(* Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Coq-std++ developers. *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the BSD license. *) (** This file implements sets as functions into Prop. *) From stdpp Require Export sets. Set Default Proof Using "Type". Record propset (A : Type) : Type := PropSet { propset_car : A → Prop }. Add Printing Constructor propset. Arguments PropSet {_} _ : assert. Arguments propset_car {_} _ _ : assert. Notation "{[ x | P ]}" := (PropSet (λ x, P)) (at level 1, format "{[ x | P ]}") : stdpp_scope. Instance propset_elem_of {A} : ElemOf A (propset A) := λ x X, propset_car X x. Instance propset_top {A} : Top (propset A) := {[ _ | True ]}. Instance propset_empty {A} : Empty (propset A) := {[ _ | False ]}. Instance propset_singleton {A} : Singleton A (propset A) := λ y, {[ x | y = x ]}. Instance propset_union {A} : Union (propset A) := λ X1 X2, {[ x | x ∈ X1 ∨ x ∈ X2 ]}. Instance propset_intersection {A} : Intersection (propset A) := λ X1 X2, {[ x | x ∈ X1 ∧ x ∈ X2 ]}. Instance propset_difference {A} : Difference (propset A) := λ X1 X2, {[ x | x ∈ X1 ∧ x ∉ X2 ]}. Instance propset_top_set {A} : TopSet A (propset A). Proof. split; [split; [split| |]|]; by repeat intro. Qed. Lemma elem_of_PropSet {A} (P : A → Prop) x : x ∈ {[ x | P x ]} ↔ P x. Proof. done. Qed. Lemma not_elem_of_PropSet {A} (P : A → Prop) x : x ∉ {[ x | P x ]} ↔ ¬P x. Proof. done. Qed. Definition set_to_propset `{ElemOf A C} (X : C) : propset A := {[ x | x ∈ X ]}. Lemma elem_of_set_to_propset `{SemiSet A C} x (X : C) : x ∈ set_to_propset X ↔ x ∈ X. Proof. done. Qed. Instance propset_ret : MRet propset := λ A (x : A), {[ x ]}. Instance propset_bind : MBind propset := λ A B (f : A → propset B) (X : propset A), PropSet (λ b, ∃ a, b ∈ f a ∧ a ∈ X). Instance propset_fmap : FMap propset := λ A B (f : A → B) (X : propset A), {[ b | ∃ a, b = f a ∧ a ∈ X ]}. Instance propset_join : MJoin propset := λ A (XX : propset (propset A)), {[ a | ∃ X : propset A, a ∈ X ∧ X ∈ XX ]}. Instance propset_monad_set : MonadSet propset. Proof. by split; try apply _. Qed. Instance set_unfold_PropSet {A} (P : A → Prop) x Q : SetUnfoldSimpl (P x) Q → SetUnfoldElemOf x (PropSet P) Q. Proof. intros HPQ. constructor. apply HPQ. Qed. Global Opaque propset_elem_of propset_top propset_empty propset_singleton. Global Opaque propset_union propset_intersection propset_difference. Global Opaque propset_ret propset_bind propset_fmap propset_join.