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Ideal Uniprocessor Scheduler Implementation

Merged Björn Brandenburg requested to merge impl-uni-sched into master
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Section PrioAwareUniprocessorScheduler.
priority-aware ideal uniprocessor scheduler. *)
Let schedule := uni_schedule arr_seq.
(* First, we note that the priority-aware job selection policy obviously
(** First, we note that the priority-aware job selection policy obviously
maintains work-conservation. *)
Corollary uni_schedule_work_conserving:
work_conserving arr_seq schedule.
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Section PrioAwareUniprocessorScheduler.
- by move=> ->.
(* Second, we similarly note that schedule validity is also maintained. *)
(** Second, we similarly note that schedule validity is also maintained. *)
Corollary uni_schedule_valid:
valid_schedule schedule arr_seq.
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ Section PrioAwareUniprocessorScheduler.
{ apply contraL with (b := preemption_time (uni_schedule arr_seq) t) => //.
now apply np_consistent. }
move: SCHED.
rewrite scheduled_at_def => /eqP.
rewrite scheduled_at_def => /eqP.
rewrite {1}/schedule/uni_schedule/np_uni_schedule/generic_schedule schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at -/(prefix t).
rewrite ifF //.
now apply negbTE.
(** From the preceding facts, we conclude that [uni_schedule arr_seq]
respects the priority policy at preemption times. *)
Theorem schedule_respects_policy :
@@ -100,24 +100,22 @@ Section PrioAwareUniprocessorScheduler.
move=> j1 j2 t ARRIVES PREEMPT BACK_j1 SCHED_j2.
case: (boolP (scheduled_at (uni_schedule arr_seq) j1 t)) => [SCHED_j1|NOT_SCHED_j1].
- have <-: j1 = j2 by apply (ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model j1 j2 (uni_schedule arr_seq) t).
now apply H_reflexive_priorities.
- move: BACK_j1.
{ have <-: j1 = j2 by apply (ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model j1 j2 (uni_schedule arr_seq) t).
now apply H_reflexive_priorities. }
{ move: BACK_j1.
have ->: backlogged (uni_schedule arr_seq) j1 t = backlogged (prefix t) j1 t.
{ have NOT_SCHED_j1': ~~ scheduled_at (prefix t) j1 t.
{ rewrite /prefix scheduled_at_def.
induction t => //.
now rewrite schedule_up_to_empty. }
apply backlogged_prefix_invariance' with (h := t) => //.
{ apply backlogged_prefix_invariance' with (h := t) => //.
rewrite /identical_prefix /uni_schedule /prefix => t' LT.
induction t => //.
rewrite /np_uni_schedule/generic_schedule (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t' t) //. }
rewrite /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t' t) //.
rewrite /prefix scheduled_at_def.
induction t => //.
now rewrite schedule_up_to_empty. }
move=> BACK_j1.
have MEM_j1: j1 \in jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq (prefix t) t by
apply mem_backlogged_jobs.
move: (scheduled_job_is_supremum j2 t SCHED_j2 PREEMPT) => SUPREMUM.
apply supremum_spec with (s := jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq (prefix t) t) => //.
now apply mem_backlogged_jobs. }
End Priority.