From f6c31ca076f3410eff692d32b4b18d0569df3f69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sergei Bozhko <> Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 13:08:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] adjust lemmas to work-bearing readiness With some misc. cleanups and reorganization thrown in. --- analysis/abstract/abstract_seq_rta.v | 14 +- analysis/abstract/ideal_jlfp_rta.v | 29 ++-- analysis/definitions/task_schedule.v | 1 + analysis/facts/busy_interval/busy_interval.v | 94 +++++++------ analysis/facts/busy_interval/carry_in.v | 105 ++++++++------- .../facts/busy_interval/priority_inversion.v | 127 +++++++++--------- .../rtc_threshold/job_preemptable.v | 2 +- analysis/facts/readiness/basic.v | 4 + 8 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-) diff --git a/analysis/abstract/abstract_seq_rta.v b/analysis/abstract/abstract_seq_rta.v index 196493031..0217e3d95 100644 --- a/analysis/abstract/abstract_seq_rta.v +++ b/analysis/abstract/abstract_seq_rta.v @@ -231,13 +231,13 @@ Section Sequential_Abstract_RTA. completed_by sched j2 t1. Proof. move => JA; move: (H_j2_from_tsk) => /eqP TSK2eq. - move: (posnP (@job_cost _ H3 j2)) => [ZERO|POS]. - { by rewrite /completed_by /service.completed_by ZERO. } - move: (H_interference_and_workload_consistent_with_sequential_tasks - j1 t1 t2 H_j1_arrives H_j1_from_tsk H_j1_cost_positive H_busy_interval) => SWEQ. - eapply all_jobs_have_completed_equiv_workload_eq_service - with (j := j2) in SWEQ; eauto 2; try done. - by apply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals. + rewrite /completed_by. + move: (posnP (@job_cost _ H3 j2)) => [-> | POS]; first by done. + move: (H_interference_and_workload_consistent_with_sequential_tasks j1 t1 t2) => SWEQ. + feed_n 4 SWEQ; try by done. + apply all_jobs_have_completed_equiv_workload_eq_service with (j := j2) in SWEQ => //. + - by apply ideal_proc_model_provides_unit_service. + - by apply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals. Qed. (** Next we prove that if a job is pending after the beginning diff --git a/analysis/abstract/ideal_jlfp_rta.v b/analysis/abstract/ideal_jlfp_rta.v index b963583f2..1eabeef9b 100644 --- a/analysis/abstract/ideal_jlfp_rta.v +++ b/analysis/abstract/ideal_jlfp_rta.v @@ -2,13 +2,9 @@ Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.priority_inversion. Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.abstract_seq_rta. From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq path fintype bigop. -(** In this file we consider an ideal uni-processor ... *) +(** Throughout this file, we assume ideal uni-processor schedules. *) Require Import prosa.model.processor.ideal. -(** ... and classic model of readiness without jitter and no - self-suspensions, where pending jobs are always ready. *) -Require Import prosa.model.readiness.basic. - (** * JLFP instantiation of Interference and Interfering Workload for ideal uni-processor. *) (** In this module we instantiate functions Interference and Interfering Workload for an arbitrary JLFP-policy that satisfies the sequential tasks hypothesis. @@ -372,9 +368,11 @@ Section JLFPInstantiation. { ideal_proc_model_sched_case_analysis_eq sched x jo; first by rewrite big1_eq. move: (Sched_jo); rewrite scheduled_at_def; move => /eqP EQ; rewrite EQ. destruct (another_hep_job jo j) eqn:PRIO. - - rewrite -EQ. have SCH := service_of_jobs_le_1 sched _ (arrivals_between t1 t) _ x. - eapply leq_trans; last by apply SCH; eauto using arrivals_uniq. - erewrite leq_sum; eauto 2. + - rewrite -EQ. have SCH := service_of_jobs_le_1 _ _ sched _ (arrivals_between t1 t) _ x. + eapply leq_trans; last first. + + apply SCH; eauto using arrivals_uniq, ideal_proc_model_provides_unit_service, + ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model. + + by erewrite leq_sum. - rewrite leqn0 big1 //; intros joo PRIO2. apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/eqP; intros C. inversion C; subst joo; clear C. @@ -413,9 +411,11 @@ Section JLFPInstantiation. { ideal_proc_model_sched_case_analysis_eq sched x jo; first by rewrite big1_eq. move: (Sched_jo); rewrite scheduled_at_def; move => /eqP EQ; rewrite EQ. destruct (hep_job_from_another_task jo j) eqn:PRIO. - - rewrite -EQ. have SCH := service_of_jobs_le_1 sched _ (arrivals_between t1 t) _ x. - eapply leq_trans; last by apply SCH; eauto using arrivals_uniq. - erewrite leq_sum; eauto 2. + - rewrite -EQ. have SCH := service_of_jobs_le_1 _ _ sched _ (arrivals_between t1 t) _ x. + eapply leq_trans; last first. + + by apply SCH; eauto using arrivals_uniq, ideal_proc_model_provides_unit_service, + ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model. + + by erewrite leq_sum. - rewrite leqn0 big1 //; intros joo PRIO2. apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/eqP; intros C. inversion C; subst joo; clear C. @@ -455,8 +455,9 @@ Section JLFPInstantiation. last by apply zero_is_quiet_time. have L2 := instantiated_cumulative_workload_of_hep_jobs_equal_total_workload_of_hep_jobs. rewrite /cumulative_interfering_workload_of_hep_jobs in L2; rewrite L2; clear L2. - rewrite eq_sym; apply/eqP. - apply all_jobs_have_completed_equiv_workload_eq_service; try done. + rewrite eq_sym; apply/eqP. + apply all_jobs_have_completed_equiv_workload_eq_service; + eauto using ideal_proc_model_provides_unit_service. intros; apply QT. - by apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived in H4. - by move: H5 => /andP [H6 H7]. @@ -479,7 +480,7 @@ Section JLFPInstantiation. intros t [T0 T1]; intros jhp ARR HP ARB. eapply all_jobs_have_completed_equiv_workload_eq_service with (P := fun jhp => hep_job jhp j) (t1 := 0) (t2 := t); - eauto 2; last eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; try done. + eauto using arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals, ideal_proc_model_provides_unit_service. move: T0; rewrite /cumul_interference /cumul_interfering_workload. rewrite CIS !big_split //=; move => /eqP; rewrite eqn_add2l. rewrite IC1; last by apply zero_is_quiet_time. diff --git a/analysis/definitions/task_schedule.v b/analysis/definitions/task_schedule.v index 83065b17e..0838ff171 100644 --- a/analysis/definitions/task_schedule.v +++ b/analysis/definitions/task_schedule.v @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ Require Export prosa.model.task.concept. +Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.ideal_schedule. (** Due to historical reasons this file defines the notion of a schedule of a task for the ideal uni-processor model. This is not diff --git a/analysis/facts/busy_interval/busy_interval.v b/analysis/facts/busy_interval/busy_interval.v index ee074f832..fcf7a6af2 100644 --- a/analysis/facts/busy_interval/busy_interval.v +++ b/analysis/facts/busy_interval/busy_interval.v @@ -3,13 +3,11 @@ Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.job_properties. Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.priority_inversion. Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.behavior.all. Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.service_of_jobs. +Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.work_bearing_readiness. (** Throughout this file, we assume ideal uni-processor schedules. *) Require Import prosa.model.processor.ideal. -(** Throughout this file, we assume the basic (i.e., Liu & Layland) readiness model. *) -Require Import prosa.model.readiness.basic. - (** * Existence of Busy Interval for JLFP-models *) (** In this module we derive a sufficient condition for existence of busy intervals for uni-processor for JLFP schedulers. *) @@ -22,8 +20,8 @@ Section ExistsBusyIntervalJLFP. (** ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *) Context {Job : JobType}. Context `{JobTask Job Task}. - Context `{JobArrival Job}. - Context `{JobCost Job}. + Context {Arrival: JobArrival Job}. + Context {Cost : JobCost Job}. (** Consider any arrival sequence with consistent arrivals. *) Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job. @@ -39,8 +37,12 @@ Section ExistsBusyIntervalJLFP. Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute : completed_jobs_dont_execute sched. (** Assume a given JLFP policy. *) - Context `{JLFP_policy Job}. - + Context `{JLFP_policy Job}. + + (** Further, allow for any work-bearing notion of job readiness. *) + Context `{@JobReady Job (ideal.processor_state Job) _ Cost Arrival}. + Hypothesis H_job_ready : work_bearing_readiness arr_seq sched. + (** For simplicity, let's define some local names. *) Let job_pending_at := pending sched. Let job_completed_by := completed_by sched. @@ -150,15 +152,15 @@ Section ExistsBusyIntervalJLFP. Proof. intros t IDLE jhp ARR HP AB. apply negbNE; apply/negP; intros NCOMP. - rewrite /arrived_before ltnS in AB. - move:(H_work_conserving _ t ARR) => WC. - feed WC. - { apply/andP. split. - - apply/negPn/negP; rewrite negb_and; intros COMP. - move: COMP => /orP; rewrite Bool.negb_involutive; move => [/negP CON|COM]; auto. - move: NCOMP => /negP NCOMP; apply: NCOMP. - by apply completion_monotonic with t. - - by move: IDLE => /eqP IDLE; rewrite /scheduled_at scheduled_in_def IDLE. + have PEND : job_pending_at jhp t. + { apply/andP; split; first by done. + by move: NCOMP; apply contra, completion_monotonic. + } + apply H_job_ready in PEND => //; destruct PEND as [j' [ARR' [READY' _]]]. + move:(H_work_conserving j' t) => WC. + feed_n 2 WC; first by done. + { apply/andP; split; first by done. + by move: IDLE => /eqP IDLE; rewrite /scheduled_at scheduled_in_def IDLE. } move: IDLE WC => /eqP IDLE [jo SCHED]. by rewrite scheduled_at_def IDLE in SCHED. @@ -224,8 +226,8 @@ Section ExistsBusyIntervalJLFP. Proof. intros t NEQ IDLE. move: (pending_hp_job_exists _ NEQ) => [jhp [ARR [PEND HP]]]. - unfold work_conserving in *. - feed (H_work_conserving _ t ARR). + apply H_job_ready in PEND => //; destruct PEND as [j' [ARR' [READY' _]]]. + feed (H_work_conserving _ t ARR'). apply/andP; split; first by done. move: IDLE => /eqP IDLE; rewrite scheduled_at_def IDLE; by done. move: (H_work_conserving) => [jo SCHED]. @@ -288,42 +290,38 @@ Section ExistsBusyIntervalJLFP. - by eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; eauto 2. - by eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_before; eauto 2. Qed. - + (** Next we prove that the total service within a "non-quiet" - time interval <<[t1, t1 + Δ)>> is exactly Δ. *) + time interval <<[t1, t1 + Δ)>> is exactly [Δ]. *) Lemma no_idle_time_within_non_quiet_time_interval: service_of_jobs sched predT (arrivals_between 0 (t1 + Δ)) t1 (t1 + Δ) = Δ. Proof. - intros; unfold service_of_jobs, service_of_higher_or_equal_priority_jobs. + intros; unfold service_of_jobs, service_of_higher_or_equal_priority_jobs. rewrite -{3}[Δ](sum_of_ones t1) exchange_big //=. apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split. - { rewrite leq_sum //. - move => t' _. - have SCH := service_of_jobs_le_1 sched predT (arrivals_between 0 (t1 + Δ)) _ t'. - by eauto using arrivals_uniq. - } - { rewrite [in X in X <= _]big_nat_cond [in X in _ <= X]big_nat_cond //=; rewrite leq_sum //. - move => t' /andP [/andP [LT GT] _]. - apply/sum_seq_gt0P. + { rewrite leq_sum // => t' _. + have SCH := @service_of_jobs_le_1 _ _ _ _ _ sched predT (arrivals_between 0 (t1 + Δ)). + eapply leq_trans; last apply SCH; eauto using arrivals_uniq with basic_facts. + by rewrite leq_sum // => i _; rewrite -scheduled_at_def service_at_is_scheduled_at. } + { rewrite [in X in X <= _]big_nat_cond [in X in _ <= X]big_nat_cond //= + leq_sum // => t' /andP [/andP [LT GT] _]; apply/sum_seq_gt0P. ideal_proc_model_sched_case_analysis_eq sched t' jo. { exfalso; move: LT; rewrite leq_eqVlt; move => /orP [/eqP EQ|LT]. { subst t'. feed (H_no_quiet_time t1.+1); first by apply/andP; split. - apply: H_no_quiet_time. - by apply idle_time_implies_quiet_time_at_the_next_time_instant. - } + by apply H_no_quiet_time, idle_time_implies_quiet_time_at_the_next_time_instant. } { feed (H_no_quiet_time t'); first by apply/andP; split; last rewrite ltnW. apply: H_no_quiet_time; intros j_hp IN HP ARR. - apply contraT; intros NOTCOMP. - destruct (scheduled_at sched j_hp t') eqn:SCHEDhp; - first by rewrite scheduled_at_def EqIdle in SCHEDhp. - apply negbT in SCHEDhp. - feed (H_work_conserving j_hp t' IN); - first by repeat (apply/andP; split); first by apply ltnW. + apply contraT; intros NCOMP. + have PEND : job_pending_at j_hp t'. + { apply/andP; split. + - by rewrite /has_arrived ltnW. + - by move: NCOMP; apply contra, completion_monotonic. } + apply H_job_ready in PEND => //; destruct PEND as [j' [ARR' [READY' _]]]. + feed (H_work_conserving _ t' ARR'). + { by apply/andP; split; last rewrite scheduled_at_def EqIdle. } move: H_work_conserving => [j_other SCHEDother]. - by rewrite scheduled_at_def EqIdle in SCHEDother. - } - } + by rewrite scheduled_at_def EqIdle in SCHEDother. } } { exists jo; split. - apply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; try done. apply H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence with t'; try done. @@ -472,12 +470,10 @@ Section ExistsBusyIntervalJLFP. apply leq_trans with (cumulative_priority_inversion sched j t1 (t1 + delta) + hp_service t1 (t1 + delta)). { rewrite /hp_service hep_jobs_receive_no_service_before_quiet_time //. rewrite /service_of_higher_or_equal_priority_jobs /service_of_jobs sum_pred_diff. - rewrite addnBA; last first. - { by rewrite big_mkcond //= leq_sum //; intros j' _; case (hep_job j' j). } + rewrite addnBA; last by rewrite big_mkcond //= leq_sum //; intros j' _; case (hep_job j' j). rewrite addnC -addnBA. - { intros. have TT := no_idle_time_within_non_quiet_time_interval. - by unfold service_of_jobs in TT; rewrite TT // leq_addr. - } + { have TT := no_idle_time_within_non_quiet_time_interval. + by unfold service_of_jobs in TT; rewrite TT // leq_addr. } { rewrite /cumulative_priority_inversion /is_priority_inversion exchange_big //=. apply leq_sum_seq; move => t II _. rewrite mem_index_iota in II; move: II => /andP [GEi LEt]. @@ -485,7 +481,9 @@ Section ExistsBusyIntervalJLFP. { by rewrite leqn0 big1_seq //. } { case PRIO1: (hep_job j1 j); simpl; first last. - rewrite <- SCHED. - have SCH := service_of_jobs_le_1 sched _ _ _ t; eauto using arrivals_uniq. + have SCH := @service_of_jobs_le_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ (fun i => ~~ hep_job i j) (arrivals_between 0 (t1 + delta)). + eapply leq_trans; last eapply SCH; eauto using arrivals_uniq with basic_facts. + by rewrite leq_sum // => i _; rewrite -scheduled_at_def service_at_is_scheduled_at. - rewrite leqn0 big1_seq; first by done. move => j2 /andP [PRIO2 ARRj2]. case EQ: (j1 == j2). @@ -691,7 +689,7 @@ Section ExistsBusyIntervalJLFP. job_completed_by j (job_arrival j + delta). Proof. have BUSY := exists_busy_interval priority_inversion_bound _ delta. - move: (posnP (@job_cost _ H2 j)) => [ZERO|POS]. + move: (posnP (@job_cost _ Cost j)) => [ZERO|POS]. { by rewrite /job_completed_by /completed_by ZERO. } feed_n 4 BUSY; try by done. move: BUSY => [t1 [t2 [/andP [GE1 LT2] [GE2 BUSY]]]]. diff --git a/analysis/facts/busy_interval/carry_in.v b/analysis/facts/busy_interval/carry_in.v index 7074b8392..e4fe3aeff 100644 --- a/analysis/facts/busy_interval/carry_in.v +++ b/analysis/facts/busy_interval/carry_in.v @@ -5,14 +5,12 @@ Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.busy_interval.busy_interval. (** Throughout this file, we assume ideal uniprocessor schedules. *) Require Import prosa.model.processor.ideal. -(** Throughout this file, we assume the basic (i.e., Liu & Layland) readiness model. *) -Require Import prosa.model.readiness.basic. - (** * Existence of No Carry-In Instant *) -(** In this section, we derive an alternative condition for the existence of - a busy interval. The new condition requires the total workload (instead - of the high-priority workload) generated by the task set to be bounded. *) +(** In this section, we derive an alternative condition for the + existence of a busy interval. The new condition requires the total + workload (instead of the high-priority workload) generated by the + task set to be bounded. *) (** Next, we derive a sufficient condition for existence of no carry-in instant for uniprocessor for JLFP schedulers *) @@ -25,8 +23,8 @@ Section ExistsNoCarryIn. (** ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *) Context {Job : JobType}. Context `{JobTask Job Task}. - Context `{JobArrival Job}. - Context `{JobCost Job}. + Context {Arrival: JobArrival Job}. + Context {Cost : JobCost Job}. (** Consider any arrival sequence with consistent arrivals. *) Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job. @@ -51,16 +49,10 @@ Section ExistsNoCarryIn. Let no_carry_in := no_carry_in arr_seq sched. Let quiet_time := quiet_time arr_seq sched. - (** The fact that there is no carry-in at time instant t - trivially implies that t is a quiet time. *) - Lemma no_carry_in_implies_quiet_time : - forall j t, - no_carry_in t -> - quiet_time j t. - Proof. - by intros j t FQT j_hp ARR HP BEF; apply FQT. - Qed. - + (** Further, allow for any work-bearing notion of job readiness. *) + Context `{@JobReady Job (ideal.processor_state Job) _ Cost Arrival}. + Hypothesis H_job_ready : work_bearing_readiness arr_seq sched. + (** Assume that the schedule is work-conserving, ... *) Hypothesis H_work_conserving : work_conserving arr_seq sched. @@ -68,6 +60,17 @@ Section ExistsNoCarryIn. Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set: arrival_sequence_uniq arr_seq. + (** The fact that there is no carry-in at time instant [t] trivially + implies that [t] is a quiet time. *) + Lemma no_carry_in_implies_quiet_time : + forall j t, + no_carry_in t -> + quiet_time j t. + Proof. + by intros j t FQT j_hp ARR HP BEF; apply FQT. + Qed. + + (** We show that an idle time implies no carry in at this time instant. *) Lemma idle_instant_implies_no_carry_in_at_t : forall t, @@ -75,13 +78,18 @@ Section ExistsNoCarryIn. no_carry_in t. Proof. intros ? IDLE j ARR HA. - apply/negPn/negP; intros NCOMPL. + apply/negPn/negP; intros NCOMP. + have PEND : job_pending_at j t. + { apply/andP; split. + - by rewrite /has_arrived ltnW. + - by move: NCOMP; apply contra, completion_monotonic. + } + apply H_job_ready in PEND => //; destruct PEND as [jhp [ARRhp [READYhp _]]]. move: IDLE => /eqP IDLE. - move: (H_work_conserving j t ARR) => NIDLE. + move: (H_work_conserving _ t ARRhp) => NIDLE. feed NIDLE. - { apply/andP; split; last first. - { by rewrite scheduled_at_def IDLE. } - { by apply/andP; split; [apply ltnW | done]. } + { apply/andP; split; first by done. + by rewrite scheduled_at_def IDLE. } move: NIDLE => [j' SCHED]. by rewrite scheduled_at_def IDLE in SCHED. @@ -94,16 +102,18 @@ Section ExistsNoCarryIn. no_carry_in t.+1. Proof. intros ? IDLE j ARR HA. - apply/negPn/negP; intros NCOMPL. + apply/negPn/negP; intros NCOMP. + have PEND : job_pending_at j t. + { apply/andP; split. + - by rewrite /has_arrived. + - by move: NCOMP; apply contra, completion_monotonic. + } + apply H_job_ready in PEND => //; destruct PEND as [jhp [ARRhp [READYhp _]]]. move: IDLE => /eqP IDLE. - move: (H_work_conserving j t ARR) => NIDLE. + move: (H_work_conserving _ t ARRhp) => NIDLE. feed NIDLE. - { apply/andP; split; last first. - { by rewrite scheduled_at_def IDLE. } - { apply/andP; split; first by done. - move: NCOMPL => /negP NC1; apply/negP; intros NC2; apply: NC1. - by apply completion_monotonic with t. - } + { apply/andP; split; first by done. + by rewrite scheduled_at_def IDLE. } move: NIDLE => [j' SCHED]. by rewrite scheduled_at_def IDLE in SCHED. @@ -120,14 +130,13 @@ Section ExistsNoCarryIn. Let total_service t1 t2 := service_of_jobs sched predT (arrivals_between 0 t2) t1 t2. - (** Assume that for some positive Δ, the sum of requested workload - at time (t + Δ) is bounded by delta (i.e., the supply). - Note that this assumption bounds the total workload of - jobs released in a time interval [t, t + Δ) regardless of - their priorities. *) - Variable Δ: duration. - Hypothesis H_delta_positive: Δ > 0. - Hypothesis H_workload_is_bounded: forall t, total_workload t (t + Δ) <= Δ. + (** Assume that for some positive [Δ], the sum of requested workload + at time [t + Δ] is bounded by [Δ] (i.e., the supply). Note that + this assumption bounds the total workload of jobs released in a + time interval <<[t, t + Δ)>> regardless of their priorities. *) + Variable Δ : duration. + Hypothesis H_delta_positive : Δ > 0. + Hypothesis H_workload_is_bounded : forall t, total_workload t (t + Δ) <= Δ. (** Next we prove that, since for any time instant [t] there is a point where the total workload is upper-bounded by the supply, @@ -162,8 +171,8 @@ Section ExistsNoCarryIn. Proof. unfold total_service. rewrite -{3}[Δ]addn0 -{2}(subnn t) addnBA // [in X in _ <= X]addnC. - apply service_of_jobs_le_length_of_interval'. - by eapply arrivals_uniq; eauto 2. + apply service_of_jobs_le_length_of_interval'; auto with basic_facts. + by eapply arrivals_uniq; eauto 2. Qed. (** Next we consider two cases: @@ -215,11 +224,11 @@ Section ExistsNoCarryIn. have EQ: total_workload 0 (t + Δ) = service_of_jobs sched predT (arrivals_between 0 (t + Δ)) 0 (t + Δ). { intros. have COMPL := all_jobs_have_completed_impl_workload_eq_service - arr_seq H_arrival_times_are_consistent sched + _ arr_seq H_arrival_times_are_consistent sched H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute H_completed_jobs_dont_execute predT 0 t t. - feed COMPL; try done. + feed_n 2 COMPL; auto with basic_facts. { intros j A B; apply H_no_carry_in. - eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; eauto 2. - eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_between in A; eauto 2. @@ -238,8 +247,8 @@ Section ExistsNoCarryIn. by apply H_workload_is_bounded. } intros s ARR BEF. - eapply workload_eq_service_impl_all_jobs_have_completed; eauto 2; try done. - by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 2. + eapply workload_eq_service_impl_all_jobs_have_completed; eauto with basic_facts. + by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals. Qed. End ProcessorIsNotTooBusyInduction. @@ -281,9 +290,9 @@ Section ExistsNoCarryIn. Proof. rename H_from_arrival_sequence into ARR, H_job_cost_positive into POS. edestruct (exists_busy_interval_prefix - arr_seq H_arrival_times_are_consistent sched j ARR H_priority_is_reflexive (job_arrival j)) - as [t1 [PREFIX GE]]. - apply job_pending_at_arrival; auto. + arr_seq H_arrival_times_are_consistent + sched j ARR H_priority_is_reflexive (job_arrival j)) + as [t1 [PREFIX GE]]; first by apply job_pending_at_arrival; auto. move: GE => /andP [GE1 _]. exists t1; move: (processor_is_not_too_busy t1.+1) => [δ [LE QT]]. apply no_carry_in_implies_quiet_time with (j := j) in QT. diff --git a/analysis/facts/busy_interval/priority_inversion.v b/analysis/facts/busy_interval/priority_inversion.v index ae227fe67..ba5cf9dda 100644 --- a/analysis/facts/busy_interval/priority_inversion.v +++ b/analysis/facts/busy_interval/priority_inversion.v @@ -9,11 +9,6 @@ Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.busy_interval.busy_interval. (** Throughout this file, we assume ideal uni-processor schedules. *) Require Import prosa.model.processor.ideal. -(** Throughout the file we assume for the classic Liu & Layland model - of readiness without jitter and no self-suspensions, where - pending jobs are always ready. *) -Require Import prosa.model.readiness.basic. - (** In preparation of the derivation of the priority inversion bound, we establish two basic facts on preemption times. *) Section PreemptionTimes. @@ -93,8 +88,8 @@ Section PriorityInversionIsBounded. (** ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *) Context {Job : JobType}. Context `{JobTask Job Task}. - Context `{JobArrival Job}. - Context `{JobCost Job}. + Context `{Arrival : JobArrival Job}. + Context `{Cost : JobCost Job}. (** Consider any arrival sequence with consistent arrivals ... *) Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job. @@ -129,6 +124,10 @@ Section PriorityInversionIsBounded. Hypothesis H_valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments: valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments arr_seq sched. + (** Further, allow for any work-bearing notion of job readiness. *) + Context `{@JobReady Job (ideal.processor_state Job) _ Cost Arrival}. + Hypothesis H_job_ready : work_bearing_readiness arr_seq sched. + (** Next, we assume that the schedule is a work-conserving schedule... *) Hypothesis H_work_conserving : work_conserving arr_seq sched. @@ -221,29 +220,34 @@ Section PriorityInversionIsBounded. scheduled_at sched jhp t -> hep_job jhp j. Proof. - intros LTt2m1 jhp Sched_jhp. - move: (H_t_in_busy_interval) (H_busy_interval_prefix) => /andP [GEt LEt] [SL [QUIET [NOTQUIET INBI]]]. - apply contraT; move => /negP NOTHP; exfalso. - apply NOTQUIET with (t := t.+1). + intros LTt2m1 jlp Sched_jlp; apply contraT; move => /negP NOTHP; exfalso. + move: (H_t_in_busy_interval) (H_busy_interval_prefix) => /andP [GEt LEt] [SL [QUIET [NOTQUIET INBI]]]. + apply NOTQUIET with (t := t.+1). { apply/andP; split. - by apply leq_ltn_trans with t1. - rewrite -subn1 ltn_subRL addnC in LTt2m1. - by rewrite -[t.+1]addn1. + by rewrite -[t.+1]addn1. + } + intros j_hp ARR HP BEF. + apply contraT => NCOMP'; exfalso. + have PEND : pending sched j_hp t. + { apply/andP; split. + - by rewrite /has_arrived. + - by move: NCOMP'; apply contra, completion_monotonic. } - intros j_hp' IN HP ARR. - apply contraT; move => /negP NOTCOMP'; exfalso. - have BACK: backlogged sched j_hp' t. - { apply/andP; split; last first. - { apply/negP; intro SCHED'. - move: (ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model jhp j_hp' sched t Sched_jhp SCHED') => EQ; subst. - by apply: NOTHP. - } - apply/andP; split. unfold arrived_before, has_arrived in *. by done. - apply/negP; intro COMP; apply NOTCOMP'. - by apply completion_monotonic with (t0 := t). + apply H_job_ready in PEND => //; destruct PEND as [j' [ARR' [READY' HEP']]]. + have HEP : hep_job j' j by apply (H_priority_is_transitive t j_hp). + clear HEP' NCOMP' BEF HP ARR j_hp. + have BACK: backlogged sched j' t. + { apply/andP; split; first by done. + apply/negP; intro SCHED'. + move: (ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model jlp j' sched t Sched_jlp SCHED') => EQ. + by subst; apply: NOTHP. } - apply NOTHP, (H_priority_is_transitive t j_hp'); eauto 2. + apply NOTHP, (H_priority_is_transitive t j'); last by eapply HEP. + by eapply H_respects_policy; eauto . Qed. + (** In case when [t = t2 - 1], we cannot use the same proof since [t+1 = t2], but [t2] is a quiet time. So we do a @@ -254,43 +258,46 @@ Section PriorityInversionIsBounded. scheduled_at sched jhp t -> hep_job jhp j. Proof. - intros EQUALt2m1 jhp Sched_jhp. - move: (H_t_in_busy_interval) (H_busy_interval_prefix) => /andP [GEt LEt] [SL [QUIET [NOTQUIET INBI]]]. - apply contraT; move => /negP NOTHP; exfalso. + intros EQUALt2m1 jlp Sched_jlp; apply contraT; move => /negP NOTHP; exfalso. + move: (H_t_in_busy_interval) (H_busy_interval_prefix) => /andP [GEt LEt] [SL [QUIET [NOTQUIET INBI]]]. rewrite leq_eqVlt in GEt; first move: GEt => /orP [/eqP EQUALt1 | LARGERt1]. - - subst t; clear LEt. - rewrite -EQUALt1 in Sched_jhp; move: EQUALt1 => /eqP EQUALt1. - destruct (job_scheduled_at j t1) eqn:SCHEDj. - + apply NOTHP; erewrite (ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model j jhp); eauto. - by apply (H_priority_is_reflexive 0). - + eapply NOTHP, (H_respects_policy _ _ t2.-1); auto; - last by rewrite -(eqbool_to_eqprop EQUALt1). - apply/andP; split; last first. - * by rewrite -(eqbool_to_eqprop EQUALt1); unfold job_scheduled_at in *; rewrite SCHEDj. - * have EQ: t1 = job_arrival j. - { rewrite -eqSS in EQUALt1. - have EQ: t2 = t1.+1. - { rewrite prednK in EQUALt1; first by apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym. - apply negbNE; rewrite -eqn0Ngt; apply/neqP; intros EQ0. - move: INBI; rewrite EQ0; move => /andP [_ CONTR]. - by rewrite ltn0 in CONTR. - } clear EQUALt1. - by move: INBI; rewrite EQ ltnS -eqn_leq; move => /eqP INBI. - } - by rewrite -(eqbool_to_eqprop EQUALt1) EQ; eapply job_pending_at_arrival; eauto 2. - - feed (NOTQUIET t); first by apply/andP; split. + { subst t t1; clear LEt SL. + have ARR : job_arrival j = t2.-1. + { apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym eqn_leq. + destruct t2; first by done. + rewrite ltnS -pred_Sn in INBI. + now rewrite -pred_Sn. + } + have PEND := job_pending_at_arrival sched _ H_job_cost_positive H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute. + rewrite ARR in PEND. + apply H_job_ready in PEND => //; destruct PEND as [jhp [ARRhp [PENDhp HEPhp]]]. + eapply NOTHP, (H_priority_is_transitive 0); last by apply HEPhp. + apply (H_respects_policy _ _ t2.-1); auto. + apply/andP; split; first by done. + apply/negP; intros SCHED. + move: (ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model _ _ sched _ SCHED Sched_jlp) => EQ. + by subst; apply: NOTHP. + } + { feed (NOTQUIET t); first by apply/andP; split. apply NOTQUIET; intros j_hp' IN HP ARR. - apply contraT; move => /negP NOTCOMP'; exfalso. - have BACK: backlogged sched j_hp' t. + apply contraT => NOTCOMP'; exfalso. + have PEND : pending sched j_hp' t. { apply/andP; split. - - apply/andP; split. unfold arrived_before, has_arrived in *. by rewrite ltnW. - apply/negP; intro COMP; apply NOTCOMP'. - by apply completion_monotonic with (t0 := t). - - apply/negP; intro SCHED'. - move: (ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model jhp j_hp' sched t Sched_jhp SCHED') => EQ; subst. - by apply: NOTHP. - } - apply NOTHP, (H_priority_is_transitive t j_hp'); eauto 2. + - by rewrite /has_arrived ltnW. + - by move: NOTCOMP'; apply contra, completion_monotonic. + } + apply H_job_ready in PEND => //; destruct PEND as [j' [ARR' [READY' HEP']]]. + have HEP : hep_job j' j by apply (H_priority_is_transitive t j_hp'). + clear ARR HP IN HEP' NOTCOMP' j_hp'. + have BACK: backlogged sched j' t. + { apply/andP; split; first by done. + apply/negP; intro SCHED'. + move: (ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model jlp j' sched t Sched_jlp SCHED') => EQ. + by subst; apply: NOTHP. + } + apply NOTHP, (H_priority_is_transitive t j'); last by eapply HEP. + by eapply H_respects_policy; eauto . + } Qed. (** By combining the above facts we conclude that a job that is @@ -410,8 +417,8 @@ Section PriorityInversionIsBounded. move: (H_respects_policy) => PRIO. move => tp t PRPOINT /andP [GEtp LTtp] /andP [LEtp LTt]. ideal_proc_model_sched_case_analysis_eq sched t jhp. - { exfalso; eapply not_quiet_implies_not_idle with (t0 := t); eauto 2. - by apply/andP; split; first apply leq_trans with tp. } + { apply instant_t_is_not_idle in Idle; first by done. + by apply/andP; split; first apply leq_trans with tp. } exists jhp. have HP: hep_job jhp j. { intros. diff --git a/analysis/facts/preemption/rtc_threshold/job_preemptable.v b/analysis/facts/preemption/rtc_threshold/job_preemptable.v index 8efd14e73..269cf6477 100644 --- a/analysis/facts/preemption/rtc_threshold/job_preemptable.v +++ b/analysis/facts/preemption/rtc_threshold/job_preemptable.v @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Section RunToCompletionThreshold. Context `{JobCost Job}. (** In addition, we assume existence of a function - mapping jobs to theirs preemption points. *) + mapping jobs to their preemption points. *) Context `{JobPreemptable Job}. (** Consider any kind of processor state model, ... *) diff --git a/analysis/facts/readiness/basic.v b/analysis/facts/readiness/basic.v index cd1458cb4..2c83ce771 100644 --- a/analysis/facts/readiness/basic.v +++ b/analysis/facts/readiness/basic.v @@ -67,3 +67,7 @@ Section LiuAndLaylandReadiness. Qed. End LiuAndLaylandReadiness. + +(** We add the above lemma into a "Hint Database" basic_facts, so Coq + will be able to apply it automatically. *) +Global Hint Resolve basic_readiness_is_work_bearing_readiness : basic_facts. -- GitLab