diff --git a/nnvm/python/nnvm/top/nn.py b/nnvm/python/nnvm/top/nn.py
index 2069a0a5ad50a5826300c3616b9d816aaa30d63c..74196c078798789e45cca264a9aa0f5d7731b7ed 100644
--- a/nnvm/python/nnvm/top/nn.py
+++ b/nnvm/python/nnvm/top/nn.py
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ def compute_conv2d(attrs, inputs, _):
          groups == channels:
         out = topi.nn.depthwise_conv2d_nchw(
             inputs[0], inputs[1], strides, padding, dilation, out_dtype=out_dtype)
-    elif layout == "NCHW":
+    elif layout in ["NCHW", "NCHW4c"]:
         out = topi.nn.group_conv2d_nchw(inputs[0], inputs[1], strides, padding, dilation, groups,
     elif layout == "NHWC" and \
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def schedule_conv2d(attrs, outs, target):
             return topi.generic.schedule_depthwise_conv2d_nchw(outs)
         elif groups == channels and layout == "NHWC" and kernel_layout == "HWOI":
             return topi.generic.schedule_depthwise_conv2d_nhwc(outs)
-        elif layout == "NCHW":
+        elif layout in ["NCHW", "NCHW4c"]:
             return topi.generic.schedule_group_conv2d_nchw(outs)
             raise ValueError("No compatible schedule")
diff --git a/topi/python/topi/cuda/conv2d_winograd.py b/topi/python/topi/cuda/conv2d_winograd.py
index 1f2112979ee74d07efb79d0ae1a51304ce8c55d2..d32a87ba6b9d35f8a8d6d287aa0d1e103d19a5b4 100644
--- a/topi/python/topi/cuda/conv2d_winograd.py
+++ b/topi/python/topi/cuda/conv2d_winograd.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import tvm
 from tvm import autotvm
 from .. import nn
-from ..nn import conv2d, conv2d_winograd_without_weight_transform
+from ..nn import conv2d, group_conv2d_nchw, conv2d_winograd_without_weight_transform
 from ..util import get_const_int, get_const_tuple, const_matrix, traverse_inline
 from ..generic import schedule_conv2d_winograd_without_weight_transform
@@ -353,12 +353,12 @@ def _alter_conv2d_layout(attrs, inputs, tinfos):
     CO, _, KH, KW = get_const_tuple(kernel.shape)
     dispatch_ctx = autotvm.DispatchContext.current
+    target = tvm.target.current_target()
     if groups == 1:
         # query config of this workload
-        workload = ('conv2d',) + autotvm.task.args_to_workload(
-            [tinfos[0], tinfos[1], strides, padding, dilation, layout, out_dtype])
-        target = tvm.target.current_target()
+        workload = autotvm.task.args_to_workload(
+            [tinfos[0], tinfos[1], strides, padding, dilation, layout, out_dtype], conv2d)
         cfg = autotvm.DispatchContext.current.query(target, workload)
         if cfg.is_fallback:  # if is fallback, clear query cache and return None
@@ -411,6 +411,36 @@ def _alter_conv2d_layout(attrs, inputs, tinfos):
         dispatch_ctx.update(target, new_workload, cfg)
         return sym.contrib.conv2d_winograd_without_weight_transform(*copy_inputs, **new_attrs)
+    elif groups != CI:
+        workload = autotvm.task.args_to_workload(
+            [tinfos[0], tinfos[1], strides, padding, dilation, groups, out_dtype],
+            group_conv2d_nchw)
+        cfg = autotvm.DispatchContext.current.query(target, workload)
+        if cfg.is_fallback:  # if is fallback, clear query cache and return None
+            autotvm.task.clear_fallback_cache(target, workload)
+            return None
+        if cfg.template_key == 'int8':
+            assert 'cuda' in target.keys
+            new_layout = 'NCHW4c'
+            new_attrs['layout'] = new_layout
+            new_attrs['out_layout'] = new_layout
+            new_attrs['kernel_layout'] = 'OIHW4o4i'
+            ic_block_factor = oc_block_factor = 4
+            # Store the same config for the altered operator (workload)
+            new_data = tvm.placeholder((N, CI // ic_block_factor, H, W, ic_block_factor),
+                                       dtype=data.dtype)
+            new_kernel = tvm.placeholder((CO // oc_block_factor, CI // ic_block_factor // groups,\
+                                         KH, KW, oc_block_factor, ic_block_factor),
+                                         dtype=kernel.dtype)
+            new_workload = autotvm.task.args_to_workload(
+                [new_data, new_kernel, strides, padding, dilation, groups, out_dtype],
+                group_conv2d_nchw
+            )
+            dispatch_ctx.update(target, new_workload, cfg)
+            return sym.conv2d(*copy_inputs, **new_attrs)
     # do nothing for depthwise convolution
     return None