From 12839e6d2bbe6640c72019c604f3c59656970f77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lianmin Zheng <>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 22:56:49 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] [AUTOTVM] Decouple build and run in measurement (#1661)

 docs/api/python/autotvm.rst                   |   5 +
 python/tvm/autotvm/                |   3 +-
 python/tvm/autotvm/measure/        |   8 +-
 python/tvm/autotvm/measure/  |  14 +-
 python/tvm/autotvm/measure/         | 251 +++--
 python/tvm/autotvm/measure/ | 896 ++++++++++--------
 python/tvm/autotvm/tuner/          |   2 +-
 .../tvm/autotvm/tuner/   |   2 +-
 tests/python/integration/       |  41 +-
 tests/python/unittest/  |  19 +
 .../python/unittest/  | 151 +--
 tests/python/unittest/ |  97 ++
 topi/recipe/gemm/                 |   7 +-
 tutorials/autotvm/         |  12 +-
 tutorials/autotvm/            | 123 +--
 tutorials/autotvm/     |   9 +-
 16 files changed, 880 insertions(+), 760 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/python/unittest/

diff --git a/docs/api/python/autotvm.rst b/docs/api/python/autotvm.rst
index f03406dbc..93d690507 100644
--- a/docs/api/python/autotvm.rst
+++ b/docs/api/python/autotvm.rst
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ tvm.autotvm.measure
 .. autofunction:: tvm.autotvm.measure.create_measure_batch
+.. autoclass:: tvm.autotvm.measure.measure_methods.LocalBuilder
+.. autoclass:: tvm.autotvm.measure.measure_methods.RPCRunner
+.. autoclass:: tvm.autotvm.measure.measure_methods.LocalRunner
diff --git a/python/tvm/autotvm/ b/python/tvm/autotvm/
index 625b50c10..7170dbdd8 100644
--- a/python/tvm/autotvm/
+++ b/python/tvm/autotvm/
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ from . import env
 from . import tophub
 # some shortcuts
-from .measure import measure_option, MeasureInput, MeasureResult, MeasureErrorNo
+from .measure import measure_option, MeasureInput, MeasureResult, MeasureErrorNo, \
+    LocalBuilder, LocalRunner, RPCRunner
 from .tuner import callback
 from .task import template, get_config, create, ConfigSpace, ConfigEntity, \
     register_topi_compute, register_topi_schedule, \
diff --git a/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/ b/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
index 880dfd1ff..8a6126641 100644
--- a/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
+++ b/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 """Distributed executor infrastructure to scale up the tuning"""
-from .measure import MeasureInput, MeasureResult, MeasureErrorNo, measure_option
-from .measure_methods import request_remote, check_remote, create_measure_batch, rpc
+from .measure import MeasureInput, MeasureResult, MeasureErrorNo, measure_option, \
+    create_measure_batch
+from .measure_methods import LocalBuilder, LocalRunner, RPCRunner, request_remote
+from .executor import Executor
 from .local_executor import LocalExecutor
-from .executor import Future, Executor
diff --git a/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/ b/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
index 55f1dc75f..63d995c35 100644
--- a/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
+++ b/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ def _execute_func(func, queue, args, kwargs):
         res = exc
-def timeout_monitor(queue, timeout, func, args, kwargs):
+def call_with_timeout(queue, timeout, func, args, kwargs):
     """A wrapper to support timeout of a function call"""
     # start a new process for timeout (cannot use thread because we have c function)
@@ -45,17 +46,12 @@ def timeout_monitor(queue, timeout, func, args, kwargs):
-    alive = p.is_alive()
+    queue.put(executor.TimeoutError())
-    if alive:
-        queue.put(executor.TimeoutError())
-    else:
-        if queue.empty():
-            queue.put(executor.ExecutionError("Fatal error in local executor"))
 class LocalFuture(executor.Future):
     """Local wrapper for the future
@@ -134,7 +130,7 @@ class LocalExecutor(executor.Executor):
             return LocalFutureNoFork(func(*args, **kwargs))
         queue = Queue(2)
-        process = Process(target=timeout_monitor,
+        process = Process(target=call_with_timeout,
                           args=(queue, self.timeout, func, args, kwargs))
         return LocalFuture(process, queue)
diff --git a/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/ b/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
index 2d780eeaf..38b5f99ea 100644
--- a/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
+++ b/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement,consider-using-enumerate,invalid-name
 """User facing API for specifying how to measure the generated code"""
+import multiprocessing
 from collections import namedtuple
 class MeasureInput(namedtuple("MeasureInput", ["target", "task", "config"])):
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ class MeasureInput(namedtuple("MeasureInput", ["target", "task", "config"])):
         Specific configuration.
 class MeasureResult(namedtuple("MeasureResult", ["costs", "error_no", "all_cost", "timestamp"])):
     Stores all the results of a measurement
@@ -23,8 +25,8 @@ class MeasureResult(namedtuple("MeasureResult", ["costs", "error_no", "all_cost"
     costs: Array of float or Array of Exception
-        If no error occurs for this measurement, it is an array of measured running times.
-        If some error occurs during the measurement, it is an array of the exception objections.
+        If no error occurs during measurement, it is an array of measured running times.
+        If an error occurs during measurement, it is an array of the exception objections.
     error_no: int
         Denote error type, defined by MeasureErrorNo
     all_cost: float
@@ -37,92 +39,185 @@ class MeasureResult(namedtuple("MeasureResult", ["costs", "error_no", "all_cost"
 class MeasureErrorNo(object):
     """Error type for MeasureResult"""
     NO_ERROR = 0              # no error
-    INSTANTIATION_ERROR = 1   # error when calling template function
+    INSTANTIATION_ERROR = 1   # actively detected error in instantiating a template with a config
     COMPILE_HOST = 2          # error when compiling code on host (e.g.
-    COMPILE_DEVICE = 3        # error when compiling code on device (e.g. opencl JIT on device)
+    COMPILE_DEVICE = 3        # error when compiling code on device (e.g. OpenCL JIT on the device)
     RUNTIME_DEVICE = 4        # error when run program on device
     WRONG_ANSWER = 5          # answer is wrong when compared to a golden output
-    FLEET_ERROR = 6           # error of measure infrastructure
+    BUILD_TIMEOUT = 6         # timeout during compilation
+    RUN_TIMEOUT = 7           # timeout during run
+    UNKNOWN_ERROR = 8         # unknown error
+class Builder(object):
+    """Builder that builds programs in tuning
-def measure_option(measure_func,
-                   number=1,
-                   repeat=1,
-                   timeout=60,
-                   n_parallel=1,
-                   do_fork=True,
-                   build_func='default',
-                   check_correctness=False,
-                   replay_db=None):
-    """Configure how to do measurement
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    timeout: float, optional
+        The timeout of a build task
+    n_parallel: int, optional
+        The number of tasks submitted in parallel
+        By default it will use all cpu cores
+    """
+    def __init__(self, timeout=10, n_parallel=None):
+        self.timeout = timeout
+        self.n_parallel = n_parallel or multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+        self.build_kwargs = {}
+        self.task = None
+    def set_task(self, task, build_kwargs=None):
+        """
+        Initialize for a new tuning task
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        task: Task
+            The tuning task
+        build_kwargs: dict, optional
+            The additional kwargs for build function
+        """
+        self.task = task
+        self.build_kwargs = build_kwargs
+    def build(self, measure_inputs):
+        """Build programs
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        measure_inputs: List of MeasureInput
+            The measure input
+        Returns
+        -------
+        build_results: List of BuildResult
+            The build result.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+class Runner(object):
+    """Runner that runs and measures the time cost of a generated program in tuning
-    measure_func: str or callable
-        'local': use the local device for measurement. The tuner will start a tracker
-        and a RPC server silently for the user.
-        callable: It is a callable function for measurement.
-                  See the return value of measure/ for example.
-    number : int, optional
-        Number of times to do the measurement for average
-    repeat : int, optional
-        Number of times to repeat the measurement.
-        In total, the generated code will be run (1 + number x repeat) times,
-        where the first one is warm up. The returned result contains `repeat` costs,
-        each of which is the average of `number` test run.
-    timeout: int, optional
-        Timeout for a whole batch. TimeoutError will be returned as the result if a
-        task timeouts.
+    timeout: float, optional
+        The timeout of a build task
     n_parallel: int, optional
-        The number of measurement task that can run in parallel.
-        Set this according to the number of cpu cores (for compilation) and
-        the number of devices you have (for measuring generate code).
-    do_fork: bool, optional
-        Whether use multiprocessing (based on fork) for running measure jobs in parallel.
-        Set this to False if you want to debug (see trackback) or using fork is not suitable.
-        NOTE: If this is False, parallel and timeout do not work.
-    build_func: str or callable, optional
-        'default': call default builder. This works for normal target (llvm, cuda)
-        'ndk': use Android NDK to create shared library. Use this for android target.
-        callable: customized build function for other backends (e.g. VTA).
-                  See measure/ for example.
-    check_correctness: bool, optional
-        Whether check correctness after measurement. This will use llvm cpu target to generate
-        reference output.
-    replay_db : Database, optional
-        The database that we retrieve saved MeasureResult from.
+        The number of tasks submitted in parallel
+        By default it will use all cpu cores
+    """
+    def __init__(self, timeout=5, n_parallel=None):
+        self.timeout = timeout
+        self.n_parallel = n_parallel or multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+        self.task = None
+    def set_task(self, task):
+        """
+        Initialize for a new tuning task
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        task: Task
+            The tuning task
+        """
+        self.task = task
+    def get_build_kwargs(self):
+        """
+        Get device specific build arguments (e.g. maximum shared memory size)
+        Returns
+        ----------
+        kwargs: dict
+            The additional keyword arguments
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def run(self, measure_inputs, build_results):
+        """Run amd measure built programs
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        measure_inputs: List of MeasureInput
+            The raw measure input
+        build_results: List of BuildResults
+            The build results
+        Returns
+        -------
+        measure_results: List of MeasureResult
+            The final results of measurement
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+def measure_option(builder, runner):
+    """
+    Set options for measure. To measure a config, we will build it and run it.
+    So we have to set options for these two steps.
+    They have their own options on timeout, parallel, etc.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    builder: Builder
+        Specify how to build programs
+    runner: Runner
+        Specify how to run programs
+    """
+    from .measure_methods import LocalBuilder, LocalRunner
+    if isinstance(builder, str):
+        if builder == 'local':
+            builder = LocalBuilder()
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid builder: " + builder)
+    if isinstance(runner, str):
+        if runner == 'local':
+            runner = LocalRunner()
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid runner: " + runner)
+    opt = {
+        'builder': builder,
+        'runner': runner,
+    }
+    return opt
+def create_measure_batch(task, option):
+    """Get a standard measure_batch function.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    task: tvm.autotvm.task.Task
+        The tuning task
+    option: dict
+        The option for measuring generated code.
+        You should use the return value of function :any:`measure_option` for this argument.
-    options: dict
-        A dict to store all options
-    Note
-    ----
-    To support customized measure, you can pass callable `measure_func` or
-    `build_func` in. The `measure_func` will call `build_func` to build binary library
-    and handle the logic of measurement.
-    Signature:
-    * measure_func (see the return value of measure/ for example)
-    def measure_func(input_pack, build_func, build_kwargs, number, repeat, ref_input, ref_output):
-        return measure_results
-    * build_func (see measure/ for example)
-    def build_func(inp, tmp_dir, **kwargs):
-        return func, args, filename
+    measure_batch: callable
+        a callback function to measure a batch of configs
-    return {
-        'measure_func': measure_func,
-        'number': number,
-        'repeat': repeat,
-        'timeout': timeout,
-        'n_parallel': n_parallel,
-        'do_fork': do_fork,
-        'build_func': build_func,
-        'check_correctness': check_correctness,
-        'replay_db': replay_db,
-    }
+    builder = option['builder']
+    runner = option['runner']
+    attach_objects = runner.set_task(task)
+    # feed device related information from runner to builder
+    # (e.g. max shared memory for validity checking)
+    build_kwargs = runner.get_build_kwargs()
+    builder.set_task(task, build_kwargs)
+    def measure_batch(measure_inputs):
+        build_results =
+        results =, build_results)
+        return results
+    measure_batch.n_parallel = builder.n_parallel
+    measure_batch.attach_objects = attach_objects
+    return measure_batch
diff --git a/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/ b/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
index 2d740b949..6a3cd0283 100644
--- a/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
+++ b/python/tvm/autotvm/measure/
@@ -1,129 +1,339 @@
-# pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate,invalid-name,too-many-function-args
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-function-args,too-many-nested-blocks
 Functions that run on executor for measurement.
-These functions are responsible for building tvm module, uploading it to
-remote devices, recording the running time costs and checking the correctness of output
+These functions are responsible for building the tvm module, uploading it to
+remote devices, recording the running time costs, and checking the correctness of the output.
 import logging
+import shutil
 import os
+import threading
 import time
 from random import getrandbits
-import threading
+from collections import namedtuple
+import tempfile
 import numpy as np
-from ... import ir_pass, build, build_config, nd, context, TVMError, register_func, \
-    target as _target, rpc as _rpc
-from ...contrib import nvcc, util, ndk
+from ... import ir_pass, build, build_config, nd, TVMError, register_func, \
+    rpc as _rpc, target as _target
+from ...contrib import nvcc, ndk
 from ..util import get_const_tuple
 from ..env import AutotvmGlobalScope
 from import InstantiationError
-from .measure import MeasureResult, MeasureErrorNo
+from .measure import MeasureResult, MeasureErrorNo, Builder, Runner
 from .local_executor import LocalExecutor
 logger = logging.getLogger('autotvm')
-class HashMismatchError(ValueError):
-    """Raised when the code hash of a submitted config doesn't match that on the
-       measure side """
-    pass
+class BuildResult(namedtuple("BuildResult", ('filename', 'arg_info', 'error', 'time_cost'))):
+    """
+    Stores all the necessary inputs for a measurement.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    filename : str
+        The filename of generated library
+    arg_info : Tuple
+        The shape and dtype information of tvm tensor arguments
+    error : Exception
+        The error happens during compilation.
+    time_cost : float
+        The time cost of building
+    """
-def request_remote(device_key, tracker_addr=None, priority=1, timeout=60):
-    """request a remote session
+class LocalBuilder(Builder):
+    """Run compilation on local machine
-    device_key: string
-        device key of registered device in tracker
-    tracker_addr: Tuple(string, int), optional
-        The address of rpc tracker in (host, port) format.
-        If is none, will use environment variable "TVM_TRACKER_HOST"
-        and "TVM_TRACKER_PORT"
-    priority: int, optional
-        The priority of this request, larger is more prior
-    timeout: float, optional
-        The timeout of this session (units: seconds)
-    Returns
-    ------
-    session: RPCSession
+    timeout: float
+        The timeout of a compilation
+    n_parallel: int
+        The number of tasks run in parallel. "None" will use all cpu cores
+    build_func: callable or str
+        If is 'default', use default build function
+        If is 'ndk', use function for android ndk
+        If is callable, use it as custom build function
-    # connect to the tracker
-    if tracker_addr:
-        host = tracker_addr[0] or os.environ['TVM_TRACKER_HOST']
-        port = tracker_addr[1] or int(os.environ['TVM_TRACKER_PORT'])
-    else:
-        host = os.environ['TVM_TRACKER_HOST']
-        port = int(os.environ['TVM_TRACKER_PORT'])
+    def __init__(self, timeout=10, n_parallel=None, build_func='default'):
+        super(LocalBuilder, self).__init__(timeout, n_parallel)
+        if isinstance(build_func, str):
+            if build_func == 'default':
+                build_func = default_build_func
+            elif build_func == 'ndk':
+                build_func = android_ndk_build_func
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid build_func" + build_func)
-    tracker = _rpc.connect_tracker(host, port)
-    remote = tracker.request(device_key, priority=priority,
-                             session_timeout=timeout)
-    return remote
+        self.build_func = build_func
+        self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        self.executor = LocalExecutor(timeout=timeout)
-def check_remote(target, device_key, tracker_addr=None, priority=2, timeout=10):
-    """
-    Check the availability of a remote device
+    def build(self, measure_inputs):
+        results = []
+        for i in range(0, len(measure_inputs), self.n_parallel):
+            futures = []
+            for inp in measure_inputs[i:i + self.n_parallel]:
+                ret = self.executor.submit(self.build_func,
+                                           inp,
+                                           self.tmp_dir,
+                                           **self.build_kwargs)
+                futures.append(ret)
+            for future in futures:
+                res = future.get()
+                if isinstance(res, Exception):
+                    # timeout or fleet error, return MeasureResult directly
+                    results.append(MeasureResult((res,), MeasureErrorNo.BUILD_TIMEOUT,
+                                                 self.timeout, time.time()))
+                elif res.error is not None:
+                    # instantiation errorD
+                    if isinstance(res.error, InstantiationError):
+                        results.append(MeasureResult((res.error,),
+                                                     MeasureErrorNo.INSTANTIATION_ERROR,
+                                                     res.time_cost, time.time()))
+                    else:
+                        if "InstantiationError" in str(res.error):
+                            msg = str(res.error)
+                            try:
+                                msg = msg.split('\n')[-2].split(": ")[1]
+                            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
+                                pass
+                            results.append(MeasureResult((InstantiationError(msg),),
+                                                         MeasureErrorNo.INSTANTIATION_ERROR,
+                                                         res.time_cost, time.time()))
+                        else:  # tvm error
+                            results.append(MeasureResult((res.error,),
+                                                         MeasureErrorNo.COMPILE_HOST,
+                                                         res.time_cost, time.time()))
+                else:
+                    # return BuildResult
+                    results.append(res)
+        return results
+    def __del__(self):
+        shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir)
+class RPCRunner(Runner):
+    """Run generated code on remove devices.
+    This function will ask a RPC Tracker to get device for measurement.
-    target: Target
-        The wanted compilation target
-    device_key: string
-        device key of registered device in tracker
-    tracker_addr: Tuple(string, int), optional
-        The address of rpc tracker in (host, port) format.
-        If is none, will use environment variable "TVM_TRACKER_HOST"
-        and "TVM_TRACKER_PORT"
-    priority: int, optional
-        The priority of this request, larger is more prior
-    timeout: float, optional
-        The timeout of this check (units: seconds).
-        If time is out, a RuntimeError will be raised.
+    timeout: float
+        The timeout of a compilation
+    n_parallel: int
+        The number of tasks run in parallel. "None" will use all cpu cores
+    key: str
+        The key of the device registered in the tracker
+    host: str
+        The host address of RPC Tracker
+    port: int
+        The port of RPC Tracker
+    number : int, optional
+        Number of times to do measurement for tasking average
+    repeat : int, optional
+        Number of times to repeat the measurement.
+        In total, the generated code will be run (1 + number x repeat) times,
+        where the first one is warm up. The returned result contains `repeat` costs,
+    min_repeat_ms : float, optional
+        Minimum duration of a timer measurement in milliseconds.
+        When the run time of a measurement trial falls below this time, the
+        `number` parameter will be automatically increased.
+        Set this to improve the accuracy of perf measurement, e.g., when timers
+        are not precise enough to capture short-running tasks. This parameter is
+        also critical when devices need a certain minimum running time to "warm
+        up," such as GPUs that need time to reach a performance power state.
+    cooldown_interval: float, optional
+        The cool down interval between two measurements.
+    check_correctness: bool, optional
+        Whether check correctness after measurement. This will use llvm cpu target to
+        call your template and get the reference output.
+        This can work for TOPI templates, but may not work for your custom template.
-    def _check():
-        remote = request_remote(device_key, tracker_addr, priority)
-        remote.context(str(target))
-    t = threading.Thread(target=_check,)
-    t.start()
-    t.join(timeout)
-    return not t.is_alive()
+    def __init__(self,
+                 key, host, port, priority=1,
+                 timeout=10, n_parallel=None,
+                 number=4, repeat=3, min_repeat_ms=0, cooldown_interval=0.1,
+                 check_correctness=False):
+        super(RPCRunner, self).__init__(timeout, n_parallel)
+        self.key = key
+ = host
+        self.port = port
+        self.priority = priority
+        self.timeout = timeout
+        self.number = number
+        self.repeat = repeat
+        self.min_repeat_ms = min_repeat_ms
+        self.cur_number = number
+        self.ref_input = None
+        self.ref_output = None
+        self.check_correctness = check_correctness
+        self.cooldown_interval = cooldown_interval
+        self.executor = LocalExecutor()
+    def set_task(self, task):
+        self.task = task
+        self.cur_number = self.number
+        if check_remote(, self.key,, self.port):
+  "Get devices for measurement successfully!")
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError("Cannot get remote devices from the tracker. "
+                               "Please check the status of tracker by "
+                               "'python -m tvm.exec.query_rpc_tracker --port [THE PORT YOU USE]' "
+                               "and make sure you have free devices on the queue status.")
-def create_measure_batch(task, option):
-    """Get a standard measure_batch function.
+        if self.check_correctness:
+            # use llvm cpu to generate a reference input/output
+            # this option works for tuning topi, but might not work for you custom op
+            with _target.create("llvm"):
+                s, arg_bufs = task.instantiate(task.config_space.get(0))
+            self.ref_input = [np.random.uniform(size=get_const_tuple(x.shape)).astype(x.dtype)
+                              for x in arg_bufs]
+            func = build(s, arg_bufs, "llvm")
+            tvm_buf = [nd.array(x) for x in self.ref_input]
+            func(*tvm_buf)
+            self.ref_output = [x.asnumpy() for x in tvm_buf]
+    def get_build_kwargs(self):
+        kwargs = {}
+        if 'cuda' in or 'opencl' in
+            remote = request_remote(self.key,, self.port)
+            ctx = remote.context(str(, 0)
+            max_dims = ctx.max_thread_dimensions
+            kwargs['check_gpu'] = {
+                'max_shared_memory_per_block': ctx.max_shared_memory_per_block,
+                'max_threads_per_block': ctx.max_threads_per_block,
+                'max_thread_x': max_dims[0],
+                'max_thread_y': max_dims[1],
+                'max_thread_z': max_dims[2],
+            }
+            if 'cuda' in
+                kwargs["cuda_arch"] = "sm_" + "".join(ctx.compute_version.split('.'))
+        return kwargs
+    def run(self, measure_inputs, build_results):
+        results = []
+        remote_args = (self.key,, self.port, self.priority, self.timeout)
+        for i in range(0, len(measure_inputs), self.n_parallel):
+            futures = []
+            for measure_inp, build_res in zip(measure_inputs[i:i+self.n_parallel],
+                                              build_results[i:i+self.n_parallel]):
+                ret = self.executor.submit(run_through_rpc,
+                                           measure_inp,
+                                           build_res,
+                                           self.cur_number,
+                                           self.repeat,
+                                           self.cooldown_interval,
+                                           remote_args,
+                                           self.ref_input,
+                                           self.ref_output)
+                futures.append(ret)
+            for future in futures:
+                res = future.get()
+                if isinstance(res, Exception):   # executor error or timeout
+                    results.append(MeasureResult((str(res),), MeasureErrorNo.RUN_TIMEOUT,
+                                                 self.timeout, time.time()))
+                else:
+                    results.append(res)
+        # If some runs were too fast, do remeasure for them
+        # to meet the requirement of `min_repeat_ms`
+        remeasure = np.zeros((len(measure_inputs),), dtype=np.bool)
+        pre_number = next_number = self.cur_number
+        min_repeat_duration = self.min_repeat_ms / 1000.0
+        for i, res in enumerate(results):
+            if res.error_no == MeasureErrorNo.NO_ERROR:
+                if np.mean(res.costs) * pre_number <= min_repeat_duration:
+                    next_number = max(next_number,
+                                      int(np.ceil(min_repeat_duration / np.mean(res.costs))))
+                    remeasure[i] = True
+        if pre_number != next_number:
+            self.cur_number = next_number
+            msg = "increasing number to %d" % self.cur_number
+            re_measure_inputs = [x for i, x in enumerate(measure_inputs) if remeasure[i]]
+            re_build_results = [x for i, x in enumerate(build_results) if remeasure[i]]
+            re_res =, re_build_results)
+            ct = 0
+            for i, rerun in enumerate(remeasure):
+                if rerun:
+                    results[i] = re_res[ct]
+                    ct += 1
+        return results
+class LocalRunner(RPCRunner):
+    """Run generated code on local devices.
-    task: tvm.autotvm.task.Task
-        The tuning task
-    option: dict
-        The option for measuring generated code.
-        You should use the return value of function :any:`measure_option` for this argument.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    measure_batch: callable
-        a callback function to measure a batch of configs
+    timeout: float
+        The timeout of a compilation
+    number : int, optional
+        Number of times to do measurement for tasking average
+    repeat : int, optional
+        Number of times to repeat the measurement.
+        In total, the generated code will be run (1 + number x repeat) times,
+        where the first one is warm up. The returned result contains `repeat` costs,
+        each of which is the average of `number` test run.
+    min_repeat_ms : float, optional
+        Minimum duration of a timer measurement in milliseconds.
+        When the run time of a measurement trial falls below this time, the
+        `number` parameter will be automatically increased.
+        Set this to improve the accuracy of perf measurement, e.g., when timers
+        are not precise enough to capture short-running tasks. This parameter is
+        also critical when devices need a certain minimum running time to "warm
+        up," such as GPUs that need time to reach a performance power state.
+    cooldown_interval: float, optional
+        The cool down interval between two measurements.
+    check_correctness: bool, optional
+        Whether check correctness after measurement. This will use llvm cpu target to
+        call your template and get the reference output.
+        This can work for TOPI templates, but may not work for your custom template.
+    Note
+    ----
+    This is a "fake" local mode. We start a silent rpc tracker and rpc server
+    for the user. In this way we reuse timeout/isolation mechanism in RPC infrastructure.
-    from ..database import filter_inputs
-    measure_func = option['measure_func']
-    number, repeat = option['number'], option['repeat']
-    timeout, n_parallel, do_fork = option['timeout'], option['n_parallel'], option['do_fork']
-    build_func = option['build_func']
-    check_correctness = option['check_correctness']
-    replay_db = option['replay_db']
+    def __init__(self,
+                 timeout=10,
+                 number=4, repeat=3, min_repeat_ms=0, cooldown_interval=0.1,
+                 check_correctness=False):
+        super(LocalRunner, self).__init__('', None, None, 0,
+                                          timeout=timeout, n_parallel=1,
+                                          number=number, repeat=repeat,
+                                          min_repeat_ms=min_repeat_ms,
+                                          cooldown_interval=cooldown_interval,
+                                          check_correctness=check_correctness)
+        self.tracker = None
+        self.server = None
+    def set_task(self, task):
+        self.task = task
-    executor = LocalExecutor(timeout=timeout, do_fork=do_fork)
-    # convert convenient string to function object
-    attach_objects = None
-    if measure_func == 'local':
-        # start temporary rpc tracker and rpc server for the user
         from ...rpc.tracker import Tracker
         from ...rpc.server import Server
@@ -133,360 +343,215 @@ def create_measure_batch(task, option):
                         use_popen=True, silent=True,
                         tracker_addr=(, tracker.port))
+        self.key = device_key
+ =
+        self.port = tracker.port
-        measure_func = rpc(device_key,, tracker.port)
-        attach_objects = (server, tracker)
+        super(LocalRunner, self).set_task(task)
+        return server, tracker
-    build_kwargs = {}
-    if build_func == 'default':
-        build_func = default_build_func
-    if build_func == 'ndk':
-        build_func = default_build_func
-        build_kwargs['use_ndk'] = True
-    # check the availability of remote devices
-    if hasattr(measure_func, 'rpc_info'):
-        rpc_info = measure_func.rpc_info
-        if check_remote(, rpc_info['key'], (rpc_info['host'], rpc_info['port'])):
-  "Get devices for measurement successfully!")
-        else:
-            raise RuntimeError("Cannot get remote devices from the tracker. "
-                               "Please check the status of tracker by "
-                               "'python -m tvm.exec.query_rpc_tracker --port [THE PORT YOU USE]' "
-                               "and make sure you have free devices on the queue status.")
+def _build_func_common(measure_input, check_gpu=None, cuda_arch=None, build_option=None):
+    """Common part for building a configuration"""
+    target, task, config = measure_input
-    # add device info of cuda and opencl target
-    if ('cuda' in or 'opencl' in \
-            and hasattr(measure_func, 'rpc_info'):
-        rpc_info = measure_func.rpc_info
-        add_gpu_target_info(, rpc_info["key"], (rpc_info["host"], rpc_info["port"]),
-                            build_kwargs)
-    if check_correctness:
-        # use llvm cpu to generate a reference input/output
-        # this option works for tuning topi, but might not work for you custom op
-        with _target.create("llvm"):
-            s, arg_bufs = task.instantiate(task.config_space.get(0))
-        ref_input = [np.random.uniform(size=get_const_tuple(x.shape)).astype(x.dtype)
-                     for x in arg_bufs]
-        func = build(s, arg_bufs, "llvm")
-        tvm_buf = [nd.array(x) for x in ref_input]
-        func(*tvm_buf)
-        ref_output = [x.asnumpy() for x in tvm_buf]
-    else:
-        ref_input = ref_output = None
-    def measure_batch(measure_inputs):
-        """measure the time cost for a batch of configs in real machines"""
-        if replay_db is not None:
-            partial_results, measure_inputs = \
-                filter_inputs(replay_db, measure_inputs, retry=False)
-        # launch measure jobs in parallel
-        pack_size = getattr(measure_func, "pack_size", 1)  # measure `pack_size` inputs in one job
-        futures = []
-        for i in range(0, len(measure_inputs), pack_size):
-            input_pack = measure_inputs[i:i + pack_size]
-            ret = executor.submit(
-                measure_func,
-                input_pack,
-                build_func,
-                build_kwargs,
-                number,
-                repeat,
-                ref_input,
-                ref_output)
-            futures.append(ret)
-        # transform results
-        results = []
-        for future in futures:
-            result = future.get()
-            if isinstance(result, Exception):
-                tstamp = time.time()
-                results.extend([MeasureResult((result,), MeasureErrorNo.FLEET_ERROR,
-                                              timeout, tstamp)] * pack_size)
-            else:
-                results.extend(result)
-        if replay_db is not None:
-            result_idx = 0
-            for i in range(len(partial_results)):
-                if partial_results[i] is None:
-                    partial_results[i] = results[result_idx]
-                    result_idx += 1
-            return partial_results
-        return results
+    with target:
+        s, args = task.instantiate(config)
+        # check invalidity of template and code hash consistency
+        if not config.valid():
+            raise InstantiationError(config.errors)
+        opts = build_option or {}
+        if check_gpu:  # Add verify pass to filter out invalid configs in advance.
+            opts["add_lower_pass"] = [(2, gpu_verify_pass(**check_gpu))]
+        if cuda_arch:
+            set_cuda_target_arch(cuda_arch)
-    measure_batch.n_parallel = n_parallel
-    # attach server and tracker object to avoid them of being garbage-collected
-    measure_batch.attach_objects = attach_objects
-    return measure_batch
+        with build_config(**opts):
+            func = build(s, args, target_host=task.target_host)
+    return func, tuple((get_const_tuple(x.shape), x.dtype) for x in args)
-def rpc(key,
-        host=None,
-        port=None,
-        priority=1,
-        session_timeout=60,
-        pack_size=1):
+def default_build_func(measure_input, tmp_dir, **kwargs):
-    Create a standard measure_func which uses RPC Tracker for measurement.
-    This measure_func will request a device from the RPC Tracker and
-    upload the built binary library to that device for measurement.
+    Default build func. This can work for cuda, opencl, llvm backend
-    key: str
-        The registered key of the device in tracker. The tuner will request devices for
-        measurement by this key.
-    host: str, optional
-        The hostname of RPC Tracker. If not set, will use environment variable "TVM_TRACKER_HOST"
-    port: int, optional
-        The port of RPC Tracker. If not set, will use environment variable "TVM_TRACKER_PORT"
-    priority: int, optional
-        Priority of this task, used by scheduler in tracker
-    session_timeout: int, optional
-        Timeout of rpc session
-    pack_size: int, optional
-        The number of configs measure in one RPC session.
-        Usually this can be set to 1. If your device has high overhead to establish a
-        rpc connection, set this higher.
+    measure_input: MeasureInput
+        The input of measurement
+    tmp_dir: str
+        The path of temporary directory to export generated library
+    """
+    tic = time.time()
+    try:
+        filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "tmp_func_%0x.tar" % getrandbits(64))
+        func, arg_info = _build_func_common(measure_input, **kwargs)
+        func.export_library(filename)
+    except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
+        return BuildResult(None, None, e, time.time() - tic)
+    return BuildResult(filename, arg_info, None, time.time() - tic)
+def android_ndk_build_func(measure_input, tmp_dir, **kwargs):
+    """
+    Build function for android device using ndk.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    measure_input: MeasureInput
+        The input of measurement
+    tmp_dir: str
+        The path of temporary directory to export generated library
-    def fmeasure(input_pack, build_func, build_kwargs, number, repeat, ref_input, ref_output):
-        """Do measurement for a list of inputs inside a same RPC session.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        input_pack: List of MeasureInput
-            The inputs of measurement
-        build_func: callable
-            Function for building the code. see :any:`default_build_func` for example
-        build_kwargs: dict
-            Extra arguments for build_func
-        number : int, optional
-            Number of times to do the measurement for average
-        repeat : int, optional
-            Number of times to repeat the measurement.
-            In total, the generated code will be run (1 + number x repeat) times,
-            where the first one is warm up. The returned result contains `repeat` costs,
-            each of which is the average of `number` test run.
-        ref_input: List of numpy array
-            Reference input for correctness check
-        ref_output: List of numpy array
-            Reference output for correctness check
-        Returns
-        -------
-        results: List of MeasureResult
-            The results for input_pack
-        """
-        remote_args = (key, (host, port), priority, session_timeout)
-        res = _measure_common(input_pack, build_func, build_kwargs, number, repeat,
-                              ref_input, ref_output,
-                              remote_args)
-        return res
-    fmeasure.pack_size = pack_size
-    fmeasure.rpc_info = {"key": key, "host": host, "port": port}
-    return fmeasure
-def _measure_common(input_pack, build_func, build_kwargs, number, repeat,
-                    ref_input=None, ref_output=None, remote_args=None):
-    """Measure the time cost for a pack of inputs.
-    (Note: A pack is a list of inputs which will be measured inside a same RPC session)
+    tic = time.time()
+    try:
+        filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "" % getrandbits(64))
+        func, arg_info = _build_func_common(measure_input, **kwargs)
+        func.export_library(filename, ndk.create_shared)
+    except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
+        return BuildResult(None, None, e, time.time() - tic)
+    return BuildResult(filename, arg_info, None, time.time() - tic)
+def run_through_rpc(measure_input, build_result,
+                    number, repeat, cooldown_interval,
+                    remote_args, ref_input=None, ref_output=None):
+    """Run a generated library through rpc
-    input_pack : list of MeasureInput
-        The inputs we need to evaluate
-    build_func : function takes MeasureInput returns tuple of (time_func, ctx, args)
-        The build function used to build each input.
-    build_kwargs: Dict
-        The extra keyword arguments to build_func
+    measure_input: MeasureInput
+        The raw measure input
+    build_result: BuildResult
+        The result returned from Builder. This contains the path to the generated library.
     number : int, optional
-        Number of times to do the measurement for average
+        Number of times to do measurement for tasking average
     repeat : int, optional
         Number of times to repeat the measurement.
         In total, the generated code will be run (1 + number x repeat) times,
         where the first one is warm up. The returned result contains `repeat` costs,
         each of which is the average of `number` test run.
-    ref_input: Array of np.ndarray, optional
-        Reference input for checking correctness
-    ref_output: Array of np.ndarray, optional
-        Reference output for checking correctness
-    remote_args: Tuple, optional
-        The arguments to request_remote. If is not None, will use remote rpc devices.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    res_pack : Array of MeasureResult
-        The list of results of measurement.
+    cooldown_interval: float
+        The cool down interval between two measurements
+    remote_args: Tuple
+        The argument for request_remote
+    ref_input: List of np.ndarray
+        The reference input used for checking correctness
+    ref_output: List of np.ndarray
+        The reference output used for checking correctness
-    res_pack = []
-    tmp_dir = util.tempdir() if remote_args else None
-    assert len(input_pack) == 1, "Only supports input_pack == 1 for now"
-    for inp in input_pack:
-        tic = time.time()
-        # build function
-        try:
-            func, arg_bufs, filename = build_func(inp, tmp_dir, **build_kwargs)
-        except TVMError as exc:
-            tstamp = time.time()
-            msg = str(exc)
-            if "Stack trace returned" in msg:
-                msg = msg[:msg.index("Stack trace returned")]
-            if "InstantiationError" in msg:
-                try:
-                    msg = msg.split('\n')[-2].split(": ")[1]
-                except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
-                    pass
-                res_pack.append(MeasureResult((InstantiationError(msg),),
-                                              MeasureErrorNo.INSTANTIATION_ERROR,
-                                              tstamp - tic, tstamp))
-            else:
-                res_pack.append(MeasureResult((RuntimeError(msg),),
-                                              MeasureErrorNo.COMPILE_HOST,
-                                              tstamp - tic, tstamp))
-            continue
-        except InstantiationError as e:
-            tstamp = time.time()
-            res_pack.append(MeasureResult((InstantiationError(str(e)),),
-                                          MeasureErrorNo.INSTANTIATION_ERROR,
-                                          tstamp - tic, tstamp))
-            continue
-        # measure time
-        errno = MeasureErrorNo.NO_ERROR
-        try:
-            # upload built module
-            if remote_args:
-                remote = request_remote(*remote_args)
-                remote.upload(tmp_dir.relpath(filename))
-                func = remote.load_module(filename)
-                ctx = remote.context(str(, 0)
-                time_f = func.time_evaluator(
-                    func.entry_name, ctx, number=number, repeat=repeat)
-            else:
-                ctx = context(str(, 0)
-                time_f = func.time_evaluator(
-                    func.entry_name, ctx, number=number, repeat=repeat)
-            # set input
-            if ref_input:
-                args = [nd.array(x, ctx=ctx) for x in ref_input]
-            else:
-                args = [nd.empty(get_const_tuple(x.shape), dtype=x.dtype, ctx=ctx)
-                        for x in arg_bufs]
-            costs = time_f(*args).results
-            if len(costs) > 2:  # remove largest and smallest value to reduce variance
-                costs = list(costs)
-                costs.sort()
-                costs = tuple(costs[1:-1])
-            # check correctness of output
-            if ref_output:
-                for expected, real in zip(ref_output, args):
-                    if not np.allclose(expected, real.asnumpy(), rtol=1e-4):
-                        logger.warning("Wrong Answer!")
-                        errno = MeasureErrorNo.WRONG_ANSWER
-        except TVMError as exc:
-            msg = str(exc)
-            if "Stack trace returned" in msg:
-                msg = msg[:msg.index("Stack trace returned")]
-            if "CUDA Source" in msg:
-                msg = msg[:msg.index("CUDA Source")]
-            costs = (RuntimeError(msg),)
-            errno = MeasureErrorNo.RUNTIME_DEVICE
-        tstamp = time.time()
-        res_pack.append(MeasureResult(costs, errno, tstamp - tic, tstamp))
-    return res_pack
-def default_build_func(inp, tmp_dir=None, **kwargs):
-    """Build function module. Exception will be raised when any error occurs
+    if isinstance(build_result, MeasureResult):
+        return build_result
+    tic = time.time()
+    errno = MeasureErrorNo.NO_ERROR
+    try:
+        # upload built module
+        remote = request_remote(*remote_args)
+        remote.upload(build_result.filename)
+        func = remote.load_module(os.path.split(build_result.filename)[1])
+        ctx = remote.context(str(, 0)
+        time_f = func.time_evaluator(
+            func.entry_name, ctx, number=number, repeat=repeat)
+        # set input
+        if ref_input:
+            args = [nd.array(x, ctx=ctx) for x in ref_input]
+        else:
+            args = [nd.empty(x[0], dtype=x[1], ctx=ctx) for x in build_result.arg_info]
+        costs = time_f(*args).results
+        if len(costs) > 2:  # remove largest and smallest value to reduce variance
+            costs = list(costs)
+            costs.sort()
+            costs = tuple(costs[1:-1])
+        # check correctness of output
+        if ref_output:
+            for expected, real in zip(ref_output, args):
+                if not np.allclose(expected, real.asnumpy(), rtol=1e-4):
+                    logger.warning("Wrong Answer!")
+                    errno = MeasureErrorNo.WRONG_ANSWER
+    except TVMError as exc:
+        msg = str(exc)
+        if "Stack trace returned" in msg:
+            msg = msg[:msg.index("Stack trace returned")]
+        if "CUDA Source" in msg:
+            msg = msg[:msg.index("CUDA Source")]
+        costs = (RuntimeError(msg[:1024]),)
+        errno = MeasureErrorNo.RUNTIME_DEVICE
+    tstamp = time.time()
+    time.sleep(cooldown_interval)
+    return MeasureResult(costs, errno, tstamp - tic + build_result.time_cost, tstamp)
+def request_remote(device_key, host=None, port=None, priority=1, timeout=60):
+    """Request a remote session
-    inp: MeasureInput
-       The input of this measurement
-    tmp_dir: tvm.contrib.util.TempDirectory, optional
-       The temporary directory for exporting built binary library.
-       If is not None (in RPC mode), the library in this directory will be uploaded to
-       remote devices.
-    kwargs: Dict, optional
-        Other extra arguments
+    device_key: string
+        The device key of registered device in tracker
+    host: host, optional
+        The host address of rpc tracker.
+        If is none, will use environment variable "TVM_TRACKER_HOST"
+    port: int, optional
+        The port of rpc tracker.
+        If is none, will use environment variable "TVM_TRACKER_PORT"
+    priority: int, optional
+        The priority of this request, larger is more prior
+    timeout: float, optional
+        The timeout of this session (units: second)
-    -------
-    func: Function
-        TVM built function. Typically this is the return value of
-    args: Array of Buffer or Tensor
-        The argument list for the function. Typically this is the second argument of
-    filename: str
-        The filename of the output build library
+    ------
+    session: RPCSession
-    # build function
-    with
-        s, args = inp.task.instantiate(inp.config)
+    # connect to the tracker
+    host = host or os.environ['TVM_TRACKER_HOST']
+    port = port or int(os.environ['TVM_TRACKER_PORT'])
-        # check invalidity of template and code hash consistency
-        if not inp.config.valid():
-            raise InstantiationError(inp.config.errors)
-        code_hash = getattr(s, 'code_hash', None)
-        if inp.config.code_hash != code_hash:
-            raise HashMismatchError('got {0:s}, expected {1:s}'
-                                    .format(str(inp.config.code_hash), str(code_hash)))
-        opts = {}
-        if "check_gpu" in kwargs:  # Add verify pass to filter out invalid configs in advance.
-            opts["add_lower_pass"] = [(2, gpu_verify_pass(**kwargs['check_gpu']))]
-        if 'cuda_arch' in kwargs:
-            set_cuda_target_arch(kwargs['cuda_arch'])
+    tracker = _rpc.connect_tracker(host, port)
+    remote = tracker.request(device_key, priority=priority,
+                             session_timeout=timeout)
+    return remote
-        with build_config(**opts):
-            func = build(s, args, target_host=inp.task.target_host)
-    # export library to temp directory
-    if tmp_dir:
-        if kwargs.get('use_ndk', False):  # for Android NDK
-            filename = "" % getrandbits(64)
-            func.export_library(tmp_dir.relpath(filename), ndk.create_shared)
-        else:
-            filename = "tmp_func_%0x.tar" % getrandbits(64)
-            func.export_library(tmp_dir.relpath(filename))
-    else:
-        filename = None
-    return func, args, filename
-def add_gpu_target_info(target, device_key, rpc_tracker_addr, kwargs):
-    """Add device info for gpu target.
-    The info will be used to check the validity of generated code."""
-    remote = request_remote(device_key, rpc_tracker_addr)
-    ctx = remote.context(str(target), 0)
-    max_dims = ctx.max_thread_dimensions
-    kwargs['check_gpu'] = {
-        'max_shared_memory_per_block': ctx.max_shared_memory_per_block,
-        'max_threads_per_block': ctx.max_threads_per_block,
-        'max_thread_x': max_dims[0],
-        'max_thread_y': max_dims[1],
-        'max_thread_z': max_dims[2],
-    }
-    if 'cuda' in target.keys:
-        kwargs["cuda_arch"] = "sm_" + "".join(ctx.compute_version.split('.'))
+def check_remote(target, device_key, host=None, port=None, priority=2, timeout=10):
+    """
+    Check the availability of a remote device
-def set_cuda_target_arch(arch):
-    """set target architecture of nvcc compiler"""
-    AutotvmGlobalScope.current.cuda_target_arch = arch
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    target: Target
+        The wanted compilation target
+    device_key: string
+        device key of registered device in tracker
+    host: host, optional
+        The host address of rpc tracker.
+        If is none, will use environment variable "TVM_TRACKER_HOST"
+    port: int, optional
+        The port address of rpc tracker.
+        If is none, will use environment variable "TVM_TRACKER_PORT"
+    priority: int, optional
+        The priority of this request, larger is more prior
+    timeout: float, optional
+        The timeout of this check (units: seconds).
+    Returns
+    -------
+    available: bool
+        True if can find available device
+    """
+    def _check():
+        remote = request_remote(device_key, host, port, priority)
+        remote.context(str(target))
+    t = threading.Thread(target=_check,)
+    t.start()
+    t.join(timeout)
+    return not t.is_alive()
@@ -496,6 +561,17 @@ def tvm_callback_cuda_compile(code):
     return ptx
+def set_cuda_target_arch(arch):
+    """set target architecture of nvcc compiler
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    arch: str
+        The argument of nvcc -arch. (e.g. "sm_51", "sm_62")
+    """
+    AutotvmGlobalScope.current.cuda_target_arch = arch
 def gpu_verify_pass(**kwargs):
     """Verify the validity of a gpu kernel.
     This pass will check memory usage and number of threads per block.
diff --git a/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner/ b/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner/
index b9d900e49..1afaca73e 100644
--- a/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner/
+++ b/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class GATuner(Tuner):
     mutation_prob: float
         probability of mutation of a knob in a gene
-    def __init__(self, task, pop_size, elite_num=3, mutation_prob=0.1):
+    def __init__(self, task, pop_size=100, elite_num=3, mutation_prob=0.1):
         super(GATuner, self).__init__(task)
         # algorithm configurations
diff --git a/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner/ b/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner/
index 1947c6dde..77c7e9195 100644
--- a/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner/
+++ b/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer(ModelOptimizer):
             new_scores = model.predict(new_points)
-            ac_prob = np.exp((new_scores - scores) / (t + 1e-2))
+            ac_prob = np.exp(np.minimum((new_scores - scores) / (t + 1e-5), 1))
             ac_index = np.random.random(len(ac_prob)) < ac_prob
             points[ac_index] = new_points[ac_index]
diff --git a/tests/python/integration/ b/tests/python/integration/
index 87da86a46..8e1b458a6 100644
--- a/tests/python/integration/
+++ b/tests/python/integration/
@@ -103,34 +103,7 @@ def get_sample_task(, target_host=None):
                                target=target, target_host=target_host)
     return task, target
-def test_task_tuner_without_measurement():
-    """test task and tuner without measurement"""
-    task, target = get_sample_task()
-    def custom_measure(input_pack, build_func, build_args, number, repeat,
-                       ref_input, ref_output):
-        from tvm.autotvm import MeasureResult
-        results = []
-        for inp in input_pack:
-            tic = time.time()
-            # do nothing
-            time.sleep(0.001)
-            results.append(MeasureResult([time.time() - tic], 0,
-                                         time.time() - tic, time.time()))
-        return results
-    measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(custom_measure)
-"%s", task.config_space)
-    # new tuner and recorder
-    for tuner_class in [autotvm.tuner.RandomTuner, autotvm.tuner.GridSearchTuner]:
-        tuner = tuner_class(task)
-        tuner.tune(n_trial=10, measure_option=measure_option)
-        assert tuner.best_flops > 1
-def test_tuning_with_measure():
+def test_tuning():
     def check(target, target_host):
         ctx = tvm.context(target, 0)
         if not ctx.exist:
@@ -141,12 +114,12 @@ def test_tuning_with_measure():
         task, target = get_sample_task(target, target_host)"%s", task.config_space)
-        measure_option = autotvm.measure_option('local',
-                                                timeout=4,
-                                                number=2)
+        measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
+            autotvm.LocalBuilder(),
+            autotvm.LocalRunner())
         tuner = RandomTuner(task)
-        tuner.tune(n_trial=10, measure_option=measure_option)
+        tuner.tune(n_trial=20, measure_option=measure_option)
     check("cuda", None)
     check("opencl", None)
@@ -155,6 +128,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     # only print log when invoked from main
-    test_task_tuner_without_measurement()
-    test_tuning_with_measure()
+    test_tuning()
diff --git a/tests/python/unittest/ b/tests/python/unittest/
index 3a6883f69..ed39c3846 100644
--- a/tests/python/unittest/
+++ b/tests/python/unittest/
@@ -32,6 +32,25 @@ def matmul(N, L, M, dtype):
     return s, [A, B, C]
+def bad_matmul(N, L, M, dtype):
+    if 'bad_device' in
+        A = tvm.placeholder((N, L), name='A', dtype=dtype)
+        B = tvm.placeholder((L, M), name='B', dtype=dtype)
+        k = tvm.reduce_axis((0, L-1), name='k')
+        C = tvm.compute((N, M), lambda i, j: tvm.sum(A[i, k] * B[k, j], axis=k), name='C')
+        s = tvm.create_schedule(C.op)
+        # schedule
+        y, x = s[C].op.axis
+        cfg = autotvm.get_config()
+        cfg.define_split("tile_y", y, num_outputs=2)
+        cfg.define_split("tile_x", x, num_outputs=2)
+        return s, [A, B, C]
+    return matmul(N, L, M, dtype)
 def get_sample_task(n=128):
     """return a sample task for testing"""
     target ="llvm")
diff --git a/tests/python/unittest/ b/tests/python/unittest/
index af4704d95..aa956f61b 100644
--- a/tests/python/unittest/
+++ b/tests/python/unittest/
@@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
 """Test database"""
 import copy
 import logging
-import time
-import numpy as np
-import tvm
-from tvm import autotvm
 from tvm.autotvm import database
-from tvm.autotvm.measure.measure_methods import HashMismatchError
-from tvm.autotvm.record import encode, MeasureInput, MeasureResult
+from tvm.autotvm.record import encode, MeasureResult
-from test_autotvm_common import get_sample_task, get_sample_records
+from test_autotvm_common import get_sample_records
 def test_save_load():"test basic db load/save ...")
@@ -35,66 +29,6 @@ def test_save_load():
-def test_db_filter():
-"test db filter ...")
-    # Pick a GPU target because there are more likely to be failures/invalid configs
-    task, target = get_sample_task()
-    ctx = tvm.context(str(target))
-    if not ctx.exist:
-        logging.warning("Skip this test because there is no supported device for test")
-    batch_size = 2
-    measure_option = autotvm.measure_option('local', do_fork=False, timeout=2)
-    measure_batch = autotvm.measure.create_measure_batch(task, measure_option)
-    ct = 0
-    all_inputs = list()
-    all_results = list()
-    batches = list()
-    tuner = autotvm.tuner.RandomTuner(task)
-    while ct < TRIAL_LIMIT:
-        inputs = list()
-        for i in range(batch_size):
-            cfg = tuner.next_batch(1)[0]
-            inputs.append((MeasureInput(target, task, cfg)))
-            all_inputs.append(inputs[-1])
-        batches.append(inputs)
-        results = measure_batch(inputs)
-        all_results += results
-        ct += 1
-    del measure_batch
-    db = database.DummyDatabase()
-    db.flush()
-    # First setting, memoize one input at a time, check that each is saved and replayed
-    measure_option = autotvm.measure_option('local', do_fork=False, timeout=2, replay_db=db)
-    measure_batch = autotvm.measure.create_measure_batch(task, measure_option)
-    for i in range(len(all_inputs)+1):
-        db.flush()
-        for j in range(i):
-  [j], all_results[j])
-        for k in range(len(batches)):
-            batch = batches[k]
-            batch_result = measure_batch(batch)
-            for l in range(batch_size):
-                all_idx = k*batch_size + l
-                assert batch_result[l] is not None
-                if all_idx < i:
-                    assert encode(batch[l], batch_result[l]) == encode(batch[l], all_results[all_idx]), \
-                        "(no retry) EXPECTED MATCH, GOT MISMATCH"
-                else:
-                    assert encode(batch[l], batch_result[l]) != encode(batch[l], all_results[all_idx]), \
-                        "(no retry) EXPECTED MISMATCH, GOT MATCH"
-    del measure_batch
 def test_db_hash():"test db hash check ...")
     inp1, res1 = get_sample_records(1)[0]
@@ -149,89 +83,8 @@ def test_db_latest_all():
     assert encode(inp1, load4[1]) == encode(inp1, res2)
     assert encode(inp1, load4[2]) == encode(inp1, res3)
-def test_db_save_replay():
-"test db save (from measure_batch) and replay ...")
-    _db = database.DummyDatabase()
-    _db.flush()
-    task, target = get_sample_task()
-    ctx = tvm.context(str(target))
-    if not ctx.exist:
-        logging.warning("Skip this test because there is no supported device for test")
-    measure_option = autotvm.measure_option('local',
-                                            do_fork=False,
-                                            timeout=2,
-                                            replay_db=_db)
-    measure_batch = autotvm.measure.create_measure_batch(task, measure_option)
-    batch_size = 2
-    ct = 0
-    all_inputs = list()
-    all_results = list()
-    batches = list()
-    tuner = autotvm.tuner.RandomTuner(task)
-    while ct < TRIAL_LIMIT:
-        inputs = list()
-        for i in range(batch_size):
-            cfg = tuner.next_batch(1)[0]
-            inputs.append((MeasureInput(target, task, cfg)))
-            all_inputs.append(inputs[-1])
-        batches.append(inputs)
-        results = measure_batch(inputs)
-        all_results += results
-        ct += 1
-    callback = autotvm.callback.log_to_database(_db)
-    callback(None, all_inputs, all_results)
-    assert len(_db.db.keys()) == batch_size * TRIAL_LIMIT, \
-        "%d vs %d" % (len(_db.db.keys()), batch_size * TRIAL_LIMIT)
-    all_results_2 = measure_batch(all_inputs)
-    all_results_3 = measure_batch(all_inputs)
-    for i in range(len(all_results)):
-        encr1 = encode(all_inputs[i], all_results[i])
-        encr2 = encode(all_inputs[i], all_results_2[i])
-        encr3 = encode(all_inputs[i], all_results_3[i])
-        assert encr1 == encr2, "EXPECTED MATCH WITH SAVE REPLAY (first replay), got MISMATCH"
-        assert encr2 == encr3, "EXPECTED MATCH WITH SAVE REPLAY (second replay), got MISMATCH"
-    del measure_batch
-def test_check_hashmismatch():
-"test hash mismatch check")
-    task, target = get_sample_task()
-    ctx = tvm.context(str(target))
-    if not ctx.exist:
-        logging.warning("Skip this test because there is no supported device for test")
-    measure_option = autotvm.measure_option('local', do_fork=False)
-    measure_batch = autotvm.measure.create_measure_batch(task, measure_option)
-    inputs = list()
-    cfg = task.config_space.get(np.random.randint(len(task.config_space)))
-    # notvalidh is not a valid CRC32 hash (not hex)
-    cfg.code_hash = 'notvalidh'
-    inputs.append((MeasureInput(target, task, cfg)))
-    try:
-        results = measure_batch(inputs)
-        assert False, "HashMismatchError should be raised"
-    except HashMismatchError:
-        pass
-    del measure_batch
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test_db_filter()
-    test_db_save_replay()
-    test_check_hashmismatch()
diff --git a/tests/python/unittest/ b/tests/python/unittest/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e29cc2c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/python/unittest/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+"""Test builder and runner"""
+import logging
+import time
+import numpy as np
+import tvm
+from tvm import autotvm
+from test_autotvm_common import get_sample_task, bad_matmul
+from tvm.autotvm.measure.measure import Runner, MeasureResult, MeasureErrorNo
+def test_task_tuner_without_measurement():
+    """test task and tuner without measurement"""
+    task, target = get_sample_task()
+    class DummyRunner(Runner):
+        def __init__(self):
+            super(DummyRunner, self).__init__(1, 1)
+        def run(self, measure_inputs, build_results):
+            return [MeasureResult((np.random.random(),), 0, 0.2, time.time())
+                    for _ in range(len(measure_inputs))]
+        def get_build_kwargs(self):
+            return {}
+    measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
+        builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(),
+        runner=DummyRunner()
+    )
+"%s", task.config_space)
+    for tuner_class in [autotvm.tuner.RandomTuner,
+                        autotvm.tuner.GridSearchTuner,
+                        autotvm.tuner.GATuner,
+                        autotvm.tuner.XGBTuner]:
+        tuner = tuner_class(task)
+        tuner.tune(n_trial=10, measure_option=measure_option)
+        assert tuner.best_flops > 1
+def test_check_correctness():
+    task, target = get_sample_task()
+    measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
+        builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(),
+        runner=autotvm.LocalRunner(check_correctness=True)
+    )
+    def _callback_correct(tuner, measure_inputs, measure_results):
+        for inp, res in zip(measure_inputs, measure_results):
+            assert res.error_no == 0
+    tuner = autotvm.tuner.RandomTuner(task)
+    tuner.tune(n_trial=2, measure_option=measure_option,
+               callbacks=[_callback_correct])
+    # a bad template
+    n = 128
+    target ="llvm -device=bad_device")
+    task = autotvm.task.create(bad_matmul, args=(n, n, n, 'float32'), target=target)
+    def _callback_wrong(tuner, measure_inputs, measure_results):
+        for inp, res in zip(measure_inputs, measure_results):
+            assert res.error_no == MeasureErrorNo.WRONG_ANSWER
+    tuner = autotvm.tuner.RandomTuner(task)
+    tuner.tune(n_trial=2, measure_option=measure_option,
+               callbacks=[_callback_wrong])
+def test_min_repeat_ms():
+    task, target = get_sample_task()
+    measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
+        builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(),
+        runner=autotvm.LocalRunner(number=1, min_repeat_ms=100)
+    )
+    def _callback(tuner, measure_inputs, measure_results):
+        for inp, res in zip(measure_inputs, measure_results):
+            if res.error_no != 0:
+                continue
+            assert 1000 * np.mean(res.costs) * \
+                   measure_option['runner'].cur_number >= 100
+    tuner = autotvm.tuner.RandomTuner(task)
+    tuner.tune(n_trial=5, measure_option=measure_option,
+               callbacks=[_callback])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+    test_task_tuner_without_measurement()
+    test_check_correctness()
+    test_min_repeat_ms()
diff --git a/topi/recipe/gemm/ b/topi/recipe/gemm/
index 61ef97d0a..4cce2735c 100644
--- a/topi/recipe/gemm/
+++ b/topi/recipe/gemm/
@@ -137,12 +137,15 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
-        measure_func='local', number=10, n_parallel=8, timeout=20)
+        builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(),
+        runner=autotvm.LocalRunner(repeat=3, min_repeat_ms=100, timeout=4)
+    )
     log_name = 'gemm_int8.log'
     if DO_TUNING:
         tuner = autotvm.tuner.XGBTuner(task)
         tuner.tune(n_trial=1000, measure_option=measure_option,
-               callbacks=[autotvm.callback.log_to_file(log_name)])
+                   callbacks=[autotvm.callback.log_to_file(log_name)])
         dispatch_context = autotvm.apply_history_best(log_name)
         best_config = dispatch_context.query(, task.workload)
diff --git a/tutorials/autotvm/ b/tutorials/autotvm/
index 3ff26a050..3cd63d03d 100644
--- a/tutorials/autotvm/
+++ b/tutorials/autotvm/
@@ -164,12 +164,12 @@ task = autotvm.task.create(conv2d_no_batching,
-# use local gpu, measure 5 times for every config to reduce variance
-# run 8 parallel threads for compilation
-measure_option = autotvm.measure_option('local',
-                                        number=5,
-                                        n_parallel=8,
-                                        timeout=20)
+# use local gpu, measure 10 times for every config to reduce variance
+# The timeout of compiling a program is 10 seconds, the timeout for running is 4 seconds
+measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
+    builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(),
+    runner=autotvm.LocalRunner(repeat=3, min_repeat_ms=100, timeout=4)
 # begin tuning, log records to file `conv2d.log`
 tuner = autotvm.tuner.XGBTuner(task)
diff --git a/tutorials/autotvm/ b/tutorials/autotvm/
index a080681f4..8ab7bb2f1 100644
--- a/tutorials/autotvm/
+++ b/tutorials/autotvm/
@@ -65,15 +65,20 @@ def get_network(name, batch_size):
     input_shape = (batch_size, 3, 224, 224)
     output_shape = (batch_size, 1000)
-    if name =='resnet-18':
-        net, params = nnvm.testing.resnet.get_workload(num_layers=18, batch_size=batch_size)
-    elif name =='mobilenet':
+    if "resnet" in name:
+        n_layer = int(name.split('-')[1])
+        net, params = nnvm.testing.resnet.get_workload(num_layers=n_layer, batch_size=batch_size)
+    elif "vgg" in name:
+        n_layer = int(name.split('-')[1])
+        net, params = nnvm.testing.vgg.get_workload(num_layers=n_layer, batch_size=batch_size)
+    elif name == 'mobilenet':
         net, params = nnvm.testing.mobilenet.get_workload(batch_size=batch_size)
-    elif name =='squeezenet v1.1':
+    elif name == 'squeezenet_v1.1':
         net, params = nnvm.testing.squeezenet.get_workload(batch_size=batch_size, version='1.1')
-    elif name =='vgg-16':
-        net, params = nnvm.testing.vgg.get_workload(num_layers=16, batch_size=batch_size)
-    elif name =='custom':
+    elif name == 'inception_v3':
+        input_shape = (1, 3, 299, 299)
+        net, params = nnvm.testing.inception_v3.get_workload(batch_size=batch_size)
+    elif name == 'custom':
         # an example for custom network
         from nnvm.testing import utils
         net = nnvm.sym.Variable('data')
@@ -92,6 +97,7 @@ def get_network(name, batch_size):
     return net, params, input_shape, output_shape
 # Start RPC Tracker
 # -----------------
@@ -158,6 +164,8 @@ def get_network(name, batch_size):
 #    rk3399       2      2     0
 #    rpi3b        11     11    0
 #    ----------------------------------
+# You can register multiple devices to the tracker to accelerate the measurement in tuning.
 # Set Tuning Options
@@ -184,34 +192,30 @@ log_file = "%s.%s.log" % (device_key, network)
 dtype = 'float32'
 tuning_option = {
-   'log_filename': log_file,
-   'tuner': 'xgb',
-   'n_trial': 1000,
-   'early_stopping': 250,
-   'measure_option': autotvm.measure_option(
-       autotvm.measure.rpc(device_key, host='localhost', port=9190),
-       number=4,
-       n_parallel=1,
-       timeout=10,
-       build_func='ndk' if use_android else 'default',
-   ),
+    'log_filename': log_file,
+    'tuner': 'xgb',
+    'n_trial': 1000,
+    'early_stopping': 400,
+    'measure_option': autotvm.measure_option(
+        builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(
+            build_func='ndk' if use_android else 'default'),
+        runner=autotvm.RPCRunner(
+            device_key, host='localhost', port=9190,
+            number=5,
+            timeout=4,
+        ),
+    ),
 # .. note:: How to set tuning options
-#   In general, the default value provided here works well. It is the same
-#   value that we used to generate pre-tuned parameters.
-#   If you have multiple devices, you can set :code:`n_parallel` to
-#   the number of devices you have. (e.g. set it to 3 if you register 3 rk3399
-#   boards to the tracker).
+#   In general, the default value provided here works well.
 #   If you have large time budget, you can set :code:`n_trial`, :code:`early_stopping` larger,
 #   which makes the tuning run longer.
-#   If your device is very slow or a single conv2d operator in your network has large FLOPs,
-#   consider setting timeout larger.
@@ -219,7 +223,7 @@ tuning_option = {
 # ------------
 # Now we can extract tuning tasks from the network and begin tuning.
 # Here we provide a simple utility function to tune a list of tasks.
-# This function is just an initial implementation which tune them in sequential order.
+# This function is just an initial implementation which tunes them in sequential order.
 # Later we will bring more sophisticated tuner scheduler.
 # You can skip the implementation of this function for this tutorial.
@@ -236,7 +240,9 @@ def tune_tasks(tasks,
             try:  # try winograd template
                 tsk = autotvm.task.create(tasks[i].name, tasks[i].args,
                                           tasks[i].target, tasks[i].target_host, 'winograd')
-                tasks.append(tsk)
+                input_channel = tsk.workload[1][1]
+                if input_channel >= 64:
+                    tasks[i] = tsk
             except Exception:
@@ -245,8 +251,8 @@ def tune_tasks(tasks,
     if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file):
-    for i, tsk in enumerate(tasks):
-        prefix = "[Task %2d/%2d] " %(i+1, len(tasks))
+    for i, tsk in enumerate(reversed(tasks)):
+        prefix = "[Task %2d/%2d] " % (i+1, len(tasks))
         # create tuner
         if tuner == 'xgb' or tuner == 'xgb-rank':
@@ -280,7 +286,7 @@ def tune_tasks(tasks,
 # Finally we launch tuning jobs and evaluate the end-to-end performance.
-def tune_and_evaluate():
+def tune_and_evaluate(tuning_opt):
     # extract workloads from nnvm graph
     print("Extract tasks...")
     net, params, input_shape, out_shape = get_network(network, batch_size=1)
@@ -290,19 +296,18 @@ def tune_and_evaluate():
     # run tuning tasks
-    tune_tasks(tasks, **tuning_option)
+    tune_tasks(tasks, **tuning_opt)
     # compile kernels with history best records
     with autotvm.apply_history_best(log_file):
         with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=2, add_pass=['AlterOpLayout']):
             graph, lib, params =
-                net, target=target,
-                shape={'data': input_shape}, params=params, dtype=dtype)
+                net, target=target, shape={'data': input_shape}, params=params, dtype=dtype)
         # export library
         tmp = tempdir()
-        if tuning_option['measure_option']['build_func'] == 'ndk': # for android
+        if use_android:
             from tvm.contrib import ndk
             filename = ""
             lib.export_library(tmp.relpath(filename), ndk.create_shared)
@@ -312,8 +317,7 @@ def tune_and_evaluate():
         # upload module to device
-        remote = autotvm.measure.request_remote(device_key,
-                                                tracker_addr=('localhost', 9190),
+        remote = autotvm.measure.request_remote(device_key, 'localhost', 9190,
         rlib = remote.load_module(filename)
@@ -328,47 +332,44 @@ def tune_and_evaluate():
         # evaluate
         print("Evaluate inference time cost...")
-        ftimer = module.module.time_evaluator("run", ctx, number=1, repeat=10)
-        prof_res = np.array(ftimer().results) * 1000 # convert to millisecond
+        ftimer = module.module.time_evaluator("run", ctx, number=8, repeat=3)
+        prof_res = np.array(ftimer().results) * 1000  # convert to millisecond
         print("Mean inference time (std dev): %.2f ms (%.2f ms)" %
               (np.mean(prof_res), np.std(prof_res)))
 # We do not run the tuning in our webpage server since it takes too long.
 # Uncomment the following line to run by yourself.
-# tune_and_evaluate()
+# tune_and_evaluate(tuning_option)
 # Sample Output
 # -------------
-# The tuning needs to train xgboost models and use them for prediction.
+# The tuning needs to compile many programs and extract feature from them.
 # So a high performance CPU is recommended.
-# It takes about 2 hours on a 32T AMD Ryzen CPU.
-# One sample output is
+# One sample output is listed below.
+# It takes about 2 hours on a 32T AMD Ryzen Threadripper.
 # .. code-block:: bash
 #    Extract tasks...
 #    Tuning...
-#    [Task  1/16]  Current/Best:   18.85/  19.67 GFLOPS | Progress: (353/1000) | 387.05 s Done.
-#    [Task  2/16]  Current/Best:   16.10/  23.50 GFLOPS | Progress: (444/1000) | 379.99 s Done.
-#    [Task  3/16]  Current/Best:    5.49/  13.96 GFLOPS | Progress: (610/1000) | 485.87 s Done.
-#    [Task  4/16]  Current/Best:   10.07/  20.48 GFLOPS | Progress: (430/1000) | 391.66 s Done.
-#    [Task  5/16]  Current/Best:   11.50/  15.50 GFLOPS | Progress: (374/1000) | 356.03 s Done.
-#    [Task  6/16]  Current/Best:   10.76/  23.77 GFLOPS | Progress: (526/1000) | 526.42 s Done.
-#    [Task  7/16]  Current/Best:   12.71/  22.03 GFLOPS | Progress: (341/1000) | 322.96 s Done.
-#    [Task  8/16]  Current/Best:    8.60/  17.91 GFLOPS | Progress: (272/1000) | 236.08 s Done.
-#    [Task  9/16]  Current/Best:   15.37/  23.62 GFLOPS | Progress: (275/1000) | 275.18 s Done.
-#    [Task 10/16]  Current/Best:    6.62/  23.01 GFLOPS | Progress: (330/1000) | 315.02 s Done.
-#    [Task 11/16]  Current/Best:    1.85/  21.39 GFLOPS | Progress: (281/1000) | 239.19 s Done.
-#    [Task 12/16]  Current/Best:   15.41/  24.02 GFLOPS | Progress: (258/1000) | 270.82 s Done.
-#    [Task 13/16]  Current/Best:   17.96/  25.79 GFLOPS | Progress: (380/1000) | 738.29 s Done.
-#    [Task 14/16]  Current/Best:   14.81/  31.17 GFLOPS | Progress: (413/1000) | 799.21 s Done.
-#    [Task 15/16]  Current/Best:   24.39/  40.97 GFLOPS | Progress: (355/1000) | 700.25 s Done.
-#    [Task 16/16]  Current/Best:    9.42/  49.90 GFLOPS | Progress: (348/1000) | 603.84 s Done.
+#    [Task  1/12]  Current/Best:   22.37/  52.19 GFLOPS | Progress: (544/1000) | 406.59 s Done.
+#    [Task  2/12]  Current/Best:    6.51/  18.77 GFLOPS | Progress: (608/1000) | 325.05 s Done.
+#    [Task  3/12]  Current/Best:    4.67/  24.87 GFLOPS | Progress: (480/1000) | 372.31 s Done.
+#    [Task  4/12]  Current/Best:   11.35/  46.83 GFLOPS | Progress: (736/1000) | 602.39 s Done.
+#    [Task  5/12]  Current/Best:    1.01/  19.80 GFLOPS | Progress: (448/1000) | 262.16 s Done.
+#    [Task  6/12]  Current/Best:    2.47/  23.76 GFLOPS | Progress: (672/1000) | 563.85 s Done.
+#    [Task  7/12]  Current/Best:   14.57/  33.97 GFLOPS | Progress: (544/1000) | 465.15 s Done.
+#    [Task  8/12]  Current/Best:    1.13/  17.65 GFLOPS | Progress: (576/1000) | 365.08 s Done.
+#    [Task  9/12]  Current/Best:   14.45/  22.66 GFLOPS | Progress: (928/1000) | 724.25 s Done.
+#    [Task 10/12]  Current/Best:    3.22/  15.36 GFLOPS | Progress: (864/1000) | 564.27 s Done.
+#    [Task 11/12]  Current/Best:   11.03/  32.23 GFLOPS | Progress: (736/1000) | 635.15 s Done.
+#    [Task 12/12]  Current/Best:    8.00/  21.65 GFLOPS | Progress: (1000/1000) | 1111.81 s Done.
 #    Compile...
 #    Upload...
 #    Evaluate inference time cost...
-#    Mean inference time (std dev): 157.29 ms (1.74 ms)
+#    Mean inference time (std dev): 162.59 ms (0.06 ms)
diff --git a/tutorials/autotvm/ b/tutorials/autotvm/
index 8d4aab0b2..5b3ddaaf6 100644
--- a/tutorials/autotvm/
+++ b/tutorials/autotvm/
@@ -271,9 +271,12 @@ print(task.config_space)
-# use local cpu, measure 5 times for every config to reduce variance
-measure_option = autotvm.measure_option('local',
-                                        number=5)
+# There are two steps for measuring a config: build and run.
+# By default, we use all cpu cores to compile program. Then measure them sequentially.
+# We measure 5 times and take average to reduce variance.
+measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
+    builder='local',
+    runner=autotvm.LocalRunner(number=5))
 # begin tuning, log records to file `matmul.log`
 tuner = autotvm.tuner.RandomTuner(task)