From fcdb00b946bc7f6254538ed55694e0c700fc151a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marco Maida <> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2022 09:56:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update POET's support code to match the newer aRTA blocking bound --- .../refinements/EDF/fast_search_space.v | 10 ++-- implementation/refinements/EDF/refinements.v | 46 ++++++++----------- 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/implementation/refinements/EDF/fast_search_space.v b/implementation/refinements/EDF/fast_search_space.v index 2f0a14abe..ec06bad5d 100644 --- a/implementation/refinements/EDF/fast_search_space.v +++ b/implementation/refinements/EDF/fast_search_space.v @@ -13,19 +13,19 @@ Definition check_point_FP (ts : seq Task) (tsk : Task) (R : nat) (P : nat * nat) && (P.2 <= R). (** Further, we provide a way to compute the blocking bound when using nonpreemptive policies. *) -Definition blocking_bound_NP (ts : seq Task) (tsk : Task) := - \max_(tsk_o <- ts | (tsk_o != tsk) && - (task_deadline tsk_o > task_deadline tsk)) (task_cost tsk_o - ε). +Definition blocking_bound_NP (ts : seq Task) (tsk : Task) (A : nat) := + \max_(tsk_o <- [seq i | i <- ts] | blocking_relevant tsk_o && + (task_deadline tsk + A < + task_deadline tsk_o)) (task_cost tsk_o - ε). (** Finally, we provide a function that checks a single point [P=(A,F)] of the search space when adopting a fully-nonpreemptive policy. *) Definition check_point_NP (ts : seq Task) (tsk : Task) (R : nat) (P : nat * nat) := - (blocking_bound_NP ts tsk + (blocking_bound_NP ts tsk P.1 + (task_rbf tsk (P.1 + ε) - (task_cost tsk - ε)) + bound_on_total_hep_workload ts tsk P.1 (P.1 + P.2) <= P.1 + P.2) && (P.2 + (task_cost tsk - ε) <= R). - (** * Search Space Definitions *) Section SearchSpaceDefinition. diff --git a/implementation/refinements/EDF/refinements.v b/implementation/refinements/EDF/refinements.v index 66a838815..02c70b146 100644 --- a/implementation/refinements/EDF/refinements.v +++ b/implementation/refinements/EDF/refinements.v @@ -32,14 +32,16 @@ Section Definitions. && (P.2 <= R)%C. (** ... a generic version of [blocking_bound_NP], ... *) - Definition blocking_bound_NP_T (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T) := - let ts_lp := filter (fun tsk_o => @task_deadline_T T tsk < @task_deadline_T T tsk_o)%C ts in + Definition blocking_bound_NP_T (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T) A := + let blocking_relevant tsk_o := (0 < ConcreteMaxArrivals_T tsk_o 1)%C && (0 < task_cost_T tsk_o)%C in + let ts_lp := filter (fun tsk_o => (blocking_relevant tsk_o) + && (@task_deadline_T T tsk + A < @task_deadline_T T tsk_o))%C ts in let ts_block := map (fun tsk_o => task_cost_T tsk_o - 1)%C ts_lp in foldr maxn_T 0%C ts_block. (** ... of [check_point_NP], ... *) Definition check_point_NP_T (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T) (R : T) (P : T * T) : bool := - (blocking_bound_NP_T ts tsk + (blocking_bound_NP_T ts tsk P.1 + (task_rbf_T tsk (P.1 + 1) - (task_cost_T tsk - 1)) + bound_on_total_hep_workload_T ts tsk P.1 (P.1 + P.2) <= P.1 + P.2)%C && (P.2 + (task_cost_T tsk - 1) <= R)%C. @@ -234,37 +236,27 @@ Qed. (** Next, we prove a refinement for the [blocking_bound_NP] function. *) Global Instance refine_blocking_bound : - refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat)%rel blocking_bound_NP blocking_bound_NP_T. + refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel blocking_bound_NP blocking_bound_NP_T. Proof. rewrite refinesE => ts ts' Rts tsk tsk' Rtsk. - unfold blocking_bound_NP, blocking_bound_NP_T. - replace ( \max_(tsk_o <- ts | _) _) - with (\max_(tsk_o <- ts|task_deadline tsk < task_deadline tsk_o ) (task_cost tsk_o - ε)). - { apply refinesP; eapply refine_foldr_max. - { by rewrite refinesE; apply Rts. } - { by apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1; unfold ε; tc. } - { apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1. - move: refine_task_deadline => Ra. - rewrite refinesE in Rtsk1; rewrite refinesE in Ra; specialize (Ra _ _ Rtsk1). + unfold blocking_bound_NP, blocking_bound_NP_T, blocking_relevant. + intros A A' RA; apply refinesP; eapply refine_foldr_max. + - by rewrite refinesE map_id; apply Rts. + - by apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1; unfold ε; tc. + - rewrite refinesE => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1. + apply andb_R; first apply andb_R. + + unfold ε. + apply refine_ltn; first by done. + by apply refinesP; rewrite /max_arrivals; refines_apply; apply refine_ConcreteMaxArrivals. + + by apply refine_ltn; [done | apply refinesP; refines_apply]. + + move: refine_task_deadline => Ra. + rewrite refinesE in Ra; specialize (Ra _ _ Rtsk1). move: refine_task_deadline => Rb. rewrite refinesE in Rb; specialize (Rb _ _ Rtsk). inversion Ra; inversion Rb. set (a := @task_deadline_T N tsk') in *. set (b := @task_deadline_T N tsk1') in *. - have <- : (a < b) = (a < b)%C. - { unfold lt_op, lt_N. - destruct (a<b) eqn:EQ; symmetry; first by apply N.ltb_lt; apply /Rnat_ltP; rewrite EQ. - apply N.ltb_ge; apply negbT in EQ; rewrite -leqNgt in EQ. - apply /N.leb_spec0. - move: Rnat_leE => LE. - unfold leq_op, leq_N in LE. - by rewrite LE. } - subst a b. - rewrite refinesE. - by apply bool_Rxx. } } - { apply eq_bigl => tsk_o. - destruct (tsk_o == tsk) eqn:EQ =>//. - by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst; rewrite ltnn. } + by apply refine_ltn; [apply refinesP; refines_apply | done]. Qed. (** Next, we prove a refinement for the [check_point_NP] function. *) -- GitLab