From ea0b55fa6a814a3bc69e052e61f9b4cf894d619e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralf Jung <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 12:28:19 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] simplify telescope-based notations

These type annotations are no longer needed once we have a bidirectionality hint
on tele_app.
 iris/bi/lib/atomic.v        | 85 ++++++++++++++-----------------------
 iris/program_logic/atomic.v | 46 +++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/iris/bi/lib/atomic.v b/iris/bi/lib/atomic.v
index aed9be0a8..c4d27aadf 100644
--- a/iris/bi/lib/atomic.v
+++ b/iris/bi/lib/atomic.v
@@ -95,21 +95,18 @@ Global Arguments atomic_acc {PROP _ TA TB} Eo Ei _ _ _ _ : simpl never.
 Global Arguments atomic_update {PROP _ TA TB} Eo Ei _ _ _ : simpl never.
 (** Notation: Atomic updates *)
+(* The way to read the [tele_app foo] here is that they convert the n-ary
+function [foo] into a unary function taking a telescope as the argument. *)
 Notation "'AU' '<<' ∀ x1 .. xn , α '>>' @ Eo , Ei '<<' ∃ y1 .. yn , β , 'COMM' Φ '>>'" :=
   (atomic_update (TA:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. ))
                  (TB:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
                  Eo Ei
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn,
-                         tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                         (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) .. )
+                 (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
+                 (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn,
+                         tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) .. )
                         ) .. )
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn,
-                         tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                         (λ y1, .. (λ yn, Φ%I) .. )
+                 (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn,
+                         tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, Φ%I) .. )
                         ) .. )
   (at level 20, Eo, Ei, α, β, Φ at level 200, x1 binder, xn binder, y1 binder, yn binder,
@@ -119,12 +116,9 @@ Notation "'AU' '<<' ∀ x1 .. xn , α '>>' @ Eo , Ei '<<' β , 'COMM' Φ '>>'" :
   (atomic_update (TA:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. ))
                  Eo Ei
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn, tele_app (TT:=TeleO) β%I) .. )
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn, tele_app (TT:=TeleO) Φ%I) .. )
+                 (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
+                 (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, tele_app β%I) .. )
+                 (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, tele_app Φ%I) .. )
   (at level 20, Eo, Ei, α, β, Φ at level 200, x1 binder, xn binder,
    format "'[hv   ' 'AU'  '<<'  '[' ∀  x1  ..  xn ,  '/' α  ']' '>>'  '/' @  '[' Eo ,  '/' Ei ']'  '/' '<<'  '[' β ,  '/' COMM  Φ  ']' '>>' ']'") : bi_scope.
@@ -133,22 +127,19 @@ Notation "'AU' '<<' α '>>' @ Eo , Ei '<<' ∃ y1 .. yn , β , 'COMM' Φ '>>'" :
   (atomic_update (TA:=TeleO)
                  (TB:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
                  Eo Ei
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) α%I)
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $
-                       tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                                (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) ..))
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $
-                       tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                                (λ y1, .. (λ yn, Φ%I) ..))
+                 (tele_app α%I)
+                 (tele_app $ tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) ..))
+                 (tele_app $ tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, Φ%I) ..))
   (at level 20, Eo, Ei, α, β, Φ at level 200, y1 binder, yn binder,
    format "'[hv   ' 'AU'  '<<'  '[' α  ']' '>>'  '/' @  '[' Eo ,  '/' Ei ']'  '/' '<<'  '[' ∃  y1  ..  yn ,  '/' β ,  '/' COMM  Φ  ']' '>>' ']'") : bi_scope.
 Notation "'AU' '<<' α '>>' @ Eo , Ei '<<' β , 'COMM' Φ '>>'" :=
-  (atomic_update (TA:=TeleO) (TB:=TeleO) Eo Ei
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) α%I)
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $ tele_app (TT:=TeleO) β%I)
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $ tele_app (TT:=TeleO) Φ%I)
+  (atomic_update (TA:=TeleO) (TB:=TeleO)
+                 Eo Ei
+                 (tele_app α%I)
+                 (tele_app $ tele_app β%I)
+                 (tele_app $ tele_app Φ%I)
   (at level 20, Eo, Ei, α, β, Φ at level 200,
    format "'[hv   ' 'AU'  '<<'  '[' α  ']' '>>'  '/' @  '[' Eo ,  '/' Ei ']'  '/' '<<'  '[' β ,  '/' COMM  Φ  ']' '>>' ']'") : bi_scope.
@@ -158,18 +149,13 @@ Notation "'AACC' '<<' ∀ x1 .. xn , α , 'ABORT' P '>>' @ Eo , Ei '<<' ∃ y1 .
   (atomic_acc (TA:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. ))
               (TB:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
               Eo Ei
-              (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                    λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
+              (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
-              (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                    λ x1, .. (λ xn,
-                      tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                      (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) .. )
+              (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn,
+                      tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) .. )
                      ) .. )
-              (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                    λ x1, .. (λ xn,
-                      tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                      (λ y1, .. (λ yn, Φ%I) .. )
+              (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn,
+                      tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, Φ%I) .. )
                      ) .. )
   (at level 20, Eo, Ei, α, P, β, Φ at level 200, x1 binder, xn binder, y1 binder, yn binder,
@@ -179,13 +165,10 @@ Notation "'AACC' '<<' ∀ x1 .. xn , α , 'ABORT' P '>>' @ Eo , Ei '<<' β , 'CO
   (atomic_acc (TA:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. ))
               Eo Ei
-              (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                        λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
+              (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
-              (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                        λ x1, .. (λ xn, tele_app (TT:=TeleO) β%I) .. )
-              (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                        λ x1, .. (λ xn, tele_app (TT:=TeleO) Φ%I) .. )
+              (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, tele_app β%I) .. )
+              (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, tele_app Φ%I) .. )
   (at level 20, Eo, Ei, α, P, β, Φ at level 200, x1 binder, xn binder,
    format "'[hv     ' 'AACC'  '<<'  '[' ∀  x1  ..  xn ,  '/' α ,  '/' ABORT  P  ']' '>>'  '/' @  '[' Eo ,  '/' Ei ']'  '/' '<<'  '[' β ,  '/' COMM  Φ  ']' '>>' ']'") : bi_scope.
@@ -194,14 +177,10 @@ Notation "'AACC' '<<' α , 'ABORT' P '>>' @ Eo , Ei '<<' ∃ y1 .. yn , β , 'CO
   (atomic_acc (TA:=TeleO)
               (TB:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
               Eo Ei
-              (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) α%I)
+              (tele_app α%I)
-              (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $
-                        tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                        (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) ..))
-              (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $
-                        tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                        (λ y1, .. (λ yn, Φ%I) ..))
+              (tele_app $ tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) ..))
+              (tele_app $ tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, Φ%I) ..))
   (at level 20, Eo, Ei, α, P, β, Φ at level 200, y1 binder, yn binder,
    format "'[hv     ' 'AACC'  '<<'  '[' α ,  '/' ABORT  P  ']' '>>'  '/' @  '[' Eo ,  '/' Ei ']'  '/' '<<'  '[' ∃  y1  ..  yn ,  '/' β ,  '/' COMM  Φ  ']' '>>' ']'") : bi_scope.
@@ -210,10 +189,10 @@ Notation "'AACC' '<<' α , 'ABORT' P '>>' @ Eo , Ei '<<' β , 'COMM' Φ '>>'" :=
   (atomic_acc (TA:=TeleO)
               Eo Ei
-              (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) α%I)
+              (tele_app α%I)
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $ tele_app (TT:=TeleO) β%I)
-                 (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $ tele_app (TT:=TeleO) Φ%I)
+              (tele_app $ tele_app β%I)
+              (tele_app $ tele_app Φ%I)
   (at level 20, Eo, Ei, α, P, β, Φ at level 200,
    format "'[hv     ' 'AACC'  '<<'  '[' α ,  '/' ABORT  P  ']' '>>'  '/' @  '[' Eo ,  '/' Ei ']'  '/' '<<'  '[' β ,  '/' COMM  Φ  ']' '>>' ']'") : bi_scope.
diff --git a/iris/program_logic/atomic.v b/iris/program_logic/atomic.v
index 9d201ebd8..cc01c234c 100644
--- a/iris/program_logic/atomic.v
+++ b/iris/program_logic/atomic.v
@@ -23,22 +23,19 @@ Definition atomic_wp `{!irisGS Λ Σ} {TA TB : tele}
 (* Note: To add a private postcondition, use
    atomic_update α β Eo Ei (λ x y, POST x y -∗ Φ (f x y)) *)
+(* The way to read the [tele_app foo] here is that they convert the n-ary
+function [foo] into a unary function taking a telescope as the argument. *)
 Notation "'<<<' ∀ x1 .. xn , α '>>>' e @ E '<<<' ∃ y1 .. yn , β , 'RET' v '>>>'" :=
   (atomic_wp (TA:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. ))
              (TB:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn,
-                         tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                         (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) .. )
+             (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
+             (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn,
+                         tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) .. )
                         ) .. )
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn,
-                         tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                         (λ y1, .. (λ yn, v%V) .. )
+             (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn,
+                         tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, v%V) .. )
                         ) .. )
   (at level 20, E, α, β, v at level 200, x1 binder, xn binder, y1 binder, yn binder,
@@ -50,16 +47,9 @@ Notation "'<<<' ∀ x1 .. xn , α '>>>' e @ E '<<<' β , 'RET' v '>>>'" :=
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn,
-                         tele_app (TT:=TeleO) β%I
-                        ) .. )
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ x1, .. (TeleS (λ xn, TeleO)) .. )) $
-                       λ x1, .. (λ xn,
-                         tele_app (TT:=TeleO) v%V
-                        ) .. )
+             (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, α%I) ..)
+             (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, tele_app β%I) .. )
+             (tele_app $ λ x1, .. (λ xn, tele_app v%V) .. )
   (at level 20, E, α, β, v at level 200, x1 binder, xn binder,
    format "'[hv' '<<<'  '[' ∀  x1  ..  xn ,  '/' α  ']' '>>>'  '/  ' e  @  E  '/' '<<<'  '[' β ,  '/' 'RET'  v  ']' '>>>' ']'")
@@ -70,13 +60,9 @@ Notation "'<<<' α '>>>' e @ E '<<<' ∃ y1 .. yn , β , 'RET' v '>>>'" :=
              (TB:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) α%I)
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $
-                       tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                         (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) .. ))
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $
-                       tele_app (TT:=TeleS (λ y1, .. (TeleS (λ yn, TeleO)) .. ))
-                         (λ y1, .. (λ yn, v%V) .. ))
+             (tele_app α%I)
+             (tele_app $ tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, β%I) .. ))
+             (tele_app $ tele_app (λ y1, .. (λ yn, v%V) .. ))
   (at level 20, E, α, β, v at level 200, y1 binder, yn binder,
    format "'[hv' '<<<'  '[' α  ']' '>>>'  '/  ' e  @  E  '/' '<<<'  '[' ∃  y1  ..  yn ,  '/' β ,  '/' 'RET'  v  ']' '>>>' ']'")
@@ -87,9 +73,9 @@ Notation "'<<<' α '>>>' e @ E '<<<' β , 'RET' v '>>>'" :=
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) α%I)
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $ tele_app (TT:=TeleO) β%I)
-             (tele_app (TT:=TeleO) $ tele_app (TT:=TeleO) v%V)
+             (tele_app α%I)
+             (tele_app $ tele_app β%I)
+             (tele_app $ tele_app v%V)
   (at level 20, E, α, β, v at level 200,
    format "'[hv' '<<<'  '[' α  ']' '>>>'  '/  ' e  @  E  '/' '<<<'  '[' β ,  '/' 'RET'  v  ']' '>>>' ']'")