diff --git a/nnvm/include/nnvm/top/tensor.h b/nnvm/include/nnvm/top/tensor.h
index 00bad8245713c44367ddf05bcf4da26df92a45d3..80947bd237bcd923eac605a98114a874ec790968 100644
--- a/nnvm/include/nnvm/top/tensor.h
+++ b/nnvm/include/nnvm/top/tensor.h
@@ -156,6 +156,14 @@ struct TransposeParam : public dmlc::Parameter<TransposeParam> {
+struct FlipParam : public dmlc::Parameter<FlipParam> {
+  int axis;
+    DMLC_DECLARE_FIELD(axis).set_default(0)
+    .describe("the axis to be reveresed.");
+  }
 struct BroadcastToParam : public dmlc::Parameter<BroadcastToParam> {
   TShape shape;
diff --git a/nnvm/python/nnvm/top/transform.py b/nnvm/python/nnvm/top/transform.py
index c3ceb68682ee5a4f7dd38357663ef6c28e2379a3..b4b8779f2a68dae7ab7e4ffd6eec7db2a200b3fe 100644
--- a/nnvm/python/nnvm/top/transform.py
+++ b/nnvm/python/nnvm/top/transform.py
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ reg.register_schedule("reshape_like", _fschedule_injective)
 reg.register_pattern("transpose", OpPattern.INJECTIVE)
 reg.register_schedule("transpose", _fschedule_injective)
+# flip
+reg.register_pattern("flip", OpPattern.INJECTIVE)
+reg.register_schedule("flip", _fschedule_injective)
 # reshape
 reg.register_pattern("reshape", OpPattern.INJECTIVE)
 reg.register_schedule("reshape", _fschedule_injective)
diff --git a/nnvm/src/top/tensor/transform.cc b/nnvm/src/top/tensor/transform.cc
index 48f8428d66a4fdd878aadd2ff2a6c4c34301771d..bdc8dc5a9c4001687b371892f7e8aae35215f72c 100644
--- a/nnvm/src/top/tensor/transform.cc
+++ b/nnvm/src/top/tensor/transform.cc
@@ -830,5 +830,54 @@ Examples::
+// Flip
+.describe(R"code(Reverse the elements of an array.
+  x = [[ 1, 2],
+       [ 3, 4]]
+  flip(x) = [[ 3.,  4.],
+                  [ 1.,  2.]]
+  x = [[[ 1.,  2.],
+        [ 3.,  4.]],
+       [[ 5.,  6.],
+        [ 7.,  8.]]]
+  flip(x) = [[[ 5.,  6.],
+                   [ 7.,  8.]],
+                  [[ 1.,  2.],
+                   [ 3.,  4.]]]
+  flip(x, axis=1) = [[[ 3.,  4.],
+                                 [ 1.,  2.]],
+                                [[ 7.,  8.],
+                                 [ 5.,  6.]]]
+.add_argument("data", "Tensor", "Source input")
+.set_attr<FGetAttrDict>("FGetAttrDict", ParamGetAttrDict<FlipParam>)
+.set_attr<nnvm::FInferShape>("FInferShape", ElemwiseShape<1, 1>)
+.set_attr<nnvm::FInferType>("FInferType", ElemwiseType<1, 1>)
+  "FTVMCompute", [](const NodeAttrs& attrs,
+                    const Array<Tensor>& inputs,
+                    const Array<Tensor>& out_info) {
+    const FlipParam& param = nnvm::get<FlipParam>(attrs.parsed);
+    return Array<Tensor>{ topi::flip(inputs[0], param.axis) };
 }  // namespace top
 }  // namespace nnvm
diff --git a/nnvm/tests/python/compiler/test_top_level4.py b/nnvm/tests/python/compiler/test_top_level4.py
index c6e8620fc972ddac6d9aa19410de290bcbf81284..819768cfb341b4d51fa1c1b8fbf26518597cdd15 100644
--- a/nnvm/tests/python/compiler/test_top_level4.py
+++ b/nnvm/tests/python/compiler/test_top_level4.py
@@ -90,6 +90,28 @@ def test_reduce():
     verify_reduce((4, 4, 3), np.min, sym.min, keepdims=True)
     verify_reduce((4, 4, 3), np.sum, sym.sum, axis=(0, 2))
+def verify_flip(ishape, axis):
+    x = sym.Variable("x")
+    y = sym.flip(x, axis=axis) + 1
+    dtype = "float32"
+    x_np = np.random.uniform(size=ishape).astype(dtype)
+    res = np.flip(x_np, axis) + 1
+    for target, ctx in ctx_list():
+        # set input
+        graph, lib, _ = nnvm.compiler.build(y, target, {"x": ishape})
+        m = graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx)
+        m.run(x=x_np)
+        out = m.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty(res.shape))
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(out.asnumpy(), res, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
+def test_flip():
+    verify_flip((3, 4, 3), 1)
+    verify_flip((3, 4, 3), 0)
+    verify_flip((3, 4, 3), 2)
+    verify_flip((3, 4, 3), -1)
+    verify_flip((3, 4, 3), -3)
+    verify_flip((3, 4, 3), -2)
 def verify_reshape(dshape, oshape):
     x = sym.Variable("x")
@@ -347,4 +369,5 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_flip()