From 14acb80adcad2500d2acd4465c6531358b171ec2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Steven S. Lyubomirsky" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 14:15:32 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] [Relay][docs] Details on comp. graphs in Relay dev intro

 docs/dev/relay_intro.rst | 378 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 190 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/dev/relay_intro.rst b/docs/dev/relay_intro.rst
index dde900a50..2462d0d3e 100644
--- a/docs/dev/relay_intro.rst
+++ b/docs/dev/relay_intro.rst
@@ -1,188 +1,190 @@
-Introduction to Relay IR
-This article introduces Relay IR -- the second generation of NNVM.
-We expect readers from two kinds of background -- those who have a programming language background and deep learning
-framework developers who are familiar with the computational graph representation.
-We briefly summarize the design goal here, and will touch upon these points in the later part of the article.
-- Support traditional data flow style programming and transformations.
-- Support functional style scoping, let-binding and making it fully featured differentiable language.
-- Being able to allow the user to mix the two programming styles.
-Build Computational Graph with Relay
-Traditional deep learning frameworks use computational graphs as their intermediate representation.
-A computational graph (or data-flow graph), is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that represents the computation.
-.. image::
-    :align: center
-    :scale: 70%
-You can use Relay to build a computational(dataflow) graph. Specifically, the above code shows how to
-construct a simple two-node graph. You can find that the syntax of the example is not that different from existing
-computational graph IR like NNVMv1, with the only difference in terms of terminology:
-- Existing frameworks usually use graph and subgraph
-- Relay uses function e.g. --  ``fn (%x)``, to indicate the graph
-Each data-flow node is a CallNode in Relay. The relay python DSL allows you to construct a data-flow quickly.
-One thing we want to highlight in the above code -- is that we explicitly constructed an Add node with
-both input point to ``%1``.  When a deep learning framework evaluates the above program, it will compute
-the nodes in topological order, and ``%1`` will only be computed once.
-While this fact is very natural to deep learning framework builders, it is something that might
-surprise a PL folk in the first place.  If we implement a simple visitor to print out the result and
-treat the result as nested Call expression, it becomes ``log(%x) + log(%x)``.
-Such ambiguity is caused by different interpretation of program semantics when there is a shared node in the DAG.
-In a normal functional programming IR, nested expressions are treated as expression trees, without considering the
-fact that the ``%1`` is actually reused twice in ``%2``.
-Relay IR choose to be mindful of this difference. Usually, deep learning framework users build the computational
-graph in this fashion, where a DAG node reuse often occur. As a result, when we print out the Relay program in
-the text format, we print one CallNode per line and assign a temporary id ``(%1, %2)`` to each CallNode so each common
-node can be referenced in later parts of the program.
-Module: Support Multiple Functions(Graphs)
-So far we have introduced how can we build a data flow graph as a function. One might naturally ask -- can we support multiple
-functions and enable them to call each other. Relay allows grouping multiple functions together in a module, the code below
-shows an example of a function calling another function.
-.. code::
-   def @muladd(%x, %y, %z) {
-     %1 = mul(%x, %y)
-     %2 = add(%1, %z)
-     %2
-   }
-   def @myfunc(%x) {
-     %1 = @muladd(%x, 1, 2)
-     %2 = @muladd(%1, 2, 3)
-     %2
-   }
-The Module can be viewed as a ``Map<GlobalVar, Function>``. Here GlobalVar is just an id that is used to represent the functions
-in the module. ``@muladd`` and ``@myfunc`` are GlobalVars in the above example. When a CallNode is used to call another function,
-the corresponding GlobalVar is stored in the op field of the CallNode. It contains a level of indirection -- we need to look up
-body of the called function from the module using the corresponding GlobalVar. In this particular case, we could also directly
-store the reference to the Function as op in the CallNode. So, why do we need to introduce GlobalVar? The main reason is that
-GlobalVar decouples the definition/declaration and enables recursion and delayed declaration of the function.
-.. code ::
-  @def myfunc(%x) {
-    %1 = equal(%x, 1)
-     if (%1) {
-        %x
-     } else {
-       %2 = sub(%x, 1)
-       %3 = @myfunc(%2)
-        %4 = add(%3, %3)
-        %4
-    }
-  }
-In the above example, ``@myfunc`` recursively calls itself. Using GlobalVar ``@myfunc`` to represent the function avoids
-the cyclic dependency in the data structure.
-At this point, we have introduced the basic concepts in Relay. Notably, Relay has the following improvements over NNVMv1:
-- Succinct text format that eases debugging of writing passes.
-- First-class support for subgraphs-functions, in a joint module, this enables further chance of joint optimizations such as inlining and calling convention specification.
-- Naive front-end language interop, for example, all the data structure can be visited in python, which allows quick prototyping of optimizations in python and mixing them with c++ code.
-Let Binding and Scopes
-So far, we have introduced how to build a computational graph in the good old way used in deep learning frameworks.
-This section will talk about a new important construct introduced by Relay -- let bindings.
-Let binding is used in every high-level programming languages. In Relay, it is a data structure with three
-fields ``Let(var, value, body)``. When we evaluate a let expression, we first evaluate the value part, assign
-it to the var, then return the evaluated result in the body expression.
-You can use a sequence of let bindings to construct a logically equivalent program to a data-flow program.
-The code example below shows one program with two forms side by side.
-.. image::
-    :align: center
-    :scale: 70%
-The nested let-binding is called A-normal form, and it is commonly used as IRs in functional programming languages.
-Now, please take a close look at the AST structure. While the two programs are semantically identical
-(so are their textual representations, except that A-normal form has let prefix), their AST structures are different from each other.
-Since program optimizations take these AST data structures and transform them, the two different structure will
-affect the compiler code we are going to write. For example, if we want to detect a pattern ``add(log(x), y)``:
-- In the data-flow form, we can first access the add node, then directly look at its first argument to see if it is a log
-- In the A-normal form, we cannot directly do the check anymore, because the first input to add is ``%v1`` -- we will need to keep a map from variable to its bound values and lookup that map, in order to know that ``%v1`` is a log.
-Different data structures will impact how you might write transformations, and we need to keep that in mind.
-So now, as a deep learning framework developer, you might ask, why do we need let-binding.
-Your PL friends will always tell you that let is important -- as PL is a quite established field,
-there must be some wisdom behind that.
-Why We Might Need Let Binding
-One key usage of let binding is that it specifies the scope of computation. Let us take look at the following example,
-which does not use let binding.
-.. image::
-    :align: center
-    :scale: 70%
-The problem comes when we try to decide where we should evaluate node ``%1``. In particular, while the text format seems
-to suggest that we should evaluate node ``%1`` outside the if scope, the AST(as shown in the picture) does not suggest so.
-Actually, a dataflow graph never defines its scope of the evaluation. This introduces some ambiguity in the semantics.
-This ambiguity becomes more interesting when we have closures. Consider the following program, which returns a closure.
-We don’t know where should we compute ``%1``. It can either be outside the closure, or inside the closure.
-.. code::
-  fn (%x) {
-    %1 = log(%x)
-    %2 = fn(%y) {
-      add(%y, %1)
-    }
-    %2
-  }
-Let binding solves this problem, as the computation of the value happens at the let node. In both programs,
-if we change ``%1 = log(%x)`` to ``let %v1 = log(%x)``, we clearly specify the computation location to
-be outside of the if scope and closure. As you can see let-binding gives a more precise specification of the computation site
-and could be useful when we generate backend code(as such specification is in the IR).
-On the other hand, the data-flow form, which does not specify the scope of computation, does have its own advantages
--- we don’t need to worry about where to put the let when we generate the code. The dataflow form also gives more freedom
-to the later passes to decide where to put the evaluation point. As a result, it might not be a bad idea to use data flow
-form of the program in the initial phases of optimizations when you find it is convenient.
-Many optimizations in Relay today are written to optimize dataflow programs.
-However, when we lower the IR to actual runtime program, we need to be precise about the scope of computation.
-In particular, we want to explicitly specify where the scope of computation should happen when we are using
-sub-functions and closures. Let-binding can be used to solve this problem in later stage execution specific optimizations.
-Implication on IR Transformations
-Hopefully, by now you are familiar with the two kinds of representations.
-Most functional programming languages do their analysis in A-normal form,
-where the analyzer does not need to be mindful that the expressions are DAGs.
-Relay choose to support both the data-flow form and let binding. We believe that it is important to let the
-framework developer choose the representation they are familiar with.
-This does, however, have some implications on how we write passes:
-- If you come from a data-flow background and want to handle let, keep a map of var to the expressions so you can perform lookup when encountering a var. This likely means a minimum change as we already need a map from expr -> transformed expression anyway. Note that this will effectively remove all the let in the program.
-- If you come from a PL background and like A-normal form, we will provide a dataflow -> A-normal form pass.
-- For PL folks, when you are implementing something (like dataflow->ANF transformation), be mindful that the expression can be DAG, and this usually means that we should visit expressions with a ``Map<Expr, Result>`` and only compute the transformed result once, so the result expression keeps the common structure.
-There are additional advanced concepts such as symbolic shape inference, polymorphic functions
-that are not covered by this material, you are more than welcomed to look at other materials.
+Introduction to Relay IR
+This article introduces Relay IR -- the second generation of NNVM.
+We expect readers from two kinds of background -- those who have a programming language background and deep learning
+framework developers who are familiar with the computational graph representation.
+We briefly summarize the design goal here, and will touch upon these points in the later part of the article.
+- Support traditional data flow-style programming and transformations.
+- Support functional-style scoping, let-binding and making it a fully featured differentiable language.
+- Being able to allow the user to mix the two programming styles.
+Build a Computational Graph with Relay
+Traditional deep learning frameworks use computational graphs as their intermediate representation.
+A computational graph (or dataflow graph), is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that represents the computation.
+Though dataflow graphs are limited in terms of the computations they are capable of expressing due to
+lacking control flow, their simplicity makes it easier to implement automatic differentiation and
+compile for heterogeneous execution environments (e.g., executing parts of the graph on specialized hardware).
+.. image::
+    :align: center
+    :scale: 70%
+You can use Relay to build a computational (dataflow) graph. Specifically, the above code shows how to
+construct a simple two-node graph. You can find that the syntax of the example is not that different from existing
+computational graph IR like NNVMv1, with the only difference in terms of terminology:
+- Existing frameworks usually use graph and subgraph
+- Relay uses function e.g. --  ``fn (%x)``, to indicate the graph
+Each dataflow node is a CallNode in Relay. The Relay Python DSL allows you to construct a dataflow graph quickly.
+One thing we want to highlight in the above code -- is that we explicitly constructed an Add node with
+both input point to ``%1``.  When a deep learning framework evaluates the above program, it will compute
+the nodes in topological order, and ``%1`` will only be computed once.
+While this fact is very natural to deep learning framework builders, it is something that might
+surprise a PL researcher in the first place.  If we implement a simple visitor to print out the result and
+treat the result as nested Call expression, it becomes ``log(%x) + log(%x)``.
+Such ambiguity is caused by different interpretations of program semantics when there is a shared node in the DAG.
+In a normal functional programming IR, nested expressions are treated as expression trees, without considering the
+fact that the ``%1`` is actually reused twice in ``%2``.
+The Relay IR is mindful of this difference. Usually, deep learning framework users build the computational
+graph in this fashion, where a DAG node reuse often occurs. As a result, when we print out the Relay program in
+the text format, we print one CallNode per line and assign a temporary id ``(%1, %2)`` to each CallNode so each common
+node can be referenced in later parts of the program.
+Module: Support Multiple Functions (Graphs)
+So far we have introduced how can we build a dataflow graph as a function. One might naturally ask: Can we support multiple
+functions and enable them to call each other? Relay allows grouping multiple functions together in a module; the code below
+shows an example of a function calling another function.
+.. code::
+   def @muladd(%x, %y, %z) {
+     %1 = mul(%x, %y)
+     %2 = add(%1, %z)
+     %2
+   }
+   def @myfunc(%x) {
+     %1 = @muladd(%x, 1, 2)
+     %2 = @muladd(%1, 2, 3)
+     %2
+   }
+The Module can be viewed as a ``Map<GlobalVar, Function>``. Here GlobalVar is just an id that is used to represent the functions
+in the module. ``@muladd`` and ``@myfunc`` are GlobalVars in the above example. When a CallNode is used to call another function,
+the corresponding GlobalVar is stored in the op field of the CallNode. It contains a level of indirection -- we need to look up
+body of the called function from the module using the corresponding GlobalVar. In this particular case, we could also directly
+store the reference to the Function as op in the CallNode. So, why do we need to introduce GlobalVar? The main reason is that
+GlobalVar decouples the definition/declaration and enables recursion and delayed declaration of the function.
+.. code ::
+  @def myfunc(%x) {
+    %1 = equal(%x, 1)
+     if (%1) {
+        %x
+     } else {
+       %2 = sub(%x, 1)
+       %3 = @myfunc(%2)
+        %4 = add(%3, %3)
+        %4
+    }
+  }
+In the above example, ``@myfunc`` recursively calls itself. Using GlobalVar ``@myfunc`` to represent the function avoids
+the cyclic dependency in the data structure.
+At this point, we have introduced the basic concepts in Relay. Notably, Relay has the following improvements over NNVMv1:
+- Succinct text format that eases debugging of writing passes.
+- First-class support for subgraphs-functions, in a joint module, this enables further chance of joint optimizations such as inlining and calling convention specification.
+- Naive front-end language interop, for example, all the data structure can be visited in Python, which allows quick prototyping of optimizations in Python and mixing them with C++ code.
+Let Binding and Scopes
+So far, we have introduced how to build a computational graph in the good old way used in deep learning frameworks.
+This section will talk about a new important construct introduced by Relay -- let bindings.
+Let binding is used in every high-level programming language. In Relay, it is a data structure with three
+fields ``Let(var, value, body)``. When we evaluate a let expression, we first evaluate the value part, assign
+it to the var, then return the evaluated result in the body expression.
+You can use a sequence of let bindings to construct a logically equivalent program to a dataflow program.
+The code example below shows one program with two forms side by side.
+.. image::
+    :align: center
+    :scale: 70%
+The nested let binding is called A-normal form, and it is commonly used as IRs in functional programming languages.
+Now, please take a close look at the AST structure. While the two programs are semantically identical
+(so are their textual representations, except that A-normal form has let prefix), their AST structures are different.
+Since program optimizations take these AST data structures and transform them, the two different structures will
+affect the compiler code we are going to write. For example, if we want to detect a pattern ``add(log(x), y)``:
+- In the data-flow form, we can first access the add node, then directly look at its first argument to see if it is a log
+- In the A-normal form, we cannot directly do the check anymore, because the first input to add is ``%v1`` -- we will need to keep a map from variable to its bound values and look up that map, in order to know that ``%v1`` is a log.
+Different data structures will impact how you might write transformations, and we need to keep that in mind.
+So now, as a deep learning framework developer, you might ask, Why do we need let bindings?
+Your PL friends will always tell you that let is important -- as PL is a quite established field,
+there must be some wisdom behind that.
+Why We Might Need Let Binding
+One key usage of let binding is that it specifies the scope of computation. Let us take a look at the following example,
+which does not use let bindings.
+.. image::
+    :align: center
+    :scale: 70%
+The problem comes when we try to decide where we should evaluate node ``%1``. In particular, while the text format seems
+to suggest that we should evaluate node ``%1`` outside the if scope, the AST(as shown in the picture) does not suggest so.
+Actually, a dataflow graph never defines its scope of the evaluation. This introduces some ambiguity in the semantics.
+This ambiguity becomes more interesting when we have closures. Consider the following program, which returns a closure.
+We don’t know where should we compute ``%1``; it can be either inside or outside the closure.
+.. code::
+  fn (%x) {
+    %1 = log(%x)
+    %2 = fn(%y) {
+      add(%y, %1)
+    }
+    %2
+  }
+A let binding solves this problem, as the computation of the value happens at the let node. In both programs,
+if we change ``%1 = log(%x)`` to ``let %v1 = log(%x)``, we clearly specify the computation location to
+be outside of the if scope and closure. As you can see let-binding gives a more precise specification of the computation site
+and could be useful when we generate backend code (as such specification is in the IR).
+On the other hand, the dataflow form, which does not specify the scope of computation, does have its own advantages
+-- namely, we don’t need to worry about where to put the let when we generate the code. The dataflow form also gives more freedom
+to the later passes to decide where to put the evaluation point. As a result, it might not be a bad idea to use data flow
+form of the program in the initial phases of optimizations when you find it is convenient.
+Many optimizations in Relay today are written to optimize dataflow programs.
+However, when we lower the IR to an actual runtime program, we need to be precise about the scope of computation.
+In particular, we want to explicitly specify where the scope of computation should happen when we are using
+sub-functions and closures. Let-binding can be used to solve this problem in later stage execution specific optimizations.
+Implication on IR Transformations
+Hopefully, by now you are familiar with the two kinds of representations.
+Most functional programming languages do their analysis in A-normal form,
+where the analyzer does not need to be mindful that the expressions are DAGs.
+Relay choose to support both the dataflow form and let bindings. We believe that it is important to let the
+framework developer choose the representation they are familiar with.
+This does, however, have some implications on how we write passes:
+- If you come from a dataflow background and want to handle lets, keep a map of var to the expressions so you can perform lookup when encountering a var. This likely means a minimum change as we already need a map from expressions to transformed expressions anyway. Note that this will effectively remove all the lets in the program.
+- If you come from a PL background and like A-normal form, we will provide a dataflow to A-normal form pass.
+- For PL folks, when you are implementing something (like a dataflow-to-ANF transformation), be mindful that expressions can be DAGs, and this usually means that we should visit expressions with a ``Map<Expr, Result>`` and only compute the transformed result once, so the resulting expression keeps the common structure.
+There are additional advanced concepts such as symbolic shape inference, polymorphic functions
+that are not covered by this material; you are more than welcome to look at other materials.