diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/main_claim.v b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/main_claim.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..44d78e7ee59b74143fca70654e2fc64300b0a7aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/main_claim.v
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.response_time
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.sustainability.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.suspension_intervals
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.valid_schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.build_suspension_table
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.platform.
+Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.sustainability.allcosts.reduction
+               rt.analysis.uni.susp.sustainability.allcosts.reduction_properties.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.transformation.construction.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
+(* In this file, we use the reduction we derived to show the weak sustainability with
+   job costs and varying suspension times in the dynamic suspension model. *)
+Module SustainabilityAllCostsProperty.
+  Import ScheduleWithSuspensions Suspension Priority SuspensionIntervals
+         PlatformWithSuspensions ResponseTime Sustainability
+         ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule.
+  Module reduction := SustainabilityAllCosts.
+  Module reduction_prop := SustainabilityAllCostsProperties.
+  Section SustainabilityProperty.
+    Context {Task: eqType}.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    (** Defining the task model *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: JLDP_policy Job.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_reflexive: JLDP_is_reflexive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_transitive: JLDP_is_transitive higher_eq_priority.
+    Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
+    Variable task_suspension_bound: Task -> duration.
+    (* First, we state all properties about suspension, ... *)
+    Let satisfies_suspension_properties (params: seq (job_parameter Job)) :=
+      dynamic_suspension_model (return_param JOB_COST params) job_task
+                               (return_param JOB_SUSPENSION params) task_suspension_bound.
+    (* ...all properties of the schedule, ... *)
+    Let satisfies_schedule_properties (params: seq (job_parameter Job)) (arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job)
+                                      (sched: schedule Job) :=
+      let job_arrival := return_param JOB_ARRIVAL params in
+      let job_cost := return_param JOB_COST params in
+      let job_suspension_duration := return_param JOB_SUSPENSION params in
+        jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq /\
+        jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched /\
+        completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched /\
+        work_conserving job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration arr_seq sched /\
+        respects_JLDP_policy job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration arr_seq
+                             sched higher_eq_priority /\
+        respects_self_suspensions job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched.
+    (* ...and all properties of the arrival sequence. *)
+    Let satisfies_arrival_sequence_properties (params: seq (job_parameter Job))
+                                              (arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job) :=
+      arrival_times_are_consistent (return_param JOB_ARRIVAL params) arr_seq /\
+      JLDP_is_total arr_seq higher_eq_priority.
+    (* Then, we define the task model as the combination of such properties. *)
+    Let belongs_to_task_model (params: seq (job_parameter Job))
+                              (arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job) (sched: schedule Job) :=
+      satisfies_arrival_sequence_properties params arr_seq /\
+      satisfies_schedule_properties params arr_seq sched /\
+      satisfies_suspension_properties params.
+    (** Sustainability Claim *)
+    (* We use as schedulability property the notion of response-time bound, i.e., we are
+       going to show that improving job parameters leads to "no worse response times". *)
+    Variable R: time.
+    Let response_time_bounded_by_R (params: seq (job_parameter Job)) (sched: schedule Job) (j: Job) :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_job (return_param JOB_ARRIVAL params)
+                                    (return_param JOB_COST params) sched j R.
+    (* Next, we recall the definition of weakly-sustainable policy with job costs
+       and varying suspension times... *)
+    Let all_params := [:: JOB_ARRIVAL; JOB_COST; JOB_SUSPENSION].
+    Let sustainable_param := JOB_COST.
+    Let variable_params := [:: JOB_SUSPENSION].
+    Let has_better_sustainable_param (cost cost': Job -> time) := forall j, cost j >= cost' j.
+    Let weakly_sustainable_with_job_costs_and_variable_suspension_times :=
+      weakly_sustainable all_params response_time_bounded_by_R belongs_to_task_model
+                         sustainable_param has_better_sustainable_param variable_params.
+    (* ...and prove that it holds for this scheduling policy and task model. *)
+    Theorem policy_is_weakly_sustainable:
+      weakly_sustainable_with_job_costs_and_variable_suspension_times.
+    Proof.
+      intros params good_params CONS CONS' ONLY BETTER VSCHED good_arr_seq good_sched good_j BELONGS.
+      split_conj BELONGS; split_conj BELONGS; split_conj BELONGS0; split_conj BELONGS1.
+      set job_arrival := return_param JOB_ARRIVAL good_params.
+      unfold differ_only_by in *.
+      have EQarr: job_arrival = return_param JOB_ARRIVAL params.
+      {
+        move: CONS CONS' => [UNIQ [IFF _]] [UNIQ' [IFF' _]].
+        have ARR: JOB_ARRIVAL \in labels_of params by apply IFF.
+        have ARR': JOB_ARRIVAL \in labels_of good_params by apply IFF'.
+        move: ARR ARR' => /mapP2 [p IN EQ] => /mapP2 [p' IN' EQ'].
+        symmetry in EQ; symmetry in EQ'.
+        have EQp := found_param_label params p JOB_ARRIVAL UNIQ IN EQ.
+        have EQp' := found_param_label good_params p' JOB_ARRIVAL UNIQ' IN' EQ'.
+        specialize (ONLY p p' IN IN').
+        feed_n 2 ONLY; [by rewrite EQ | by rewrite EQ |].
+        rewrite ONLY EQp' in EQp.
+        by inversion EQp.
+      }
+      set good_cost := return_param JOB_COST good_params.
+      set bad_cost := return_param JOB_COST params.
+      set good_suspension := return_param JOB_SUSPENSION good_params.
+      set bad_sched := reduction.sched_new job_arrival good_cost good_arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                           good_sched bad_cost good_j R.
+      set reduced_suspension_duration := reduction.reduced_suspension_duration job_arrival good_cost
+        good_arr_seq higher_eq_priority good_sched good_suspension bad_cost good_j R.
+      set bad_params := [:: param JOB_ARRIVAL job_arrival; param JOB_COST bad_cost;
+                            param JOB_SUSPENSION reduced_suspension_duration].  
+      apply reduction_prop.sched_new_response_time_of_job_j with (arr_seq := good_arr_seq)
+        (higher_eq_priority0 := higher_eq_priority) (inflated_job_cost := bad_cost);
+        try done.
+      feed (VSCHED bad_params).
+      {
+        split; first by done.
+        split; first by intros l; split;
+          move => IN; rewrite /= 2!in_cons mem_seq1 in IN;
+          move: IN => /orP [/eqP EQ | /orP [/eqP EQ | /eqP EQ]]; rewrite EQ.
+        intros l IN; move: CONS => [_ [IFF CONS]].
+        specialize (CONS l IN); apply IFF in CONS.
+        rewrite 2!in_cons mem_seq1 in CONS.
+        by move: CONS => /orP [/eqP EQ | /orP [/eqP EQ | /eqP EQ]]; rewrite EQ.
+      }
+      rewrite -/bad_sched.
+      apply VSCHED with (arr_seq := good_arr_seq).
+      {
+        intros P1 P2 IN1 IN2 EQ NOTIN; simpl in IN2.
+        move: CONS CONS' => [UNIQ _] [UNIQ' [IN' _]].
+        move: IN2 => [EQ2a | [EQ2c | [EQ2s | BUG]]]; try done; first last.
+        - by rewrite EQ -EQ2s in NOTIN.
+        - by rewrite -EQ2c; apply found_param_label; rewrite // EQ -EQ2c.
+        - by rewrite -EQ2a EQarr; apply found_param_label; rewrite // EQ -EQ2a. 
+      }
+      {
+        repeat split; try (by done).
+        - by apply reduction_prop.sched_new_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
+        - by apply reduction_prop.sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+        - by apply reduction_prop.sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+        - by apply reduction_prop.sched_new_work_conserving.
+        - by apply reduction_prop.sched_new_respects_policy.
+        - by apply reduction_prop.sched_new_respects_self_suspensions.
+        intros j0. 
+        apply leq_trans with (n := total_suspension good_cost good_suspension j0); last by done.
+        by apply reduction_prop.sched_new_has_shorter_total_suspension.
+      }
+    Qed.
+    End SustainabilityProperty.
+End SustainabilityAllCostsProperty.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction_properties.v b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction_properties.v
index 506e5b834048149933c88160215fb9691cb10fc9..068b2e0dd9e7cd8a6f9ba992b5549b1d6f9206ea 100644
--- a/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction_properties.v
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction_properties.v
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ Module SustainabilityAllCostsProperties.
   Section ReductionProperties.
-    Context {Task: eqType}.
     Context {Job: eqType}.
     Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
     Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
@@ -638,9 +637,9 @@ Module SustainabilityAllCostsProperties.
       Let cumulative_suspension_in_sched_new :=
         cumulative_suspension job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration sched_new.
-      (* To conclude, we prove that the suspension durations in the new schedule are no
-         longer than in the original schedule. *)
-      Lemma sched_new_has_shorter_suspensions:
+      (* To conclude, we prove that the cumulative suspension in the new schedule is no
+         larger than in the original schedule,... *)
+      Lemma sched_new_has_shorter_suspension:
         forall any_j t,
           cumulative_suspension_in_sched_new any_j t
           <= cumulative_suspension_in_sched_susp any_j t.
@@ -665,6 +664,65 @@ Module SustainabilityAllCostsProperties.
+      (* ... which implies that the total suspension is also no larger. *)
+      Corollary sched_new_has_shorter_total_suspension:
+        forall any_j,
+          total_suspension inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration any_j <=
+          total_suspension job_cost job_suspension_duration any_j.
+      Proof.
+        intros any_j.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := cumulative_suspension_in_sched_new any_j (arr_j + R)).
+        {
+          unfold total_suspension, reduced_suspension_duration, reduction.reduced_suspension_duration,
+                 build_suspension_duration.
+          rewrite -/sched_new.
+          set SUSP_new := _ job_arrival job_cost _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
+          set cost' := inflated_job_cost.
+          set arr := job_arrival j.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(0 <= t < cost' any_j) \sum_(0 <= t0 < arr + R)
+                              if (service sched_new any_j t0 == t) then SUSP_new any_j t0 else false);
+            first by apply leq_sum; ins; rewrite big_mkcond; apply leq_sum; ins; case: (_ == _).
+          rewrite exchange_big /=.
+          apply leq_sum_nat; move => i /= LT _.
+          case COMP: (completed_in_sched_new any_j i).
+          {
+            apply leq_trans with (n := 0); last by done.
+            rewrite big_nat_cond big1 //; move => s /= LTs.
+            case EQ: (_ == _); last by done.
+            move: EQ => /eqP EQ; rewrite andbT -EQ {EQ} in LTs.
+            by move: COMP => /eqP COMP; rewrite ltn_neqAle COMP eq_refl in LTs.
+          }
+          {
+            apply negbT in COMP; rewrite /completed_in_sched_new /completed_by in COMP.
+            set s := service sched_new any_j i; rewrite -/s neq_ltn in COMP.
+            move: COMP => /orP [LTs | GTs]; last first.
+            {
+              suff BUG': inflated_job_cost any_j >= s by rewrite ltnNge BUG' in GTs.
+              apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
+              by apply sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+            }
+            rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := s); [simpl | by done | by apply ltnW].
+            rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (m := s) (n := s.+1); [simpl | by done | by done].
+            rewrite big_nat_cond big1; last first.
+            {
+              move => i0; rewrite andbT; move => /= LT0.
+              by case EQ: (_ == _) => //; move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst; rewrite ltnn in LT0.
+            }
+            rewrite add0n big_nat_recr //= eq_refl big_geq // add0n.
+            rewrite big_nat_cond big1; [rewrite addn0 |]; last first.
+            {
+              move => i0; rewrite andbT; move => /andP [LT0 _].
+              rewrite ltn_neqAle in LT0; move: LT0 => /andP [NEQ _].
+              by apply negbTE in NEQ; rewrite NEQ.
+            }
+            by rewrite -sched_new_suspension_matches.
+          }
+        }
+        apply leq_trans with (n := cumulative_suspension_in_sched_susp any_j (arr_j + R));
+          first by apply sched_new_has_shorter_suspension.
+        by apply cumulative_suspension_le_total_suspension.
+      Qed.
     End SuspensionTable.
     (** Suspension-Related Schedule Properties *)
diff --git a/model/schedule/uni/sustainability.v b/model/schedule/uni/sustainability.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe76fa4c7f7dbfa0f0ac2f1b99c3ccb34d131f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/schedule/uni/sustainability.v
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.schedulability.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
+Module Sustainability.
+  Import ArrivalSequence UniprocessorSchedule Schedulability.
+  Section SustainabilityDefs.
+    (* Consider any job type. *)
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Section DefiningParameters.
+      (** Defining Parameter Type *)
+      Section ParameterType.
+        (* We begin by defining the set of possible parameter labels, ... *)
+        Inductive parameter_label :=
+        | JOB_ARRIVAL
+        | JOB_COST
+        | JOB_DEADLINE
+        | JOB_JITTER
+        | JOB_SUSPENSION.
+        (* ...which can be compared with the built-in decidable equality. *)
+        Scheme Equality for parameter_label.
+        Lemma eqlabelP: Equality.axiom parameter_label_beq.
+        Proof.
+          intros x y.
+          by destruct x; destruct y; try (by apply ReflectT); try (by apply ReflectF).
+        Qed.
+        Canonical label_eqMixin := EqMixin eqlabelP.
+        Canonical label_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType parameter_label label_eqMixin.
+        (* Next, we associate to each label a type of function over jobs. *)
+        Definition type_of_label (l: parameter_label) : Type :=
+          match l with
+          | JOB_ARRIVAL => Job -> instant
+          | JOB_COST => Job -> time
+          | JOB_DEADLINE => Job -> time
+          | JOB_JITTER => Job -> time
+          | JOB_SUSPENSION => Job -> time -> duration
+          end.
+        (* For each function type, we also define a default value to simplify lookups. *)
+        Definition default_val (l : parameter_label) : type_of_label l :=
+          match l with
+          | JOB_ARRIVAL => fun _ => 0
+          | JOB_COST => fun _ => 0
+          | JOB_DEADLINE => fun _ => 0
+          | JOB_JITTER => fun _ => 0
+          | JOB_SUSPENSION => fun _ _ => 0
+          end.
+        (* Finally, we define a job parameter as a pair containing a label and a function. *)
+        Record job_parameter := param
+        {
+          p_label : parameter_label;
+          p_function : type_of_label p_label
+        }.
+        (* With the definitions above, we can declare parameter lists as follows. *)
+        Variable example_job_cost: Job -> time.
+        Variable example_job_suspension: Job -> time -> duration.
+        Let example_params :=
+          [:: param JOB_COST example_job_cost; param JOB_SUSPENSION example_job_suspension].
+      End ParameterType.
+      (** Looking up parameters *)
+      Section ParameterLookup.
+        (* By comparing labels, we define a function that finds a parameter in a list. *)
+        Definition find_param (l : parameter_label) (s : seq job_parameter) :=
+          nth (param l (default_val l)) s
+              (find (fun x => p_label x == l) s).
+        (* Next, we define a function that converts a given parameter p to the
+           type of label l, given a proof EQ that the labels are the same. *)
+        Let convert_parameter_type (p: job_parameter) (l: parameter_label)
+                                   (EQ_PROOF: p_label p = l) :=
+          eq_rect (p_label p) (fun x => type_of_label x) (p_function p) l EQ_PROOF.
+        (* This allows returning the function of (type_of_label l) from a parameter p.
+           (If the label of p is not l, we return a dummy default value instead.) *)
+        Definition get_param_function (l: parameter_label) (p: job_parameter) : type_of_label l :=
+          if (parameter_label_eq_dec (p_label p) l) is left EQ_PROOF then
+            convert_parameter_type p l EQ_PROOF
+          else (default_val l).
+        (* To conclude, we define a function that returns the function with label l from a parameter list. *)
+        Definition return_param (l: parameter_label) (s: seq job_parameter) : type_of_label l :=
+          get_param_function l (find_param l s).
+        (* To illustrate how these functions work, consider this simple parameter list. *)
+        Variable example_job_cost: Job -> time.
+        Variable example_job_suspension: Job -> time -> duration.
+        Let example_params :=
+          [:: param JOB_COST example_job_cost; param JOB_SUSPENSION example_job_suspension].
+        (* In that case, JOB_COST returns the function example_job_cost, ...*)
+        Example return_param_works1:
+          return_param JOB_COST example_params = example_job_cost.
+        Proof. by done. Qed.
+        (* ...and JOB_SUSPENSION_DURATION returns the function example_job_suspension. *)
+        Example return_param_works2:
+          return_param JOB_SUSPENSION example_params = example_job_suspension.
+        Proof. by done. Qed.
+      End ParameterLookup.
+      (** Additional properties of parameter lists *)
+      Section Properties.
+        (* Given a set of labels, we define whether two parameter lists differ only
+           by the parameters with those labels.
+           Note: This predicate assumes that both lists have similar, unique labels.  *)
+        Definition differ_only_by (variable_labels: seq parameter_label) (s1 s2: seq job_parameter) :=
+          forall (param param': job_parameter),
+            List.In param s1 ->
+            List.In param' s2 ->
+            p_label param = p_label param' ->
+            p_label param \notin variable_labels ->
+            param = param'.
+        (* Next, we define a function that returns the labels of a parameter list. *)
+        Definition labels_of (params: seq job_parameter) := [seq p_label p | p <- params].
+        (* Next, we define whether a parameter list has unique labels. *)
+        Definition has_unique_labels (params: seq job_parameter) := uniq (labels_of params).
+        (* We also define whether a parameter list corresponds to a given set of labels. *)
+        Definition corresponding_labels (params: seq job_parameter) (labels: seq parameter_label) :=
+          forall l, l \in labels_of params <-> l \in labels.
+        (* Finally, we prove that in any list of unique parameters, return_param always
+           returns the corresponding parameter. *)
+        Lemma found_param_label:
+          forall (params: seq job_parameter) (p: job_parameter) (label: parameter_label),
+            has_unique_labels params ->
+            List.In p params ->
+            p_label p = label ->
+            p = param label (return_param label params).
+        Proof.
+          induction params as [| p0 params']; first by done.
+          move => p label /= /andP [NOTIN UNIQ] IN EQ /=.
+          move: IN => [EQ0 | IN].
+          {
+            subst p0; rewrite /return_param /find_param /= EQ eq_refl /=.
+            by destruct p, label; simpl in *; subst.
+          }
+          {
+            rewrite /return_param /find_param /=.
+            case EQ': (_ == _); last by apply IHparams'.
+            move: EQ' => /eqP EQ'; rewrite EQ' in NOTIN.
+            move: NOTIN => /negP NOTIN; exfalso; apply NOTIN.
+            by apply/mapP2; exists p.
+          }
+        Qed.
+      End Properties.
+    End DefiningParameters.
+    (** Definition of sustainability for scheduling policies. *)
+    Section SustainabilityPolicy.
+      (* First, we define the set of possible labels for the job parameters. *)
+      Variable all_labels: seq parameter_label.
+      (* Next, let's consider any good schedulability property of a job, such as
+         "no deadline miss" or "response time bounded by R".
+         Given a sequence of job parameters, a schedule and a job j in this schedule,
+         the predicate indicates whether j satisfies the schedulability property. *)
+      Variable is_schedulable:
+        seq job_parameter -> schedule Job -> Job -> bool.
+      (* Also, consider any predicate that, given a parameter list, states whether the arrival
+         sequence and schedule belong to a certain task model. *)
+      Variable belongs_to_task_model:
+        seq job_parameter -> arrival_sequence Job -> schedule Job -> Prop.
+      (* Let sustainable_param denote the label of the parameter for which we claim sustainability. *)
+      Variable sustainable_param: parameter_label.
+      (* Let better_params denote any total order relation over the old and new values of the
+         sustainable parameter, i.e., it indicates: "the second parameter is better than the first".
+         For example, in many task models, lower job costs lead to better schedules, so a valid
+         predicate would be: (fun job_cost job_cost' => forall j, job_cost j >= job_cost' j).  *)
+      Variable has_better_params: (type_of_label sustainable_param) ->
+                                  (type_of_label sustainable_param) -> Prop.
+      (* Next, we define whether the sustainable parameter becomes better when moving from list
+         params to params'. *)
+      Definition sustainable_param_becomes_better (params params': seq job_parameter) :=
+        let P := return_param sustainable_param params in
+        let P' := return_param sustainable_param params' in
+          has_better_params P P'.
+      Section VaryingParameters.
+        (* Let variable_params denote the set of parameters that are allowed to vary. *)
+        Variable variable_params: seq parameter_label.
+        (* Now we define whether both the sustainable and the variable parameters belong to a parameter list. *)
+        Definition sustainable_and_varying_params_in (params: seq job_parameter) :=
+          forall label,
+            label \in sustainable_param :: variable_params ->
+            label \in labels_of params.
+      (* Next, we define whether a parameter list has consistent labels. Since
+         we'll have to quantify over many parameter lists, this prevents issues
+         with empty/invalid parameter lists. *)
+      Definition has_consistent_labels (params: seq job_parameter) :=
+        has_unique_labels params /\
+        corresponding_labels params all_labels /\
+        sustainable_and_varying_params_in params.
+        (* Next, we define whether all jobs sets with given params are schedulable... *)
+        Definition jobs_are_schedulable_with (params: seq job_parameter) :=
+          forall arr_seq sched j,
+            belongs_to_task_model params arr_seq sched ->
+            is_schedulable params sched j.
+        (* ...and also define whether the job sets that only differ from the given params
+           by the 'set of variable parameters' are all schedulable. *)
+        Definition jobs_are_V_schedulable_with (params: seq job_parameter) :=
+          forall (similar_params: seq job_parameter),
+            has_consistent_labels similar_params ->
+            differ_only_by variable_params params similar_params ->
+            jobs_are_schedulable_with similar_params.
+        (* Then, we say that the scheduling policy is weakly-sustainable with sustainable_param
+           and variable_params iff the following holds:
+              if jobs are V-schedulable with the original parameters, then they are also
+              schedulable with better parameters (according to the has_better_params relation). *)
+        Definition weakly_sustainable :=
+          forall (params better_params: seq job_parameter),
+            has_consistent_labels params ->
+            has_consistent_labels better_params ->
+            differ_only_by [::sustainable_param] params better_params ->
+            sustainable_param_becomes_better params better_params ->
+            jobs_are_V_schedulable_with params ->
+            jobs_are_schedulable_with better_params.
+        (* Next, using the contrapositive of weakly_sustainable, we provide
+           an alternative definition of weak sustainability. *)
+        Section AlternativeDefinition.
+          (* First, let's define whether the sustainable parameter becomes
+             worse when switching from params to params'. *)
+          Definition sustainable_param_becomes_worse (params params': seq job_parameter) :=
+            let P := return_param sustainable_param params in
+            let P' := return_param sustainable_param params' in
+              has_better_params P' P.
+          (* Next, we define whether jobs are not schedulable with a given set of parameters. *)
+          Definition jobs_are_not_schedulable_with (params: seq job_parameter) :=
+            exists arr_seq sched j,
+              belongs_to_task_model params arr_seq sched /\
+              ~~ is_schedulable params sched j.
+          (* Based on that, we formalize the alternative definition of weakly sustainable. *)
+          Definition weakly_sustainable_contrapositive :=
+            forall params params_worse,
+              has_consistent_labels params ->
+              has_consistent_labels params_worse ->
+              jobs_are_not_schedulable_with params ->
+              differ_only_by [:: sustainable_param] params params_worse ->
+              sustainable_param_becomes_worse params params_worse ->
+              exists params_worse',
+                has_consistent_labels params_worse' /\
+                differ_only_by variable_params params_worse params_worse' /\
+                jobs_are_not_schedulable_with params_worse'.
+          (* Assume De Morgan's law for propositional and predicate logic. *)
+          Hypothesis H_classical_forall_exists:
+            forall (T: Type) (P: T -> Prop),
+              ~ (forall x, ~ P x) -> exists x, P x.
+          Hypothesis H_classical_and_or:
+            forall (P Q: Prop), ~ (P /\ Q) -> ~ P \/ ~ Q.
+          (* Then, we can prove the equivalence of the two definitions. *)
+          Theorem weak_sustainability_equivalence:
+            weakly_sustainable <-> weakly_sustainable_contrapositive.
+          Proof.
+            rename H_classical_forall_exists into NOTALL, H_classical_and_or into ANDOR.
+            split.
+            {
+              intros WEAK params params_worse CONS CONSworse NOTSCHED DIFF WORSE.
+              apply NOTALL; intro ALL.
+              unfold weakly_sustainable in *.
+              specialize (WEAK params_worse params CONSworse CONS).
+              feed WEAK.
+              {
+                intros p p' IN IN' EQ NOTIN; symmetry.
+                apply DIFF; try by done.
+                by rewrite -EQ.
+              }
+              feed WEAK; first by done.
+              feed WEAK.
+              {
+                intros params' CONS' DIFF'; specialize (ALL params').
+                apply ANDOR in ALL; move: ALL => [BUG | ALL] //.
+                apply ANDOR in ALL; move: ALL => [BUG | ALL] //.
+                unfold jobs_are_not_schedulable_with in *.
+                intros arr_seq sched j BELONGS; apply contraT; intro NOTSCHED'.
+                by exfalso; apply ALL; exists arr_seq, sched, j.
+              }
+              unfold jobs_are_schedulable_with, jobs_are_not_schedulable_with in *.
+              clear -WEAK NOTSCHED.
+              move: NOTSCHED => [arr_seq [sched [j [BELONGS NOTSCHED]]]].
+              specialize (WEAK arr_seq sched j BELONGS).
+              by rewrite WEAK in NOTSCHED.
+            }
+            {
+              intros WEAK params better_params CONS CONSbetter DIFF BETTER VSCHED.
+              intros arr_seq sched j BELONGS; apply contraT; intros NOTSCHED.
+              unfold weakly_sustainable_contrapositive in *.
+              feed (WEAK better_params params); first by done.
+              feed WEAK; first by done.
+              feed WEAK; first by exists arr_seq, sched, j.
+              feed WEAK.
+              {
+                intros p p' IN IN' EQ NOTIN; symmetry.
+                apply DIFF; try by done.
+                by rewrite -EQ.
+              }
+              feed WEAK; first by done.
+              move: WEAK => [params_worse' [CONS' [DIFF' NOTSCHED']]].
+              unfold jobs_are_V_schedulable_with in *.
+              specialize (VSCHED params_worse' CONS' DIFF').
+              move: NOTSCHED' => [arr_seq' [sched' [j' [BELONGS' NOTSCHED']]]].
+              specialize (VSCHED arr_seq' sched' j' BELONGS').
+              by rewrite VSCHED in NOTSCHED'.
+            }
+          Qed.
+        End AlternativeDefinition.
+      End VaryingParameters.
+      (* Also, we say that the scheduling policy is strongly-sustainable
+         with sustainable_param iff it is weakly-sustainable with
+         sustainable_param and the set of variable parameters is empty. *)
+      Definition strongly_sustainable := weakly_sustainable [::].
+    End SustainabilityPolicy.
+  End SustainabilityDefs.
+  Global Arguments job_parameter: clear implicits.
+End Sustainability.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/model/suspension.v b/model/suspension.v
index 88c142b3f8c363429ce5510180e960c3138bbd78..cce479f9d3f943fa8ef242a7f0df50748838fa9b 100644
--- a/model/suspension.v
+++ b/model/suspension.v
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ Module Suspension.
     (* We define job suspension as a function that takes a job in the arrival
        sequence and its current service and returns how long the job must
        suspend next. *)
-    Definition job_suspension := Job -> (* job *)
-                                 time -> (* current service *)
-                                 time. (* duration of next suspension *)
+    Definition job_suspension := Job ->    (* job *)
+                                 time ->   (* current service *)
+                                 duration. (* duration of next suspension *)
   End SuspensionTimes.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Module Suspension.
   Section TotalSuspensionTime.
     Context {Job: eqType}.
-    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.    
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
     (* Consider any job suspension function. *)
     Variable next_suspension: job_suspension Job.
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Module Suspension.
     Let total_job_suspension := total_suspension job_cost next_suspension.
     (* Next, assume that for each task a suspension bound is known. *)
-    Variable suspension_bound: Task -> time.
+    Variable suspension_bound: Task -> duration.
     (* Then, we say that the arrival sequence satisfies the dynamic
        suspension model iff the total suspension time of each job is no