From d173e6374b87a70ea2cf4378a304bcb8fa9fa545 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jian Weng <>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2018 22:45:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] [Tutorial] tutorial to writing a costumized pass (#1671)

 docs/                           |   1 +
 python/tvm/             |   2 +-
 tutorials/dev/README.txt               |   3 +
 tutorials/dev/ | 153 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 tutorials/dev/README.txt
 create mode 100644 tutorials/dev/

diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 989d26f87..e3f7f6a82 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ subsection_order = ExplicitOrder(
+     '../tutorials/dev',
diff --git a/python/tvm/ b/python/tvm/
index 777654af6..70935cde1 100755
--- a/python/tvm/
+++ b/python/tvm/
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ def lower(sch,
     for f in lower_phase2:
         stmt = f(stmt)
-    # Phase 2
+    # Phase 3
     stmt = ir_pass.Simplify(stmt)
     stmt = ir_pass.LowerStorageAccessInfo(stmt)
     stmt = ir_pass.RemoveNoOp(stmt)
diff --git a/tutorials/dev/README.txt b/tutorials/dev/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a35828064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/dev/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Developer Tutorials
diff --git a/tutorials/dev/ b/tutorials/dev/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..617093d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/dev/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+Writing a Customized Pass
+**Author**: `Jian Weng <>`_
+TVM is a framework that abstracts away the heterogenity of machine learning accelerators.
+Sometimes users may want customize some analysis and IR transformations
+to adapt TVM to their own specialized hardware. This tutorial helps users write
+a customized pass in TVM.
+ Prerequisites
+Before reading this tutorial, we assume readers have already known these topics well:
+- Writing an algorithm in TVM and schedule it. Otherwise, see example tutorials like
+  `Optimize GeMM on CPU <>_`.
+- The basic structure of HalideIR. Otherwise, see ``HalideIR/src/ir/IR.h`` to learn what
+  attributes of IR nodes are defined.
+- Visitor design pattern. Otherwise, check the
+  `Python AST module <>_` to see how an AST
+  visitor is implemented.
+- How a HalideIR/Schedule is lowered to either a LoweredFunc class or a LLVM module. Otherwise,
+  take a look at ``python/tvm/`` to get some basics.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
+import tvm
+import numpy as np
+# We first write a very simple vector add and build it with the default schedule. Then, we use
+# our customized lowering pass to manipulate the IR directly instead of using schedule premitives.  
+n = tvm.const(128)
+a = tvm.placeholder((n, ), name="a")
+b = tvm.placeholder((n, ), name="b")
+c = tvm.compute((n, ), lambda i: a[i] + b[i], name='c')
+sch = tvm.create_schedule(c.op)
+ir  = tvm.lower(sch, [a, b, c], simple_mode=True)
+# Writing a Pass
+# --------------
+# Essentially, an "IR transformation pass" is a function which maps a statement to a new statement.
+# Thus, we define this vectorize function and implement it step by step.
+# TVM already provides two class for users to both analyze and transform IR.
+# IR Visitor
+# ~~~~~~~~~~
+# We can use ``tvm.ir_pass.PostOrderVisit(stmt, func)`` to gather information from the Halide IR.
+# ``func`` is a function callback. This function will be called before exiting the current IR node,
+# i.e. post-order visit. Then we leverage side effects to store the result of IR visit, because the
+# return value of ``func`` will be ignored.
+# .. note::
+#     You MUST use some array to store the result of IR visit. Even the value is a single variable.
+#     This is mainly due to the constraints in the Python-C runtime. The variable values will be
+#     refreshed every recursion but the array values will be preserved.
+loops = []
+def find_width8(op):
+    """ Find all the 'For' nodes whose extent can be divided by 8. """
+    if isinstance(op, tvm.stmt.For):
+        if isinstance(op.extent, tvm.expr.IntImm):
+            if op.extent.value % 8 == 0:
+                loops.append(op)
+# IR Transformation
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The transformation interface is slightly different from the visitor interface. There is only a
+# post-order callback in the visitor, but transformation visitor supports both a pre-order and a
+# post-order callback. If you want to keep the origin IR node, just return None. If you want to
+# change the current node to some node, use TVM IR maker interface to build it and return
+# this value.
+# .. note::
+#     If the pre-order function is called and returns a value which is not None, the post-order
+#     function will be skipped.
+def vectorize8(op):
+    """ Split can vectorize the loops found in `find_width8`. """
+    if op in loops:
+        extent = op.extent.value
+        name =
+        lo, li = tvm.var(name + '.outer'), tvm.var(name + '.inner')
+        body = tvm.ir_pass.Substitute(op.body, {op.loop_var: lo * 8 + li})
+        body = tvm.make.For(li, 0, 8, tvm.stmt.For.Vectorized, 0, body)
+        body = tvm.make.For(lo, 0, extent // 8, tvm.stmt.For.Serial, 0, body)
+        return body
+    return None
+def vectorize(stmt):
+    global loops
+    tvm.ir_pass.PostOrderVisit(stmt, find_width8)
+    if not loops:
+        return stmt
+    # The last list arugment indicates what kinds of nodes will be transformed.
+    # Thus, in this case only `For` nodes will call `vectorize8`
+    stmt = tvm.ir_pass.IRTransform(stmt, None, vectorize8, ['For'])
+    return stmt
+# Glue to Lowering
+# ----------------
+# So far, we are done with writing this IR transformation pass. What we need to do next is to glue
+# this pass to TVM's lower pass. We can first call this function directly as a sanity check.
+# In TVM, there is a property called ``BuildConfig``. You can use this property to customize your
+# own lowering options. In this case, we inject the pass written above into the TVM standard lowering
+# pass by feeding **a list of tuple** as argument to ``add_lower_pass``. "Tuple" indicates different
+# phases of lowering. In TVM, there are four phases of lowering and user-customized ones will be
+# called after each phase is done.
+# .. note::
+#     Here are the essential transformations done by each phase:
+#       - Phase 0 generates the raw IR and loop levels.
+#       - Phase 1 flattens the array storage.
+#       - Phase 2 transforms loops, like unroll, vectorization and thread-binding.
+#       - Phase 3 does some cleanup work.
+# Thus, a good place to put this transformation pass is just after Phase 1.
+with tvm.build_config(add_lower_pass=[(1, vectorize)]) as cfg:
+    print(tvm.lower(sch, [a, b, c], simple_mode=True))
+# Quick View
+# ----------
+# This tutorial gives a quick view of writing a customized IR transformation pass:
+# - Use ``tvm.ir_pass.PostOrderVisit`` to gather information on each IR nodes.
+# - Use ``tvm.ir_pass.IRTransform`` to transform IR nodes.
+# - Wrap up two above to write an IR-transformation function.
+# - Use ``tvm.build_config`` to put this function to TVM lowering pass