diff --git a/analysis/facts/model/rbf.v b/analysis/facts/model/rbf.v
index 94c44060a53cbc7dd1acb1b2081034e56f99390f..b328a868bd45ca7ab913404b08a2da2ed4cdb1b6 100644
--- a/analysis/facts/model/rbf.v
+++ b/analysis/facts/model/rbf.v
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ Section RequestBoundFunctions.
      [max_arrival tsk] is (1) an arrival bound of [tsk], and (2) it is a monotonic function
      that equals 0 for the empty interval delta = 0. *)
   Context `{MaxArrivals Task}.
-  Hypothesis H_valid_arrival_curve : valid_arrival_curve tsk (max_arrivals tsk).
+  Hypothesis H_valid_arrival_curve : valid_arrival_curve (max_arrivals tsk).
   Hypothesis H_is_arrival_curve : respects_max_arrivals arr_seq tsk (max_arrivals tsk).
   (** Let's define some local names for clarity. *)
diff --git a/model/task/arrival/arrival_curve_to_rbf.v b/model/task/arrival/arrival_curve_to_rbf.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c76073dfc02496ae701958a5834b76cf9208c31f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/task/arrival/arrival_curve_to_rbf.v
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+Require Export prosa.util.all.
+Require Export prosa.model.task.arrival.request_bound_functions.
+Require Export prosa.model.task.arrival.curves.
+(** * Converting an Arrival Curve + Worst-Case/Best-Case to a Request-Bound Function (RBF) *)
+(** Consider any type of tasks with a given cost ... *)
+Context {Task : TaskType} `{TaskCost Task} `{TaskMinCost Task}.
+(**  ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *)
+Context {Job : JobType} `{JobTask Job Task} `{JobCost Job}.
+(** In the following, we show a way to convert a given arrival curve, 
+    paired with a worst-case/best-case execution time, to a request-bound function. 
+    Definitions and proofs will handle both lower-bounding and upper-bounding arrival 
+    curves. *)
+Section ArrivalCurveToRBF.
+  (** Let [MaxArr] and [MinArr] represent two arrivals curves. [MaxArr] upper-bounds 
+      the possible number or arrivals for a given task, whereas [MinArr] lower-bounds it. *)
+  Context `{MaxArr : MaxArrivals Task} `{MinArr : MinArrivals Task}. 
+  (** We define the conversion to a request-bound function as the product of the task cost and the 
+      number of arrivals during [Δ]. In the upper-bounding case, the cost of a task will represent 
+      the WCET of its jobs. Symmetrically, in the lower-bounding case, the cost of a task will 
+      represent the BCET of its jobs. *)
+  Definition task_max_rbf (arrivals :  Task -> duration -> nat) task Δ := task_cost task * arrivals task Δ.
+  Definition task_min_rbf (arrivals :  Task -> duration -> nat) task Δ := task_min_cost task * arrivals task Δ.
+  (** Finally, we show that the newly defined functions are indeed request-bound functions. *)
+  Global Program Instance MaxArrivalsRBF : MaxRequestBound Task := task_max_rbf max_arrivals.
+  Global Program Instance MinArrivalsRBF : MinRequestBound Task := task_min_rbf min_arrivals.
+  (** In the following section, we prove that the transformation yields a request-bound 
+      function that conserves correctness properties in both the upper-bounding 
+      and lower-bounding cases. *)     
+  Section Facts.
+    (** First, we establish the validity of the transformation for a single, given task. *)
+    Section SingleTask.
+      (** Consider an arbitrary task [tsk] ... *)
+      Variable tsk : Task.
+      (** ... and any job arrival sequence. *)
+      Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
+      (** First, note that any valid upper-bounding arrival curve, after being 
+          converted, is a valid request-bound function. *)
+      Theorem valid_arrival_curve_to_max_rbf:
+        forall (arrivals : Task -> duration -> nat),
+        valid_arrival_curve (arrivals tsk) ->
+        valid_request_bound_function ((task_max_rbf arrivals) tsk).
+      Proof.
+        move => ARR [ZERO MONO].
+        split.
+        - by rewrite /task_max_rbf ZERO muln0.
+        - move => x y LEQ.
+          rewrite /task_max_rbf.
+          destruct (task_cost tsk); first by rewrite mul0n.
+          by rewrite leq_pmul2l //; apply MONO.
+      Qed.
+      (** The same idea can be applied in the lower-bounding case. *)
+      Theorem valid_arrival_curve_to_min_rbf:
+        forall (arrivals : Task -> duration -> nat),
+          valid_arrival_curve (arrivals tsk) ->
+          valid_request_bound_function ((task_min_rbf arrivals) tsk).
+      Proof.
+        move => ARR [ZERO MONO].
+        split.
+        - by rewrite /task_min_rbf ZERO muln0.
+        - move => x y LEQ.
+          rewrite /task_min_rbf.
+          destruct (task_min_cost tsk); first by rewrite mul0n.
+          by rewrite leq_pmul2l //; apply MONO.
+      Qed.
+      (** Next, we prove that the task respects the request-bound function in 
+          the upper-bounding case. Note that, for this to work, we assume that the 
+          cost of tasks upper-bounds the cost of the jobs belonging to them (i.e., 
+          the task cost is the worst-case). *)
+      Theorem respects_arrival_curve_to_max_rbf:
+        jobs_have_valid_job_costs ->
+        respects_max_arrivals arr_seq tsk (MaxArr tsk) ->
+        respects_max_request_bound arr_seq tsk ((task_max_rbf MaxArr) tsk).
+      Proof.
+        move=> TASK_COST RESPECT t1 t2 LEQ.
+        specialize (RESPECT t1 t2 LEQ).
+        apply leq_trans with (n := task_cost tsk * number_of_task_arrivals arr_seq tsk t1 t2) => //.
+        - rewrite /max_arrivals /number_of_task_arrivals -sum1_size big_distrr //= muln1 leq_sum_seq // => j.
+          rewrite mem_filter => /andP [/eqP TSK _] _.
+          rewrite -TSK.
+          by apply TASK_COST.
+        - by destruct (task_cost tsk) eqn:C; rewrite /task_max_rbf C // leq_pmul2l.
+      Qed.
+      (** Finally, we prove that the task respects the request-bound function also in 
+          the lower-bounding case. This time, we assume that the cost of tasks lower-bounds 
+          the cost of the jobs belonging to them. (i.e., the task cost is the best-case). *)
+      Theorem respects_arrival_curve_to_min_rbf:
+        jobs_have_valid_min_job_costs ->
+        respects_min_arrivals arr_seq tsk (MinArr tsk) ->
+        respects_min_request_bound arr_seq tsk ((task_min_rbf MinArr) tsk).
+      Proof.
+        move=> TASK_COST RESPECT t1 t2 LEQ.
+        specialize (RESPECT t1 t2 LEQ).
+        apply leq_trans with (n := task_min_cost tsk * number_of_task_arrivals arr_seq tsk t1 t2) => //.
+        - by destruct (task_min_cost tsk) eqn:C; rewrite /task_min_rbf C // leq_pmul2l.
+        - rewrite /min_arrivals /number_of_task_arrivals -sum1_size big_distrr //= muln1 leq_sum_seq // => j.
+          rewrite mem_filter => /andP [/eqP TSK _] _.
+          rewrite -TSK.
+          by apply TASK_COST.
+      Qed.
+    End SingleTask.
+    (** Next, we lift the results to the previous section to an arbitrary task set. *)
+    Section TaskSet.
+      (** Let [ts] be an arbitrary task set... *)
+      Variable ts : TaskSet Task.
+      (** ... and consider any job arrival sequence. *)
+      Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
+      (** First, we generalize the validity of the transformation to a task set both in
+          the upper-bounding case ... *)
+      Corollary valid_taskset_arrival_curve_to_max_rbf:
+        valid_taskset_arrival_curve ts MaxArr ->
+        valid_taskset_request_bound_function ts MaxArrivalsRBF.
+      Proof.
+        move=> VALID tsk IN.
+        specialize (VALID tsk IN).
+        by apply valid_arrival_curve_to_max_rbf.
+      Qed.
+      (** ... and in the lower-bounding case. *)
+      Corollary valid_taskset_arrival_curve_to_min_rbf:
+        valid_taskset_arrival_curve ts MinArr ->
+        valid_taskset_request_bound_function ts MinArrivalsRBF.
+      Proof.
+        move=> VALID tsk IN.
+        specialize (VALID tsk IN).
+        by apply valid_arrival_curve_to_min_rbf.
+      Qed.
+      (** Second, we show that a task set that respects a given arrival curve also respects 
+          the produced request-bound function, lifting the result obtained in the single-task 
+          case. The result is valid in the upper-bounding case... *) 
+      Corollary taskset_respects_arrival_curve_to_max_rbf:
+        jobs_have_valid_job_costs ->
+        taskset_respects_max_arrivals arr_seq ts ->
+        taskset_respects_max_request_bound arr_seq ts.
+      Proof.
+        move=> TASK_COST SET_RESPECTS tsk IN.
+        by apply respects_arrival_curve_to_max_rbf, SET_RESPECTS.
+      Qed.
+      (** ...as well as in the lower-bounding case. *)
+      Corollary taskset_respects_arrival_curve_to_min_rbf:
+        jobs_have_valid_min_job_costs ->
+        taskset_respects_min_arrivals arr_seq ts ->
+        taskset_respects_min_request_bound arr_seq ts.
+      Proof.
+        move=> TASK_COST SET_RESPECTS tsk IN.
+        by apply respects_arrival_curve_to_min_rbf, SET_RESPECTS.
+      Qed.
+    End TaskSet.
+  End Facts.
+End ArrivalCurveToRBF.
diff --git a/model/task/arrival/curves.v b/model/task/arrival/curves.v
index b8138bf2242bfbaa42f543f9291d98aaf2dfbd3f..4a49aa79e8be8f42ff6356c5310a5271e2e18051 100644
--- a/model/task/arrival/curves.v
+++ b/model/task/arrival/curves.v
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Section ArrivalCurves.
     (** We say that a given curve [num_arrivals] is a valid arrival curve for
         task [tsk] iff [num_arrivals] is a monotonic function that equals 0 for
         the empty interval [delta = 0]. *)
-    Definition valid_arrival_curve (tsk : Task) (num_arrivals : duration -> nat) :=
+    Definition valid_arrival_curve (num_arrivals : duration -> nat) :=
       num_arrivals 0 = 0 /\
       monotone num_arrivals leq.
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Section ArrivalCurvesModel.
   (** We say that [arrivals] is a valid arrival curve for a task set
       if it is valid for any task in the task set *)
   Definition valid_taskset_arrival_curve (arrivals : Task -> duration -> nat) :=
-    forall (tsk : Task), tsk \in ts -> valid_arrival_curve tsk (arrivals tsk).
+    forall (tsk : Task), tsk \in ts -> valid_arrival_curve (arrivals tsk).
   (** Finally, we lift the per-task semantics of the respective arrival and
   separation curves to the entire task set.  *)
diff --git a/model/task/arrivals.v b/model/task/arrivals.v
index 400721e5350762fb887a34ee7431b63e2c83060d..8c10fd472c2d552332cb1a96bf530abc51034328 100644
--- a/model/task/arrivals.v
+++ b/model/task/arrivals.v
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Section TaskArrivals.
   (** ... and also count the cost of job arrivals. *)
   Definition cost_of_task_arrivals (t1 t2 : instant) :=
-    \sum_(j <- task_arrivals_between t1 t2 | job_task j == tsk) job_cost j.
+    \sum_(j <- task_arrivals_between t1 t2) job_cost j.
 End TaskArrivals.
diff --git a/model/task/concept.v b/model/task/concept.v
index 2de3aec8290793ce107c928334a4a70d1ad3938e..c255a7bc18d1f0cc90f0648a869cb5312e03d8f7 100644
--- a/model/task/concept.v
+++ b/model/task/concept.v
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ Class TaskDeadline (Task : TaskType) := task_deadline : Task -> duration.
     execution cost (WCET). *)
 Class TaskCost (Task : TaskType) := task_cost : Task -> duration.
+(** And finally, we define a task-model parameter to express each task's best-case
+    execution cost (BCET). *)
+Class TaskMinCost (Task : TaskType) := task_min_cost : Task -> duration.
 (** * Task Model Validity *)
@@ -33,9 +37,10 @@ Class TaskCost (Task : TaskType) := task_cost : Task -> duration.
     model must satisfy. *)
 Section ModelValidity.
-  (** Consider any type of tasks with WCETs and relative deadlines. *)
+  (** Consider any type of tasks with WCETs/BCETs and relative deadlines. *)
   Context {Task : TaskType}.
   Context `{TaskCost Task}.
+  Context `{TaskMinCost Task}.
   Context `{TaskDeadline Task}.
   (** First, we constrain the possible WCET values of a valid task. *)
@@ -67,7 +72,11 @@ Section ModelValidity.
     Definition valid_job_cost j :=
       job_cost j <= task_cost (job_task j).
-    (** ... and any arrival sequence. *)
+    (** Every job have a valid job cost *)
+    Definition jobs_have_valid_job_costs :=
+      forall j, valid_job_cost j.
+    (** Next, consider any arrival sequence. *)
     Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
     (** The cost of a job from the arrival sequence cannot
@@ -78,6 +87,36 @@ Section ModelValidity.
         valid_job_cost j.
   End ValidJobCost.
+  (** Third, we relate the cost of a task's jobs to its BCET. *)
+  Section ValidMinJobCost.
+    (** Consider any type of jobs associated with the tasks ... *)
+    Context {Job : JobType}.
+    Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
+    (** ... and consider the cost of each job. *)
+    Context `{JobCost Job}.
+    (** The cost of any job [j] cannot be less than the BCET of its respective
+        task. *)
+    Definition valid_min_job_cost j :=
+      task_min_cost (job_task j) <= job_cost j.
+    (** Every job have a valid job cost *)
+    Definition jobs_have_valid_min_job_costs :=
+      forall j, valid_min_job_cost j.
+    (** Next, consider any arrival sequence. *)
+    Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
+    (** The cost of a job from the arrival sequence cannot
+       be less than the task cost. *)
+    Definition arrivals_have_valid_min_job_costs :=
+      forall j,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+        valid_min_job_cost j.
+  End ValidMinJobCost.
 End ModelValidity.
diff --git a/scripts/wordlist.pws b/scripts/wordlist.pws
index 4e3df729c7a88eedbc616172f468b22cf377cea3..873a2fac99b0aa37cceb17573ba5bbd9dfb5953e 100644
--- a/scripts/wordlist.pws
+++ b/scripts/wordlist.pws
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ RBF