diff --git a/analysis/facts/model/task_arrivals.v b/analysis/facts/model/task_arrivals.v
index 73cbb564aff2a9bb2f86538dd8311db48c238f8a..d02db76ac6d742b55345f673dd60a70526bc5319 100644
--- a/analysis/facts/model/task_arrivals.v
+++ b/analysis/facts/model/task_arrivals.v
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ Section TaskArrivals.
     intros *.
     rewrite /task_arrivals_between /task_arrivals_at /arrivals_between.
-    now apply cat_filter_eq_filter_cat.
+    now apply bigcat_nat_filter_eq_filter_bigcat_nat.
   (** The number of jobs of a task [tsk] in the interval <<[t1, t2)>> is the same 
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Section TaskArrivals.
     intros *.
     rewrite /task_arrivals_between /task_arrivals_at /arrivals_between.
-    now rewrite size_big_nat cat_filter_eq_filter_cat.
+    now rewrite size_big_nat bigcat_nat_filter_eq_filter_bigcat_nat.
 End TaskArrivals.
diff --git a/util/bigcat.v b/util/bigcat.v
index 1444b8dccc27fcbc1f5b0de561d19998ebb9b00e..85fb9f22063e282476f9350e3e050c2837e4c7e6 100644
--- a/util/bigcat.v
+++ b/util/bigcat.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Require Export prosa.util.tactics prosa.util.notation.
 From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
-Require Export prosa.util.tactics prosa.util.ssrlia.
+Require Export prosa.util.tactics prosa.util.ssrlia prosa.util.list.
-(** In this section, we introduce useful lemmas about the concatenation operation performed
-    over an arbitrary range of sequences. *)
-Section BigCatLemmas.
+(** In this section, we introduce useful lemmas about the concatenation operation 
+    performed over arbitrary sequences. *)
+Section BigCatNatLemmas.
   (** Consider any type supporting equality comparisons... *)
   Variable T: eqType.
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Section BigCatLemmas.
   (** In this section, we prove that the concatenation over sequences works as expected: 
       no element is lost during the concatenation, and no new element is introduced. *)
-  Section BigCatElements.
+  Section BigCatNatElements.
     (** First, we show that the concatenation comprises all the elements of each sequence; 
         i.e. any element contained in one of the sequences will also be an element of the 
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ Section BigCatLemmas.
       rewrite mem_cat; apply/orP; right.
       destruct n; first by rewrite ltn0 in LE0.
       rewrite big_nat_recl; last by ins.
-        by rewrite mem_cat; apply/orP; left.
+      by rewrite mem_cat; apply/orP; left.
     (** Conversely, we prove that any element belonging to a concatenation of sequences 
         must come from one of the sequences. *)
     Lemma mem_bigcat_nat_exists:
@@ -46,15 +46,14 @@ Section BigCatLemmas.
       destruct (leqP m n); last by rewrite big_geq ?in_nil // ltnW in IN.
       rewrite big_nat_recr // /= mem_cat in IN.
       move: IN => /orP [HEAD | TAIL].
-      {
-        apply IHn in HEAD; destruct HEAD; exists x0.  move: H => [H /andP [H0 H1]].
+      - apply IHn in HEAD; destruct HEAD; exists x0.
+        move: H => [H /andP [H0 H1]].
         split; first by done.
-          by apply/andP; split; [by done | by apply ltnW]. }
-      {
-        exists n; split; first by done.
-        apply/andP; split; [by done | by apply ltnSn]. }
+        by apply/andP; split; last by apply ltnW.
+      - exists n; split; first by done.
+        by apply/andP; split; last apply ltnSn.
     Lemma mem_bigcat_ord:
       forall x n (j: 'I_n) (f: 'I_n -> list T),
         j < n ->
@@ -64,24 +63,24 @@ Section BigCatLemmas.
       move=> x; elim=> [//|n IHn] j f' Hj Hx.
       rewrite big_ord_recr /= mem_cat; apply /orP.
       move: Hj; rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt => /orP [/eqP Hj|Hj].
-      { by right; rewrite (_ : ord_max = j); [|apply ord_inj]. }
-      left.
-      apply (IHn (Ordinal Hj)); [by []|].
-      by set j' := widen_ord _ _; have -> : j' = j; [apply ord_inj|].
+      - by right; rewrite (_ : ord_max = j); [|apply ord_inj].
+      - left.
+        apply (IHn (Ordinal Hj)); [by []|].
+        by set j' := widen_ord _ _; have -> : j' = j; [apply ord_inj|].
-  End BigCatElements.
+  End BigCatNatElements.
   (** In this section, we show how we can preserve uniqueness of the elements 
       (i.e. the absence of a duplicate) over a concatenation of sequences. *)
-  Section BigCatDistinctElements.
+  Section BigCatNatDistinctElements.
     (** Assume that there are no duplicates in each of the possible
         sequences to concatenate... *)
-    Hypothesis H_uniq_seq: forall i, uniq (f i).
+    Hypothesis H_uniq_seq : forall i, uniq (f i).
     (** ...and that there are no elements in common between the sequences. *)
-    Hypothesis H_no_elements_in_common:
+    Hypothesis H_no_elements_in_common :
       forall x i1 i2, x \in f i1 -> x \in f i2 -> i1 = i2.
     (** We prove that the concatenation will yield a sequence with unique elements. *)
@@ -111,14 +110,14 @@ Section BigCatLemmas.
       forall n (f: 'I_n -> list T),
         uniq (\cat_(i < n) (f i)) ->
         (forall x i1 i2,
-           x \in (f i1) -> x \in (f i2) -> i1 = i2).
+            x \in (f i1) -> x \in (f i2) -> i1 = i2).
       case=> [|n]; [by move=> f' Huniq x; case|].
       elim: n => [|n IHn] f' Huniq x i1 i2 Hi1 Hi2.
       { move: i1 i2 {Hi1 Hi2}; case; case=> [i1|//]; case; case=> [i2|//].
         apply f_equal, eq_irrelevance. }
-      move: (leq_ord i1); rewrite leq_eqVlt => /orP [H'i1|H'i1];
-        move: (leq_ord i2); rewrite leq_eqVlt => /orP [H'i2|H'i2].
+      move: (leq_ord i1); rewrite leq_eqVlt => /orP [H'i1|H'i1].
+      all: move: (leq_ord i2); rewrite leq_eqVlt => /orP [H'i2|H'i2].
       { by apply ord_inj; move: H'i1 H'i2 => /eqP -> /eqP ->. }
       { exfalso.
         move: Huniq; rewrite big_ord_recr cat_uniq => /andP [_ /andP [H _]].
@@ -145,25 +144,24 @@ Section BigCatLemmas.
       by apply ord_inj; rewrite /= inordK.
-  End BigCatDistinctElements.
+  End BigCatNatDistinctElements.
   (**  We show that filtering a concatenated sequence by any predicate [P] 
    is the same as concatenating the elements of the sequence that satisfy [P]. *) 
-  Lemma cat_filter_eq_filter_cat:
+  Lemma bigcat_nat_filter_eq_filter_bigcat_nat:
     forall {X : Type} (F : nat -> seq X) (P : X -> bool) (t1 t2 : nat),
       [seq x <- \cat_(t1<=t<t2) F t | P x] = \cat_(t1<=t<t2)[seq x <- F t | P x].
     specialize (leq_total t1 t2) => /orP [T1_LT | T2_LT].
-    + have EX: exists Δ, t2 = t1 + Δ by exists (t2 - t1); ssrlia.
+    + have EX: exists Δ, t2 = t1 + Δ by simpl; exists (t2 - t1); ssrlia.
       move: EX => [Δ EQ]; subst t2.
       induction Δ.
-      { now rewrite addn0 !big_geq => //. }
+      { by rewrite addn0 !big_geq => //. }
       { rewrite addnS !big_nat_recr => //=; try by rewrite leq_addr.
         rewrite filter_cat IHΔ => //.
-        now ssrlia.
-      }
-    + now rewrite !big_geq => //.
+        by ssrlia. }
+    + by rewrite !big_geq => //.
   (** We show that the size of a concatenated sequence is the same as 
@@ -175,15 +173,205 @@ Section BigCatLemmas.
     specialize (leq_total t1 t2) => /orP [T1_LT | T2_LT].
-    + have EX: exists Δ, t2 = t1 + Δ by exists (t2 - t1); ssrlia.
+    - have EX: exists Δ, t2 = t1 + Δ by simpl; exists (t2 - t1); ssrlia.
       move: EX => [Δ EQ]; subst t2.
       induction Δ.
-      { now rewrite addn0 !big_geq => //. }
+      { by rewrite addn0 !big_geq => //. }
       { rewrite addnS !big_nat_recr => //=; try by rewrite leq_addr.
         rewrite size_cat IHΔ => //.
-        now ssrlia.
-      }         
-    + now rewrite !big_geq => //.
+        by ssrlia. }         
+    - by rewrite !big_geq => //.
+End BigCatNatLemmas.
+(** In this section, we introduce useful lemmas about the concatenation operation 
+    performed over arbitrary sequences. *)
+Section BigCatLemmas.
+  (** Consider any two types supporting equality comparisons... *)
+  Variable X Y : eqType.
+  (** ...and a function that, given an index, yields a sequence. *)
+  Variable f : X -> seq Y.
+  (** First, we show that the concatenation comprises all the elements of each sequence; 
+      i.e. any element contained in one of the sequences will also be an element of the 
+      result of the concatenation. *)
+  Lemma mem_bigcat :
+      forall x y s, 
+      x \in s ->
+      y \in f x -> 
+      y \in \cat_(x <- s) f x.
+  Proof.
+    move=> x y s INs INfx.
+    induction s; first by done.
+    rewrite big_cons mem_cat.
+    move:INs; rewrite in_cons => /orP[/eqP HEAD | CONS].
+    - by rewrite -HEAD; apply /orP; left.
+    - by apply /orP; right; apply IHs.
+  Qed.
+  (** Conversely, we prove that any element belonging to a concatenation of sequences 
+      must come from one of the sequences. *)
+  Lemma mem_bigcat_exists :
+    forall s y,
+      y \in \cat_(x <- s) f x ->
+      exists x, x \in s /\ y \in f x.
+  Proof.
+    induction s; first by rewrite big_nil.
+    move=> y.
+    rewrite big_cons mem_cat => /orP[HEAD | CONS].
+    - exists a.
+      by split => //; apply mem_head.
+    - move: (IHs _ CONS) => [x [INs INfx]].
+      exists x; split =>//.
+      by rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right.
+  Qed.
+  (** Next, we show that a map and filter operation can be done either 
+      before or after a concatenation, leading to the same result. *)
+  Lemma bigcat_filter_eq_filter_bigcat:
+    forall xss P, 
+      [seq x <- \cat_(xs <- xss) f xs | P x]  =        
+      \cat_(xs <- xss) [seq x <- f xs | P x] .
+  Proof.
+    move=> xss P.
+    induction xss.
+    - by rewrite !big_nil.
+    - by rewrite !big_cons filter_cat IHxss.
+  Qed.
+  (** In this section, we show how we can preserve uniqueness of the elements 
+      (i.e. the absence of a duplicate) over a concatenation of sequences. *)
+  Section BigCatDistinctElements.
+    (** Assume that there are no duplicates in each of the possible
+        sequences to concatenate... *)      
+    Hypothesis H_uniq_f : forall x, uniq (f x).
+    (** ...and that there are no elements in common between the sequences. *)
+    Hypothesis H_no_elements_in_common :
+      forall x y z,
+        x \in f y -> x \in f z -> y = z.
+    (** We prove that the concatenation will yield a sequence with unique elements. *)
+    Lemma bigcat_uniq :
+      forall xs,
+        uniq xs ->
+        uniq (\cat_(x <- xs) (f x)).
+    Proof.
+      induction xs; first by rewrite big_nil.
+      rewrite cons_uniq => /andP [NINxs UNIQ].
+      rewrite big_cons cat_uniq.
+      apply /andP; split; first by apply H_uniq_f.
+      apply /andP; split; last by apply IHxs.
+      apply /hasPn=> x IN; apply /negP=> INfa.
+      move: (mem_bigcat_exists _ _ IN) => [a' [INxs INfa']].
+      move: (H_no_elements_in_common x a a' INfa INfa') => EQa.
+      by move: NINxs; rewrite EQa => /negP CONTRA.
+    Qed.
+  End BigCatDistinctElements.
+  (** In this section, we show some properties of the concatenation of 
+      sequences in combination with a function [g] that cancels [f]. *)
+  Section BigCatWithCancelFunctions.
+    (** Consider a function [g]... *)
+    Variable g : Y -> X.
+    (** ... and assume that [g] can cancel [f] starting from an element of 
+        the sequence [f x]. *)
+    Hypothesis H_g_cancels_f : forall x y, y \in f x -> g y = x.
+    (** First, we show that no element of a sequence [f x1] can be fed into 
+        [g] and obtain an element [x2] which differs from [x1]. Hence, filtering 
+        by this condition always leads to the empty sequence. *)
+    Lemma seq_different_elements_nil :
+      forall x1 x2,
+        x1 != x2 ->
+        [seq x <- f x1 | g x == x2] = [::].
+    Proof.
+      move => x1 x2 => /negP NEQ. 
+      apply filter_in_pred0.
+      move => y IN; apply/negP => /eqP EQ2.
+      apply: NEQ; apply/eqP.
+      move: (H_g_cancels_f _ _ IN) => EQ1.
+      by rewrite -EQ1 -EQ2.
+    Qed.
+    (** Finally, assume we are given an element [y] which is contained in a 
+        duplicate-free sequence [xs]. Then, [f] is applied to each element of 
+        [xs], but only the elements for which [g] yields [y] are kept. In this 
+        scenario, concatenating the resulting sequences will always lead to [f y]. *)
+    Lemma bigcat_seq_uniqK :
+      forall y xs,
+        y \in xs ->
+        uniq xs -> 
+        \cat_(x <- xs) [seq x' <- f x | g x' == y] = f y. 
+    Proof.
+      move=> y xs IN UNI.
+      induction xs as [ | x' xs]; first by done.
+      move: IN; rewrite in_cons => /orP [/eqP EQ| IN].
+      { subst; rewrite !big_cons.
+        have -> :  [seq x <- f x' | g x == x'] = f x'.
+        { apply/all_filterP/allP.
+          intros y IN; apply/eqP.
+          by apply H_g_cancels_f. }
+        have ->: \cat_(j<-xs)[seq x <- f j | g x == x'] = [::]; last by rewrite cats0.
+        rewrite big1_seq //; move => xs2 /andP [_ IN].
+        have NEQ: xs2 != x'; last by rewrite seq_different_elements_nil.
+        apply/neqP; intros EQ; subst x'.
+        move: UNI; rewrite cons_uniq => /andP [NIN _].
+        by move: NIN => /negP NIN; apply: NIN. }
+      { rewrite big_cons IHxs //; last by move:UNI; rewrite cons_uniq=> /andP[_ ?].
+        have NEQ: (x' != y); last by rewrite seq_different_elements_nil.
+        apply/neqP; intros EQ; subst x'.
+        move: UNI; rewrite cons_uniq => /andP [NIN _].
+        by move: NIN => /negP NIN; apply: NIN. }
+    Qed.
+  End BigCatWithCancelFunctions.
 End BigCatLemmas.
+(** In this section, we show that the number of elements of the result
+    of a nested mapping and concatenation operation is independent from 
+    the order in which the concatenations are performed. *)
+Section BigCatNestedCount.
+  (** Consider any three types supporting equality comparisons... *)
+  Variable X Y Z : eqType.
+  (** ... a function [F] that, given two indices, yields a sequence... *)
+  Variable F : X -> Y -> seq Z.
+  (** and a predicate [P]. *)
+  Variable P : pred Z.
+  (** Assume that, given two sequences [xs] and [ys], their elements are fed to 
+      [F] in a pair-wise fashion. The resulting lists are then concatenated. 
+      The following lemma shows that, when the operation described above is performed, 
+      the number of elements respecting [P] in the resulting list is the same, regardless 
+      of the order in which [xs] and [ys] are combined. *)
+  Lemma bigcat_count_exchange :
+    forall xs ys,
+      count P (\cat_(x <- xs) \cat_(y <- ys) F x y) =
+      count P (\cat_(y <- ys) \cat_(x <- xs) F x y). 
+  Proof.
+    induction xs as [|x0 seqX IHxs]; induction ys as [|y0 seqY IHys]; intros.
+    { by rewrite !big_nil. }
+    { by rewrite big_cons count_cat -IHys !big_nil. } 
+    { by rewrite big_cons count_cat IHxs !big_nil. } 
+    { rewrite !big_cons !count_cat.
+      apply/eqP; rewrite -!addnA eqn_add2l.
+      rewrite IHxs -IHys !big_cons !count_cat.
+      rewrite addnC -!addnA eqn_add2l addnC eqn_add2l.
+      by rewrite IHxs. } 
+  Qed.
+End BigCatNestedCount.
diff --git a/util/notation.v b/util/notation.v
index 63cc0ff600c2a8cb568a7974cb84abc0c656aab2..8a0747f394a2ae37893af0d73be9121a5b5cdaaf 100644
--- a/util/notation.v
+++ b/util/notation.v
@@ -29,4 +29,17 @@ Reserved Notation "\cat_ ( i < n | P ) F"
 Notation "\cat_ ( i < n | P ) F" :=
   (\big[cat/[::]]_(i < n | P) F%N) : nat_scope.
\ No newline at end of file
+Reserved Notation "\cat_ ( x <- xs | P ) F"
+  (at level 41, F at level 41, x, xs at level 50,
+   format "'[' \cat_ ( x <- xs | P ) '/ ' F ']'").
+Notation "\cat_ ( x <- xs | P ) F" :=
+  (\big[cat/[::]]_(x <- xs | P) F) : big_scope.
+Reserved Notation "\cat_ ( x <- xs ) F"
+  (at level 41, F at level 41, x, xs at level 50,
+   format "'[' \cat_ ( x <- xs ) '/ ' F ']'").
+Notation "\cat_ ( x <- xs ) F" :=
+   (\big[cat/[::]]_(x <- xs) F) : big_scope.