From f9804cf1b5d1ec452fc592eb05e47104ae949c9d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sergei Bozhko <> Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 13:08:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] EDF ensures the `sequential_tasks` property --- analysis/facts/edf.v | 120 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/analysis/facts/edf.v b/analysis/facts/edf.v index 7969e812e..95d1d7c38 100644 --- a/analysis/facts/edf.v +++ b/analysis/facts/edf.v @@ -30,5 +30,123 @@ Section PropertiesOfEDF. End PropertiesOfEDF. (** We add the above lemma into a "Hint Database" basic_facts, so Coq - will be able to apply them automatically. *) + will be able to apply it automatically. *) Global Hint Resolve EDF_respects_sequential_tasks : basic_facts. + + +Require Export prosa.model.task.sequentiality. +Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.busy_interval.priority_inversion. + +(** In this section, we prove that EDF priority policy + implies that tasks are sequential. *) +Section SequentialEDF. + + (** Consider any type of tasks ... *) + Context {Task : TaskType}. + Context `{TaskCost Task}. + Context `{TaskDeadline Task}. + + (** ... with a bound on the maximum non-preemptive segment length. + The bound is needed to ensure that, at any instant, it always + exists a subsequent preemption time in which the scheduler can, + if needed, switch to another higher-priority job. *) + Context `{TaskMaxNonpreemptiveSegment Task}. + + (** Further, consider any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *) + Context {Job : JobType}. + Context `{JobTask Job Task}. + Context `{Arrival : JobArrival Job}. + Context `{Cost : JobCost Job}. + + (** Consider any arrival sequence. *) + Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job. + + (** Next, consider any ideal uni-processor schedule of this arrival sequence, ... *) + Variable sched : schedule (ideal.processor_state Job). + + (** ... allow for any work-bearing notion of job readiness, ... *) + Context `{@JobReady Job (ideal.processor_state Job) _ Cost Arrival}. + Hypothesis H_job_ready : work_bearing_readiness arr_seq sched. + + (** ... and assume that the schedule is valid. *) + Hypothesis H_sched_valid : valid_schedule sched arr_seq. + + (** In addition, we assume the existence of a function mapping jobs + to their preemption points ... *) + Context `{JobPreemptable Job}. + + (** ... and assume that it defines a valid preemption model with + bounded non-preemptive segments. *) + Hypothesis H_valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments: + valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments arr_seq sched. + + (** Next, we assume that the schedule respects the policy defined by + the [job_preemptable] function (i.e., jobs have bounded + non-preemptive segments). *) + Hypothesis H_respects_policy : respects_policy_at_preemption_point arr_seq sched. + + (** We say that a job [j1] always has higher priority than job [j2] + if, at any time [t], the priority of job [j1] is strictly higher than + priority of job [j2]. + + NB: this definition and the following lemma are general facts about + priority policies on uniprocessors that depend on neither EDF nor the ideal uniprocessor assumption. Generalizing to any priority policy and processor + model left to future work. + ( *) + Definition always_higher_priority j1 j2 := + forall t, hep_job_at t j1 j2 && ~~ hep_job_at t j2 j1. + + (** First, we show that, given two jobs [j1] and [j2], if job [j1] + arrives earlier than job [j2] and [j1] always has higher + priority than [j2], then [j2] is scheduled only after [j1] is + completed. *) + Lemma early_hep_job_is_scheduled: + forall j1 j2, + arrives_in arr_seq j1 -> + job_arrival j1 < job_arrival j2 -> + always_higher_priority j1 j2 -> + forall t, + scheduled_at sched j2 t -> + completed_by sched j1 t. + Proof. + move=> j1 j2 ARR LE AHP t SCHED; apply/negPn/negP; intros NCOMPL. + move: H_sched_valid => [COARR MBR]. + have ARR_EXEC := jobs_must_arrive_to_be_ready sched MBR. + edestruct scheduling_of_any_segment_starts_with_preemption_time + as [pt [LET [PT ALL_SCHED]]]; try eauto 2. + move: LET => /andP [LE1 LE2]. + specialize (ALL_SCHED pt); feed ALL_SCHED; first by apply/andP; split. + have PEND1: pending sched j1 pt. + { apply/andP; split. + - by rewrite /has_arrived; ssrlia. + - by move: NCOMPL; apply contra, completion_monotonic. + } + apply H_job_ready in PEND1 => //; destruct PEND1 as [j3 [ARR3 [READY3 HEP3]]]. + move: (AHP pt) => /andP[HEP /negP NHEP]; eapply NHEP. + eapply EDF_is_transitive; last by apply HEP3. + eapply H_respects_policy; eauto 2. + apply/andP; split; first by done. + apply/negP; intros SCHED2. + have EQ := ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model _ _ _ pt SCHED2 ALL_SCHED. + subst j2; rename j3 into j. + by specialize (AHP 0); destruct AHP; auto. + Qed. + + (** Clearly, under the EDF priority policy, jobs satisfy the conditions + described by the lemma above; hence EDF implies sequential tasks. *) + Lemma EDF_implies_sequential_tasks: + sequential_tasks arr_seq sched. + Proof. + intros ? ? ? ARR1 ARR2 SAME LT. + apply early_hep_job_is_scheduled => //. + - clear t; intros ?. + move: SAME => /eqP SAME. + apply /andP. + rewrite /hep_job_at /JLFP_to_JLDP /hep_job /edf.EDF /job_deadline + /absolute_deadline.job_deadline_from_task_deadline SAME. + split. + + by rewrite leq_add2r ltnW. + + by rewrite -ltnNge ltn_add2r. + Qed. + +End SequentialEDF. -- GitLab