From e122dbb1d67b6e02adeb6a065c03d74207035ff1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marco Maida <> Date: Mon, 9 May 2022 10:04:58 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] introduce "greedy" concrete arrival sequence This commit defines and adds facts about a concrete arrival sequence in which tasks release jobs "as quickly as possible" as allowed by their respective arrival-curve constraints. This maximal arrival sequence is used in POET to generate assumption-less certificates. --- .../definitions/maximal_arrival_sequence.v | 88 ++++++ .../facts/maximal_arrival_sequence.v | 266 ++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 354 insertions(+) create mode 100644 implementation/definitions/maximal_arrival_sequence.v create mode 100644 implementation/facts/maximal_arrival_sequence.v diff --git a/implementation/definitions/maximal_arrival_sequence.v b/implementation/definitions/maximal_arrival_sequence.v new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c46090c50 --- /dev/null +++ b/implementation/definitions/maximal_arrival_sequence.v @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +Require Export prosa.model.task.arrival.curves. +Require Export prosa.util.supremum. + +(** * A Maximal Arrival Sequence *) + +(** In this section, we propose a concrete instantiation of an arrival sequence. + Given an arbitrary arrival curve, the defined arrival sequence tries to + generate as many jobs as possible at any time instant by adopting a greedy + strategy: at each time [t], the arrival sequence contains the maximum possible + number of jobs that does not violate the given arrival curve's constraints. *) +Section MaximalArrivalSequence. + + (** Consider any type of tasks ... *) + Context {Task : TaskType}. + Context `{TaskCost Task}. + + (** ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *) + Context {Job : JobType}. + Context `{JobTask Job Task}. + Context `{JobArrival Job}. + Context `{JobCost Job}. + + (** Let [max_arrivals] denote any function that takes a task and an interval length + and returns the associated number of job arrivals of the task. *) + Context `{MaxArrivals Task}. + + (** In this section, we define a procedure that computes the maximal number of + jobs that can be released at a given instant without violating the + corresponding arrival curve. *) + Section NumberOfJobs. + + (** Let [tsk] be any task. *) + Variable tsk : Task. + + (** First, we introduce a function that computes the sum of all elements in + a given list's suffix of length [n]. *) + Definition suffix_sum xs n := \sum_(size xs - n <= t < size xs) nth 0 xs t. + + (** Let the arrival prefix [arr_prefix] be a sequence of natural numbers, + where [nth xs t] denotes the number of jobs that arrive at time [t]. + Then, given an arrival curve [max_arrivals] and an arrival prefix + [arr_prefix], we define a function that computes the number of jobs that + can be additionally released without violating the arrival curve. + + The high-level idea is as follows. Let us assume that the length of the + arrival prefix is [Δ]. To preserve the sub-additive property, one needs + to go through all suffixes of the arrival prefix and pick the + minimum. *) + Definition jobs_remaining (arr_prefix : seq nat) := + supremum leq [seq (max_arrivals tsk Δ.+1 - suffix_sum arr_prefix Δ) | Δ <- iota 0 (size arr_prefix).+1]. + + (** Further, we define the function [next_max_arrival] to handle a special + case: when the arrival prefix is empty, the function returns the value + of the arrival curve with a window length of [1]. Otherwise, it returns + the number the number of jobs that can additionally be generated. *) + Definition next_max_arrival (arr_prefix : seq nat) := + match jobs_remaining arr_prefix with + | None => max_arrivals tsk 1 + | Some n => n + end. + + (** Next, we define a function that extends by one a given arrival prefix... *) + Definition extend_arrival_prefix (arr_prefix : seq nat) := + arr_prefix ++ [:: next_max_arrival arr_prefix ]. + + (** ... and a function that generates a maximal arrival prefix + of size [t], starting from an empty arrival prefix. *) + Definition maximal_arrival_prefix (t : nat) := + iter t.+1 extend_arrival_prefix [::]. + + (** Finally, we define a function that returns the maximal number + of jobs that can be released at time [t]; this definition + assumes that at each time instant prior to time [t] the maximal + number of jobs were released. *) + Definition max_arrivals_at t := nth 0 (maximal_arrival_prefix t) t. + + End NumberOfJobs. + + (** Consider a function that generates [n] concrete jobs of + the given task at the given time instant. *) + Variable generate_jobs_at : Task -> nat -> instant -> seq Job. + + (** The maximal arrival sequence of task set [ts] at time [t] is a + concatenation of sequences of generated jobs for each task. *) + Definition concrete_arrival_sequence (ts : seq Task) (t : instant) := + \cat_(tsk <- ts) generate_jobs_at tsk (max_arrivals_at tsk t) t. + +End MaximalArrivalSequence. diff --git a/implementation/facts/maximal_arrival_sequence.v b/implementation/facts/maximal_arrival_sequence.v new file mode 100644 index 000000000..73856ca88 --- /dev/null +++ b/implementation/facts/maximal_arrival_sequence.v @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.task_arrivals. +Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.maximal_arrival_sequence. + +(** Recall that, given an arrival curve [max_arrivals] and a + job-generating function [generate_jobs_at], the function + [concrete_arrival_sequence] generates an arrival sequence. In this + section, we prove a few properties of this function. *) +Section MaximalArrivalSequence. + + (** Consider any type of tasks ... *) + Context {Task : TaskType}. + Context `{TaskCost Task}. + + (** ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *) + Context {Job : JobType}. + Context `{JobTask Job Task}. + Context `{JobArrival Job}. + Context `{JobCost Job}. + + (** Consider a task set [ts] with non-duplicate tasks. *) + Variable ts : seq Task. + Hypothesis H_ts_uniq : uniq ts. + + (** Let [max_arrivals] be a family of valid arrival curves, i.e., + for any task [tsk] in [ts], [max_arrival tsk] is (1) an arrival + bound of [tsk], and (2) it is a monotonic function that equals [0] + for the empty interval [delta = 0]. *) + Context `{MaxArrivals Task}. + Hypothesis H_valid_arrival_curve : valid_taskset_arrival_curve ts max_arrivals. + + (** Further assume we are given a function that generates the required number of + jobs of a given task at a given instant of time. *) + Variable generate_jobs_at : Task -> nat -> instant -> seq Job. + + (** First, we assume that [generate_jobs_at tsk n t] generates [n] jobs. *) + Hypothesis H_job_generation_valid_number: + forall (tsk : Task) (n : nat) (t : instant), tsk \in ts -> size (generate_jobs_at tsk n t) = n. + + (** Second, we assume that [generate_jobs_at tsk n t] generates jobs of task + [tsk] that arrive at time [t]. *) + Hypothesis H_job_generation_valid_jobs: + forall (tsk : Task) (n : nat) (t : instant) (j : Job), + (j \in generate_jobs_at tsk n t) -> + job_task j = tsk + /\ job_arrival j = t + /\ job_cost j <= task_cost tsk. + + (** Finally, we assume that all jobs generated by [generate_jobs_at] are unique. *) + Hypothesis H_jobs_unique: + forall (t1 t2 : instant), + uniq (arrivals_between (concrete_arrival_sequence generate_jobs_at ts) t1 t2). + + (** Assuming such a well-behaved "constructor" [generate_jobs_at], we prove a + few validity claims about an arrival sequence generated by + [concrete_arrival_sequence]. *) + Section ValidityClaims. + + (** We start by showing that the obtained arrival sequence is a set. *) + Lemma arr_seq_is_a_set : + arrival_sequence_uniq (concrete_arrival_sequence generate_jobs_at ts). + Proof. + move=> t. + move: (H_jobs_unique t t.+1). + by rewrite /arrivals_between big_nat1. + Qed. + + (** Next, we show that all jobs in the arrival sequence come from [ts]. *) + Lemma concrete_all_jobs_from_taskset : + all_jobs_from_taskset (concrete_arrival_sequence generate_jobs_at ts) ts. + Proof. + move=> j [t /mem_bigcat_exists [tsk [TSK_IN IN]]]. + move: (H_job_generation_valid_jobs tsk _ _ _ IN) => [JOB_TASK _]. + by rewrite JOB_TASK. + Qed. + + (** Further, we note that the jobs in the arrival sequence have consistent + arrival times. *) + Lemma arrival_times_are_consistent : + consistent_arrival_times (concrete_arrival_sequence generate_jobs_at ts). + Proof. + move=> j t /mem_bigcat_exists [tsk [TSK_IN IN]]. + by move: (H_job_generation_valid_jobs tsk _ _ _ IN) => [_ [JOB_ARR _]]. + Qed. + + (** Lastly, we observe that the jobs in the arrival sequence have valid job + costs. *) + Lemma concrete_valid_job_cost : + arrivals_have_valid_job_costs (concrete_arrival_sequence generate_jobs_at ts). + Proof. + move=> j [t /mem_bigcat_exists [tsk [TSK_IN IN]]]. + move: (H_job_generation_valid_jobs tsk _ _ _ IN) => [JOB_TASK [_ JOB_COST]]. + by rewrite /valid_job_cost JOB_TASK. + Qed. + + End ValidityClaims. + + (** In this section, we prove a series of facts regarding the maximal arrival + sequence, leading up to the main theorem that all arrival-curve + constraints are respected. *) + Section Facts. + + (** Let [tsk] be any task in [ts] that is to be analyzed. *) + Variable tsk : Task. + Hypothesis H_tsk_in_ts : tsk \in ts. + + (** First, we show that the arrivals at time [t] are indeed generated by + [generate_jobs_at] applied at time [t]. *) + Lemma task_arrivals_at_eq_generate_jobs_at: + forall t, + task_arrivals_at (concrete_arrival_sequence generate_jobs_at ts) tsk t + = generate_jobs_at tsk (max_arrivals_at tsk t) t. + Proof. + move=> t. + rewrite /task_arrivals_at bigcat_filter_eq_filter_bigcat bigcat_seq_uniqK // => tsk0 j INj. + apply H_job_generation_valid_jobs in INj. + by destruct INj. + Qed. + + (** Next, we show that the number of arrivals at time [t] always matches + [max_arrivals_at] applied at time [t]. *) + Lemma task_arrivals_at_eq: + forall t, + size (task_arrivals_at (concrete_arrival_sequence generate_jobs_at ts) tsk t) + = max_arrivals_at tsk t. + Proof. + move=> t. + rewrite task_arrivals_at_eq_generate_jobs_at //. + by apply H_job_generation_valid_number. + Qed. + + (** We then generalize the previous result to an arbitrary interval + <<[t1,t2)>>. *) + Lemma number_of_task_arrivals_eq : + forall t1 t2, + number_of_task_arrivals (concrete_arrival_sequence generate_jobs_at ts) tsk t1 t2 + = \sum_(t1 <= t < t2) max_arrivals_at tsk t. + Proof. + move=> t1 t2. + rewrite /number_of_task_arrivals task_arrivals_between_is_cat_of_task_arrivals_at -size_big_nat. + apply eq_big_nat => t RANGE. + by apply task_arrivals_at_eq. + Qed. + + (** We further show that, starting from an empty prefix and applying + [extend_arrival_prefix] [t] times, we end up with a prefix of size + [t]... *) + Lemma extend_horizon_size : + forall t, + size (iter t (extend_arrival_prefix tsk) [::]) = t. + Proof. by elim=> // t IHt; rewrite size_cat IHt //=; lia. Qed. + + (** ...and that the arrival sequence prefix up to an arbitrary horizon + [t] is a sequence of [t+1] elements. *) + Lemma prefix_up_to_size : + forall t, + size (maximal_arrival_prefix tsk t) = t.+1. + Proof. + by elim=> // t IHt; rewrite /maximal_arrival_prefix /extend_arrival_prefix size_cat IHt //=; lia. + Qed. + + (** Next, we prove prefix inclusion for [maximal_arrival_prefix] when the + horizon is expanded by one... *) + Lemma n_arrivals_at_prefix_inclusion1 : + forall t h, + t <= h -> + nth 0 (maximal_arrival_prefix tsk h) t + = nth 0 (maximal_arrival_prefix tsk h.+1) t. + Proof. + move=> t h LEQ. + rewrite /maximal_arrival_prefix //= {3}/extend_arrival_prefix nth_cat prefix_up_to_size. + by case: (ltnP t h.+1); lia. + Qed. + + (** ...and we generalize the previous result to two arbitrary horizons [h1 <= h2]. *) + Lemma n_arrivals_at_prefix_inclusion : + forall t h1 h2, + t <= h1 <= h2 -> + nth 0 (maximal_arrival_prefix tsk h1) t = nth 0 (maximal_arrival_prefix tsk h2) t. + Proof. + move=> t h1 h2 /andP[LEQh1 LEQh2]. + induction h2; [by have -> : h1 = 0; lia |]. + rewrite leq_eqVlt in LEQh2. + move: LEQh2 => /orP [/eqP EQ | LT]; first by rewrite EQ. + feed IHh2; first by lia. + rewrite -n_arrivals_at_prefix_inclusion1 //. + by lia. + Qed. + + (** Next, we prove that, for any positive time instant [t], [max_arrivals_at] indeed + matches the arrivals of [next_max_arrival] applied at [t-1]. *) + Lemma max_arrivals_at_next_max_arrivals_eq: + forall t, + 0 < t -> + max_arrivals_at tsk t + = next_max_arrival tsk (maximal_arrival_prefix tsk t.-1). + Proof. + move => t GT0. + move: prefix_up_to_size; rewrite /maximal_arrival_prefix => PUS. + rewrite /max_arrivals_at /maximal_arrival_prefix {1}/extend_arrival_prefix nth_cat extend_horizon_size //= ltnn //= subnn //=. + by destruct t. + Qed. + + (** Given a time instant [t] and and interval [Δ], we show that + [max_arrivals_at] applied at time [t] is always less-or-equal to + [max_arrivals] applied to [Δ+1], even when each value of + [max_arrivals_at] in the interval <<[t-Δ, t)>> is subtracted from it. *) + Lemma n_arrivals_at_leq : + forall t Δ, + Δ <= t -> + max_arrivals_at tsk t + <= max_arrivals tsk Δ.+1 - \sum_(t - Δ <= i < t) max_arrivals_at tsk i. + Proof. + move=> t Δ LEQ. + move: (H_valid_arrival_curve tsk H_tsk_in_ts) => [ZERO MONO]. + destruct t. + { rewrite unlock //= subn0. + rewrite /max_arrivals_at /maximal_arrival_prefix /extend_arrival_prefix + /next_max_arrival //= /suffix_sum subn0 unlock subn0. + by apply MONO. } + { rewrite max_arrivals_at_next_max_arrivals_eq; last by done. + rewrite /next_max_arrival /jobs_remaining prefix_up_to_size. + simpl (t.+1.-1). + destruct supremum eqn:SUP; last by move:(supremum_none _ _ SUP); rewrite map_cons. + eapply (supremum_spec _ leqnn leq_total leq_trans _ _ SUP). + rewrite /suffix_sum prefix_up_to_size /max_arrivals_at. + have -> : \sum_(t.+1 - Δ <= i < t.+1) nth 0 (maximal_arrival_prefix tsk i) i = + \sum_(t.+1 - Δ <= i < t.+1) nth 0 (maximal_arrival_prefix tsk t) i. + { apply eq_big_nat => i RANGE. + by apply n_arrivals_at_prefix_inclusion; lia. } + set f := fun x => max_arrivals _ x.+1 - \sum_(t.+1-x <= i < t.+1) nth 0 (maximal_arrival_prefix _ t) i. + have-> : max_arrivals tsk Δ.+1 - \sum_(t.+1 - Δ <= i < t.+1) nth 0 (maximal_arrival_prefix tsk t) i = f Δ by done. + apply map_f. + by rewrite mem_iota; lia. } + Qed. + + End Facts. + + (** Finally, we prove our main result, that is, the proposed maximal arrival + sequence instantiation indeed respects all arrival-curve constraints. *) + Theorem concrete_is_arrival_curve : + taskset_respects_max_arrivals (concrete_arrival_sequence generate_jobs_at ts) ts. + Proof. + move=> tsk IN t1 t LEQ. + set Δ := t - t1. + replace t1 with (t-Δ); last by lia. + have LEQd: Δ <= t by lia. + generalize Δ LEQd; clear LEQ Δ LEQd. + induction t; move => Δ LEQ. + { rewrite sub0n. + rewrite number_of_task_arrivals_eq //. + by vm_compute; rewrite unlock. } + { rewrite number_of_task_arrivals_eq //. + destruct Δ; first by rewrite /index_iota subnn; vm_compute; rewrite unlock. + rewrite subSS. + specialize (IHt Δ). + feed IHt; first by lia. + rewrite number_of_task_arrivals_eq // in IHt. + rewrite big_nat_recr //=; last by lia. + rewrite -leq_subRL; first apply n_arrivals_at_leq; try lia. + move: (H_valid_arrival_curve tsk IN) => [ZERO MONO]. + apply (leq_trans IHt). + by apply MONO. } + Qed. + +End MaximalArrivalSequence. + -- GitLab