From c504514596a41587b331c91995d29246de80c530 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robbert Krebbers <> Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2017 08:10:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Make=20`iDestruct=20...=20as=20(cpat)=20"..."`?= =?UTF-8?q?=20work=20on=20'=E2=8C=9C=CF=86=E2=8C=9D=20=E2=88=A7=20P`=20and?= =?UTF-8?q?=20`=E2=8C=9C=CF=86=E2=8C=9D=20=E2=88=97=20P`.?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit The advantage is that we can directly use a Coq introduction pattern `cpat` to perform actions to the pure assertion. Before, this had to be done in several steps: iDestruct ... as "[Htmp ...]"; iDestruct "Htmp" as %cpat. That is, one had to introduce a temporary name. I expect this to be quite useful in various developments as many of e.g. our invariants are written as: ∃ x1 .. x2, ⌜ pure stuff ⌠∗ spacial stuff. --- theories/base_logic/lib/boxes.v | 18 +++++++++--------- theories/base_logic/lib/invariants.v | 4 ++-- theories/base_logic/lib/wsat.v | 4 ++-- theories/heap_lang/lib/spawn.v | 2 +- theories/heap_lang/lib/spin_lock.v | 4 ++-- theories/heap_lang/lib/ticket_lock.v | 6 +++--- theories/program_logic/adequacy.v | 7 +++---- theories/program_logic/ownp.v | 4 ++-- theories/proofmode/class_instances.v | 13 +++++++++++++ theories/proofmode/classes.v | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ theories/tests/list_reverse.v | 2 +- theories/tests/tree_sum.v | 2 +- 12 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) diff --git a/theories/base_logic/lib/boxes.v b/theories/base_logic/lib/boxes.v index d41ce60ff..8cf543fd6 100644 --- a/theories/base_logic/lib/boxes.v +++ b/theories/base_logic/lib/boxes.v @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Lemma slice_insert_full E q f P Q : slice N γ Q ∗ â–·?q box N (<[γ:=true]> f) (Q ∗ P). Proof. iIntros (?) "HQ Hbox". - iMod (slice_insert_empty with "Hbox") as (γ) "(% & #Hslice & Hbox)". + iMod (slice_insert_empty with "Hbox") as (γ ?) "[#Hslice Hbox]". iExists γ. iFrame "%#". iMod (slice_fill with "Hslice HQ Hbox"); first done. by apply lookup_insert. by rewrite insert_insert. Qed. @@ -251,11 +251,11 @@ Proof. iIntros (??) "#HQQ' #Hs Hb". destruct b. - iMod (slice_delete_full with "Hs Hb") as (P') "(HQ & Heq & Hb)"; try done. iDestruct ("HQQ'" with "HQ") as "HQ'". - iMod (slice_insert_full with "HQ' Hb") as (γ') "(% & #Hs' & Hb)"; try done. + iMod (slice_insert_full with "HQ' Hb") as (γ' ?) "[#Hs' Hb]"; try done. iExists γ', _. iIntros "{$∗ $# $%} !>". do 2 iNext. iRewrite "Heq". iAlways. by iSplit; iIntros "[? $]"; iApply "HQQ'". - iMod (slice_delete_empty with "Hs Hb") as (P') "(Heq & Hb)"; try done. - iMod (slice_insert_empty with "Hb") as (γ') "(% & #Hs' & Hb)"; try done. + iMod (slice_insert_empty with "Hb") as (γ' ?) "[#Hs' Hb]"; try done. iExists γ', _. iIntros "{$∗ $# $%} !>". do 2 iNext. iRewrite "Heq". iAlways. by iSplit; iIntros "[? $]"; iApply "HQQ'". Qed. @@ -268,16 +268,16 @@ Lemma slice_split E q f P Q1 Q2 γ b : Proof. iIntros (??) "#Hslice Hbox". destruct b. - iMod (slice_delete_full with "Hslice Hbox") as (P') "([HQ1 HQ2] & Heq & Hbox)"; try done. - iMod (slice_insert_full with "HQ1 Hbox") as (γ1) "(% & #Hslice1 & Hbox)"; first done. - iMod (slice_insert_full with "HQ2 Hbox") as (γ2) "(% & #Hslice2 & Hbox)"; first done. + iMod (slice_insert_full with "HQ1 Hbox") as (γ1 ?) "[#Hslice1 Hbox]"; first done. + iMod (slice_insert_full with "HQ2 Hbox") as (γ2 ?) "[#Hslice2 Hbox]"; first done. iExists γ1, γ2. iIntros "{$% $#} !>". iSplit; last iSplit; try iPureIntro. { by eapply lookup_insert_None. } { by apply (lookup_insert_None (delete γ f) γ1 γ2 true). } iNext. eapply internal_eq_rewrite_contractive; [by apply _| |by eauto]. iNext. iRewrite "Heq". iPureIntro. by rewrite assoc (comm _ Q2). - iMod (slice_delete_empty with "Hslice Hbox") as (P') "[Heq Hbox]"; try done. - iMod (slice_insert_empty with "Hbox") as (γ1) "(% & #Hslice1 & Hbox)". - iMod (slice_insert_empty with "Hbox") as (γ2) "(% & #Hslice2 & Hbox)". + iMod (slice_insert_empty with "Hbox") as (γ1 ?) "[#Hslice1 Hbox]". + iMod (slice_insert_empty with "Hbox") as (γ2 ?) "[#Hslice2 Hbox]". iExists γ1, γ2. iIntros "{$% $#} !>". iSplit; last iSplit; try iPureIntro. { by eapply lookup_insert_None. } { by apply (lookup_insert_None (delete γ f) γ1 γ2 false). } @@ -296,14 +296,14 @@ Proof. iMod (slice_delete_full with "Hslice2 Hbox") as (P2) "(HQ2 & Heq2 & Hbox)"; first done. { by simplify_map_eq. } iMod (slice_insert_full _ _ _ _ (Q1 ∗ Q2)%I with "[$HQ1 $HQ2] Hbox") - as (γ) "(% & #Hslice & Hbox)"; first done. + as (γ ?) "[#Hslice Hbox]"; first done. iExists γ. iIntros "{$% $#} !>". iNext. eapply internal_eq_rewrite_contractive; [by apply _| |by eauto]. iNext. iRewrite "Heq1". iRewrite "Heq2". by rewrite assoc. - iMod (slice_delete_empty with "Hslice1 Hbox") as (P1) "(Heq1 & Hbox)"; try done. iMod (slice_delete_empty with "Hslice2 Hbox") as (P2) "(Heq2 & Hbox)"; first done. { by simplify_map_eq. } - iMod (slice_insert_empty with "Hbox") as (γ) "(% & #Hslice & Hbox)". + iMod (slice_insert_empty with "Hbox") as (γ ?) "[#Hslice Hbox]". iExists γ. iIntros "{$% $#} !>". iNext. eapply internal_eq_rewrite_contractive; [by apply _| |by eauto]. iNext. iRewrite "Heq1". iRewrite "Heq2". by rewrite assoc. diff --git a/theories/base_logic/lib/invariants.v b/theories/base_logic/lib/invariants.v index cadd0c88d..467d60e22 100644 --- a/theories/base_logic/lib/invariants.v +++ b/theories/base_logic/lib/invariants.v @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Lemma inv_alloc N E P : â–· P ={E}=∗ inv N P. Proof. rewrite inv_eq /inv_def fupd_eq /fupd_def. iIntros "HP [Hw $]". iMod (ownI_alloc (∈ (↑N : coPset)) P with "[$HP $Hw]") - as (i) "(% & $ & ?)"; auto using fresh_inv_name. + as (i ?) "[$ ?]"; auto using fresh_inv_name. Qed. Lemma inv_alloc_open N E P : @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Lemma inv_alloc_open N E P : Proof. rewrite inv_eq /inv_def fupd_eq /fupd_def. iIntros (Sub) "[Hw HE]". iMod (ownI_alloc_open (∈ (↑N : coPset)) P with "Hw") - as (i) "(% & Hw & #Hi & HD)"; auto using fresh_inv_name. + as (i ?) "(Hw & #Hi & HD)"; auto using fresh_inv_name. iAssert (ownE {[i]} ∗ ownE (↑ N ∖ {[i]}) ∗ ownE (E ∖ ↑ N))%I with "[HE]" as "(HEi & HEN\i & HE\N)". { rewrite -?ownE_op; [|set_solver..]. diff --git a/theories/base_logic/lib/wsat.v b/theories/base_logic/lib/wsat.v index 3d658b58f..b270879e1 100644 --- a/theories/base_logic/lib/wsat.v +++ b/theories/base_logic/lib/wsat.v @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Lemma ownI_open i P : wsat ∗ ownI i P ∗ ownE {[i]} ⊢ wsat ∗ â–· P ∗ ow Proof. rewrite /ownI /wsat -!lock. iIntros "(Hw & Hi & HiE)". iDestruct "Hw" as (I) "[? HI]". - iDestruct (invariant_lookup I i P with "[$]") as (Q) "[% #HPQ]". + iDestruct (invariant_lookup I i P with "[$]") as (Q ?) "#HPQ". iDestruct (big_opM_delete _ _ i with "HI") as "[[[HQ $]|HiE'] HI]"; eauto. - iSplitR "HQ"; last by iNext; iRewrite -"HPQ". iExists I. iFrame "Hw". iApply (big_opM_delete _ _ i); eauto. @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Lemma ownI_close i P : wsat ∗ ownI i P ∗ â–· P ∗ ownD {[i]} ⊢ wsat ∗ o Proof. rewrite /ownI /wsat -!lock. iIntros "(Hw & Hi & HP & HiD)". iDestruct "Hw" as (I) "[? HI]". - iDestruct (invariant_lookup with "[$]") as (Q) "[% #HPQ]". + iDestruct (invariant_lookup with "[$]") as (Q ?) "#HPQ". iDestruct (big_opM_delete _ _ i with "HI") as "[[[HQ ?]|$] HI]"; eauto. - iDestruct (ownD_singleton_twice with "[$]") as %[]. - iExists I. iFrame "Hw". iApply (big_opM_delete _ _ i); eauto. diff --git a/theories/heap_lang/lib/spawn.v b/theories/heap_lang/lib/spawn.v index 95e104c04..5e5ad25ed 100644 --- a/theories/heap_lang/lib/spawn.v +++ b/theories/heap_lang/lib/spawn.v @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Proof. wp_load. iDestruct "Hinv" as "[%|Hinv]"; subst. - iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hl]"); [iNext; iExists _; iFrame; eauto|]. iModIntro. wp_match. iApply ("IH" with "Hγ [HΦ]"). auto. - - iDestruct "Hinv" as (v') "[% [HΨ|Hγ']]"; simplify_eq/=. + - iDestruct "Hinv" as (v' ->) "[HΨ|Hγ']". + iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hl Hγ]"); [iNext; iExists _; iFrame; eauto|]. iModIntro. wp_match. by iApply "HΦ". + iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hγ Hγ'") as %[]. diff --git a/theories/heap_lang/lib/spin_lock.v b/theories/heap_lang/lib/spin_lock.v index ea19cf82a..007093dcd 100644 --- a/theories/heap_lang/lib/spin_lock.v +++ b/theories/heap_lang/lib/spin_lock.v @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Section proof. {{{ is_lock γ lk R }}} try_acquire lk {{{ b, RET #b; if b is true then locked γ ∗ R else True }}}. Proof. - iIntros (Φ) "#Hl HΦ". iDestruct "Hl" as (l) "[% #?]"; subst. + iIntros (Φ) "#Hl HΦ". iDestruct "Hl" as (l ->) "#Hinv". wp_rec. iInv N as ([]) "[Hl HR]" "Hclose". - wp_cas_fail. iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hl]"); first (iNext; iExists true; eauto). iModIntro. iApply ("HΦ" $! false). done. @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Section proof. {{{ is_lock γ lk R ∗ locked γ ∗ R }}} release lk {{{ RET #(); True }}}. Proof. iIntros (Φ) "(Hlock & Hlocked & HR) HΦ". - iDestruct "Hlock" as (l) "[% #?]"; subst. + iDestruct "Hlock" as (l ->) "#Hinv". rewrite /release /=. wp_let. iInv N as (b) "[Hl _]" "Hclose". wp_store. iApply "HΦ". iApply "Hclose". iNext. iExists false. by iFrame. Qed. diff --git a/theories/heap_lang/lib/ticket_lock.v b/theories/heap_lang/lib/ticket_lock.v index a926ab2ba..b5c0b7350 100644 --- a/theories/heap_lang/lib/ticket_lock.v +++ b/theories/heap_lang/lib/ticket_lock.v @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Section proof. Lemma wait_loop_spec γ lk x R : {{{ is_lock γ lk R ∗ issued γ x }}} wait_loop #x lk {{{ RET #(); locked γ ∗ R }}}. Proof. - iIntros (Φ) "[Hl Ht] HΦ". iDestruct "Hl" as (lo ln) "(% & #?)". + iIntros (Φ) "[Hl Ht] HΦ". iDestruct "Hl" as (lo ln ->) "#Hinv". iLöb as "IH". wp_rec. subst. wp_let. wp_proj. wp_bind (! _)%E. iInv N as (o n) "(Hlo & Hln & Ha)" "Hclose". wp_load. destruct (decide (x = o)) as [->|Hneq]. @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Section proof. Lemma acquire_spec γ lk R : {{{ is_lock γ lk R }}} acquire lk {{{ RET #(); locked γ ∗ R }}}. Proof. - iIntros (Ï•) "Hl HΦ". iDestruct "Hl" as (lo ln) "[% #?]". + iIntros (Ï•) "Hl HΦ". iDestruct "Hl" as (lo ln ->) "#Hinv". iLöb as "IH". wp_rec. wp_bind (! _)%E. simplify_eq/=. wp_proj. iInv N as (o n) "[Hlo [Hln Ha]]" "Hclose". wp_load. iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hlo Hln Ha]") as "_". @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Section proof. Lemma release_spec γ lk R : {{{ is_lock γ lk R ∗ locked γ ∗ R }}} release lk {{{ RET #(); True }}}. Proof. - iIntros (Φ) "(Hl & Hγ & HR) HΦ". iDestruct "Hl" as (lo ln) "[% #?]"; subst. + iIntros (Φ) "(Hl & Hγ & HR) HΦ". iDestruct "Hl" as (lo ln ->) "#Hinv". iDestruct "Hγ" as (o) "Hγo". wp_let. wp_proj. wp_proj. wp_bind (! _)%E. iInv N as (o' n) "(>Hlo & >Hln & >Hauth & Haown)" "Hclose". diff --git a/theories/program_logic/adequacy.v b/theories/program_logic/adequacy.v index 81488f46b..ca5667882 100644 --- a/theories/program_logic/adequacy.v +++ b/theories/program_logic/adequacy.v @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Lemma wptp_result n e1 t1 v2 t2 σ1 σ2 φ : Proof. intros. rewrite wptp_steps //. rewrite (Nat_iter_S_r (S n)). apply bupd_iter_mono. - iDestruct 1 as (e2 t2') "(% & (Hw & HE & _) & H & _)"; simplify_eq. + iDestruct 1 as (e2 t2' ?) "((Hw & HE & _) & H & _)"; simplify_eq. iDestruct (wp_value_inv with "H") as "H". rewrite fupd_eq /fupd_def. iMod ("H" with "[Hw HE]") as ">(_ & _ & $)"; iFrame; auto. Qed. @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Lemma wptp_safe n e1 e2 t1 t2 σ1 σ2 Φ : Nat.iter (S (S n)) (λ P, |==> â–· P) ⌜is_Some (to_val e2) ∨ reducible e2 σ2âŒ. Proof. intros ? He2. rewrite wptp_steps //; rewrite (Nat_iter_S_r (S n)). apply bupd_iter_mono. - iDestruct 1 as (e2' t2') "(% & Hw & H & Htp)"; simplify_eq. + iDestruct 1 as (e2' t2' ?) "(Hw & H & Htp)"; simplify_eq. apply elem_of_cons in He2 as [<-|?]; first (iApply wp_safe; by iFrame "Hw H"). iApply wp_safe. iFrame "Hw". by iApply (big_sepL_elem_of with "Htp"). Qed. @@ -155,8 +155,7 @@ Lemma wptp_invariance n e1 e2 t1 t2 σ1 σ2 φ Φ : Proof. intros ?. rewrite wptp_steps //. rewrite (Nat_iter_S_r (S n)) !bupd_iter_frame_l. apply bupd_iter_mono. - iIntros "[Hback H]". - iDestruct "H" as (e2' t2') "(% & (Hw&HE&Hσ) & _)"; subst. + iIntros "[Hback H]". iDestruct "H" as (e2' t2' ->) "[(Hw&HE&Hσ) _]". rewrite fupd_eq. iMod ("Hback" with "Hσ [$Hw $HE]") as "> (_ & _ & $)"; auto. Qed. diff --git a/theories/program_logic/ownp.v b/theories/program_logic/ownp.v index fc96e4943..f57fd0442 100644 --- a/theories/program_logic/ownp.v +++ b/theories/program_logic/ownp.v @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Section lifting. iMod "H" as (σ1) "[Hred _]"; iDestruct "Hred" as %Hred%reducible_not_val. move: Hred; by rewrite to_of_val. - iApply wp_lift_step; [done|]; iIntros (σ1) "Hσ". - iMod "H" as (σ1') "(% & >Hσf & H)". rewrite /ownP. + iMod "H" as (σ1' ?) "[>Hσf H]". rewrite /ownP. iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hσ Hσf") as %[->%Excl_included%leibniz_equiv _]%auth_valid_discrete_2. iModIntro; iSplit; [done|]; iNext; iIntros (e2 σ2 efs Hstep). @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ Section ectx_lifting. ⊢ WP e1 @ E {{ Φ }}. Proof. iIntros "H". iApply (ownP_lift_step E); try done. - iMod "H" as (σ1) "(%&Hσ1&Hwp)". iModIntro. iExists σ1. + iMod "H" as (σ1 ?) "[Hσ1 Hwp]". iModIntro. iExists σ1. iSplit; first by eauto. iFrame. iNext. iIntros (e2 σ2 efs) "% ?". iApply ("Hwp" with "[]"); eauto. Qed. diff --git a/theories/proofmode/class_instances.v b/theories/proofmode/class_instances.v index a55899d06..06331c5d0 100644 --- a/theories/proofmode/class_instances.v +++ b/theories/proofmode/class_instances.v @@ -688,6 +688,19 @@ Proof. done. Qed. Global Instance into_exist_pure {A} (φ : A → Prop) : @IntoExist M A ⌜∃ x, φ x⌠(λ a, ⌜φ aâŒ)%I. Proof. by rewrite /IntoExist pure_exist. Qed. +Global Instance into_exist_and_pure P Q φ : + IntoPureT P φ → IntoExist (P ∧ Q) (λ _ : φ, Q). +Proof. + intros (φ'&->&?). rewrite /IntoExist (into_pure P). + apply pure_elim_l=> Hφ. by rewrite -(exist_intro Hφ). +Qed. +Global Instance into_exist_sep_pure P Q φ : + IntoPureT P φ → IntoExist (P ∗ Q) (λ _ : φ, Q). +Proof. + intros (φ'&->&?). rewrite /IntoExist (into_pure P). + apply pure_elim_sep_l=> Hφ. by rewrite -(exist_intro Hφ). +Qed. + Global Instance into_exist_always {A} P (Φ : A → uPred M) : IntoExist P Φ → IntoExist (â–¡ P) (λ a, â–¡ (Φ a))%I. Proof. rewrite /IntoExist=> HP. by rewrite HP always_exist. Qed. diff --git a/theories/proofmode/classes.v b/theories/proofmode/classes.v index ebdb8144e..6cabad9ab 100644 --- a/theories/proofmode/classes.v +++ b/theories/proofmode/classes.v @@ -23,6 +23,33 @@ Class IntoPure {M} (P : uPred M) (φ : Prop) := into_pure : P ⊢ ⌜φâŒ. Arguments into_pure {_} _ _ {_}. Hint Mode IntoPure + ! - : typeclass_instances. +(* [IntoPureT] is a variant of [IntoPure] with the argument in [Type] to avoid +some shortcoming of unification in Coq's type class search. An example where we +use this workaround is to repair the following instance: + + Global Instance into_exist_and_pure P Q (φ : Prop) : + IntoPure P φ → IntoExist (P ∧ Q) (λ _ : φ, Q). + +Coq is unable to use this instance: [class_apply] -- which is used by type class +search -- fails with the error that it cannot unify [Prop] and [Type]. This is +probably caused because [class_apply] uses an ancient unification algorith. The +[refine] tactic -- which uses a better unification algorithm -- succeeds to +apply the above instance. + +Since we do not want to define [Hint Extern] declarations using [refine] for +any instance like [into_exist_and_pure], we factor this out in the class +[IntoPureT]. This way, we only have to declare a [Hint Extern] using [refine] +once, and use [IntoPureT] in any instance like [into_exist_and_pure]. + +TODO: Report this as a Coq bug, or wait for +to be finished and merged someday. *) +Class IntoPureT {M} (P : uPred M) (φ : Type) := + into_pureT : ∃ ψ : Prop, φ = ψ ∧ IntoPure P ψ. +Lemma into_pureT_hint {M} (P : uPred M) (φ : Prop) : IntoPure P φ → IntoPureT P φ. +Proof. by exists φ. Qed. +Hint Extern 0 (IntoPureT _ _) => + notypeclasses refine (into_pureT_hint _ _ _) : typeclass_instances. + Class FromPure {M} (P : uPred M) (φ : Prop) := from_pure : ⌜φ⌠⊢ P. Arguments from_pure {_} _ _ {_}. Hint Mode FromPure + ! - : typeclass_instances. diff --git a/theories/tests/list_reverse.v b/theories/tests/list_reverse.v index 3a0425429..3db301080 100644 --- a/theories/tests/list_reverse.v +++ b/theories/tests/list_reverse.v @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Proof. iLöb as "IH" forall (hd acc xs ys Φ). wp_rec. wp_let. destruct xs as [|x xs]; iSimplifyEq. - wp_match. by iApply "HΦ". - - iDestruct "Hxs" as (l hd') "(% & Hx & Hxs)"; iSimplifyEq. + - iDestruct "Hxs" as (l hd' ->) "[Hx Hxs]". wp_match. wp_load. wp_proj. wp_let. wp_load. wp_proj. wp_let. wp_store. iApply ("IH" $! hd' (SOMEV #l) xs (x :: ys) with "Hxs [Hx Hys]"); simpl. { iExists l, acc; by iFrame. } diff --git a/theories/tests/tree_sum.v b/theories/tests/tree_sum.v index 6ca489c84..d4609d5bb 100644 --- a/theories/tests/tree_sum.v +++ b/theories/tests/tree_sum.v @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Proof. - iDestruct "Ht" as "%"; subst. wp_match. wp_load. wp_op. wp_store. by iApply ("HΦ" with "[$Hl]"). - - iDestruct "Ht" as (ll lr vl vr) "(% & Hll & Htl & Hlr & Htr)"; subst. + - iDestruct "Ht" as (ll lr vl vr ->) "(Hll & Htl & Hlr & Htr)". wp_match. wp_proj. wp_load. wp_apply ("IH" with "Hl Htl"). iIntros "[Hl Htl]". wp_seq. wp_proj. wp_load. -- GitLab