From 57806e76801110aff9dcd35f02257484b56c7fc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marco Maida <>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2020 11:43:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Work-conservation transformation and proof.

Added the proof of correctness of the work-conservation transformation for an ideal uniprocessor schedule.
 analysis/facts/behavior/service.v         |  65 ++
 analysis/facts/transform/wc_correctness.v | 695 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 analysis/transform/wc_trans.v             |  85 +++
 3 files changed, 845 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 analysis/facts/transform/wc_correctness.v
 create mode 100644 analysis/transform/wc_trans.v

diff --git a/analysis/facts/behavior/service.v b/analysis/facts/behavior/service.v
index 9c3fd4010..c320cbec6 100644
--- a/analysis/facts/behavior/service.v
+++ b/analysis/facts/behavior/service.v
@@ -374,6 +374,18 @@ Section RelationToScheduled.
       rewrite /service_during big_nat_eq0 => IS_ZERO.
       by apply (IS_ZERO t); apply /andP; split => //.
+    (** Conversely, if a job is not scheduled during an interval, then
+        it does not receive any service in that interval *)
+    Lemma not_scheduled_during_implies_zero_service:
+      forall t1 t2,
+        (forall t, t1 <= t < t2 -> ~~ scheduled_at sched j t) -> 
+        service_during sched j t1 t2 = 0.
+    Proof.
+      intros t1 t2 NSCHED.
+      apply big_nat_eq0; move=> t NEQ.
+      by apply no_service_not_scheduled, NSCHED.
+    Qed.
     (** If a job is scheduled at some point in an interval, it receives
        positive cumulative service during the interval... *)
@@ -578,3 +590,56 @@ Section RelationToScheduled.
 End RelationToScheduled.
+Section ServiceInTwoSchedules.
+  (** Consider any job type and any processor model. *)
+  Context {Job: JobType}.
+  Context {PState: Type}.
+  Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
+  (** Consider any two given schedules... *)
+  Variable sched1 sched2: schedule PState.
+  (** Given an interval in which the schedules provide the same service 
+      to a job at each instant, we can prove that the cumulative service 
+      received during the interval has to be the same. *)
+  Section ServiceDuringEquivalentInterval.
+    (** Consider two time instants...  *)
+    Variable t1 t2 : instant.
+    (** ...and a given job that is to be scheduled. *)
+    Variable j: Job.
+    (** Assume that, in any instant between [t1] and [t2] the service 
+        provided to [j] from the two schedules is the same. *)
+    Hypothesis H_sched1_sched2_same_service_at:
+      forall t, t1 <= t < t2 ->
+           service_at sched1 j t = service_at sched2 j t.
+    (** It follows that the service provided during [t1] and [t2]
+        is also the same. *)
+    Lemma same_service_during:
+      service_during sched1 j t1 t2 = service_during sched2 j t1 t2.
+    Proof.
+      rewrite /service_during.
+      apply eq_big_nat.
+      by apply H_sched1_sched2_same_service_at.
+    Qed.
+  End ServiceDuringEquivalentInterval.
+  (** We can leverage the previous lemma to conclude that two schedules
+      that match in a given interval will also have the same cumulative
+      service across the interval. *)
+  Corollary equal_prefix_implies_same_service_during:
+    forall t1 t2,
+      (forall t, t1 <= t < t2 -> sched1 t = sched2 t) ->
+      forall j, service_during sched1 j t1 t2 = service_during sched2 j t1 t2.
+  Proof.
+    move=> t1 t2 SCHED_EQ j.
+    apply same_service_during => t' RANGE.
+    by rewrite /service_at SCHED_EQ.
+  Qed.
+End ServiceInTwoSchedules.
diff --git a/analysis/facts/transform/wc_correctness.v b/analysis/facts/transform/wc_correctness.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2042cb138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/facts/transform/wc_correctness.v
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+Require Export prosa.model.schedule.work_conserving.
+Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.ideal_schedule.
+Require Export prosa.analysis.transform.wc_trans.
+Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.transform.swaps.
+Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.schedulability.
+Require Export prosa.util.list.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
+(** * Correctness of the work-conservation transformation *)
+(** This file contains the main argument of the work-conservation proof,
+    starting with an analysis of the individual functions that drive
+    the work-conservation transformation of a given reference schedule 
+    and ending with the proofs of individual properties of the obtained
+    work-conserving schedule. *)
+(** Throughout this file, we assume ideal uniprocessor schedules and
+    the basic (i.e., Liu & Layland) readiness model under which any
+    pending job is ready. *)
+Require Import prosa.model.processor.ideal.
+Require Import prosa.model.readiness.basic.
+(** In order to discuss the correctness of the work-conservation transformation at a high level,
+    we first need a set of lemmas about the inner parts of the procedure. *)
+Section AuxiliaryLemmasWorkConservingTransformation.
+  (** Consider any type of jobs with arrival times, costs, and deadlines... *)
+  Context {Job : JobType}.
+  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
+  Context `{JobCost Job}.
+  Context `{JobDeadline Job}.
+  (** ...and an arbitrary arrival sequence. *)
+  Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+  Hypothesis H_arr_seq_valid: valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
+  (** We introduce the notion of work-conservation at a 
+      given time [t]. The definition is based on the concept of readiness
+      of a job, and states that the presence of a ready job implies that
+      the processor is not idle. *)
+  Definition is_work_conserving_at sched t :=
+    (exists j, arrives_in arr_seq j /\ job_ready sched j t) ->
+    exists j, sched t = Some j.
+  (** First, we prove some useful properties about the most fundamental
+      operation of the work-conservation transformation: swapping two processor
+      states [t1] and [fsc], with [fsc] being a valid swap candidate of [t1]. *)
+  Section JobsMustBeReadyFindSwapCandidate.
+    (** Consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
+    Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
+    (** which jobs must be ready to execute. *)
+    Hypothesis H_jobs_must_be_ready: jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched.
+    (** Consider an arbitrary time instant [t1]. *)
+    Variable t1: instant.
+    (** Let us define [fsc] as the result of the search for a swap candidate 
+        starting from [t1]... *)
+    Let fsc := find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t1.
+    (** ...and [sched'] as the schedule resulting from the swap. *)
+    Let sched' := swapped sched t1 fsc.
+    (** First, we show that, in any case, the result of the search will yield an
+        instant that is in the future (or, in case of failure, equal to [t1]). *)
+    Lemma swap_candidate_is_in_future:
+      t1 <= fsc.
+    Proof.
+      rewrite /fsc /find_swap_candidate.
+      destruct search_arg as [n|] eqn:search_result; last by done.
+      apply search_arg_in_range in search_result.
+        by move:search_result => /andP [LEQ LMAX].
+    Qed.
+    (** Also, we show that the search will not yield jobs that arrive later than the 
+        given reference time. *)
+    Lemma fsc_respects_has_arrived:
+      forall j t,
+        sched (find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t) == Some j ->
+        has_arrived j t.
+    Proof.
+      move=> j t.
+      rewrite /find_swap_candidate.
+      destruct search_arg eqn:RES; last first.
+      { move: (H_jobs_must_be_ready j t).
+        rewrite /scheduled_at scheduled_in_def => READY SCHED_J.
+        apply READY in SCHED_J.
+        by apply (ready_implies_arrived sched). }
+      { move=> /eqP SCHED_J.
+        move: RES => /search_arg_pred.
+        rewrite SCHED_J //. }
+    Qed.
+    (** Next, we extend the previous lemma by stating that no job in the transformed
+        schedule is scheduled before its arrival. *)
+    Lemma swap_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
+        jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched'.
+    Proof.
+      move=> j t SCHED_AT.
+      move: (swap_job_scheduled_cases _ _ _ _ _ SCHED_AT)=> [OTHER |[AT_T1 | AT_T2]].
+      { have READY: job_ready sched j t by apply H_jobs_must_be_ready; rewrite -OTHER //.
+          by apply (ready_implies_arrived sched). }
+      { set t2 := find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t1 in AT_T1.
+        move: AT_T1 => [EQ_T1 SCHED_AT'].
+        apply fsc_respects_has_arrived.
+        move: SCHED_AT.
+        rewrite EQ_T1 /SCHED_AT' /sched' -/t2.
+        rewrite EQ_T1 in SCHED_AT'.
+        rewrite SCHED_AT' /scheduled_at.
+        by rewrite scheduled_in_def. }
+      { set t2 := find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t1 in AT_T2.
+        move: AT_T2 => [EQ_T2 SCHED_AT'].
+        have ORDER: t1<=t2 by apply swap_candidate_is_in_future.
+        have READY: job_ready sched j t1 by apply H_jobs_must_be_ready; rewrite -SCHED_AT' //.
+        rewrite /job_ready /basic_ready_instance /pending /completed_by in READY.
+        move: READY => /andP [ARR _].
+        rewrite EQ_T2.
+        rewrite /has_arrived in ARR.
+        apply leq_trans with (n := t1) => //. }
+    Qed.
+    (** Finally we show that, in the transformed schedule, jobs are scheduled 
+        only if they are ready. *)
+    Lemma fsc_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute:
+      jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched'.
+    Proof.
+      move=> j t SCHED_AT.
+      rewrite /sched'.
+      set t2 := find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t1.
+      rewrite /job_ready /basic_ready_instance /pending.
+      apply /andP; split; first by apply swap_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
+      rewrite /completed_by; rewrite -ltnNge.
+      apply swapped_completed_jobs_dont_execute => //.
+      - by apply swap_candidate_is_in_future.
+      - by apply ideal_proc_model_provides_unit_service.
+      - by apply ideal_proc_model_ensures_ideal_progress.
+      - by eapply completed_jobs_are_not_ready.
+    Qed.
+  End JobsMustBeReadyFindSwapCandidate.
+  (** In the following section, we put our attention on the point-wise 
+      transformation performed at each point in time prior to the horizon. *)
+  Section MakeWCAtFacts.
+    (** Consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
+    Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
+    (** ...and take an arbitrary point in time... *)
+    Variable t: instant.
+    (** ...we define [sched'] as the resulting schedule after one point-wise transformation. *)
+    Let sched' := make_wc_at arr_seq sched t.
+    (** We start by proving that the point-wise transformation can only lead
+        to higher service for a job at a given time. This is true because we
+        swap only idle processor states with ones in which a job is scheduled. *)
+    Lemma mwa_service_bound:
+      forall j t, service sched j t <= service sched' j t.
+    Proof.
+      intros j t'.
+      rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at.
+      destruct (sched t) eqn:PSTATE => //.
+      set t2:= (find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t).
+      move: (swap_candidate_is_in_future sched t) => ORDER.
+      destruct (leqP t' t) as [BOUND1|BOUND1];
+        first by rewrite (service_before_swap_invariant _ t t2) => //.
+      destruct (ltnP t2 t') as [BOUND2 | BOUND2];
+        first by rewrite (service_after_swap_invariant  _ t t2) => //.
+      destruct (scheduled_at sched j t) eqn:SCHED_AT_T1;
+        first by move:SCHED_AT_T1; rewrite scheduled_at_def PSTATE => /eqP.
+      move: SCHED_AT_T1 => /negbT NOT_AT_t1.
+      destruct (scheduled_at sched j t2) eqn:SCHED_AT_T2;
+        last by move: SCHED_AT_T2 => /negbT NOT_AT_t2; rewrite (service_of_others_invariant _ t t2).
+      rewrite /swapped /service -service_at_other_times_invariant; last by left.
+      rewrite service_in_replaced; last by apply /andP; split => //.
+      rewrite (not_scheduled_implies_no_service _ _ _  NOT_AT_t1) subn0.
+        by apply leq_addr.
+    Qed.
+    (** Next, we show that any ready job in the transformed schedule must be ready also in
+        the original one, since the transformation can only lead to higher service. *)
+    Lemma mwa_ready_job_also_ready_in_original_schedule:  
+      forall j t, job_ready sched' j t -> job_ready sched j t.
+    Proof.
+      intros j t'. 
+      rewrite /job_ready /basic_ready_instance /pending.
+      move=> /andP [ARR COMP_BY].
+      rewrite ARR Bool.andb_true_l //.
+      move: COMP_BY; apply contra.
+      rewrite /completed_by.
+      have LEQ: (service sched j t') <= (service sched' j t') by apply mwa_service_bound.
+      move=> LEQ'; move:LEQ; move: LEQ'.
+        by apply leq_trans.
+    Qed.
+    (** Since the search for a swap candidate is performed until the latest deadline
+        among all the jobs arrived before the reference time, we need to show that the computed
+        deadline is indeed the latest. *)
+    Lemma max_dl_is_greatest_dl:
+      forall j t,
+        arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+        job_arrival j <= t ->
+        job_deadline j <= max_deadline_for_jobs_arrived_before arr_seq t.
+    Proof.
+      move=> j t' ARR_IN ARR.
+      rewrite /max_deadline_for_jobs_arrived_before.
+      apply in_max0_le; apply map_f.
+      rewrite /arrivals_up_to.
+      apply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals;
+        by move:H_arr_seq_valid => [CONS UNIQ].
+    Qed.
+    (** Next, we want to show that, if a job arriving from the arrival
+       sequence is ready at some instant, then the point-wise transformation
+       is guaranteed to find a job to swap with. We will proceed by doing a case 
+       analysis, and show that it is impossible that a swap candidate is not found. *)
+    Section MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs.
+      (** We need to assume that, in the original schedule, all the deadlines of 
+          the jobs coming from the arrival sequence are met, in order to be sure that 
+          a ready job will be eventually scheduled. *)
+      Hypothesis H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met: all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched.
+      (** We define [max_dl] as the maximum deadline for all jobs arrived before [t]. *)
+      Let max_dl := max_deadline_for_jobs_arrived_before arr_seq t.
+      (** Next, we define [search_result] as the result of the search for a swap candidate.
+          In order to take the first result, it is sufficient to define the ordering function
+          as a constant false. *)
+      Definition order (_ _ : nat) := false.
+      Definition search_result := search_arg sched (relevant_pstate t) order t max_dl.
+      (** First, we consider the case in which the procedure finds a job to swap with. *) 
+      Section MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs_CaseResultFound.
+        (** Assuming that the processor is idle at time t... *)
+        Hypothesis H_sched_t_idle: is_idle sched t.
+        (** ...let [t_swap] be a time instant found by the search procedure. *)
+        Variable t_swap: instant.
+        Hypothesis search_result_found: search_result = Some t_swap.
+        (** We show that, since the search only yields relevant processor states, a job is found. *)
+        Lemma make_wc_at_case_result_found: 
+          exists j: Job,
+            swapped sched t t_swap t = Some j. 
+        Proof.
+          apply search_arg_pred in search_result_found.
+          move:search_result_found; rewrite /relevant_pstate.
+          destruct (sched t_swap) as [j_swap|] eqn:SCHED; last by done.
+          move=>ARR. rewrite /swapped /replace_at.
+          destruct (t_swap == t) eqn:SAME_SWAP.
+          + move:SAME_SWAP => /eqP SAME_SWAP; subst t_swap.
+            move:H_sched_t_idle => /eqP SCHED_NONE.
+              by rewrite SCHED_NONE in SCHED; discriminate.
+          + exists j_swap.
+              by rewrite eq_refl; apply SCHED.
+        Qed.
+      End MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs_CaseResultFound.
+      (** Conversely, we prove that assuming that the search yields no
+          result brings to a contradiction. *)
+      Section MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs_CaseResultNone.
+        (** Consider a job that arrives in the arrival sequence, and assume that
+            it is ready at time [t] in the transformed schedule. *)
+        Variable j: Job.
+        Hypothesis H_arrives_in: arrives_in arr_seq j.
+        Hypothesis H_job_ready_sched': job_ready sched' j t.
+        (** Moreover, assume the search for a swap candidate yields nothing. *)
+        Hypothesis H_search_result_none: search_result = None.
+        (** First, note that, since nothing was found, it means there is no relevant
+           processor state between [t] and [max_dl]. *)
+        Lemma no_relevant_state_in_range:
+          forall t',
+            t <= t' < max_dl ->
+            ~~ (relevant_pstate t) (sched t').
+        Proof.
+            by apply (search_arg_none _ _ (fun _ _ => false)).
+        Qed.
+        (** Since [j] is ready at time [t], then it must be incomplete. *)
+        Lemma service_of_j_is_less_than_cost: service sched j t < job_cost j.
+        Proof.
+          have READY_ORIG: job_ready sched j t
+            by apply (mwa_ready_job_also_ready_in_original_schedule _ _); apply H_job_ready_sched'.
+          rewrite /job_ready /basic_ready_instance /pending.
+          move:READY_ORIG => /andP [ARR_ NOT_COMPL_ORIG].
+          rewrite /completed_by in NOT_COMPL_ORIG.
+            by rewrite leqNgt; apply NOT_COMPL_ORIG.
+        Qed.
+        (** And since [j] is incomplete and meets its deadline, the deadline of [j] 
+            is in the future. *)        
+        Lemma t_is_less_than_deadline_of_j: t <= job_deadline j. 
+        Proof.
+          move: (H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met j H_arrives_in)=> MEETS_DL_j.
+          move_neq_up LEQ_t1.
+          unfold job_meets_deadline, completed_by in MEETS_DL_j; move_neq_down MEETS_DL_j.
+          eapply leq_ltn_trans; last apply service_of_j_is_less_than_cost.
+            by apply service_monotonic, ltnW. 
+        Qed.
+        (** On the other hand, since we know that there is no relevant state between [t] and [max_dl], 
+            then it must be the case that [j] is never scheduled in this period, and hence gets no 
+            service. *) 
+        Lemma equal_service_t_max_dl: service sched j t = service sched j max_dl.
+        Proof.
+          move:(H_job_ready_sched') => /andP [ARR NOT_COMPL_sched'].
+          rewrite -(service_cat sched j t max_dl);
+            last by apply (leq_trans t_is_less_than_deadline_of_j), max_dl_is_greatest_dl.
+          have ZERO_SERVICE: service_during sched j t max_dl = 0.
+          { apply not_scheduled_during_implies_zero_service.
+            apply ideal_proc_model_ensures_ideal_progress.
+            move=> t_at RANGE.
+            move:(no_relevant_state_in_range t_at RANGE) => NOT_REL.
+            rewrite scheduled_at_def. 
+            apply/negP; move => /eqP EQ.
+              by move: NOT_REL => /negP T; apply: T; rewrite EQ.
+          }
+            by rewrite ZERO_SERVICE; rewrite addn0.
+        Qed.
+        (** Combining the previous lemmas, we can deduce that [j] misses its deadline. *)
+        Lemma j_misses_deadline: service sched j (job_deadline j) < job_cost j.
+        Proof.
+          move:(H_job_ready_sched') => /andP [ARR NOT_COMPL_sched'].
+          have J_LESS := service_of_j_is_less_than_cost.
+          rewrite equal_service_t_max_dl in J_LESS.
+          specialize (H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met j H_arrives_in).
+          unfold job_meets_deadline, completed_by in H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met.
+          eapply leq_ltn_trans.
+          - by apply service_monotonic, (max_dl_is_greatest_dl _ _ H_arrives_in ARR).
+          - by apply J_LESS.
+        Qed.
+        (** The fact that [j] misses its deadline contradicts the fact that all deadlines 
+            of jobs coming from the arrival sequence are met. We have a contradiction. *)
+        Lemma make_wc_at_case_result_none: False.
+        Proof.
+          move: (H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met j H_arrives_in) => NEQ.
+          unfold job_meets_deadline, completed_by in NEQ.
+          move_neq_down NEQ.
+            by apply j_misses_deadline.
+        Qed.
+      End MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs_CaseResultNone. 
+      (** Next, we show that [make_wc_at] always manages to establish the work-conservation property
+          at the given time. Using the above case analysis, we can conclude that the presence of a 
+          ready job always leads to a valid swap. *)
+      Lemma mwa_finds_ready_jobs:
+        all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched ->
+        is_work_conserving_at sched' t.
+      Proof.
+        move=> ALL_DL_MET P_PREFIX. 
+        destruct (sched t) as [j'|] eqn:SCHED_WC_t;
+          first by rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at SCHED_WC_t; exists j'.
+        move: P_PREFIX => [j [ARR_IN READY]].
+        rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at.
+        rewrite SCHED_WC_t /find_swap_candidate.
+        destruct search_arg as [t_swap| ] eqn:SEARCH_RES.
+        - by apply make_wc_at_case_result_found; move:SCHED_WC_t => /eqP.
+        - by exfalso; apply (make_wc_at_case_result_none j); eauto. 
+      Qed.
+    End MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs.
+    (** Next we prove that, given a schedule that respects the work-conservation property until [t-1],
+        applying the point-wise transformation at time [t] will extend the property until [t]. *)
+    Lemma mwa_establishes_wc:
+      all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched ->
+      (forall t_l, t_l < t -> is_work_conserving_at sched t_l) ->
+      forall t_l, t_l <= t -> is_work_conserving_at sched' t_l.
+    Proof.
+      move=> PROP P_PREFIX t' T_MIN [j [ARR_IN READY]].
+      set fsc := find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t.
+      have LEQ_fsc: t <= fsc by apply swap_candidate_is_in_future.
+      destruct (ltnP t' t) as [tLT | tGE]. 
+      { have SAME: sched' t' = sched t'.
+        { rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at.
+          destruct (sched t); first by done.
+            by rewrite (swap_before_invariant sched t fsc) //. }
+        rewrite SAME.
+        apply P_PREFIX; eauto.
+        exists j; split; auto.
+          by eapply mwa_ready_job_also_ready_in_original_schedule, READY.
+      }
+      { have EQ: t' = t.
+        { by apply /eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply /andP; split. } 
+        subst t'; clear T_MIN tGE.
+        apply mwa_finds_ready_jobs => //.
+          by exists j; split; eauto. 
+      } 
+    Qed.
+    (** We now show that the point-wise transformation does not introduce any new job
+        that does not come from the arrival sequence. *)
+    Lemma mwa_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
+      jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq ->
+      jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched' arr_seq.
+    Proof.
+      rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at.
+      destruct (sched t) as [j_orig|] eqn:SCHED_orig; first by done.
+      by apply swapped_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
+    Qed.
+    (** We also show that the point-wise transformation does not schedule jobs in instants
+        in which they are not ready. *)
+    Lemma mwa_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute:
+      jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched ->
+      jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched'.
+    Proof.
+      move=> READY.
+      rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at.
+      destruct (sched t) as [j_orig|] eqn:SCHED_orig; first by done.
+      by apply fsc_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute.
+    Qed.      
+    (** Finally, we show that the point-wise transformation does not introduce deadline misses. *)
+    Lemma mwa_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met:
+      all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched ->
+      all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched'.
+    Proof.
+      move=> ALL j ARR.
+      specialize (ALL j ARR).
+      unfold job_meets_deadline, completed_by in *.
+      by apply (leq_trans ALL (mwa_service_bound _ _)).
+    Qed.
+  End MakeWCAtFacts.
+  (** In the following section, we proceed by proving some useful properties respected by 
+      the partial schedule obtained by applying the work-conservation transformation up to 
+      an arbitrary horizon. *)
+  Section PrefixFacts.
+    (** Consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule. *)
+    Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
+    (** We start by proving that the transformation performed with two different horizons 
+        will yield two schedules that are identical until the earlier horizon. *) 
+    Section PrefixInclusion.
+      (** Consider two horizons... *)
+      Variable h1 h2: instant.
+      (** ...and assume w.l.o.g. that they are ordered... *)
+      Hypothesis H_horizon_order: h1 <= h2.
+      (** ...we define two schedules, resulting from the transformation 
+          performed, respectively, until the first and the second horizon. *)
+      Let sched1 := wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched h1.
+      Let sched2 := wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched h2.
+      (** Then, we show that the two schedules are guaranteed to be equal until the
+          earlier horizon. *)
+      Lemma wc_transform_prefix_inclusion:
+        forall t, t < h1 -> sched1 t = sched2 t.
+      Proof.
+        move=> t before_horizon.
+        rewrite /sched1 /sched2.
+        induction h2; first by move: (ltn_leq_trans before_horizon H_horizon_order).
+        move: H_horizon_order. rewrite leq_eqVlt => /orP [/eqP ->|LT]; first by done.
+        move: LT. rewrite ltnS => H_horizon_order_lt.
+        rewrite [RHS]/wc_transform_prefix /prefix_map -/prefix_map IHi //.
+        rewrite {1}/make_wc_at.
+        destruct (prefix_map sched (make_wc_at arr_seq) i i) as [j|] eqn:SCHED; first by done.   
+        rewrite -(swap_before_invariant _ i (find_swap_candidate arr_seq (wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched i) i));
+          last by apply ltn_leq_trans with (n := h1).
+        rewrite //.
+        apply swap_candidate_is_in_future.
+      Qed.
+    End PrefixInclusion.
+    (** Next, we show that repeating the point-wise transformation up to a given horizon
+        does not introduce any deadline miss. *)
+    Section JobsMeetDeadlinePrefix.
+      (** Assuming that all deadlines of jobs coming from the arrival sequence are met... *)
+      Hypothesis H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met: all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched.
+      (** ...let us define [sched'] as the schedule resulting from the 
+          full work-conservation transformation. Note that, if the schedule is sampled at time
+          [t], the transformation is performed until [t+1]. *)
+      Let sched' := wc_transform arr_seq sched.
+      (** Consider a job from the arrival sequence. *)
+      Variable j: Job.
+      Hypothesis H_arrives_in: arrives_in arr_seq j.      
+      (** We show that, in the transformed schedule, the service of the job
+          is always greater or equal than in the original one, at any given time. *)
+      Lemma wc_prefix_service_bound:
+        forall t, service sched j t <= service sched' j t.
+      Proof.
+        move=> t.
+        rewrite /sched' /wc_transform.
+        set serv := service (fun t0 : instant => wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched t0.+1 t0) j t.
+        set servp := service (wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched t.+1) j t.
+        have ->: serv = servp. 
+        { rewrite /serv /servp /service /service_during.
+          apply eq_big_nat => t' /andP [_ LT_t].
+          rewrite /service_at.
+          rewrite (wc_transform_prefix_inclusion t'.+1 t.+1)=> //.
+          by auto. }
+        rewrite /servp /wc_transform_prefix.
+        clear serv servp.
+        apply prefix_map_property_invariance; last by done.
+        intros. apply leq_trans with (service sched0 j t)=> //.
+        by intros; apply mwa_service_bound.
+      Qed.
+      (** Finally, it follows directly that the transformed schedule cannot introduce 
+          a deadline miss for any job from the arrival sequence. *)
+      Lemma wc_prefix_job_meets_deadline:
+        job_meets_deadline sched' j.
+      Proof.
+        rewrite /job_meets_deadline /completed_by /sched'.
+        apply leq_trans with (service sched j (job_deadline j));
+          last by apply wc_prefix_service_bound.
+        by apply H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met.
+      Qed.
+    End JobsMeetDeadlinePrefix.
+    (** Next, consider a given time, used as horizon for the transformation... *)
+    Variable h: instant.
+    (** ...and let us call [sched'] the schedule resulting from the transformation
+        performed until [h]. *)
+    Let sched' := wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched h.
+    (** We prove that [sched'] will never introduce jobs not coming from the
+        arrival sequence. *)
+    Lemma wc_prefix_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
+      jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq ->
+      jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched' arr_seq.
+    Proof.
+      move=> FROM_ARR.
+      rewrite /sched' /wc_transform_prefix.
+      apply prefix_map_property_invariance; last by done.
+      move => schedX t ARR.
+      by apply mwa_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
+    Qed.
+    (** Similarly, we can show that [sched'] will only schedule jobs if they are
+        ready. *)
+    Lemma wc_prefix_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute:
+      jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched ->
+      jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched'.
+    Proof.
+      move=> READY.
+      rewrite /sched' /wc_transform_prefix.
+      apply prefix_map_property_invariance; last by done.
+      move=> schedX t ARR.
+      by apply mwa_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute.
+    Qed.  
+  End PrefixFacts.
+End AuxiliaryLemmasWorkConservingTransformation.
+(** Finally, we can leverage all the previous results to prove statements about the full
+    work-conservation transformation. *)
+Section WorkConservingTransformation.
+  (** Consider any type of jobs with arrival times, costs, and deadlines... *)
+  Context {Job : JobType}.
+  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
+  Context `{JobCost Job}.
+  Context `{JobDeadline Job}.
+  (** arbitrary valid arrival sequence... *)
+  Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
+  Hypothesis H_arr_seq_valid: valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
+  (** ...and an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
+  Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
+  (** which jobs come from the arrival sequence, and must be ready to execute...  *)
+  Hypothesis H_sched_valid: valid_schedule sched arr_seq.
+  (** ...and in which no job misses a deadline. *)
+  Hypothesis H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met: all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched.
+  (** Let us call [sched_wc] the schedule obtained after applying the work-conservation transformation. *)
+  Let sched_wc := wc_transform arr_seq sched.
+  (** First, we show that any scheduled job still comes from the arrival sequence. *)
+  Lemma wc_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
+    jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched_wc arr_seq.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /sched_wc /wc_transform.
+    move=> j t.
+    move: H_sched_valid => [ARR READY].
+    rewrite /scheduled_at -/(scheduled_at _ j t).
+    by apply (wc_prefix_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence arr_seq sched t.+1 ARR).
+  Qed.
+  (** Similarly, jobs are only scheduled if they are ready. *)
+  Lemma wc_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute:
+    jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched_wc.
+  Proof.
+    move=> j t.
+    move: H_sched_valid => [ARR READY].
+    rewrite /scheduled_at /sched_wc /wc_transform -/(scheduled_at _ j t) => SCHED_AT.
+    have READY': job_ready (wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched t.+1) j t
+      by apply wc_prefix_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute => //.
+    move: READY'.
+    rewrite /job_ready /basic.basic_ready_instance
+            /pending /completed_by /service.
+    rewrite (equal_prefix_implies_same_service_during sched_wc (wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched t.+1)) //.
+    move=> t' /andP [_ BOUND_t'].
+    rewrite /sched_wc /wc_transform.
+    by apply wc_transform_prefix_inclusion => //; rewrite ltnS; apply ltnW.
+  Qed.
+  (** Also, no deadline misses are introduced. *) 
+  Lemma wc_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met:
+    all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched_wc.
+  Proof.
+    move=> j ARR_IN.
+    rewrite /sched_wc /wc_transform_prefix.
+    by apply wc_prefix_job_meets_deadline.
+  Qed.
+  (** Finally, we can show that the transformation leads to a schedule in which
+      the processor is not idle if a job is ready. *)
+  Lemma wc_is_work_conserving_at:
+    forall j t,
+      job_ready sched_wc j t ->
+      arrives_in arr_seq j ->
+      exists j', sched_wc t = Some j'.
+  Proof.
+    move=> j t READY ARR_IN.
+    rewrite /sched_wc /wc_transform /wc_transform_prefix.
+    apply (prefix_map_pointwise_property (all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq)
+                                         (is_work_conserving_at arr_seq)
+                                         (make_wc_at arr_seq)); rewrite //.
+    { by apply mwa_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met. }
+    { by intros; apply mwa_establishes_wc. }
+    { exists j.
+      split; first by apply ARR_IN. 
+      have EQ: job_ready sched_wc j t = job_ready (prefix_map sched (make_wc_at arr_seq) (succn t)) j t.
+      {
+        rewrite /sched_wc /wc_transform /job_ready
+                /basic_ready_instance /pending /completed_by
+                /service /service_during /service_at /wc_transform_prefix.
+        destruct has_arrived; last by rewrite Bool.andb_false_l.
+        have EQ_SUM: \sum_(0 <= t0 < t) service_in j (prefix_map sched (make_wc_at arr_seq) (succn t0) t0)
+                  = \sum_(0 <= t0 < t) service_in j (prefix_map sched (make_wc_at arr_seq) (succn t) t0).
+        {  apply eq_big_nat => t' /andP [_ LT_t].
+           rewrite -/(wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched _ _).
+           rewrite -/(wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched _ _).  
+           rewrite (wc_transform_prefix_inclusion arr_seq sched t'.+1 t.+1)=> //.
+           by auto. }
+        by rewrite EQ_SUM. }
+      move: READY. by rewrite EQ. }
+  Qed.
+  (** We can easily extend the previous lemma to obtain the definition 
+      of a work-conserving schedule. *)
+  Lemma wc_is_work_conserving:
+    work_conserving arr_seq sched_wc.
+  Proof.
+    move=> j t ARR_IN.
+    rewrite /backlogged => /andP [READY _].
+    move: (wc_is_work_conserving_at j t READY ARR_IN) => [j' SCHED_wc].
+    by exists j'; rewrite scheduled_at_def; apply /eqP.
+  Qed.
+  (** Ultimately, we can show that the work-conservation transformation maintains
+      all the properties of validity, does not introduce new deadline misses, and
+      establishes the work-conservation property. *)
+  Theorem wc_transform_correctness:
+    valid_schedule sched_wc arr_seq /\
+    all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched_wc /\
+    work_conserving arr_seq sched_wc.
+  Proof.
+    repeat split.
+    - apply wc_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
+    - apply wc_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute.
+    - apply wc_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met.
+    - apply wc_is_work_conserving.
+  Qed.
+End WorkConservingTransformation.
diff --git a/analysis/transform/wc_trans.v b/analysis/transform/wc_trans.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a984bb23
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@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+Require Export prosa.analysis.transform.swap.
+Require Export prosa.analysis.transform.prefix.
+Require Export prosa.util.search_arg.
+Require Export prosa.util.list.
+(** Throughout this file, we assume ideal uniprocessor schedules. *)
+Require Export prosa.model.processor.ideal.
+(** In this file we define the transformation from any ideal uniprocessor schedule 
+    into a work-conserving one. The procedure is to patch the idle allocations
+    with future job allocations. Note that a job cannot be allocated before
+    its arrival, therefore there could still exist idle instants between any two
+    job allocations. *)
+Section WCTransformation.
+  (** Consider any type of jobs with arrival times, costs, and deadlines... *)
+  Context {Job : JobType}.
+  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
+  Context `{JobCost Job}.
+  Context `{JobDeadline Job}.
+  (** ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
+  Let PState := ideal.processor_state Job.
+  (** ...and any valid job arrival sequence. *)
+  Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
+  Hypothesis H_arr_seq_valid : valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
+  (** We say that a state is relevant (for the purpose of the
+      transformation) if it is not idle and if the job scheduled in it
+      has arrived prior to some given reference time. *)
+  Definition relevant_pstate reference_time pstate :=
+    match pstate with
+    | None => false
+    | Some j => job_arrival j <= reference_time
+    end.
+  (** In order to patch an idle allocation, we look in the future for another allocation 
+      that could be moved there. The limit of the search is the maximum deadline of
+      every job arrived before the given moment. *)
+  Definition max_deadline_for_jobs_arrived_before arrived_before :=
+    let deadlines := map job_deadline (arrivals_up_to arr_seq arrived_before)
+    in max0 deadlines.
+  (** Next, we define a central element of the work-conserving transformation
+      procedure: given an idle allocation at [t], find a job allocation in the future
+      to swap with. *)
+  Definition find_swap_candidate sched t :=
+    let order _ _ := false (* always take the first result *)
+    in 
+    let max_dl := max_deadline_for_jobs_arrived_before t
+    in
+    let search_result := search_arg sched (relevant_pstate t) order t max_dl
+    in
+    if search_result is Some t_swap
+    then t_swap
+    else t. (* if nothing is found, swap with yourself *)
+  (** The point-wise transformation procedure: given a schedule and a
+      time [t1], ensure that the schedule is work-conserving at time
+      [t1]. *)
+  Definition make_wc_at sched t1 :=
+    match sched t1 with
+    | Some j => sched (* leave working instants alone *)
+    | None =>
+      let
+        t2 := find_swap_candidate sched t1
+      in swapped sched t1 t2
+    end.
+  (** To transform a finite prefix of a given reference schedule, apply
+      [make_wc_at] to every point up to the given finite horizon. *)
+  Definition wc_transform_prefix sched horizon :=
+    prefix_map sched make_wc_at horizon.
+  (** Finally, a fully work-conserving schedule (i.e., one that is 
+      work-conserving at any time) is obtained by first computing a 
+      work-conserving prefix up to and including the requested time [t], 
+      and by then looking at the last point of the prefix. *)
+  Definition wc_transform sched t :=
+    let
+      wc_prefix := wc_transform_prefix sched t.+1
+    in wc_prefix t.
+End WCTransformation.