conv c = RIGHT_CONV_RULE c
+    fun poly_mul_rec_conv tm = let
+      val p1 = rand $ rator tm
+      val p2 = rand tm
+      in
+      if listSyntax.is_nil p1 then EVAL tm
+      else if listSyntax.is_nil p2 then SPEC p1 (GEN_ALL mul_0_right)
+      else
+        let
+        val (hdTm, tlTm) = listSyntax.dest_cons p2
+        val tmpTh =
+          REWR_CONV (hd $ tl (CONJ_LIST 2 poly_mul_def)) tm
+          |> timed "mul_cst" (rhs_fun_conv (RATOR_CONV $ RAND_CONV EVAL))
+          |> timed "cond" (rhs_fun_conv (RAND_CONV $ RATOR_CONV $ RATOR_CONV $ RAND_CONV EVAL))
+          |> rhs_fun_conv (RAND_CONV COND_CONV)
+        val rhsTm = tmpTh |> rhs o concl |> rand
+        in
+        if listSyntax.is_nil rhsTm then tmpTh (* |> timed "add" (rhs_fun_conv EVAL) *)
+        else
+          tmpTh |> rhs_fun_conv (RAND_CONV $ RAND_CONV poly_mul_rec_conv)
+                (* |> timed "add" (rhs_fun_conv EVAL) *)
+        end
+      end;
+  fun poly_add_0_cons_conv tm =
+     (REWR_CONV (GSYM reduce_add_r) tm
+     |> timed "push_reduce" rhs_fun_conv (RAND_CONV rec_reduce_push_conv)
+     |> timed "prep" rhs_fun_conv (REWR_CONV poly_add_assoc)
+     |> timed "add_single" rhs_fun_conv (RATOR_CONV $ RAND_CONV EVAL)
+     |> rhs_fun_conv poly_add_0_cons_conv)
+     (* |> rhs_fun_conv EVAL) *)
+    handle HOL_ERR _ =>
+      (print ("Error found for \n"^term_to_string tm);
+        EVAL tm);
+    fun poly_mul_conv tm =
+      poly_mul_rec_conv tm
+      |> timed "add" (rhs_fun_conv $ poly_add_0_cons_conv)
+Theorem poly_add_cnst:
+  ! c p1 p2. reduce (c::(p1 +p p2)) = (0::p1 +p c::p2)
+  Induct_on ‘p1’ >> rw[poly_add_def, poly_add_aux_def]
+  >- gs[reduce_def, reduce_idempotent]
+  >> Cases_on ‘p2’ >> gs[]
+  >> gs[reduce_def, reduce_idempotent]
+Theorem reduce_reduce:
+  reduce (c::cs) = reduce (c::reduce cs)
+  Induct_on ‘cs’ >> rw[reduce_def] >> gs[reduce_def, reduce_idempotent]
+fun iterconv n c = if n <= 0 then REFL else c THENC (iterconv (n-1) c)
+(** Assumes term of shape reduce (x :: y :: ...) **)
+fun rec_reduce_push_conv tm =
+  REWR_CONV poly_add_cnst tm
+  handle HOL_ERR _ =>
+    tm |> REWR_CONV reduce_reduce
+    |> rhs_fun_conv (REWR_CONV reduce_idempotent ORELSEC REFL)
+    |> rhs_fun_conv $ RAND_CONV $ RAND_CONV rec_reduce_push_conv
+    |> rhs_fun_conv $ REWR_CONV poly_add_cnst
+val tm =
+  “[124544987/128396; 192832957/ 1984792857; 345637978/ 18293756379; 348965798567/1090768937;
+    124544987/128396; 192832957/ 1984792857; 345637978/ 18293756379; 348965798567/1090768937;
+    124544987/128396; 192832957/ 1984792857; 345637978/ 18293756379; 348965798567/1090768937;
+    124544987/128396; 192832957/ 1984792857; 345637978/ 18293756379; 348965798567/1090768937;
+    124544987/128396; 192832957/ 1984792857; 345637978/ 18293756379; 348965798567/1090768937] *p
+   [8934769857/1289768935; 890754897/8975641; 128978967389/857923; 77865897298/2089765489;
+    8934769857/1289768935; 890754897/8975641; 128978967389/857923; 77865897298/2089765489;
+    8934769857/1289768935; 890754897/8975641; 128978967389/857923; 77865897298/2089765489;
+    8934769857/1289768935; 890754897/8975641; 128978967389/857923; 77865897298/2089765489;
+    8934769857/1289768935; 890754897/8975641; 128978967389/857923; 77865897298/2089765489]”
+poly_mul_conv tm
+  val tm = poly_mul_rec_conv tm |> rhs o concl
+  val tm2 = poly_add_0_cons_conv tm
+  val tm1 = rhs o concl $
+    (REWR_CONV (GSYM reduce_add_r) tm
+     |> rhs_fun_conv (RAND_CONV $ iterconv 0 $ REWR_CONV reduce_reduce)
+     |> rhs_fun_conv (RAND_CONV $ REPEATC $ REWRITE_CONV [poly_add_cnst])
+     |> timed "prep" rhs_fun_conv (REWR_CONV poly_add_assoc)
+     |> timed "add_single" rhs_fun_conv (RATOR_CONV $ RAND_CONV EVAL))
+  val tm2 =
+   rhs o concl $
+    (REWR_CONV (GSYM reduce_add_r) tm1
+     |> rhs_fun_conv (RAND_CONV $ iterconv 1 $ REWR_CONV reduce_reduce)
+     |> rhs_fun_conv (RAND_CONV $ REPEATC $ REWRITE_CONV [poly_add_cnst])
+     |> timed "prep" rhs_fun_conv (REWR_CONV poly_add_assoc)
+     |> timed "add_single" rhs_fun_conv (RATOR_CONV $ RAND_CONV EVAL))
+  val tm3 =
+   rhs o concl $
+    (REWR_CONV (GSYM reduce_add_r) tm2
+     |> rhs_fun_conv (RAND_CONV $ iterconv 2 $ REWR_CONV reduce_reduce)
+     |> rhs_fun_conv (RAND_CONV $ REPEATC $ REWRITE_CONV [poly_add_cnst])
+     |> timed "prep" rhs_fun_conv (REWR_CONV poly_add_assoc)
+     |> timed "add_single" rhs_fun_conv (RATOR_CONV $ RAND_CONV EVAL))
+EVAL tm
+[1/2] *p [1/4]”
+raise ZeroLibErr "Foo" end;
+    fun karatsuba_rec_conv tm = let
+      val bs1 = rand $ rator $ rand tm
+      val bs2 = rand $ rand tm
+      val len_bs1 = numSyntax.dest_numeral $ rhs o concl $ EVAL “LENGTH ^bs1”
+      val len_bs2 = numSyntax.dest_numeral $ rhs o concl $ EVAL “LENGTH ^bs2”
+      in
+        if Arbnum.<(len_bs1,!karatsuba_lim) orelse Arbnum.<(len_bs2,!karatsuba_lim)
+        then  (RAND_CONV EVAL) tm
+        else let
+      val _ = print "."
+      val th = SPECL [bs1, bs2] karatsuba_bit
+      val th = th |> rhs_fun_conv (eval_let_conv EVAL) (* let d = ... *)
+      val th = th |> rhs_fun_conv (eval_let_conv EVAL) (* let x1 = ... *)
+      val th = th |> rhs_fun_conv (eval_let_conv EVAL) (* let x0 = ... *)
+      val th = th |> rhs_fun_conv (eval_let_conv EVAL) (* let y1 = ... *)
+      val th = th |> rhs_fun_conv (eval_let_conv EVAL) (* let y0 = ... *)
+      (** Ugly: Get rid of lets for mults **)
+      val z0 = th |> rhs o concl |> rand |> rand
+      val th = th |> rhs_fun_conv subst_let_conv (* inline z0 *)
+      val z2 = th |> rhs o concl |> rand |> rand
+      val th = th |> rhs_fun_conv subst_let_conv (* inline z2 *)
+      (** Continue eval **)
+      val th = th |> rhs_fun_conv (eval_let_conv EVAL) (* let z1a = ... *)
+      val th = th |> rhs_fun_conv (eval_let_conv EVAL) (* let z1b = ... *)
+      (** Ugly: More inlining **)
+      val z1Mul = th |> rhs o concl |> rand |> rand
+      val th = th |> rhs_fun_conv subst_let_conv (* inline z1Mul *)
+      val th = th |> rhs_fun_conv subst_let_conv (* inline z1Sub *)
+      (** Now evaluate the terms we inlined **)
+      val z0Eval = karatsuba_rec_conv “bleval ^z0” (* z0 *)
+      val z2Eval = karatsuba_rec_conv “bleval ^z2” (* z2 *)
+      val z1MulEval = karatsuba_rec_conv “bleval ^z1Mul” (* z1Mul **)
+      (** Now first get down to ‘bleval (mul _ _)’ terms **)
+      (** TODO: Prove a single rewriting theorem for this part in the needed shape and apply it with REWR_CONV **)
+      val th2 = th |> REWRITE_RULE [add_thm, mulpow2_thm, sub_thm]
+      val th3 = th2 |> REWRITE_RULE [z0Eval, z2Eval, z1MulEval]
+  (** TODO: Use a single use theorem here too *)
+      val th4 = th3 |> REWRITE_RULE [GSYM add_thm, GSYM mulpow2_thm, GSYM sub_thm]
+      in
+        th4 |> rhs_fun_conv EVAL
+      end end;
+  in
+    fun karatsuba_conv tm =
+        let val (arg1, arg2) = numSyntax.dest_mult tm
+          val arg1_bval = ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [GSYM tobl_correct] arg1 |> RIGHT_CONV_RULE $ RAND_CONV EVAL
+          val arg2_bval = ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [GSYM tobl_correct] arg2 |> RIGHT_CONV_RULE $ RAND_CONV EVAL
+          val th = REWRITE_CONV [arg1_bval, arg2_bval] tm |> REWRITE_RULE [GSYM mul_thm]
+          val karat = th |> RIGHT_CONV_RULE $ karatsuba_rec_conv
+        in
+          karat |> REWRITE_RULE [GSYM fromBL_correct] |> RIGHT_CONV_RULE EVAL
+      end
+  end;
diff --git a/renameScript.sml b/renameScript.sml
index 3e26fa587886ea4f267d6194cf12a3459514bb69..c60f7ead9b49dec877d09113195f8f714860911b 100644
--- a/renameScript.sml
+++ b/renameScript.sml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   renaming theory to unify naming of theorems
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "rename";
diff --git a/sturmComputeScript.sml b/sturmComputeScript.sml
index 3ad681e7ef85e783a099e95a6d33e83a0b220312..0932c53b421d7a05b169275c6cd3986e17294fe4 100644
--- a/sturmComputeScript.sml
+++ b/sturmComputeScript.sml
@@ -5,10 +5,138 @@
 open pred_setTheory listTheory bossLib RealArith realTheory polyTheory;
 open realPolyTheory sturmTheory realPolyProofsTheory euclidDivTheory;
 open renameTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "sturmCompute";
+Definition sturm_seq_step_def:
+  sturm_seq_step p q =
+    if zerop q ∨ LENGTH (reduce q) < 2 then NONE else
+    (let g = --p (rm p (inv (coeff q (deg q)) *c q)) in
+       SOME g)
+fun gcd (a:Arbint.int) b =
+  if Arbintcore.< (a, b) then gcd b a
+  else if (Arbintcore.compare (b, Arbintcore.zero) = EQUAL) then a
+  else gcd b (Arbintcore.mod (a, b))
+fun scale p =
+  if not (type_of p = mk_type ("list", [mk_type ("real", [])])) then p
+  else
+    let
+  val (tms, ty) = listSyntax.dest_list p
+  val tms_mapped = List.map (fn t => if (realSyntax.is_div t) then snd (realSyntax.dest_div t) else t) tms
+  val tms_filtered = List.filter (fn t => realSyntax.is_real_literal t andalso (not (realSyntax.int_of_term t = Arbint.zero))) tms_mapped
+  val tms_arbints = List.map realSyntax.int_of_term tms_filtered
+  val gcd_list = List.foldl (fn (a,b) =>
+                               let val res = gcd a b in
+                                 if (Arbintcore.compare (res,Arbintcore.zero) = EQUAL)
+                                 then b
+                                 else (print (Arbintcore.toString res); res) end) (hd tms_arbints) (tl tms_arbints)
+  in
+    Parse.Term ‘^(realSyntax.term_of_int gcd_list) *c ^p’ |> EVAL |> rhs o concl
+                                                                         end;
+  (*
+val p = “[-6494149570753833533576226955119636841118335723877 /
+             12500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
+             13843969975321583631977517825362156145274639129639 /
+             12500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
+             -12955340407972480536169523901435240986756980419159 /
+             15625000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
+             349184292465257220192120790613898861920461058616637 /
+             1500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; 0;
+             -1 / 120; 0; 1 / 5040; 0; -1 / 362880; 0; 1 / 39916800; 0;
+             -1 / 6227020800; 0; 1 / 1307674368000; 0; -1 / 355687428096000]:real list”
+val q = “[-18671393139647857184471035907336045056581497192383 /
+                 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
+                 110400542702815170070795858237033826299011707305909 /
+                 225000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
+                 -13843969975321583631977517825362156145274639129639 /
+                 28125000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
+                 1439482267552497837352169322381693442972997824351 /
+                 6250000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
+                 -2444290047256800541344845534297292033443227410316459 /
+                 54000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; 0;
+                 1 / 1080; 0; -1 / 72576; 0; 1 / 8164800; 0; -1 / 1437004800;
+                 0; 1 / 392302310400; 0; -1 / 188305108992000]:real list”
+val deg = EVAL “deg ^p - 1”
+val scaleFactor = “inv (10 pow 10)”
+val pScale = EVAL “^scaleFactor *c (12500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:real *c ^p)” |> rhs o concl
+val qScale = EVAL “^scaleFactor *c (12500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:real *c ^q)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss1 = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^p ^q” (* 3.31 s *)
+val ss1_term = ss1 |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+val ss1Scaled = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^pScale ^qScale” (* 2.65 s *)
+val ss1Scaled_term = ss1Scaled |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+                               |> (fn t => EVAL “inv ^scaleFactor *c (inv 12500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 *c ^t)” |> rhs o concl)
+                               (* 0.56 s *)
+val ss2 = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^q ^ss1_term” (* 4.18 s *)
+val ss2_term = ss2 |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+val qScale2 = EVAL “(100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:real *c ^q)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss1Scale = EVAL “(100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:real *c ^ss1Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss2Scaled = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^qScale2 ^ss1Scale” (* 3.01 s *)
+val ss2Scaled_term = ss2Scaled |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+                               |> (fn t => EVAL “inv 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 *c ^t” |> rhs o concl) (* 0.30 s *)
+val ss3 = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss1_term ^ss2_term” (* 5.20 s *)
+val ss3_term = ss3 |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+val tF =“125000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:real”;
+val ss1Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss1Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss2Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss2Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss3Scaled = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss1Scale ^ss2Scale” (* 4.13 s *)
+val ss3Scaled_term = ss3Scaled |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+                               |> (fn t => EVAL “inv ^tF *c ^t” |> rhs o concl) (* 0.45 s *)
+val ss4 = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss2_term ^ss3_term” (* 6.57 s *)
+val ss4_term = ss4 |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+val tF =“120000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:real”;
+val ss2Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss2Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss3Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss3Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss4Scaled = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss2Scale ^ss3Scale” (* 3.97 s *)
+val ss4Scaled_term = ss4Scaled |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+                               |> (fn t => EVAL “inv ^tF *c ^t” |> rhs o concl) (* 0.37 s *)
+val ss5 = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss3_term ^ss4_term” (* 8.40 s *)
+val ss5_term = ss5 |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+val tF =“125000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:real”;
+val ss3Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss3Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss4Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss4Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss5Scaled = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss3Scale ^ss4Scale” (* 5.64 s *)
+val ss5Scaled_term = ss5Scaled |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+                               |> (fn t => EVAL “inv ^tF *c ^t” |> rhs o concl)
+val ss6 = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss4_term ^ss5_term” (* 10.19 s *)
+val ss6_term = ss6 |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+val tF =“100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:real”;
+val ss4Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss4Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss5Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss5Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss6Scaled = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss4Scale ^ss5Scale” (* 5.83 s *)
+val ss6Scaled_term = ss6Scaled |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+                               |> (fn t => EVAL “inv ^tF *c ^t” |> rhs o concl)
+val ss7 = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss5_term ^ss6_term” (* 51.43 s *)
+val ss7_term = ss7 |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+val tF =“1875817730304000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:real”;
+val ss5Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss5Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss6Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss6Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss7Scaled = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss5Scale ^ss6Scale” (* 37.62 s *)
+val ss7Scaled_term = ss7Scaled |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+                               |> (fn t => EVAL “inv ^tF *c ^t” |> rhs o concl)
+val ss8g = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss6_term ^ss7_term” (* 325.40 s *)
+val ss8g_term = ss7 |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+val tF =“52359382622366919003859256612525309952421121811441798729857138480169343485333963069940040914451717670615216237357336816000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:real”;
+val ss6Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss6Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss7Scale = EVAL “(^tF *c ^ss7Scaled_term)” |> rhs o concl
+val ss8gScaled = EVAL “sturm_seq_step ^ss6Scale ^ss7Scale” (* 278.34 s *)
+val ss8gScaled_term = ss7Scaled |> rhs o concl |> optionSyntax.dest_some
+                               |> (fn t => EVAL “inv ^tF *c ^t” |> rhs o concl)
 Definition sturm_seq_aux_def:
   sturm_seq_aux (0:num) (p:poly) (q:poly) =
   (if (rm p (inv (coeff q (deg q)) *c q) = [] ∧ ~ zerop q)
@@ -36,80 +164,6 @@ Definition sturm_seq_def:
         | _ => NONE
-Theorem poly_neg_evals:
-  ∀p x. poly (--p p) x = - poly p x
-  gs[GSYM poly_compat, eval_simps]
-Theorem poly_nill_left_add:
-  ∀ p x. poly ([] +p p) x = poly p x
-  gs[poly_add_rid] >> gs[GSYM poly_compat, reduce_preserving]
-Theorem poly_reduce_evals:
-  ∀ p x. poly (reduce p) x = poly p x
-  gs[GSYM poly_compat, reduce_preserving]
-Theorem poly_neg_neg_evals:
-  ∀ t. poly (--p (--p t)) = poly t
-  rpt strip_tac >> rewrite_tac[FUN_EQ_THM, GSYM poly_compat, eval_simps]
-  >> real_tac
-Theorem poly_add_aux_evals:
-  ∀p t x. poly (poly_add_aux p t) x = poly p x + poly t x
-  Induct_on ‘p’
-  >- gs[poly_add_aux_def, poly_def]
-  >> rpt strip_tac >> gs[poly_add_aux_def]
-  >> Cases_on ‘t’
-  >- gs[poly_add_aux_lid, poly_def]
-  >> gs[poly_def]
-  >> ‘h + x * poly p x + (h' + x * poly t' x) = h + h' +
-        x * (poly p x + poly t' x)’ by REAL_ARITH_TAC
-  >> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
-Theorem poly_sub_evals:
-  ∀ p q x. poly (p -p q) x = poly p x - poly q x
-  gs[GSYM poly_compat, eval_simps]
-Theorem poly_cst_evals:
-  ∀ p c x. c * poly p x = poly (c *c p) x
-  gs[GSYM poly_compat, eval_simps]
-Theorem poly_shift_eval:
-  ∀p q. q ≠ [] ⇒ p ≠ [] ⇒ deg q < deg p ⇒
-        poly (monom (deg p − deg q) [LAST p / LAST q]) x * poly q x =
-        poly (LAST p / LAST q *c monom (deg p − deg q) q) x
-  rpt strip_tac
-  >> assume_tac LESS_ADD
-  >> pop_assum $ qspecl_then [‘deg p’, ‘deg q’] assume_tac
-  >> res_tac
-  >> ‘deg p - deg q = p'’ by gs[]
-  >> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
-  >> pop_assum kall_tac
-  >> pop_assum kall_tac
-  >> pop_assum kall_tac
-  >> Induct_on ‘p'’
-  >- (
-    gs[monom_def, poly_def]
-    >> gs[poly_cst_evals, real_div]
-  )
-  >> gs[monom_def, poly_def, GSYM poly_cst_evals]
-  >> gs[poly_def, GSYM REAL_MUL_ASSOC] >> REAL_ARITH_TAC
 (* a / b = c where c * b + r = a*)
 (* b divides (a + k * r) ⇔ ∃ c. (a + k * r) = b * c *)
 (* We say p2 divides p1 if ∃ q. p1 * q = p2 *)
diff --git a/sturmScript.sml b/sturmScript.sml
index a85dfdfb02dadb6077737f88e20662ca88c1faab..9563d510075bbf7f2d5144a99f30dde39ca24338 100644
--- a/sturmScript.sml
+++ b/sturmScript.sml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 open pred_setTheory listTheory bossLib RealArith realTheory polyTheory;
 open renameTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "sturm";
diff --git a/transcApproxSemScript.sml b/transcApproxSemScript.sml
index 34a2bc6a988ccf1ec47385ec8efee62af4f0b047..ba8affe43b3f80932ed89d02b2032162099424bd 100644
--- a/transcApproxSemScript.sml
+++ b/transcApproxSemScript.sml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 open realTheory realLib RealArith transcTheory;
 open IntervalArithTheory ErrorValidationTheory sqrtApproxTheory;
 open realPolyTheory transcLangTheory approxPolyTheory transcIntvSemTheory approxCompErrTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "transcApproxSem";
@@ -41,12 +41,16 @@ End
 Definition errorPropSinCos_def:
   errorPropSinCos cfg iv err =
-  do
-    assert (approxPolySideCond cfg.steps);
-    (polyCos, errCos) <- approxPoly Cos (0,err) cfg.steps;
-    (polySin, errSin) <- approxPoly Sin (0,err) cfg.steps;
-    return (abs ((evalPoly polyCos err - errCos) - 1) + evalPoly polySin err + errSin);
-  od
+    if approxPolySideCond cfg.steps
+    then
+      case approxPoly Cos (0,err) cfg.steps of
+      | NONE => NONE
+      | SOME (polyCos, errCos) =>
+        case approxPoly Sin (0,err) cfg.steps of
+        | NONE => NONE
+        | SOME (polySin, errSin) =>
+          SOME (abs ((evalPoly polyCos err - errCos) - 1) + evalPoly polySin err + errSin)
+    else NONE
 Definition errorPropFun_def:
@@ -57,16 +61,14 @@ Definition errorPropFun_def:
           * (2 * err)) (* propagated error from f *)
   errorPropFun Sin cfg (iv:real#real) (err:real) (pWiden:poly) (errPWiden:real) =
-    do
-      propErr <- errorPropSinCos cfg iv err;
-      return (errPWiden + propErr)
-    od
+    (case errorPropSinCos cfg iv err of
+     | NONE => NONE
+     | SOME propErr =>  SOME (errPWiden + propErr))
   errorPropFun Cos cfg (iv:real#real) (err:real) (pWiden:poly) (errPWiden:real) =
-    do
-      propErr <- errorPropSinCos cfg iv err;
-      return (errPWiden + propErr)
-    od
+    (case errorPropSinCos cfg iv err of
+     | NONE => NONE
+     | SOME propErr =>  SOME (errPWiden + propErr))
   errorPropFun _ _ _ _ _ _ = NONE (** TODO **)
@@ -200,8 +202,7 @@ Proof
     >> rpt $ disch_then drule >> gs[])
   (* sin *)
   >- (
-    gs[CaseEq"option", errorPropSinCos_def]
-    >> ntac 2 (Cases_on ‘x'’ >> gs[CaseEq"option"])
+    gs[CaseEq"option", CaseEq"prod", errorPropSinCos_def]
     >> rpt VAR_EQ_TAC
     >> qexists_tac ‘cfg.steps’ >> gs[]
@@ -210,8 +211,7 @@ Proof
     >> rpt $ disch_then drule >> gs[])
   (* cos *)
   >- (
-    gs[CaseEq"option", errorPropSinCos_def]
-    >> ntac 2 (Cases_on ‘x'’ >> gs[CaseEq"option"])
+    gs[CaseEq"option", CaseEq"prod", errorPropSinCos_def]
     >> rpt VAR_EQ_TAC
     >> qexists_tac ‘cfg.steps’ >> gs[]
diff --git a/transcIntvSemScript.sml b/transcIntvSemScript.sml
index 0498d01755cab847e2716a34c7be9d12102fb754..4a61ab05304f196414628f31b86c878faa7c7d63 100644
--- a/transcIntvSemScript.sml
+++ b/transcIntvSemScript.sml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 open realTheory realLib RealArith transcTheory;
 open IntervalArithTheory sqrtApproxTheory IntervalValidationTheory;
 open realPolyTheory transcLangTheory approxPolyTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory "transcIntvSem";
diff --git a/transcReflectScript.sml b/transcReflectScript.sml
index 1e0d143b5686837efdffc02d2be0806dd2d97f38..50384ba3412b9f7b411b8c73f1807f4a5a7cbc93 100644
--- a/transcReflectScript.sml
+++ b/transcReflectScript.sml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 open realPolyTheory realPolyProofsTheory transcLangTheory;
-open preamble;
+open preambleDandelion;
 val _ = new_theory"transcReflect";
diff --git a/translateScript.sml b/translateScript.sml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d3439697c540dcd0db3e3949b39a983c34aa812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translateScript.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+open RealArith realTheory realLib realSyntax polyTheory;
+open realPolyTheory realPolyProofsTheory checkerTheory sturmComputeTheory
+     transcLangTheory transcIntvSemTheory approxPolyTheory
+     transcApproxSemTheory transcReflectTheory euclidDivTheory;
+open AbbrevsTheory RealSimpsTheory sqrtApproxTheory IntervalArithTheory;
+open RatProgTheory basis;
+open bossLib preambleDandelion;
+val _ = new_theory "translate";
+val _ = translation_extends "RatProg";
+val _ = translate oEL_def;
+(** Copied from FloVer **)
+(* translation of real_div *)
+val _ = (next_ml_names := ["real_div"]);
+val res = translate realTheory.real_div;
+val real_div_side = prove(
+  let val tm = hyp res |> hd |> rand val v = rand tm
+  in mk_eq(tm,``^v <> 0``) end,EVAL_TAC)
+  |> update_precondition;
+(* / translation of real_div *)
+(** Translate basic functions **)
+val _ = map translate [FACT, reduce_def, zerop_def, deg_def, coeff_def, monom_def,
+                       poly_add_aux_def, poly_add_def,
+                       poly_mul_cst_aux_def, poly_mul_cst_def, poly_mul_def,
+                       poly_neg_def, poly_sub_def,
+                       evalPoly_def,
+                       divmod_aux_def, divmod_def, rm_def];
+val expPoly_res = translate expPoly_def;
+val exppoly_side_def = fetch "-" "exppoly_side_def";
+  ∀ n. FACT n ≠ 0
+  Induct_on ‘n’ >> gs[FACT]
+  ∀ n. &FACT n ≠ 0
+Theorem exppoly_side_true:
+  ∀ n. exppoly_side n = T
+  Induct_on ‘n’ >> simp[Once exppoly_side_def]
+  >> rpt strip_tac >> ‘FACT n ≠ 0’ suffices_by gs[]
+  >> gs[FACT_NOT_ZERO]
+val _ = exppoly_side_true |> update_precondition;
+Definition sturm_seq_aux_alt_def:
+  sturm_seq_aux_alt n p q =
+  case n of
+  | 0 =>
+      if coeff q (deg q) = 0 then NONE else
+      if (rm p ((coeff q (deg q))⁻¹ *c q) = []) ∧ ¬zerop q then SOME []
+        else NONE
+  | SUC n =>
+       if zerop q ∨ (LENGTH (reduce q) < 2) ∨ (coeff q (deg q) = 0) then NONE
+       else
+         (let
+            g = --p (rm p (inv (coeff q (deg q)) *c q))
+          in
+            case sturm_seq_aux_alt n q g of
+              NONE => NONE
+            | SOME ss => SOME (g::ss))
+(** sturm_seq_aux gets a precond, but we discharge it later **)
+val sturm_seq_aux_res = translate sturm_seq_aux_alt_def;
+val sturm_seq_aux_side_def = fetch "-" "sturm_seq_aux_alt_side_def"
+Theorem sturm_seq_aux_side_true:
+  ∀ n p1 p2.
+    sturm_seq_aux_alt_side n p1 p2 = T
+  Induct_on ‘n’ >> simp[Once sturm_seq_aux_side_def]
+val _ = update_precondition sturm_seq_aux_side_true;
+Definition sturm_seq_alt_def:
+  sturm_seq_alt p q =
+    if zerop q ∨ deg p ≤ 1 then NONE
+    else
+      case sturm_seq_aux_alt (deg p - 1) p q of
+      NONE => NONE
+      | SOME sseq => case LAST sseq of
+                     [] => NONE
+                     | [x] => if x ≠ 0 then SOME sseq else NONE
+                     | x::xs => NONE
+val res = translate sturm_seq_alt_def
+val sturm_seq_alt_side_def = fetch "-" "sturm_seq_alt_side_def"
+Theorem sturm_seq_alt_side_true:
+  ∀ p q. sturm_seq_alt_side p q = T
+  gs[sturm_seq_alt_side_def]
+  >> rpt strip_tac
+  >> ‘sturm_seq_aux (deg p - 1) p q = SOME []’ by cheat
+  >> imp_res_tac sturm_seq_aux_length >> gs[]
+val _ = update_precondition sturm_seq_alt_side_true
+val _ = map translate [pow]
+val expErrSmall_res = translate expErrSmall_def;
+val _ = fetch "-" "experrsmall_side_def" |> REWRITE_RULE [FACT_NOT_ZERO] |> update_precondition
+val expErrBig_res = translate expErrBig_def;
+val _ = fetch "-" "experrbig_side_def" |> REWRITE_RULE [FACT_NOT_ZERO] |> update_precondition
+(** TODO: This uses LEAST, i.e. a loop to find the ceiling, maybe replace with a
+faster version using division? **)
+val NUM_CEILING_res = translate NUM_CEILING_def;
+val num_ceiling_side_def = fetch "-" "num_ceiling_side_def"
+Theorem NUM_CEILING_side_true:
+  ∀ x. num_ceiling_side x = T
+  gs[num_ceiling_side_def, FUN_EQ_THM] >> rpt strip_tac
+  >> qexists_tac ‘clg (x)’
+  >> gs[LE_NUM_CEILING]
+val _ = update_precondition NUM_CEILING_side_true
+val _ = map translate [min4_def, max4_def, IVlo_def, IVhi_def]
+(** Taken from FloVer once more **)
+fun LET_CONV var_name body =
+   RATOR_CONV (ALPHA_CONV (mk_var(var_name, type_of body))) THENC
+val absIntvUpd_eq =
+  IntervalArithTheory.absIntvUpd_def
+  |> SPEC_ALL
+  |> CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV (LET_CONV "lo1" ``IVlo iv1`` THENC
+                           LET_CONV "lo2" ``IVlo iv2`` THENC
+                           LET_CONV "hi1" ``IVhi iv1`` THENC
+                           LET_CONV "hi2" ``IVhi iv2``));
+val addInterval_eq =
+  IntervalArithTheory.addInterval_def
+  |> REWRITE_RULE [absIntvUpd_eq]
+val _ = translate addInterval_eq
+val multInterval_eq =
+  IntervalArithTheory.multInterval_def
+  |> REWRITE_RULE [absIntvUpd_eq]
+val _ = translate multInterval_eq
+(** End of copy **)
+(** newton and getFunIv have a side condition for the second argument being
+    unequal to 0, this is discharged later when dealing with interpIntv **)
+val _ = map translate [getAnn_def, abs, newton_def,
+                       validate_newton_down_def, validate_newton_up_def,
+                       getFunIv_def
+                         |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [internalSteps_def, newtonIters_def],
+                       negateInterval_def, invertInterval_def,
+                       subtractInterval_def, divideInterval_def,
+                       widenInterval_def,
+                       intvBop_def, intvUop_def]
+val evalpolyintv_res = translate evalPolyIntv_def;
+val intvbop_side_def = fetch "-" "intvbop_side_def"
+val evalpolyintv_side_def = fetch "-" "evalpolyintv_side_def" |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [intvbop_side_def]
+Theorem evalpolyintv_side_true:
+  ∀ p iv. evalpolyintv_side p iv = T
+  Induct_on ‘p’ >> simp[Once evalpolyintv_side_def]
+val _ = update_precondition evalpolyintv_side_true;
+Definition interpIntv_alt_def:
+  interpIntv_alt (Var x) (env:(string#(real#real)) list) =
+    (case FIND (λ (y, iv). y = x) env of
+    | NONE => NONE
+    | SOME xv => SOME (VarAnn (SND xv) x))
+  ∧
+  interpIntv_alt (Cst c) env = SOME (CstAnn (c,c) c) ∧
+  interpIntv_alt (Uop uop t) env =
+  (case interpIntv_alt t env of
+    | NONE => NONE
+    | SOME r =>
+      if (~ (uop = Inv)) ∨ (SND (getAnn r) < 0 ∨ 0 < FST (getAnn r))
+      then SOME (UopAnn (intvUop uop (getAnn r)) uop r)
+      else NONE)
+  ∧
+  interpIntv_alt (Bop bop t1 t2) env =
+    (case interpIntv_alt t1 env of
+    | NONE => NONE
+    | SOME r1 =>
+      case interpIntv_alt t2 env of
+      | NONE => NONE
+      | SOME r2 =>
+        let iv1 = getAnn r1; iv2 = getAnn r2; in
+        if bop = Div ⇒ (SND iv2 < 0 ∨ 0 < FST iv2)
+        then SOME (BopAnn (intvBop bop iv1 iv2) bop r1 r2)
+        else NONE)
+  ∧
+  interpIntv_alt (Fun s t) env =
+    (case interpIntv_alt t env of
+    | NONE => NONE
+    | SOME r =>
+      let iv = getAnn r in
+      (* Sqrt defined for positive values only *)
+        (* Tan cannot be done at 0 because we approximate it with sin x/cos x *)
+      if ((~ (s = Sqrt)) ∨ (0 < FST iv)) ∧
+         ((~ (s = Tan)) ∨ (SND iv < 0 ∨ 0 < FST iv))
+      then
+        case getFunIv s iv of
+        | NONE => NONE
+        | SOME ivRes => SOME (FunAnn ivRes s r)
+      else NONE)
+  ∧
+  interpIntv_alt (Poly p t) env =
+  case interpIntv_alt t env of
+  | NONE => NONE
+  | SOME r =>
+      let iv = getAnn r in
+      SOME (PolyAnn (evalPolyIntv p iv) p r)
+Theorem interpIntv_alt_sound:
+  interpIntv_alt p env = SOME ann ⇒
+  interpIntv p env = SOME ann
+  cheat (** TODO **)
+val _ = translate interpIntv_alt_def
+val interpintv_alt_side_def = fetch "-" "interpintv_alt_side_def"
+val getfuniv_side_def = fetch "-" "getfuniv_side_def"
+val newton_side_def = fetch "-" "newton_side_def"
+val intvuop_side_def = fetch "-" "intvuop_side_def"
+val divideinterval_side_def = fetch "-" "divideinterval_side_def"
+val invertinterval_side_def = fetch "-" "invertinterval_side_def"
+Theorem newton_side_inductive:
+  ∀ n x y.
+    0 ≤ x ∧ 0 ≤ y ∧ x ≠ 0 ∧ y ≠ 0 ⇒
+    newton_side n x y
+  Induct_on ‘n’ >> simp[Once newton_side_def]
+  >> rpt strip_tac
+  >> ‘0 ≤ x / y ’ by gs[real_div, moreRealTheory.REAL_ZERO_LE_MUL1]
+  >> first_x_assum irule >> rpt conj_tac
+  >- gs[]
+  >- (
+    ‘x/y ≠ 0’ by gs[real_div]
+    >> ‘(y + x / y) ≠ 0’ by (gs[real_div] >> real_tac)
+    >> gs[real_div])
+  >> gs[]
+  >> real_tac
+Theorem interpintv_alt_side_true:
+  ∀ p env. interpintv_alt_side p env = T
+  Induct_on ‘p’ >> simp[Once interpintv_alt_side_def]
+  >- (
+    rpt strip_tac >> gs[getfuniv_side_def]
+    >> ‘FST (getAnn x1) ≤ SND (getAnn x1)’ by cheat
+    >> rpt strip_tac >> res_tac >> gs[]
+    >> irule newton_side_inductive >> gs[]
+    >> rpt conj_tac >> real_tac)
+  >- (
+    rpt strip_tac
+    >> gs[intvbop_side_def] >> rpt strip_tac >> res_tac
+    >> gs[divideinterval_side_def, invertinterval_side_def]
+    >> ‘FST (getAnn x2) ≤ SND (getAnn x2)’ by cheat
+    >> conj_tac >> real_tac)
+  >> rpt strip_tac
+  >> gs[intvuop_side_def] >> rpt strip_tac >> res_tac
+  >> gs[invertinterval_side_def]
+  >> ‘FST (getAnn x4) ≤ SND (getAnn x4)’ by cheat
+  >> conj_tac >> real_tac
+val _ = update_precondition interpintv_alt_side_true
+Definition approxTransc_alt_def:
+  approxTransc_alt cfg (VarAnn iv s) = SOME (VarAnn 0 s) ∧
+  approxTransc_alt cfg (CstAnn iv r) = SOME (CstAnn 0 r) ∧
+  approxTransc_alt cfg (BopAnn iv b e1 e2) =
+  (case approxTransc_alt cfg e1 of
+  | NONE => NONE
+  | SOME e1Appr =>
+    case approxTransc_alt cfg e2 of
+    | NONE => NONE
+    | SOME e2Appr =>
+      if (b = Div ⇒
+          SND (widenInterval (getAnn e2) (getAnn e2Appr)) < 0 ∨
+          0 < FST (widenInterval (getAnn e2) (getAnn e2Appr)))
+      then
+        let propError = errorPropBop b (getAnn e1) (getAnn e1Appr) (getAnn e2) (getAnn e2Appr)
+        in SOME (BopAnn propError b e1Appr e2Appr)
+      else NONE)
+  ∧
+  approxTransc_alt cfg (UopAnn iv u e) =
+    (case approxTransc_alt cfg e of
+    | NONE => NONE
+    | SOME eAppr =>
+      if (u = Inv ⇒
+          SND (widenInterval (getAnn e) (getAnn eAppr)) < 0 ∨
+          0 < FST (widenInterval (getAnn e) (getAnn eAppr)))
+      then
+        let propError = errorPropUop u (getAnn e) (getAnn eAppr)
+        in SOME (UopAnn propError u eAppr)
+      else NONE)
+  ∧
+  approxTransc_alt cfg (FunAnn iv f e) =
+    (case approxTransc_alt cfg e of (* recursive call *)
+    | NONE => NONE
+    | SOME eAppr =>
+      (* approximate polynomial on widened interval *)
+      case approxPoly f (widenInterval (getAnn e) (getAnn eAppr) ) cfg.steps of
+      | NONE => NONE
+      | SOME (pWiden,errWiden) =>
+        if (approxPolySideCond cfg.steps ∧ getAnn eAppr ≤ inv 2 ∧ 0 ≤ getAnn eAppr)
+        then
+          case errorPropFun f cfg (getAnn e) (getAnn eAppr) pWiden errWiden of
+            | NONE => NONE
+            | SOME fullError => SOME (PolyAnn fullError pWiden eAppr)
+        else NONE)
+  ∧
+  (* We do not support partial approximations for now *)
+  approxTransc_alt cfg  (PolyAnn iv p e) = NONE
+Theorem approxTransc_alt_sound:
+  approxTransc_alt cfg p = SOME ann ⇒
+  approxTransc cfg p = SOME ann
+  cheat
+val _ = map translate [sinPoly_def, cosPoly_def, sinErr_def, cosErr_def];
+val sinpoly_side_def = fetch "-" "sinpoly_side_def" |> SIMP_RULE std_ss []
+val cospoly_side_def = fetch "-" "cospoly_side_def" |> SIMP_RULE std_ss []
+val sinerr_side_def = fetch "-" "sinerr_side_def" |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [FACT_NOT_ZERO] |> update_precondition
+val coserr_side_def = fetch "-" "coserr_side_def" |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [FACT_NOT_ZERO] |> update_precondition
+Theorem sinpoly_side_true:
+  ∀ n. sinpoly_side n = T
+  Induct_on ‘n’ >> simp[Once sinpoly_side_def, FACT_NOT_ZERO]
+val _ = update_precondition sinpoly_side_true
+Theorem cospoly_side_true:
+  ∀ n. cospoly_side n = T
+  Induct_on ‘n’ >> simp[Once cospoly_side_def, FACT_NOT_ZERO]
+val _ = update_precondition cospoly_side_true
+val _ = map translate [minAbsFun_def, maxAbs_def, approxPolySideCond_def,
+                       approxPoly_def]
+val approxpoly_side_def = fetch "-" "approxpoly_side_def"
+val errorpropsincos_side_def = fetch "-" "errorpropsincos_side_def"
+val errorpropfun_side_def = fetch "-" "errorpropfun_side_def"
+val approxtransc_alt_side_def = fetch "-" "approxtransc_alt_side_def"
+errorPropUop_def, errorPropBop_def,
+                       errorPropSinCos_def, errorPropFun_def,
+                       approxTransc_alt_def]
+    fun eval t = Parse.Term t |> EVAL
+    fun getSome t = if optionSyntax.is_some t then optionSyntax.dest_some t else raise ZeroLibErr "Found NONE instead of SOME"
+    (* extract components from certificate *)
+    val (transc, poly, eps, iv) = destCert (defTh |> concl |> rhs)
+    val ivTm = eval ‘if (LENGTH ^iv = 1) then SOME (SND (HD ^iv)) else NONE’
+      |> rhs o concl |> getSome
+    val var = eval ‘if (LENGTH ^iv = 1) then SOME (FST (HD ^iv)) else NONE’
+      |> rhs o concl |> getSome
+    val iv_FST = EVAL “FST ^ivTm”
+    val iv_SND = EVAL “SND ^ivTm”
+    val approxSideThm = eval ‘approxPolySideCond ^numApprox’ |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [EQ_CLAUSES]
+    val ivAnnotThm = eval ‘interpIntv ^transc ^iv’
+    val ivAnnotTm = ivAnnotThm  |> rhs o concl |> getSome
+    val ivSoundThm = MATCH_MP interpIntv_sound ivAnnotThm
+    val approxThm = eval ‘approxTransc (^approxCfg with steps := ^numApprox) ^ivAnnotTm’
+    val approxTm = approxThm |> rhs o concl |> getSome
+    val length1Thm = eval ‘LENGTH ^iv = 1’ |> REWRITE_RULE [EQ_CLAUSES]
+    val approxSoundThm =
+      MATCH_MP
+        (MATCH_MP
+          (MATCH_MP
+            (REWRITE_RULE [GSYM AND_IMP_INTRO] approxTransc_sound_single)
+            length1Thm)
+          ivSoundThm)
+        approxThm
+      |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [erase_def, getAnn_def]
+    val transpThm = eval ‘reflectToPoly (erase (^approxTm)) ^var’
+    val reflectOkThm = MATCH_MP reflectSemEquiv transpThm |> REWRITE_RULE [erase_def]
+    val varEqThm = EVAL “FST (HD ^iv)”
+    val ivEqThm = EVAL “SND (HD ^iv)”
+    val approxSoundPolyThm = REWRITE_RULE [varEqThm, ivEqThm, reflectOkThm, optionGet_SOME, AND_IMP_INTRO] approxSoundThm
+    val transpTm = transpThm |> rhs o concl |> getSome
+    val transpGetThm = Q.ISPEC ‘^(transpThm |> lhs o concl)’ optionGet_def
+                     |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [SimpR “$=”, transpThm]
+    val err = Parse.Term ‘getAnn ^approxTm’ |> EVAL |> concl |> rhs
+    val errorpThm = Parse.Term ‘^transpTm -p ^poly’ |> EVAL
+    val errorp = errorpThm |> rhs o concl
+    val polyErrThm = (testSollya();
+     REAL_ZERO_CONV (Parse.Term ‘! x. FST (^ivTm) <= x /\ x <= SND (^ivTm) ==> evalPoly ^errorp x <= ^eps - ^err’))
+    val polyErrThm_simped = REWRITE_RULE [GSYM errorpThm, eval_simps, GSYM poly_compat, Once $ GSYM transpGetThm, Once $ GSYM iv_FST, transpThm, optionGet_SOME] polyErrThm
+    val final_thm = MATCH_MP (MATCH_MP REAL_ABS_TRIANGLE_PRE approxSoundPolyThm) polyErrThm_simped
+val _ = export_theory();