From 3f39fe20c14ffbb7ed3de1e5fc513d3beb5e4517 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Felipe Cerqueira <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 11:29:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Major Commit: Suspension-aware Scheduling

1) Definition of a generic model for job suspensions based on
   received service (e.g., job j_1 should suspend for 4ms as
   soon as service reaches 5ms).

2) Definition of the dynamic suspension model (i.e., cumulative
   suspension of job j_1 <= X).

3) Analysis of suspension-aware scheduling by inflation of job
   costs (via schedule reduction). In the literature, this is
   called suspension-oblivious analysis.

4) Analysis of suspension-aware scheduling by adjusting job
   jitter (via schedule reduction).

5) Proof of (weak) sustainability of job costs under suspension-aware
   scheduling. We show that if we increase the costs of all jobs while
   reducing their suspension times in a certain way, the response times
   of all jobs do not decrease.

   This has an important implication regarding worst-case schedules: if
   some schedulability analysis already accounts for the fact that job
   suspension times can vary from 0 to the task suspension bound, then
   it's perfectly safe to assume that jobs execute for their WCET.

6) Proof of sustainability of the cost of a single job under
   suspension-aware scheduling. That is, we show that increasing the
   cost of a single job does not reduce its own response time.
   (Note that this is a very basic result that applies to many
   work-conserving, JLFP schedulers. We don't claim anything about
   the response time of other jobs.)
 analysis/uni/basic/fp_rta_comp.v              |    2 +-
 analysis/uni/basic/fp_rta_theory.v            |    2 +-
 analysis/uni/basic/workload_bound_fp.v        |    2 +-
 analysis/uni/jitter/fp_rta_comp.v             |   52 +-
 analysis/uni/jitter/fp_rta_theory.v           |   42 +-
 analysis/uni/jitter/workload_bound_fp.v       |   44 +-
 .../uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule.v |  162 +++
 .../jitter/jitter_schedule_properties.v       |  459 ++++++
 .../dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule_service.v  | 1283 +++++++++++++++++
 .../jitter/jitter_taskset_generation.v        |   61 +
 .../susp/dynamic/jitter/rta_by_reduction.v    |  202 +++
 .../susp/dynamic/jitter/taskset_membership.v  |  350 +++++
 .../uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/taskset_rta.v     |  233 +++
 analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/oblivious/fp_rta.v  |    2 +-
 .../susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction.v  |  165 +++
 .../allcosts/reduction_properties.v           |  891 ++++++++++++
 .../sustainability/singlecost/reduction.v     |  102 ++
 .../singlecost/reduction_properties.v         |  741 ++++++++++
 implementation/apa/schedule.v                 |    2 +-
 implementation/global/basic/schedule.v        |    2 +-
 implementation/global/jitter/schedule.v       |    2 +-
 implementation/uni/basic/schedule.v           |    2 +-
 implementation/uni/jitter/arrival_sequence.v  |   46 +-
 implementation/uni/jitter/fp_rta_example.v    |   19 +-
 implementation/uni/jitter/schedule.v          |    2 +-
 implementation/uni/susp/schedule.v            |    2 +-
 model/arrival/basic/arrival_bounds.v          |    2 +-
 model/arrival/basic/task_arrival.v            |    2 +-
 model/arrival/jitter/arrival_bounds.v         |    2 +-
 model/arrival/jitter/task_arrival.v           |    2 +-
 model/schedule/uni/jitter/valid_schedule.v    |   66 +
 model/schedule/uni/response_time.v            |   52 +-
 .../uni/susp/build_suspension_table.v         |  264 ++++
 model/schedule/uni/susp/last_execution.v      |   47 +
 .../schedule/uni/susp/suspension_intervals.v  |   74 +-
 model/schedule/uni/susp/valid_schedule.v      |   75 +
 36 files changed, 5320 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule.v
 create mode 100644 analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule_properties.v
 create mode 100644 analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule_service.v
 create mode 100644 analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_taskset_generation.v
 create mode 100644 analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/rta_by_reduction.v
 create mode 100644 analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/taskset_membership.v
 create mode 100644 analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/taskset_rta.v
 create mode 100644 analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction.v
 create mode 100644 analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction_properties.v
 create mode 100644 analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/singlecost/reduction.v
 create mode 100644 analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/singlecost/reduction_properties.v
 create mode 100644 model/schedule/uni/jitter/valid_schedule.v
 create mode 100644 model/schedule/uni/susp/build_suspension_table.v
 create mode 100644 model/schedule/uni/susp/valid_schedule.v

diff --git a/analysis/uni/basic/fp_rta_comp.v b/analysis/uni/basic/fp_rta_comp.v
index f3740944e..a74f4ef95 100644
--- a/analysis/uni/basic/fp_rta_comp.v
+++ b/analysis/uni/basic/fp_rta_comp.v
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationFP.
     Hypothesis H_valid_task_parameters:
       valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline ts.
-    (* Assume any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals... *)
+    (* Assume any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals... *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_no_duplicate_arrivals: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/analysis/uni/basic/fp_rta_theory.v b/analysis/uni/basic/fp_rta_theory.v
index 7f4e04176..9b5fae2e3 100644
--- a/analysis/uni/basic/fp_rta_theory.v
+++ b/analysis/uni/basic/fp_rta_theory.v
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisFP.
     Variable job_deadline: Job -> time.
     Variable job_task: Job -> SporadicTask.
-    (* Assume any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals... *)
+    (* Assume any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals... *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_no_duplicate_arrivals: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/analysis/uni/basic/workload_bound_fp.v b/analysis/uni/basic/workload_bound_fp.v
index 26bede2c4..de92fb980 100644
--- a/analysis/uni/basic/workload_bound_fp.v
+++ b/analysis/uni/basic/workload_bound_fp.v
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Module WorkloadBoundFP.
     Hypothesis H_valid_task_parameters:
       valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline ts.
-    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals. *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_arr_seq_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/analysis/uni/jitter/fp_rta_comp.v b/analysis/uni/jitter/fp_rta_comp.v
index 7b54d24d7..3368541bc 100644
--- a/analysis/uni/jitter/fp_rta_comp.v
+++ b/analysis/uni/jitter/fp_rta_comp.v
@@ -260,13 +260,13 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationFP.
     Variable job_task: Job -> SporadicTask.
     (* Consider a task set ts... *)
-    Variable ts: taskset_of SporadicTask.
+    Variable ts: seq SporadicTask.
-    (* ...where tasks have valid parameters. *)
-    Hypothesis H_valid_task_parameters:
-      valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline ts.
+    (* ...with positive task costs and periods. *)
+    Hypothesis H_positive_costs: forall tsk, tsk \in ts -> task_cost tsk > 0.
+    Hypothesis H_positive_periods: forall tsk, tsk \in ts -> task_period tsk > 0.
-    (* Next, consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals, ... *)
+    (* Next, consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals, ... *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_arr_seq_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
@@ -276,18 +276,29 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationFP.
       forall j,
         arrives_in arr_seq j ->
         job_task j \in ts.
+    (* ... and satisfy the sporadic task model.*)
+    Hypothesis H_sporadic_tasks:
+      sporadic_task_model task_period job_arrival job_task arr_seq.
-    (* ...have valid parameters,...*)
-    Hypothesis H_valid_job_parameters:
+    (* Assume that the cost of each job is bounded by the cost of its task,... *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_cost_le_task_cost:
       forall j,
         arrives_in arr_seq j ->
-        valid_sporadic_job_with_jitter task_cost task_deadline task_jitter
-                                       job_cost job_deadline job_jitter job_task j.
+        job_cost j <= task_cost (job_task j).
-    (* ... and satisfy the sporadic task model.*)
-    Hypothesis H_sporadic_tasks:
-      sporadic_task_model task_period job_arrival job_task arr_seq.
+    (* ...the jitter of each job is bounded by the jitter of its task,... *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_jitter_le_task_jitter:
+      forall j,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+        job_jitter j <= task_jitter (job_task j).
+    (* ...and that job deadlines equal task deadlines. *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_deadline_eq_task_deadline:
+      forall j,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+        job_deadline j = task_deadline (job_task j).
     (* Assume any fixed-priority policy... *)
     Variable higher_eq_priority: FP_policy SporadicTask.
@@ -329,26 +340,21 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationFP.
         (tsk, R) \In RTA_claimed_bounds ->
         response_time_bounded_by tsk (task_jitter tsk + R).
-      rename H_valid_task_parameters into PARAMS,
-             H_valid_job_parameters into JOBPARAMS.
       unfold valid_sporadic_job, valid_realtime_job,
              valid_sporadic_taskset, is_valid_sporadic_task in *.
       unfold RTA_claimed_bounds; intros tsk R.
       case SOME: fp_claimed_bounds => [rt_bounds|] IN; last by done.
-      move: (PARAMS) => PARAMStsk.
-      feed (PARAMStsk tsk);
-        [by apply fp_claimed_bounds_from_taskset with (tsk0 := tsk) (R0 := R) in SOME | des].
       apply uniprocessor_response_time_bound_fp with
             (task_cost0 := task_cost) (task_period0 := task_period)
-            (ts0 := ts) (task_deadline0 := task_deadline)
-            (job_deadline0 := job_deadline) (job_jitter0 := job_jitter)
+            (ts0 := ts) (job_jitter0 := job_jitter)
             (higher_eq_priority0 := higher_eq_priority); try (by done).
         apply fp_claimed_bounds_gt_zero with (task_cost0 := task_cost)
           (task_period0 := task_period) (task_deadline0 := task_deadline)
           (higher_eq_priority0 := higher_eq_priority) (ts0 := ts) (task_jitter0 := task_jitter)
           (rt_bounds0 := rt_bounds) (tsk0 := tsk); try (by done).
-        by intros tsk0 IN0; specialize (PARAMS tsk0 IN0); des.
+        apply H_positive_costs.
+        by eapply fp_claimed_bounds_from_taskset; eauto 1.
       by apply fp_claimed_bounds_yields_fixed_point with
         (task_deadline0 := task_deadline) (rt_bounds0 := rt_bounds). 
@@ -370,17 +376,13 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationFP.
         have DL := fp_claimed_bounds_le_deadline task_cost task_period task_deadline
                                                  task_jitter higher_eq_priority ts.
         have BOUND := fp_analysis_yields_response_time_bounds.
-        rename H_test_succeeds into TEST, H_valid_job_parameters into JOBPARAMS.
+        rename H_test_succeeds into TEST.
         move:TEST; case TEST:(fp_claimed_bounds _ _ _ _ _) => [rt_bounds|] _//.
         intros tsk IN.
         move: (RESP rt_bounds TEST tsk IN) => [R INbounds].
         specialize (DL rt_bounds TEST tsk R INbounds).
         apply task_completes_before_deadline with
                 (task_deadline0 := task_deadline) (R0 := task_jitter tsk + R); try (by done).
-        {
-          intros j ARRj; unfold valid_sporadic_job_with_jitter in *.
-          by specialize (JOBPARAMS j ARRj); move: JOBPARAMS => [[_ [_ EQ]] _].
-        }
         by apply BOUND; rewrite /RTA_claimed_bounds TEST.
diff --git a/analysis/uni/jitter/fp_rta_theory.v b/analysis/uni/jitter/fp_rta_theory.v
index 645ad7ca3..73069b6f6 100644
--- a/analysis/uni/jitter/fp_rta_theory.v
+++ b/analysis/uni/jitter/fp_rta_theory.v
@@ -30,34 +30,39 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisFP.
     Context {Job: eqType}.
     Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
     Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
-    Variable job_deadline: Job -> time.
     Variable job_jitter: Job -> time.
     Variable job_task: Job -> SporadicTask.
-    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals... *)
+    (* Consider any task set ts... *)
+    Variable ts: seq SporadicTask.
+    (* ...with positive task periods. *)
+    Hypothesis H_positive_periods: forall tsk, tsk \in ts -> task_period tsk > 0.
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals... *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_arr_seq_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
-    (* ... in which jobs arrive sporadically and have valid parameters. *)
+    (* ... in which jobs arrive sporadically,... *)
     Hypothesis H_sporadic_tasks:
       sporadic_task_model task_period job_arrival job_task arr_seq.
-    Hypothesis H_valid_job_parameters:
+    (* ...the cost of each job is bounded by the cost of its task, ... *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_cost_le_task_cost:
       forall j,
         arrives_in arr_seq j ->
-        valid_sporadic_job_with_jitter task_cost task_deadline task_jitter
-                                       job_cost job_deadline job_jitter job_task j.
+        job_cost j <= task_cost (job_task j).
-    (* Consider a task set ts where all tasks have valid parameters... *)
-    Variable ts: seq SporadicTask.
-    Hypothesis H_valid_task_parameters:
-      valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline ts.
-    (* ... and assume that all jobs in the arrival sequence come from the task set. *)
-    Hypothesis H_all_jobs_from_taskset:
+    (* ...and the jitter of each job is bounded by the jitter of its task. *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_jitter_le_task_jitter:
       forall j,
         arrives_in arr_seq j ->
-        job_task j \in ts.
+        job_jitter j <= task_jitter (job_task j).
+    (* Assume that all jobs in the arrival sequence come from the task set. *)
+    Hypothesis H_all_jobs_from_taskset:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_task j \in ts.
     (* Next, consider any uniprocessor schedule of this arrival sequence... *)
     Variable sched: schedule Job.
@@ -105,15 +110,13 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisFP.
       unfold valid_sporadic_job_with_jitter, valid_sporadic_job,
              valid_sporadic_taskset, is_valid_sporadic_task in *.
-      rename H_response_time_is_fixed_point into FIX,
-             H_valid_task_parameters into PARAMS,
-             H_valid_job_parameters into JOBPARAMS.
+      rename H_response_time_is_fixed_point into FIX.
       intros j IN JOBtsk.
       set arr := actual_arrival job_arrival job_jitter.
       apply completion_monotonic with (t := arr j + R); try (by done).
         rewrite -addnA leq_add2l leq_add2r.
-        by rewrite -JOBtsk; specialize (JOBPARAMS j IN); des.
+        by rewrite -JOBtsk; apply H_job_jitter_le_task_jitter.
       set prio := FP_to_JLFP job_task higher_eq_priority.
       apply busy_interval_bounds_response_time with (arr_seq0 := arr_seq)
@@ -122,8 +125,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisFP.
         - by intros x z y; apply H_priority_is_transitive.
       intros t.
       apply fp_workload_bound_holds with (task_cost0 := task_cost)
-            (task_period0 := task_period) (task_deadline0 := task_deadline)
-            (job_deadline0 := job_deadline) (task_jitter0 := task_jitter) (ts0 := ts); try (by done).
+            (task_period0 := task_period) (task_jitter0 := task_jitter) (ts0 := ts); try (by done).
       by rewrite JOBtsk.
diff --git a/analysis/uni/jitter/workload_bound_fp.v b/analysis/uni/jitter/workload_bound_fp.v
index f7379e31b..1e5c93580 100644
--- a/analysis/uni/jitter/workload_bound_fp.v
+++ b/analysis/uni/jitter/workload_bound_fp.v
@@ -155,22 +155,22 @@ Module WorkloadBoundFP.
     Context {Task: eqType}.
     Variable task_cost: Task -> time.
     Variable task_period: Task -> time.
-    Variable task_deadline: Task -> time.
     Variable task_jitter: Task -> time.
     Context {Job: eqType}.
     Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
     Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
-    Variable job_deadline: Job -> time.
     Variable job_jitter: Job -> time.
     Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
-    (* Let ts be any task set with valid task parameters. *)
+    (* Let ts be any task set... *)
     Variable ts: seq Task.
-    Hypothesis H_valid_task_parameters:
-      valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline ts.
+    (* ...with positive task periods. *)
+    Hypothesis H_positive_periods:
+      forall tsk, tsk \in ts -> task_period tsk > 0.
-    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals. *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.    
     Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
@@ -178,18 +178,21 @@ Module WorkloadBoundFP.
     (* First, let's define some local names for clarity. *)
     Let actual_arrivals := actual_arrivals_between job_arrival job_jitter arr_seq.
-    (* Next, assume that all jobs come from the task set ...*)
+    (* Next, assume that all jobs come from the task set, ...*)
     Hypothesis H_all_jobs_from_taskset:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_task j \in ts.
+    (* ...the cost of each job is bounded by the cost of its task, ... *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_cost_le_task_cost:
       forall j,
         arrives_in arr_seq j ->
-        job_task j \in ts.
+        job_cost j <= task_cost (job_task j).
-    (* ...and have valid parameters. *)
-    Hypothesis H_valid_job_parameters:
+    (* ...and the jitter of each job is bounded by the jitter of its task. *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_jitter_le_task_jitter:
       forall j,
         arrives_in arr_seq j ->
-        valid_sporadic_job_with_jitter task_cost task_deadline task_jitter
-                                       job_cost job_deadline job_jitter job_task j.
+        job_jitter j <= task_jitter (job_task j).
     (* Assume that jobs arrived sporadically. *)
     Hypothesis H_sporadic_arrivals:
@@ -221,16 +224,13 @@ Module WorkloadBoundFP.
         actual_hp_workload t (t + R) <= R.
       rename H_fixed_point into FIX, H_all_jobs_from_taskset into FROMTS,
-             H_valid_job_parameters into JOBPARAMS,
-             H_valid_task_parameters into PARAMS,
              H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS, H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set into SET.
       unfold actual_hp_workload, workload_of_higher_or_equal_priority_tasks,
              valid_sporadic_job_with_jitter, valid_sporadic_job, valid_realtime_job,
              valid_sporadic_taskset, is_valid_sporadic_task in *.
       have BOUND := sporadic_task_with_jitter_arrival_bound task_period task_jitter job_arrival
                     job_jitter job_task arr_seq CONS SET.
-      feed_n 2 BOUND; (try by done);
-        first by intros j ARRj; specialize (JOBPARAMS j ARRj); des.
+      feed_n 2 BOUND; (try by done).
       intro t.
       rewrite {2}FIX /workload_bound /total_workload_bound_fp.
       set l := actual_arrivals_between job_arrival job_jitter arr_seq t (t + R).
@@ -253,16 +253,12 @@ Module WorkloadBoundFP.
         rewrite /num_actual_arrivals_of_task -sum1_size big_distrl /= big_filter.
         apply leq_sum_seq; move => j1 IN1 /eqP EQ.
-        rewrite -EQ mul1n.
-        feed (JOBPARAMS j1).
-        {
-          rewrite mem_filter in IN1; move: IN1 => /andP [_ ARR1].
-          by apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived in ARR1.
-        }
-        by move: JOBPARAMS => [[_ [LE _]] _].
+        rewrite -EQ mul1n; apply H_job_cost_le_task_cost.
+        rewrite mem_filter in IN1; move: IN1 => /andP [_ ARR1].
+        by apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived in ARR1.
       rewrite /task_workload_bound_FP leq_mul2r; apply/orP; right.
-      feed (BOUND t (t + R) tsk0); first by feed (PARAMS tsk0); last by des.
+      feed (BOUND t (t + R) tsk0); first by apply H_positive_periods.
       by rewrite -addnA addKn in BOUND.
diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule.v b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00494ad4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule.v
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.schedule.
+Require Import
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
+(* In this file, we formalize a reduction from a suspension-aware schedule
+   to a jitter-aware schedule. *)
+Module JitterScheduleConstruction.
+  Import UniprocessorScheduleWithJitter Suspension Priority ScheduleConstruction.
+  Section ConstructingJitterSchedule.
+    Context {Task: eqType}.    
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
+    (** Basic Setup & Setting*)
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    (* Assume any FP policy and the corresponding job-level priority relation. *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: FP_policy Task.
+    Let job_higher_eq_priority := FP_to_JLFP job_task higher_eq_priority.
+    (* Consider the original job and task costs from the suspension-aware schedule... *)
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    Variable task_cost: Task -> time.
+    (* ...and assume that jobs have associated suspension times. *)
+    Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
+    (* Next, consider any suspension-aware schedule of the arrival sequence. *)
+    Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
+    (** Definition of the Reduction *)
+    (* Now we proceed with the reduction. Let j be the job to be analyzed. *)
+    Variable j: Job.
+    (* For simplicity, we give some local names for the parameters of this job... *)
+    Let arr_j := job_arrival j.
+    Let task_of_j := job_task j.
+    (* ...and recall the definition of other higher-or-equal-priority tasks. *)
+    Let other_hep_task tsk_other :=
+      higher_eq_priority tsk_other task_of_j && (tsk_other != task_of_j).
+    (* Moreover, assume that jobs from higher-priority tasks are associated a response-time bound R. *)
+    Variable R: Job -> time.
+    (* Now we are going to redefine the job parameters for the new schedule. *)
+    Section DefiningJobParameters.
+      (* First, we inflate job costs with suspension time. *)
+      Section CostInflation.
+        (* Recall the total suspension time of a job in the original schedule. *)
+        Let job_total_suspension :=
+          total_suspension job_cost job_suspension_duration.
+        (* We inflate job costs as follows.
+           (a) The cost of job j is inflated with its total suspension time.
+           (b) The cost of all other jobs remains unchanged. *)
+        Definition inflated_job_cost (any_j: Job) :=
+          if any_j == j then
+            job_cost any_j + job_total_suspension any_j
+          else
+            job_cost any_j.
+      End CostInflation.
+      (* Next, we show how to set the job jitter in the new schedule
+         to compensate for the suspension times. *)
+      Section ConvertingSuspensionToJitter.
+        (* Let any_j be any job in the new schedule. *)
+        Variable any_j: Job.
+        (* First, recall the distance between any_j and job j that is to be analyzed.
+           Note that since we use natural numbers, this distance saturates to 0 if
+           any_j arrives later than j. *)
+        Let distance_to_j := job_arrival j - job_arrival any_j.
+        (* Then, we define the actual job jitter in the new schedule as follows.
+           a) For every job of higher-priority tasks (with respect to job j), the jitter is set to
+              the minimum between the distance to j and the term (R any_j - job_cost any_j).
+           b) The remaining jobs have no jitter.
+           The intuition behind this formula is that any_j is to be released as close to job j as
+           possible, while not "trespassing" the response-time bound (R any_j) from sched_susp,
+           which is only assumed to be valid for higher-priority tasks. *)
+        Definition job_jitter :=
+          if other_hep_task (job_task any_j) then
+            minn distance_to_j (R any_j - job_cost any_j)
+          else 0.
+      End ConvertingSuspensionToJitter.
+    End DefiningJobParameters.
+    (** Schedule Construction *)
+    (* Next we generate a jitter-aware schedule using the job parameters above.
+       For that, we always pick the highest-priority pending job (after jitter) in
+       the new schedule. However, if there are multiple highest-priority jobs, we
+       try not to schedule job j in order to maximize interference. *)
+    Section ScheduleConstruction.
+      (* First, we define the schedule construction function. *)
+      Section ConstructionStep.
+        (* For any time t, suppose that we have generated the schedule prefix in the
+           interval [0, t). Then, we must define what should be scheduled at time t. *)
+        Variable sched_prefix: schedule Job.
+        Variable t: time.
+        (* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
+        Let job_is_pending := pending job_arrival inflated_job_cost job_jitter sched_prefix.
+        Let actual_job_arrivals_up_to := actual_arrivals_up_to job_arrival job_jitter arr_seq.
+        Let lower_priority j1 j2 := ~~ job_higher_eq_priority j1 j2.
+        (* Next, consider the list of pending jobs at time t that are different from j
+           and whose jitter has passed, in the new schedule. *)
+        Definition pending_jobs_other_than_j :=
+          [seq j_other <- actual_job_arrivals_up_to t | job_is_pending j_other t & j_other != j].
+        (* From the list of pending jobs, we can return one of the (possibly many)
+           highest-priority jobs, or None, in case there are no pending jobs. *)
+        Definition highest_priority_job_other_than_j :=
+          seq_min job_higher_eq_priority pending_jobs_other_than_j.
+        (* Then, we construct the new schedule at time t as follows.
+           a) If job j is pending and the highest-priority job (other than j) has
+              lower priority than j, we have to schedule j.
+           b) Else, if job j is not pending, we pick one of the highest priority pending jobs. *)
+        Definition build_schedule : option Job :=
+          if job_is_pending j t then
+            if highest_priority_job_other_than_j is Some j_hp then
+              if lower_priority j_hp j then
+                Some j
+              else Some j_hp
+            else Some j  
+          else highest_priority_job_other_than_j.
+      End ConstructionStep.
+      (* Finally, starting from the empty schedule, ...*)
+      Let empty_schedule : schedule Job := fun t => None.
+      (* ...we use the recursive definition above to construct the jitter-aware schedule. *)
+      Definition sched_jitter := build_schedule_from_prefixes build_schedule empty_schedule.
+    End ScheduleConstruction.    
+  End ConstructingJitterSchedule.
+End JitterScheduleConstruction.
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index 000000000..67e68044b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule_properties.v
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+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.job rt.model.arrival.basic.task
+               rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.jitter.job.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.schedulability rt.model.schedule.uni.service
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.workload
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.response_time.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.valid_schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.platform.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.suspension_intervals
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.valid_schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.platform.
+Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_schedule.
+Require Import
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop path.
+(* In this file, we prove several properties about the constructed jitter-aware schedule. *)
+Module JitterScheduleProperties.
+  Import Job SporadicTaskset Suspension Priority SuspensionIntervals Workload Service
+         UniprocessorScheduleWithJitter Schedulability ResponseTime
+         ScheduleConstruction ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule ValidJitterAwareSchedule.
+  Module basic := schedule.UniprocessorSchedule.
+  Module susp := ScheduleWithSuspensions.
+  Module jitter_aware := Platform.
+  Module susp_aware := PlatformWithSuspensions.
+  Module job_jitter := JobWithJitter.
+  Module reduction := JitterScheduleConstruction.
+  Section ProvingScheduleProperties.
+    Context {Task: eqType}.    
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
+    (** Basic Setup & Setting *)
+    (* Let ts be any task set to be analyzed. *)
+    Variable ts: seq Task.
+    (* Next, consider any consistent job arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
+      arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
+    (* ...whose jobs come from task set ts. *)
+    Hypothesis H_jobs_from_taskset:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_task j \in ts.
+    (* Consider any FP policy that is reflexive, transitive and total. *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: FP_policy Task.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive: FP_is_reflexive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_transitive: FP_is_transitive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_total: FP_is_total_over_task_set higher_eq_priority ts.
+    Let job_higher_eq_priority := FP_to_JLDP job_task higher_eq_priority.
+    (* Consider the original job and task costs from the suspension-aware schedule. *)
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    Variable task_cost: Task -> time.
+    (* Assume that jobs have associated suspension times. *)
+    Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
+    (* Next, consider any valid suspension-aware schedule of this arrival sequence.
+       (Note: see rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.valid_schedule.v for details) *)
+    Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
+    Hypothesis H_valid_schedule:
+      valid_suspension_aware_schedule job_arrival arr_seq job_higher_eq_priority
+                                      job_suspension_duration job_cost sched_susp.
+    (* Finally, recall the definition of a job response-time bound in sched_susp. *)
+    Let job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival job_cost sched_susp.
+    (** Analysis Setup *)
+    (* Now we proceed with the reduction. Let j be the job to be analyzed. *)
+    Variable j: Job.
+    Hypothesis H_from_arrival_sequence: arrives_in arr_seq j.
+    (* For simplicity, let's give some local names for the parameters of this job... *)
+    Let arr_j := job_arrival j.
+    Let task_of_j := job_task j.
+    (* ...and recall the definition of other higher-or-equal-priority tasks. *)
+    Let other_hep_task tsk_other :=
+      higher_eq_priority tsk_other task_of_j && (tsk_other != task_of_j).
+    (* Moreover, assume that each job is associated a response-time bound R. *)
+    Variable R: Job -> time.
+    (** Instantiation of the Reduction *)
+    (* Next, recall the jitter-aware schedule from the reduction. *)
+    Let sched_jitter := reduction.sched_jitter job_arrival job_task arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                               job_cost job_suspension_duration j R.
+    Let inflated_job_cost := reduction.inflated_job_cost job_cost job_suspension_duration j.
+    Let job_jitter := reduction.job_jitter job_arrival job_task higher_eq_priority job_cost j R.
+    (** Schedule Construction *)
+    (* In this section, we prove that the jitter-aware schedule uses its construction function. *)
+    Section PropertiesOfScheduleConstruction.
+      Let build_schedule := reduction.build_schedule job_arrival job_task arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                                     job_cost job_suspension_duration j R.
+      (* Then, by showing that the construction function depends only on the previous service, ... *)
+      Lemma sched_jitter_depends_only_on_service:
+        forall sched1 sched2 t,
+          (forall j, service sched1 j t = service sched2 j t) ->          
+          build_schedule sched1 t = build_schedule sched2 t.
+      Proof.
+        intros sched1 sched2 t ALL.
+        rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule /reduction.highest_priority_job_other_than_j.
+        set pend1 := pending _ _ _ sched1.
+        set pend2 := pending _ _ _ sched2.        
+        have SAME': forall j, pend1 j t = pend2 j t.
+        {
+          intros j0; rewrite /pend1 /pend2 /pending.
+          case: jitter_has_passed => //=.
+          by rewrite /completed_by ALL.
+        }
+        set pendjobs := reduction.pending_jobs_other_than_j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
+        have SAME: pendjobs sched1 t = pendjobs sched2 t.
+        {
+          apply eq_in_filter; intros j0 IN.
+          rewrite /pending; case: jitter_has_passed => //=.
+          by rewrite /completed_by ALL.
+        }
+        rewrite SAME SAME'; by done.
+      Qed.
+      (* ...we infer that the generated schedule is indeed based on the construction function. *)
+      Corollary sched_jitter_uses_construction_function:
+        forall t,
+          sched_jitter t = build_schedule sched_jitter t.
+      Proof.
+        by ins; apply service_dependent_schedule_construction, sched_jitter_depends_only_on_service.
+      Qed.
+    End PropertiesOfScheduleConstruction.
+    (** Valid Schedule Properties *)
+    (* In this section, we prove that sched_jitter is a valid jitter-aware schedule. *)
+    Section ScheduleIsValid.
+      (* For simplicity, let's recall some definitions from the schedule construction. *)
+      Let pending_jobs_other_than_j :=
+        reduction.pending_jobs_other_than_j job_arrival job_task arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                            job_cost job_suspension_duration j R sched_jitter.
+      Let hp_job_other_than_j :=
+        reduction.highest_priority_job_other_than_j job_arrival job_task arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                                    job_cost job_suspension_duration j R sched_jitter.
+      (* Also recall the definition of a valid jitter-aware schedule. *)
+      Let is_valid_jitter_aware_schedule :=
+        valid_jitter_aware_schedule job_arrival arr_seq job_higher_eq_priority
+                                    inflated_job_cost job_jitter.
+      (* First, we show that scheduled jobs come from the arrival sequence. *)
+      Lemma sched_jitter_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
+        jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched_jitter arr_seq.
+      Proof.
+        move: H_valid_schedule => [FROM _].
+        move => j0 t /eqP SCHED.
+        rewrite sched_jitter_uses_construction_function /reduction.build_schedule
+                -/hp_job_other_than_j in SCHED.
+        set pending_in_jitter := pending _ _ _ _ in SCHED.
+        destruct (hp_job_other_than_j t) as [j_hp|] eqn:HP; last first.
+        {
+          case PENDj: (pending_in_jitter j t); rewrite PENDj in SCHED; last by done.
+          by case: SCHED => SAME; subst j0.
+        }
+        {
+          have IN: arrives_in arr_seq j_hp.
+          {
+            have IN: j_hp \in pending_jobs_other_than_j t.
+            {
+              rewrite /hp_job_other_than_j /reduction.highest_priority_job_other_than_j in HP.
+              by apply seq_min_in_seq in HP.
+            }
+            rewrite mem_filter in IN; move: IN => /andP [/andP _ IN].
+            rewrite /actual_arrivals_up_to in IN.
+            by apply in_actual_arrivals_between_implies_arrived in IN.
+          }
+          case PENDj: (pending_in_jitter j t); rewrite PENDj in SCHED;
+            first by move: SCHED; case: (~~ _); case => SAME; subst.
+          by case: SCHED => SAME; subst j0.
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* Next, we show that jobs do not execute before their arrival times... *)
+      Lemma sched_jitter_jobs_execute_after_jitter:
+        jobs_execute_after_jitter job_arrival job_jitter sched_jitter.
+      Proof.
+        move => j0 t /eqP SCHED.
+        rewrite sched_jitter_uses_construction_function /reduction.build_schedule
+                -/hp_job_other_than_j in SCHED.
+        set pending_in_jitter := pending _ _ _ _ in SCHED.
+        destruct (hp_job_other_than_j t) as [j_hp|] eqn:HP; last first.
+        {
+          case PENDj: (pending_in_jitter j t); rewrite PENDj in SCHED; last by done.
+          by case: SCHED => SAME; subst j0; move: PENDj => /andP [ARR _].
+        }
+        {
+          have ARR: jitter_has_passed job_arrival job_jitter j_hp t.
+          {
+            have IN: j_hp \in pending_jobs_other_than_j t.
+            {
+              rewrite /hp_job_other_than_j /reduction.highest_priority_job_other_than_j in HP.
+              by apply seq_min_in_seq in HP.
+            }
+            by rewrite mem_filter in IN; move: IN => /andP [/andP [/andP [ARR _] _] _].
+          }
+          case PENDj: (pending_in_jitter j t); rewrite PENDj in SCHED;
+            last by case: SCHED => SAME; subst j0.
+          move: SCHED; case: (~~ _); case => SAME; subst; last by done.
+          by move: PENDj => /andP [ARRj _].
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* ...nor longer than their execution costs. *)
+      Lemma sched_jitter_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
+        completed_jobs_dont_execute inflated_job_cost sched_jitter.
+      Proof.
+        intros j0 t.
+        induction t;
+          first by rewrite /service /service_during big_geq //.
+        rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //=.
+        rewrite leq_eqVlt in IHt; move: IHt => /orP [/eqP EQ | LT]; last first.
+        {
+          apply: leq_trans LT; rewrite -addn1.
+            by apply leq_add; last by apply leq_b1.
+        }
+        rewrite -[inflated_job_cost _]addn0; apply leq_add; first by rewrite -EQ.
+        rewrite leqn0 eqb0 /scheduled_at.
+        rewrite sched_jitter_uses_construction_function /reduction.build_schedule
+                -/hp_job_other_than_j.
+        destruct (hp_job_other_than_j t) as [j_hp|] eqn:HP; last first.
+        {
+          case PENDj: pending; last by done.
+          apply/eqP; case => SAME; subst j0; move: PENDj => /andP [_ NOTCOMPj].
+          by rewrite /completed_by EQ eq_refl in NOTCOMPj.
+        }
+        rewrite /hp_job_other_than_j /reduction.highest_priority_job_other_than_j in HP.
+        apply seq_min_in_seq in HP; rewrite mem_filter /pending /completed_by in HP.
+        move: HP => /andP [/andP [/andP [_ NOTCOMPhp] _] _].
+        case PENDj: pending.
+        {
+          move: PENDj => /andP [_ NOTCOMPj].
+          case: (~~ higher_eq_priority _ _); apply/eqP; case => SAME; subst j0;
+            first by rewrite /completed_by EQ eq_refl in NOTCOMPj.
+          by rewrite EQ eq_refl in NOTCOMPhp.
+        }
+        {
+          apply/eqP; case => SAME; subst j0.
+          by rewrite EQ eq_refl in NOTCOMPhp.
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* In addition, we prove that the schedule is (jitter-aware) work-conserving... *)
+      Lemma sched_jitter_work_conserving:
+        jitter_aware.work_conserving job_arrival inflated_job_cost job_jitter arr_seq sched_jitter.
+      Proof.
+        intros j0 t IN BACK.
+        move: BACK => /andP [PEND NOTSCHED].
+        rewrite /scheduled_at sched_jitter_uses_construction_function
+                /reduction.build_schedule -/hp_job_other_than_j in NOTSCHED *.
+        destruct (hp_job_other_than_j t) as [j_hp|] eqn:HP.
+        {
+          case PENDj: pending; rewrite PENDj in NOTSCHED; last by exists j_hp.
+          by case: (~~ _); [by exists j | by exists j_hp].
+        }
+        {
+          case PENDj: pending; rewrite PENDj in NOTSCHED; first by exists j.
+          rewrite /hp_job_other_than_j /reduction.highest_priority_job_other_than_j in HP.
+          case: (boolP (j0 == j)) => [EQ | NEQ];
+            first by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst j0; rewrite PEND in PENDj.
+          have IN0: j0 \in pending_jobs_other_than_j t.
+          {
+            rewrite mem_filter PEND NEQ /=.
+            apply arrived_between_implies_in_actual_arrivals; try (by done).
+            by move: PEND => /andP [ARR _].
+          }
+          move: HP => /eqP HP; rewrite -[_ == _]negbK in HP.
+          exfalso; move: HP => /negP BUG; apply: BUG.
+          by apply seq_min_exists with (x := j0).
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* ...and respects task priorities. *)
+      Lemma sched_jitter_respects_policy:
+        jitter_aware.respects_FP_policy job_arrival inflated_job_cost job_jitter
+                                        job_task arr_seq sched_jitter higher_eq_priority.
+      Proof.
+        rename H_priority_is_transitive into TRANS, H_priority_is_total into TOTAL,
+               H_priority_is_reflexive into REFL, H_jobs_from_taskset into FROMTS.
+        move => j1 j2 t IN BACK /eqP SCHED.
+        move: BACK => /andP [PEND NOTSCHED].
+        rewrite /scheduled_at sched_jitter_uses_construction_function /reduction.build_schedule
+                -/hp_job_other_than_j in SCHED NOTSCHED *.
+        set pend := pending _ _ _ _ in SCHED NOTSCHED.
+        have ALL: forall j_hi j_lo, hp_job_other_than_j t = Some j_hi ->
+                                    j_lo \in pending_jobs_other_than_j t ->
+                                    higher_eq_priority (job_task j_hi) (job_task j_lo).
+        {
+          intros j_hi j_lo SOME INlo; move: SCHED => MIN.
+          rewrite /hp_job_other_than_j /reduction.highest_priority_job_other_than_j in SOME.
+          apply seq_min_computes_min with (y := j_lo) in SOME; try (by done);
+            first by intros x y z; apply TRANS.
+          intros x y; rewrite mem_filter [y \in _]mem_filter /actual_arrivals_up_to.
+          move => /andP [_ INx] /andP [_ INy].
+          rewrite /FP_is_total_over_task_set /total_over_list in TOTAL.
+          by apply/orP; apply TOTAL; apply FROMTS;
+            eapply in_actual_arrivals_between_implies_arrived; eauto 1.
+        }
+        case PENDj: (pend j t); rewrite PENDj in SCHED NOTSCHED.
+        {
+          destruct (hp_job_other_than_j t) as [j_hp|] eqn:HP.
+          {
+            rewrite /FP_to_JLFP /= in SCHED NOTSCHED.
+            case LP: (~~ higher_eq_priority (job_task j_hp) (job_task j));
+              rewrite LP in SCHED NOTSCHED.
+            {
+              case: SCHED => SAME; subst j2.
+              case: (boolP (j1 == j)) => [EQ | NEQ]; first by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst j1.
+              apply (TRANS (job_task j_hp)).
+              {
+                have INhp: arrives_in arr_seq j_hp.
+                {
+                  rewrite /hp_job_other_than_j /reduction.highest_priority_job_other_than_j in HP.
+                  apply seq_min_in_seq in HP.
+                  rewrite mem_filter in HP; move: HP => /andP [_ INhp].
+                  rewrite /actual_arrivals_up_to in INhp.
+                  by apply in_actual_arrivals_before_implies_arrived in INhp.
+                }
+                by exploit (TOTAL (job_task j) (job_task j_hp)); try (by apply FROMTS);
+                  move => [HPj | HPhp]; last by rewrite HPhp in LP.
+              }
+              apply ALL; try (by done).
+              move: PEND => /andP [ARR NOTCOMP].
+              rewrite mem_filter /pending ARR NOTCOMP 2!andTb.
+              by apply/andP; split; last by apply arrived_between_implies_in_actual_arrivals.
+            }
+            {
+              case: SCHED => SAME; subst j2.
+              case: (boolP (j1 == j)) => [EQ | NEQ];
+                first by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst j1; apply negbT in LP; rewrite negbK in LP.
+              apply ALL; try (by done).
+              move: PEND => /andP [ARR NOTCOMP].
+              rewrite mem_filter /pending ARR NOTCOMP 2!andTb.
+              by apply/andP; split; last by apply arrived_between_implies_in_actual_arrivals.
+            }
+          }
+          {
+            case: SCHED => SAME; subst j2.
+            case: (boolP (j1 == j)) => [EQ | NEQ]; first by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst j1.
+            suff NOTNONE: hp_job_other_than_j t != None by rewrite HP in NOTNONE.
+            apply seq_min_exists with (x := j1).
+            move: PEND => /andP [ARR NOTCOMP].
+            rewrite mem_filter /pending ARR NOTCOMP 2!andTb.
+            by apply/andP; split; last by apply arrived_between_implies_in_actual_arrivals.
+          }
+        }
+        {
+          case: (boolP (j1 == j)) => [EQ | NEQ];
+            first by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst j1; rewrite -/pend PENDj in PEND.
+          apply ALL; first by done.
+          move: PEND => /andP [ARR NOTCOMP].
+          rewrite mem_filter /pending ARR NOTCOMP 2!andTb.
+          by apply/andP; split; last by apply arrived_between_implies_in_actual_arrivals.
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* From the properties above, we conclude that the generated schedule is valid. *)
+      Corollary sched_jitter_is_valid: is_valid_jitter_aware_schedule sched_jitter.
+      Proof.
+        repeat split.
+        - by apply sched_jitter_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
+        - by apply sched_jitter_jobs_execute_after_jitter.
+        - by apply sched_jitter_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+        - by apply sched_jitter_work_conserving.
+        - by apply sched_jitter_respects_policy.
+      Qed.
+      (* Finally, we show that the generated schedule does not pick job j if
+         there are other pending higher-or-equal-priority jobs. *)
+      Lemma sched_jitter_does_not_pick_j:
+        forall j_hp t,
+          arrives_in arr_seq j_hp ->
+          j_hp != j ->
+          pending job_arrival inflated_job_cost job_jitter sched_jitter j_hp t ->
+          higher_eq_priority (job_task j_hp) (job_task j) ->
+          ~~ scheduled_at sched_jitter j t.
+      Proof.
+        rename H_priority_is_transitive into TRANS, H_priority_is_total into TOTAL,
+               H_jobs_from_taskset into FROMTS.
+        move => j_hp t ARRinhp NEQ PENDhp HP; apply/negP; move => /eqP SCHEDj.
+        rewrite sched_jitter_uses_construction_function /reduction.build_schedule
+                -/hp_job_other_than_j in SCHEDj.
+        set pend := pending _ _ _ _ in SCHEDj.
+        have INhp: j_hp \in pending_jobs_other_than_j t.
+        {
+          rewrite mem_filter PENDhp NEQ /=. 
+          apply arrived_between_implies_in_actual_arrivals; try (by done).
+          rewrite /actual_arrival_between /=.
+          by move: PENDhp => /andP [ARRhp _].
+        }              
+        case PENDj: (pend j t); rewrite PENDj in SCHEDj.
+        {
+          destruct (hp_job_other_than_j t) as [j_hp'|] eqn:HP'.
+          {
+            have ALL: forall j_lo,  j_lo \in pending_jobs_other_than_j t ->
+                                    higher_eq_priority (job_task j_hp') (job_task j_lo).
+            {
+              intros j_lo INlo; move: HP' => MIN.
+              rewrite /hp_job_other_than_j /reduction.highest_priority_job_other_than_j in MIN.
+              apply seq_min_computes_min with (y := j_lo) in MIN; try (by done);
+                first by intros x y z; apply TRANS.
+              intros x y; rewrite mem_filter [y \in _]mem_filter /actual_arrivals_up_to.
+              move => /andP [_ INx] /andP [_ INy].
+              by apply/orP; apply TOTAL; apply FROMTS;
+                eapply in_actual_arrivals_between_implies_arrived; eauto 1.
+            }
+            case LP: (~~ higher_eq_priority (job_task j_hp') (job_task j)); rewrite LP in SCHEDj.
+            {
+              move: LP => /negP LP; apply: LP.
+              by apply (TRANS (job_task j_hp)); first by apply ALL.
+            }
+            {
+              case: SCHEDj => SAME; subst j_hp'.
+              rewrite /hp_job_other_than_j /reduction.highest_priority_job_other_than_j in HP'.
+              by apply seq_min_in_seq in HP'; rewrite mem_filter eq_refl andbF /= in HP'.
+            }
+          }
+          {
+            suff NOTNONE: hp_job_other_than_j t != None by rewrite HP' in NOTNONE.
+            by apply seq_min_exists with (x := j_hp).
+          }
+        }
+        {
+          rewrite /hp_job_other_than_j /reduction.highest_priority_job_other_than_j in SCHEDj.
+          apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDj.
+          by rewrite mem_filter eq_refl andbF in SCHEDj.
+        }
+      Qed.
+    End ScheduleIsValid.
+  End ProvingScheduleProperties.
+End JitterScheduleProperties.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule_service.v b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule_service.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5d88d837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_schedule_service.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1283 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.job rt.model.arrival.basic.task
+               rt.model.arrival.basic.task_arrival
+               rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.jitter.job.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.schedulability rt.model.schedule.uni.service
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.workload
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.response_time.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.platform.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.suspension_intervals
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.platform
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.valid_schedule.
+Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_schedule
+               rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_schedule_properties.
+Require Import
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop path.
+(* In this file, we compare the service received by the analyzed job j after
+   reducing the suspension-aware schedule to a jitter-aware schedule. *)
+Module JitterScheduleService.
+  Import Job SporadicTaskset Suspension Priority SuspensionIntervals Workload Service
+         UniprocessorScheduleWithJitter Schedulability ResponseTime TaskArrival
+         ScheduleConstruction ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule.
+  Module basic := schedule.UniprocessorSchedule.
+  Module susp := ScheduleWithSuspensions.
+  Module jitter_aware := Platform.
+  Module susp_aware := PlatformWithSuspensions.
+  Module job_jitter := JobWithJitter.
+  Module reduction := JitterScheduleConstruction.
+  Module reduction_prop := JitterScheduleProperties.
+  (* We begin by providing the initial setup and definitions in Sections 1 to 5.
+     The main results are proven later in Sections 6-(A) to 6-(C). *)
+  Section ProvingScheduleProperties.
+    Context {Task: eqType}.
+    Variable task_cost: Task -> time.
+    Variable task_period: Task -> time.
+    Variable task_deadline: Task -> time.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_deadline: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
+    (** 1) Basic Setup & Setting *)
+    (* Let ts be any task set. *)
+    Variable ts: seq Task.
+    (* Next, consider any consistent, duplicate-free job arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
+      arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
+    Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
+    (* ...where all jobs come from task set ts. *)
+    Hypothesis H_jobs_from_taskset:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_task j \in ts.
+    (* Since we consider real-time tasks, assume that job deadlines are equal to task deadlines. *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_deadlines_equal_task_deadlines:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_deadline j = task_deadline (job_task j).
+    (* Also assume that tasks have constrained deadlines and that jobs arrive sporadically.
+       (Note: this is required to bound the interference of previous jobs of the analyzed task.) *)
+    Hypothesis H_constrained_deadlines:
+      constrained_deadline_model task_period task_deadline ts.
+    Hypothesis H_sporadic_arrivals:
+      sporadic_task_model task_period job_arrival job_task arr_seq.
+    (* Consider any FP policy that is reflexive, transitive and total. *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: FP_policy Task.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive: FP_is_reflexive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_transitive: FP_is_transitive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_total: FP_is_total_over_task_set higher_eq_priority ts.
+    Let job_higher_eq_priority := FP_to_JLDP job_task higher_eq_priority.
+    (* Assume that jobs have associated suspension times. *)
+    Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
+    (* Next, consider any valid suspension-aware schedule of this arrival sequence.
+       (Note: see definition in rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.valid_schedule.v) *)
+    Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
+    Hypothesis H_valid_schedule:
+      valid_suspension_aware_schedule job_arrival arr_seq job_higher_eq_priority
+                                      job_suspension_duration job_cost sched_susp.
+    (* Finally, recall the notion of job response-time bound and deadline miss in sched_susp. *)
+    Let job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival job_cost sched_susp.
+    Let job_misses_no_deadline_in_sched_susp :=
+      job_misses_no_deadline job_arrival job_cost job_deadline sched_susp.
+    (** 2) Analysis Setup *)
+    (* Recall that we are going to analyze the response time of some job after
+       applying the reduction to the jitter-aware schedule as defined in
+       rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_schedule. *)
+    (* Let j be the job to be analyzed. *)
+    Variable j: Job.
+    Hypothesis H_from_arrival_sequence: arrives_in arr_seq j.
+    Let arr_j := job_arrival j.
+    (* Let R_j be any value that we want to prove to be a response-time bound for job j in sched_susp.
+       Note that in the context of this proof, R_j also delimits the length of the schedules
+       that we are going to analyze, i.e., we only care about the interval [0, arr_j + R_j). *)
+    Variable R_j: time.
+    (* Next, recall the definition of higher-or-equal-priority tasks (other than j's task). *)
+    Let other_hep_task tsk_other :=
+      higher_eq_priority tsk_other (job_task j) && (tsk_other != job_task j).
+    (* Assume that each job of a higher-or-equal-priority task (other than j's task) is
+       associated a response-time bound R_hp.
+       (Note: this follows from analyzing the higher-priority tasks in a previous step.) *)
+    Variable R_hp: Job -> time.
+    Hypothesis H_bounded_response_time_of_hp_jobs:
+      forall j_hp,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j_hp ->
+        other_hep_task (job_task j_hp) ->
+        job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by j_hp (R_hp j_hp).
+    (* Also assume that all the previous jobs of same task as j do not miss any
+       deadlines in sched_susp.
+       (Note: this is an induction hypothesis that is easily obtained when analyzing the
+        sequence of jobs of the same task.) *)
+    Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses_for_previous_jobs:
+      forall j0,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j0 ->
+        job_arrival j0 < job_arrival j ->
+        job_task j0 = job_task j ->
+        job_misses_no_deadline_in_sched_susp j0.
+    (** 3) Instantiation of the Reduction *)
+    (* Having stated all the properties of the suspension-aware schedule, now we recall
+       the construction of the jitter-aware schedule and the corresponding job parameters. *)
+    Let sched_jitter := reduction.sched_jitter job_arrival job_task arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                               job_cost job_suspension_duration j R_hp.
+    Let inflated_job_cost := reduction.inflated_job_cost job_cost job_suspension_duration j.
+    Let job_jitter := reduction.job_jitter job_arrival job_task higher_eq_priority job_cost j R_hp.
+    (* By the end of this file, we are going to show that if job j completes by time (arr_j + R_j)
+       in sched_jitter, then it also completes by time (arr_j + R_j) in sched_susp.
+       The argument is based on the fact that the service of higher-or-equal-priority jobs is moved
+       from the interval [0, arr_j) to the interval [arr_j, arr_j + R_j), when we introduce jitter.
+       The proofs are structured in the three final sections. In Section 6-A, we prove that
+       sched_jitter provides provides less service for higher-or-equal-priority jobs during [0, arr_j).
+       In Section B, we prove that sched_jitter provides more service for higher-or-equal-priority
+       jobs during [arr_j, arr_j + R). In Section 6-C, we conclude with the main theorem that compares
+       the response time of job j in both schedules. *)
+    (** 4) Setup for Next Sections *)
+    (* For simplicity, let's define some local names... *)
+    Let actual_job_arrival := actual_arrival job_arrival job_jitter.
+    Let job_arrived_before := arrived_before job_arrival.
+    Let job_has_arrived := has_arrived job_arrival.
+    Let job_has_actually_arrived := jitter_has_passed job_arrival job_jitter.
+    Let job_completed_in_sched_jitter := completed_by inflated_job_cost sched_jitter.
+    (* ...and also recall definitions related to the suspension-aware schedule. *)
+    Let job_suspended_at :=
+      suspended_at job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
+    Let job_cumulative_suspension :=
+      cumulative_suspension_during job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
+    Let job_completed_in_sched_susp := completed_by job_cost sched_susp.
+    Let backlogged_in_sched_susp := susp.backlogged job_arrival job_cost
+                                                    job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
+    (* Since we'll have to reason about sets of arriving jobs with and without jitter,
+       let's use simpler names for those as well. *)
+    Let arrivals := jobs_arrived_between arr_seq.
+    Let actual_arrivals := actual_arrivals_between job_arrival job_jitter arr_seq.
+    (* Because we are dealing with a bounded scheduling window, we also identify all
+       job arrivals (with and without jitter) in the interval [0, arr_j + R_j). *)
+    Let arrivals_before_end_of_interval := arrivals 0 (arr_j + R_j).
+    Let actual_arrivals_before_end_of_interval := actual_arrivals 0 (arr_j + R_j).
+    (* Next, by checking jobs priorities, ... *)
+    Let other_higher_eq_priority_job j_hp :=
+      higher_eq_priority (job_task j_hp) (job_task j) && (j_hp != j).
+    (* ...we identify the workload of higher-or-equal-priority jobs (other than j)
+       that arrive in any interval [t1, t2), in the original schedule,... *)
+    Definition workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp t1 t2 :=
+      workload_of_jobs job_cost (arrivals t1 t2) other_higher_eq_priority_job.
+    (* ... and also the workload of higher-or-equal priority jobs (other than j)
+       with actual arrival time in the interval [t1, t2), in the jitter-aware schedule. *)
+    Definition workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter t1 t2 :=
+      workload_of_jobs inflated_job_cost (actual_arrivals t1 t2) other_higher_eq_priority_job.     
+    (* Next, we recall the cumulative service of all higher-or-equal-priority
+       jobs (other than j) that arrived in the interval [0, arr_j + R_j),
+       received in a given interval [t1, t2) in the original schedule. *)
+    Definition service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp t1 t2 :=
+      service_of_jobs sched_susp arrivals_before_end_of_interval other_higher_eq_priority_job t1 t2.
+    (* Similarly, we recall the cumulative service of all higher-or-equal-priority
+       jobs (other than j) with actual arrival time in the interval [0, arr_j + R_j),
+       received in a given interval [t1, t2) in the jitter-aware schedule. *)
+    Definition service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter t1 t2 :=
+      service_of_jobs sched_jitter actual_arrivals_before_end_of_interval
+                      other_higher_eq_priority_job t1 t2.
+    (** 5) Auxiliary Lemmas *)
+    (* Before moving to the main results, let's prove some auxiliary lemmas about service/workload. *)
+    Section AuxiliaryLemmas.
+      (* First, we prove that if all higher-or-equal-priority jobs have completed by
+         some time t in the jitter-aware schedule, then the service received
+         by those jobs up to time t amounts to the requested workload. *)
+      Section ServiceEqualsWorkload.
+        (* Let t be any time no later than (arr_j + R_j)... *)
+        Variable t: time.
+        Hypothesis H_before_end_of_interval: t <= arr_j + R_j.
+        (* which all higher-or-equal-priority jobs (other than j) have completed. *)
+        Hypothesis H_workload_has_finished:
+          forall j_hp,
+            arrives_in arr_seq j_hp ->
+            actual_arrival_before job_arrival job_jitter j_hp t -> 
+            other_higher_eq_priority_job j_hp ->
+            job_completed_in_sched_jitter j_hp t.
+        (* Then, the service received by all those jobs in the interval [0, t) amounts to
+           the workload requested by them in the interval [0, t). *)
+        Lemma jitter_reduction_service_equals_workload_in_jitter:
+          service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter 0 t >=
+          workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter 0 t.
+        Proof.
+          rename H_workload_has_finished into WORK.
+          rewrite /workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter
+                  /workload_of_jobs /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter
+                  /actual_arrivals_before_end_of_interval /actual_arrivals_before.
+          set act := actual_arrivals.
+          set t1 := arr_j; set t2 := arr_j + R_j.
+          set hep := other_higher_eq_priority_job.
+          set Sj := service_during sched_jitter.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(j0 <- act 0 t | hep j0) Sj j0 0 t); last first.
+          {
+            rewrite big_mkcond [X in _ <= X]big_mkcond.
+            apply leq_sum_sub_uniq; first by apply actual_arrivals_uniq.
+            intros j0 IN0.
+            by apply actual_arrivals_between_sub with (t3 := 0) (t4 := t).
+          }
+          apply leq_sum_seq; rewrite /act /actual_arrivals; intros j0 IN0 HP0.
+          apply eq_leq; symmetry; apply/eqP.
+          have ARRin: arrives_in arr_seq j0.
+            by apply in_actual_arrivals_between_implies_arrived in IN0.
+          apply in_actual_arrivals_implies_arrived_before in IN0.
+          by apply WORK.
+        Qed.
+      End ServiceEqualsWorkload.
+      (* Next, we prove a lemma showing that service in the suspension-aware schedule
+         is bounded by the workload. *)
+      Section ServiceBoundedByWorkload.
+        (* Consider any time t <= arr_j + R_j. *)
+        Variable t: time.
+        Hypothesis H_before_end_of_interval: t <= arr_j + R_j.
+        (* Then, the service of all jobs with higher-or-equal-priority that arrive in
+           the interval [0, arr_j + R_j), received in the interval [0, t), is no
+           larger than the workload of all jobs with higher-or-equal-priority that
+           are released in the interval [0, t), in the suspension-aware schedule. *)
+        Lemma jitter_reduction_service_in_sched_susp_le_workload:
+          service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp 0 t <=
+          workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp 0 t.
+        Proof.
+          move: (H_valid_schedule) => [FROMarr [MUSTARRs [COMPs _]]].
+          rename H_before_end_of_interval into LTt.
+          rewrite /workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp /workload_of_jobs
+                  /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp /service_of_jobs
+                  /arrivals_before_end_of_interval /jobs_arrived_before.
+          set all := arrivals.
+          set t1 := arr_j; set t2 := arr_j + R_j.
+          set hep := other_higher_eq_priority_job.
+          set Ss := service_during sched_susp.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(j0 <- all 0 t | hep j0) Ss j0 0 t);
+            last by apply leq_sum; intros j0 _; apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
+          rewrite exchange_big [X in _ <= X]exchange_big /=.
+          apply leq_sum_nat; move => t' /= LT' _.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(j0 <- all 0 t2 | hep j0 &&
+                                                   (scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t')) 1).
+          {
+            rewrite big_mkcond [X in _ <= X]big_mkcond.
+            rewrite /service_at; apply leq_sum; intros j0 _.
+            by case: hep; case SCHED': scheduled_at.
+          }
+          apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(j0 <- all 0 t | hep j0 &&
+                                      (scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t')) 1); last first.
+          {
+            rewrite big_mkcond [X in _ <= X]big_mkcond.
+            rewrite /service_at; apply leq_sum; intros j0 _.
+            by case: hep; case SCHED': scheduled_at.
+          }
+          rewrite -big_filter -[X in _ <= X]big_filter.
+          apply leq_sum_sub_uniq; first by rewrite filter_uniq //; eapply arrivals_uniq; eauto 1.
+          intros j0; rewrite 2!mem_filter; move => /andP [/andP [HP0 SCHED0] IN0].
+          rewrite HP0 SCHED0 /=.
+          have ARRin0: arrives_in arr_seq j0 by apply FROMarr in SCHED0.
+          have ARR0: job_arrival j0 <= t' by apply MUSTARRs.
+          apply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals with (job_arrival0 := job_arrival);
+            try (by done).
+          by apply: (leq_ltn_trans _ LT').
+        Qed.
+      End ServiceBoundedByWorkload.
+    End AuxiliaryLemmas.
+    (** ** 6-(A) Less High-Priority Service Before the Arrival of Job j in sched_jitter  *)
+    (* In this section we prove that before the arrival of job j, the cumulative service
+       received by other higher-or-equal-priority is no larger in the jitter-aware schedule
+       than in the suspension-aware schedule. *)
+    Section LessServiceBeforeArrival.
+      (* In fact, we can prove that the service is not larger for each higher-or-equal-priority
+         job in isolation. *)
+      Section LessServiceForEachJob.
+          (* Let j_hp be any higher-or-equal-priority job (different from j). *)
+          Variable j_hp: Job.
+          Hypothesis H_arrives: arrives_in arr_seq j_hp.
+          Hypothesis H_higher_or_equal_priority: other_higher_eq_priority_job j_hp.
+          (* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
+          Let arr_hp := job_arrival j_hp.
+          Let cost_hp := job_cost j_hp.
+          Let Rhp := R_hp j_hp.
+          (* Using a series of case analyses, we are going to prove that
+               service sched_jitter j_hp t <= service sched_susp j_hp t. *)
+          Section Case1.
+            (* Case 1. Assume that j_hp is a job from the same task as j. *)
+            Hypothesis H_same_task: job_task j_hp = job_task j.
+            (* Due to constrained deadlines, we can infer that previous jobs of the same task
+               complete in sched_susp before j arrives. Because these jobs do not have inflated
+               costs, they cannot receive more service in sched_jitter before the arrival of j. *)
+            Lemma jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval_case1:
+              service sched_jitter j_hp arr_j <= service sched_susp j_hp arr_j.
+            Proof.
+              move: (H_valid_schedule) => [_ [MUSTARRs [COMPs _]]].
+              rename H_no_deadline_misses_for_previous_jobs into NOMISS,
+                     H_constrained_deadlines into DL, H_jobs_from_taskset into FROM,
+                     H_sporadic_arrivals into SPO.
+              move: H_higher_or_equal_priority => /andP [HP NEQ].
+              case (ltnP arr_hp arr_j) => [BEFORE | AFTER]; last first.
+              {
+                rewrite /service /service_during.
+                rewrite (cumulative_service_before_jitter_is_zero job_arrival job_jitter) //;
+                  first by eapply reduction_prop.sched_jitter_jobs_execute_after_jitter; eauto 1.
+                move: H_same_task => /eqP SAMEtsk; apply negbF in SAMEtsk.
+                by rewrite /actual_arrival /job_jitter /reduction.job_jitter HP SAMEtsk /= addn0.
+              }
+              apply leq_trans with (n := inflated_job_cost j_hp).
+              {
+                apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
+                by apply reduction_prop.sched_jitter_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+              }
+              rewrite /inflated_job_cost /reduction.inflated_job_cost.
+              apply negbTE in NEQ; rewrite NEQ.
+              apply eq_leq; symmetry; apply/eqP.
+              apply completion_monotonic with (t := arr_hp + job_deadline j_hp);
+                [by done | | by apply NOMISS].
+              rewrite H_job_deadlines_equal_task_deadlines //.
+              apply leq_trans with (n := arr_hp + task_period (job_task j_hp));
+                first by rewrite leq_add2l DL // FROM.
+              apply SPO; try (by done); last by apply ltnW.
+              by intros SAME; subst; rewrite eq_refl in NEQ.
+            Qed.
+          End Case1.
+          Section Case2.
+            (* Case 2. Assume that j_hp is a job from another task,... *)
+            Hypothesis H_different_task: job_task j_hp != job_task j.
+            (* ...that is released (with jitter) no earlier than the arrival of j. *)
+            Hypothesis H_released_no_earlier: arr_j <= actual_job_arrival j_hp.
+            (* Since j_hp cannot execute in sched_jitter, the claim trivially holds. *)
+            Lemma jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval_case2:
+              service sched_jitter j_hp arr_j <= service sched_susp j_hp arr_j.
+            Proof.
+              rename H_different_task into DIFFtask.
+              move: H_higher_or_equal_priority => /andP [HP NEQ].
+              rewrite /service /service_during.
+              by rewrite (cumulative_service_before_jitter_is_zero job_arrival job_jitter) //;
+              first by eapply reduction_prop.sched_jitter_jobs_execute_after_jitter; eauto 1.
+            Qed.
+          End Case2.
+          Section Case3.
+            (* Case 3. Assume that j_hp is a job from another task,... *)
+            Hypothesis H_different_task: job_task j_hp != job_task j.
+            (* ...and that (arr_j - arr_hp < arr_j - cost_hp). *)
+            Hypothesis H_distance_is_smaller:
+              arr_j - arr_hp < Rhp - cost_hp.
+            (* By definition, the jitter of j_hp is set so that it arrives after j.
+               Since j_hp cannot execute in sched_jitter, the claim follows trivially. *)
+            Lemma jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval_case3:
+              service sched_jitter j_hp arr_j <= service sched_susp j_hp arr_j.
+            Proof.
+              rename H_higher_or_equal_priority into HEP, H_distance_is_smaller into MIN.
+              move: (HEP) => /andP [HP NEQ].
+              rewrite /service /service_during.
+              rewrite (cumulative_service_before_jitter_is_zero job_arrival job_jitter) //;
+                first by eapply reduction_prop.sched_jitter_jobs_execute_after_jitter; eauto 1.
+              rewrite /actual_arrival /job_jitter /reduction.job_jitter HP H_different_task /=.
+              rewrite /minn MIN.
+              case (leqP (job_arrival j) (job_arrival j_hp)) => [AFTER | BEFORE];
+                first by apply: (leq_trans AFTER); apply leq_addr.
+              by rewrite subnKC; last by apply ltnW.
+            Qed.
+          End Case3.
+          Section Case4.
+            (* Case 4. Assume that j_hp is a job from another task... *)
+            Hypothesis H_different_task: job_task j_hp != job_task j.
+            (* ...and that j_hp completes in sched_susp before j arrives. *)
+            Hypothesis H_completes_before_j_arrives: arr_hp + Rhp <= arr_j.
+            (* Since j_hp completes early in sched_susp and receives maximum service, it cannot
+               receive more service in sched_jitter before j arrives, thus the claim holds. *)
+            Lemma jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval_case4:
+              service sched_jitter j_hp arr_j <= service sched_susp j_hp arr_j.
+            Proof.
+              rename H_higher_or_equal_priority into HEP,
+                     H_bounded_response_time_of_hp_jobs into RESPhp.
+              move: (HEP) => /andP [HP NEQ].                
+              apply leq_trans with (n := service sched_susp j_hp (arr_hp + Rhp));
+                last by apply extend_sum.
+              apply leq_trans with (n := cost_hp);
+                last by apply eq_leq; symmetry; apply/eqP; apply RESPhp; last by apply/andP; split.
+              apply leq_trans with (n := inflated_job_cost j_hp);
+                last by rewrite /inflated_job_cost /reduction.inflated_job_cost -[_==_]negbK NEQ.
+              apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
+              by apply reduction_prop.sched_jitter_completed_jobs_dont_execute.          
+            Qed.
+          End Case4.
+          Section Case5.
+            (* Case 5. Assume that j_hp is a job from another task,... *)
+            Hypothesis H_different_task: job_task j_hp != job_task j.
+            (* ...that is released (with jitter) before the arrival of j. *)
+            Hypothesis H_released_before: actual_job_arrival j_hp < arr_j.
+            (* Also assume that (arr_j < arr_hp + Rhp) and (Rhp - costhp <= arr_j - arr_hp). *)
+            Hypothesis H_j_hp_completes_after_j_arrives: arr_j < arr_hp + Rhp.
+            Hypothesis H_distance_is_not_smaller: Rhp - cost_hp <= arr_j - arr_hp.
+            (* Note that in this case the jitter of job j_hp is set to (Rhp - cost_hp). *)
+            Remark jitter_reduction_jitter_equals_R_minus_cost:
+              job_jitter j_hp = Rhp - cost_hp.
+            Proof.
+              rename H_higher_or_equal_priority into HEP, H_different_task into DIFFtask.
+              move: (HEP) => /andP [HP NEQ].
+              rewrite /job_jitter /reduction.job_jitter HP DIFFtask /= /minn.
+              by rewrite ltnNge H_distance_is_not_smaller /=.
+            Qed.
+            (* Since j_hp is released late in sched_jitter with "slack" (Rhp - cost_hp), even
+               if it executes at full speed, it cannot beat sched_susp in terms of service.
+               Therefore, the claim also holds. *)
+            Lemma jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval_case5:
+              service sched_jitter j_hp arr_j <= service sched_susp j_hp arr_j.
+            Proof.
+              move: (H_valid_schedule) => [_ [MUSTARRs [COMPs _]]].
+              have JITdef := jitter_reduction_jitter_equals_R_minus_cost.
+              rename H_higher_or_equal_priority into HEP,
+                     H_bounded_response_time_of_hp_jobs into RESPhp.
+              move: (HEP) => /andP [HP NEQ].
+              set arr_hp' := actual_job_arrival j_hp.
+              set cost_hp' := inflated_job_cost j_hp.
+              have JIT: job_jitter j_hp = Rhp - cost_hp by apply JITdef.
+              apply leq_trans with (n := cost_hp - (arr_hp + Rhp - arr_j)); last first.
+              {
+                rewrite /cost_hp leq_subLR.
+                apply leq_trans with (n := service sched_susp j_hp (arr_hp + Rhp));
+                  first by apply eq_leq;symmetry;apply/eqP; apply RESPhp; last by apply/andP; split.
+                rewrite /service /service_during.
+                apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(arr_j <= t' < arr_hp+Rhp)
+                                            1 + service sched_susp j_hp arr_j);
+                  last by apply leq_add; first by simpl_sum_const.
+                rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := arr_j); [simpl | by done | by apply ltnW]. 
+                by rewrite addnC; apply leq_add; first by apply leq_sum; intros t0 _; apply leq_b1.
+              }
+              {
+                have AFTERj := reduction_prop.sched_jitter_jobs_execute_after_jitter job_arrival
+                               job_task arr_seq higher_eq_priority job_cost job_suspension_duration.
+                rewrite /service /service_during.
+                rewrite (ignore_service_before_jitter job_arrival job_jitter) //;
+                  [| by eapply AFTERj; eauto 1 | by apply ltnW].
+                apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(arr_hp' <= t0 < arr_j) 1);
+                  first by apply leq_sum; intros t0 _; apply leq_b1.
+                simpl_sum_const; rewrite /arr_hp' /actual_job_arrival /actual_arrival JIT.
+                have LEcost: cost_hp <= Rhp.
+                {
+                  apply leq_trans with (n := service sched_susp j_hp (arr_hp + Rhp));
+                    first by apply eq_leq;symmetry;apply/eqP;apply RESPhp; last by apply/andP;split.
+                 apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(arr_hp <= t' < arr_hp + Rhp) 1);
+                  last by simpl_sum_const; rewrite addKn.
+                  rewrite /service /service_during.
+                  rewrite (ignore_service_before_arrival job_arrival) //; last by apply leq_addr.
+                  by apply leq_sum; intros t0 _; apply leq_b1.
+                }
+                rewrite addnBA; last by done.
+                rewrite subnBA; last by apply: (leq_trans LEcost); apply leq_addl.
+                rewrite subnBA; last by apply ltnW.
+                by apply leq_sub2r; rewrite addnC.
+              }
+            Qed.
+          End Case5.
+          (** **** Main Claim of Section (A) *)
+          (* Using the case analysis above, we conclude that before the arrival of job j,
+             any higher-or-equal-priority job receives no more service in the jitter-aware
+             schedule than in the suspension-aware schedule. *)
+          Lemma jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval:
+            service sched_jitter j_hp arr_j <= service sched_susp j_hp arr_j.
+          Proof.
+            have CASE1 := jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval_case1.
+            have CASE2 := jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval_case2.
+            have CASE3 := jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval_case3.
+            have CASE4 := jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval_case4.
+            have CASE5 := jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval_case5.
+            have AFTERj := reduction_prop.sched_jitter_jobs_execute_after_jitter job_arrival job_task
+                     arr_seq higher_eq_priority job_cost job_suspension_duration j _ R_hp.
+            feed AFTERj; try (by done).
+            case (boolP (job_task j_hp == job_task j)) => [/eqP SAME | DIFFtsk]; first by apply CASE1. 
+            case (leqP arr_j (actual_job_arrival j_hp)) => [LEarr | GTarr]; first by apply CASE2.
+            case (ltnP (arr_j - arr_hp) (Rhp - cost_hp)) => [LTdiff | GEdiff]; first by apply CASE3.
+            case (leqP (arr_hp + Rhp) arr_j) => [LEarrj | GTarrj]; first by apply CASE4.
+            by apply CASE5.
+          Qed.
+      End LessServiceForEachJob.
+      (* Since the result about service applies to each individual job, we can prove that
+         it also holds for the cumulative service of all higher-or-equal-priority jobs. *)
+      Corollary jitter_reduction_less_service_before_the_interval:
+        service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter 0 arr_j <=
+        service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp 0 arr_j.
+      Proof.
+        rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter
+                /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp
+                /actual_arrivals_before_end_of_interval /arrivals_before_end_of_interval
+                /actual_arrivals_before /jobs_arrived_before.
+        set hep := other_higher_eq_priority_job.
+        set Ss := service_during sched_susp.
+        set t2 := arr_j + R_j.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(j_hp <- actual_arrivals 0 t2 | hep j_hp) Ss j_hp 0 arr_j).
+        {
+          apply leq_sum_seq; rewrite /actual_arrivals; intros j0 IN0 HEP0.
+          apply jitter_reduction_less_job_service_before_interval; try (by done).
+          by apply in_actual_arrivals_between_implies_arrived in IN0.
+        }
+        {
+          rewrite big_mkcond [X in _ <= X]big_mkcond /actual_arrivals /=.
+          apply leq_sum_sub_uniq; first by apply actual_arrivals_uniq.
+          by intros j0; rewrite !mem_filter /=; move => /andP [_ IN0].
+        }
+      Qed.
+    End LessServiceBeforeArrival.
+    (** ** 6-(B) More High-Priority Service After the Arrival of Job j in sched_jitter  *)
+    (* So far, we have shown that the higher-or-equal-priority jobs receives less service
+       in the jitter-aware schedule during [0, arr_j). Recall that our final goal is to show
+       that all this service is actually moved into the interval [arr_j, arr_j + R_j) and
+       converted into interference for the job j being analyzed.
+       In this section, we reason about what happens to high-priority jobs after job j arrives. *)
+    Section MoreServiceAfterArrival.
+      (* First, we show that the workload is conserved at every point in the interval
+         [arr_j, arr_j + R_j). *)
+      Section Conservation.
+        (* Consider any time t >= arr_j (no earlier than the arrival of j). *)
+        Variable t: time.
+        Hypothesis H_no_earlier_than_j: t >= arr_j.
+        (* Then, we prove that every job that arrives up to time t is also released
+           in the jitter-aware schedule up to time t. *)
+        Lemma jitter_reduction_actual_arrival_before_end_of_interval:
+          forall j_hp,
+            other_higher_eq_priority_job j_hp ->
+            job_arrival j_hp <= t ->
+            actual_job_arrival j_hp <= t.
+        Proof.
+          move => j_hp /andP [HP NEQ] ARRhp.
+          set arr_hp := job_arrival j_hp.
+          set cost_hp := job_cost j_hp.
+          rewrite /actual_job_arrival /actual_arrival /job_jitter /reduction.job_jitter HP /=.
+          case: ifP => [NEQtsk | /eqP SAMEtsk]; last by rewrite addn0. 
+          case (ltnP (arr_j - arr_hp) (R_hp j_hp - cost_hp)) => [MINl | MINr].
+          {
+            rewrite /minn MINl.
+            case (leqP arr_hp arr_j) => [BEFORE | AFTER]; first by rewrite subnKC //.
+            by apply leq_trans with (n := arr_hp + (arr_hp - arr_hp));
+              [by rewrite leq_add2l leq_sub2r // ltnW | by rewrite subnn addn0].
+          }
+          {
+            rewrite /minn ltnNge MINr /=.
+            apply leq_trans with (n := arr_hp + (arr_j - arr_hp)); first by rewrite leq_add2l.
+            case (leqP arr_hp arr_j) => [BEFORE | AFTER]; first by rewrite subnKC //.
+            by apply leq_trans with (n := arr_hp + (arr_hp - arr_hp));
+              [by rewrite leq_add2l leq_sub2r // ltnW | by rewrite subnn addn0].
+          }
+        Qed.
+        (* This implies that the workload is conserved up to time t (inclusive). That is,
+           in the jitter-aware schedule, there's always as much (high-priority) work to be
+           executed as in the original schedule. *)
+        Lemma jitter_reduction_workload_conservation_inside_interval:
+            workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp 0 t.+1 <=
+            workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter 0 t.+1. 
+        Proof.
+          rewrite /workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp
+                  /workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter /workload_of_jobs.
+          set all := arrivals; set act := actual_arrivals.
+          set hep := other_higher_eq_priority_job.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(j0 <- all 0 t.+1 | hep j0) inflated_job_cost j0).
+          {
+            apply leq_sum_seq; rewrite /all /arrivals; move => j0 IN0 /andP [_ NEQ].
+            by apply negbTE in NEQ; rewrite /inflated_job_cost /reduction.inflated_job_cost NEQ //.
+          }
+          apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(j0 <- all 0 t.+1 | hep j0 &&
+                (actual_job_arrival j0 < t.+1)) inflated_job_cost j0); last first.
+          {
+            rewrite -big_filter -[X in _ <= X]big_filter.
+            apply leq_sum_sub_uniq;
+              first by rewrite filter_uniq //; eapply arrivals_uniq; eauto 1.
+            intros j0; rewrite !mem_filter /=.
+            by move => /andP [/andP [HP LT] IN]; rewrite HP LT IN.
+          }
+          rewrite big_mkcond [X in _ <= X]big_mkcond /=.
+          apply leq_sum_seq; intros j0 IN0 _.
+          case HP: hep; simpl; last by done.
+          case: (leqP _ _); last by done.
+          intros BUG; exfalso; rewrite leqNgt in BUG; move: BUG => /negP BUG; apply: BUG.
+          apply jitter_reduction_actual_arrival_before_end_of_interval; try (by done).
+          by eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_before in IN0; eauto 1.
+        Qed.
+      End Conservation.
+      (* Since the higher-or-equal-priority jobs receive no more service in the jitter-aware
+         schedule during [0, arr_j), and because the workload is conserved, we prove next
+         that those jobs receive no less service in the jitter-aware schedule in the interval
+         [arr_j, arr_j + R_j).  *)
+      Section MoreServiceInsideTheInterval.
+        (* The claim we need to show is presented next. The proof follows by induction on
+           the interval length d:
+             forall d,
+               d <= R_j ->
+               service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp arr_j (arr_j + d) <= 
+               service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter arr_j (arr_j + d).    *)           
+        (* Since the base case of the induction is trivial, we focus on the inductive step. *)
+        Section InductiveStep.
+          (* By strong induction, assume that for a given interval length d < R_j, ... *)
+          Variable d: time.
+          Hypothesis H_d_lt_R: d < R_j.
+          (* ...the higher-or-equal-priority jobs (other than j) received as much service in
+             the jitter-aware schedule during [arr_j, arr_j + d) as in the suspension-aware
+             schedule. *)
+          Hypothesis H_induction_hypothesis:
+            service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp arr_j (arr_j + d) <=
+            service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter arr_j (arr_j + d).
+          (* Now we must prove that the claim continues to hold for interval [arr_j, arr_j + d + 1):
+              service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp arr_j (arr_j + d + 1) <=
+              service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter arr_j (arr_j + d + 1). *)
+          (* The proof begins with a case analysis on whether there are pending
+             higher-or-equal-priority jobs at time (arr_j + d) in the jitter-aware schedule. *)
+          Section NoPendingJobs.
+            (* Case 1. Assume that all higher-or-equal-priority jobs (other than j) whose jitter
+                       has passed by time (arr_j + d) are already complete at time (arr_j + d)
+                       in the jitter-aware schedule. *)
+            Hypothesis H_all_jobs_completed_in_sched_jitter:
+              forall j_hp,
+                arrives_in arr_seq j_hp ->
+                other_higher_eq_priority_job j_hp ->
+                job_has_actually_arrived j_hp (arr_j + d) ->
+                job_completed_in_sched_jitter j_hp (arr_j + d). 
+            (* First, we show that the service received in the suspension-aware schedule
+               during [arr_j, arr_j + d + 1) is bounded by the difference between the
+               requested workload and the service received prior to the arrival of job j. *)
+            Lemma jitter_reduction_convert_service_to_workload:
+              service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp arr_j (arr_j + d + 1) <=
+                workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp 0 (arr_j + d + 1)
+                - service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp 0 arr_j.
+            Proof.
+              have LEWORKs := jitter_reduction_service_in_sched_susp_le_workload.
+              rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter
+                      /actual_arrivals_before_end_of_interval /actual_arrivals_before.
+              rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp /service_of_jobs
+                      /arrivals_before_end_of_interval /jobs_arrived_before.
+              set all := arrivals; set act := actual_arrivals.
+              set hep := other_higher_eq_priority_job.
+              set Ss := service_during sched_susp.
+              set Sj := service_during sched_jitter.
+              set SCHs := scheduled_at sched_susp.
+              set SCHj := scheduled_at sched_jitter.
+              set SUSP := job_cumulative_suspension.
+              set Wj := workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter.
+              set Ws := workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp.
+              set t1 := arr_j.
+              set t2 := arr_j + R_j.
+              rewrite exchange_big [X in _ <= _ - X]exchange_big /= /service_at.
+              rewrite -/SCHs -/SCHj addnS addn0.
+              set TSs := fun a b => \sum_(a <= t0 < b)
+                                           \sum_(j_hp <- all 0 t2 | hep j_hp) SCHs j_hp t0.
+              set TSj := fun a b => \sum_(a <= t0 < b)
+                                         \sum_(j_hp <- act 0 t2 | hep j_hp) SCHj j_hp t0.
+              rewrite -/(TSs t1 (t1 + d).+1) -/(TSs 0 t1).
+              rewrite subh3 //; last first.
+              {
+                apply leq_trans with (n := TSs 0 (t1 + d).+1).
+                {
+                  apply extend_sum; try (by done).
+                  by apply leq_trans with (n := t1 + d); first by apply leq_addr.
+                }
+                rewrite /TSs exchange_big /=.
+                by apply LEWORKs.
+              }
+              rewrite addnC -big_cat_nat //=;
+                last by apply leq_trans with (n := t1 + d); first by apply leq_addr.
+              by rewrite exchange_big; apply LEWORKs; rewrite ltn_add2l.
+            Qed.
+            (* Because of workload conservation, we show that the workload in the suspension-aware
+               schedule is bounded by the workload in the jitter-aware schedule. *)
+            Lemma jitter_reduction_compare_workload:
+                  workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp 0 (arr_j + d + 1)
+                          - service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp 0 arr_j
+               <= workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter 0 (arr_j + d + 1)
+                          - service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp 0 arr_j.
+            Proof.
+              have CONS := jitter_reduction_workload_conservation_inside_interval.
+              rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter
+                      /actual_arrivals_before_end_of_interval /actual_arrivals_before.
+              rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp /service_of_jobs
+                      /arrivals_before_end_of_interval /jobs_arrived_before.
+              set all := arrivals; set act := actual_arrivals.
+              set hep := other_higher_eq_priority_job.
+              set Ss := service_during sched_susp.
+              set Sj := service_during sched_jitter.
+              set SCHs := scheduled_at sched_susp.
+              set SCHj := scheduled_at sched_jitter.
+              set SUSP := job_cumulative_suspension.
+              set Wj := workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter.
+              set Ws := workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp.
+              set t1 := arr_j.
+              set t2 := arr_j + R_j.
+              rewrite exchange_big /= /service_at.
+              rewrite -/SCHs -/SCHj addnS addn0.
+              set TSs := fun a b => \sum_(a <= t0 < b)
+                                           \sum_(j_hp <- all 0 t2 | hep j_hp) SCHs j_hp t0.
+              set TSj := fun a b => \sum_(a <= t0 < b)
+                                         \sum_(j_hp <- act 0 t2 | hep j_hp) SCHj j_hp t0.
+              rewrite -/(TSs t1 (t1 + d).+1) -/(TSs 0 t1).
+              apply leq_trans with (n := Ws 0 (t1 + d).+1 - TSs 0 t1); first by done.
+              by rewrite leq_sub2r //; apply CONS, leq_addr.
+            Qed.
+            (* Since the higher-or-equal-priority jobs received less service in the
+               jitter-aware schedule in the interval [0, arr_j), we can compare the
+               service in the two schedules. *)
+            Lemma jitter_reduction_compare_service:
+                  workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter 0 (arr_j + d + 1)
+                          - service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp 0 arr_j
+               <= workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter 0 (arr_j + d + 1)
+                         - service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter 0 arr_j.
+            Proof.
+              have LEserv := jitter_reduction_less_service_before_the_interval.
+              rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter
+                      /actual_arrivals_before_end_of_interval /actual_arrivals_before.
+              rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp /service_of_jobs
+                      /arrivals_before_end_of_interval /jobs_arrived_before.
+              set all := arrivals; set act := actual_arrivals.
+              set hep := other_higher_eq_priority_job.
+              set Ss := service_during sched_susp.
+              set Sj := service_during sched_jitter.
+              set SCHs := scheduled_at sched_susp.
+              set SCHj := scheduled_at sched_jitter.
+              set SUSP := job_cumulative_suspension.
+              set Wj := workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter.
+              set Ws := workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp.
+              set t1 := arr_j.
+              set t2 := arr_j + R_j.
+              rewrite exchange_big [X in _ <= _ - X]exchange_big /= /service_at.
+              rewrite -/SCHs -/SCHj addnS addn0.
+              set TSs := fun a b => \sum_(a <= t0 < b)
+                                           \sum_(j_hp <- all 0 t2 | hep j_hp) SCHs j_hp t0.
+              set TSj := fun a b => \sum_(a <= t0 < b)
+                                         \sum_(j_hp <- act 0 t2 | hep j_hp) SCHj j_hp t0.
+              rewrite -/(TSs t1 (t1 + d).+1) -/(TSs 0 t1).
+              rewrite leq_sub2l //.
+              rewrite /TSj /TSs exchange_big [X in _ <= X]exchange_big /=.
+              by apply LEserv.
+            Qed.
+            (* Having inferred that the difference between the workload and service is that
+               large in the jitter-aware schedule, we can convert this difference back to
+               service received in the interval [arr_j, arr_j + d + 1] in sched_jitter. *)
+            Lemma jitter_reduction_convert_workload_to_service:
+              workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter 0 (arr_j + d + 1) -
+                service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter 0 arr_j <=
+              service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter arr_j (arr_j + d + 1).
+            Proof.
+              have EQWORKj := jitter_reduction_service_equals_workload_in_jitter.
+              rename H_all_jobs_completed_in_sched_jitter into ALL.
+              rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter
+                      /actual_arrivals_before_end_of_interval /actual_arrivals_before.
+              rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp /service_of_jobs
+                      /arrivals_before_end_of_interval /jobs_arrived_before.
+              set all := arrivals; set act := actual_arrivals.
+              set hep := other_higher_eq_priority_job.
+              set Ss := service_during sched_susp.
+              set Sj := service_during sched_jitter.
+              set SCHs := scheduled_at sched_susp.
+              set SCHj := scheduled_at sched_jitter.
+              set SUSP := job_cumulative_suspension.
+              set Wj := workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter.
+              set Ws := workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp.
+              set t1 := arr_j.
+              set t2 := arr_j + R_j.
+              rewrite exchange_big [X in _ <= X]exchange_big /= /service_at.
+              rewrite -/SCHs -/SCHj addnS addn0.
+              set TSs := fun a b => \sum_(a <= t0 < b)
+                                           \sum_(j_hp <- all 0 t2 | hep j_hp) SCHs j_hp t0.
+              set TSj := fun a b => \sum_(a <= t0 < b)
+                                         \sum_(j_hp <- act 0 t2 | hep j_hp) SCHj j_hp t0.
+              rewrite -/(TSj t1 (t1 + d).+1) -/(TSj 0 t1).
+              rewrite leq_subLR -big_cat_nat //=;
+                last by apply leq_trans with (n := t1 + d); first by apply leq_addr.                 
+              rewrite exchange_big /=.
+              feed (EQWORKj (t1 + d).+1); first by rewrite ltn_add2l.
+              apply EQWORKj.
+              intros j0 ARRin0 ARR0 HEP0; specialize (ALL j0 ARRin0 HEP0 ARR0).
+              by apply completion_monotonic with (t := t1 + d);
+                first by apply reduction_prop.sched_jitter_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+            Qed.
+            (* By combining each inequality above in sequence, we complete the induction
+               step for Case 1. *)
+            Lemma jitter_reduction_inductive_step_case1:
+                service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp arr_j (arr_j + d + 1) <=
+                service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter arr_j (arr_j + d + 1).
+            Proof.
+              apply: (leq_trans jitter_reduction_convert_service_to_workload).
+              apply: (leq_trans jitter_reduction_compare_workload).
+              apply: (leq_trans jitter_reduction_compare_service).
+              by apply: (leq_trans jitter_reduction_convert_workload_to_service).
+            Qed.
+          End NoPendingJobs.
+          Section ThereArePendingJobs.
+            (* Case 2. Assume that there are higher-or-equal-priority jobs (other than j) whose
+                       jitter has passed by time (arr_j + d) that are still pending at time
+                       (arr_j + d) in the jitter-aware schedule. *)
+            Hypothesis H_there_are_pending_jobs_in_sched_jitter:
+              exists j_hp,
+                arrives_in arr_seq j_hp /\
+                other_higher_eq_priority_job j_hp /\
+                job_has_actually_arrived j_hp (arr_j + d) /\
+                ~~ job_completed_in_sched_jitter j_hp (arr_j + d). 
+            (* By the induction hypothesis, the higher-or-equal-priority jobs received
+               as much service in the jitter-aware schedule as in the suspension-aware
+               schedule in the interval [arr_j, arr_j + d). Therefore, it only remains
+               to show that:
+               service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp (arr_j + d) (arr_j + d + 1) <=
+               service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter (arr_j + d) (arr_j + d + 1). *)
+            (* Because the LHS in the inequality above cannot be larger than 1 (single point),
+               it suffices to show that there is a higher-or-equal-priority job (different from j)
+               scheduled at time (arr_j + d) in the jitter-aware schedule. That follows
+               from two facts:
+               (a) The jitter-aware schedule is work-conserving and enforces priorities.
+                   Therefore, even if the job j_hp in the hypothesis above is not scheduled,
+                   there will always be a job with higher-or-equal-priority being scheduled. 
+               (b) If there is at least one higher-or-equal-priority pending job, by the
+                   additional property we embedded in the schedule construction, we avoid
+                   scheduling job j (see lemma sched_jitter_does_not_pick_j). *)
+            Lemma jitter_reduction_inductive_step_case2:
+              service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp arr_j (arr_j + d + 1) <=
+              service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter arr_j (arr_j + d + 1).
+            Proof.
+              have RESPj := reduction_prop.sched_jitter_respects_policy job_arrival job_task ts
+                      arr_seq _ _ higher_eq_priority _ _ _ job_cost job_suspension_duration j _ R_hp.
+              feed_n 6 RESPj; try (by done).
+              unfold reduction_prop.jitter_aware.respects_FP_policy in RESPj.
+              have NOTj := reduction_prop.sched_jitter_does_not_pick_j job_arrival job_task ts arr_seq
+                                   _ _ higher_eq_priority _ _ job_cost job_suspension_duration j R_hp.
+              feed_n 4 NOTj; try (by done).
+              have WORKj := reduction_prop.sched_jitter_work_conserving job_arrival job_task arr_seq _
+                                          higher_eq_priority job_cost job_suspension_duration j R_hp.
+              feed WORKj; first by done.
+              have AFTERj := reduction_prop.sched_jitter_jobs_execute_after_jitter job_arrival job_task
+                      arr_seq higher_eq_priority job_cost job_suspension_duration j _ R_hp.
+              feed AFTERj; try (by done).
+              set sched_j := reduction_prop.reduction.sched_jitter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in AFTERj NOTj
+                                                                                      WORKj RESPj.
+              set inf_cost := reduction_prop.reduction.inflated_job_cost _ _ _ in NOTj WORKj
+                                                                                  AFTERj RESPj.
+              set job_jit := reduction_prop.reduction.job_jitter _ _ _ _ _ _ in AFTERj NOTj
+                                                                                WORKj RESPj.
+              rename H_priority_is_transitive into TRANS, H_induction_hypothesis into IH,
+                     H_there_are_pending_jobs_in_sched_jitter into HASj.
+              rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter
+                      /actual_arrivals_before_end_of_interval /actual_arrivals_before.
+              rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp /service_of_jobs
+                      /arrivals_before_end_of_interval /jobs_arrived_before.
+              set all := arrivals; set act := actual_arrivals.
+              set hep := other_higher_eq_priority_job.
+              set Ss := service_during sched_susp.
+              set Sj := service_during sched_jitter.
+              set SCHs := scheduled_at sched_susp.
+              set SCHj := scheduled_at sched_jitter.
+              set SUSP := job_cumulative_suspension.
+              set Wj := workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter.
+              set Ws := workload_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp.
+              set t1 := arr_j.
+              set t2 := arr_j + R_j.
+              rewrite exchange_big [X in _ <= X]exchange_big /=.
+              rewrite addnS /service_at addn0.
+              rewrite big_nat_recr ?leq_addr // big_nat_recr ?leq_addr //=.
+              apply leq_add;
+                first by rewrite exchange_big [X in _ <= X]exchange_big; apply IH.
+              case (boolP (has (fun j0 => hep j0 && scheduled_at sched_susp j0 (t1 + d))
+                               (all 0 t2))) => [HASs | ALLs]; last first.
+              {
+                rewrite -all_predC in ALLs; move: ALLs => /allP ALLs.
+                rewrite big_seq_cond big1 //.
+                move => j0 /andP [IN0 HP0]; apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0.
+                by specialize (ALLs j0 IN0); rewrite /= HP0 /= in ALLs.
+              }           
+              move: HASs => /hasP [j0 IN0 /andP [HP0 SCHED0]].
+              rewrite big_mkcond (bigD1_seq j0) /=; [| by done | by eapply arrivals_uniq; eauto 1].
+              rewrite HP0 SCHED0 big1 //; last first.
+              {
+                intros j1 NEQ; case: (hep j1); last by done.
+                apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/negP; intro SCHED1.
+                apply (only_one_job_scheduled _ j1) in SCHED0; last by done.
+                by rewrite SCHED0 eq_refl in NEQ.
+              }
+              rewrite addn0.
+              move: HASj => [j1 [ARRin1 [HEP1 [IN1 NOTCOMP1]]]].
+              move: (HEP1) => /andP [HP1 NEQ1].
+              rewrite /act /actual_arrivals in IN1.
+              case (boolP (scheduled_at sched_jitter j1 (t1+d))) => [SCHED1 | NOTSCHED1].
+              {
+                rewrite (big_rem j1) /=; first by rewrite /hep HEP1 SCHED1.
+                apply arrived_between_implies_in_actual_arrivals; try (by done).
+                rewrite /actual_arrival_between /=.
+                by apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := arr_j + d); last by rewrite ltn_add2l.
+              }
+              have BACK1: backlogged job_arrival inflated_job_cost job_jitter sched_jitter j1 (t1+d).
+                by repeat (apply/andP; split); try (by done).
+              move: (BACK1) (BACK1) => SCHED2 PRIO2.
+              apply WORKj in SCHED2; try (by done).
+              move: SCHED2 => [j2 SCHED2].
+              apply RESPj with (j_hp := j2) in PRIO2; try (by done).
+              have ARRin2: arrives_in arr_seq j2.
+              {
+                rewrite /sched_j in SCHED2.
+                by apply reduction_prop.sched_jitter_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence with
+                                                    (sched_susp0 := sched_susp) in SCHED2.
+              }
+              have HP2: hep j2.
+              {
+                apply/andP; split; first by apply (TRANS (job_task j1)).
+                apply/eqP; intro SAME; subst j2.
+                move: BACK1 => /andP [PEND1 _].
+                by specialize (NOTj j1 (t1+d) ARRin1 NEQ1 PEND1 HP1); rewrite SCHED2 in NOTj.
+              } 
+              have IN2: j2 \in act 0 t2.
+              {
+                apply arrived_between_implies_in_actual_arrivals; try (by done).
+                rewrite /actual_arrival_between /=.
+                apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := t1+d); last by rewrite ltn_add2l.
+                by apply AFTERj.
+              }
+              by rewrite (big_rem j2) //= HP2 SCHED2.
+            Qed.
+          End ThereArePendingJobs.
+        End InductiveStep.
+        (** **** Main Claim of Section (B) *)
+        (* Using the proof by induction above, we conclude that, for any interval length
+           d <= R_j, the service received by higher-or-equal-priority jobs (other than j)
+           in the interval [arr_j, arr_j + d) in the jitter-aware schedule is as large as
+           the corresponding service in the suspension-aware schedule. *)
+        Lemma jitter_reduction_more_service_inside_the_interval:
+          forall d,
+            d <= R_j ->
+            service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp arr_j (arr_j + d) <=
+            service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter arr_j (arr_j + d).
+        Proof.
+          have CASE1 := jitter_reduction_inductive_step_case1.
+          have CASE2 := jitter_reduction_inductive_step_case2.
+          set all := arrivals; set act := actual_arrivals.
+          set hep := other_higher_eq_priority_job.         
+          rename H_priority_is_transitive into TRANS.
+          induction d.
+          {
+            rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp /service_of_jobs.
+            by intros _; rewrite exchange_big /= addn0 big_geq.
+          }
+          intros LTR; feed (IHd); first by apply ltnW.
+          rewrite -addn1 addnA.
+          case (boolP (has (fun j0 => hep j0 && job_has_actually_arrived j0 (arr_j + d)
+                              && ~~ completed_by inflated_job_cost sched_jitter j0 (arr_j + d))
+                           (act 0 (arr_j + R_j)))) => [HASj | ALLj]; last first.
+          {
+            apply CASE1; try (by done).
+            rewrite -all_predC in ALLj; move: ALLj => /allP ALLj.
+            intros j0 ARRin0 HEP0 ARR0.
+            feed (ALLj j0).
+            {
+              apply arrived_between_implies_in_actual_arrivals; try (by done).
+              rewrite /actual_arrival_between /=.
+              by apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := arr_j + d); last by rewrite ltn_add2l.
+            }
+            by rewrite /= /hep HEP0 ARR0 /= negbK in ALLj.
+          }
+          {
+            apply (CASE2 _ LTR IHd).
+            move: HASj => /hasP [j0 IN0 /andP [/andP [HP0 ARR0] NOTCOMP0]].
+            exists j0; repeat (split); try (by done).
+            rewrite /act /actual_arrivals in IN0.
+            by apply in_actual_arrivals_between_implies_arrived in IN0.
+          }
+        Qed.
+      End MoreServiceInsideTheInterval.
+    End MoreServiceAfterArrival.
+    (** ** 6-(C) Conclusion: Comparing Response Times of Job j  *)
+    (* In this section, we prove that the generated schedule is "worse" for job j.
+       More precisely, job j receives no more service in the jitter-aware schedule
+       than the cumulative service and suspension time in the original schedule. *)
+    Section JitterAwareScheduleIsWorse.
+      (* Recall the definition of job response-time bound in sched_jitter. *)
+      Let job_response_time_in_sched_jitter_bounded_by :=
+        is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival inflated_job_cost sched_jitter.
+      (* From this point, we are going to analyze both schedules up to time (arr_j + R_j) and
+         compare the service received by job j. At the end, we are going to prove that R_j is
+         also a response-time bound for job j in the suspension-aware schedule sched_susp. *)      
+      (* First, we show that the service received by job j in the interval [arr_j, arr_j + R_j)
+         is always bounded by the difference between the interval length R_j and the service
+         received by the other higher-or-equal-priority jobs in the same interval. *)
+      Lemma jitter_reduction_service_jitter:
+        service_during sched_jitter j arr_j (arr_j + R_j) <=
+        R_j - service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter arr_j (arr_j + R_j).
+      Proof.
+        have ARRj := reduction_prop.sched_jitter_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence job_arrival job_task
+                     arr_seq higher_eq_priority job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp _ j _ R_hp.
+        feed_n 2 ARRj; try done.
+        have AFTERj := reduction_prop.sched_jitter_jobs_execute_after_jitter job_arrival job_task
+                     arr_seq higher_eq_priority job_cost job_suspension_duration j _ R_hp.
+        feed AFTERj; try done.
+        set Sj := service_during sched_jitter j arr_j.
+        set Shp := service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter arr_j.
+        rewrite subh3 //; last first.
+        {
+          rewrite /Shp /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter.
+          rewrite -[X in _ <= X](addKn arr_j).
+          by apply service_of_jobs_le_delta, actual_arrivals_uniq.
+        }
+        apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(arr_j <= t < arr_j + R_j) 1);
+          last by simpl_sum_const; rewrite addKn.
+        rewrite /Sj /Shp /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_jitter /service_of_jobs
+                /service_during.
+        rewrite exchange_big -big_split /=.
+        apply leq_sum_nat; move => i /andP [GEi LTi] _.
+        destruct (sched_jitter i) as [j'|] eqn:SCHED;
+          last by rewrite /service_at /scheduled_at SCHED /= add0n; simpl_sum_const.
+        case (boolP ((j' == j) || ~~ higher_eq_priority (job_task j') (job_task j))).
+        {
+          intros OR; rewrite big1; first by rewrite addn0 leq_b1.
+          intros j_hp HP; rewrite /other_higher_eq_priority_job in HP.
+          apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply contraT; rewrite negbK; move => /eqP SCHED'.
+          rewrite SCHED in SCHED'; case: SCHED' => SAME; subst j_hp.
+          move: OR => /orP [/eqP EQ | NOTHP]; subst; first by rewrite eq_refl andbF in HP.
+          by apply negbTE in NOTHP; rewrite NOTHP /= in HP.
+        }
+        {
+          rewrite negb_or negbK; move => /andP [NEQ HP].
+          rewrite -[1]add0n; apply leq_add.
+          {
+            rewrite leqn0 eqb0; apply/negP; intro SCHED'.
+            apply only_one_job_scheduled with (j1 := j') in SCHED'; [subst | by apply/eqP].
+            by rewrite eq_refl in NEQ.
+          }
+          {
+            move: SCHED => /eqP SCHED.
+            have IN: arrives_in arr_seq j' by apply ARRj in SCHED.
+            have ARR: actual_arrival_before job_arrival job_jitter j' (arr_j + R_j).
+              by apply AFTERj in SCHED; apply: (leq_ltn_trans _ LTi).
+            rewrite big_mkcond (bigD1_seq j') /=; first last.
+            - by eapply actual_arrivals_uniq; eauto 1.  
+            - by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_actual_arrivals.
+            rewrite /other_higher_eq_priority_job HP NEQ /=.
+            move: SCHED => /eqP SCHED.
+            rewrite /service_at /scheduled_at SCHED eq_refl.
+            rewrite big1 //; intros j_other NEQother.
+            case: ifP => HPother; last by done.
+            apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/eqP; case => SAME; subst j_other.
+            by rewrite eq_refl in NEQother.
+          }
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* Next, since we want to infer that job j is schedulable in the suspension-aware
+         schedule if it is schedulable in the jitter-aware schedule, we can assume by
+         contrapositive that job j has not completed by time (arr_j + R_j) in
+         the suspension-aware schedule. *)
+      Section JobNotCompleted.
+        (* Assume that j has not completed by (arr_j + R_j) in the suspension-aware schedule. *)
+        Hypothesis H_j_not_completed:
+          ~~ job_completed_in_sched_susp j (arr_j + R_j).
+        (* Then, we can prove that the difference between the interval length and
+           the service received by the other higher-or-equal-priority jobs during
+           [arr_j, arr_j + R_j) in the suspension-aware schedule is bounded by
+           the cumulative service and suspension time of job j. *)
+        Lemma jitter_reduction_service_susp:
+          R_j - service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp arr_j (arr_j + R_j) <=
+          service_during sched_susp j arr_j (arr_j + R_j) +
+          job_cumulative_suspension j arr_j (arr_j + R_j).
+        Proof.
+          move: (H_valid_schedule) => [FROM [ARRIVE [COMPs [WORK [PRIO _]]]]].
+          rename H_j_not_completed into NOTCOMP.
+          rewrite leq_subLR -big_split /=.
+          rewrite /service_of_other_hep_jobs_in_sched_susp /service_of_jobs.
+          rewrite exchange_big -big_split /=.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(arr_j <= t < arr_j + R_j) 1);
+            first by simpl_sum_const; rewrite addKn.
+          apply leq_sum_nat; move => i /andP [GEi LTi] _.
+          rewrite -/job_suspended_at /service_at.
+          case: (boolP (job_suspended_at _ _)) => [SUSP | NOTSUSP];
+            [by rewrite addnA leq_addl | rewrite addn0].
+          case: (boolP (scheduled_at _ _ _)) => [SCHED | NOTSCHED];
+            [by rewrite leq_addl | rewrite addn0].
+          have BACK: susp.backlogged job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp j i.
+          {
+            repeat (apply/andP; split); try (by done).
+            apply/negP; intro COMP.
+            move: NOTCOMP => /negP NOTCOMP; apply: NOTCOMP.
+            by apply completion_monotonic with (t := i); try (by done); apply ltnW.
+          }
+          move: (BACK) => SCHED; apply WORK in SCHED; last by done.
+          move: SCHED => [j_hp SCHEDhp].
+          have NEQ: j_hp != j by apply/eqP => SAME; subst; rewrite SCHEDhp in NOTSCHED.
+          have HP: higher_eq_priority (job_task j_hp) (job_task j) by apply PRIO with (t := i).
+          rewrite (big_rem j_hp) /other_higher_eq_priority_job /=; last first.
+          {
+            have IN: arrives_in arr_seq j_hp by apply FROM in SCHEDhp. 
+            apply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals with (job_arrival0 := job_arrival);
+              try (by done).
+            by apply: (leq_trans _ LTi); apply ARRIVE.
+          }
+          by rewrite HP NEQ SCHEDhp /=.
+        Qed.
+        (* Since the higher-or-equal-priority jobs receive more service during
+           [arr_j, arr_j + R_j) in the jitter-aware schedule and produce more
+           interference, it follows that job j cannot receive as much service
+           in the jitter-aware schedule as in the suspension-aware schedule. *)
+        Lemma jitter_reduction_less_service_for_job_j:
+          service_during sched_jitter j arr_j (arr_j + R_j) <=
+          service_during sched_susp j arr_j (arr_j + R_j)
+          + job_cumulative_suspension j arr_j (arr_j + R_j).
+        Proof.
+          apply: (leq_trans jitter_reduction_service_jitter).
+          apply: (leq_trans _ jitter_reduction_service_susp).
+          by apply leq_sub2l, jitter_reduction_more_service_inside_the_interval.
+        Qed.
+      End JobNotCompleted.
+      (** **** Main Claim of Section (C) *)
+      (* Suppose that the response time of job j is bounded by R_j in sched_jitter. *) 
+      Hypothesis H_response_time_of_j_in_sched_jitter:
+        job_response_time_in_sched_jitter_bounded_by j R_j.
+      (* Then, using the lemmas above, we conclude that the response time of job j in sched_susp
+         is also bounded by R_j. *)
+      Corollary jitter_reduction_job_j_completes_no_later:
+        job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by j R_j.
+      Proof.
+        move: (H_valid_schedule) => [_ [MUSTARRs [COMPs [WORK [PRIO SELF]]]]].
+        rename H_response_time_of_j_in_sched_jitter into COMPj.
+        apply contraT; intro NOTCOMPs.
+        suff NOTCOMPj: ~~ job_response_time_in_sched_jitter_bounded_by j R_j;
+          [by rewrite COMPj in NOTCOMPj | clear COMPj].
+        have LESS := jitter_reduction_less_service_for_job_j NOTCOMPs.
+        rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; left.
+        rewrite /inflated_job_cost /reduction.inflated_job_cost eq_refl.
+        apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := service_during sched_jitter j arr_j (arr_j + R_j)).
+        {
+          rewrite /service /service_during.
+          rewrite (ignore_service_before_arrival job_arrival) ?leq_addr //.
+          apply jobs_with_jitter_must_arrive_to_execute with (job_jitter0 := job_jitter).
+          by apply reduction_prop.sched_jitter_jobs_execute_after_jitter.
+        }
+        apply: (leq_ltn_trans LESS).
+        rewrite -addn1 -addnA [_ + 1]addnC addnA; apply leq_add.
+        {
+          rewrite addn1; apply contraT; rewrite -leqNgt; intro LE.
+          exfalso; move: NOTCOMPs => /negP NOTCOMPs; apply: NOTCOMPs.
+          rewrite /job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by /is_response_time_bound_of_job.
+          rewrite /completed_by eqn_leq; apply/andP; split;
+            first by apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
+          apply: (leq_trans LE).
+          rewrite /service /service_during.
+          by rewrite [X in _ <= X](ignore_service_before_arrival job_arrival) ?leq_addr.
+        }
+        by apply cumulative_suspension_le_total_suspension.
+      Qed.
+    End JitterAwareScheduleIsWorse.
+  End ProvingScheduleProperties.
+End JitterScheduleService.
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diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_taskset_generation.v b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_taskset_generation.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4500ed1c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/jitter_taskset_generation.v
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.schedule.
+Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_schedule.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
+(* In this file we construct a jitter-aware task set that contains the
+   jitter-aware schedule generated in the reduction. *)
+Module JitterTaskSetGeneration.
+  Import UniprocessorScheduleWithJitter Suspension Priority
+         JitterScheduleConstruction.
+  Section GeneratingTaskset.
+    Context {Task: eqType}.
+    (** Analysis Setup *)
+    (* Let ts be the original, suspension-aware task set. *)
+    Variable ts: seq Task.
+    (* Assume that tasks have cost and suspension bound. *)
+    Variable original_task_cost: Task -> time.
+    Variable task_suspension_bound: Task -> time.
+    (* Consider any FP policy that is reflexive, transitive and total, i.e., that
+       indicates "higher-or-equal priority". *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: FP_policy Task.
+    (* Let tsk_i be any task to be analyzed... *)
+    Variable tsk_i: Task.
+    (* ...and recall the definition of higher-or-equal-priority tasks (other than tsk_i). *)
+    Let other_hep_task tsk_other := higher_eq_priority tsk_other tsk_i && (tsk_other != tsk_i).
+    (** Definition of Jitter-Aware Task Parameters *)
+    (* We are going to define next a jitter-aware task set that models the jitter-aware
+       schedule that we constructed in the reduction. *)
+    (* First, using the task suspension bounds, we inflate the cost of the analyzed task
+       in a suspension-oblivious manner. *)
+    Definition inflated_task_cost (tsk: Task) :=
+      if tsk == tsk_i then
+        original_task_cost tsk + task_suspension_bound tsk
+      else original_task_cost tsk.
+    (* Next, assuming that higher-priority tasks have a valid response-time bound R,... *)
+    Variable R: Task -> time.
+    (* ...we define the task jitter as follows. *)
+    Definition task_jitter (tsk: Task) :=
+      if other_hep_task tsk then
+        R tsk - original_task_cost tsk
+      else 0.
+  End GeneratingTaskset.
+End JitterTaskSetGeneration.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/rta_by_reduction.v b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/rta_by_reduction.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21ebe100f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/rta_by_reduction.v
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.job rt.model.arrival.basic.task
+               rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence rt.model.arrival.basic.task_arrival.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.jitter.job.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.schedulability rt.model.schedule.uni.service
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.workload
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.response_time.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.platform.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.suspension_intervals
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.valid_schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.platform.
+Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_schedule
+               rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_schedule_properties
+               rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_schedule_service
+               rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_taskset_generation.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
+(* In this file, we determine task response-time bounds in suspension-aware
+   schedules using a reduction to jitter-aware schedules. *)
+Module RTAByReduction.
+  Import TaskArrival SporadicTaskset Suspension Priority Workload Service Schedulability
+         UniprocessorScheduleWithJitter ResponseTime SuspensionIntervals ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule.
+  Module susp_aware := PlatformWithSuspensions.
+  Module reduction := JitterScheduleConstruction.
+  Module reduction_prop := JitterScheduleProperties.
+  Module reduction_serv := JitterScheduleService.
+  Module ts_gen := JitterTaskSetGeneration.
+  Section ComparingResponseTimeBounds.
+    Context {Task: eqType}.
+    Variable task_period: Task -> time.
+    Variable task_deadline: Task -> time.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_deadline: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
+    (** Basic Setup & Setting *)
+    (* Let ts be any task set with constrained deadlines. *)
+    Variable ts: seq Task.
+    Hypothesis H_constrained_deadlines:
+      constrained_deadline_model task_period task_deadline ts.
+    (* Consider any consistent, duplicate-free job arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
+      arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
+    Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
+    (* ...with sporadic arrivals... *)
+    Hypothesis H_sporadic_arrivals:
+      sporadic_task_model task_period job_arrival job_task arr_seq.
+    (* ...and in which all jobs come from task set ts. *)
+    Hypothesis H_jobs_from_taskset:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_task j \in ts.
+    (* Since we consider real-time tasks, assume that job deadlines are equal to task deadlines. *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_deadlines_equal_task_deadlines:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_deadline j = task_deadline (job_task j).
+    (* Consider any FP policy that is reflexive, transitive and total.
+       Note that the policy does not depend on the schedule. *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: FP_policy Task.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive: FP_is_reflexive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_transitive: FP_is_transitive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_total: FP_is_total_over_task_set higher_eq_priority ts.
+    Let job_higher_eq_priority := FP_to_JLDP job_task higher_eq_priority.
+    (* Assume that jobs and tasks have associated costs... *)
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    Variable task_cost: Task -> time.
+    (* ...and suspension times. *)
+    Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
+    Variable task_suspension_bound: Task -> time.
+    (* Assume that jobs have positive cost. *)
+    Hypothesis H_positive_costs:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_cost j > 0.
+    (* Next, consider any valid suspension-aware schedule of this arrival sequence.
+       (Note: see rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.valid_schedule.v for details) *)
+    Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
+    Hypothesis H_valid_schedule:
+      valid_suspension_aware_schedule job_arrival arr_seq job_higher_eq_priority
+                                      job_suspension_duration job_cost sched_susp.
+    (** Analysis Setup *)
+    (* Now we proceed with the proof. Let tsk be the task to be analyzed. *)
+    Variable tsk: Task.
+    Hypothesis H_tsk_in_ts: tsk \in ts.
+    (* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
+    Let other_hep_task tsk_other :=
+      higher_eq_priority tsk_other tsk && (tsk_other != tsk).    
+    Let task_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_task job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched_susp.
+    Let job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival job_cost sched_susp.
+    Let completed_in_sched_susp_by := completed_by job_cost sched_susp.
+    Let job_misses_no_deadline_in_sched_susp :=
+      job_misses_no_deadline job_arrival job_cost job_deadline sched_susp.
+    (* Assume that each task is associated a value R... *)
+    Variable R: Task -> time.   
+    (* ...that bounds the response-time of all tasks with higher-or-equal priority
+       (other than tsk) in the suspension-aware schedule sched_susp. *)
+    Hypothesis H_valid_response_time_bound_of_hp_tasks:
+      forall tsk_hp,
+        tsk_hp \in ts ->
+        other_hep_task tsk_hp ->
+        task_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by tsk_hp (R tsk_hp).
+    (* The existence of those response-time bounds implies that we can compute the actual
+       response times of the higher-priority jobs in sched_susp. *)
+    Definition actual_response_time (j_hp: Job) : time :=
+      [pick-min r <= R (job_task j_hp) |
+         job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by j_hp r].
+    (* Next, let j be any job of tsk... *)
+    Variable j: Job.
+    Hypothesis H_j_arrives: arrives_in arr_seq j.
+    Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk: job_task j = tsk.
+    (* ...and assume that all the previous jobs of same task do not miss any
+       deadlines in sched_susp. *)
+    Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses_for_previous_jobs:
+      forall j0,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j0 ->
+        job_arrival j0 < job_arrival j ->
+        job_task j0 = job_task j ->
+        job_misses_no_deadline_in_sched_susp j0.
+    (** Instantiation of the Reduction *)
+    (* First, recall the parameters of the jitter-aware task set. *)
+    Let inflated_task_cost := ts_gen.inflated_task_cost task_cost task_suspension_bound tsk.
+    Let task_jitter := ts_gen.task_jitter task_cost higher_eq_priority tsk.
+    (* Then, using the actual response times of higher-priority jobs as parameters, we construct
+       the jitter-aware schedule from sched_susp. *)
+    Let sched_jitter := reduction.sched_jitter job_arrival job_task arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                        job_cost job_suspension_duration j actual_response_time.
+    (* Next, recall the corresponding job parameters... *)
+    Let inflated_job_cost := reduction.inflated_job_cost job_cost job_suspension_duration j.
+    Let job_jitter := reduction.job_jitter job_arrival job_task higher_eq_priority job_cost j
+                                           actual_response_time.
+    (* ...and the definition of job response-time bound in sched_jitter. *)
+    Let job_response_time_in_sched_jitter_bounded_by :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival inflated_job_cost sched_jitter.
+    (** Central Hypothesis *)
+    (* Assume that using some jitter-aware RTA, we determine that
+       (R tsk) is a response-time bound for tsk in sched_jitter. *)
+    Hypothesis H_valid_response_time_bound_in_sched_jitter:
+      job_response_time_in_sched_jitter_bounded_by j (R tsk).
+    (** **** Main Claim *)
+    (* Then, we use the properties of the reduction to prove that (R tsk) is also a
+       response-time bound for tsk in the original schedule sched_susp. *)
+    Theorem valid_response_time_bound_in_sched_susp:
+      job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by j (R tsk).
+    Proof.
+      rename H_priority_is_reflexive into REFL, H_priority_is_transitive into TRANS,
+             H_priority_is_total into TOT, H_jobs_from_taskset into FROM,
+             H_valid_response_time_bound_of_hp_tasks into RESPhp,
+             H_valid_response_time_bound_in_sched_jitter into RESPj.
+      rewrite -H_job_of_tsk /job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by.
+      apply reduction_serv.jitter_reduction_job_j_completes_no_later with (job_task0 := job_task)
+        (ts0 := ts) (arr_seq0 := arr_seq) (higher_eq_priority0 := higher_eq_priority)
+        (task_period0 := task_period) (task_deadline0 := task_deadline) (job_deadline0 := job_deadline)
+        (job_suspension_duration0 := job_suspension_duration) (R_hp := actual_response_time);
+        try (by done).
+      {
+        intros j_hp ARRhp OTHERhp.
+        rewrite /actual_response_time.
+        apply pick_min_holds; last by intros r RESP _.
+        exists (Ordinal (ltnSn (R (job_task j_hp)))).
+        by apply RESPhp; try (by done); [by apply FROM | rewrite /other_hep_task -H_job_of_tsk].
+      }
+      {
+        by rewrite /is_response_time_bound_of_job H_job_of_tsk; apply RESPj.
+      }
+    Qed.
+  End ComparingResponseTimeBounds.
+End RTAByReduction.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/taskset_membership.v b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/taskset_membership.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40a2fb460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/taskset_membership.v
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.task rt.model.arrival.basic.job
+               rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.jitter.job.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.response_time.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.platform
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.valid_schedule.
+Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_schedule
+               rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_taskset_generation.
+Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.sustainability.singlecost.reduction
+               rt.analysis.uni.susp.sustainability.singlecost.reduction_properties.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
+(* In this file we prove that the jitter-aware schedule sched_jitter used in the
+   reduction is an instance of the jitter-aware task set that we analyze. *)
+Module TaskSetMembership.
+  Import SporadicTaskset Suspension Priority ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule
+         ScheduleWithSuspensions ResponseTime PlatformWithSuspensions.
+  Module reduction := JitterScheduleConstruction.
+  Module ts_gen := JitterTaskSetGeneration.
+  Module sust := SustainabilitySingleCost.
+  Module sust_prop := SustainabilitySingleCostProperties.
+  Module valid_sched := ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule.
+  Module job_susp := Job.
+  Module job_jitter := JobWithJitter.
+  Section ProvingMembership.
+    Context {Task: eqType}.
+    Variable task_period: Task -> time.
+    Variable task_deadline: Task -> time.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_deadline: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
+    (** Basic Setup & Setting*)
+    (* Let ts be any suspension-aware task set. *)
+    Variable ts: seq Task.
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals... *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
+      arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
+    Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
+    (* ...where jobs come from the task set. *)
+    Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_taskset:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_task j \in ts.
+    (* ...and the associated job and task costs. *)
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    Variable task_cost: Task -> time.
+    (* Assume that jobs and tasks have associated suspension times. *)
+    Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
+    Variable task_suspension_bound: Task -> time.
+    (* Assume any FP policy that is reflexive, transitive and total... *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: FP_policy Task.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive: FP_is_reflexive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_transitive: FP_is_transitive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_total: FP_is_total_over_task_set higher_eq_priority ts.
+    Let job_higher_eq_priority := FP_to_JLDP job_task higher_eq_priority.
+    (* Recall the definition of a valid suspension-aware schedule. *)
+    Let is_valid_suspension_aware_schedule :=
+      valid_suspension_aware_schedule job_arrival arr_seq job_higher_eq_priority
+                                      job_suspension_duration.
+    (* Next, consider any valid suspension-aware schedule of this arrival sequence.
+       (Note: see rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.valid_schedule.v for details) *)
+    Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
+    Hypothesis H_valid_schedule:
+      valid_suspension_aware_schedule job_arrival arr_seq job_higher_eq_priority
+                                      job_suspension_duration job_cost sched_susp.
+    (* Recall the definition of response-time bounds in sched_susp. *)
+    Let task_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_task job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched_susp.
+    Let job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival job_cost sched_susp.
+    (** Analysis Setup *)
+    (* Let tsk_i be any task to be analyzed... *)
+    Variable tsk_i: Task.
+    Hypothesis H_tsk_in_ts: tsk_i \in ts.
+    (* ...and let j be any job of this task. *)
+    Variable j: Job.
+    Hypothesis H_j_arrives: arrives_in arr_seq j.
+    Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk_i: job_task j = tsk_i.
+    (* Also recall the definition of task response-time bound with any job cost and schedule... *)
+    Let is_task_response_time_bound_with job_cost sched :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_task job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched.
+    (* ...and the definition of higher-or-equal-priority tasks (other than tsk_i). *)
+    Let other_hep_task tsk_other := higher_eq_priority tsk_other tsk_i && (tsk_other != tsk_i).
+    (* Next, assume that for each of those higher-or-equal-priority tasks (other than tsk_i),
+       we know a response-time bound R that is valid across all suspension-aware schedules of ts. *)
+    Variable R: Task -> time.   
+    Hypothesis H_valid_response_time_bound_of_hp_tasks_in_all_schedules:
+      forall job_cost sched,
+        is_valid_suspension_aware_schedule job_cost sched ->
+        forall tsk_hp,
+          tsk_hp \in ts ->
+          other_hep_task tsk_hp ->
+          is_task_response_time_bound_with job_cost sched tsk_hp (R tsk_hp).
+    (* The existence of response-time bounds across all schedules implies that we can find
+       actual response times of the higher-priority jobs in sched_susp... *)
+    Definition actual_response_time (j_hp: Job) : time :=
+      [pick-min r <= R (job_task j_hp) |
+       job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by j_hp r].
+    (* ...and show that they are valid... *)
+    Corollary actual_response_time_is_valid:
+      forall j_hp,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j_hp ->
+        other_hep_task (job_task j_hp) ->
+        job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by j_hp (actual_response_time j_hp).
+    Proof.
+      rename H_valid_response_time_bound_of_hp_tasks_in_all_schedules into RESPhp,
+             H_jobs_come_from_taskset into FROM.
+      intros j_hp ARRhp HP.
+      rewrite /actual_response_time.
+      apply pick_min_holds; last by done.
+      exists (Ordinal (ltnSn (R (job_task j_hp)))). simpl.
+      by apply RESPhp; try (by done); first by apply FROM.
+    Qed.
+    (* ...and tight. *)
+    Corollary actual_response_time_is_minimum:
+      forall j_hp r_hp,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j_hp ->
+        other_hep_task (job_task j_hp) ->
+        job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by j_hp r_hp ->
+        actual_response_time j_hp <= r_hp.
+    Proof.
+      rename H_valid_response_time_bound_of_hp_tasks_in_all_schedules into RESPhp,
+             H_jobs_come_from_taskset into FROM.
+      intros j_hp r_hp ARRhp HP RESP.
+      case (leqP r_hp (R (job_task j_hp))) => [LT | GE].
+      {
+        rewrite /actual_response_time.
+        apply pick_min_holds;
+          last by intros x RESPx _ MINx; rewrite -ltnS in LT; apply (MINx (Ordinal LT)).
+        exists (Ordinal (ltnSn (R (job_task j_hp)))).
+        by apply RESPhp; try (by done); first by apply FROM.
+      }
+      {
+        apply leq_trans with (n := (R (job_task j_hp))); last by apply ltnW. 
+        rewrite -ltnS /actual_response_time.
+        apply pick_min_ltn.
+        exists (Ordinal (ltnSn (R (job_task j_hp)))). simpl.
+        by apply RESPhp; try (by done); first by apply FROM.
+      }
+    Qed.
+    (** Instantiation of the Reduction *)
+    (* Using the actual response time of higher-priority jobs as a parameter, we construct
+       the jitter-aware schedule from sched_susp. *)
+    Let inflated_job_cost := reduction.inflated_job_cost job_cost job_suspension_duration j. 
+    Let job_jitter := reduction.job_jitter job_arrival job_task higher_eq_priority job_cost j
+                                           actual_response_time.
+    (* We also recall the parameters of the generated jitter-aware task set. *)
+    Let inflated_task_cost := ts_gen.inflated_task_cost task_cost task_suspension_bound tsk_i.
+    Let task_jitter := ts_gen.task_jitter task_cost higher_eq_priority tsk_i R.
+    (** Proof of Task Set Membership *)
+    (* Now we proceed with the main claim. We are going to show that the job parameters in the
+       jitter-aware schedule sched_susp are an instance of the task set parameters. *)
+    (* Assume that the original costs are positive... *)
+    Hypothesis H_positive_costs:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_cost j > 0.
+    (* ...and no larger than the task costs. *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_cost_le_task_cost:
+      forall j,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+        job_cost j <= task_cost (job_task j).
+    (* Also assume that job suspension times are bounded by the task suspension bounds. *)
+    Hypothesis H_dynamic_suspensions:
+      dynamic_suspension_model job_cost job_task job_suspension_duration task_suspension_bound.
+    (* We begin by showing that the inflated job costs remain positive... *)
+    Section JobCostPositive.
+      Lemma ts_membership_inflated_job_cost_positive:
+        forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> inflated_job_cost j > 0.
+      Proof.
+        intros j0 ARR0.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := job_cost j0); first by apply H_positive_costs.
+        rewrite /inflated_job_cost /reduction.inflated_job_cost.
+        by case: ifP => _; first by apply leq_addr.
+      Qed.
+    End JobCostPositive.
+    (* ...and no larger than the inflated task costs. *)
+    Section JobCostBoundedByTaskCost.
+      Lemma ts_membership_inflated_job_cost_le_inflated_task_cost:
+        forall j,
+          arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+          inflated_job_cost j <= inflated_task_cost (job_task j).
+      Proof.
+        intros j' ARR'.
+        rewrite /inflated_job_cost /inflated_task_cost /reduction.inflated_job_cost
+                /ts_gen.inflated_task_cost.
+        case: ifP => [/eqP SAME | NEQ]; subst.
+        {
+          rewrite eq_refl; apply leq_add; last by apply H_dynamic_suspensions.
+          by apply H_job_cost_le_task_cost.
+        }
+        case: ifP => [SAMEtsk | DIFFtsk]; last by apply H_job_cost_le_task_cost.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := task_cost (job_task j')); last by apply leq_addr.
+        by apply H_job_cost_le_task_cost.
+      Qed.
+    End JobCostBoundedByTaskCost.
+    (* Finally, we show that the job jitter in sched_susp is upper-bounded by the task jitter.
+       This only concerns higher-priority jobs, which are assigned non-zero jitter to
+       compensate suspension times. *)
+    Section JobJitterBoundedByTaskJitter.
+      (* Let any_j be any job from the arrival sequence. *)
+      Variable any_j: Job.
+      Hypothesis H_any_j_arrives: arrives_in arr_seq any_j.
+      (* Since most parts of the proof are trivial, we focus on the more complicated case
+         of higher-priority jobs. *)
+      Section JitterOfHigherPriorityJobs.
+        (* Suppose that any_j is a higher-or-equal-priority job from some task other than tsk_i. *)
+        Hypothesis H_higher_priority: higher_eq_priority (job_task any_j) tsk_i.
+        Hypothesis H_different_task: job_task any_j != tsk_i.
+        (* Recall that we want to prove that job_jitter any_j <= task_jitter (job_task any_j).
+           By definition, this amounts to showing that:
+                actual_response_time any_j - job_cost any_j <=
+                    R (job_task any_j) - task_cost (job_task any_j). *)
+        (* The proof follows by a sustainability argument based on the following reduction. *)
+        (* By inflating the cost of any_j to its worst-case execution time...*)
+        Let higher_cost_wcet j' :=
+          if j' == any_j then task_cost (job_task any_j) else job_cost j'.
+        (* ...we construct a new suspension-aware schedule sched_susp_highercost where the response
+           time of any_j is as large as in the original schedule sched_susp.
+           (For more details, see analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/cost. ) *)
+        Let sched_susp_highercost :=
+          sust.sched_susp_highercost job_arrival arr_seq job_higher_eq_priority
+                                     sched_susp job_suspension_duration higher_cost_wcet.
+        (* Next, recall the definition of task response-time bounds in sched_susp_highercost. *)
+        Let task_response_time_in_sched_susp_highercost_bounded_by :=
+          is_response_time_bound_of_task job_arrival higher_cost_wcet job_task arr_seq
+                                         sched_susp_highercost.
+        (* Since the response-time bounds R are valid across all suspension-aware schedules
+           of task set ts, they are also valid in sched_susp_higher_cost. *)
+        Remark response_time_bound_in_sched_susp_highercost:
+          forall tsk_hp,
+            tsk_hp \in ts ->
+            other_hep_task tsk_hp ->
+            task_response_time_in_sched_susp_highercost_bounded_by tsk_hp (R tsk_hp).
+        Proof.
+          rename H_valid_response_time_bound_of_hp_tasks_in_all_schedules into RESPhp,
+                 H_jobs_come_from_taskset into FROM, H_valid_schedule into VALID.
+          split_conj VALID.
+          feed (RESPhp higher_cost_wcet sched_susp_highercost).
+          {
+            repeat split.
+            - by apply sust_prop.sched_susp_highercost_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
+            - by apply sust_prop.sched_susp_highercost_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+            - by apply sust_prop.sched_susp_highercost_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+            - by apply sust_prop.sched_susp_highercost_work_conserving.
+            - apply sust_prop.sched_susp_highercost_respects_policy; try (by done).
+              -- by intros t j1 j2 j3; apply H_priority_is_transitive. 
+              -- by intros j1 j2 t ARR1 ARR2; apply/orP; apply H_priority_is_total; apply FROM.
+            - by apply sust_prop.sched_susp_highercost_respects_self_suspensions.
+          }
+          by intros tsk_hp IN Ohp; by apply RESPhp.
+        Qed.
+        (* Finally, by comparing the two schedules, we prove that the difference between the
+           actual response time and job cost is bounded by the difference between the
+           response-time bound and the task cost. *)
+        Lemma ts_membership_difference_in_response_times:
+          actual_response_time any_j - job_cost any_j <=
+            R (job_task any_j) - task_cost (job_task any_j).
+        Proof.
+          have VALIDr := actual_response_time_is_valid.
+          have MINr := actual_response_time_is_minimum.
+          have RESPhp := response_time_bound_in_sched_susp_highercost.
+          rename H_jobs_come_from_taskset into FROM, H_valid_schedule into VALIDSCHED.
+          split_conj VALIDSCHED.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := R (job_task any_j) - higher_cost_wcet any_j);
+            last by apply leq_sub2l; rewrite /higher_cost_wcet eq_refl.
+          apply sust_prop.sched_susp_highercost_incurs_more_interference with
+            (job_arrival0 := job_arrival) (arr_seq0 := arr_seq) (sched_susp0 := sched_susp)
+            (higher_eq_priority0:=job_higher_eq_priority)
+            (job_suspension_duration0 := job_suspension_duration); try (by done).
+          - by intros t j1; apply H_priority_is_reflexive.
+          - by rewrite /higher_cost_wcet eq_refl; apply H_job_cost_le_task_cost.
+          - by move => j' NEQ; apply negbTE in NEQ; rewrite /higher_cost_wcet NEQ.
+          - by apply H_positive_costs.
+          - by apply VALIDr; try (by done); apply/andP; split.
+          - by intros r' RESP; apply MINr; try (by done); first by apply/andP; split.
+          - by apply RESPhp; try (by done); [apply FROM | apply/andP; split].
+        Qed.
+      End JitterOfHigherPriorityJobs.
+      (* Using the lemmas above, we conclude that the job jitter parameter is
+         upper-bounded by the task jitter for any job in the arrival sequence. *)
+      Lemma ts_membership_job_jitter_le_task_jitter:
+        job_jitter any_j <= task_jitter (job_task any_j).
+      Proof.
+        have DIFF := ts_membership_difference_in_response_times.
+        rewrite /job_jitter /task_jitter /reduction.job_jitter /ts_gen.task_jitter H_job_of_tsk_i.
+        case: ifP => // /andP [HP' NEQ].
+        rewrite /minn; case: ifP => [LTdist | GEdist]; last by apply DIFF.
+        case (leqP (job_arrival j) (job_arrival any_j)) => [AFTER | BEFORE];
+          first by apply leq_trans with (n := 0); first rewrite leqn0 subn_eq0.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := actual_response_time any_j - job_cost any_j); first by apply ltnW.
+        by apply DIFF.
+      Qed.
+    End JobJitterBoundedByTaskJitter.
+  End ProvingMembership.
+End TaskSetMembership.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/taskset_rta.v b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/taskset_rta.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..400d139f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/jitter/taskset_rta.v
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.task rt.model.arrival.basic.job
+               rt.model.arrival.basic.task_arrival rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.jitter.job.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.response_time.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.platform
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.valid_schedule.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.valid_schedule.
+Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.rta_by_reduction
+               rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.jitter_taskset_generation
+               rt.analysis.uni.susp.dynamic.jitter.taskset_membership.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
+(* In this file we use the reduction to jitter-aware schedule to analyze
+   individual tasks using RTA. *)
+Module TaskSetRTA.
+  Import SporadicTaskset Suspension Priority ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule
+         ScheduleWithSuspensions ResponseTime PlatformWithSuspensions
+         TaskArrival ValidJitterAwareSchedule RTAByReduction TaskSetMembership.
+  Module ts_gen := JitterTaskSetGeneration.
+  Module job_susp := Job.
+  Module job_jitter := JobWithJitter.
+  (* In this section, we are going to assume we have obtained response-time
+     bounds for high-priority tasks and then use the reduction to infer a
+     response-time bound for a particular task. *)
+  Section PerTaskAnalysis.
+    Context {Task: eqType}.
+    Variable task_cost: Task -> time.
+    Variable task_period: Task -> time.
+    Variable task_deadline: Task -> time.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_deadline: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
+    (** Basic Setup & Setting*)
+    (* Let ts be any task set with constrained deadlines. *)
+    Variable ts: seq Task.
+    Hypothesis H_constrained_deadlines:
+      constrained_deadline_model task_period task_deadline ts.
+    (* Consider any consistent, duplicate-free job arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
+      arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
+    Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
+    (* ...with sporadic arrivals... *)
+    Hypothesis H_sporadic_arrivals:
+      sporadic_task_model task_period job_arrival job_task arr_seq.
+    (* ...and in which all jobs come from the task set. *)
+    Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_taskset:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_task j \in ts.
+    (* Assume that job deadlines equal task deadlines. *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_deadline_eq_task_deadline:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_deadline j = task_deadline (job_task j).
+    (* Consider any job suspension times and task suspension bound. *)
+    Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
+    Variable task_suspension_bound: Task -> time.
+    (* Assume any FP policy that is reflexive, transitive and total. *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: FP_policy Task.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive: FP_is_reflexive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_transitive: FP_is_transitive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_total: FP_is_total_over_task_set higher_eq_priority ts.
+    Let job_higher_eq_priority := FP_to_JLDP job_task higher_eq_priority.
+    (* Recall the definition of a valid suspension-aware and jitter-aware schedules. *)
+    Let is_valid_suspension_aware_schedule :=
+      valid_suspension_aware_schedule job_arrival arr_seq job_higher_eq_priority
+                                      job_suspension_duration.
+    Let is_valid_jitter_aware_schedule :=
+      valid_jitter_aware_schedule job_arrival arr_seq job_higher_eq_priority.
+    (* Also recall the definition of task response-time bound for given job cost and schedule. *)
+    Let is_task_response_time_bound_with job_cost sched :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_task job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched.
+    (** Analysis Setup *)
+    (* Let tsk_i be any task to be analyzed. *)
+    Variable tsk_i: Task.
+    Hypothesis H_tsk_in_ts: tsk_i \in ts.
+    (* Recall the definition of higher-or-equal-priority tasks (other than tsk_i). *)
+    Let other_hep_task tsk_other := higher_eq_priority tsk_other tsk_i && (tsk_other != tsk_i).
+    (* Next, assume that for each of those higher-or-equal-priority tasks (other than tsk_i),
+       we know a response-time bound R that is valid across all suspension-aware schedules of ts. *)
+    Variable R: Task -> time.   
+    Hypothesis H_valid_response_time_bound_of_hp_tasks_in_all_schedules:
+      forall job_cost sched,
+        is_valid_suspension_aware_schedule job_cost sched ->
+        forall tsk_hp,
+          tsk_hp \in ts ->
+          other_hep_task tsk_hp ->
+          is_task_response_time_bound_with job_cost sched tsk_hp (R tsk_hp).
+    (* Since this analysis is for constrained deadlines, also assume that
+       (R tsk_i) is no larger than the deadline of tsk_i. *)
+    Hypothesis H_R_le_deadline: R tsk_i <= task_deadline tsk_i.
+    (** Recall: Properties of Valid Jitter-Aware Jobs *)
+    (* Recall that a valid jitter-aware schedule must have positive job costs,... *)
+    Let job_cost_positive job_cost :=
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_cost j > 0.
+    (* ...job costs that are no larger than the task costs... *)
+    Let job_cost_le_task_cost job_cost task_cost :=
+      forall j,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+        job_cost j <= task_cost (job_task j).
+    (* ...and job jitter no larger than the task jitter. *)
+    Let job_jitter_le_task_jitter job_jitter task_jitter :=
+      forall j,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+        job_jitter j <= task_jitter (job_task j).
+    (* This is summarized in the following predicate. *)
+    Definition valid_jobs_with_jitter job_cost job_jitter task_cost task_jitter :=
+      job_cost_positive job_cost /\
+      job_cost_le_task_cost job_cost task_cost /\
+      job_jitter_le_task_jitter job_jitter task_jitter.
+    (** Conclusion: Response-time Bound for Task tsk_i *)
+    (* Recall the parameters of the generated jitter-aware task set. *)
+    Let inflated_task_cost := ts_gen.inflated_task_cost task_cost task_suspension_bound tsk_i.
+    Let task_jitter := ts_gen.task_jitter task_cost higher_eq_priority tsk_i R.
+    (* By using a jitter-aware RTA, assume that we proved that (R tsk_i) is a valid
+       response-time bound for task tsk_i in any jitter-aware schedule of the same
+       arrival sequence. *)
+    Hypothesis H_valid_response_time_bound_of_tsk_i:
+      forall job_cost job_jitter sched,
+        valid_jobs_with_jitter job_cost job_jitter inflated_task_cost task_jitter ->
+        is_valid_jitter_aware_schedule job_cost job_jitter sched ->
+        is_task_response_time_bound_with job_cost sched tsk_i (R tsk_i).
+    (* Next, consider any job cost function... *)
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    (* ...and let sched_susp be any valid suspension-aware schedule with those job costs. *)
+    Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
+    Hypothesis H_valid_schedule: is_valid_suspension_aware_schedule job_cost sched_susp.
+    (* Assume that the job costs are positive... *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive:
+      forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_cost j > 0.
+    (* ...and no larger than the task costs. *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_cost_le_task_cost:
+      forall j,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+        job_cost j <= task_cost (job_task j).
+    (* Also assume that job suspension times are bounded by the task suspension bounds. *)
+    Hypothesis H_dynamic_suspensions:
+      dynamic_suspension_model job_cost job_task job_suspension_duration task_suspension_bound.
+    (* Using the reduction to a jitter-aware schedule, we conclude that (R tsk_i) must
+       also be a response-time bound for task tsk_i in the suspension-aware schedule. *)
+    Theorem valid_response_time_bound_of_tsk_i:
+      is_task_response_time_bound_with job_cost sched_susp tsk_i (R tsk_i).
+    Proof.
+      unfold is_task_response_time_bound_with,
+             is_response_time_bound_of_task, is_response_time_bound_of_job in *.
+      rename H_valid_response_time_bound_of_hp_tasks_in_all_schedules into RESPhp,
+             H_valid_response_time_bound_of_tsk_i into RESPi.
+      move: (H_valid_schedule) => [_ [_ [COMP _]]].
+      intros j ARRj JOBtsk.
+      (* First, rewrite the claim in terms of the *absolute* response-time bound (arrival + R) *)
+      remember (job_arrival j + R tsk_i) as ctime.
+      (* Now, we apply strong induction on the absolute response-time bound. *)
+      generalize dependent j.
+      induction ctime as [ctime IH] using strong_ind.
+      intros j ARRj JOBtsk EQc; subst ctime.
+      (* First, let's simplify the induction hypothesis. *)
+      have BEFOREok:
+         forall j0,
+           arrives_in arr_seq j0 ->
+           job_task j0 = tsk_i ->
+           job_arrival j0 < job_arrival j ->
+           completed_by job_cost sched_susp j0 (job_arrival j0 + R tsk_i);
+        [by ins; apply IH; try (by done); rewrite ltn_add2r | clear IH].
+      set actual_response_time :=
+        actual_response_time job_arrival job_task job_cost sched_susp R.
+      set inflated_job_cost :=
+          reduction.inflated_job_cost job_cost job_suspension_duration. 
+      set job_jitter := reduction.job_jitter job_arrival job_task
+                        higher_eq_priority job_cost j actual_response_time.
+      apply valid_response_time_bound_in_sched_susp with
+        (task_period0 := task_period) (task_deadline0 := task_deadline)
+        (job_deadline0 := job_deadline) (job_task0 := job_task) (ts0 := ts)
+        (arr_seq0 := arr_seq) (higher_eq_priority0 := higher_eq_priority)
+        (job_suspension_duration0:=job_suspension_duration); try (by done).
+      - by intros tsk_hp IN OHEP j'; apply RESPhp.
+      {   
+        intros j0 ARR0 LT0 JOB0.
+        apply completion_monotonic with (t := job_arrival j0 + R tsk_i);
+          [by done | | by apply BEFOREok; rewrite // -JOBtsk].
+        by rewrite leq_add2l H_job_deadline_eq_task_deadline // JOB0 JOBtsk.
+      }  
+      {
+        apply RESPi with (job_jitter := job_jitter); try (by done);
+          last by eapply reduction_prop.sched_jitter_is_valid; eauto 1.       
+        repeat split; intros j' ARR.
+        - by eapply ts_membership_inflated_job_cost_positive; eauto 1.  
+        - by eapply ts_membership_inflated_job_cost_le_inflated_task_cost;
+            eauto 1.
+        - by eapply ts_membership_job_jitter_le_task_jitter; eauto 1.
+      }
+    Qed.
+  End PerTaskAnalysis.
+End TaskSetRTA.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/oblivious/fp_rta.v b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/oblivious/fp_rta.v
index 6aba2b662..d6c9c4943 100644
--- a/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/oblivious/fp_rta.v
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/dynamic/oblivious/fp_rta.v
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Module SuspensionObliviousFP.
     Hypothesis H_valid_task_parameters:
       valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline ts.
-    (* Next, consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals,... *)
+    (* Next, consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals,... *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.    
     Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction.v b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..220ee451a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction.v
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.platform
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.build_suspension_table.
+Require Import
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq bigop fintype.
+(* In this file, we prove that uniprocessor suspension-aware scheduling is
+   sustainable with job costs under the dynamic suspension model. *)
+Module SustainabilityAllCosts.
+  Import ScheduleWithSuspensions Suspension Priority PlatformWithSuspensions
+         ScheduleConstruction SuspensionTableConstruction.
+  Section Reduction.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    (** Basic Setup & Setting *)
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    (* ...and assume any (schedule-independent) job-level priorities. *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: JLDP_policy Job.
+    (* Next, consider any suspension-aware schedule of the arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
+    (* ...and the associated job suspension durations. *)
+    Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
+    (** Definition of the Reduction *)
+    (* Now we proceed with the reduction.
+       Let inflated_job_cost denote any job cost inflation, i.e., the cost of
+       every job is as large as in the original schedule. *)
+    Variable inflated_job_cost: Job -> time.
+    (* To simplify the analysis, instead of observing an infinite schedule, we
+       focus on the finite window delimited by the job we want to analyze.
+       Let's call this job j, with arrival time arr_j, ... *)
+    Variable j: Job.
+    Let arr_j := job_arrival j.
+    (* ...and suppose that we want to prove that the response time of j in sched_susp
+       is upper-bounded by some value R.
+       In the analysis, we only need to focus on the schedule prefix [0, arr_j + R). *)
+    Variable R: time.
+    (* In this sustainability proof, we must construct a new schedule with the inflated
+        job costs that is no "better" for job j than the original schedule.
+        Since we also modify the suspension durations, the construction is divided in
+        two parts: (A) Schedule Construction, and (B) Definition of Suspension Times. *)
+    (** (A) Schedule Construction *)
+    Section ScheduleConstruction.
+      (* Let's begin by defining the schedule construction function. *)
+      Section ConstructionStep.
+        (* For any time t, suppose that we have generated the schedule prefix [0, t).
+           Then, we must define what should be scheduled at time t. *)
+        Variable sched_prefix: schedule Job.
+        Variable t: time.
+        (* Consider the set of jobs that arrived up to time t. *)
+        Let arrivals := jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t.
+        (* Recall whether a job is pending in the new schedule. *)
+        Let job_is_pending := pending job_arrival inflated_job_cost sched_prefix.
+        (* Also, let's denote as late any job whose service in the new schedule is strictly
+           less than the service in sched_susp plus the difference between job costs. *)
+        Definition job_is_late any_j t :=
+          service sched_prefix any_j t
+            < service sched_susp any_j t + (inflated_job_cost any_j - job_cost any_j).
+        (* In order not to have to prove complex properties about the entire schedule,
+           we split the construction for the schedule prefix [0, arr_j + R) and for the
+           suffix [arr_j + R, ...). *)
+        (** (A.1) The prefix is built in a way that prevents jobs from getting late. *)
+        Section Prefix.
+          (* Consider the list of pending jobs in the new schedule that are either late
+             or scheduled in sched_susp.
+             (Note that when there are no late jobs, we pick the jobs that are scheduled
+              in sched_susp so that the suspension times remain consistent.) *)
+          Definition jobs_that_are_late_or_scheduled_in_sched_susp :=
+            [seq any_j <- arrivals | job_is_pending any_j t &&
+                                  (job_is_late any_j t || scheduled_at sched_susp any_j t)].
+          (* From that list, we take one of the (possibly many) highest-priority jobs,
+             or None, in case there are no late jobs and sched_susp is idle. *)
+          Definition highest_priority_late_job :=
+            seq_min (higher_eq_priority t) jobs_that_are_late_or_scheduled_in_sched_susp. 
+        End Prefix.
+        (** (A.2) In the suffix, we just pick the highest-priority pending job
+                  so that the schedule constraints are satisfied. *)
+        Section Suffix.
+          (* From the list of pending jobs in the new schedule, ... *)
+          Definition pending_jobs :=
+            [seq any_j <- arrivals | job_is_pending any_j t ].
+          (* ...let's take one of the (possibly many) highest-priority jobs. *)
+          Definition highest_priority_job :=
+            seq_min (higher_eq_priority t) pending_jobs.
+        End Suffix.
+        (** (A.3) In the end, we just combine the prefix and suffix schedules. *)
+        Definition build_schedule :=
+          if t < arr_j + R then
+            highest_priority_late_job (* PREFIX (see A.1) *)
+          else
+            highest_priority_job. (* SUFFIX (see A.2) *)
+      End ConstructionStep.
+      (* To conclude, starting from the empty schedule, ...*)
+      Let empty_schedule : schedule Job := fun t => None.
+      (* ...we use the recursive definition above to construct the new schedule. *)
+      Definition sched_new :=
+        build_schedule_from_prefixes build_schedule empty_schedule.
+    End ScheduleConstruction.
+    (** (B) Definition of Suspension Times *)
+    (* Having decided when jobs should be scheduled, we now define when they should suspend
+       so that the schedule properties remain consistent. *)
+    Section DefiningSuspension.
+      (* Recall the definition of a suspended job in sched_susp. *)
+      Let job_is_suspended_in_sched_susp :=
+        suspended_at job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
+      (* Based on the notion of a "late" job from the schedule construction, we say that a
+         job is suspended at time t in sched_new iff:
+         (a) time t precedes arr_j + R (i.e., suspensions only occur in the prefix),
+         (b) the job is suspended in sched_susp at time t, and
+         (c) the job is not late in sched_new at time t. *)
+      Definition suspended_in_sched_new (any_j: Job) (t: time) :=
+        (t < arr_j + R) && job_is_suspended_in_sched_susp any_j t
+                        && ~~ job_is_late sched_new any_j t.
+      (* Next, using this suspension predicate, we build a table of suspension durations
+         that is valid up to time (arr_j + R).
+         For more details, see model/schedule/uni/susp/build_suspension_table.  *)
+      Definition reduced_suspension_duration :=
+        build_suspension_duration sched_new (arr_j + R) suspended_in_sched_new.
+    End DefiningSuspension.
+  End Reduction.
+End SustainabilityAllCosts.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction_properties.v b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction_properties.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..506e5b834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/allcosts/reduction_properties.v
@@ -0,0 +1,891 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.response_time.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.suspension_intervals
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.valid_schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.build_suspension_table
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.platform.
+Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.sustainability.allcosts.reduction.
+Require Import
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
+(* In this file, we prove several properties about the schedule we constructed
+   in the sustainability proof. *)
+Module SustainabilityAllCostsProperties.
+  Import ScheduleWithSuspensions Suspension Priority SuspensionIntervals
+         PlatformWithSuspensions ResponseTime ScheduleConstruction
+         SuspensionTableConstruction ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule.
+  Module reduction := SustainabilityAllCosts.
+  Section ReductionProperties.
+    Context {Task: eqType}.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    (** Basic Setup & Setting*)
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent job arrivals. *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
+      arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
+    (* Assume any (schedule-independent) JLDP policy that is reflexive, transitive and total,
+       i.e., that indicates "higher-or-equal priority". *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: JLDP_policy Job.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive: JLDP_is_reflexive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_transitive: JLDP_is_transitive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_total: JLDP_is_total arr_seq higher_eq_priority.
+    (* Next, consider any suspension-aware schedule of the arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
+    Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
+      jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched_susp arr_seq.
+    (* ...and the associated job suspension times. *)
+    Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
+    (* Assume that, in this schedule, jobs only execute after they arrive... *)
+    Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
+      jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched_susp.
+    (* ...and no longer than their execution costs. *)
+    Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
+      completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched_susp.
+    (* Also assume that the schedule is work-conserving if there are non-suspended jobs, ... *)
+    Hypothesis H_work_conserving:
+      work_conserving job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration arr_seq sched_susp.
+    (* ...that the schedule respects job priorities... *)
+    Hypothesis H_respects_priority:
+      respects_JLDP_policy job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration arr_seq
+                           sched_susp higher_eq_priority.
+    (* ...and that suspended jobs are not allowed to be scheduled. *)
+    Hypothesis H_respects_self_suspensions:
+      respects_self_suspensions job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
+    (** Reduction Setup *)
+    (* Now we prove properties about the reduction.
+       Let j be the job to be analyzed with arrival time arr_j. *)
+    Variable j: Job.
+    Let arr_j := job_arrival j.
+    (* Suppose that we want to prove that the response time of job j in sched_susp
+       is upper-bounded by some value R. This allows us to restrict our analysis
+       to the finite scheduling window [0, arr_j + R) during the reduction. *)
+    Variable R: time.
+    (* Next, consider any job cost inflation... *)
+    Variable inflated_job_cost: Job -> time.
+    (* which the cost of every job is no less than in the original schedule. *)
+    Hypothesis H_job_costs_do_not_decrease:
+      forall any_j, inflated_job_cost any_j >= job_cost any_j.
+    (* Recall the schedule we constructed from sched_susp using these inflated costs. *)
+    Let sched_new := reduction.sched_new job_arrival job_cost arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                         sched_susp inflated_job_cost j R.
+    (* Also recall the predicate we defined for a suspended job in the new schedule... *)
+    Let suspended_in_sched_new :=
+      reduction.suspended_in_sched_new job_arrival job_cost arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                 sched_susp job_suspension_duration inflated_job_cost j R.
+    (* ...and the corresponding suspension table. *)
+    Let reduced_suspension_duration :=
+      reduction.reduced_suspension_duration job_arrival job_cost arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                   sched_susp job_suspension_duration inflated_job_cost j R.
+    (* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
+    Let job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival job_cost sched_susp.
+    Let job_response_time_in_sched_new_bounded_by :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival inflated_job_cost sched_new.
+    Let suspended_in_sched_susp :=
+      suspended_at job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
+    Let job_is_late := reduction.job_is_late job_cost sched_susp inflated_job_cost sched_new.
+    Let build_schedule := reduction.build_schedule job_arrival job_cost arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                                   sched_susp inflated_job_cost j R.
+    Let late_or_sched_jobs := reduction.jobs_that_are_late_or_scheduled_in_sched_susp
+                                job_arrival job_cost arr_seq sched_susp inflated_job_cost sched_new.
+    Let hp_job := reduction.highest_priority_job job_arrival arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                                 inflated_job_cost sched_new.
+    Let hp_late_job := reduction.highest_priority_late_job job_arrival job_cost arr_seq
+                                       higher_eq_priority sched_susp inflated_job_cost sched_new.
+    Let completed_in_sched_susp := completed_by job_cost sched_susp.
+    Let completed_in_sched_new := completed_by inflated_job_cost sched_new.
+    (** Properties of the Schedule Construction  *)
+    (* In this section, we prove that the new schedule is equivalent to its construction function. *)
+    Section PropertiesOfScheduleConstruction.
+      (* By showing that the construction function depends only on the service, ... *)
+      Lemma sched_new_depends_only_on_service:
+        forall sched1 sched2 t,
+          (forall j, service sched1 j t = service sched2 j t) ->
+          build_schedule sched1 t = build_schedule sched2 t.
+      Proof.
+        intros sched1 sched2 t SAME.
+        rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule.
+        case: (_ < _).
+        {
+          rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_late_job; f_equal.
+          apply eq_in_filter; intros j0 IN0; f_equal;
+          first by rewrite /pending /completed_by SAME.
+          by f_equal; rewrite /reduction.job_is_late SAME.
+        }
+        {
+          rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_job; f_equal.
+          apply eq_in_filter; intros j0 IN0.
+          by rewrite /pending /completed_by SAME.
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* ...we infer that the new schedule is equivalent to the construction function. *)
+      Corollary sched_new_uses_construction_function:
+        forall t,
+          sched_new t = build_schedule sched_new t.
+      Proof.
+        by ins; apply service_dependent_schedule_construction,
+                sched_new_depends_only_on_service.
+      Qed.
+    End PropertiesOfScheduleConstruction.
+    (** Basic Properties of the Generated Schedule *)
+    (* In this section, we prove some properties about the generated schedule that
+       only depend on the construction function but not on suspension times. *)
+    Section BasicScheduleProperties.
+      (* First, we show that scheduled jobs come from the arrival sequence. *)
+      Lemma sched_new_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
+        jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched_new arr_seq.
+      Proof.
+        move => j0 t /eqP SCHEDn.
+        rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function in SCHEDn.
+        rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule in SCHEDn.
+        case (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) => [LT | GE].
+        {
+          rewrite LT /reduction.highest_priority_late_job in SCHEDn;
+          apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
+          rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
+          move: SCHEDn => /andP [_ IN].
+          by eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; eauto 1.
+        }
+        {
+          rewrite ltnNge GE /= in SCHEDn.
+          rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_job in SCHEDn; apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
+          rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
+          move: SCHEDn => /andP [_ IN].
+          by eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; eauto 1.
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* Next, we show that jobs do not execute before their arrival times... *)
+      Lemma sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
+        jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched_new.
+      Proof.
+        move => j0 t /eqP SCHEDn.
+        rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function in SCHEDn.
+        rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule in SCHEDn.
+        case (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) => [LT | GE].
+        {
+          rewrite LT /reduction.highest_priority_late_job in SCHEDn;
+          apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
+          rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
+          by move: SCHEDn => /andP [/andP [/andP [ARR _] _] _].
+        }
+        {
+          rewrite ltnNge GE /= in SCHEDn.
+          rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_job in SCHEDn; apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
+          rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
+          by move: SCHEDn => /andP [/andP [ARR _] _].
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* ...nor longer than their execution costs. *)
+      Lemma sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
+        completed_jobs_dont_execute inflated_job_cost sched_new.
+      Proof.
+        intros j0 t.
+        induction t;
+          first by rewrite /service /service_during big_geq //.
+        rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //=.
+        rewrite leq_eqVlt in IHt; move: IHt => /orP [/eqP EQ | LT]; last first.
+        {
+          apply: leq_trans LT; rewrite -addn1.
+          by apply leq_add; last by apply leq_b1.
+        }
+        rewrite -[inflated_job_cost _]addn0; apply leq_add; first by rewrite -EQ.
+        rewrite leqn0 eqb0 /scheduled_at.
+        rewrite sched_new_uses_construction_function /build_schedule
+                /reduction.build_schedule.
+        case: (_ < _); rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_job
+                               /reduction.highest_priority_late_job.
+        {
+          apply/eqP; intro SCHEDn.
+          apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
+          rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
+          move: SCHEDn => /andP [/andP [/andP [_ NOTCOMP] _] _].
+          by rewrite /completed_by EQ eq_refl in NOTCOMP.
+        }
+        {
+          apply/eqP; intro SCHEDn.
+          apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
+          rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
+          move: SCHEDn => /andP [/andP [_ NOTCOMP] _].
+          by rewrite /completed_by EQ eq_refl in NOTCOMP.
+        }
+      Qed. 
+    End BasicScheduleProperties.
+    (** Service Invariants *)
+    (* In this section, we prove some service invariants guaranteed by the new schedule
+       up to time (arr_j + R).
+       Note that these properties follow directly from the schedule construction and
+       do not depend on suspension times. *)
+    Section ServiceInvariant.
+      (* Let t be any time in the interval [0, arr_j + R]. *)
+      Variable t: time.
+      Hypothesis H_before_R: t <= arr_j + R.
+      (* By induction on time, we prove that for any job, the service received up to
+         time t in the new schedule is no more than the service received up to time t in
+         the original schedule, plus the difference between job costs due to inflation. *)
+      Lemma sched_new_service_invariant:
+        forall any_j,
+          service sched_new any_j t
+            <= service sched_susp any_j t + (inflated_job_cost any_j - job_cost any_j).
+      Proof.
+        rename H_priority_is_total into TOTAL, H_priority_is_transitive into TRANS,
+               H_respects_priority into PRIO, H_work_conserving into WORK.
+        rename t into t', H_before_R into BEFORE.
+        move: t' BEFORE.
+        induction t';
+          first by intros _ j0; rewrite /service /service_during big_geq.
+        intros LTr; feed IHt'; first by apply ltnW.
+        intros j0.
+        case (boolP (scheduled_at sched_new j0 t')) => [SCHEDn| NOTSCHEDn]; last first.
+        {
+          apply negbTE in NOTSCHEDn.
+          rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //=.
+          rewrite /service_at NOTSCHEDn addn0.
+          apply: (leq_trans (IHt' j0)).
+          by rewrite leq_add2r extend_sum.
+        }
+        move: (SCHEDn) => IN.
+        rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function in IN.
+        rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule LTr in IN; move: IN => /eqP IN.
+        rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_late_job in IN.
+        apply seq_min_in_seq in IN; rewrite mem_filter in IN.
+        move: IN => /andP [/andP [PEND OR] IN].
+        move: OR => /orP [LT | SCHEDs].
+        {
+          apply leq_trans with (n := service sched_new j0 t' + 1);
+            first by rewrite /service/service_during big_nat_recr // leq_add ?leq_b1.
+          rewrite addn1.
+          by apply: (leq_trans LT); rewrite leq_add2r extend_sum.
+        }
+        {
+          rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr // big_nat_recr //=.
+          rewrite /service_at SCHEDn SCHEDs -addnA [1 + _]addnC addnA leq_add2r.
+          by apply IHt'.
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* From the previous lemma, we conclude that any job that completes in the new
+         schedule up to time t must have completed in the original schedule as well. *)
+      Corollary sched_new_jobs_complete_later:
+        forall any_j,
+          completed_by inflated_job_cost sched_new any_j t ->
+          completed_by job_cost sched_susp any_j t.
+      Proof.
+        intros j0 COMPn.
+        rewrite /completed_by eqn_leq; apply/andP; split;
+          first by apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
+        rewrite -(leq_add2r (inflated_job_cost j0 - job_cost j0)).
+        rewrite subnKC; last by eauto 1.
+        move: COMPn => /eqP {1}<-.
+        by apply sched_new_service_invariant.
+      Qed.
+    End ServiceInvariant.
+    (** Properties of the Suspension Predicate *)
+    (* In order to prove schedule properties that depend on suspension times, we first
+       prove some facts about the suspension predicate we defined. *)
+    Section SuspensionPredicate.
+      (* Let any_j be any job. *)
+      Variable any_j: Job.
+      (* First, we show that if the suspension predicate holds for any_j at time t,
+         then any_j must have arrived... *)
+      Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_implies_arrived:
+        forall t,
+          suspended_in_sched_new any_j t -> has_arrived job_arrival any_j t.
+      Proof.
+        rename any_j into j0.
+        move => t /andP [/andP [LT SUSPs] _].
+        by eapply suspended_implies_arrived; eauto 1.
+      Qed.
+      (* ...and cannot have completed. *)
+      Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_implies_not_completed:
+        forall t,
+          suspended_in_sched_new any_j t -> ~~ completed_in_sched_new any_j t.
+      Proof.
+        rename any_j into j0.
+        move => t /andP [/andP [LT SUSPs] _].
+        apply/negP; intro COMPn.
+        apply suspended_implies_not_completed in SUSPs.
+        apply sched_new_jobs_complete_later in COMPn; last by apply ltnW.
+        by rewrite COMPn in SUSPs.
+      Qed.
+      (* Next, we show that if the suspension predicate changes from false at time t
+         to true at time (t + 1), then any_j must be scheduled at time t. *)
+      Lemma executes_before_suspension_in_sched_new:
+        forall t,
+          t < arr_j + R ->
+          has_arrived job_arrival any_j t ->
+          ~~ suspended_in_sched_new any_j t ->
+          suspended_in_sched_new any_j t.+1 ->
+          scheduled_at sched_new any_j t.
+      Proof.
+        rename any_j into j0.
+        intros t LTr ARR NOTSUSPn SUSPn'.
+        rewrite negb_and LTr /= negbK -/suspended_in_sched_susp -/job_is_late in NOTSUSPn.
+        move: NOTSUSPn => /orP [NOTSUSPs | LATE]; last first.
+        {
+          apply contraT; intro NOTSCHEDn.
+          move: SUSPn' => /andP [_ NOTLATE].
+          rewrite /job_is_late /reduction.job_is_late -leqNgt -/sched_new in LATE NOTLATE.
+          have GT: service sched_new j0 t < service sched_new j0 t.+1.
+          {
+            apply: (leq_trans LATE); apply: (leq_trans _ NOTLATE).
+            by rewrite leq_add2r extend_sum.
+          }
+          rewrite /service/service_during big_nat_recr// -addn1 leq_add2l in GT.
+          rewrite lt0n eqb0 negbK in GT.
+          by rewrite GT in NOTSCHEDn.
+        }
+        move: (SUSPn') => /andP [/andP [_ SUSPs'] NOTLATE'].
+        rewrite -/suspended_in_sched_susp in SUSPs'.
+        rewrite /reduction.job_is_late -/sched_new -leqNgt in NOTLATE'.
+        apply contraT; intro NOTSCHEDn.
+        have SAME: service sched_new j0 t.+1 = service sched_new j0 t.
+        {
+          apply negbTE in NOTSCHEDn.
+          by rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //= /service_at NOTSCHEDn.
+        }
+        rewrite SAME {SAME} in NOTLATE'.
+        have INV := sched_new_service_invariant t (ltnW LTr) j0.
+        have SCHEDs: ~~ scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t.
+        {
+          apply contraT; rewrite negbK; intro SCHEDs.
+          have BUG: service sched_susp j0 t + 1 <= service sched_susp j0 t.
+          {
+            rewrite -(leq_add2r (inflated_job_cost j0 - job_cost j0)).
+            apply: (leq_trans _ INV); apply: (leq_trans _ NOTLATE').
+            rewrite leq_add2r.
+            by rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //= /service_at SCHEDs.
+          }
+          by rewrite addn1 ltnn in BUG.
+        }
+        suff BUG: scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t by rewrite BUG in SCHEDs.
+        by eapply executes_before_suspension; eauto 1.
+      Qed.
+      (* For simplicity, let's call suspension_start the time following the last
+         execution of a job. *)
+      Let suspension_start := time_after_last_execution job_arrival.
+      (* Then, we prove that if any_j is suspended at time t, it does not receive
+         any service between time t and the previous beginning of suspension. *)
+      Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_no_service_since_execution:
+        forall t t_mid,
+          suspended_in_sched_new any_j t ->
+          suspension_start sched_new any_j t <= t_mid < t ->
+          service sched_new any_j t <= service sched_new any_j t_mid.
+      Proof.
+        have BEFORE := executes_before_suspension_in_sched_new.
+        rename any_j into j0.
+        induction t; first by intros t_susp _; rewrite ltn0 andbF.
+        move => t_mid SUSPn' /andP [GE LT].
+        move: (SUSPn') => /andP [/andP [LTr' SUSPs'] _].
+        have LTr: t < arr_j + R by apply: (ltn_trans _ LTr').
+        have ARR: has_arrived job_arrival j0 t.+1.
+          by apply suspended_implies_arrived in SUSPs'.
+        rewrite /has_arrived leq_eqVlt in ARR; move: ARR => /orP [/eqP EQ | ARR].
+        {
+          rewrite /service /service_during.
+          rewrite (cumulative_service_before_job_arrival_zero job_arrival) ?EQ //.
+          by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+        }
+        case (boolP (scheduled_at sched_new j0 t)) => [SCHEDn | NOTSCHEDn]; last first.
+        {
+          apply leq_trans with (n := service sched_new j0 t).
+          {
+            apply negbTE in NOTSCHEDn; rewrite /service/service_during.
+            by rewrite big_nat_recr //= /service_at NOTSCHEDn addn0.
+          }
+          case (boolP (t_mid == t)) => [/eqP EQ | DIFF]; first by subst.
+          apply IHt.
+          {
+            apply contraT; intro NOTSUSPn.
+            suff SCHEDn: scheduled_at sched_new j0 t by rewrite SCHEDn in NOTSCHEDn.
+            by apply BEFORE.
+          }
+          apply/andP; split.
+          {
+            apply: (leq_trans _ GE); apply last_execution_monotonic; last by done.
+            by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+          }
+          by rewrite ltn_neqAle -ltnS LT andbT.
+        }
+        set start := suspension_start sched_new.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := service sched_new j0 (start j0 t.+1));
+          last by apply extend_sum.
+        apply extend_sum; first by done.
+        rewrite /start /suspension_start /time_after_last_execution.
+        have EX: [exists t0:'I_t.+1, scheduled_at sched_new j0 t0].
+          by apply/existsP; exists (Ordinal (ltnSn t)).
+        rewrite EX -addn1 leq_add2r addn1.
+        have GEt := @leq_bigmax_cond _ (fun x:'I_t.+1 => scheduled_at sched_new j0 x)
+                                        id (Ordinal (ltnSn t)).
+        by apply GEt.
+      Qed.
+      (* Next, we prove that if the suspension predicate holds for any_j at time t,
+         then the latest execution of any_j in the new schedule is no earlier than
+         its latest execution in the original schedule. *)
+      Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_suspension_starts_no_earlier:
+        forall t,
+          has_arrived job_arrival any_j t ->
+          suspended_in_sched_new any_j t ->
+          suspension_start sched_susp any_j t <= suspension_start sched_new any_j t.
+      Proof.
+        have BEFORE := executes_before_suspension_in_sched_new.
+        rename any_j into j0.
+        induction t.
+        {
+          intros ARR SUSPs; apply leq_trans with (n := 0); last by done.
+          rewrite /suspension_start /time_after_last_execution.
+          have NOTEX: [exists t0: 'I_0, scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t0] = false.
+            by apply negbTE; rewrite negb_exists; apply/forallP; intros [x LT0].
+          by rewrite NOTEX {NOTEX}.
+        }
+        {
+          intros ARR SUSPn'.
+          move: (SUSPn') => /andP [/andP [LTr _] _].
+          have LTr': t < arr_j + R by apply: (ltn_trans _ LTr).
+          rewrite /has_arrived leq_eqVlt in ARR; move: ARR => /orP [/eqP EQ | ARR].
+          {
+            have LAST := last_execution_after_arrival.
+            rewrite /suspension_start /has_arrived in LAST *.
+            apply leq_trans with (n := job_arrival j0);
+              last by apply LAST, sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+            rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
+            suff NOTEX: [exists t0: 'I_t.+1, scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t0] = false
+              by rewrite NOTEX.
+            apply negbTE; rewrite negb_exists; apply/forallP; intros t0.
+            apply/negP; intro SCHED0.
+            apply H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute in SCHED0.
+            suff BUG: t0 < t0 by rewrite ltnn in BUG.
+            by apply: (leq_trans _ SCHED0); rewrite EQ.
+          }
+          rewrite ltnS in ARR.
+          case (boolP (suspended_in_sched_new j0 t)) => [SUSPn | NOTSUSPn].
+          {
+            apply leq_trans with (n := suspension_start sched_new j0 t); last first.
+            {
+              apply last_execution_monotonic; last by done.
+              by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+            }
+            apply leq_trans with (n := suspension_start sched_susp j0 t); [|by apply IHt].
+            apply eq_leq, same_service_implies_same_last_execution.
+            rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //= /service_at.
+            case (boolP (scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t)); last by done.
+            intros SCHEDs; apply H_respects_self_suspensions in SCHEDs.
+            by move: SUSPn => /andP [/andP [_ SUSPs] _].
+          }
+          move: (SUSPn') => /andP [/andP [_ SUSPs']] _.
+          have SCHEDn := BEFORE t LTr' ARR NOTSUSPn SUSPn'.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := t.+1);
+            first by move: SUSPs' => /andP [_ /andP [LE _]].
+          rewrite /suspension_start /time_after_last_execution.
+          have EX: [exists t0:'I_t.+1, scheduled_at sched_new j0 t0].
+            by apply/existsP; exists (Ordinal (ltnSn t)).
+          rewrite EX -addn1 leq_add2r addn1.
+          have GE := @leq_bigmax_cond _ (fun x:'I_t.+1 => scheduled_at sched_new j0 x)
+                                        id (Ordinal (ltnSn t)).
+          by apply GE.
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* using the previous lemmas, we conclude that the suspension predicate is continuous
+         between any suspension point and the last execution of the job. *)
+      Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_is_continuous:
+        forall t t_mid,
+          suspended_in_sched_new any_j t ->
+          suspension_start sched_new any_j t <= t_mid < t ->
+          suspended_in_sched_new any_j t_mid.
+      Proof.
+        have NOSERV := suspended_in_sched_new_no_service_since_execution.
+        have NOEARLIER := suspended_in_sched_new_suspension_starts_no_earlier.
+        rename any_j into j0; intros t.
+        induction t_mid as [k IH] using strong_ind.
+        have INV := sched_new_service_invariant.
+        move => SUSPn /andP [GE LT].
+        move: (SUSPn) => /andP [/andP [LTr SUSPt] NOTLATEt].
+        rewrite -/job_is_late in NOTLATEt.
+        apply/andP; split; last first.
+        {
+          rewrite /reduction.job_is_late -/sched_new -2!leqNgt in NOTLATEt *.
+          feed (INV t); [by apply ltnW | specialize (INV j0)].
+          set Sn := service sched_new in INV NOTLATEt *.
+          set Ss := service sched_susp in INV NOTLATEt *.
+          set cost0 := job_cost j0 in INV NOTLATEt *.
+          set cost0' := inflated_job_cost j0 in INV NOTLATEt *.
+          have SAME: Sn j0 t = Ss j0 t + (cost0' - cost0).
+            by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP.
+          clear INV.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := Ss j0 t + (cost0' - cost0));
+            first by rewrite leq_add2r; apply extend_sum; last by apply ltnW.
+          rewrite -SAME {SAME}.
+          by apply NOSERV; rewrite ?SUSPn ?LTr ?SUSPt ?GE ?LT.
+        }
+        apply/andP; split; first by apply: (ltn_trans _ LTr).
+        apply suspended_in_suspension_interval with (t0 := t); try done.
+        {
+          apply/negP; intro COMPmid.
+          apply suspended_implies_not_completed in SUSPt.
+          suff BUG: completed_by job_cost sched_susp j0 t by rewrite BUG in SUSPt.
+          by apply completion_monotonic with (t0 := k); [| by apply ltnW |].
+        }
+        apply/andP; split;
+          last by apply: (ltn_trans LT); move: SUSPt => /andP [_ /andP [_ GTt]].
+        apply: (leq_trans _ GE).
+        apply NOEARLIER; try done.
+        by apply suspended_implies_arrived in SUSPt.
+      Qed. 
+    End SuspensionPredicate.
+    (** Properties of the Suspension Table *)
+    (* In this section, we prove some properties about the suspension table. *)
+    Section SuspensionTable.
+      (* First, we show that no job ever suspends after (arr_j + R). *)
+      Lemma suspended_in_sched_new_only_inside_window:
+        forall any_j t,
+          arr_j + R <= t ->
+          ~~ suspended_at job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration
+                          sched_new any_j t.
+      Proof.
+        intros any_j t LE.
+        case (boolP (has_arrived job_arrival any_j t)) => [ARR | NOTARR]; last first.
+        {
+          apply/negP; intro SUSP.
+          apply suspended_implies_arrived in SUSP;
+            last by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+          by rewrite SUSP in NOTARR.
+        }
+        apply suspension_duration_no_suspension_after_t_max; try done;
+          first by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+        intros j0 t0 LT.
+        rewrite /reduction.suspended_in_sched_new LT /=.
+        move => /andP [SUSPs _].
+        by apply suspended_implies_arrived in SUSPs.
+      Qed.
+      (* Next, using the lemmas about the suspension predicate, we show that the suspension
+         predicate for the new schedule matches the generated suspension table.
+         (see model/schedule/uni/susp/build_suspension_table.v) *)
+      Lemma sched_new_suspension_matches:
+        forall any_j t,
+          t < arr_j + R ->
+          suspended_in_sched_new any_j t =
+          suspended_at job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration sched_new any_j t.
+      Proof.
+        apply suspension_duration_matches_predicate_up_to_t_max;
+          first by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+        - by intros j0 t LT SUSP; apply suspended_in_sched_new_implies_arrived.
+        - by intros j0 t LT SUSP; apply suspended_in_sched_new_implies_not_completed.
+        - by intros j0 t LT SUSP; apply suspended_in_sched_new_is_continuous.
+      Qed.
+      (* Recall the definition of cumulative suspension in both schedules. *)
+      Let cumulative_suspension_in_sched_susp :=
+        cumulative_suspension job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
+      Let cumulative_suspension_in_sched_new :=
+        cumulative_suspension job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration sched_new.
+      (* To conclude, we prove that the suspension durations in the new schedule are no
+         longer than in the original schedule. *)
+      Lemma sched_new_has_shorter_suspensions:
+        forall any_j t,
+          cumulative_suspension_in_sched_new any_j t
+          <= cumulative_suspension_in_sched_susp any_j t.
+      Proof.
+        intros j0 t.
+        apply leq_sum; intros i _.
+        case (ltnP i (arr_j + R)) => [LTr | GEr].
+        {
+          rewrite -sched_new_suspension_matches //.
+          rewrite /suspended_in_sched_new /reduction.suspended_in_sched_new.
+          rewrite LTr /=.
+          by case: (X in (_ && X)); rewrite ?andbT ?andbF.
+        }
+        {
+          apply leq_trans with (n := 0); last by done.
+          rewrite leqn0 eqb0.
+          case (boolP (has_arrived job_arrival j0 i)) => [ARR | NOTARR];
+            first by apply suspended_in_sched_new_only_inside_window.
+          apply/negP; intro SUSPn.
+          apply suspended_implies_arrived in SUSPn; first by rewrite SUSPn in NOTARR.
+          by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+        }
+      Qed.
+    End SuspensionTable.
+    (** Suspension-Related Schedule Properties *)
+    (* Having shown that the suspension table matches the suspension predicate,
+       we now analyze the suspension predicate and prove that the generated
+       schedule satisfies all the remaining properties. *)
+    Section AdditionalScheduleProperties.
+      (* First, we show that the new schedule respects self-suspensions. *)
+      Lemma sched_new_respects_self_suspensions:
+        respects_self_suspensions job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration sched_new.
+      Proof.
+        move => j0 t /eqP SCHEDn; apply/negP.
+        case (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) => [LTr | GEr];
+          last by apply suspended_in_sched_new_only_inside_window.
+        rewrite -sched_new_suspension_matches /suspended_in_sched_new //.
+        rewrite negb_and negbK.
+        rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function in SCHEDn.
+        rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule in SCHEDn.
+        case (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) => [LT | GE]; last by rewrite ltnNge GE.
+        rewrite LT /reduction.highest_priority_late_job in SCHEDn.
+        apply seq_min_in_seq in SCHEDn.
+        rewrite mem_filter in SCHEDn.
+        move: SCHEDn => /andP [/andP [PEND OR] _].
+        move: OR => /orP [SERV | SCHED]; first by rewrite SERV orbT.
+        apply/orP; left.
+        rewrite negb_and; apply/orP; right.
+        by apply/negP; apply H_respects_self_suspensions.
+      Qed.
+      (* Next, we prove that the new schedule is (suspension-aware) work-conserving... *)
+      Lemma sched_new_work_conserving:
+        work_conserving job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration
+                        arr_seq sched_new.
+      Proof.
+        have COMPnew := sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+        have MATCH := sched_new_suspension_matches.
+        rename H_work_conserving into WORKs, H_respects_priority into PRIOs.
+        intros j0 t IN BACK.
+        move: BACK => /andP [/andP[PEND NOTSCHED] NOTSUSP].
+        rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function in NOTSCHED *.
+        rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule in NOTSCHED *.
+        case: (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) => [BEFORE | AFTER]; last first.
+        {
+          clear NOTSUSP; rewrite ltnNge AFTER /= in NOTSCHED.
+          rewrite -/hp_job in NOTSCHED *.
+          destruct (hp_job t) eqn:SCHEDn; first by exists s.
+          exfalso; clear NOTSCHED.
+          suff NOTNONE: hp_job t != None by rewrite SCHEDn in NOTNONE.
+          move: (PEND) => /andP [ARR NOTCOMPn].
+          have IN0: j0 \in jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t.
+            by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
+          apply seq_min_exists with (x := j0).
+          by rewrite mem_filter PEND IN0.
+        }
+        rewrite -MATCH // in NOTSUSP.
+        rewrite /suspended_in_sched_new negb_and negbK in NOTSUSP.
+        rewrite BEFORE /= in NOTSUSP NOTSCHED.
+        rewrite -/hp_late_job in NOTSCHED *.
+        destruct (hp_late_job t) eqn:SCHEDn; first by exists s.
+        exfalso; clear NOTSCHED.
+        suff NOTNONE: hp_late_job t != None by rewrite SCHEDn in NOTNONE.
+        move: (PEND) => /andP [ARR NOTCOMPn].
+        have IN0: j0 \in jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t.
+          by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
+        move: NOTSUSP => /orP [NOTSUSPs | LT]; last first.
+        {
+          clear SCHEDn; apply seq_min_exists with (x := j0).
+          by rewrite mem_filter PEND IN0 andbT LT.
+        }
+        case (boolP (completed_by job_cost sched_susp j0 t)) => [COMPs | NOTCOMPs].
+        {
+          clear SCHEDn; apply seq_min_exists with (x := j0).
+          rewrite mem_filter PEND IN0 andbT /=.
+          apply/orP; left.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := job_cost j0 + (inflated_job_cost j0 - job_cost j0));
+            last by move: COMPs => /eqP <-; rewrite leq_add2r.
+          rewrite subnKC; last by apply H_job_costs_do_not_decrease.
+          by rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split;
+            last by apply sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+        }
+        case (boolP (scheduled_at sched_susp j0 t)) => [SCHEDs | NOTSCHEDs].
+        {
+          clear SCHEDn; apply seq_min_exists with (x := j0).
+          by rewrite mem_filter PEND IN0 andbT SCHEDs orbT.
+        }
+        feed (WORKs j0 t IN); first by repeat (apply/andP; split).
+        move: WORKs => [j_hp SCHEDhp].
+        clear SCHEDn; apply seq_min_exists with (x := j_hp).
+        have ARRhp: has_arrived job_arrival j_hp t.
+          by apply H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+        have ARRINhp: arrives_in arr_seq j_hp.
+          by eapply H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence; eauto 1.
+        have INhp: j_hp \in jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t.
+          by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
+        rewrite mem_filter INhp andbT SCHEDhp orbT andbT.
+        apply/andP; split; first by done.
+        apply contraT; rewrite negbK; intro COMPhpN.
+        have COMPhpS: completed_by job_cost sched_susp j_hp t.
+          by apply sched_new_jobs_complete_later; first by apply ltnW.
+        by apply completed_implies_not_scheduled in COMPhpS;
+          first by rewrite SCHEDhp in COMPhpS.
+      Qed.
+      (* ...and respects job priorities. *)
+      Lemma sched_new_respects_policy:
+        respects_JLDP_policy job_arrival inflated_job_cost reduced_suspension_duration
+                             arr_seq sched_new higher_eq_priority.
+      Proof.
+        have MATCH := sched_new_suspension_matches.
+        rename H_priority_is_transitive into TRANS, H_priority_is_total into TOTAL,
+               H_priority_is_reflexive into REFL, H_work_conserving into WORKs,
+               H_respects_priority into PRIOs.
+        move => j1 j2 t ARRin BACK /eqP SCHED.
+        move: BACK => /andP [/andP [PEND NOTSCHED] NOTSUSPn].
+        rewrite /scheduled_at sched_new_uses_construction_function /build_schedule
+                /reduction.build_schedule in SCHED NOTSCHED *.
+        case: (ltnP t (arr_j + R)) => [BEFORE | AFTER]; last first.
+        {
+          rewrite ltnNge AFTER /= in SCHED NOTSCHED.
+          rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_job in SCHED NOTSCHED.
+          set jobs := reduction.pending_jobs _ _ _ _ _ in SCHED NOTSCHED.
+          have IN: j1 \in jobs.
+          {
+            rewrite mem_filter PEND /=.
+            move: PEND => /andP [ARR _].
+            by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
+          }
+          apply seq_min_computes_min with (y := j1) in SCHED; try (by done).
+          by intros x y; rewrite 2!mem_filter; move => /andP [_ INx] /andP [_ INy];
+            apply TOTAL; eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; eauto 2.
+        }
+        rewrite BEFORE in SCHED NOTSCHED.
+        rewrite /reduction.highest_priority_late_job in SCHED NOTSCHED.
+        set jobs := _ sched_new t in SCHED NOTSCHED.
+        rewrite -MATCH // negb_and negbK in NOTSUSPn.
+        have TOT: forall x y, x \in jobs -> y \in jobs ->
+                      higher_eq_priority t x y || higher_eq_priority t y x.
+        {
+          intros x y INx INy; rewrite 2!mem_filter in INx INy.
+          move: INx INy => /andP [_ INx] /andP [_ INy].
+          by apply TOTAL; eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; eauto 1.
+        }
+        have ARR1: has_arrived job_arrival j1 t by move: PEND => /andP [ARR _].
+        have IN1: j1 \in jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t.
+          by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
+        move: NOTSUSPn => /orP [NOTSUSPs | LT]; last first.
+        {
+          apply seq_min_computes_min with (l := jobs); try done.
+          by rewrite mem_filter IN1 andbT PEND LT.
+        }
+        rewrite BEFORE /= in NOTSUSPs.
+        case (boolP (scheduled_at sched_susp j1 t)) => [SCHEDs | NOTSCHEDs].
+        { 
+          apply seq_min_computes_min with (l := jobs); try done.
+          by rewrite mem_filter IN1 andbT PEND SCHEDs orbT.
+        }
+        case (boolP (completed_by job_cost sched_susp j1 t)) => [COMPs | NOTCOMPs].
+        { 
+          apply seq_min_computes_min with (l := jobs); try (by done).
+          rewrite mem_filter PEND /= IN1 andbT.
+          apply/orP; left.
+          rewrite /reduction.job_is_late.
+          move: COMPs => /eqP ->; rewrite subnKC; last by eauto 1.
+          move: PEND => /andP [_ NOTCOMP].
+          rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split; first by done.
+          apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
+          by apply sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+        }
+        feed (WORKs j1 t ARRin); first by repeat (apply/andP; split).
+        move: WORKs => [j_hp SCHEDhp].
+        apply: (TRANS _ j_hp);
+          last by apply PRIOs; try done; repeat (apply/andP; split).
+        have ARRhp: has_arrived job_arrival j_hp t.
+          by apply H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+        have ARRINhp: arrives_in arr_seq j_hp.
+          by eapply H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence; eauto 1.
+        have INhp: j_hp \in jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t.
+          by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
+        apply seq_min_computes_min with (l := jobs); try done.
+        rewrite mem_filter INhp andbT SCHEDhp orbT andbT.
+        apply/andP; split; first by done.
+        apply contraT; rewrite negbK; intro COMPhpN.
+        have COMPhpS: completed_by job_cost sched_susp j_hp t.
+          by apply sched_new_jobs_complete_later; first by apply ltnW.
+        by apply completed_implies_not_scheduled in COMPhpS;
+          first by rewrite SCHEDhp in COMPhpS.
+      Qed.
+    End AdditionalScheduleProperties.
+    (** Final Remarks *)
+    Section FinalRemarks.
+      (* To summarize, we conclude that the new schedule is a valid suspension-aware schedule ...  *)
+      Remark sched_new_is_valid:
+        valid_suspension_aware_schedule job_arrival arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                  reduced_suspension_duration inflated_job_cost sched_new.
+      Proof.
+        repeat split.
+        - by apply sched_new_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
+        - by apply sched_new_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+        - by apply sched_new_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+        - by apply sched_new_work_conserving.
+        - by apply sched_new_respects_policy.
+        - by apply sched_new_respects_self_suspensions.
+      Qed.
+      (* ...and that if the analyzed job j has response-time bound R in the schedule,
+         then it also has response-time bound R in the original schedule. *)
+      Remark sched_new_response_time_of_job_j:
+        job_response_time_in_sched_new_bounded_by j R ->
+        job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by j R.
+      Proof.
+        by apply sched_new_jobs_complete_later.
+      Qed.
+    End FinalRemarks.
+  End ReductionProperties.
+End SustainabilityAllCostsProperties.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/singlecost/reduction.v b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/singlecost/reduction.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ace08f94e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/singlecost/reduction.v
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule.
+Require Import
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
+(* In this file, we propose a reduction that converts a suspension-aware
+   schedule to another suspension-aware schedule where the cost of a certain
+   job is inflated and its response time does not decrease. *)
+Module SustainabilitySingleCost.
+  Import ScheduleWithSuspensions Suspension Priority ScheduleConstruction.
+  Section Reduction.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    (** Basic Setup & Setting*)
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    (* ...and assume any (schedule-independent) JLDP policy. *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: JLDP_policy Job.
+    (* Next, consider any suspension-aware schedule of the arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
+    (* ...and the associated job suspension times. *)
+    Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
+    (** Definition of the Reduction *)
+    (* Now we proceed with the reduction. Let j be the job to be analyzed. *)
+    Variable j: Job.
+    (* Next, consider any job cost inflation that does not decrease the cost of job j
+       and that preserves the cost of the remaining jobs. *)
+    Variable inflated_job_cost: Job -> time.
+    (** Schedule Construction *)
+    (* We are going to construct a new schedule that copies the original suspension-aware
+       schedule and tries to preserve the service received by job j, until the time when
+       it completes in the original schedule. *)
+    Section ScheduleConstruction.
+      (* First, we define the schedule construction function. *)
+      Section ConstructionStep.
+        (* For any time t, suppose that we have generated the schedule prefix in the
+           interval [0, t). Then, we must define what should be scheduled at time t. *)
+        Variable sched_prefix: schedule Job.
+        Variable t: time.
+        (* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
+        Let job_is_pending := pending job_arrival inflated_job_cost sched_prefix.
+        Let job_is_suspended :=
+          suspended_at job_arrival inflated_job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_prefix.
+        Let actual_job_arrivals_up_to := jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq.
+        (* Recall that a job is ready in the new schedule iff it is pending and not suspended. *)
+        Let job_is_ready j t := job_is_pending j t && ~~ job_is_suspended j t.
+        (* Then, consider the list of ready jobs at time t in the new schedule. *)
+        Definition ready_jobs :=
+          [seq j_other <- actual_job_arrivals_up_to t | job_is_ready j_other t].
+        (* From the list of ready jobs, we take one of the (possibly many)
+           highest-priority jobs, or None, in case there are no ready jobs. *)
+        Definition highest_priority_job := seq_min (higher_eq_priority t) ready_jobs.
+        (* Then, we construct the new schedule at time t as follows.
+           a) If the currently scheduled job in sched_susp is ready to execute in the new schedule
+              and has highest priority, pick that job.
+           b) Else, pick one of the highest priority ready jobs in the new schedule. *)
+        Definition build_schedule : option Job :=
+          if highest_priority_job is Some j_hp then
+            if sched_susp t is Some j_in_susp then
+              if job_is_ready j_in_susp t && higher_eq_priority t j_in_susp j_hp then
+                Some j_in_susp
+              else
+                Some j_hp
+            else Some j_hp     
+          else None.
+      End ConstructionStep.
+      (* To conclude, starting from the empty schedule, ...*)
+      Let empty_schedule : schedule Job := fun t => None.
+      (* ...we use the recursive definition above to construct the new schedule. *)
+      Definition sched_susp_highercost :=
+        build_schedule_from_prefixes build_schedule empty_schedule.
+    End ScheduleConstruction.    
+  End Reduction.
+End SustainabilitySingleCost.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/singlecost/reduction_properties.v b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/singlecost/reduction_properties.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1389856cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/uni/susp/sustainability/singlecost/reduction_properties.v
@@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.response_time.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.suspension_intervals
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.platform.
+Require Import rt.analysis.uni.susp.sustainability.singlecost.reduction.
+Require Import
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
+(* In this file, we prove that the in the generated suspension-aware schedule, 
+   the response time of the job whose cost is inflated does not decrease. *)
+Module SustainabilitySingleCostProperties.
+  Import ScheduleWithSuspensions Suspension Priority SuspensionIntervals
+         PlatformWithSuspensions ResponseTime ScheduleConstruction.
+  Module reduction := SustainabilitySingleCost.
+  Section ReductionProperties.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    (** Basic Setup & Setting*)
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent job arrivals. *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
+      arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
+    (* Assume any (schedule-independent) JLDP policy that is reflexive, transitive and total,
+       i.e., that indicates "higher-or-equal priority". *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: JLDP_policy Job.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_reflexive: JLDP_is_reflexive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_transitive: JLDP_is_transitive higher_eq_priority.
+    Hypothesis H_priority_is_total: JLDP_is_total arr_seq higher_eq_priority.
+    (* Next, consider any suspension-aware schedule of the arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
+    Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
+      jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched_susp arr_seq.
+    (* ...and the associated job suspension times. *)
+    Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
+    (* Assume that, in this schedule, jobs only execute after they arrive... *)
+    Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
+      jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched_susp.
+    (* ...and no longer than their execution costs. *)
+    Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
+      completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched_susp.
+    (* Also assume that the schedule is work-conserving if there are non-suspended jobs, ... *)
+    Hypothesis H_work_conserving:
+      work_conserving job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration arr_seq sched_susp.
+    (* ...that the schedule respects job priorities... *)
+    Hypothesis H_respects_priority:
+      respects_JLDP_policy job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration arr_seq
+                           sched_susp higher_eq_priority.
+    (* ...and that suspended jobs are not allowed to be scheduled. *)
+    Hypothesis H_respects_self_suspensions:
+      respects_self_suspensions job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
+    (** Reduction Setup *)
+    (* Now we prove properties about the reduction. Let j be any job. *)
+    Variable j: Job.
+    Let arr_j := job_arrival j.
+    (* Next, consider any job cost inflation... *)
+    Variable inflated_job_cost: Job -> time.
+    (* ...that does not decrease the cost of job j... *)
+    Hypothesis H_cost_of_j_does_not_decrease: inflated_job_cost j >= job_cost j.
+    (* ...and that preserves the cost of the remaining jobs. *)
+    Hypothesis H_inflation_only_for_job_j:
+      forall any_j,
+        any_j != j ->
+        inflated_job_cost any_j = job_cost any_j.
+    (* Recall the schedule we constructed from sched_susp by inflating the cost of job j. *)
+    Let sched_susp_highercost := reduction.sched_susp_highercost job_arrival arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                                  sched_susp job_suspension_duration inflated_job_cost.
+    (* For simplicity, we define some local names for the definitions related to both schedules. *)
+    Let job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival job_cost sched_susp.
+    Let job_response_time_in_sched_susp_highercost_bounded_by :=
+      is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival inflated_job_cost sched_susp_highercost.
+    Let ready_jobs := reduction.ready_jobs job_arrival arr_seq job_suspension_duration
+                                           inflated_job_cost sched_susp_highercost.
+    Let hp_job := reduction.highest_priority_job job_arrival arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                   job_suspension_duration inflated_job_cost sched_susp_highercost.
+    Let completed_in_sched_susp := completed_by job_cost sched_susp.
+    Let completed_in_sched_susp_highercost := completed_by inflated_job_cost sched_susp_highercost.
+    Let suspended_in_sched_susp :=
+      suspended_at job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
+    Let suspended_in_sched_susp_highercost :=
+      suspended_at job_arrival inflated_job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp_highercost.
+    Let service_in_sched_susp := service sched_susp.
+    Let service_in_sched_susp_highercost := service sched_susp_highercost.
+    (** Properties of the Schedule Construction  *)
+    (* In this section, we prove that the new schedule uses its construction function. *)
+    Section PropertiesOfScheduleConstruction.
+      (* Recall the construction function of the new schedule. *)
+      Let build_schedule := reduction.build_schedule job_arrival arr_seq higher_eq_priority
+                                               sched_susp job_suspension_duration inflated_job_cost.
+      (* By showing that the construction function depends only on the schedule prefix, ... *)
+      Lemma sched_susp_highercost_depends_only_on_prefix:
+        forall sched1 sched2 t,
+          (forall t0, t0 < t -> sched1 t0 = sched2 t0) ->
+          build_schedule sched1 t = build_schedule sched2 t.
+      Proof.
+        intros sched1 sched2 t ALL.
+        rewrite /build_schedule /reduction.build_schedule /reduction.highest_priority_job.
+        have COMP: forall j, completed_by inflated_job_cost sched1 j t =
+                             completed_by inflated_job_cost sched2 j t.
+        {
+          intros j0; rewrite /completed_by; f_equal.
+          apply eq_big_nat; move => i /= LTi.
+          by rewrite /service_at /scheduled_at ALL.
+        }
+        set pend1 := pending _ _ sched1.
+        set pend2 := pending _ _ sched2.
+        set susp1 := suspended_at _ _ _ sched1.
+        set susp2 := suspended_at _ _ _ sched2.
+        have SAME: forall j, pend1 j t = pend2 j t.
+        {
+          intros j0; rewrite /pend1 /pend2 /pending.
+          by case: has_arrived => //=; rewrite COMP.
+        }
+        set readyjobs := reduction.ready_jobs _ _ _ _.
+        have EX: forall j0, [exists t0: 'I_t, scheduled_at sched1 j0 t0] =
+                            [exists t0: 'I_t, scheduled_at sched2 j0 t0].
+        {
+          intros j0; apply/idP/idP.
+          - by move => /existsP [t0 SCHED]; apply/existsP; exists t0; rewrite /scheduled_at -ALL.
+          - by move => /existsP [t0 SCHED]; apply/existsP; exists t0; rewrite /scheduled_at ALL.
+        }
+        have BEG: forall j0, time_after_last_execution job_arrival sched1 j0 t =
+                             time_after_last_execution job_arrival sched2 j0 t.
+        {
+          intros j0; rewrite /time_after_last_execution EX.
+          case: ifP => _; last by done.
+          by f_equal; apply eq_bigl; intros t0; rewrite /scheduled_at ALL.
+        }
+        have SUSP: forall j0, has_arrived job_arrival j0 t ->
+                              suspension_duration job_arrival job_suspension_duration sched1 j0 t =
+                              suspension_duration job_arrival job_suspension_duration sched2 j0 t.
+        {
+          intros j0 ARR0; rewrite /suspension_duration BEG; f_equal.
+          rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_cond [in RHS]big_nat_cond.
+          apply congr_big; try (by done).
+          move => i /= /andP [LTi _].
+          rewrite /service_at /scheduled_at ALL //.
+          apply: (leq_trans LTi).
+          by apply last_execution_bounded_by_identity.
+        }        
+        have SAMEsusp: forall j0, has_arrived job_arrival j0 t -> susp1 j0 t = susp2 j0 t.
+          by intros j0 ARR0; rewrite /susp1 /susp2 /suspended_at COMP BEG SUSP.
+        have SAMEready: readyjobs sched1 t = readyjobs sched2 t.
+        {
+          apply eq_in_filter; intros j0 IN.
+          rewrite -/pend1 -/pend2 SAME; f_equal.
+          rewrite /suspended_at COMP BEG SUSP; first by done.
+          by rewrite /has_arrived -ltnS; eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_before; eauto 1.
+        }
+        rewrite SAMEready; desf; try (by done); rewrite SAME SAMEsusp in Heq1; try (by done);
+        by apply H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute; apply/eqP.
+      Qed.
+      (* ...we infer that the new schedule is indeed based on the construction function. *)
+      Corollary sched_susp_highercost_uses_construction_function:
+        forall t,
+          sched_susp_highercost t = build_schedule sched_susp_highercost t.
+      Proof.
+        by ins; apply prefix_dependent_schedule_construction,
+                      sched_susp_highercost_depends_only_on_prefix.
+      Qed.
+    End PropertiesOfScheduleConstruction.
+    (** Basic Properties of the Generated Schedule *)
+    (* In this section, we prove that sched_susp_highercost is a valid suspension-aware schedule. *)
+    Section ScheduleIsValid.
+      (* First, we show that scheduled jobs come from the arrival sequence. *)
+      Lemma sched_susp_highercost_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
+        jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched_susp_highercost arr_seq.
+      Proof.
+        rename H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence into FROM.
+        move => j0 t /eqP SCHED.
+        rewrite sched_susp_highercost_uses_construction_function /reduction.build_schedule
+                -/hp_job in SCHED.
+        destruct (hp_job t) as [j_hp|] eqn:HP; last by done.
+        have IN: j_hp \in ready_jobs t.
+          by rewrite /hp_job /reduction.highest_priority_job in HP; apply seq_min_in_seq in HP.
+        have ARRhp: arrives_in arr_seq j_hp.
+        {
+          rewrite mem_filter in IN; move: IN => /andP [/andP _ IN].
+          by apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived in IN.
+        }
+        destruct (sched_susp t) eqn:SCHEDs; last by case: SCHED => SAME; subst.
+        move: SCHEDs => /eqP SCHEDs; apply FROM in SCHEDs.
+        case: SCHED; case: ifP; first by move => /andP [PEND _]; case => <-.
+        by move => NOTPEND; case => <-.
+      Qed.
+      (* Next, we show that jobs do not execute before their arrival times... *)
+      Lemma sched_susp_highercost_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
+        jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched_susp_highercost.
+      Proof.
+        have FUNC := sched_susp_highercost_uses_construction_function.
+        rename H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute into MUST.
+        move => j0 t /eqP SCHED.
+        rewrite FUNC /reduction.build_schedule -/hp_job in SCHED.
+        destruct (hp_job t) as [j_hp|] eqn:HP; last by done.
+        have IN: j_hp \in ready_jobs t.
+          by rewrite /hp_job /reduction.highest_priority_job in HP; apply seq_min_in_seq in HP.
+        have ARRhp: has_arrived job_arrival j_hp t.
+        {
+          rewrite mem_filter in IN; move: IN => /andP [/andP _ IN].
+          by eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_before in IN; eauto.
+        }
+        destruct (sched_susp t) eqn:SCHEDs; last by case: SCHED => SAME; subst.
+        case: SCHED; case: ifP;
+          first by move => /andP [PEND _]; case => <-; apply MUST; apply/eqP.
+        by move => NOTPEND; case => <-.
+      Qed.
+      (* ...nor longer than their execution costs. *)
+      Lemma sched_susp_highercost_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
+        completed_jobs_dont_execute inflated_job_cost sched_susp_highercost.
+      Proof.
+        intros j0 t.
+        induction t;
+          first by rewrite /service /service_during big_geq //.
+        rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //=.
+        rewrite leq_eqVlt in IHt; move: IHt => /orP [/eqP EQ | LT]; last first.
+        {
+          apply: leq_trans LT; rewrite -addn1.
+            by apply leq_add; last by apply leq_b1.
+        }
+        rewrite -[inflated_job_cost _]addn0; apply leq_add; first by rewrite -EQ.
+        rewrite leqn0 eqb0 /scheduled_at.
+        rewrite sched_susp_highercost_uses_construction_function /reduction.build_schedule
+                -/hp_job.
+        destruct (hp_job t) as [j_hp|] eqn:HP; last by done.
+        have IN: j_hp \in ready_jobs t.
+          by rewrite /hp_job /reduction.highest_priority_job in HP; apply seq_min_in_seq in HP.
+        have PENDhp: pending job_arrival inflated_job_cost sched_susp_highercost j_hp t. 
+        {
+          rewrite mem_filter in IN; move: IN => /andP [/andP [PEND _] IN].
+          by eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_before in IN; eauto.
+        }
+        destruct (sched_susp t) eqn:SCHEDs; last first.
+        {
+          apply/eqP; case => SAME; subst j0.
+          suff NOTPEND: ~~ pending job_arrival inflated_job_cost sched_susp_highercost j_hp t.
+            by rewrite PENDhp in NOTPEND.
+          by rewrite /pending negb_and; apply/orP; right; rewrite negbK; apply/eqP.
+        }
+        {
+          case: ifP => [PEND | NOTPEND]; apply/eqP; case => SAME; subst j0;
+            last by move: PENDhp => /andP [_ NC]; rewrite /completed_by EQ eq_refl in NC.
+          move: PEND => /andP [/andP [/andP [_ NC] _] _].
+          by rewrite /completed_by EQ eq_refl in NC.
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* In addition, we prove that the new schedule is work-conserving,... *)
+      Lemma sched_susp_highercost_work_conserving:
+        work_conserving job_arrival inflated_job_cost job_suspension_duration
+                        arr_seq sched_susp_highercost.
+      Proof.
+        intros j0 t IN BACK.
+        move: BACK => /andP [/andP[PEND NOTSCHED] NOTSUSP].
+        rewrite /scheduled_at sched_susp_highercost_uses_construction_function
+                /reduction.build_schedule -/hp_job in NOTSCHED *.
+        destruct (hp_job) as [j_hp|] eqn:HP.
+        {
+          destruct (sched_susp t) eqn:SCHEDs; last by exists j_hp.
+          by case: ifP; intros _; [exists s | exists j_hp].
+        }
+        {
+          have IN0: j0 \in ready_jobs t.
+          {
+            rewrite mem_filter PEND NOTSUSP /=.
+            eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
+            by move: PEND => /andP [ARR _].
+          }
+          suff NOTNONE: hp_job t != None by rewrite HP in NOTNONE.
+          by apply seq_min_exists with (x := j0).
+        }
+      Qed.
+      (* ...respects job priorities, ... *)
+      Lemma sched_susp_highercost_respects_policy:
+        respects_JLDP_policy job_arrival inflated_job_cost job_suspension_duration
+                             arr_seq sched_susp_highercost higher_eq_priority.
+      Proof.
+        rename H_priority_is_transitive into TRANS, H_priority_is_total into TOTAL,
+               H_priority_is_reflexive into REFL.
+        move => j1 j2 t IN BACK /eqP SCHED.
+        move: BACK => /andP [/andP [PEND NOTSCHED] NOTSUSP].
+        rewrite /scheduled_at sched_susp_highercost_uses_construction_function /reduction.build_schedule
+                -/hp_job in SCHED NOTSCHED *.
+        set pend := pending _ _ _ in SCHED NOTSCHED.
+        have ALL: forall j_hi j_lo, hp_job t = Some j_hi ->
+                                    j_lo \in ready_jobs t ->
+                                    higher_eq_priority t j_hi j_lo.
+        {
+          intros j_hi j_lo SOME INlo; move: SCHED => MIN.
+          rewrite /hp_job /reduction.highest_priority_job in SOME.
+          apply seq_min_computes_min with (y := j_lo) in SOME; try (by done). 
+          intros x y; rewrite mem_filter [y \in _]mem_filter /jobs_arrived_up_to.
+          move => /andP [_ INx] /andP [_ INy].
+          by apply TOTAL; eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; eauto 1.
+        }
+        destruct (hp_job t) as [j_hp |] eqn:HP; last by done.
+        have HIGHER: higher_eq_priority t j_hp j1.
+        {
+          apply ALL; first by done.
+          move: PEND => /andP [ARR NOTCOMP].
+          rewrite mem_filter /pending ARR NOTCOMP NOTSUSP /=.
+          by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
+        }
+        destruct (sched_susp t) eqn:SCHEDs; last by case: SCHED => SAME; subst j2. 
+        move: SCHED; case: ifP => [/andP[ PENDs HPs] | NOTPENDs]; case => SAME; subst;
+          first by apply (TRANS t (j_hp)).
+        apply ALL; first by done.
+        move: PEND => /andP [ARR NOTCOMP].
+        rewrite mem_filter /pending ARR NOTCOMP NOTSUSP /=.
+        by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
+      Qed.
+      (* ...and does not allow suspended jobs to be scheduled. *)
+      Lemma sched_susp_highercost_respects_self_suspensions:
+        respects_self_suspensions job_arrival inflated_job_cost
+                                  job_suspension_duration sched_susp_highercost.
+      Proof.
+        rename H_respects_self_suspensions into SELF.
+        move => j0 t /eqP SCHED SUSP.
+        set suspended := suspended_at _ _ _ _ in SUSP. 
+        rewrite sched_susp_highercost_uses_construction_function /reduction.build_schedule
+                -/hp_job in SCHED.
+        destruct (hp_job t) as [j_hp|] eqn:HP; last by done.
+        have IN: j_hp \in ready_jobs t.
+          by rewrite /hp_job /reduction.highest_priority_job in HP; apply seq_min_in_seq in HP.
+        have NOTSUSP: ~~ suspended j_hp t.
+        {
+          by rewrite mem_filter in IN; move: IN => /andP [/andP [_ NOTs] _].
+        }
+        destruct (sched_susp t) eqn:SCHEDs;
+          last by case: SCHED => SAME; subst; rewrite SUSP in NOTSUSP.
+        case: SCHED; case: ifP; last by move => _; case => SAME; subst; rewrite SUSP in NOTSUSP.
+        move: SCHEDs; move => /eqP SCHEDs /andP [/andP [PEND NOTSUSPs] _]; case => SAME; subst.
+        by rewrite -/suspended SUSP in NOTSUSPs.
+      Qed.
+    End ScheduleIsValid.
+    (** Scheduling Invariant *)
+    (* In this section, we compare the two schedules to determine they are the same
+       while job j has not completed in sched_susp. *)
+    Section SchedulingInvariant.
+      (* To prove that the schedules are the same, we use induction over time. *)
+      Section InductiveStep.
+        (* Consider any time t by which job j has not completed in sched_susp. *)
+        Variable t: time.
+        Hypothesis H_j_has_not_completed: ~~ completed_in_sched_susp j t.
+        (* Induction Hypothesis:
+           Assume that at every time prior to time t, any job that is scheduled
+           in sched_susp is also scheduled in sched_susp_highercost. *)
+        Hypothesis H_schedules_are_the_same:
+          forall k any_j,
+            k < t ->
+            scheduled_at sched_susp any_j k = scheduled_at sched_susp_highercost any_j k.
+        (* Then, let k be any time no later than t. *)
+        Variable k: time.
+        Hypothesis H_k_before_t: k <= t.
+        (* First, we prove that jobs complete at time k in sched_susp iff they
+           complete in the new schedule. *)
+        Lemma sched_susp_highercost_same_completion:
+          forall any_j,
+            completed_in_sched_susp any_j k = completed_in_sched_susp_highercost any_j k.
+        Proof.
+          rename H_j_has_not_completed into NOTCOMPj,
+                 H_schedules_are_the_same into IH, H_cost_of_j_does_not_decrease into COSTj,
+                 H_inflation_only_for_job_j into COSTother.
+          have COMPLETIONw := sched_susp_highercost_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+          rewrite /completed_in_sched_susp/completed_in_sched_susp_highercost
+                  /completed_by in NOTCOMPj *.
+          intros any_j; apply/idP/idP.
+          {
+            intros COMPs.
+            case (boolP (any_j == j)) => [/eqP EQ | NEQ]; subst.
+            {
+              suff BUG: service sched_susp j t == job_cost j by rewrite BUG in NOTCOMPj.
+              by apply completion_monotonic with (t0 := k); try (by done); apply ltnW.
+            }
+            rewrite COSTother //; move: COMPs => /eqP <-.
+            apply/eqP; rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_cond [X in _=X]big_nat_cond.
+            apply eq_bigr; move => i /= /andP [LT _].
+            by rewrite /service_at IH //; apply: (leq_trans LT).
+          }
+          {
+            intros COMPw.
+            rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split;
+              first by apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
+            apply leq_trans with (n := inflated_job_cost any_j);
+              first by case (boolP (any_j==j)) => [/eqP EQ | NEQ]; subst; rewrite ?COSTj ?COSTother.
+            move: COMPw => /eqP <-.
+            apply leq_sum_nat; move => i /= LT _.
+            by rewrite /service_at IH //; apply: (leq_trans LT).
+          }
+        Qed.
+        (* We also prove the execution patterns of the jobs coincide... *)
+        Lemma sched_susp_highercost_same_time_after_last_exec:
+          forall any_j,
+            time_after_last_execution job_arrival sched_susp any_j k =
+            time_after_last_execution job_arrival sched_susp_highercost any_j k.
+        Proof.
+          rename H_schedules_are_the_same into IH.
+          intros any_j; rewrite /time_after_last_execution.
+          have EXsame: [exists t0:'I_k, scheduled_at sched_susp any_j t0] =
+                       [exists t0:'I_k, scheduled_at sched_susp_highercost any_j t0].
+          {
+            by apply/idP/idP; move => /existsP [t0 LT0];
+            apply/existsP; exists t0; rewrite ?IH//-?IH//; apply leq_trans with (n := k).
+          }
+          rewrite EXsame {EXsame}; case: ifP => [EX | _]; last by done.
+          f_equal; apply eq_bigl; intros i; rewrite IH //.
+          by apply leq_trans with (n := k).
+        Qed.
+        (* ...and the jobs have the same suspension intervals, ... *)
+        Lemma sched_susp_highercost_same_suspension_duration:
+          forall any_j,
+            has_arrived job_arrival any_j k ->
+            suspension_duration job_arrival job_suspension_duration sched_susp any_j k =
+            suspension_duration job_arrival job_suspension_duration sched_susp_highercost any_j k.
+        Proof.
+          intros any_j ARR.
+          rewrite /suspension_duration /service /service_during; f_equal.
+          rewrite sched_susp_highercost_same_time_after_last_exec.
+          rewrite big_nat_cond [X in _ = X]big_nat_cond; apply eq_bigr.
+          move => i /= /andP [LT _].
+          rewrite /service_at H_schedules_are_the_same //.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := k); last by done.
+          apply: (leq_trans LT).
+          by apply last_execution_bounded_by_identity.
+        Qed.
+        (* ...which implies that jobs suspend at time k in sched_susp iff they suspend
+           in the new schedule as well. *)
+        Lemma sched_susp_highercost_same_suspension:
+          forall any_j,
+            has_arrived job_arrival any_j k ->
+            suspended_in_sched_susp any_j k = suspended_in_sched_susp_highercost any_j k.
+        Proof.
+          intros any_j ARR.
+          rewrite /suspended_in_sched_susp /suspended_in_sched_susp_highercost /suspended_at.
+          rewrite -/completed_in_sched_susp_highercost -sched_susp_highercost_same_completion.
+          rewrite sched_susp_highercost_same_time_after_last_exec.
+          by rewrite sched_susp_highercost_same_suspension_duration.
+        Qed.
+        (* Using the lemmas above, we conclude the inductive step by showing that the
+           two schedules are the same at time k. *)
+        Lemma sched_susp_highercost_same_schedule:
+          forall any_j,
+            scheduled_at sched_susp any_j k = scheduled_at sched_susp_highercost any_j k.
+        Proof.
+          have FUNC := sched_susp_highercost_uses_construction_function.
+          have SELFw := sched_susp_highercost_respects_self_suspensions.
+          have COMPLETIONw := sched_susp_highercost_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
+          have LEMMAcomp := sched_susp_highercost_same_completion.
+          have LEMMAsusp := sched_susp_highercost_same_suspension.
+          rename H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute into MUSTARR,
+                 H_cost_of_j_does_not_decrease into HIGHER,
+                 H_inflation_only_for_job_j into SAME,
+                 H_respects_self_suspensions into SELFs,
+                 H_work_conserving into WORKs, H_priority_is_reflexive into REFL,
+                 H_respects_priority into PRIOs.
+          rewrite /service_in_sched_susp /service_in_sched_susp_highercost /service /service_during.
+          suff EQsched: sched_susp k = sched_susp_highercost k by rewrite /scheduled_at EQsched.
+          rewrite /scheduled_at FUNC /reduction.build_schedule -/hp_job.
+          destruct (hp_job k) as [j_hp|] eqn:HP; last first.
+          {
+            destruct (sched_susp k) as [j_s|] eqn:SCHEDs; last by done.
+            suff NOTNONE: hp_job k != None by rewrite HP in NOTNONE.
+            apply seq_min_exists with (x := j_s).
+            have NOTCOMPs: ~~ completed_in_sched_susp j_s k.
+            {
+              apply/negP; intros COMP'.
+              apply completed_implies_not_scheduled in COMP'; try (by done).
+              by rewrite /scheduled_at SCHEDs eq_refl in COMP'.
+            }
+            have ARR: has_arrived job_arrival j_s k by apply MUSTARR; apply/eqP.
+            have NOTCOMPw: ~~ completed_by inflated_job_cost sched_susp_highercost j_s k.
+              by rewrite -/completed_in_sched_susp_highercost -LEMMAcomp //.
+            have NOTSUSPs: ~~ suspended_in_sched_susp j_s k by apply/negP; apply SELFs; apply/eqP.
+            have NOTSUSPw:  ~~ suspended_in_sched_susp_highercost j_s k by rewrite -LEMMAsusp //.
+            have ARRw: j_s \in jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq k.
+            {
+              eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 1.
+              by apply H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence with (t := k); apply/eqP.
+            }
+            by rewrite mem_filter; repeat (apply/andP; split).
+          }
+          {
+            have IN: j_hp \in ready_jobs k.
+              by apply seq_min_in_seq with (rel := higher_eq_priority k).
+            rewrite mem_filter in IN; move: IN => /andP [/andP [/andP [ARRhp NOTCOMPhp] NOTSUSP] IN].
+            have ARRINhp: arrives_in arr_seq j_hp by apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived in IN.
+            destruct (sched_susp k) as [j_s|] eqn:SCHEDs.
+            {
+              case: ifP => // NOTPEND.
+              have PENDw: pending job_arrival inflated_job_cost sched_susp_highercost j_s k.
+              {
+                apply/andP; split; first by apply MUSTARR; apply/eqP.
+                rewrite -/completed_in_sched_susp_highercost -LEMMAcomp //.
+                apply/negP; intros COMPs.
+                apply completed_implies_not_scheduled in COMPs; try (by done).
+                by rewrite /scheduled_at SCHEDs eq_refl in COMPs.
+              }
+              have ARRs: has_arrived job_arrival j_s k by apply MUSTARR; apply/eqP.
+              have NOTSUSPs:  ~~ suspended_in_sched_susp j_s k by apply/negP; apply SELFs; apply/eqP. 
+              have NOTSUSPw:  ~~ suspended_in_sched_susp_highercost j_s k by rewrite -LEMMAsusp.
+              rewrite -/suspended_in_sched_susp_highercost PENDw NOTSUSPw /= in NOTPEND.
+              suff PRIOINV: higher_eq_priority k j_s j_hp by rewrite PRIOINV in NOTPEND.
+              apply PRIOs; try (by done); last by apply/eqP.
+              have NOTCOMPhp': ~~ completed_by job_cost sched_susp j_hp k.
+                by rewrite -/completed_in_sched_susp LEMMAcomp.
+              have NOTSCHEDhp: ~~ scheduled_at sched_susp j_hp k.
+              {
+                apply/negP; intro SCHEDs'.
+                apply only_one_job_scheduled with (j1 := j_s) in SCHEDs'; subst; last by apply/eqP.
+                suff BUG: higher_eq_priority k j_hp j_hp by rewrite BUG in NOTPEND.
+                by apply REFL. 
+              }
+              have NOTSUSPhp: ~~ suspended_in_sched_susp j_hp k by rewrite LEMMAsusp.
+              by repeat (apply/andP; split).
+            }
+            {
+              have NOTCOMPhp': ~~ completed_by job_cost sched_susp j_hp k.
+                by rewrite -/completed_in_sched_susp LEMMAcomp.
+              have NOTSCHEDhp: ~~ scheduled_at sched_susp j_hp k by rewrite /scheduled_at SCHEDs.
+              have NOTSUSPhp: ~~ suspended_in_sched_susp j_hp k by rewrite LEMMAsusp.
+              feed (WORKs j_hp k ARRINhp); first by repeat (apply/andP; split).
+              move: WORKs => [j_x SCHEDx].
+              by rewrite /scheduled_at SCHEDs in SCHEDx.
+            }
+          }
+        Qed.
+      End InductiveStep.
+      (* Using the inductive step above, we prove that before the completion of job j
+         in sched_susp, the two schedules are exactly the same. *)
+      Lemma scheduled_in_susp_iff_scheduled_in_wcet:
+        forall t any_j,
+          ~~ completed_in_sched_susp j t ->
+          scheduled_at sched_susp any_j t = scheduled_at sched_susp_highercost any_j t.
+      Proof.
+        have LEMMAsched := sched_susp_highercost_same_schedule.
+        induction t as [t IHtmp] using strong_ind.
+        intros j' NOTCOMP.
+        suff IH: forall k any_j, k < t ->
+                   scheduled_at sched_susp any_j k = scheduled_at sched_susp_highercost any_j k.
+          by apply LEMMAsched with (t := t).
+        intros k any_j LT; apply IHtmp; first by done.
+        apply/negP; intro COMPk.
+        suff COMPt: completed_in_sched_susp j t by rewrite COMPt in NOTCOMP.
+        by apply completion_monotonic with (t0 := k); [| apply ltnW|].
+      Qed.
+    End SchedulingInvariant.
+    (** Comparison of Response-time Bounds *)
+    (* In this section, we use the scheduling invariant above to compare response-time bounds
+       for job j in both schedules. *)
+    Section ComparingResponseTimes.
+      (* Assume that job j has positive cost. *)
+      Hypothesis H_cost_j_positive: job_cost j > 0.
+      (* Also assume that the response time of job j in sched_susp is equal to some value r... *)
+      Variable r: time.
+      Hypothesis H_response_time_bound_in_sched_susp:
+        job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by j r.
+      Hypothesis H_response_time_bound_is_tight:
+        forall r', job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by j r' -> r <= r'.
+      (* ...and that the response time of j in the new schedule is upper-bounded by some value R. *)
+      Variable R: time.
+      Hypothesis H_response_time_bound_in_sched_susp_highercost:
+        job_response_time_in_sched_susp_highercost_bounded_by j R.
+      (* Using the scheduling invariant, we show that job j receives the same service
+         in both schedules up to time (arr_j + r). *)
+      Lemma sched_susp_highercost_same_service_for_j:
+        forall t,
+          t <= arr_j + r ->
+          service_in_sched_susp j t = service_in_sched_susp_highercost j t.
+      Proof.
+        rename H_response_time_bound_is_tight into TIGHT.
+        have IFF := scheduled_in_susp_iff_scheduled_in_wcet.
+        rewrite /service_in_sched_susp /service_in_sched_susp_highercost /service /service_during.
+        induction t; first by intros _; rewrite big_geq // big_geq.
+        intros LT.
+        feed IHt; first by apply ltnW.
+        rewrite big_nat_recr // big_nat_recr //=.
+        f_equal; first by done.
+        rewrite /service_at IFF; first by done.
+        apply/negP; intro COMPt.
+        suff BUG: t >= arr_j + r by rewrite leqNgt LT in BUG.
+        have AFTER: arr_j <= t.
+        {
+          apply contraT; rewrite -ltnNge; intro BEFORE.
+          suff BUG: ~~ completed_in_sched_susp j t by rewrite COMPt in BUG.
+          rewrite /completed_in_sched_susp /completed_by /service /service_during.
+          rewrite (cumulative_service_before_job_arrival_zero job_arrival) //; last by apply ltnW.
+          by rewrite eq_sym -lt0n.
+        }
+        rewrite -[t](addKn arr_j) -addnBA //.
+        rewrite leq_add2l; apply TIGHT.
+        rewrite /job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by /is_response_time_bound_of_job.
+        by rewrite subnKC.
+      Qed.
+      (* Next, since r is an exact response time bound, we show that r <= R... *)
+      Lemma sched_susp_highercost_r_le_R: r <= R.
+      Proof.
+        have SAME := sched_susp_highercost_same_service_for_j.
+        rename H_response_time_bound_in_sched_susp_highercost into RESPw,
+               H_response_time_bound_in_sched_susp into RESPs,
+               H_response_time_bound_is_tight into TIGHT,
+               H_cost_of_j_does_not_decrease into COSTj. 
+        unfold job_response_time_in_sched_susp_bounded_by, service_in_sched_susp_highercost,
+               job_response_time_in_sched_susp_highercost_bounded_by, service_in_sched_susp,
+               is_response_time_bound_of_job, completed_by, service in *.
+        set Sw := service_during sched_susp_highercost in RESPw RESPs TIGHT SAME.
+        set Ss := service_during sched_susp in RESPs TIGHT SAME.
+        apply contraT; rewrite -ltnNge; intros LT.
+        suff BUG: job_cost j > inflated_job_cost j by rewrite ltnNge COSTj in BUG.
+        move: RESPw RESPs => /eqP RESPw /eqP RESPs; rewrite -RESPw -RESPs.
+        rewrite /Ss /service_during.
+        rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := arr_j + R);
+          [simpl | by done | by rewrite leq_add2l ltnW].
+        rewrite -addn1; apply leq_add;
+           first by rewrite -SAME; [apply leqnn | rewrite leq_add2l ltnW].
+        rewrite lt0n; apply/eqP; intro ZERO.
+        suff BUG: R >= r by rewrite leqNgt LT in BUG.
+        apply TIGHT.
+        rewrite -(eqn_add2r 0) -{2}ZERO addn0.
+        rewrite -big_cat_nat //=; last by rewrite leq_add2l ltnW.
+        by rewrite -RESPs.
+      Qed.
+      (* ...and also prove that R must be as large as the inflated job cost. *)
+      Lemma R_bounds_inflated_cost: R >= inflated_job_cost j.
+      Proof.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := service sched_susp_highercost j (arr_j + R));
+          first by apply eq_leq; symmetry; apply/eqP.
+        rewrite /service /service_during.
+        rewrite (ignore_service_before_arrival job_arrival) //; first last.
+        - by apply leq_addr.
+        - by apply sched_susp_highercost_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+        by apply cumulative_service_le_delta.
+      Qed.
+      (* To conclude, we prove that the difference between the response-time bound and the job cost
+         is larger in the new schedule. *)
+      Theorem sched_susp_highercost_incurs_more_interference:
+        r - job_cost j <= R - inflated_job_cost j.
+      Proof.
+        have GECOST := R_bounds_inflated_cost.
+        have LEQ := sched_susp_highercost_r_le_R.
+        have SAME := sched_susp_highercost_same_service_for_j.
+        rename H_response_time_bound_in_sched_susp into RESPs,
+               H_response_time_bound_in_sched_susp_highercost into RESPw.
+        rewrite leq_subLR.
+        rewrite addnBA; last by apply GECOST.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := service_in_sched_susp j (arr_j + r) + R
+                                   - service_in_sched_susp_highercost j (arr_j + R));
+          last by apply leq_sub; [rewrite leq_add2r|]; apply eq_leq; [|symmetry]; apply/eqP.
+        rewrite addnC.
+        rewrite /service_in_sched_susp /service_in_sched_susp_highercost /service
+                /service_during in SAME *.
+        rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := arr_j+r) (p := arr_j+R);
+          [simpl | by done | by rewrite leq_add2l].
+        feed (SAME (arr_j + r)); first by apply leqnn.
+        rewrite -/(service_during sched_susp_highercost _ _ _)
+                -/(service_during sched_susp_highercost _ _ _)
+                -/(service_during sched_susp _ _ _) in SAME *.
+        set Ss := service_during sched_susp in SAME *; set Sw := service_during sched_susp_highercost.
+        rewrite -subnBA;
+          last by apply leq_trans with (n := Sw j 0 (arr_j + r)); [rewrite SAME | apply leq_addr].
+        rewrite addnC -addnBA; last by rewrite SAME.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := R - (Sw j (arr_j + r) (arr_j + R) + 0));
+          last by rewrite leq_sub2l // leq_add2l; apply eq_leq; apply/eqP; rewrite subn_eq0 SAME.
+        rewrite addn0 subh3 //; last first.
+        {
+          apply leq_trans with (n := Sw j arr_j (arr_j+R)); last by apply cumulative_service_le_delta.
+          by apply extend_sum; first by apply leq_addr. 
+        }
+        {
+          apply leq_trans with (n := r + \sum_(arr_j+r<=t<arr_j+R) 1);
+            first by rewrite leq_add2l; apply leq_sum; intros t _; apply leq_b1.
+          by simpl_sum_const; rewrite subnDl subnKC.
+        }
+      Qed.      
+    End ComparingResponseTimes.
+  End ReductionProperties.
+End SustainabilitySingleCostProperties.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/implementation/apa/schedule.v b/implementation/apa/schedule.v
index 263da8fd8..486e6f026 100644
--- a/implementation/apa/schedule.v
+++ b/implementation/apa/schedule.v
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Module ConcreteScheduler.
     (* Let alpha be an affinity associated with each task. *)
     Variable alpha: task_affinity sporadic_task num_cpus.
-    (* Let arr_seq be any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
+    (* Let arr_seq be any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals. *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/implementation/global/basic/schedule.v b/implementation/global/basic/schedule.v
index ab0715841..9e8eded3f 100644
--- a/implementation/global/basic/schedule.v
+++ b/implementation/global/basic/schedule.v
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Module ConcreteScheduler.
     Variable num_cpus: nat.
     Hypothesis H_at_least_one_cpu: num_cpus > 0.
-    (* Let arr_seq be any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
+    (* Let arr_seq be any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals. *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/implementation/global/jitter/schedule.v b/implementation/global/jitter/schedule.v
index eb8c0cc29..47ab16a7c 100644
--- a/implementation/global/jitter/schedule.v
+++ b/implementation/global/jitter/schedule.v
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Module ConcreteScheduler.
     Variable num_cpus: nat.
     Hypothesis H_at_least_one_cpu: num_cpus > 0.
-    (* Let arr_seq be any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
+    (* Let arr_seq be any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals. *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/implementation/uni/basic/schedule.v b/implementation/uni/basic/schedule.v
index 8b77cdd23..742c5d25d 100644
--- a/implementation/uni/basic/schedule.v
+++ b/implementation/uni/basic/schedule.v
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Module ConcreteScheduler.
     Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
     Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
-    (* Let arr_seq be any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
+    (* Let arr_seq be any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals. *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/implementation/uni/jitter/arrival_sequence.v b/implementation/uni/jitter/arrival_sequence.v
index 3f3eb9db4..b88bf013f 100644
--- a/implementation/uni/jitter/arrival_sequence.v
+++ b/implementation/uni/jitter/arrival_sequence.v
@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ Module ConcreteArrivalSequence.
     (* Let ts be any concrete task set with valid parameters. *)
     Variable ts: concrete_taskset.
-    Hypothesis H_valid_task_parameters:
-      valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline ts.
     (* Regarding the periodic arrival sequence built from ts, we prove that...*)
     Let arr_seq := periodic_arrival_sequence ts.
@@ -58,22 +56,6 @@ Module ConcreteArrivalSequence.
       by unfold add_job in *; desf.
-    (* ..., jobs have valid parameters, ... *)
-    Theorem periodic_arrivals_valid_job_parameters:
-      forall j,
-        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
-        valid_sporadic_job task_cost task_deadline job_cost job_deadline job_task j.
-    Proof.
-      rename H_valid_task_parameters into PARAMS.
-      unfold valid_sporadic_taskset, is_valid_sporadic_task in *.
-      move => j [t ARRj].
-      rewrite mem_pmap in ARRj; move: ARRj => /mapP [tsk IN SOME].
-      unfold add_job in SOME; desf.
-      specialize (PARAMS tsk IN); des.
-      unfold valid_sporadic_job, valid_realtime_job, job_cost_positive.
-      by repeat split; try (by done); apply leqnn.
-    Qed.
     (* ... job arrivals satisfy the sporadic task model, ... *)
     Theorem periodic_arrivals_are_sporadic:
       sporadic_task_model task_period job_arrival job_task arr_seq.
@@ -105,7 +87,31 @@ Module ConcreteArrivalSequence.
       apply (pmap_uniq) with (g := job_task); last by destruct ts.
       by unfold add_job, ocancel; intro tsk; desf.
+    (* We also show that job costs are bounded by task costs... *)
+    Theorem periodic_arrivals_job_cost_le_task_cost:
+      forall j,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+        job_cost j <= task_cost (job_task j).
+    Proof.
+      intros j [t ARRj].
+      rewrite mem_pmap in ARRj.
+      move: ARRj => /mapP [tsk_j INj SOMEj].
+      by unfold add_job in SOMEj; desf. 
+    Qed.
+    (* ...and that job deadlines equal task deadlines. *)
+    Theorem periodic_arrivals_job_deadline_eq_task_deadline:
+      forall j,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+        job_deadline j = task_deadline (job_task j).
+    Proof.
+      intros j [t ARRj].
+      rewrite mem_pmap in ARRj.
+      move: ARRj => /mapP [tsk_j INj SOMEj].
+      by unfold add_job in SOMEj; desf. 
+    Qed.
   End Proofs.
 End ConcreteArrivalSequence.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/implementation/uni/jitter/fp_rta_example.v b/implementation/uni/jitter/fp_rta_example.v
index 1482a0c17..161f6f891 100644
--- a/implementation/uni/jitter/fp_rta_example.v
+++ b/implementation/uni/jitter/fp_rta_example.v
@@ -33,9 +33,15 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisFP.
     Program Let ts := Build_set [:: tsk1; tsk2; tsk3] _.
     (* ...which can be shown to have valid parameters. *)
-    Fact ts_has_valid_parameters:
-      valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline ts.
+    Remark ts_has_positive_costs:
+      forall tsk, tsk \in ts -> task_cost tsk > 0.
+      intros tsk IN.
+      by repeat (move: IN => /orP [/eqP EQ | IN]; subst; compute); by done.
+    Qed.
+    Remark ts_has_positive_periods:
+      forall tsk, tsk \in ts -> task_period tsk > 0.
+    Proof.      
       intros tsk IN.
       repeat (move: IN => /orP [/eqP EQ | IN]; subst; compute); by done.
@@ -146,18 +152,19 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisFP.
       rename H_jitter_is_bounded into JIT.
       intros tsk IN.
-      have VALID := periodic_arrivals_valid_job_parameters ts ts_has_valid_parameters.
-      have TSVALID := ts_has_valid_parameters.
       unfold valid_sporadic_job, valid_realtime_job in *; des.
       apply taskset_schedulable_by_fp_rta with (task_cost := task_cost)
                 (task_period := task_period) (task_deadline := task_deadline) (ts0 := ts)
                 (higher_eq_priority0 := RM task_period) (job_jitter0 := job_jitter)
                 (task_jitter := task_jitter); try (by done).
+      - by apply ts_has_positive_costs.
+      - by apply ts_has_positive_periods.
       - by apply periodic_arrivals_are_consistent.
-      - by apply periodic_arrivals_is_a_set.
+      - - apply periodic_arrivals_is_a_set.
       - by apply periodic_arrivals_all_jobs_from_taskset.
-      - by intros j ARRj; specialize (VALID j ARRj); des; repeat split; try (apply JIT). 
       - by apply periodic_arrivals_are_sporadic.
+      - by apply periodic_arrivals_job_cost_le_task_cost.
+      - by apply periodic_arrivals_job_deadline_eq_task_deadline.
       - by apply RM_is_reflexive.
       - by apply RM_is_transitive.
       - by apply scheduler_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
diff --git a/implementation/uni/jitter/schedule.v b/implementation/uni/jitter/schedule.v
index 273b2f067..d4581e2c0 100644
--- a/implementation/uni/jitter/schedule.v
+++ b/implementation/uni/jitter/schedule.v
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Module ConcreteScheduler.
     Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
     Variable job_jitter: Job -> time.
-    (* Assume any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
+    (* Assume any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals. *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_no_duplicate_arrivals: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/implementation/uni/susp/schedule.v b/implementation/uni/susp/schedule.v
index ae9088610..bdcdc0eef 100644
--- a/implementation/uni/susp/schedule.v
+++ b/implementation/uni/susp/schedule.v
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Module ConcreteScheduler.
     Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
     Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
-    (* Assume any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals... *)
+    (* Assume any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals... *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_no_duplicate_arrivals: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/model/arrival/basic/arrival_bounds.v b/model/arrival/basic/arrival_bounds.v
index 0cfbb40c8..1f7797bbc 100644
--- a/model/arrival/basic/arrival_bounds.v
+++ b/model/arrival/basic/arrival_bounds.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Module ArrivalBounds.
     Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
     Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
-    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals. *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.    
     Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/model/arrival/basic/task_arrival.v b/model/arrival/basic/task_arrival.v
index a55fa51a6..d9cb85399 100644
--- a/model/arrival/basic/task_arrival.v
+++ b/model/arrival/basic/task_arrival.v
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Module TaskArrival.
     Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
     Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
-    (* Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals, ... *)
+    (* Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals, ... *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_consistent_arrivals: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_no_duplicate_arrivals: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/model/arrival/jitter/arrival_bounds.v b/model/arrival/jitter/arrival_bounds.v
index 6828eb9dd..65de91276 100644
--- a/model/arrival/jitter/arrival_bounds.v
+++ b/model/arrival/jitter/arrival_bounds.v
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Module ArrivalBounds.
     Variable job_jitter: Job -> time.
     Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
-    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals... *)
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals... *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.    
     Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/model/arrival/jitter/task_arrival.v b/model/arrival/jitter/task_arrival.v
index f92439414..cc27dc598 100644
--- a/model/arrival/jitter/task_arrival.v
+++ b/model/arrival/jitter/task_arrival.v
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Module TaskArrivalWithJitter.
     Variable job_jitter: Job -> time.
     Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
-    (* Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals, ... *)
+    (* Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, duplicate-free arrivals, ... *)
     Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
     Hypothesis H_consistent_arrivals: arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
     Hypothesis H_no_duplicate_arrivals: arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
diff --git a/model/schedule/uni/jitter/valid_schedule.v b/model/schedule/uni/jitter/valid_schedule.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46c8be09d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/schedule/uni/jitter/valid_schedule.v
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.jitter.platform.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
+(* In this file, we construct a predicate that defines a valid jitter-aware schedule
+   of a given task set. *)
+Module ValidJitterAwareSchedule.
+  Import UniprocessorScheduleWithJitter Priority Platform.
+  (** Basic Setup & Setting*)
+  Section DefiningValidSchedule.
+    Context {Task: eqType}.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    (* Assume any given job-level policy. *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: JLDP_policy Job.
+    (** Definition of the Jitter-Aware Schedule *)
+    (* Consider any job cost and job jitter functions. *)
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_jitter: Job -> time.
+    (* Let sched be any schedule. *)
+    Variable sched: schedule Job.
+    (* For sched to denote a valid jitter-aware schedule of ts, the following properties must hold. *)
+    (* 1) All scheduled jobs must come from the arrival sequence. *)
+    Let H1_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence := jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.
+    (* 2) Jobs only execute after the jitter has passed. *)
+    Let H2_jobs_execute_after_jitter := jobs_execute_after_jitter job_arrival job_jitter sched.
+    (* 3) Jobs do not execute for longer than their costs. *)
+    Let H3_completed_jobs_dont_execute := completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
+    (* 4) The schedule is work-conserving. *)
+    Let H4_work_conserving := work_conserving job_arrival job_cost job_jitter arr_seq sched.
+    (* 5) The schedule respects task priorities. *)
+    Let H5_respects_priority :=
+      respects_JLDP_policy job_arrival job_cost job_jitter arr_seq sched higher_eq_priority.
+    (* All these properties can be combined into the following predicate. *)
+    Definition valid_jitter_aware_schedule :=
+      H1_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence /\
+      H2_jobs_execute_after_jitter /\
+      H3_completed_jobs_dont_execute /\
+      H4_work_conserving /\
+      H5_respects_priority.
+  End DefiningValidSchedule.
+End ValidJitterAwareSchedule.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/model/schedule/uni/response_time.v b/model/schedule/uni/response_time.v
index 49799fa77..4e18a8a92 100644
--- a/model/schedule/uni/response_time.v
+++ b/model/schedule/uni/response_time.v
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Module ResponseTime.
   Import UniprocessorSchedule SporadicTaskset TaskArrival.
-  (* In this section, we define the notion of a response-time bound. *)
+  (* In this section, we define the notion of response-time bound. *)
   Section ResponseTimeBound.
     Context {sporadic_task: eqType}.
@@ -22,23 +22,40 @@ Module ResponseTime.
     (* ...and any uniprocessor schedule of these jobs. *)
     Variable sched: schedule Job.
-    (* Let tsk be any task that is to be analyzed. *)
-    Variable tsk: sporadic_task.
     (* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
     Let job_has_completed_by := completed_by job_cost sched.
-    (* Then, we say that R is a response-time bound of tsk in this schedule ... *)
-    Variable R: time.
-    (* ... iff any job j of tsk in this arrival sequence has
-       completed by (job_arrival j + R). *)
-    Definition is_response_time_bound_of_task :=
-      forall j,
-        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
-        job_task j = tsk ->
-        job_has_completed_by j (job_arrival j + R).
+    Section Job.
+      (* Given any job j, ... *)
+      Variable j: Job.
+      (* ...we say that R is a response-time bound of j in this schedule ... *)
+      Variable R: time.
+      (* ... iff j completes by (job_arrival j + R). *)
+      Definition is_response_time_bound_of_job := job_has_completed_by j (job_arrival j + R).
+    End Job.
+    Section Task.
+      (* Let tsk be any task that is to be analyzed. *)
+      Variable tsk: sporadic_task.
+      (* Then, we say that R is a response-time bound of tsk in this schedule ... *)
+      Variable R: time.
+      (* ... iff any job j of tsk in this arrival sequence has
+         completed by (job_arrival j + R). *)
+      Definition is_response_time_bound_of_task :=
+        forall j,
+          arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+          job_task j = tsk ->
+          is_response_time_bound_of_job j R.
+      End Task.
   End ResponseTimeBound.
   (* In this section, we prove some basic lemmas about response-time bounds. *)
@@ -61,7 +78,7 @@ Module ResponseTime.
       completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
     (* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
-    Let job_has_completed_by := completed_by job_cost sched.
+    Let response_time_bounded_by := is_response_time_bound_of_job job_arrival job_cost sched.
     (* We begin by proving lemmas about job response-time bounds. *)
     Section SpecificJob.
@@ -71,8 +88,7 @@ Module ResponseTime.
       (* ...with response-time bound R. *)
       Variable R: time.
-      Hypothesis response_time_bound:
-        job_has_completed_by j (job_arrival j + R). 
+      Hypothesis response_time_bound: response_time_bounded_by j R.
       (* Then, the service received by j at any time t' after its response time is 0. *)
       Lemma service_after_job_rt_zero :
diff --git a/model/schedule/uni/susp/build_suspension_table.v b/model/schedule/uni/susp/build_suspension_table.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e7a1411c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/schedule/uni/susp/build_suspension_table.v
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq bigop fintype.
+(* In this file, we take any predicate that defines whether a job
+   is suspended at time t and build a table of suspension durations
+   that is valid up to time t. *)
+Module SuspensionTableConstruction.
+  Import ScheduleWithSuspensions Suspension.
+  Section BuildingSuspensionTable.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    (** Basic Setup & Setting *)
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    (* ...and any schedule of this arrival sequence... *)
+    Variable sched: schedule Job.
+    (* which jobs must arrive to execute. *)
+    Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
+      jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched.
+    (* Recall the instant following the last execution of a job, which
+       indicates the start of the latest suspension interval. *)
+    Let start_of_latest_suspension :=
+      time_after_last_execution job_arrival sched.
+    (* For simplicity, let's also define some local names. *)
+    Let job_completed_by := completed_by job_cost sched.
+    (** Construction of Suspension Table *)
+    (* We are going to construct a suspension table that is valid up to time t_max. *)
+    Variable t_max: time.
+    (* First, consider any predicate that indicates whether a job is suspended at time t. *)
+    Variable job_suspended_at: Job -> time -> bool.
+    (* Assume that this predicate only holds for jobs that have arrived... *)
+    Hypothesis H_arrived:
+      forall j t,
+        t < t_max ->
+        job_suspended_at j t ->
+        has_arrived job_arrival j t.
+    (* ...and that have not yet completed. *)
+    Hypothesis H_not_completed:
+      forall j t,
+        t < t_max ->
+        job_suspended_at j t ->
+        ~~ job_completed_by j t.
+    (* Assume that this predicate divides the timeline into continuous
+       suspension intervals, for any given amount of received service. *)
+    Hypothesis H_continuous_suspension:
+      forall j t t_susp,
+        t < t_max ->
+        job_suspended_at j t ->
+        start_of_latest_suspension j t <= t_susp < t ->
+        job_suspended_at j t_susp.
+    (* Then, we can construct a suspension table for the given suspension
+       predicate as follows. *)
+    Definition build_suspension_duration (j: Job) (s: time) :=
+        \sum_(0 <= t < t_max | service sched j t == s) job_suspended_at j t.
+    (* In order to prove that the suspension table matches the given predicate,
+       let's first prove some helper lemmas. *)
+    Section HelperLemmas.
+      (* First, we show that for any job j suspended at time t, the cumulative suspension
+         time before the beginning of the suspension is zero. *)
+      Lemma not_suspended_before_suspension_start:
+        forall j t,
+          t < t_max ->
+          job_suspended_at j t ->
+          let susp_start := start_of_latest_suspension j t in
+          let S := service sched j in
+            \sum_(0 <= i < susp_start | S i == S susp_start) job_suspended_at j i = 0.
+      Proof.
+        rename H_arrived into ARR, H_not_completed into COMPLETED,
+               H_continuous_suspension into CONT.
+        intros j t LTmax SUSPt X1 X2; rewrite /X1 /X2; clear X1 X2.
+        set ex := start_of_latest_suspension.
+        set S := service sched.
+        rewrite big_nat_cond big1 ?add0n //.
+        move => i /= /andP [LTex /eqP SAME].
+        apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/negP; intro SUSPi.
+        suff BUG: S j i != S j (ex j t) by rewrite SAME eq_refl in BUG.
+        rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; left.
+        rewrite /S/ex (same_service_since_last_execution job_arrival) //.
+        eapply less_service_before_start_of_suspension; last by apply LTex.
+        apply ARR; last by done.
+        apply ltn_trans with (n := ex j t); first by done.
+        apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := t); last by done.
+        by apply last_execution_bounded_by_identity, ARR.
+      Qed.
+      (* Next, we prove that after time t_max, no job suspends according to the table. *)
+      Lemma suspension_duration_no_suspension_after_t_max:
+        forall j t,
+          has_arrived job_arrival j t ->
+          t_max <= t ->
+          ~~ suspended_at job_arrival job_cost build_suspension_duration sched j t.
+      Proof.
+        have ZERO := not_suspended_before_suspension_start.
+        rename H_arrived into ARR.
+        intros j t ARRt GEmax.
+        rewrite /suspended_at negb_and; apply/orP; right.
+        rewrite negb_and -leqNgt; apply/orP; right.
+        rewrite /suspension_duration /build_suspension_duration.
+        set ex := _ job_arrival _.
+        set S := service sched.
+        set susp_at := job_suspended_at.
+        case (ltnP (ex j t) t_max) => [LT | GE].
+        {
+          apply leq_trans with (n := t_max); last by done.
+          rewrite big_mkcond /=.
+          rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := ex j t); [simpl | by done | by apply ltnW].
+          rewrite big_nat_cond big1 ?add0n.
+          {
+            apply leq_trans with (n := ex j t + \sum_(ex j t <= i < t_max) 1);
+              last by simpl_sum_const; rewrite subnKC // ltnW.
+            by rewrite leq_add2l; apply leq_sum; intros i _; case: ifP => //_; apply leq_b1.
+          }
+          move => /= i /andP [LTex _]; case: ifP => /eqP SERV; last by done.
+          apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/negP; intro SUSPi.
+          suff BUG: S j i != S j (ex j t) by rewrite SERV eq_refl in BUG.
+          rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; left.
+          rewrite /S/ex same_service_since_last_execution //.
+          eapply less_service_before_start_of_suspension; last by apply LTex.
+          by apply ARR; first by apply:(ltn_trans LTex).
+        }
+        {
+          rewrite big_nat_cond big1 ?addn0;
+            first by apply last_execution_bounded_by_identity.
+          move => /= i /andP [LTmax /eqP SERV].
+          apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/negP; intro SUSPi.
+          suff BUG: S j i != S j (ex j t) by rewrite SERV eq_refl in BUG.
+          rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; left.
+          rewrite /S/ex same_service_since_last_execution //.
+          eapply less_service_before_start_of_suspension; first by apply ARR.
+          by apply: (leq_trans LTmax); apply GE.
+        }
+      Qed.
+    End HelperLemmas.
+    (* Using the lemmas above, we prove that up to time t_max, the constructed suspension
+       table matches the given suspension predicate. *)
+    Lemma suspension_duration_matches_predicate_up_to_t_max:
+      forall j t,
+        t < t_max ->
+        job_suspended_at j t =
+        suspended_at job_arrival job_cost build_suspension_duration sched j t.
+    Proof.
+      have ZERO := not_suspended_before_suspension_start.
+      rename H_arrived into ARR, H_not_completed into COMPLETED,
+             H_continuous_suspension into CONT.
+      intros j t LEmax.
+      apply/idP/idP.
+      {
+        intros SUSPt.
+        set ex := time_after_last_execution job_arrival sched.
+        set S := service sched.
+        set susp_at := job_suspended_at.
+        have LEt: ex j t <= t.
+          by apply last_execution_bounded_by_identity, ARR.
+        apply/andP; split; first by apply COMPLETED.
+        apply/andP; split; first by done.
+        rewrite /suspension_duration /build_suspension_duration.
+        rewrite -/ex -/S -/susp_at.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := ex j t + \sum_(ex j t <= t0 < t.+1) 1);
+          first by simpl_sum_const; rewrite subnKC // ltnW // ltnS.
+        rewrite leq_add2l.
+        rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (m := 0) (n := ex j t); rewrite //=;
+          last by apply leq_trans with (n := t); last by apply ltnW.
+        rewrite ZERO // add0n.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(ex j t<= i <t.+1|S j i==S j (ex j t)) susp_at j i);
+          last by rewrite big_mkcond [X in _ <= X]big_mkcond /= extend_sum.
+        rewrite [X in _ <= X]big_mkcond /=.
+        apply leq_sum_nat; move => i /andP [GE LT] _.
+        have SAMEserv: S j i == S j (ex j t).
+        {
+          rewrite ltnS in LT.
+          rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split; last by apply extend_sum.
+          by rewrite /S/ex same_service_since_last_execution ?extend_sum.
+        }
+        rewrite SAMEserv lt0n eqb0 negbK.
+        rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt in LT.
+        move: LT => /orP [/eqP EQ | LT]; subst; first by done.
+        by apply CONT with (t := t); try (apply/andP; split).
+      }
+      {
+        move => /andP [NOTCOMP /andP [GE LT]].
+        rewrite /suspension_duration /build_suspension_duration in LT.
+        set S := service sched in LT.
+        set susp_at := job_suspended_at in LT *.
+        set ex := _ job_arrival _ in GE LT.
+        rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (m := 0) (n := ex j t) in LT; rewrite //= in LT;
+          last by apply leq_trans with (n := t); last by apply ltnW.
+        rewrite big_nat_cond big1 ?add0n in LT; last first.
+        {
+          move => i /= /andP [LTex /eqP SAME].
+          apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/negP; intro SUSPi.
+          suff BUG: S j i != S j (ex j t) by rewrite SAME eq_refl in BUG.
+          rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; left.
+          rewrite /S/ex same_service_since_last_execution //.
+          eapply less_service_before_start_of_suspension; last by apply LTex.
+          by apply ARR; first by apply:(ltn_trans LTex); apply:(leq_ltn_trans _ LEmax).
+        }
+        case (boolP ([exists t0:'I_t_max,(S j t0==S j (ex j t))&&susp_at j t0]));last first.
+        {
+          rewrite negb_exists; move => /forallP ALL.
+          rewrite big_nat_cond big1 in LT; first by rewrite addn0 ltnNge GE in LT.
+          move => i /andP [/andP [_ LTmax] EQ].
+          specialize (ALL (Ordinal LTmax)).
+          by rewrite EQ /= in ALL; apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0.
+        }
+        move => /existsP [t0 /andP [/eqP EQ SUSP0]].
+        have MAX := @arg_maxP _ t0 (fun x=>(S j x == S j (ex j t)) && susp_at j x) id. 
+        feed MAX; simpl in MAX; first by rewrite EQ eq_refl SUSP0.
+        move: MAX => [m /andP [/eqP EQserv SUSPm] ALL]; clear EQ SUSP0 t0.
+        case (ltnP t m) => [LTm | GEm].
+        {
+          apply CONT with (t := m); try done; apply/andP; split; last by done.
+          rewrite /start_of_latest_suspension.
+          rewrite (same_service_implies_same_last_execution _ _ _ _ t); first by done.
+          rewrite -/S EQserv /S /ex /start_of_latest_suspension.
+          by rewrite same_service_since_last_execution.
+        }
+        rewrite leq_eqVlt in GEm; move: GEm => /orP [/eqP EQm | GTm]; subst; first by done.
+        apply contraT; intro NOTSUSP.
+        set SUM := (X in _ < _ + X) in LT.
+        suff BUG: t >= ex j t + SUM by rewrite leqNgt LT in BUG.
+        rewrite /SUM in LT *; clear SUM LT.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := ex j t + (t - ex j t)); last by rewrite subnKC.
+        rewrite leq_add2l.
+        rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := t); rewrite //=; last by apply ltnW.
+        rewrite [X in _ + X <= _]big_nat_cond [X in _ + X <= _]big1 ?addn0.
+        {
+          apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(ex j t <= i < t) 1); last by simpl_sum_const.
+          by rewrite big_mkcond; apply leq_sum; intros i _; case: ifP => // _; apply leq_b1.
+        }
+        move => i /andP [/andP [GEi LTi] /eqP SERVi].
+        apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/negP; intro SUSPi.
+        specialize (ALL (Ordinal LTi)); rewrite /= in ALL.
+        feed ALL; first by rewrite SERVi eq_refl SUSPi.
+        suff BUG: m >= t by rewrite leqNgt GTm in BUG.
+        by apply: (leq_trans GEi).
+      }
+    Qed.
+  End BuildingSuspensionTable.
+End SuspensionTableConstruction.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/model/schedule/uni/susp/last_execution.v b/model/schedule/uni/susp/last_execution.v
index bf1c65f82..5c3f4979b 100644
--- a/model/schedule/uni/susp/last_execution.v
+++ b/model/schedule/uni/susp/last_execution.v
@@ -356,6 +356,53 @@ Module LastExecution.
       End ExistsIntermediateExecution.
+      (* In this section we prove that before the last execution the job
+         must have received strictly less service. *)
+      Section LessServiceBeforeLastExecution.
+        (* Let t be any time... *)
+        Variable t: time.
+        (* ...and consider any earlier time t0 no earlier than the arrival of job j... *)
+        Variable t0: time.
+        Hypothesis H_no_earlier_than_arrival: has_arrived job_arrival j t0.
+        (* ...and before the last execution of job j (with respect to time t). *)
+        Hypothesis H_before_last_execution: t0 < time_after_last_execution j t.
+        (* Then, we can prove that the service received by j before time t0
+           is strictly less than the service received by j before time t. *)
+        Lemma less_service_before_start_of_suspension:
+          service sched j t0 < service sched j t.
+        Proof.
+          rename H_no_earlier_than_arrival into ARR, H_before_last_execution into LT.
+          set ex := time_after_last_execution in LT.
+          set S := service sched.
+          case EX:([exists t0:'I_t, scheduled_at sched j t0]); last first.
+          {
+            rewrite /ex /time_after_last_execution EX in LT.
+            apply leq_trans with (p := t0) in LT; last by done.
+            by rewrite ltnn in LT.
+          }
+          {
+            rewrite /ex /time_after_last_execution EX in LT.
+            set m := (X in _ < X + 1) in LT.
+            apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := S j m);
+              first by rewrite -/m addn1 ltnS in LT; apply extend_sum.
+            move: EX => /existsP [t' SCHED'].
+            have LTt: m < t by apply bigmax_ltn_ord with (i0 := t').
+            rewrite /S /service /service_during.
+            rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (p := t) (n := m); [simpl | by done | by apply ltnW].
+            rewrite -addn1 leq_add2l; destruct t; first by done.
+            rewrite big_nat_recl //.
+            apply leq_trans with (n := scheduled_at sched j m); last by apply leq_addr.
+            rewrite lt0n eqb0 negbK.
+            by apply bigmax_pred with (i0 := t').
+          }
+        Qed.
+      End LessServiceBeforeLastExecution.
     End Lemmas.
diff --git a/model/schedule/uni/susp/suspension_intervals.v b/model/schedule/uni/susp/suspension_intervals.v
index 1222b486b..6177442ac 100644
--- a/model/schedule/uni/susp/suspension_intervals.v
+++ b/model/schedule/uni/susp/suspension_intervals.v
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Module SuspensionIntervals.
            (Note that suspension_start can return time t itself.) *)
         Let suspension_start := time_after_last_execution job_arrival sched j t.
-        (* Next, using the service received by j in the interval [0, suspension_start), ... *)
+        (* Next, using the service received by j in the interval [0, suspension_start),...*)
         Let current_service := service sched j suspension_start.
         (* ... we recall the duration of the suspension expected for job j after having
@@ -151,7 +151,8 @@ Module SuspensionIntervals.
             case: (boolP (completed_by _ _ _ _)) => [COMP | NOTCOMP];
               first by apply completed_implies_not_scheduled in COMP;
                 first by rewrite SCHED' in COMP.
-            rewrite andTb (same_service_implies_same_last_execution _ _ _ _ suspension_start) //.
+            rewrite andTb (same_service_implies_same_last_execution _ _ _ _
+                                                                    suspension_start) //.
             rewrite /suspension_start last_execution_idempotent //.
             apply/andP; split; first by apply leq_addr.
             by rewrite ltn_add2l.
@@ -289,19 +290,20 @@ Module SuspensionIntervals.
                  total_suspension_of_j, total_suspension.
           intros t1 t2.
           apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(0 <= s < job_cost j)
-                                      \sum_(t1 <= t < t2 | service sched j t == s) suspended_at j t).
+                            \sum_(t1 <= t < t2 | service sched j t == s) suspended_at j t).
             rewrite (exchange_big_dep_nat (fun x => true)) //=.
             apply leq_sum; intros s _.
             destruct (boolP (suspended_at j s)) as [SUSP | NOTSUSP]; last by done.
             rewrite (big_rem (service sched j s)); first by rewrite eq_refl.
             rewrite mem_index_iota; apply/andP; split; first by done.
-            rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split; last by apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
+            rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split;
+              last by apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost.
             by apply suspended_implies_not_completed in SUSP.
             apply leq_sum_nat; move => s /andP [_ LT] _.
-            destruct (boolP [exists t: 'I_t2, (t >= t1) && (service sched j t == s)]) as [EX | ALL];
+            destruct (boolP [exists t:'I_t2, (t>=t1)&& (service sched j t==s)]) as [EX|ALL];
               last first.
               rewrite negb_exists in ALL; move: ALL => /forallP ALL.
@@ -374,13 +376,13 @@ Module SuspensionIntervals.
           rename H_j_has_completed into COMP, H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute into ARR.
           have EARLIER := exists_last_execution_with_smaller_service job_arrival
-                                                                     job_cost sched ARR j t COMP.
+                                                           job_cost sched ARR j t COMP.
           apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split;
             first by apply cumulative_suspension_le_total_suspension.
           rewrite /total_suspension /cumulative_suspension /cumulative_suspension_during.
           move: COMP => /eqP COMP.
           apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(0 <= s < job_cost j)
-                                      \sum_(0 <= t0 < t | service sched j t0 == s) suspended_at j t0);
+                           \sum_(0 <= t0 < t | service sched j t0 == s) suspended_at j t0);
             last first.
             rewrite (exchange_big_dep_nat (fun x => true)) //=.
@@ -409,7 +411,7 @@ Module SuspensionIntervals.
             move: (EARLIER s LTs) => [t' EQ'].
             apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(0 <= t0 < t | (service sched j t0 == s) &&
-                                (b t' <= t0 < b t' + n (service sched j (b t')))) 1); last first.
+                          (b t' <= t0 < b t' + n (service sched j (b t')))) 1); last first.
               rewrite big_mkcond [\sum_(_ <= _ < _ | _ == s)_]big_mkcond.
               apply leq_sum_nat; move => i /andP [_ LTi] _.
@@ -421,10 +423,11 @@ Module SuspensionIntervals.
               by apply: (leq_ltn_trans _ LTs); apply eq_leq; apply/eqP.
-              apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(b t' <= t0 < b t' + n (service sched j (b t')) |
-                                               (0 <= t0 < t) && (service sched j t0 == s)) 1).
+              apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(b t'<= t0< b t'+ n (service sched j (b t')) |
+                                            (0 <= t0 < t) && (service sched j t0 == s)) 1).
-                apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(b t' <= t0 < b t' + n (service sched j (b t'))) 1);
+                apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(b t' <= t0 < b t'
+                                                         + n (service sched j (b t'))) 1);
                   first by simpl_sum_const; rewrite addKn -EQ'.
                 rewrite [in X in _ <= X]big_mkcond /=.
                 apply leq_sum_nat; move => i /andP [LEi GTi] _.
@@ -463,6 +466,55 @@ Module SuspensionIntervals.
       End SuspendsForTotalSuspension.
+      (* In this section, we prove that a job executes just before it starts suspending.  *)
+      Section ExecutionBeforeSuspension.
+        (* Assume that jobs do not execute before they arrive... *)
+        Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
+          jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched.
+        (* ...and nor after completion. *)
+        Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
+          completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
+        (* Assume that the schedule respects self-suspensions. *)
+        Hypothesis H_respects_self_suspensions: respects_self_suspensions.
+        (* Let j be any job... *)
+        Variable j: Job.
+        (* ...that has arrived by some time t. *)
+        Variable t: time.
+        Hypothesis H_arrived: has_arrived job_arrival j t.
+        (* If job j is not suspended at time t, but starts to suspend at time t + 1, ... *)
+        Hypothesis H_not_suspended_at_t: ~~ suspended_at j t.
+        Hypothesis H_begins_suspension: suspended_at j t.+1.
+        (* ...then j must be scheduled at time t. *)
+        Lemma executes_before_suspension:
+          scheduled_at sched j t.
+        Proof.
+          rename H_not_suspended_at_t into NOTSUSPs, H_begins_suspension into SUSPs'.
+          move: SUSPs' => /andP [NOTCOMP' /andP [GE LT]].
+          apply contraT; intro NOTSCHED.
+          suff BUG: suspended_at j t by rewrite BUG in NOTSUSPs.
+          apply suspended_in_suspension_interval with (t := t.+1); try done.
+          {
+            apply contraT; rewrite negbK; intro COMP.
+            suff COMP': completed_by job_cost sched j t.+1 by rewrite COMP' in NOTCOMP'.
+            by apply completion_monotonic with (t0 := t).
+          }
+          apply/andP; split; last by apply: (leq_ltn_trans _ LT).
+          apply leq_trans with (n := time_after_last_execution job_arrival sched j t);
+            last by apply last_execution_bounded_by_identity.
+          apply eq_leq, same_service_implies_same_last_execution.
+          rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //= /service_at.
+          by apply negbTE in NOTSCHED; rewrite NOTSCHED.
+        Qed.
+      End ExecutionBeforeSuspension.
     End Lemmas.
   End DefiningSuspensionIntervals.
diff --git a/model/schedule/uni/susp/valid_schedule.v b/model/schedule/uni/susp/valid_schedule.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ce70a272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/schedule/uni/susp/valid_schedule.v
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Require Import rt.util.all.
+Require Import rt.model.priority rt.model.suspension.
+Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence.
+Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.schedule
+               rt.model.schedule.uni.susp.platform.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
+(* In this file, we construct a predicate that defines a valid suspension-aware schedule. *)
+Module ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule.
+  Import ScheduleWithSuspensions Suspension Priority PlatformWithSuspensions.
+  (** Basic Setup & Setting*)
+  Section DefiningValidSchedule.
+    Context {Task: eqType}.
+    Context {Job: eqType}.
+    Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
+    Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
+    (* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
+    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+    (* Assume any given job-level policy... *)
+    Variable higher_eq_priority: JLDP_policy Job.
+    (* ...and job suspension times. *)
+    Variable job_suspension_duration: job_suspension Job.
+    (** Definition of the Suspension-Aware Schedule *)
+    (* Let job_cost denote any job cost function... *)
+    Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
+    (* ...and let sched_susp be any schedule. *)
+    Variable sched_susp: schedule Job.
+    (* For sched_susp to denote a valid suspension-aware schedule,
+       the following properties must be satisfied. *)
+    (* 1) All scheduled jobs must come from the arrival sequence. *)
+    Let H1_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence := jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched_susp arr_seq.
+    (* 2) Jobs only execute after they arrive. *)
+    Let H2_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute := jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched_susp.
+    (* 3) Jobs do not execute for longer than their costs. *)
+    Let H3_completed_jobs_dont_execute := completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched_susp.
+    (* 4) The schedule is work-conserving if there are non-suspended jobs. *)
+    Let H4_work_conserving :=
+      work_conserving job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration arr_seq sched_susp.
+    (* 5) The schedule respects task priorities. *)
+    Let H5_respects_priority :=
+      respects_JLDP_policy job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration arr_seq
+                           sched_susp higher_eq_priority.
+    (* 6) Suspended jobs are not allowed to be schedule. *)
+    Let H6_respects_self_suspensions :=
+      respects_self_suspensions job_arrival job_cost job_suspension_duration sched_susp.
+    (* All these properties can be combined into the following predicate. *)
+    Definition valid_suspension_aware_schedule :=
+      H1_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence /\
+      H2_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute /\
+      H3_completed_jobs_dont_execute /\
+      H4_work_conserving /\
+      H5_respects_priority /\
+      H6_respects_self_suspensions.
+  End DefiningValidSchedule.
+End ValidSuspensionAwareSchedule.
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