diff --git a/analysis/abstract/busy_interval.v b/analysis/abstract/busy_interval.v
index 34192af4c7f311e4bf46355847bc4d4fd3121d5c..8743a4a027902e0cbc6d2843cc4b43d745bdbb7e 100644
--- a/analysis/abstract/busy_interval.v
+++ b/analysis/abstract/busy_interval.v
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.job_properties.
-Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.behavior.all.
-Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.definitions.
 Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.iw_auxiliary.
+Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.workload.
 (** * Lemmas About Abstract Busy Intervals *)
@@ -48,7 +46,55 @@ Section LemmasAboutAbstractBusyInterval.
   Hypothesis H_from_arrival_sequence : arrives_in arr_seq j.
   Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive : job_cost_positive j.
-  (** Consider a busy interval <<[t1, t2)>> of job [j]. *)
+  (** We first prove that any interval <<[t1, t2)>> is either a busy
+      interval of job [j] or not. *)
+  Lemma busy_interval_prefix_case :
+    forall t1 t2,
+      busy_interval_prefix sched j t1 t2 \/ ~ busy_interval_prefix sched j t1 t2.
+  Proof.
+    move=> t1 t2.
+    have [JA|NAT] := boolP (t1 <= job_arrival j < t2); last first.
+    { by right; move => PREF; move: NAT => /negP NQT; apply: NQT; apply PREF. }
+    have [QT1|NQT] := boolP (quiet_time sched j t1); last first.
+    { by right; move => PREF; move: NQT => /negP NQT; apply: NQT; apply PREF. }
+    have [AQT|NQT] := boolP (all (fun t => ~~ quiet_time sched j t) (index_iota t1.+1 t2)); last first.
+    { right; move=> PREF; move: NQT => /negP NQT; apply: NQT.
+      apply/allP => t IO; apply/negP.
+      by apply PREF; move: IO; rewrite mem_index_iota.
+    }
+    left; split; [by done | split] => //.
+    move => t NEQ; apply/negP; move: AQT => /allP AQT; apply: AQT.
+    by rewrite mem_index_iota.
+  Qed.
+  (** Consider two intervals <<[t1, t2)>> ⊆ <<[t1, t2')>>, where
+      <<[t1, t2)>> is a busy-interval prefix and <<[t1, t2')>> is not
+      a busy-interval prefix. Then there exists [t2''] such that
+      <<[t1, t2'')>> is a busy interval. *)
+  Lemma terminating_busy_prefix_is_busy_interval :
+    forall t1 t2 t2',
+      t2 <= t2' ->
+      busy_interval_prefix sched j t1 t2 ->
+      ~ busy_interval_prefix sched j t1 t2' ->
+      exists t2'', busy_interval sched j t1 t2''.
+  Proof.
+    move=> t1 t2 t2' LE BUSY NBUSY.
+    interval_to_duration t2 t2' δ.
+    induction δ as [ | δ IHδ].
+    { by exfalso; apply: NBUSY; rewrite addn0. }
+    have [BUSY'|NBUSY'] := busy_interval_prefix_case t1 (t2 + δ); last by apply IHδ in NBUSY'.
+    clear IHδ.
+    exists (t2 + δ); split => //.
+    apply negbNE; apply/negP => FF.
+    apply:NBUSY; split; first by move: BUSY => []; lia.
+    split; first by move: BUSY => []; lia.
+    move => t; rewrite addnS ltnS [_ <= t2  + δ]leq_eqVlt.
+    move => /andP [LT1 /orP [/eqP WDFW | VB]].
+    - by subst; apply/negP.
+    - by apply BUSY'; lia.
+  Qed.
+  (** Next, consider a busy interval <<[t1, t2)>> of job [j]. *)
   Variable t1 t2 : instant.
   Hypothesis H_busy_interval : busy_interval sched j t1 t2.
@@ -158,6 +204,339 @@ Section LemmasAboutAbstractBusyInterval.
 End LemmasAboutAbstractBusyInterval.
+(** In the following section, we derive a sufficient condition for the
+    existence of abstract busy intervals for unit-service
+    processors. *)
+Section AbstractBusyIntervalExists.
+  (** Consider any type of tasks ... *)
+  Context {Task : TaskType}.
+  Context `{TaskCost Task}.
+  (**  ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *)
+  Context {Job : JobType}.
+  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
+  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
+  Context `{JobCost Job}.
+  (** Consider any kind of of unit-service processor model. *)
+  Context {PState : ProcessorState Job}.
+  Hypothesis H_unit_service_proc_model : unit_service_proc_model PState.
+  (** Assume we are provided with abstract functions for interference
+      and interfering workload ... *)
+  Context `{Interference Job}.
+  Context `{InterferingWorkload Job}.
+  (** ... that do not allow speculative execution. *)
+  Hypothesis H_no_speculative_exec : no_speculative_execution.
+  (** Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
+  Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
+  Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent : consistent_arrival_times arr_seq.
+  Hypothesis H_arrival_sequence_is_a_set : arrival_sequence_uniq arr_seq.
+  (** Consider an arbitrary task [tsk]. *)
+  Variable tsk : Task.
+  (** Next, consider any work-conserving (in the abstract sense)
+      schedule of this arrival sequence ... *)
+  Variable sched : schedule PState.
+  Hypothesis H_work_conserving : work_conserving arr_seq sched.
+  (** ... where jobs do not execute before their arrival or after completion. *)
+  Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute : jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
+  Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute : completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.
+  (** Consider an arbitrary job [j] from task [tsk] with positive cost. *)
+  Variable j : Job.
+  Hypothesis H_from_arrival_sequence : arrives_in arr_seq j.
+  Hypothesis H_job_task : job_of_task tsk j.
+  Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive : job_cost_positive j.
+  (** In this section, we prove a fact that allows one to extend an
+      inequality between cumulative interference and interfering
+      workload from a busy-interval prefix <<[t1, t)>> to the whole
+      timeline <<[0, t)>>. *)
+  Section CumulativeIntIntWorkExtension.
+    (** Consider any busy-interval prefix of job [j]. *)
+    Variable t1 t_busy : instant.
+    Hypothesis H_is_busy_prefix : busy_interval_prefix sched j t1 t_busy.+1.
+      (** We assume that, for some positive [δ], the cumulative
+          interfering workload within interval <<[t1, t1 + δ)>> is
+          bounded by cumulative interference in the same interval. *)
+    Variable δ : duration.
+    Hypothesis H_iw_bounded :
+      cumulative_interfering_workload j t1 (t1 + δ) <= cumulative_interference j t1 (t1 + δ).
+    (** Then the cumulative interfering workload within interval <<[0,
+        t1 + δ)>> is bounded by the cumulative interference in the
+        same interval. *)
+      Local Lemma cumul_iw_bounded_by_cumul_i :
+        cumulative_interfering_workload j 0 (t1 + δ) <= cumulative_interference j 0 (t1 + δ).
+      Proof.
+        move: (H_iw_bounded) => LE.
+        rewrite /definitions.cumulative_interference
+                /definitions.cumulative_interfering_workload
+                /cumul_cond_interference.
+        rewrite (@big_cat_nat _ _ _ t1) //=; last by lia.
+        rewrite [in X in _ <= X](@big_cat_nat _ _ _ t1) //=; last by lia.
+        move: H_is_busy_prefix => [_  [/andP [/eqP DD KK ] ADD]].
+        rewrite /cumulative_interfering_workload in LE; rewrite (leqRW LE); clear LE.
+        rewrite leq_add2r.
+        rewrite /cumulative_interfering_workload in DD.
+        by rewrite -DD; clear DD.
+      Qed.
+  End CumulativeIntIntWorkExtension.
+  (** In the following section, we show that the busy interval is
+      bounded. More specifically, we show that the length of any
+      abstract busy interval is bounded, as long as there is enough
+      supply to accommodate the interfering workload.  *)
+  Section BoundingBusyInterval.
+    (** For simplicity, let us define some local names. *)
+    Let quiet_time t := quiet_time sched j t.
+    Let busy_interval_prefix := busy_interval_prefix sched j.
+    Let busy_interval := busy_interval sched j.
+    (** Suppose that job [j] is pending at time [t_busy]. *)
+    Variable t_busy : instant.
+    Hypothesis H_j_is_pending : pending sched j t_busy.
+    (** First, we show that there must exist a busy interval prefix. *)
+    Section LowerBound.
+      (** Since job [j] is pending at time [t_busy], there is a
+          (potentially unbounded) busy interval that starts no later
+          than with the arrival of [j]. *)
+      Lemma exists_busy_interval_prefix :
+        exists t1,
+          busy_interval_prefix t1 t_busy.+1 /\
+          t1 <= job_arrival j <= t_busy.
+      Proof.
+        rename H_j_is_pending into PEND.
+        destruct ([exists t:'I_t_busy.+1, quiet_time t]) eqn:EX.
+        { set (last0 := \max_(t < t_busy.+1 | quiet_time t) t).
+          move: EX => /existsP [t EX].
+          have PRED: quiet_time last0 by apply (bigmax_pred t_busy.+1 (quiet_time) t).
+          move: PRED => QUIET.
+          exists last0.
+          have JARRIN: last0 <= job_arrival j <= t_busy.
+          { move: PEND => /andP [ARR NCOM].
+            apply/andP; split => //. move: QUIET => /andP [_ PE]. 
+            move: PE; rewrite negb_and -leqNgt => /orP [ | /negPn COMPL] => //; exfalso.
+            apply completion_monotonic with (t' := t_busy) in COMPL.
+            - by move: NCOM => /negP.
+            - by rewrite -ltnS; eapply bigmax_ltn_ord.
+          }
+          repeat split; auto 2; try apply QUIET => //=.
+          move => t0 /andP [GTlast LTbusy] QUIET0.
+          move_neq_down GTlast.
+          by eapply (@leq_bigmax_cond
+                       _ (fun (x: 'I_t_busy.+1) => quiet_time x)
+                       (fun x => x) (Ordinal LTbusy)).
+        }
+        { apply negbT in EX; rewrite negb_exists in EX; move: EX => /forallP ALL.
+          exists 0; split; last by apply/andP; split; last by move: PEND => /andP [ARR _].
+          repeat split.
+          - apply/andP; split => //; rewrite ltnS.
+            by move: PEND => /andP PEND; apply PEND.
+          - apply/andP; split;
+              first by rewrite /cumulative_interference /cumul_cond_interference /cumulative_interfering_workload !big_geq.
+            by apply not_pending_earlier_and_at_0.
+          - move => t /andP [GE LT] QUIET.
+            move: (ALL (Ordinal LT)) => /negP ALL'.
+            by apply ALL'.
+        }
+      Qed.
+    End LowerBound.
+    (** Next we prove that, if there is a point where the requested
+        workload is upper-bounded by the supply, then the busy
+        interval eventually ends. *)
+    Section UpperBound.
+      (** Consider any busy interval prefix of job [j]. *)
+      Variable t1 : instant.
+      Hypothesis H_is_busy_prefix : busy_interval_prefix t1 t_busy.+1.
+      (** We assume that for some positive [δ], the cumulative
+          interfering workload within interval <<[t1, t1 + δ)>> is
+          bounded by [δ]. *)
+      Variable δ : duration.
+      Hypothesis H_δ_positive : δ > 0.
+      Hypothesis H_workload_is_bounded :
+        workload_of_job arr_seq j t1 (t1 + δ)
+        + cumulative_interfering_workload j t1 (t1 + δ) <= δ.
+      (** If there is a quiet time by time [t1 + δ], it trivially
+          follows that the busy interval is bounded. Thus, let's
+          consider first the harder case where there is no quiet time,
+          which turns out to be impossible. *)
+      Section CannotBeBusyForSoLong.
+        (** Assume that there is no quiet time in the interval <<(t1, t1 + δ]>>. *)
+        Hypothesis H_no_quiet_time : forall t, t1 < t <= t1 + δ -> ~ quiet_time t.
+        (** We prove that the sum of cumulative service and cumulative
+            interference in the interval <<[t, t + δ)>> is equal to
+            [δ]. *)
+        (** Since the interval is always non-quiet, the processor is
+            always busy processing job [j] and the job's interference
+            and, hence, the sum of service of [j] and its cumulative
+            interference within the interval <<[t1, t1 + δ)>> is
+            greater than or equal to [δ]. *)
+        Lemma busy_interval_has_uninterrupted_service :
+          δ <= service_during sched j t1 (t1 + δ) + cumulative_interference j t1 (t1 + δ).
+        Proof.
+          clear H_δ_positive H_workload_is_bounded H_j_is_pending.
+          rewrite /service_during /cumulative_interference /cumul_cond_interference  /cond_interference /service_at.
+          rewrite -big_split //= -{1}(sum_of_ones t1 δ).
+          rewrite big_nat [in X in _ <= X]big_nat.
+          apply leq_sum => x /andP[Lo Hi].
+          destruct (leqP (t1 + δ) (t_busy.+1)) as [LE|LT].
+          { move: (H_work_conserving j t1 t_busy.+1 x) => Workj.
+            feed_n 4 Workj; try done.
+            { by apply/andP; split; eapply leq_trans; eauto. }
+            destruct interference.
+            - by lia.
+            - by rewrite //= addn0; apply Workj.
+          }
+          { move: (H_work_conserving j t1 (t1 + δ) x) => Workj.
+            feed_n 4 Workj; try done.
+            - move: H_is_busy_prefix => [/andP [A1 A2] [QT NQT]]; split; [ | split].
+              + by apply/andP; split => //; rewrite (leqRW A2) -(leqRW LT).
+              + by apply QT.
+              + move => t /andP [A3 A4]; apply H_no_quiet_time.
+                by apply/andP; split; lia.
+            - by apply/andP; split; eapply leq_trans; eauto 2.
+            - destruct interference.
+              + by lia.
+              + by rewrite //= addn0; apply Workj.
+          }
+        Qed.
+        (** However, since the total workload is bounded (see
+            [H_workload_is_bounded]), the sum of [j]'s cost and its
+            interfering workload within the interval <<[t1, t1 + δ)>>
+            is bounded by [j]'s service and its interference within
+            the same time interval. *)
+        Lemma busy_interval_too_much_workload :
+          job_cost j + cumulative_interfering_workload j t1 (t1 + δ) <=
+          service_during sched j t1 (t1 + δ) + cumulative_interference j t1 (t1 + δ).
+        Proof.
+          replace (job_cost j) with (workload_of_job arr_seq j t1 (t1 + δ));
+            first by rewrite (leqRW H_workload_is_bounded)
+                     -(leqRW busy_interval_has_uninterrupted_service).
+          move: (H_is_busy_prefix) => [/andP [NEQ1 _] _].
+          erewrite workload_of_job_eq_job_arrival => //=.
+          rewrite NEQ1 Bool.andb_true_l.
+          have -> : job_arrival j < t1 + δ; last by done.
+          move_neq_up GE.
+          apply (H_no_quiet_time (t1 + δ)).
+          { by apply/andP; split; [rewrite -addn1 leq_add2l | done]. }
+          apply/andP; split.
+          - move: (H_workload_is_bounded); rewrite workload_of_job_eq_job_arrival //=.
+            rewrite NEQ1 Bool.andb_true_l [_ < _ + _]leqNgt ltnS GE //= add0n => LE.
+            rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split.
+            + by apply H_no_speculative_exec.
+            + apply (cumul_iw_bounded_by_cumul_i _ t_busy) => //=; rewrite (leqRW LE).
+              eapply leq_trans; first apply busy_interval_has_uninterrupted_service.
+              by have -> : service_during sched j t1 (t1 + δ) = 0
+                by rewrite cumulative_service_before_job_arrival_zero.
+          - by rewrite /pending_earlier_and_at negb_and;
+              apply/orP; left; rewrite -ltnNge ltnS.
+        Qed.
+        (** The latter two lemmas imply that [t1 + δ] is a quiet time ... *)
+        Lemma t1δ_is_quiet : quiet_time (t1 + δ).
+        Proof.
+          have LW := busy_interval_too_much_workload.
+          have NEQ: forall a b c d, a >= c -> b >= d -> a + b <= c + d -> a = c /\ b = d by lia.
+          apply NEQ in LW; first destruct LW as [EQ1 EQ2].
+          - apply/andP; split.
+            + rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split.
+              * by apply H_no_speculative_exec.
+              * by apply (cumul_iw_bounded_by_cumul_i _ t_busy) => //=; rewrite EQ2.
+            + rewrite negb_and Bool.negb_involutive; apply/orP; right.
+              rewrite /completed_by EQ1.
+              by erewrite <-(service_cat); [apply leq_addl | ]; lia.
+          - eapply leq_trans; last by apply service_at_most_cost => //=.
+            by erewrite <-(service_cat); [apply leq_addl | ]; lia.
+          - move: H_is_busy_prefix => [_ [/andP [/eqP D _] _]].
+            rewrite -(leq_add2l (definitions.cumulative_interference j 0 t1)) {2}D.
+            rewrite -(big_cat_nat) //=; last by lia.
+            by rewrite -(big_cat_nat) //=; last by lia.
+        Qed.
+        (** ... which is a contradiction with the initial
+            assumption. *)
+        Lemma t1δ_is_quiet_contra : False.
+        Proof.
+          eapply H_no_quiet_time; last by apply t1δ_is_quiet.
+          apply/andP; split; last by done.
+          by rewrite -addn1 leq_add2l.
+        Qed.
+      End CannotBeBusyForSoLong.
+      (** Since the interval cannot remain busy for so long, we prove
+          that the busy interval finishes at some point [t2 <= t1 +
+          δ]. *)
+      Lemma busy_interval_is_bounded :
+        exists t2,
+          t_busy < t2
+          /\ t2 <= t1 + δ
+          /\ busy_interval t1 t2.
+      Proof.
+        move: H_is_busy_prefix => [NEQ [QT NQT]].
+        destruct ([exists t2:'I_(t1 + δ).+1, (t2 > t1) && quiet_time t2]) eqn:EX.
+        { have EX': exists (t2 : instant), ((t1 < t2 <= t1 + δ) && quiet_time t2).
+          { move: EX => /existsP [t2 /andP [LE QUIET]].
+            exists t2; apply/andP; split => //;
+              by apply/andP; split; last (rewrite -ltnS; apply ltn_ord). }
+          move: (ex_minnP EX') => [t2 /andP [/andP [GT LE] QUIET] MIN]; clear EX EX'.
+          exists t2; split; [ | split; [ |split; [split; [ | split] | ] ]]; try done.
+          { move_neq_up NEQ2.
+            move: (H_is_busy_prefix) => [_ [_ NQ]]; apply:(NQ t2) => //.
+            by apply/andP; split => //.
+          }
+          { move: NEQ => /andP [IN1 IN2].
+            apply/andP; split => //.
+            apply leq_ltn_trans with t_busy; eauto 2.
+            rewrite ltnNge; apply/negP; intros CONTR.
+            apply NQT with t2 => //.
+            by apply/andP; split; last rewrite ltnS.
+          }
+          { move => t /andP [GT1 LT2] BUG.
+            feed (MIN t); first (apply/andP; split) => //.
+            { by apply/andP; split; last apply leq_trans with (n := t2); eauto using ltnW. }
+            { by lia. }
+          }
+        }
+        { apply negbT in EX; rewrite negb_exists in EX; move: EX => /forallP ALL'.
+          have ALL: forall t, t1 < t <= t1 + δ -> ~ quiet_time t.
+          { move => t /andP [GTt LEt] QUIET; rewrite -ltnS in LEt.
+            specialize (ALL' (Ordinal LEt)); rewrite negb_and /= GTt orFb in ALL'. 
+            by move: ALL' => /negP ALL'; apply ALL'; clear ALL'.
+          }
+          by clear ALL'; exfalso; eapply t1δ_is_quiet_contra.
+        }
+      Qed.
+    End UpperBound.
+  End BoundingBusyInterval.
+End AbstractBusyIntervalExists.
 (** We add some facts into the "Hint Database" basic_rt_facts, so Coq will be
     able to apply them automatically where needed. *)
 Global Hint Resolve
diff --git a/analysis/facts/behavior/completion.v b/analysis/facts/behavior/completion.v
index cfd82b9dad04b9f22573c638f4ae2c0e341e48ad..e766711b388064a70c3361ad77a8f68779c5e18d 100644
--- a/analysis/facts/behavior/completion.v
+++ b/analysis/facts/behavior/completion.v
@@ -150,6 +150,14 @@ Section CompletionFacts.
       completed_by sched j t -> ~~ scheduled_at sched j t.
   Proof. move=> ? /negPn; exact/contra/scheduled_implies_not_completed. Qed.
+  (** Job [j] cannot be pending before and at time [0]. *)
+  Remark not_pending_earlier_and_at_0 :
+    ~~ pending_earlier_and_at sched j 0.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /pending_earlier_and_at negb_and; apply/orP; left.
+    by rewrite /arrived_before -ltnNge.
+  Qed.
 End CompletionFacts.
 (** In this section, we establish some facts that are really about service,