// Load Emscripten Module, need to change path to root/build const path = require("path"); process.chdir(path.join(__dirname, "../../build")); var Module = require("../../build/libtvm_web_runtime.js"); // Bootstrap TVMruntime with emscripten module. const tvm_runtime = require("../../web/tvm_runtime.js"); const tvm = tvm_runtime.create(Module); // Basic fields. tvm.assert(tvm.float32 == "float32"); tvm.assert(tvm.listGlobalFuncNames() !== "undefined"); var sysLib = tvm.systemLib(); tvm.assert(typeof sysLib.getFunction !== "undefined"); sysLib.release(); // Test ndarray function testArrayCopy(dtype, arr) { var data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; var a = tvm.empty([2, 3], dtype); a.copyFrom(data); var ret = a.asArray(); tvm.assert(ret instanceof arr); tvm.assert(ret.toString() == arr.from(data)); a.release(); } testArrayCopy("float32", Float32Array); testArrayCopy("int", Int32Array); testArrayCopy("int8", Int8Array); testArrayCopy("uint8", Uint8Array); testArrayCopy("float64", Float64Array); // Function registration tvm.registerFunc("xyz", function(x, y) { return x + y; });