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Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.transform.edf_opt.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.transform.wc_correctness.
Require Export prosa.util.exists_extensionality.
(** * Optimality of Work-Conserving EDF on Ideal Uniprocessors *)
(** This file builds on the EDF optimality theorem:
if there is any way to meet all deadlines (assuming an ideal uniprocessor
schedule), then there is also an (ideal) EDF schedule that is work-conserving
in which all deadlines are met. *)
(** Throughout this file, we assume ideal uniprocessor schedules. *)
Require Import prosa.model.processor.ideal.
(** Throughout this file, we assume the basic (i.e., Liu & Layland) readiness model. *)
Require Import prosa.model.readiness.basic.
(** We start by proving that the transform_prefix function at the core of the
edf transformation maintains work conservation *)
Section EDFPrefixWorkConservationLemmas.
(** For any given type of jobs, each characterized by execution
costs, an arrival time, and an absolute deadline,... *)
Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.
(** ... and any valid job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arr_seq_valid: valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
(** Consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
(** ...that is well-behaved... *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute: jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.
(** ...and in which no scheduled job misses a deadline. *)
Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses: all_deadlines_met sched.
(** Consider any point in time, denoted [horizon], and ... *)
Variable horizon: instant.
(** ...let [sched'] denote the schedule obtained by transforming
[sched] up to the horizon. *)
Let sched' := edf_transform_prefix sched horizon.
(** We show that if sched is work_conserving then so is sched' *)
Lemma edf_transform_prefix_maintains_work_conservation :
work_conserving arr_seq sched -> work_conserving arr_seq sched'.
Proof. Admitted.
End EDFPrefixWorkConservationLemmas.
(** Now that we proved that edf_transform_prefix maintains work_conservation,
we go ahead and prove that edf_transform maintains work_conservation *)
Section EDFTransformWorkConservationLemmas.
(** For any given type of jobs, each characterized by execution
costs, an arrival time, and an absolute deadline,... *)
Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.
(** ... and any valid job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arr_seq_valid: valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
(** Consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
(** ...that is well-behaved... *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute: jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.
(** ...and in which no scheduled job misses a deadline. *)
Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses: all_deadlines_met sched.
(** In the following, let [sched_edf] denote the EDF schedule obtained by
transforming the given reference schedule. *)
Let sched_edf := edf_transform sched.
(** We prove that transforming any work conserving schedule to an EDF schedule maintains work conservation *)
Lemma edf_transform_maintains_work_conservation :
work_conserving arr_seq sched -> work_conserving arr_seq sched_edf.
move=> WC_sched j t ARR.
rewrite /sched_edf/edf_transform/backlogged/job_ready/basic_ready_instance/pending/completed_by/service/service_during.
have ->: \sum_(0 <= t0 < t) service_at (fun t1 : instant => edf_transform_prefix sched t1.+1 t1) j t0 =
\sum_(0 <= t0 < t) service_at (edf_transform_prefix sched t.+1) j t0.
apply eq_big_nat => t' /andP [_ LT_t].
rewrite /service_at.
rewrite (edf_prefix_inclusion _ _ _ _ t'.+1 t.+1) => //.
by apply ltn_trans with (n := t).
rewrite scheduled_at_def -scheduled_at_def =>BL.
have sched_at_def (s : schedule (processor_state Job)) t (j : Job) := scheduled_at_def s j t.
apply (exists_extensionality (sched_at_def (fun t0 : instant => edf_transform_prefix sched t0.+1 t0) t)).
apply (exists_extensionality (sched_at_def _ t)).
have BL' : backlogged (edf_transform_prefix sched t.+1) j t by [].
move: ARR BL'. apply edf_transform_prefix_maintains_work_conservation; by [].
End EDFTransformWorkConservationLemmas.
(** Finally, we state the theorems that jointly make up the work-conserving EDF optimality claim. *)
Section WorkConservingEDFOptimality.
(** For any given type of jobs, each characterized by execution
costs, an arrival time, and an absolute deadline,... *)
Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.
(** ... and any valid job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arr_seq_valid: valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
(** Now we can show that if there exists any schedule in which
all jobs of arr_seq meet their deadline, then there also exists
a work-conserving EDF in which all deadlines are met. *)
Theorem edf_wc_optimality :
(exists any_sched : schedule (ideal.processor_state Job),
valid_schedule any_sched arr_seq /\
all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq any_sched) ->
exists edf_wc_sched : schedule (ideal.processor_state Job),
valid_schedule edf_wc_sched arr_seq /\
all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq edf_wc_sched /\
work_conserving arr_seq edf_wc_sched /\
EDF_schedule edf_wc_sched.
move=> [sched [[COME READY] DL_ARR_MET]].
have ARR := jobs_must_arrive_to_be_ready sched READY.
have COMP := completed_jobs_are_not_ready sched READY.
move: (all_deadlines_met_in_valid_schedule _ _ COME DL_ARR_MET) => DL_MET.
set wc_sched := wc_transform arr_seq sched.
have wc_COME : jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence wc_sched arr_seq
by apply wc_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
have wc_READY : jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute wc_sched
by apply wc_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute.
have wc_ARR := jobs_must_arrive_to_be_ready wc_sched wc_READY.
have wc_COMP := completed_jobs_are_not_ready wc_sched wc_READY.
have wc_DL_ARR_MET : all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq wc_sched
by apply wc_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met; apply DL_ARR_MET.
move: (all_deadlines_met_in_valid_schedule _ _ wc_COME wc_DL_ARR_MET) => wc_DL_MET.
set sched' := edf_transform wc_sched.
exists sched'. split; last split; last split.
- by apply edf_schedule_is_valid.
- by apply edf_schedule_meets_all_deadlines_wrt_arrivals.
- apply edf_transform_maintains_work_conservation; by [ | apply wc_is_work_conserving ].
- by apply edf_transform_ensures_edf.
End WorkConservingEDFOptimality.