From iris.algebra Require Export cmra. Record uPred (M : ucmraT) : Type := IProp { uPred_holds :> nat → M → Prop; uPred_mono n x1 x2 : uPred_holds n x1 → x1 ≼{n} x2 → uPred_holds n x2; uPred_closed n1 n2 x : uPred_holds n1 x → n2 ≤ n1 → ✓{n2} x → uPred_holds n2 x }. Arguments uPred_holds {_} _ _ _ : simpl never. Add Printing Constructor uPred. Instance: Params (@uPred_holds) 3. Delimit Scope uPred_scope with I. Bind Scope uPred_scope with uPred. Arguments uPred_holds {_} _%I _ _. Section cofe. Context {M : ucmraT}. Inductive uPred_equiv' (P Q : uPred M) : Prop := { uPred_in_equiv : ∀ n x, ✓{n} x → P n x ↔ Q n x }. Instance uPred_equiv : Equiv (uPred M) := uPred_equiv'. Inductive uPred_dist' (n : nat) (P Q : uPred M) : Prop := { uPred_in_dist : ∀ n' x, n' ≤ n → ✓{n'} x → P n' x ↔ Q n' x }. Instance uPred_dist : Dist (uPred M) := uPred_dist'. Definition uPred_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (uPred M). Proof. split. - intros P Q; split. + by intros HPQ n; split=> i x ??; apply HPQ. + intros HPQ; split=> n x ?; apply HPQ with n; auto. - intros n; split. + by intros P; split=> x i. + by intros P Q HPQ; split=> x i ??; symmetry; apply HPQ. + intros P Q Q' HP HQ; split=> i x ??. by trans (Q i x);[apply HP|apply HQ]. - intros n P Q HPQ; split=> i x ??; apply HPQ; auto. Qed. Canonical Structure uPredC : ofeT := OfeT (uPred M) uPred_ofe_mixin. Program Definition uPred_compl : Compl uPredC := λ c, {| uPred_holds n x := c n n x |}. Next Obligation. naive_solver eauto using uPred_mono. Qed. Next Obligation. intros c n1 n2 x ???; simpl in *. apply (chain_cauchy c n2 n1); eauto using uPred_closed. Qed. Global Program Instance uPred_cofe : Cofe uPredC := {| compl := uPred_compl |}. Next Obligation. intros n c; split=>i x ??; symmetry; apply (chain_cauchy c i n); auto. Qed. End cofe. Arguments uPredC : clear implicits. Instance uPred_ne {M} (P : uPred M) n : Proper (dist n ==> iff) (P n). Proof. intros x1 x2 Hx; split=> ?; eapply uPred_mono; eauto; by rewrite Hx. Qed. Instance uPred_proper {M} (P : uPred M) n : Proper ((≡) ==> iff) (P n). Proof. by intros x1 x2 Hx; apply uPred_ne, equiv_dist. Qed. Lemma uPred_holds_ne {M} (P Q : uPred M) n1 n2 x : P ≡{n2}≡ Q → n2 ≤ n1 → ✓{n2} x → Q n1 x → P n2 x. Proof. intros [Hne] ???. eapply Hne; try done. eapply uPred_closed; eauto using cmra_validN_le. Qed. (** functor *) Program Definition uPred_map {M1 M2 : ucmraT} (f : M2 -n> M1) `{!CMRAMonotone f} (P : uPred M1) : uPred M2 := {| uPred_holds n x := P n (f x) |}. Next Obligation. naive_solver eauto using uPred_mono, cmra_monotoneN. Qed. Next Obligation. naive_solver eauto using uPred_closed, cmra_monotone_validN. Qed. Instance uPred_map_ne {M1 M2 : ucmraT} (f : M2 -n> M1) `{!CMRAMonotone f} n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (uPred_map f). Proof. intros x1 x2 Hx; split=> n' y ??. split; apply Hx; auto using cmra_monotone_validN. Qed. Lemma uPred_map_id {M : ucmraT} (P : uPred M): uPred_map cid P ≡ P. Proof. by split=> n x ?. Qed. Lemma uPred_map_compose {M1 M2 M3 : ucmraT} (f : M1 -n> M2) (g : M2 -n> M3) `{!CMRAMonotone f, !CMRAMonotone g} (P : uPred M3): uPred_map (g ◎ f) P ≡ uPred_map f (uPred_map g P). Proof. by split=> n x Hx. Qed. Lemma uPred_map_ext {M1 M2 : ucmraT} (f g : M1 -n> M2) `{!CMRAMonotone f} `{!CMRAMonotone g}: (∀ x, f x ≡ g x) → ∀ x, uPred_map f x ≡ uPred_map g x. Proof. intros Hf P; split=> n x Hx /=; by rewrite /uPred_holds /= Hf. Qed. Definition uPredC_map {M1 M2 : ucmraT} (f : M2 -n> M1) `{!CMRAMonotone f} : uPredC M1 -n> uPredC M2 := CofeMor (uPred_map f : uPredC M1 → uPredC M2). Lemma uPredC_map_ne {M1 M2 : ucmraT} (f g : M2 -n> M1) `{!CMRAMonotone f, !CMRAMonotone g} n : f ≡{n}≡ g → uPredC_map f ≡{n}≡ uPredC_map g. Proof. by intros Hfg P; split=> n' y ??; rewrite /uPred_holds /= (dist_le _ _ _ _(Hfg y)); last lia. Qed. Program Definition uPredCF (F : urFunctor) : cFunctor := {| cFunctor_car A B := uPredC (urFunctor_car F B A); cFunctor_map A1 A2 B1 B2 fg := uPredC_map (urFunctor_map F (fg.2, fg.1)) |}. Next Obligation. intros F A1 A2 B1 B2 n P Q HPQ. apply uPredC_map_ne, urFunctor_ne; split; by apply HPQ. Qed. Next Obligation. intros F A B P; simpl. rewrite -{2}(uPred_map_id P). apply uPred_map_ext=>y. by rewrite urFunctor_id. Qed. Next Obligation. intros F A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 f g f' g' P; simpl. rewrite -uPred_map_compose. apply uPred_map_ext=>y; apply urFunctor_compose. Qed. Instance uPredCF_contractive F : urFunctorContractive F → cFunctorContractive (uPredCF F). Proof. intros ? A1 A2 B1 B2 n P Q HPQ. apply uPredC_map_ne, urFunctor_contractive. destruct n; split; by apply HPQ. Qed. (** logical entailement *) Inductive uPred_entails {M} (P Q : uPred M) : Prop := { uPred_in_entails : ∀ n x, ✓{n} x → P n x → Q n x }. Hint Extern 0 (uPred_entails _ _) => reflexivity. Instance uPred_entails_rewrite_relation M : RewriteRelation (@uPred_entails M). Hint Resolve uPred_mono uPred_closed : uPred_def. (** Notations *) Notation "P ⊢ Q" := (uPred_entails P%I Q%I) (at level 99, Q at level 200, right associativity) : C_scope. Notation "(⊢)" := uPred_entails (only parsing) : C_scope. Notation "P ⊣⊢ Q" := (equiv (A:=uPred _) P%I Q%I) (at level 95, no associativity) : C_scope. Notation "(⊣⊢)" := (equiv (A:=uPred _)) (only parsing) : C_scope. Module uPred. Section entails. Context {M : ucmraT}. Implicit Types P Q : uPred M. Global Instance: PreOrder (@uPred_entails M). Proof. split. - by intros P; split=> x i. - by intros P Q Q' HP HQ; split=> x i ??; apply HQ, HP. Qed. Global Instance: AntiSymm (⊣⊢) (@uPred_entails M). Proof. intros P Q HPQ HQP; split=> x n; by split; [apply HPQ|apply HQP]. Qed. Lemma equiv_spec P Q : (P ⊣⊢ Q) ↔ (P ⊢ Q) ∧ (Q ⊢ P). Proof. split; [|by intros [??]; apply (anti_symm (⊢))]. intros HPQ; split; split=> x i; apply HPQ. Qed. Lemma equiv_entails P Q : (P ⊣⊢ Q) → (P ⊢ Q). Proof. apply equiv_spec. Qed. Lemma equiv_entails_sym P Q : (Q ⊣⊢ P) → (P ⊢ Q). Proof. apply equiv_spec. Qed. Global Instance entails_proper : Proper ((⊣⊢) ==> (⊣⊢) ==> iff) ((⊢) : relation (uPred M)). Proof. move => P1 P2 /equiv_spec [HP1 HP2] Q1 Q2 /equiv_spec [HQ1 HQ2]; split; intros. - by trans P1; [|trans Q1]. - by trans P2; [|trans Q2]. Qed. Lemma entails_equiv_l (P Q R : uPred M) : (P ⊣⊢ Q) → (Q ⊢ R) → (P ⊢ R). Proof. by intros ->. Qed. Lemma entails_equiv_r (P Q R : uPred M) : (P ⊢ Q) → (Q ⊣⊢ R) → (P ⊢ R). Proof. by intros ? <-. Qed. Lemma entails_lim (P Q : chain (uPredC M)) : (∀ n, P n ⊢ Q n) → compl P ⊢ compl Q. Proof. intros Hlim. split. intros n m Hval HP. eapply uPred_holds_ne, Hlim, HP; eauto using conv_compl. Qed. End entails. End uPred.