diff --git a/theories/examples/stack/proof_mp_client.v b/theories/examples/stack/proof_mp_client.v
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51888a771d94374e103272785ddd60af275afa9a
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+++ b/theories/examples/stack/proof_mp_client.v
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+From iris.algebra Require Import excl_auth gset.
+From iris.bi.lib Require Import fractional.
+From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
+From gpfsl.lang Require Import notation.
+From gpfsl.logic Require Import logatom invariants proofmode.
+From gpfsl.examples.stack Require Import spec_graph.
+From gpfsl.examples.queue Require Import spec_per_elem.
+From gpfsl.examples Require Import set_helper.
+Require Import iris.prelude.options.
+Local Notation EMPTY := 0%Z (only parsing).
+Definition stackqueueMPN := nroot .@ "stackqueueMPN".
+Local Notation graph := (graph sevent).
+Implicit Types (G : graph) (E : gset event_id).
+Section Stack.
+  Context `{!noprolG Σ,
+            !inG Σ (graphR sevent),
+            !inG Σ (excl_authR (gset_disjR event_id))}.
+  Local Notation iProp := (iProp Σ).
+  Local Notation vProp := (vProp Σ).
+  (** Assuming per-elem Queue spec *)
+  Hypothesis qu : queue_per_elem_spec Σ.
+  Variable Eo : coPset.
+  Hypothesis SubN : ↑stackqueueMPN ∪ ↑histN ⊆ Eo.
+  (** Assuming graph-based Stack spec *)
+  Hypothesis stk : a_stack_spec Σ Eo.
+  Definition prog  : expr :=
+    let: "s" := stk.(new_stack) [] in
+    let: "q" := qu.(new_queue) [] in 
+    Fork
+      (stk.(push) ["s"; #1 ];;
+       qu.(enqueue) ["q"; #2]);;(* || *)
+                                (* || *)  let: "b" := qu.(dequeue) [ "q" ] in
+                                (* || *)  if: "b" = #2
+                                (* || *)  then stk.(pop) ["s"] else #(-1).
+  Lemma Ghost_alloc E :
+    ⊢ |==> ∃ γs, own γs (●E (GSet E)) ∗ own γs (◯E (GSet E)).
+  Proof.
+    setoid_rewrite <- own_op.
+    rewrite -own_alloc; first eauto. by apply excl_auth_valid.
+  Qed.
+  (* Stack Invariant *)
+  Definition StackInv1 γg γs: vProp :=
+    ∃ G, stk.(StackInv) γg G ∗ ⎡ own γs (●E (GSet (to_set G.(Es))))⎤.
+  Local Existing Instances
+    StackInv_Objective StackLocal_Persistent
+    queue_persistent.
+  Instance StackInv_obj γg γs : Objective (StackInv1 γg γs) := _.
+  Definition QueueInv s γg γs (v : Z) : vProp :=
+    (if decide (v = 2)
+     then ∃ G i e k, ⌜ G.(Es) !! i = Some e /\ e.(ge_event) = Push 1 /\ i ∈ k⌝ ∗
+                     stk.(StackLocal) γg s G k ∗ ⎡ own γs (◯E (GSet {[i]})) ⎤
+     else True)%I.
+  Lemma mp_stack_spec tid :
+    {{{ True }}}
+      prog @ tid; ⊤
+    {{{ n, RET #n; ⌜n = 1 ∨ n = -1⌝ }}}.
+  Proof using All.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ Post".
+    rewrite /prog.
+    wp_apply (new_stack_spec with "[//]").
+    iIntros (γg s) "[#S SI]".
+    iMod (Ghost_alloc ∅) as (γs) "[SA nodes]".
+    wp_let.
+    wp_apply (new_queue_spec _ (QueueInv s γg γs) with "[//]").
+    iIntros (q) "#Q".
+    wp_let.
+    (* allocate invariants *)
+    iMod (inv_alloc stackqueueMPN _ (StackInv1 γg γs) with "[SI SA]") as "#I".
+    { iModIntro. rewrite / StackInv1. iExists ∅. iFrame. }
+    (*forking *)
+    wp_apply (wp_fork with "[nodes]"); first auto.
+    - (* first thread *)
+      iIntros "!>" (t').
+      iDestruct (monPred_in_intro True%I with "[//]") as (V) "[#InV _]".
+      awp_apply (push_spec with "InV S"); [lia|].
+      iInv "I" as (G) "[SI >nodesA]".
+      iAaccIntro with "SI".
+      { iIntros "QI". iModIntro. iFrame "nodes". iNext. iExists G. iFrame. }
+      iIntros (V' G' pushId push Vpush M') "(SI' & sV' & Local & F)".
+      iDestruct "F" as %(SubG' & SubM' & Sub' & Sub'' & IQ & MAX' &
+                        EsG' & SoG' & ComG' & EqM' & _).
+      rewrite / is_push in IQ. subst push.
+      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "nodesA nodes") as %EqL%excl_auth_agree_L.
+      inversion EqL as [EQL]. apply to_set_empty in EQL.
+      have EqL' : length G.(Es) = O by rewrite EQL.
+      iMod (own_update_2 with "nodesA nodes") as "[nodesA nodes]".
+      { apply (excl_auth_update _ _ (GSet {[pushId]})). }
+      iIntros "!>".
+      iSplitL "SI' nodesA".
+      { iNext. iExists G'.
+        rewrite /to_set EsG' app_length /= Nat.add_1_r set_seq_S_end_union_L
+                MAX' EqL' /= right_id_L.
+        iFrame. }
+      wp_seq.
+      wp_apply (enqueue_spec _ _ _ 2 _ (λ _, True%I) with "[-$Q]"); [|auto].
+      iExists G', pushId, (mkGraphEvent (Push 1) Vpush M'), M'.
+      iFrame. iPureIntro. subst; simpl. by rewrite EsG' lookup_app_1_eq.
+    - (* second thread *)
+      iIntros "_".
+      wp_seq.
+      wp_apply (dequeue_spec with "Q").
+      iIntros (v) "R".
+      wp_let.
+      wp_op.
+      rewrite bool_decide_decide.
+      case decide => ?.
+      { subst. wp_if. iApply "Post". iPureIntro; auto. }
+      rewrite {2} /QueueInv.
+      case decide => ?; wp_if; last first.
+      { iApply "Post". auto. }
+      subst; simpl.
+      iApply (wp_step_fupd _ _ _ _ (∀ _, _ -∗ _)%I with "[$Post]"); [auto..|].
+      iDestruct "R" as (G2 e eV M) "(F & #Q2 & nodes1)".
+      iDestruct "F" as %(Eqe & Eqve & Inm).
+      iDestruct (monPred_in_intro True%I with "[//]") as (V) "[#InV _]".
+      awp_apply (pop_spec with "InV Q2").
+      iInv "I" as (G) "[SI >nodes]".
+      rewrite StackInv_graph_master_acc. iDestruct "SI" as "[>Gm SI]".
+      iDestruct (graph_master_consistent with "Gm") as %EGC.
+      iDestruct (StackLocal_graph_snap with "Q2") as "Gs".
+      iDestruct (graph_master_snap_included with "Gm Gs") as %SubG2.
+      iSpecialize ("SI" with "[$Gm]").
+      iAaccIntro with "SI".
+      { iIntros "SI !>". iFrame. iNext. rewrite / StackInv1.
+        iExists G. iFrame. }
+      iIntros (v V' G' pushId popId push1 pop Vpush M') "(SI' & sV' & Local & F)".
+      iDestruct "F" as %((SubG' & SubM' & Sub' & Sub'') & CASE).
+      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "nodes nodes1") as %EqL%excl_auth_agree_L.
+      inversion EqL as [He].
+      have He' := He. apply to_set_singleton in He' as [EqeO EQL]. clear EqL.
+      iMod (own_update_2 with "nodes nodes1") as "[nodes nodes1]".
+      { by apply (excl_auth_update _ _ (GSet (to_set G'.(Es)))). }
+      eapply lookup_weaken in Eqe; last done.
+      destruct CASE as [CASE|[Lt0 CASE]].
+      + destruct CASE as (-> & -> & Eqde & EsG' & SoG' & ComG' & EqM' & NInM').
+        rewrite StackInv_StackConsistent.
+        iDestruct "SI'" as ">%SC". exfalso.
+        destruct SC as [_ _ _ [_ Hcom _ _ HNE HSoCom _] _ _].
+        have Eqd : G'.(Es) !! popId = Some (mkGraphEvent EmpPop Vpush M').
+        { rewrite Eqde. rewrite  EsG'. rewrite lookup_app_1_eq. auto. }
+        have Ine' : e ∈ M'. { set_solver. }
+        have SubG2' : G2 ⊑ G' by etrans.
+        assert (EqeV := prefix_lookup _ _ _ _ Eqe (graph_sqsubseteq_E _ _ SubG2')).
+        apply (HNE _ _ Eqd eq_refl _ Ine').
+        split. { rewrite EqeV /= Eqve; eauto. }
+        rewrite HSoCom. intros ? InG'.
+        destruct (Hcom _ _ InG') as [Lee _].
+        move : InG'. rewrite ComG'. move => /gcons_com_included /= [_ ].
+        clear -He Lee. intros Lede.
+        apply to_set_singleton in He as [-> EqL]. rewrite EqL in Lede. lia.
+      + destruct CASE as (IE & ID & Eqpop & FRSo & EsG' & SoG' &
+                    ComG' & InEM' & InDM' & NInM & eV' & EqEId & EqPush & SublV).
+        assert (Ine : pushId ∈ to_set G.(Es)).
+        { apply elem_of_set_seq. apply lookup_lt_Some in EqEId. lia. }
+        rewrite He in Ine. apply elem_of_singleton in Ine. clear EqeO. subst e.
+        rewrite (prefix_lookup _ _ _ _ Eqe (graph_sqsubseteq_E _ _ SubG2)) in EqEId.
+        inversion EqEId. subst eV'.
+        rewrite -EqPush /is_push Eqve in IE; inversion IE; subst.
+        iIntros "!>". iSplitL.
+        { iNext. iExists G'. by iFrame. }
+        iIntros "H". iApply "H"; auto.
+End Stack.