Commits on Source (57)
Robbert Krebbers authored
Rename old lemma into `big_sepM2_alt_lookup`.
06a7c166 -
Robbert Krebbers authored27bc8cc9
Robbert Krebbers authored
Add lemma `big_sepM2_alt_dom`. See merge request iris/iris!938
a22a81c2 -
Ike Mulder authoreddcf62c10
Ike Mulder authored6876073b
Ralf Jung authored8489d4f9
Ralf Jung authored22746f87
Ralf Jung authored85083437
Ralf Jung authoreded87c9d8
The `as_fractional_fractional` coercion is problematic - it goes in a weird direction when doing an instance search for `Fractional`, and it loops with the naturally-defined `fractional_as_fractional` instance included in this commit. Generally, we only want to search from a known proposition to a potential fractional split, rather than the other way around (indeed, this is the only way the search goes almost anywhere in the codebase.) The coercion, and its associated hint mode, don't make a lot of sense, since they go against this idea. This commit removes the coercion and its associated hint mode. This change broke a few proofs, which incidentally relied on the hint mode to make progress when using some other typeclass instances with `AsFractional` bounds. To fix these proofs, the relevant instances have been adjusted - in every case, the breakage was due to the instances not respecting the correct input-output class argument roles, and trying to apply searches from outputs to inputs: the hint mode broke these searches because it prevented progress on the outputs in an `AsFractional` bound.
ba2286c0 -
Ralf Jung authored2a3a493f
Ralf Jung authored7083e44c
Ralf Jung authored1293db20
Ralf Jung authored0d7c4a20
Ralf Jung authored
don't use AsFractional backwards and remove AsFractional → Fractional instance See merge request iris/iris!928
b39547d9 -
Ike Mulder authored02413119
Robbert Krebbers authored
Added `MakeOr` and `MakeAnd` instances for `False`. See merge request iris/iris!940
dee16028 -
Robbert Krebbers authored6c55d110
Robbert Krebbers authored914f981c
Robbert Krebbers authored728471f2
Robbert Krebbers authored2ccafd09
Robbert Krebbers authored
Stronger Persistent/Affine/Timeless results for big ops. See merge request iris/iris!939
1ec71585 -
Ralf Jung authored234a9cad
Ralf Jung authored80f55f7c
Robbert Krebbers authored660adf1f
Ralf Jung authored
Put `Φ` of `frame_fractional` first to make it easy to specify it if Coq fails to infer it. See merge request iris/iris!943
695533ab -
Robbert Krebbers authored666d5439
Robbert Krebbers authored
Added missing reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity lemmas on
, →, -∗ and ∗-∗ See merge request iris/iris!941512b208d -
Robbert Krebbers authored90debd5b
Robbert Krebbers authoredea7413c4
Ike Mulder authored
Add some missing internal validity and equivalence lemmas for dfrac, auth, agree and reservation_map
a725d2ad -
Ike Mulder authored28597c57
Ralf Jung authoredfcfe7652
Ike Mulder authored0cac32ba
Ralf Jung authoredb68ae8c4
Ike Mulder authored4ea5f3e2
Ike Mulder authoredeff76775
Ike Mulder authored95a9135a
Ike Mulder authored97aa5892
Ralf Jung authoredf1ef3d80
Ralf Jung authored7991ed54
Robbert Krebbers authored50172606
Ike Mulder authoredd9df5043
Ralf Jung authored
Remove `frac_validI`, add `dfrac_valid` See merge request iris/iris!946
10626c7d -
Ralf Jung authored
Add some missing internal validity and equivalence lemmas for dfrac, auth and agree See merge request iris/iris!942
0444aa94 -
Robbert Krebbers authoredf41a317f
Robbert Krebbers authored
add test for iInv with accessor variables See merge request iris/iris!937
4c4d4059 -
Ralf Jung authoredf9c04d5d
Ralf Jung authored4c412aab
Ralf Jung authoreda460ac3e
Ralf Jung authored
make fractional_split truly forwards lemmas See merge request iris/iris!945
f0e415b6 -
Jaemin Choi authored65d53015
Ralf Jung authored
Add mono_nat_own_alloc_strong See merge request iris/iris!949
- 30 additions, 1
- 2 additions, 1
- coq-iris.opam 1 addition, 1 deletioncoq-iris.opam
- iris/algebra/big_op.v 60 additions, 0 deletionsiris/algebra/big_op.v
- iris/algebra/dfrac.v 8 additions, 0 deletionsiris/algebra/dfrac.v
- iris/base_logic/algebra.v 24 additions, 3 deletionsiris/base_logic/algebra.v
- iris/base_logic/lib/cancelable_invariants.v 1 addition, 1 deletioniris/base_logic/lib/cancelable_invariants.v
- iris/base_logic/lib/gen_heap.v 6 additions, 6 deletionsiris/base_logic/lib/gen_heap.v
- iris/base_logic/lib/ghost_var.v 3 additions, 3 deletionsiris/base_logic/lib/ghost_var.v
- iris/base_logic/lib/mono_nat.v 12 additions, 3 deletionsiris/base_logic/lib/mono_nat.v
- iris/base_logic/lib/own.v 2 additions, 1 deletioniris/base_logic/lib/own.v
- iris/base_logic/proofmode.v 2 additions, 1 deletioniris/base_logic/proofmode.v
- iris/bi/big_op.v 227 additions, 162 deletionsiris/bi/big_op.v
- iris/bi/derived_laws.v 25 additions, 9 deletionsiris/bi/derived_laws.v
- iris/bi/lib/fractional.v 100 additions, 131 deletionsiris/bi/lib/fractional.v
- iris/proofmode/class_instances_make.v 8 additions, 0 deletionsiris/proofmode/class_instances_make.v
- iris/proofmode/class_instances_updates.v 9 additions, 0 deletionsiris/proofmode/class_instances_updates.v
- iris/proofmode/classes.v 5 additions, 3 deletionsiris/proofmode/classes.v
- iris/proofmode/ltac_tactics.v 2 additions, 2 deletionsiris/proofmode/ltac_tactics.v
- tests/proofmode.ref 20 additions, 0 deletionstests/proofmode.ref