From 8b01540d739c2351aad2474f3ab51afd06a1e46e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pariksheet Pinjari <>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:56:09 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] [FRONTEND][DARKNET] YOLO V3 model support (#1734)

 nnvm/python/nnvm/frontend/          |  59 +++++-
 nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/          |   2 +-
 nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/           |   5 +-
 .../{ =>} | 173 ++++++++++--------
 .../python/frontend/darknet/   | 110 ++++++++---
 tutorials/nnvm/                |  66 ++++---
 6 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)
 rename nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/{ =>} (54%)

diff --git a/nnvm/python/nnvm/frontend/ b/nnvm/python/nnvm/frontend/
index 7fb3e3475..bf3a16cdb 100644
--- a/nnvm/python/nnvm/frontend/
+++ b/nnvm/python/nnvm/frontend/
@@ -440,11 +440,13 @@ class GraphProto(object):
         self._state_ctr['cell_state'] = 0
         self._state_ctr['gru'] = 0
-    def _read_memory_buffer(self, shape, data):
+    def _read_memory_buffer(self, shape, data, dtype=None):
+        if dtype is None:
+            dtype = self.dtype
         length = 1
         for x in shape:
             length *= x
-        data_np = np.zeros(length, dtype=self.dtype)
+        data_np = np.zeros(length, dtype=dtype)
         for i in range(length):
             data_np[i] = data[i]
         return data_np.reshape(shape)
@@ -493,6 +495,31 @@ class GraphProto(object):
             k = self._get_tvm_params_name(opname[0], 'bias')
             self._tvmparams[k] = tvm.nd.array(biases)
+    def _get_region_weights(self, layer, opname):
+        """Parse the biases for region layer."""
+        biases = self._read_memory_buffer((layer.n*2, ), layer.biases)
+        attributes = np.array([layer.n, layer.out_c, layer.out_h, layer.out_w,
+                               layer.classes, layer.coords, layer.background],
+                              dtype=np.int32)
+        k = self._get_tvm_params_name(opname, 'bias')
+        self._tvmparams[k] = tvm.nd.array(biases)
+        k = self._get_tvm_params_name(opname, 'attr')
+        self._tvmparams[k] = tvm.nd.array(attributes)
+    def _get_yolo_weights(self, layer, opname):
+        """Parse the biases and mask for yolo layer."""
+        biases = self._read_memory_buffer((*2, ), layer.biases)
+        mask = self._read_memory_buffer((layer.n, ), layer.mask, dtype='int32')
+        attributes = np.array([layer.n, layer.out_c, layer.out_h, layer.out_w,
+                               layer.classes,],
+                              dtype=np.int32)
+        k = self._get_tvm_params_name(opname, 'bias')
+        self._tvmparams[k] = tvm.nd.array(biases)
+        k = self._get_tvm_params_name(opname, 'mask')
+        self._tvmparams[k] = tvm.nd.array(mask)
+        k = self._get_tvm_params_name(opname, 'attr')
+        self._tvmparams[k] = tvm.nd.array(attributes)
     def _get_batchnorm_weights(self, layer, opname, size):
         """Parse the weights for batchnorm, which includes, scales, moving mean
         and moving variances."""
@@ -621,6 +648,11 @@ class GraphProto(object):
         elif LAYERTYPE.CONNECTED == layer.type:
             self._get_connected_weights(layer, opname)
+        elif LAYERTYPE.REGION == layer.type:
+            self._get_region_weights(layer, opname)
+        elif LAYERTYPE.YOLO == layer.type:
+            self._get_yolo_weights(layer, opname)
     def _preproc_layer(self, layer, layer_num):
         """To preprocess each darknet layer, some layer doesnt need processing."""
         if layer_num == 0:
@@ -850,6 +882,27 @@ class GraphProto(object):
         return processed, sym
+    def _make_outlist(self, sym, op_name, layer, layer_num):
+        if layer.type == LAYERTYPE.REGION:
+            k = self._get_tvm_params_name(op_name, 'attr')
+            self._outs.insert(0, _sym.Variable(name=k, init=self._tvmparams[k].asnumpy()))
+            k = self._get_tvm_params_name(op_name, 'bias')
+            self._outs.insert(0, _sym.Variable(name=k, init=self._tvmparams[k].asnumpy()))
+            if layer_num !=
+                self._outs.insert(0, sym)
+        elif layer.type == LAYERTYPE.YOLO:
+            k = self._get_tvm_params_name(op_name, 'attr')
+            self._outs.insert(0, _sym.Variable(name=k, init=self._tvmparams[k].asnumpy()))
+            k = self._get_tvm_params_name(op_name, 'bias')
+            self._outs.insert(0, _sym.Variable(name=k, init=self._tvmparams[k].asnumpy()))
+            k = self._get_tvm_params_name(op_name, 'mask')
+            self._outs.insert(0, _sym.Variable(name=k, init=self._tvmparams[k].asnumpy()))
+            if layer_num !=
+                self._outs.insert(0, sym)
+        return
     def from_darknet(self):
         """To convert the darknet symbol to nnvm symbols."""
         for i in range(
@@ -867,6 +920,8 @@ class GraphProto(object):
             layer_name, sym = _darknet_convert_symbol(op_name, _as_list(sym), attr)
             self._get_darknet_params([i], layer_name)
             self._sym_array[i] = sym
+            self._make_outlist(sym, layer_name, layer, i)
         self._outs = _as_list(sym) + self._outs
         if isinstance(self._outs, list):
             sym = _sym.Group(self._outs)
diff --git a/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/ b/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/
index 3bf03a1e0..44b852982 100644
--- a/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/
+++ b/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/
@@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ from . import squeezenet
 from . import inception_v3
 from . import dcgan
 from . import dqn
-from . import yolo2_detection
+from . import yolo_detection
 from . import check_computation
diff --git a/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/ b/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/
index 9a346e01b..d4d33a694 100644
--- a/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/
+++ b/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ def _letterbox_image(img, w_in, h_in):
     imc, imh, imw = img.shape
     if (w_in / imw) < (h_in / imh):
         new_w = w_in
-        new_h = imh * w_in / imw
+        new_h = imh * w_in // imw
         new_h = h_in
-        new_w = imw * h_in/imh
+        new_w = imw * h_in // imh
     resized = _resize_image(img, new_w, new_h)
     boxed = np.full((imc, h_in, w_in), 0.5, dtype=float)
     _, resizedh, resizedw = resized.shape
@@ -511,6 +511,7 @@ layer make_yolo_layer(int batch, int w, int h, int n, int total, int *mask, int
 layer make_crnn_layer(int batch, int h, int w, int c, int hidden_filters, int output_filters, int steps, ACTIVATION activation, int batch_normalize);
 layer make_lstm_layer(int batch, int inputs, int outputs, int steps, int batch_normalize, int adam);
 layer make_gru_layer(int batch, int inputs, int outputs, int steps, int batch_normalize, int adam);
+layer make_upsample_layer(int batch, int w, int h, int c, int stride);
 void free_network(network *net);
diff --git a/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/ b/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/
similarity index 54%
rename from nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/
rename to nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/
index 0b229149b..86f19297c 100644
--- a/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/
+++ b/nnvm/python/nnvm/testing/
@@ -9,27 +9,22 @@ These are utility functions used for testing and tutorial file.
 from __future__ import division
 import math
 from collections import namedtuple
+from functools import cmp_to_key
 import numpy as np
-def _entry_index(batch, w, h, outputs, classes, coords, location, entry):
-    n = int(location/(w*h))
-    loc = location%(w*h)
-    return batch*outputs + n*w*h*(coords+classes+1) + entry*w*h + loc
 Box = namedtuple('Box', ['x', 'y', 'w', 'h'])
-def _get_region_box(x, biases, n, index, i, j, w, h, stride):
-    b = Box(0, 0, 0, 0)
-    b = b._replace(x=(i + x[index + 0*stride]) / w)
-    b = b._replace(y=(j + x[index + 1*stride]) / h)
-    b = b._replace(w=np.exp(x[index + 2*stride]) * biases[2*n] / w)
-    b = b._replace(h=np.exp(x[index + 3*stride]) * biases[2*n+1] / h)
-    return b
-def _correct_region_boxes(boxes, n, w, h, netw, neth, relative):
-    new_w, new_h = (netw, (h*netw)/w) if (netw/w < neth/h) else ((w*neth/h), neth)
-    for i in range(n):
-        b = boxes[i]
-        b = boxes[i]
+def nms_comparator(a, b):
+    if 'sort_class' in b and b['sort_class'] >= 0:
+        diff = a['prob'][b['sort_class']] - b['prob'][b['sort_class']]
+    else:
+        diff = a['objectness'] - b['objectness']
+    return diff
+def _correct_boxes(dets, w, h, netw, neth, relative):
+    new_w, new_h = (netw, (h*netw)//w) if (netw/w < neth/h) else ((w*neth//h), neth)
+    for det in dets:
+        b = det['bbox']
         b = b._replace(x=(b.x - (netw - new_w)/2/netw) / (new_w/netw))
         b = b._replace(y=(b.y - (neth - new_h)/2/neth) / (new_h/neth))
         b = b._replace(w=b.w * netw/new_w)
@@ -39,7 +34,8 @@ def _correct_region_boxes(boxes, n, w, h, netw, neth, relative):
             b = b._replace(w=b.w * w)
             b = b._replace(y=b.y * h)
             b = b._replace(h=b.h * h)
-        boxes[i] = b
+        det['bbox'] = b
+    return dets
 def _overlap(x1, w1, x2, w2):
     l1 = x1 - w1/2
@@ -65,72 +61,103 @@ def _box_union(a, b):
 def _box_iou(a, b):
     return _box_intersection(a, b)/_box_union(a, b)
-def get_region_boxes(layer_in, imw, imh, netw, neth, thresh, probs,
-                     boxes, relative, tvm_out):
-    "To get the boxes for the image based on the prediction"
-    lw = layer_in.w
-    lh = layer_in.h
-    probs = [[0 for i in range(layer_in.classes + 1)] for y in range(lw*lh*layer_in.n)]
-    boxes = [Box(0, 0, 0, 0) for i in range(lw*lh*layer_in.n)]
-    for i in range(lw*lh):
-        row = int(i / lw)
-        col = int(i % lw)
-        for n in range(layer_in.n):
-            index = n*lw*lh + i
-            obj_index = _entry_index(0, lw, lh, layer_in.outputs, layer_in.classes,
-                                     layer_in.coords, n*lw*lh + i, layer_in.coords)
-            box_index = _entry_index(0, lw, lh, layer_in.outputs, layer_in.classes,
-                                     layer_in.coords, n*lw*lh + i, 0)
-            mask_index = _entry_index(0, lw, lh, layer_in.outputs, layer_in.classes,
-                                      layer_in.coords, n*lw*lh + i, 4)
-            scale = 1 if layer_in.background  else tvm_out[obj_index]
-            boxes[index] = _get_region_box(tvm_out, layer_in.biases, n, box_index, col,
-                                           row, lw, lh, lw*lh)
-            if not layer_in.softmax_tree:
-                max_element = 0
-                for j in range(layer_in.classes):
-                    class_index = _entry_index(0, lw, lh, layer_in.outputs, layer_in.classes,
-                                               layer_in.coords, n*lw*lh + i, layer_in.coords+1+j)
-                    prob = scale*tvm_out[class_index]
-                    probs[index][j] = prob if prob > thresh else 0
-                    max_element = max(max_element, prob)
-                probs[index][layer_in.classes] = max_element
-    _correct_region_boxes(boxes, lw*lh*layer_in.n, imw, imh, netw, neth, relative)
-    return boxes, probs
-def do_nms_sort(boxes, probs, total, classes, thresh):
-    "Does the sorting based on the threshold values"
-    SortableBbox = namedtuple('SortableBbox', ['index_var', 'class_var', 'probs'])
+def _get_box(data, biases, n, location, lw, lh, w, h):
+    bx = (location[2] + data[location[0]][0][location[1]][location[2]]) / lw
+    by = (location[1] + data[location[0]][1][location[1]][location[2]]) / lh
+    bw = np.exp(data[location[0]][2][location[1]][location[2]]) * biases[2*n] / w
+    bh = np.exp(data[location[0]][3][location[1]][location[2]]) * biases[2*n+1] / h
+    return Box(bx, by, bw, bh)
-    s = [SortableBbox(0, 0, []) for i in range(total)]
-    for i in range(total):
-        s[i] = s[i]._replace(index_var=i)
-        s[i] = s[i]._replace(class_var=0)
-        s[i] = s[i]._replace(probs=probs)
+def _get_yolo_detections(l, im_shape, net_shape, thresh, relative, dets):
+    data = l['output']
+    active_data_loc = np.asarray(np.where(data[:, 4, :, :] > thresh))
+    before_correct_dets = []
+    for i in range(active_data_loc.shape[1]):
+        location = [active_data_loc[0][i], active_data_loc[1][i], active_data_loc[2][i]]
+        box_b = _get_box(data, l['biases'], np.asarray(l['mask'])[location[0]], location,
+                         data.shape[2], data.shape[3], net_shape[0], net_shape[1])
+        objectness = data[location[0]][4][location[1]][location[2]]
+        classes = l['classes']
+        prob = objectness*data[location[0], 5:5 + 1 + classes, location[1], location[2]]
+        prob[prob < thresh] = 0
+        detection = {}
+        detection['bbox'] = box_b
+        detection['classes'] = classes
+        detection['prob'] = prob
+        detection['objectness'] = objectness
+        before_correct_dets.append(detection)
+    dets.extend(_correct_boxes(before_correct_dets, im_shape[0], im_shape[1],
+                               net_shape[0], net_shape[1], relative))
+    return
+def _get_region_detections(l, im_shape, net_shape, thresh, relative, dets):
+    data = l['output']
+    before_correct_dets = []
+    for row in range(data.shape[2]):
+        for col in range(data.shape[3]):
+            for n in range(data.shape[0]):
+                prob = [0]*l['classes']
+                scale = data[n, l['coords'], row, col] if not l['background'] else 1
+                location = [n, row, col]
+                box_b = _get_box(data, l['biases'], n, location,
+                                 data.shape[2], data.shape[3], data.shape[2], data.shape[3])
+                objectness = scale if scale > thresh else 0
+                if objectness:
+                    prob = scale * data[n, l['coords']+1: l['coords']+1+l['classes'],
+                                        row, col]
+                    prob[prob < thresh] = 0
+                detection = {}
+                detection['bbox'] = box_b
+                detection['prob'] = prob
+                detection['objectness'] = objectness
+                before_correct_dets.append(detection)
+    _correct_boxes(before_correct_dets, im_shape[0], im_shape[1],
+                   net_shape[0], net_shape[1], relative)
+    dets.extend(before_correct_dets)
+    return
+def fill_network_boxes(net_shape, im_shape,
+                       thresh, relative, tvm_out):
+    dets = []
+    for layer in tvm_out:
+        if layer['type'] == 'Yolo':
+            _get_yolo_detections(layer, im_shape, net_shape, thresh, relative, dets)
+        elif layer['type'] == 'Region':
+            _get_region_detections(layer, im_shape, net_shape, thresh, relative, dets)
+    return dets
+def do_nms_sort(dets, classes, thresh):
+    "Does the sorting based on the threshold values"
+    k = len(dets)-1
+    cnt = 0
+    while cnt < k:
+        if dets[cnt]['objectness'] == 0:
+            dets[k], dets[cnt] = dets[cnt], dets[k]
+            k = k - 1
+        else:
+            cnt = cnt + 1
+    total = k+1
     for k in range(classes):
         for i in range(total):
-            s[i] = s[i]._replace(class_var=k)
-        s = sorted(s, key=lambda x: x.probs[x.index_var][x.class_var], reverse=True)
+            dets[i]['sort_class'] = k
+        dets[0:total] = sorted(dets[0:total],
+                               key=cmp_to_key(nms_comparator), reverse=True)
         for i in range(total):
-            if probs[s[i].index_var][k] == 0:
+            if dets[i]['prob'][k] == 0:
-            a = boxes[s[i].index_var]
+            a = dets[i]['bbox']
             for j in range(i+1, total):
-                b = boxes[s[j].index_var]
+                b = dets[j]['bbox']
                 if _box_iou(a, b) > thresh:
-                    probs[s[j].index_var][k] = 0
-    return boxes, probs
+                    dets[j]['prob'][k] = 0
-def draw_detections(im, num, thresh, boxes, probs, names, classes):
+def draw_detections(im, dets, thresh, names, classes):
     "Draw the markings around the detected region"
-    for i in range(num):
+    for det in dets:
         labelstr = []
         category = -1
         for j in range(classes):
-            if probs[i][j] > thresh:
+            if det['prob'][j] > thresh:
                 if category == -1:
                     category = j
@@ -142,7 +169,7 @@ def draw_detections(im, num, thresh, boxes, probs, names, classes):
             green = _get_color(1, offset, classes)
             blue = _get_color(0, offset, classes)
             rgb = [red, green, blue]
-            b = boxes[i]
+            b = det['bbox']
             left = int((b.x-b.w/2.)*imw)
             right = int((b.x+b.w/2.)*imw)
             top = int((b.y-b.h/2.)*imh)
diff --git a/nnvm/tests/python/frontend/darknet/ b/nnvm/tests/python/frontend/darknet/
index 3d7d06b48..b1d5e7356 100644
--- a/nnvm/tests/python/frontend/darknet/
+++ b/nnvm/tests/python/frontend/darknet/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import numpy as np
 import tvm
 from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime
 from nnvm import frontend
+from nnvm.testing.darknet import LAYERTYPE
 from nnvm.testing.darknet import __darknetffi__
 import nnvm.compiler
 if sys.version_info >= (3,):
@@ -50,14 +51,24 @@ DARKNETLIB_URL = '' \
 LIB = __darknetffi__.dlopen('./' + DARKNET_LIB)
-def _get_tvm_output(net, data):
+def _read_memory_buffer(shape, data, dtype='float32'):
+    length = 1
+    for x in shape:
+        length *= x
+    data_np = np.zeros(length, dtype=dtype)
+    for i in range(length):
+        data_np[i] = data[i]
+    return data_np.reshape(shape)
+def _get_tvm_output(net, data, build_dtype='float32'):
     '''Compute TVM output'''
     dtype = 'float32'
     sym, params = frontend.darknet.from_darknet(net, dtype)
     target = 'llvm'
     shape_dict = {'data': data.shape}
-    graph, library, params =, target, shape_dict, dtype, params=params)
+    graph, library, params =, target, shape_dict,
+                                                 build_dtype, params=params)
     # Execute on TVM
     ctx = tvm.cpu(0)
     m = graph_runtime.create(graph, library, ctx)
@@ -66,14 +77,50 @@ def _get_tvm_output(net, data):
     # get outputs
-    out_shape = (net.outputs,)
-    tvm_out = m.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty(out_shape, dtype)).asnumpy()
+    tvm_out = []
+    for i in range(m.get_num_outputs()):
+        tvm_out.append(m.get_output(i).asnumpy())
     return tvm_out
-def test_forward(net):
+def test_forward(net, build_dtype='float32'):
     '''Test network with given input image on both darknet and tvm'''
     def get_darknet_output(net, img):
-        return LIB.network_predict_image(net, img)
+        LIB.network_predict_image(net, img)
+        out = []
+        for i in range(net.n):
+            layer = net.layers[i]
+            if layer.type == LAYERTYPE.REGION:
+                attributes = np.array([layer.n, layer.out_c, layer.out_h,
+                                       layer.out_w, layer.classes,
+                                       layer.coords, layer.background],
+                                      dtype=np.int32)
+                out.insert(0, attributes)
+                out.insert(0, _read_memory_buffer((layer.n*2, ), layer.biases))
+                layer_outshape = (layer.batch, layer.out_c,
+                                  layer.out_h, layer.out_w)
+                out.insert(0, _read_memory_buffer(layer_outshape, layer.output))
+            elif layer.type == LAYERTYPE.YOLO:
+                attributes = np.array([layer.n, layer.out_c, layer.out_h,
+                                       layer.out_w, layer.classes,
+                             ],
+                                      dtype=np.int32)
+                out.insert(0, attributes)
+                out.insert(0, _read_memory_buffer((*2, ), layer.biases))
+                out.insert(0, _read_memory_buffer((layer.n, ), layer.mask, dtype='int32'))
+                layer_ou tshape = (layer.batch, layer.out_c,
+                                  layer.out_h, layer.out_w)
+                out.insert(0, _read_memory_buffer(layer_outshape, layer.output))
+            elif i == net.n-1:
+                if layer.type == LAYERTYPE.CONNECTED:
+                    darknet_outshape = (layer.batch, layer.out_c)
+                elif layer.type in [LAYERTYPE.SOFTMAX]:
+                    darknet_outshape = (layer.batch, layer.outputs)
+                else:
+                    darknet_outshape = (layer.batch, layer.out_c,
+                                        layer.out_h, layer.out_w)
+                out.insert(0, _read_memory_buffer(darknet_outshape, layer.output))
+        return out
     dtype = 'float32'
     test_image = 'dog.jpg'
@@ -81,11 +128,7 @@ def test_forward(net):
     _download(img_url, test_image)
     img = LIB.letterbox_image(LIB.load_image_color(test_image.encode('utf-8'), 0, 0), net.w, net.h)
     darknet_output = get_darknet_output(net, img)
-    darknet_out = np.zeros(net.outputs, dtype='float32')
-    for i in range(net.outputs):
-        darknet_out[i] = darknet_output[i]
     batch_size = 1
     data = np.empty([batch_size, img.c, img.h, img.w], dtype)
     i = 0
     for c in range(img.c):
@@ -94,8 +137,9 @@ def test_forward(net):
                 data[0][c][h][k] =[i]
                 i = i + 1
-    tvm_out = _get_tvm_output(net, data)
-    np.testing.assert_allclose(darknet_out, tvm_out, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
+    tvm_out = _get_tvm_output(net, data, build_dtype)
+    for tvm_outs, darknet_out in zip(tvm_out, darknet_output):
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(darknet_out, tvm_outs, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
 def test_rnn_forward(net):
     '''Test network with given input data on both darknet and tvm'''
@@ -106,11 +150,14 @@ def test_rnn_forward(net):
     np_arr = np.zeros([1, net.inputs], dtype='float32')
     np_arr[0, 84] = 1
     cffi_arr = ffi.cast('float*',
-    tvm_out = _get_tvm_output(net, np_arr)
+    tvm_out = _get_tvm_output(net, np_arr)[0]
     darknet_output = get_darknet_network_predict(net, cffi_arr)
     darknet_out = np.zeros(net.outputs, dtype='float32')
     for i in range(net.outputs):
         darknet_out[i] = darknet_output[i]
+    last_layer = net.layers[net.n-1]
+    darknet_outshape = (last_layer.batch, last_layer.outputs)
+    darknet_out = darknet_out.reshape(darknet_outshape)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(darknet_out, tvm_out, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
 def test_forward_extraction():
@@ -152,8 +199,8 @@ def test_forward_resnet50():
-def test_forward_yolo():
-    '''test yolo model'''
+def test_forward_yolov2():
+    '''test yolov2 model'''
     model_name = 'yolov2'
     cfg_name = model_name + '.cfg'
     weights_name = model_name + '.weights'
@@ -162,7 +209,22 @@ def test_forward_yolo():
     _download(cfg_url, cfg_name)
     _download(weights_url, weights_name)
     net = LIB.load_network(cfg_name.encode('utf-8'), weights_name.encode('utf-8'), 0)
-    test_forward(net)
+    build_dtype = {}
+    test_forward(net, build_dtype)
+    LIB.free_network(net)
+def test_forward_yolov3():
+    '''test yolov3 model'''
+    model_name = 'yolov3'
+    cfg_name = model_name + '.cfg'
+    weights_name = model_name + '.weights'
+    cfg_url = '' + cfg_name + '?raw=true'
+    weights_url = '' + weights_name + '?raw=true'
+    _download(cfg_url, cfg_name)
+    _download(weights_url, weights_name)
+    net = LIB.load_network(cfg_name.encode('utf-8'), weights_name.encode('utf-8'), 0)
+    build_dtype = {}
+    test_forward(net, build_dtype)
 def test_forward_convolutional():
@@ -271,20 +333,21 @@ def test_forward_region():
     net.layers[1] = layer_2
     net.w = net.h = 224
     LIB.resize_network(net, 224, 224)
-    test_forward(net)
+    build_dtype = {}
+    test_forward(net, build_dtype)
 def test_forward_yolo_op():
     '''test yolo layer'''
     net = LIB.make_network(2)
     layer_1 = LIB.make_convolutional_layer(1, 224, 224, 3, 14, 1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-    a = []
-    layer_2 = LIB.make_yolo_layer(1, 111, 111, 2, 0, a, 2)
+    layer_2 = LIB.make_yolo_layer(1, 111, 111, 2, 9, __darknetffi__.NULL, 2)
     net.layers[0] = layer_1
     net.layers[1] = layer_2
     net.w = net.h = 224
     LIB.resize_network(net, 224, 224)
-    test_forward(net)
+    build_dtype = {}
+    test_forward(net, build_dtype)
 def test_forward_upsample():
@@ -313,7 +376,7 @@ def test_forward_softmax():
     '''test softmax layer'''
     net = LIB.make_network(1)
     layer_1 = LIB.make_softmax_layer(1, 75, 1)
-    layer_1.temperature=1
+    layer_1.temperature = 1
     net.layers[0] = layer_1
     net.w = net.h = 5
     LIB.resize_network(net, net.w, net.h)
@@ -324,7 +387,7 @@ def test_forward_softmax_temperature():
     '''test softmax layer'''
     net = LIB.make_network(1)
     layer_1 = LIB.make_softmax_layer(1, 75, 1)
-    layer_1.temperature=0.8
+    layer_1.temperature = 0.8
     net.layers[0] = layer_1
     net.w = net.h = 5
     LIB.resize_network(net, net.w, net.h)
@@ -441,7 +504,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test_forward_yolo()
+    test_forward_yolov2()
+    test_forward_yolov3()
diff --git a/tutorials/nnvm/ b/tutorials/nnvm/
index 87ab60fc2..f0eec98c0 100644
--- a/tutorials/nnvm/
+++ b/tutorials/nnvm/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-Compile YOLO-V2 in DarkNet Models
+Compile YOLO-V2 and YOLO-V3 in DarkNet Models
 **Author**: `Siju Samuel <>`_
 This article is an introductory tutorial to deploy darknet models with NNVM.
 All the required models and libraries will be downloaded from the internet by the script.
-This script runs the YOLO-V2 Model with the bounding boxes
+This script runs the YOLO-V2 and YOLO-V3 Model with the bounding boxes
 Darknet parsing have dependancy with CFFI and CV2 library
 Please install CFFI and CV2 before executing this script
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Please install CFFI and CV2 before executing this script
 import nnvm
 import nnvm.frontend.darknet
+import nnvm.testing.yolo_detection
 import nnvm.testing.darknet
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import numpy as np
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ from import download
 from nnvm.testing.darknet import __darknetffi__
 # Model name
-MODEL_NAME = 'yolo'
+MODEL_NAME = 'yolov3'
 # Download required files
@@ -75,9 +76,11 @@ ctx = tvm.cpu(0)
 data = np.empty([batch_size, net.c, net.h, net.w], dtype)
 shape = {'data': data.shape}
 print("Compiling the model...")
+dtype_dict = {}
 with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=2):
-    graph, lib, params =, target, shape, dtype, params)
+    graph, lib, params =, target, shape, dtype_dict, params)
+[neth, netw] = shape['data'][2:] # Current image shape is 608x608
 # Load a test image
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -87,8 +90,7 @@ img_url = '' + \
           test_image + '?raw=true'
 download(img_url, test_image)
-data = nnvm.testing.darknet.load_image(test_image, net.w, net.h)
+data = nnvm.testing.darknet.load_image(test_image, netw, neth)
 # Execute on TVM Runtime
 # ----------------------
@@ -105,24 +107,44 @@ print("Running the test image...")
 # get outputs
-out_shape = (net.outputs,)
-tvm_out = m.get_output(0).asnumpy().flatten()
+tvm_out = []
+if MODEL_NAME == 'yolov2':
+    layer_out = {}
+    layer_out['type'] = 'Region'
+    # Get the region layer attributes (n, out_c, out_h, out_w, classes, coords, background)
+    layer_attr = m.get_output(2).asnumpy()
+    layer_out['biases'] = m.get_output(1).asnumpy()
+    out_shape = (layer_attr[0], layer_attr[1]//layer_attr[0],
+                 layer_attr[2], layer_attr[3])
+    layer_out['output'] = m.get_output(0).asnumpy().reshape(out_shape)
+    layer_out['classes'] = layer_attr[4]
+    layer_out['coords'] = layer_attr[5]
+    layer_out['background'] = layer_attr[6]
+    tvm_out.append(layer_out)
+elif MODEL_NAME == 'yolov3':
+    for i in range(3):
+        layer_out = {}
+        layer_out['type'] = 'Yolo'
+        # Get the yolo layer attributes (n, out_c, out_h, out_w, classes, total)
+        layer_attr = m.get_output(i*4+3).asnumpy()
+        layer_out['biases'] = m.get_output(i*4+2).asnumpy()
+        layer_out['mask'] = m.get_output(i*4+1).asnumpy()
+        out_shape = (layer_attr[0], layer_attr[1]//layer_attr[0],
+                     layer_attr[2], layer_attr[3])
+        layer_out['output'] = m.get_output(i*4).asnumpy().reshape(out_shape)
+        layer_out['classes'] = layer_attr[4]
+        tvm_out.append(layer_out)
 # do the detection and bring up the bounding boxes
-thresh = 0.24
-hier_thresh = 0.5
+thresh = 0.5
+nms_thresh = 0.45
 img = nnvm.testing.darknet.load_image_color(test_image)
 _, im_h, im_w = img.shape
-probs = []
-boxes = []
-region_layer = net.layers[net.n - 1]
-boxes, probs = nnvm.testing.yolo2_detection.get_region_boxes(
-    region_layer, im_w, im_h, net.w, net.h,
-    thresh, probs, boxes, 1, tvm_out)
-boxes, probs = nnvm.testing.yolo2_detection.do_nms_sort(
-    boxes, probs,
-    region_layer.w*region_layer.h*region_layer.n, region_layer.classes, 0.3)
+dets = nnvm.testing.yolo_detection.fill_network_boxes((netw, neth), (im_w, im_h), thresh,
+                                                      1, tvm_out)
+last_layer = net.layers[net.n - 1]
+nnvm.testing.yolo_detection.do_nms_sort(dets, last_layer.classes, nms_thresh)
 coco_name = 'coco.names'
 coco_url = '' + coco_name + '?raw=true'
@@ -136,8 +158,6 @@ with open(coco_name) as f:
 names = [x.strip() for x in content]
-    img, region_layer.w*region_layer.h*region_layer.n,
-    thresh, boxes, probs, names, region_layer.classes)
+nnvm.testing.yolo_detection.draw_detections(img, dets, thresh, names, last_layer.classes)
 plt.imshow(img.transpose(1, 2, 0))