From f32a50982fc754196b15188135c6e5a5512df186 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rodolphe Lepigre <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 17:10:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Moving and fixing examples (TODO tutorial).

---                                |    7 +
 _CoqProject                                   |   13 +
 .../+rc+}/btree/btree_extra.v                 |    0
 .../+rc+}/btree/btree_learn.v                 |    4 +-
 .../+rc+/btree/code.v                         |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/btree/dune                      |    5 +
 .../+rc+/btree/proof_btree_find.v             |    0
 .../+rc+/btree/proof_btree_insert.v           |    0
 .../+rc+/btree/proof_btree_make_root.v        |    0
 .../+rc+/btree/proof_btree_member.v           |    6 +-
 examples/+rc+/btree/proof_files               |   13 +
 .../+rc+/btree/proof_free_btree.v             |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/btree/proof_free_btree_nodes.v       |    0
 .../+rc+/btree/proof_insert_br.v              |    0
 .../+rc+/btree/proof_key_index.v              |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/btree/proof_new_btree.v              |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/btree/spec.v                         |   46 +-
 .../+rc+/flags/code.v                         |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/flags/dune                      |    5 +
 examples/+rc+/flags/proof_files               |    1 +
 .../+rc+/flags/proof_sum.v                    |    0
 .../+rc+/flags/spec.v                         |    4 +-
 .../+rc+/latch/code.v                         |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/latch/dune                      |    5 +
 .../+rc+}/latch/latch_def.v                   |    2 +-
 examples/+rc+/latch/proof_files               |    4 +
 .../+rc+/latch/proof_latch_release.v          |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/latch/proof_latch_wait.v             |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/latch/spec.v                         |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/lock/code.v                     |  374 ++++
 examples/+rc+/lock/dune                       |    5 +
 examples/+rc+/lock/proof_files                |   11 +
 .../+rc+/lock/proof_increment.v               |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/lock/proof_init.v                    |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/lock/proof_read_locked.v             |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/lock/proof_read_outside.v            |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/lock/proof_write_locked.v            |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/lock/proof_write_outside.v           |    6 +-
 .../lock_spec.v => examples/+rc+/lock/spec.v  |    4 +-
 .../+rc+/malloc1/code.v                       |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/malloc1/dune                    |    5 +
 examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_files             |    3 +
 .../+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_alloc.v           |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_free.v            |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_init.v            |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/malloc1/spec.v                       |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/mpool/code.v                    | 1651 +++++++++++++++++
 examples/+rc+/mpool/dune                      |    5 +
 examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_files               |   16 +
 .../+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_add_chunk.v        |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc.v            |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous.v |    6 +-
 ...proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback.v |    6 +-
 .../mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_no_fallback.v     |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_fini.v             |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_free.v             |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init.v             |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init_from.v        |    6 +-
 .../mpool/proof_mpool_init_with_fallback.v    |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool/spec.v                         |    4 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool_simpl/code.v                   |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/dune                |    5 +
 examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_files         |    4 +
 .../+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_main.v             |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_get.v        |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_init.v       |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_put.v        |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mpool_simpl/spec.v                   |    4 +-
 .../+rc+/mutable_map/code.v                   |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/mutable_map/dune                |    5 +
 .../+rc+}/mutable_map/mutable_map_extra.v     |    0
 .../mutable_map/proof_compute_min_count.v     |    6 +-
 examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_files         |   12 +
 .../+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_get.v          |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_init.v         |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_insert.v       |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_probe.v        |    6 +-
 .../proof_fsm_realloc_if_necessary.v          |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_remove.v       |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_slot_for_key.v |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/mutable_map/spec.v                   |    4 +-
 .../+rc+/queue/code.v                         |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/queue/dune                      |    5 +
 .../+rc+/queue/proof_dequeue.v                |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/queue/proof_enqueue.v                |    6 +-
 examples/+rc+/queue/proof_files               |    8 +
 .../+rc+/queue/proof_init_queue.v             |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/queue/proof_is_empty.v               |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/queue/spec.v                         |    4 +-
 .../+rc+/reverse/code.v                       |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/reverse/dune                    |    5 +
 examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_files             |    8 +
 .../+rc+/reverse/proof_forward.v              |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/reverse/proof_init.v                 |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/reverse/proof_member.v               |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/reverse/proof_member_rec.v           |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/reverse/proof_pop.v                  |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/reverse/proof_push.v                 |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/reverse/proof_reverse.v              |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/reverse/proof_test.v                 |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/reverse/spec.v                       |    4 +-
 .../+rc+/shift/code.v                         |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/shift/dune                      |    5 +
 .../+rc+/shift/proof_div_two.v                |    6 +-
 examples/+rc+/shift/proof_files               |    2 +
 .../+rc+/shift/proof_times_two.v              |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/shift/spec.v                         |    4 +-
 .../+rc+/simple_union/code.v                  |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/simple_union/dune               |    5 +
 examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_files        |    3 +
 .../proof_test_item_modify_entry.v            |    6 +-
 .../simple_union/proof_test_item_set_empty.v  |    6 +-
 .../simple_union/proof_test_item_set_entry.v  |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/simple_union/spec.v                  |    4 +-
 .../+rc+/spinlock/code.v                      |    4 +-
 examples/+rc+/spinlock/dune                   |    5 +
 examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_files            |    5 +
 .../+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_init.v             |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_lock.v             |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_unlock.v           |    6 +-
 .../+rc+/spinlock/spec.v                      |    4 +-
 .../+rc+}/spinlock/spinlock_annot.v           |    0
 .../+rc+}/spinlock/spinlock_def.v             |    2 +-
 .../+rc+}/spinlock/spinlock_proof.v           |    3 +-
 {theories/examples/btree => examples}/btree.c |    4 +-
 {theories/examples/btree => examples}/btree.h |    0
 {theories/examples/misc => examples}/flags.c  |    0
 .../tutorial => examples/include}/alloc.h     |    3 +
 .../latch => examples/include}/latch.h        |    0
 .../inc => examples/include}/spinlock.h       |    0
 {theories/examples/latch => examples}/latch.c |    2 +-
 {theories/examples/lock => examples}/lock.c   |    5 +-
 .../examples/malloc1 => examples}/malloc1.c   |    6 +-
 {theories/examples/mpool => examples}/mpool.c |    5 +-
 .../mpool_simpl => examples}/mpool_simpl.c    |    2 +-
 .../mutable_map => examples}/mutable_map.c    |    4 +-
 {theories/examples/queue => examples}/queue.c |    4 +-
 .../examples/reverse => examples}/reverse.c   |    2 +-
 {theories/examples/misc => examples}/shift.c  |    0
 .../simple_union => examples}/simple_union.c  |    2 +-
 .../examples/spinlock => examples}/spinlock.c |    2 +-
 frontend/                     |    9 +
 frontend/                              |    9 +-
 rc-project.toml                               |    4 +-
 theories/examples/.dir-locals.el              |    1 -
 theories/examples/btree/alloc.h               |    6 -
 theories/examples/btree/btree.c.generate      |    0
 theories/examples/inc/refinedc.h              |   38 -
 theories/examples/lock/lock.c.generate        |    0
 theories/examples/lock/lock_code.v            |  374 ----
 theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c.generate  |    0
 theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c.generate      |    0
 theories/examples/mpool/mpool_code.v          | 1651 -----------------
 .../mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c.generate        |    0
 .../mutable_map/mutable_map.c.generate        |    0
 theories/examples/queue/queue.c.generate      |    0
 theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c.generate  |    0
 .../simple_union/simple_union.c.generate      |    0
 .../examples/spinlock/spinlock.c.generate     |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c.generate    |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_code.v        |  391 ----
 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_alloc.v |   27 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_fork.v  |   27 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_free.v  |   39 -
 .../misc_proof_test_thread_safe_alloc.v       |   31 -
 ...isc_proof_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn.v |   28 -
 .../tutorial/misc_proof_thread_safe_alloc.v   |   34 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_spec.v        |  173 --
 .../tutorial/solutions/quicksort_code.v       |  203 --
 .../solutions/quicksort_proof_append.v        |   26 -
 .../solutions/quicksort_proof_partition.v     |   27 -
 .../tutorial/solutions/quicksort_spec.v       |   81 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t0_intro.c.generate     |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_code.v    |  160 --
 .../tutorial/t0_intro_proof_binary_search.v   |   46 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_spec.v    |   16 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t10_loops.c.generate    |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_code.v   |  116 --
 .../t10_loops_proof_loop_without_annot.v      |   38 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_spec.v   |   14 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c.generate |    0
 .../examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_code.v     | 1227 ------------
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 .../tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_free_tree.v   |   27 -
 .../tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_init.v        |   27 -
 .../tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_insert.v      |   36 -
 .../tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_insert_rec.v  |   28 -
 .../tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_main.v        |   31 -
 .../tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_member.v      |   36 -
 .../tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_member_rec.v  |   27 -
 .../tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_node.v        |   27 -
 .../tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_remove.v      |   31 -
 .../tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_tree_max.v    |   27 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_spec.v     |  157 --
 .../examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c.generate     |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_code.v    |  305 ---
 .../examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_add1.v   |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t1_basic_proof_init_int.v        |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t1_basic_proof_init_int_test.v   |   26 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_int_id.v |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t1_basic_proof_int_id2.v         |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t1_basic_proof_looping_add.v     |   33 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_min.v    |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t1_basic_proof_struct_test.v     |   25 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_spec.v    |   49 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c.generate  |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_code.v |  394 ----
 .../tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_local_vars.v   |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_no_alias.v     |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_ptrs.v         |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_ptrs2.v        |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_read_int.v     |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_use_read_int.v |   26 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_spec.v |   38 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c.generate |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_code.v     |  833 ---------
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 .../examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_init.v    |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t3_list_proof_is_empty.v         |   25 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_member.v  |   38 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_pop.v     |   26 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_push.v    |   26 -
 .../tutorial/t3_list_proof_rev_append.v       |   38 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_reverse.v |   35 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_test.v    |   34 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_spec.v     |  141 --
 .../examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c.generate     |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_code.v    |  534 ------
 .../examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_alloc.v  |   48 -
 .../tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_alloc_array.v     |   29 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_free.v   |   32 -
 .../tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_free_array.v      |   29 -
 .../tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_init_alloc.v      |   35 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_spec.v    |  175 --
 theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main.c.generate |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_code.v     |  128 --
 .../examples/tutorial/t5_main_proof_main.v    |   35 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t5_main_proof_main2.v   |   32 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_spec.v     |  200 --
 .../examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c.generate    |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_code.v   |  137 --
 .../examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_blue.v  |   25 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_green.v |   25 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_red.v   |   25 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_rgb.v   |   25 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_spec.v   |   84 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t7_arrays.c.generate    |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_code.v   |  193 --
 .../tutorial/t7_arrays_proof_min_array.v      |   45 -
 .../tutorial/t7_arrays_proof_permute.v        |   26 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_spec.v   |   21 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c.generate |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_code.v     | 1423 --------------
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_empty.v   |   26 -
 .../tutorial/t8_tree_proof_free_tree.v        |   28 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_init.v    |   27 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_insert.v  |   36 -
 .../tutorial/t8_tree_proof_insert_rec.v       |   28 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_main.v    |   32 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_member.v  |   36 -
 .../tutorial/t8_tree_proof_member_rec.v       |   27 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_node.v    |   27 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_remove.v  |   30 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sempty.v  |   28 -
 .../tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sfree_tree.v       |   27 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sinit.v   |   28 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sinsert.v |   28 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_smember.v |   28 -
 .../examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sremove.v |   28 -
 .../tutorial/t8_tree_proof_tree_max.v         |   27 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_spec.v     |  225 ---
 .../examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c.generate    |    0
 theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_code.v   |  469 -----
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 .../t9_switch_proof_incr_less_than_5.v        |   25 -
 .../tutorial/t9_switch_proof_test_switch.v    |   25 -
 .../t9_switch_proof_test_switch_default.v     |   25 -
 theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_spec.v   |   30 -
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 .../examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t3_list.c  |    0
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 299 files changed, 2484 insertions(+), 12554 deletions(-)
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 rename {theories/examples => examples/+rc+}/btree/btree_learn.v (78%)
 rename theories/examples/btree/btree_code.v => examples/+rc+/btree/code.v (99%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/btree/dune
 rename theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_find.v => examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_find.v (100%)
 rename theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_insert.v => examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_insert.v (100%)
 rename theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_make_root.v => examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_make_root.v (100%)
 rename theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_member.v => examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_member.v (93%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/btree/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_free_btree.v => examples/+rc+/btree/proof_free_btree.v (85%)
 rename theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_free_btree_nodes.v => examples/+rc+/btree/proof_free_btree_nodes.v (100%)
 rename theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_insert_br.v => examples/+rc+/btree/proof_insert_br.v (100%)
 rename theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_key_index.v => examples/+rc+/btree/proof_key_index.v (93%)
 rename theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_new_btree.v => examples/+rc+/btree/proof_new_btree.v (83%)
 rename theories/examples/btree/btree_spec.v => examples/+rc+/btree/spec.v (98%)
 rename theories/examples/misc/flags_code.v => examples/+rc+/flags/code.v (97%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/flags/dune
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/flags/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/misc/flags_proof_sum.v => examples/+rc+/flags/proof_sum.v (100%)
 rename theories/examples/misc/flags_spec.v => examples/+rc+/flags/spec.v (95%)
 rename theories/examples/latch/latch_code.v => examples/+rc+/latch/code.v (96%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/latch/dune
 rename {theories/examples => examples/+rc+}/latch/latch_def.v (97%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/latch/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/latch/latch_proof_latch_release.v => examples/+rc+/latch/proof_latch_release.v (82%)
 rename theories/examples/latch/latch_proof_latch_wait.v => examples/+rc+/latch/proof_latch_wait.v (84%)
 rename theories/examples/latch/latch_spec.v => examples/+rc+/latch/spec.v (88%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/lock/code.v
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/lock/dune
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/lock/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_increment.v => examples/+rc+/lock/proof_increment.v (85%)
 rename theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_init.v => examples/+rc+/lock/proof_init.v (83%)
 rename theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_read_locked.v => examples/+rc+/lock/proof_read_locked.v (85%)
 rename theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_read_outside.v => examples/+rc+/lock/proof_read_outside.v (83%)
 rename theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_write_locked.v => examples/+rc+/lock/proof_write_locked.v (85%)
 rename theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_write_outside.v => examples/+rc+/lock/proof_write_outside.v (83%)
 rename theories/examples/lock/lock_spec.v => examples/+rc+/lock/spec.v (98%)
 rename theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_code.v => examples/+rc+/malloc1/code.v (99%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/malloc1/dune
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_alloc.v => examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_alloc.v (79%)
 rename theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_free.v => examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_free.v (79%)
 rename theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_init.v => examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_init.v (80%)
 rename theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_spec.v => examples/+rc+/malloc1/spec.v (98%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/mpool/code.v
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/mpool/dune
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_add_chunk.v => examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_add_chunk.v (86%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc.v => examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc.v (88%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous.v => examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous.v (90%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback.v => examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback.v (94%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_no_fallback.v => examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_no_fallback.v (87%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_fini.v => examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_fini.v (92%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_free.v => examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_free.v (85%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init.v => examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init.v (83%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init_from.v => examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init_from.v (86%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init_with_fallback.v => examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init_with_fallback.v (86%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool/mpool_spec.v => examples/+rc+/mpool/spec.v (99%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_code.v => examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/code.v (98%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/dune
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_main.v => examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_main.v (83%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_get.v => examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_get.v (77%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_init.v => examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_init.v (76%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_put.v => examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_put.v (77%)
 rename theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_spec.v => examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/spec.v (97%)
 rename theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_code.v => examples/+rc+/mutable_map/code.v (99%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/mutable_map/dune
 rename {theories/examples => examples/+rc+}/mutable_map/mutable_map_extra.v (100%)
 rename theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_compute_min_count.v => examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_compute_min_count.v (80%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_get.v => examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_get.v (83%)
 rename theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_init.v => examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_init.v (88%)
 rename theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_insert.v => examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_insert.v (85%)
 rename theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_probe.v => examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_probe.v (89%)
 rename theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_realloc_if_necessary.v => examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_realloc_if_necessary.v (94%)
 rename theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_remove.v => examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_remove.v (83%)
 rename theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_slot_for_key.v => examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_slot_for_key.v (81%)
 rename theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_spec.v => examples/+rc+/mutable_map/spec.v (98%)
 rename theories/examples/queue/queue_code.v => examples/+rc+/queue/code.v (99%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/queue/dune
 rename theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_dequeue.v => examples/+rc+/queue/proof_dequeue.v (81%)
 rename theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_enqueue.v => examples/+rc+/queue/proof_enqueue.v (81%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/queue/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_init_queue.v => examples/+rc+/queue/proof_init_queue.v (81%)
 rename theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_is_empty.v => examples/+rc+/queue/proof_is_empty.v (79%)
 rename theories/examples/queue/queue_spec.v => examples/+rc+/queue/spec.v (98%)
 rename theories/examples/reverse/reverse_code.v => examples/+rc+/reverse/code.v (99%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/reverse/dune
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_forward.v => examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_forward.v (84%)
 rename theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_init.v => examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_init.v (77%)
 rename theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_member.v => examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_member.v (87%)
 rename theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_member_rec.v => examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_member_rec.v (82%)
 rename theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_pop.v => examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_pop.v (77%)
 rename theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_push.v => examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_push.v (78%)
 rename theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_reverse.v => examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_reverse.v (85%)
 rename theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_test.v => examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_test.v (89%)
 rename theories/examples/reverse/reverse_spec.v => examples/+rc+/reverse/spec.v (97%)
 rename theories/examples/misc/shift_code.v => examples/+rc+/shift/code.v (93%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/shift/dune
 rename theories/examples/misc/shift_proof_div_two.v => examples/+rc+/shift/proof_div_two.v (82%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/shift/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/misc/shift_proof_times_two.v => examples/+rc+/shift/proof_times_two.v (80%)
 rename theories/examples/misc/shift_spec.v => examples/+rc+/shift/spec.v (83%)
 rename theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_code.v => examples/+rc+/simple_union/code.v (98%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/simple_union/dune
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_modify_entry.v => examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_modify_entry.v (79%)
 rename theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_set_empty.v => examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_set_empty.v (78%)
 rename theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_set_entry.v => examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_set_entry.v (78%)
 rename theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_spec.v => examples/+rc+/simple_union/spec.v (95%)
 rename theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_code.v => examples/+rc+/spinlock/code.v (97%)
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/spinlock/dune
 create mode 100644 examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_files
 rename theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_init.v => examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_init.v (70%)
 rename theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_lock.v => examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_lock.v (70%)
 rename theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_unlock.v => examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_unlock.v (71%)
 rename theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_spec.v => examples/+rc+/spinlock/spec.v (90%)
 rename {theories/examples => examples/+rc+}/spinlock/spinlock_annot.v (100%)
 rename {theories/examples => examples/+rc+}/spinlock/spinlock_def.v (99%)
 rename {theories/examples => examples/+rc+}/spinlock/spinlock_proof.v (93%)
 rename {theories/examples/btree => examples}/btree.c (99%)
 rename {theories/examples/btree => examples}/btree.h (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/misc => examples}/flags.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => examples/include}/alloc.h (95%)
 rename {theories/examples/latch => examples/include}/latch.h (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/inc => examples/include}/spinlock.h (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/latch => examples}/latch.c (91%)
 rename {theories/examples/lock => examples}/lock.c (97%)
 rename {theories/examples/malloc1 => examples}/malloc1.c (97%)
 rename {theories/examples/mpool => examples}/mpool.c (99%)
 rename {theories/examples/mpool_simpl => examples}/mpool_simpl.c (99%)
 rename {theories/examples/mutable_map => examples}/mutable_map.c (99%)
 rename {theories/examples/queue => examples}/queue.c (97%)
 rename {theories/examples/reverse => examples}/reverse.c (99%)
 rename {theories/examples/misc => examples}/shift.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/simple_union => examples}/simple_union.c (98%)
 rename {theories/examples/spinlock => examples}/spinlock.c (95%)
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/.dir-locals.el
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/btree/alloc.h
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/btree/btree.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/inc/refinedc.h
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/lock/lock.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/lock/lock_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/mpool/mpool_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/queue/queue.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_alloc.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_fork.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_free.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_test_thread_safe_alloc.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_thread_safe_alloc.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/misc_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_proof_append.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_proof_partition.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_proof_binary_search.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_proof_loop_without_annot.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_empty.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_free_tree.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_init.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_insert.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_insert_rec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_main.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_member.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_member_rec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_node.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_remove.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_tree_max.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_add1.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_init_int.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_init_int_test.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_int_id.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_int_id2.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_looping_add.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_min.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_struct_test.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_local_vars.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_no_alias.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_ptrs.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_ptrs2.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_read_int.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_use_read_int.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_append.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_init.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_is_empty.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_member.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_pop.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_push.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_rev_append.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_reverse.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_test.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_alloc.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_alloc_array.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_free.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_free_array.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_init_alloc.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_proof_main.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_proof_main2.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_blue.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_green.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_red.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_rgb.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_proof_min_array.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_proof_permute.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_empty.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_free_tree.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_init.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_insert.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_insert_rec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_main.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_member.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_member_rec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_node.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_remove.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sempty.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sfree_tree.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sinit.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sinsert.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_smember.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sremove.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_tree_max.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_spec.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c.generate
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_code.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_duffs_identity.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_incr_less_than_5.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_test_switch.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_test_switch_default.v
 delete mode 100644 theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_spec.v
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/alloc_internal.h (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/binary_search_defs.v (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/exercises/quicksort.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/list.h (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/misc.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/solutions/quicksort.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t0_intro.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t10_loops.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t11_tree_set.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t1_basic.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t2_pointers.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t3_list.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t4_alloc.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t5_main.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t6_struct.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t7_arrays.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t7_arrays_extra.v (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t8_tree.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t8_tree_extra.v (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t9_switch.c (100%)
 rename {theories/examples/tutorial => tutorial}/t_adequacy.v (100%)

diff --git a/ b/
index bb1c2138..39f9b636 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -573,6 +573,13 @@ code file.
 //@rc::import <modpath> from <library> (for code only)
+Note that it is not directly possible to import Coq modules from theories
+defined in the same RefinedC project. To do so, one must first use a directive
+like the following.
+//@rc::require <modpath>
 ## Context directive
 The Coq context (in spec and proof sections) using the following annotation:
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 5d9e1276..1b77c787 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -4,3 +4,16 @@
 # Cannot use non-canonical projections as it causes massive unification failures
 # (
 -arg -w -arg -redundant-canonical-projection
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/spinlock refinedc.examples.examples.spinlock
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/mpool refinedc.examples.mpool
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/malloc1 refinedc.examples.malloc1
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/mutable_map refinedc.examples.mutable_map
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/latch refinedc.examples.latch
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/simple_union refinedc.examples.simple_union
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/queue refinedc.examples.queue
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/reverse refinedc.examples.reverse
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/btree refinedc.examples.btree
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/lock refinedc.examples.lock
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/flags refinedc.examples.flags
+-Q _build/default/examples/+rc+/shift refinedc.examples.shift
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_extra.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/btree_extra.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_extra.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/btree_extra.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_learn.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/btree_learn.v
similarity index 78%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_learn.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/btree_learn.v
index eb668c49..07c8f8db 100644
--- a/theories/examples/btree/btree_learn.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/btree/btree_learn.v
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_extra.
+From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import code spec btree_extra.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 (* Generated from [theories/examples/btree/btree.c]. *)
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_code.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/code.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_code.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/code.v
index 0910f254..0b575130 100644
--- a/theories/examples/btree/btree_code.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/btree/code.v
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
 From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/btree/btree.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/btree.c]. *)
 Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/btree/btree.c".
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/btree.c".
   Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 8 2 8 38.
   Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 9 2 9 22.
   Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 2 10 11.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/btree/dune b/examples/+rc+/btree/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc1e5650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/btree/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.btree)
+ (theories refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_find.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_find.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_find.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_find.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_insert.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_insert.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_insert.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_insert.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_make_root.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_make_root.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_make_root.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_make_root.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_member.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_member.v
similarity index 93%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_member.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_member.v
index f11b34c1..231738a9 100644
--- a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_btree_member.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_btree_member.v
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_extra.
 From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_learn.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/btree/btree.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/btree.c]. *)
 Section proof_btree_member.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50ae59b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_free_btree.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_free_btree.v
similarity index 85%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_free_btree.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/proof_free_btree.v
index 13fb7fc5..e06678ed 100644
--- a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_free_btree.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_free_btree.v
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_extra.
 From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_learn.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/btree/btree.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/btree.c]. *)
 Section proof_free_btree.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_free_btree_nodes.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_free_btree_nodes.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_free_btree_nodes.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/proof_free_btree_nodes.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_insert_br.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_insert_br.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_insert_br.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/proof_insert_br.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_key_index.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_key_index.v
similarity index 93%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_key_index.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/proof_key_index.v
index dbea0294..08dfe295 100644
--- a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_key_index.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_key_index.v
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_extra.
 From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_learn.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/btree/btree.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/btree.c]. *)
 Section proof_key_index.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_new_btree.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_new_btree.v
similarity index 83%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_new_btree.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/proof_new_btree.v
index 464cb03c..82daa76b 100644
--- a/theories/examples/btree/btree_proof_new_btree.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/btree/proof_new_btree.v
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_extra.
 From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_learn.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/btree/btree.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/btree.c]. *)
 Section proof_new_btree.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/btree/spec.v
similarity index 98%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/btree/spec.v
index 6ecdb4e3..f14e4902 100644
--- a/theories/examples/btree/btree_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/btree/spec.v
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_code.
+From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import code.
 From refinedc.examples.btree Require Import btree_extra.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/btree/btree.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/btree.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   (* Inlined code. *)
+  Definition alloc_initialized := initialized "allocator_state" ().
   (* B-tree order, should match the defined ORDER in C. *)
   Definition ORDER : nat := 5.
-  Definition alloc_initialized := initialized "allocator_state" ().
   (* Definition of type [btree_t]. *)
   Definition btree_t_rec : (btree_rfmt -d> typeO) → (btree_rfmt -d> typeO) := (λ self r,
@@ -88,6 +88,26 @@ Section spec.
   (* Type definitions. *)
+  (* Specifications for function [alloc]. *)
+  Definition type_of_alloc :=
+    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
+      → ∃ () : (), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); True.
+  (* Specifications for function [free]. *)
+  Definition type_of_free :=
+    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); (alloc_initialized) ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝)
+      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
+  (* Specifications for function [alloc_array]. *)
+  Definition type_of_alloc_array :=
+    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size * n + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
+      → ∃ () : (), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); True.
+  (* Specifications for function [free_array]. *)
+  Definition type_of_free_array :=
+    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); ⌜size * n < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
+      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
   (* Specifications for function [new_btree]. *)
   Definition type_of_new_btree :=
     fn(∀ () : (); (alloc_initialized))
@@ -114,26 +134,6 @@ Section spec.
     fn(∀ (v, ty, p, h, m, k) : loc * type * loc * nat * (gmap Z type) * Z; (k @ (int (i32))), (v @ (&own (ty))), (p @ (&own ((BRroot h m) @ (btree_t)))); (alloc_initialized))
       → ∃ new_h : nat, (void); (p ◁ₗ ((BRroot new_h (<[k := ty]> m)) @ (btree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); (alloc_initialized) ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size * n + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); ⌜size * n < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
   (* Specifications for function [free_btree_nodes]. *)
   Definition type_of_free_btree_nodes :=
     fn(∀ p : loc; (p @ (&own (btree_t))); (alloc_initialized))
diff --git a/theories/examples/misc/flags_code.v b/examples/+rc+/flags/code.v
similarity index 97%
rename from theories/examples/misc/flags_code.v
rename to examples/+rc+/flags/code.v
index 67015768..1e775a8b 100644
--- a/theories/examples/misc/flags_code.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/flags/code.v
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
 From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/misc/flags.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/flags.c]. *)
 Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/misc/flags.c".
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/flags.c".
   Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 2 32 21.
   Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 2 33 41.
   Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 2 34 41.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/flags/dune b/examples/+rc+/flags/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e2dcf4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/flags/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.flags)
+ (theories refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/flags/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/flags/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2013386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/flags/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/misc/flags_proof_sum.v b/examples/+rc+/flags/proof_sum.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/misc/flags_proof_sum.v
rename to examples/+rc+/flags/proof_sum.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/misc/flags_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/flags/spec.v
similarity index 95%
rename from theories/examples/misc/flags_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/flags/spec.v
index 2b2fe883..d98b880a 100644
--- a/theories/examples/misc/flags_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/flags/spec.v
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.misc Require Import flags_code.
+From refinedc.examples.flags Require Import code.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/misc/flags.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/flags.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/latch/latch_code.v b/examples/+rc+/latch/code.v
similarity index 96%
rename from theories/examples/latch/latch_code.v
rename to examples/+rc+/latch/code.v
index 3c69860d..e5c58da3 100644
--- a/theories/examples/latch/latch_code.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/latch/code.v
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
 From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/latch/latch.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/latch.c]. *)
 Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/latch/latch.c".
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/latch.c".
   Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 5 2 5 94.
   Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 5 2 5 94.
   Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 5 92 5 94.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/latch/dune b/examples/+rc+/latch/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fba621ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/latch/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.latch)
+ (theories refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/theories/examples/latch/latch_def.v b/examples/+rc+/latch/latch_def.v
similarity index 97%
rename from theories/examples/latch/latch_def.v
rename to examples/+rc+/latch/latch_def.v
index c61402d8..5ea793ac 100644
--- a/theories/examples/latch/latch_def.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/latch/latch_def.v
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_code.
+From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import code.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Definition latchN : namespace := nroot.@"lockN".
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/latch/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/latch/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f27c7abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/latch/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/latch/latch_proof_latch_release.v b/examples/+rc+/latch/proof_latch_release.v
similarity index 82%
rename from theories/examples/latch/latch_proof_latch_release.v
rename to examples/+rc+/latch/proof_latch_release.v
index dbe72b56..ffa1471b 100644
--- a/theories/examples/latch/latch_proof_latch_release.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/latch/proof_latch_release.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_code.
-From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/latch/latch.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/latch.c]. *)
 Section proof_latch_release.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/latch/latch_proof_latch_wait.v b/examples/+rc+/latch/proof_latch_wait.v
similarity index 84%
rename from theories/examples/latch/latch_proof_latch_wait.v
rename to examples/+rc+/latch/proof_latch_wait.v
index 3b1194a1..fc89954b 100644
--- a/theories/examples/latch/latch_proof_latch_wait.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/latch/proof_latch_wait.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_code.
-From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/latch/latch.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/latch.c]. *)
 Section proof_latch_wait.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/latch/latch_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/latch/spec.v
similarity index 88%
rename from theories/examples/latch/latch_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/latch/spec.v
index e70d8a76..f7c5b170 100644
--- a/theories/examples/latch/latch_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/latch/spec.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_code.
+From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import code.
 From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/latch/latch.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/latch.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/lock/code.v b/examples/+rc+/lock/code.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84c0bfde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/lock/code.v
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
+From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
+From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
+From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_annot.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+(* Generated from [examples/lock.c]. *)
+Section code.
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/lock.c".
+  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 4 35 19.
+  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 4 36 22.
+  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 4 37 27.
+  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 4 38 28.
+  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 4 39 22.
+  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 4 39 11.
+  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 4 39 11.
+  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 12 39 20.
+  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 13 39 20.
+  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 13 39 14.
+  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 13 39 14.
+  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 4 38 22.
+  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 4 38 20.
+  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 4 38 5.
+  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 4 38 5.
+  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 25 38 27.
+  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 4 37 22.
+  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 4 37 20.
+  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 4 37 5.
+  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 4 37 5.
+  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 25 37 26.
+  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 4 36 17.
+  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 4 36 5.
+  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 4 36 5.
+  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 20 36 21.
+  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 4 35 14.
+  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 4 35 5.
+  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 4 35 5.
+  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 17 35 18.
+  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 4 46 19.
+  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 4 46 14.
+  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 4 46 5.
+  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 4 46 5.
+  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 17 46 18.
+  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 17 46 18.
+  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 54 4 54 22.
+  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 54 11 54 21.
+  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 54 11 54 21.
+  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 54 11 54 12.
+  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 54 11 54 12.
+  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 4 61 22.
+  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 4 63 46.
+  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 46 63 5.
+  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 4 65 22.
+  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 4 66 24.
+  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 4 66 13.
+  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 4 66 13.
+  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 14 66 22.
+  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 15 66 22.
+  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 15 66 16.
+  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 15 66 16.
+  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 4 65 17.
+  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 4 65 5.
+  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 4 65 5.
+  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 20 65 21.
+  Definition loc_63 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 20 65 21.
+  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 29 63 45.
+  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 30 63 45.
+  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 31 63 32.
+  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 31 63 32.
+  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 4 61 11.
+  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 4 61 11.
+  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 12 61 20.
+  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 13 61 20.
+  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 13 61 14.
+  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 13 61 14.
+  Definition loc_76 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 4 75 22.
+  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 4 76 46.
+  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 46 76 5.
+  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 4 78 31.
+  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 4 80 24.
+  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 4 81 15.
+  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 11 81 14.
+  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 11 81 14.
+  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 4 80 13.
+  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 4 80 13.
+  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 14 80 22.
+  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 15 80 22.
+  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 15 80 16.
+  Definition loc_89 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 15 80 16.
+  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 17 78 30.
+  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 17 78 30.
+  Definition loc_92 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 17 78 18.
+  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 17 78 18.
+  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 29 76 45.
+  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 30 76 45.
+  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 31 76 32.
+  Definition loc_99 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 31 76 32.
+  Definition loc_100 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 4 75 11.
+  Definition loc_101 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 4 75 11.
+  Definition loc_102 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 12 75 20.
+  Definition loc_103 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 13 75 20.
+  Definition loc_104 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 13 75 14.
+  Definition loc_105 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 13 75 14.
+  Definition loc_108 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 4 90 22.
+  Definition loc_109 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 4 91 49.
+  Definition loc_110 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 49 91 5.
+  Definition loc_111 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 4 96 5.
+  Definition loc_112 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 4 97 36.
+  Definition loc_113 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 99 4 99 24.
+  Definition loc_114 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 100 4 100 15.
+  Definition loc_115 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 100 11 100 14.
+  Definition loc_116 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 100 11 100 14.
+  Definition loc_117 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 99 4 99 13.
+  Definition loc_118 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 99 4 99 13.
+  Definition loc_119 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 99 14 99 22.
+  Definition loc_120 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 99 15 99 22.
+  Definition loc_121 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 99 15 99 16.
+  Definition loc_122 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 99 15 99 16.
+  Definition loc_123 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 17 97 35.
+  Definition loc_124 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 17 97 35.
+  Definition loc_125 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 17 97 33.
+  Definition loc_126 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 17 97 18.
+  Definition loc_127 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 17 97 18.
+  Definition loc_130 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 40 96 5.
+  Definition loc_131 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 32.
+  Definition loc_132 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 8 95 32.
+  Definition loc_133 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 8 95 26.
+  Definition loc_134 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 8 95 24.
+  Definition loc_135 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 8 95 9.
+  Definition loc_136 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 8 95 9.
+  Definition loc_137 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 8 95 31.
+  Definition loc_138 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 8 95 26.
+  Definition loc_139 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 8 95 26.
+  Definition loc_140 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 8 95 24.
+  Definition loc_141 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 8 95 9.
+  Definition loc_142 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 8 95 9.
+  Definition loc_143 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 30 95 31.
+  Definition loc_144 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 26.
+  Definition loc_145 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 24.
+  Definition loc_146 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 9.
+  Definition loc_147 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 9.
+  Definition loc_148 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 31.
+  Definition loc_149 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 26.
+  Definition loc_150 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 26.
+  Definition loc_151 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 24.
+  Definition loc_152 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 9.
+  Definition loc_153 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 9.
+  Definition loc_154 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 30 94 31.
+  Definition loc_156 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 38.
+  Definition loc_157 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 26.
+  Definition loc_158 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 26.
+  Definition loc_159 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 24.
+  Definition loc_160 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 9.
+  Definition loc_161 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 9.
+  Definition loc_162 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 29 93 38.
+  Definition loc_163 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 37 93 38.
+  Definition loc_164 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 29 91 48.
+  Definition loc_165 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 30 91 48.
+  Definition loc_166 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 31 91 32.
+  Definition loc_167 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 31 91 32.
+  Definition loc_168 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 4 90 11.
+  Definition loc_169 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 4 90 11.
+  Definition loc_170 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 12 90 20.
+  Definition loc_171 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 13 90 20.
+  Definition loc_172 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 13 90 14.
+  Definition loc_173 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 13 90 14.
+  (* Definition of struct [atomic_flag]. *)
+  Program Definition struct_atomic_flag := {|
+    sl_members := [
+      (Some "_Value", it_layout bool_it)
+    ];
+  |}.
+  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
+  (* Definition of struct [spinlock]. *)
+  Program Definition struct_spinlock := {|
+    sl_members := [
+      (Some "lock", it_layout bool_it)
+    ];
+  |}.
+  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
+  (* Definition of struct [lock_test_inner]. *)
+  Program Definition struct_lock_test_inner := {|
+    sl_members := [
+      (Some "a", it_layout size_t);
+      (Some "b", it_layout size_t)
+    ];
+  |}.
+  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
+  (* Definition of struct [lock_test]. *)
+  Program Definition struct_lock_test := {|
+    sl_members := [
+      (Some "outside", it_layout size_t);
+      (Some "lock", layout_of struct_spinlock);
+      (None, mk_layout 7%nat 0%nat);
+      (Some "locked_int", it_layout size_t);
+      (Some "locked_struct", layout_of struct_lock_test_inner)
+    ];
+  |}.
+  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
+  (* Definition of function [init]. *)
+  Definition impl_init (sl_init : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("t", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_2 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_27 ((LocInfoE loc_28 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_29 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "outside") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_30 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_30 (i2v 0 i32))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_3 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_23 ((LocInfoE loc_24 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_25 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_int") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_26 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_26 (i2v 0 i32))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_4 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_18 ((LocInfoE loc_19 ((LocInfoE loc_20 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_21 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "a") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_22 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_22 (i2v 0 i32))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_5 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_13 ((LocInfoE loc_14 ((LocInfoE loc_15 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_16 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "b") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_17 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_17 (i2v 10 i32))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_6 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_8 (sl_init) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_9 (&(LocInfoE loc_10 ((LocInfoE loc_11 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_12 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))) ] ;
+        Return (VOID)
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [write_outside]. *)
+  Definition impl_write_outside : function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("t", LPtr);
+      ("n", it_layout size_t)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_33 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_34 ((LocInfoE loc_35 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_36 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "outside") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_37 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_38 ("n"))) ;
+        Return (VOID)
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [read_outside]. *)
+  Definition impl_read_outside : function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("t", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_41 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_42 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_43 ((LocInfoE loc_44 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_45 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "outside"))))
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [write_locked]. *)
+  Definition impl_write_locked (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("t", LPtr);
+      ("n", it_layout size_t)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_48 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_69 (sl_lock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_70 (&(LocInfoE loc_71 ((LocInfoE loc_72 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_73 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_49 ;
+        annot: (UnlockA) ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_64 (&(LocInfoE loc_65 ((LocInfoE loc_66 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_67 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_int")))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_51 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_59 ((LocInfoE loc_60 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_61 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_int") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_62 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_63 ("n"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_52 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_54 (sl_unlock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_55 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_55 (&(LocInfoE loc_56 ((LocInfoE loc_57 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_58 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))))) ] ;
+        Return (VOID)
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [read_locked]. *)
+  Definition impl_read_locked (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("t", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+      ("ret", it_layout size_t)
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_76 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_101 (sl_lock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_102 (&(LocInfoE loc_103 ((LocInfoE loc_104 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_105 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_77 ;
+        annot: (UnlockA) ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_96 (&(LocInfoE loc_97 ((LocInfoE loc_98 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_99 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_int")))) ;
+        "ret" <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_90 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_91 ((LocInfoE loc_92 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_93 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_int"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_80 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_85 (sl_unlock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_86 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_86 (&(LocInfoE loc_87 ((LocInfoE loc_88 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_89 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_81 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_82 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_83 ("ret"))))
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [increment]. *)
+  Definition impl_increment (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("t", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+      ("ret", it_layout size_t)
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_108 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_169 (sl_lock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_170 (&(LocInfoE loc_171 ((LocInfoE loc_172 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_173 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_109 ;
+        annot: (UnlockA) ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_164 (&(LocInfoE loc_165 ((LocInfoE loc_166 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_167 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_156 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_156 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_156 ((LocInfoE loc_157 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_158 ((LocInfoE loc_159 ((LocInfoE loc_160 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_161 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "b")))) >{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_162 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_163 (i2v 0 i32)))))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_131 ;
+          Goto "#2"
+        else
+        Goto "#3"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#1" :=
+        "ret" <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_123 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_124 ((LocInfoE loc_125 ((LocInfoE loc_126 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_127 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "a"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_113 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_118 (sl_unlock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_119 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_119 (&(LocInfoE loc_120 ((LocInfoE loc_121 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_122 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_114 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_115 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_116 ("ret"))))
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#2" :=
+        locinfo: loc_131 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_144 ((LocInfoE loc_145 ((LocInfoE loc_146 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_147 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "a") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_148 ((LocInfoE loc_149 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_150 ((LocInfoE loc_151 ((LocInfoE loc_152 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_153 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "a")))) +{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_154 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_154 (i2v 1 i32))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_132 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_133 ((LocInfoE loc_134 ((LocInfoE loc_135 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_136 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "b") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_137 ((LocInfoE loc_138 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_139 ((LocInfoE loc_140 ((LocInfoE loc_141 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_142 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "b")))) -{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_143 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_143 (i2v 1 i32))))) ;
+        Goto "#1"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#3" :=
+        Goto "#1"
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+End code.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/lock/dune b/examples/+rc+/lock/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1bd7ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/lock/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.lock)
+ (theories refinedc.examples.spinlock refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca861d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_increment.v b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_increment.v
similarity index 85%
rename from theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_increment.v
rename to examples/+rc+/lock/proof_increment.v
index 1f673087..4b95dd01 100644
--- a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_increment.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_increment.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_code.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/lock/lock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/lock.c]. *)
 Section proof_increment.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_init.v b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_init.v
similarity index 83%
rename from theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_init.v
rename to examples/+rc+/lock/proof_init.v
index 43cecba4..1ab0f3cb 100644
--- a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_init.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_init.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_code.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/lock/lock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/lock.c]. *)
 Section proof_init.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_read_locked.v b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_read_locked.v
similarity index 85%
rename from theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_read_locked.v
rename to examples/+rc+/lock/proof_read_locked.v
index 377e51df..7fd819e7 100644
--- a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_read_locked.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_read_locked.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_code.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/lock/lock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/lock.c]. *)
 Section proof_read_locked.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_read_outside.v b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_read_outside.v
similarity index 83%
rename from theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_read_outside.v
rename to examples/+rc+/lock/proof_read_outside.v
index 48478185..a7597c7b 100644
--- a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_read_outside.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_read_outside.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_code.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/lock/lock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/lock.c]. *)
 Section proof_read_outside.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_write_locked.v b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_write_locked.v
similarity index 85%
rename from theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_write_locked.v
rename to examples/+rc+/lock/proof_write_locked.v
index 717eb165..749eccc1 100644
--- a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_write_locked.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_write_locked.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_code.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/lock/lock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/lock.c]. *)
 Section proof_write_locked.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_write_outside.v b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_write_outside.v
similarity index 83%
rename from theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_write_outside.v
rename to examples/+rc+/lock/proof_write_outside.v
index 57e594ea..899e0418 100644
--- a/theories/examples/lock/lock_proof_write_outside.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/lock/proof_write_outside.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_code.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/lock/lock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/lock.c]. *)
 Section proof_write_outside.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/lock/lock_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/lock/spec.v
similarity index 98%
rename from theories/examples/lock/lock_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/lock/spec.v
index 6d88d9ea..673a5398 100644
--- a/theories/examples/lock/lock_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/lock/spec.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import lock_code.
+From refinedc.examples.lock Require Import code.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/lock/lock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/lock.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_code.v b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/code.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_code.v
rename to examples/+rc+/malloc1/code.v
index 2d366f1d..5213d7f4 100644
--- a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_code.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/code.v
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
 From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/malloc1.c]. *)
 Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c".
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/malloc1.c".
   Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 4 45 17.
   Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 4 46 29.
   Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 4 47 31.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/malloc1/dune b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6db23d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.malloc1)
+ (theories refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8142751a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_alloc.v b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_alloc.v
similarity index 79%
rename from theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_alloc.v
rename to examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_alloc.v
index 6cd62e56..55894573 100644
--- a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_alloc.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_alloc.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import malloc1_code.
-From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import malloc1_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/malloc1.c]. *)
 Section proof_slab_alloc.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_free.v b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_free.v
similarity index 79%
rename from theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_free.v
rename to examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_free.v
index ab4b6bc2..0a8a7cd9 100644
--- a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_free.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_free.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import malloc1_code.
-From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import malloc1_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/malloc1.c]. *)
 Section proof_slab_free.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_init.v b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_init.v
similarity index 80%
rename from theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_init.v
rename to examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_init.v
index 4dd7b484..c6f070c9 100644
--- a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_proof_slab_init.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/proof_slab_init.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import malloc1_code.
-From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import malloc1_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/malloc1.c]. *)
 Section proof_slab_init.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/spec.v
similarity index 98%
rename from theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/malloc1/spec.v
index 9b2bf9e8..0b439226 100644
--- a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/malloc1/spec.v
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import malloc1_code.
+From refinedc.examples.malloc1 Require Import code.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/malloc1.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/mpool/code.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/code.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aae7214b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/code.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1651 @@
+From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
+From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
+From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
+From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_annot.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
+Section code.
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/mpool.c".
+  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 224 2 224 19.
+  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 224 19 224 3.
+  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 2 229 3.
+  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 231 2 231 16.
+  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 232 2 232 21.
+  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 2 234 20.
+  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 2 235 40.
+  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 40 235 3.
+  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 2 236 43.
+  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 2 237 31.
+  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 2 238 22.
+  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 240 2 240 11.
+  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 240 9 240 10.
+  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 2 238 11.
+  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 2 238 11.
+  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 12 238 20.
+  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 13 238 20.
+  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 13 238 14.
+  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 13 238 14.
+  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 2 237 22.
+  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 2 237 11.
+  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 2 237 3.
+  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 2 237 3.
+  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 25 237 30.
+  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 25 237 30.
+  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 2 236 19.
+  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 2 236 7.
+  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 2 236 7.
+  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 22 236 42.
+  Definition loc_31 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 22 236 42.
+  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 22 236 31.
+  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 22 236 23.
+  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 22 236 23.
+  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 27 235 39.
+  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 28 235 39.
+  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 29 235 30.
+  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 29 235 30.
+  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 2 234 9.
+  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 2 234 9.
+  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 10 234 18.
+  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 11 234 18.
+  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 11 234 12.
+  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 11 234 12.
+  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 232 2 232 13.
+  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 232 2 232 7.
+  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 232 2 232 7.
+  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 232 16 232 20.
+  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 232 16 232 20.
+  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 231 2 231 7.
+  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 231 10 231 15.
+  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 231 10 231 15.
+  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 26 229 3.
+  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 228 4 228 13.
+  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 228 11 228 12.
+  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 6 227 24.
+  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 6 227 10.
+  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 6 227 10.
+  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 14 227 24.
+  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 23 227 24.
+  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 224 2 224 18.
+  Definition loc_63 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 224 3 224 18.
+  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 224 4 224 5.
+  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 224 4 224 5.
+  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 334 2 334 30.
+  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 335 2 335 19.
+  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 335 19 335 3.
+  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 2 338 20.
+  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 2 339 40.
+  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 40 339 3.
+  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 2 340 33.
+  Definition loc_75 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 2 341 27.
+  Definition loc_76 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 342 2 342 22.
+  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 342 2 342 11.
+  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 342 2 342 11.
+  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 342 12 342 20.
+  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 342 13 342 20.
+  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 342 13 342 14.
+  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 342 13 342 14.
+  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 2 341 22.
+  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 2 341 11.
+  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 2 341 3.
+  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 2 341 3.
+  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 25 341 26.
+  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 25 341 26.
+  Definition loc_89 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 2 340 9.
+  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 2 340 3.
+  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 2 340 3.
+  Definition loc_92 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 12 340 32.
+  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 12 340 32.
+  Definition loc_94 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 12 340 21.
+  Definition loc_95 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 12 340 13.
+  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 12 340 13.
+  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 27 339 39.
+  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 28 339 39.
+  Definition loc_99 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 29 339 30.
+  Definition loc_100 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 29 339 30.
+  Definition loc_101 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 2 338 9.
+  Definition loc_102 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 2 338 9.
+  Definition loc_103 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 10 338 18.
+  Definition loc_104 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 11 338 18.
+  Definition loc_105 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 11 338 12.
+  Definition loc_106 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 11 338 12.
+  Definition loc_107 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 335 2 335 18.
+  Definition loc_108 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 335 3 335 18.
+  Definition loc_109 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 335 4 335 5.
+  Definition loc_110 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 335 4 335 5.
+  Definition loc_111 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 334 26 334 29.
+  Definition loc_112 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 334 26 334 29.
+  Definition loc_117 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 2 111 29.
+  Definition loc_118 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 2 112 40.
+  Definition loc_119 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 2 113 40.
+  Definition loc_120 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 2 114 31.
+  Definition loc_121 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 115 2 115 20.
+  Definition loc_122 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 115 2 115 9.
+  Definition loc_123 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 115 2 115 9.
+  Definition loc_124 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 115 10 115 18.
+  Definition loc_125 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 115 11 115 18.
+  Definition loc_126 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 115 11 115 12.
+  Definition loc_127 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 115 11 115 12.
+  Definition loc_128 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 2 114 13.
+  Definition loc_129 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 2 114 3.
+  Definition loc_130 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 2 114 3.
+  Definition loc_131 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 16 114 30.
+  Definition loc_132 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 2 113 22.
+  Definition loc_133 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 2 113 11.
+  Definition loc_134 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 2 113 3.
+  Definition loc_135 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 2 113 3.
+  Definition loc_136 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 25 113 39.
+  Definition loc_137 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 2 112 22.
+  Definition loc_138 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 2 112 11.
+  Definition loc_139 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 2 112 3.
+  Definition loc_140 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 2 112 3.
+  Definition loc_141 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 25 112 39.
+  Definition loc_142 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 2 111 15.
+  Definition loc_143 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 2 111 3.
+  Definition loc_144 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 2 111 3.
+  Definition loc_145 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 18 111 28.
+  Definition loc_146 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 18 111 28.
+  Definition loc_149 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 130 2 130 34.
+  Definition loc_150 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 2 132 23.
+  Definition loc_151 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 2 133 43.
+  Definition loc_152 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 43 133 3.
+  Definition loc_153 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 49.
+  Definition loc_154 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 2 136 49.
+  Definition loc_155 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 2 137 31.
+  Definition loc_156 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 2 139 43.
+  Definition loc_157 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 140 2 140 43.
+  Definition loc_158 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 2 143 25.
+  Definition loc_159 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 2 143 11.
+  Definition loc_160 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 2 143 11.
+  Definition loc_161 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 12 143 23.
+  Definition loc_162 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 13 143 23.
+  Definition loc_163 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 13 143 17.
+  Definition loc_164 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 13 143 17.
+  Definition loc_165 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 140 2 140 25.
+  Definition loc_166 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 140 2 140 14.
+  Definition loc_167 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 140 2 140 6.
+  Definition loc_168 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 140 2 140 6.
+  Definition loc_169 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 140 28 140 42.
+  Definition loc_170 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 2 139 25.
+  Definition loc_171 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 2 139 14.
+  Definition loc_172 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 2 139 6.
+  Definition loc_173 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 2 139 6.
+  Definition loc_174 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 28 139 42.
+  Definition loc_175 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 2 137 13.
+  Definition loc_176 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 2 137 3.
+  Definition loc_177 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 2 137 3.
+  Definition loc_178 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 16 137 30.
+  Definition loc_179 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 16 137 30.
+  Definition loc_180 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 16 137 20.
+  Definition loc_181 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 16 137 20.
+  Definition loc_182 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 2 136 22.
+  Definition loc_183 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 2 136 11.
+  Definition loc_184 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 2 136 3.
+  Definition loc_185 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 2 136 3.
+  Definition loc_186 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 25 136 48.
+  Definition loc_187 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 25 136 48.
+  Definition loc_188 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 25 136 37.
+  Definition loc_189 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 25 136 29.
+  Definition loc_190 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 25 136 29.
+  Definition loc_191 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 22.
+  Definition loc_192 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 11.
+  Definition loc_193 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 3.
+  Definition loc_194 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 3.
+  Definition loc_195 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 25 135 48.
+  Definition loc_196 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 25 135 48.
+  Definition loc_197 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 25 135 37.
+  Definition loc_198 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 25 135 29.
+  Definition loc_199 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 25 135 29.
+  Definition loc_200 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 27 133 42.
+  Definition loc_201 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 28 133 42.
+  Definition loc_202 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 29 133 33.
+  Definition loc_203 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 29 133 33.
+  Definition loc_204 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 2 132 9.
+  Definition loc_205 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 2 132 9.
+  Definition loc_206 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 10 132 21.
+  Definition loc_207 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 11 132 21.
+  Definition loc_208 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 11 132 15.
+  Definition loc_209 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 11 132 15.
+  Definition loc_210 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 130 2 130 12.
+  Definition loc_211 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 130 2 130 12.
+  Definition loc_212 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 130 13 130 14.
+  Definition loc_213 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 130 13 130 14.
+  Definition loc_214 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 130 16 130 32.
+  Definition loc_215 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 130 16 130 32.
+  Definition loc_216 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 130 16 130 20.
+  Definition loc_217 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 130 16 130 20.
+  Definition loc_220 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 2 155 38.
+  Definition loc_221 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 2 156 25.
+  Definition loc_222 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 2 156 13.
+  Definition loc_223 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 2 156 3.
+  Definition loc_224 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 2 156 3.
+  Definition loc_225 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 16 156 24.
+  Definition loc_226 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 16 156 24.
+  Definition loc_227 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 2 155 12.
+  Definition loc_228 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 2 155 12.
+  Definition loc_229 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 13 155 14.
+  Definition loc_230 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 13 155 14.
+  Definition loc_231 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 16 155 36.
+  Definition loc_232 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 16 155 36.
+  Definition loc_233 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 16 155 24.
+  Definition loc_234 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 16 155 24.
+  Definition loc_237 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 2 172 3.
+  Definition loc_238 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 2 174 31.
+  Definition loc_239 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 2 175 31.
+  Definition loc_240 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 2 184 3.
+  Definition loc_241 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 2 196 3.
+  Definition loc_242 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 2 198 40.
+  Definition loc_243 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 199 2 199 40.
+  Definition loc_244 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 200 2 200 31.
+  Definition loc_245 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 200 2 200 13.
+  Definition loc_246 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 200 2 200 3.
+  Definition loc_247 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 200 2 200 3.
+  Definition loc_248 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 200 16 200 30.
+  Definition loc_249 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 199 2 199 22.
+  Definition loc_250 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 199 2 199 11.
+  Definition loc_251 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 199 2 199 3.
+  Definition loc_252 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 199 2 199 3.
+  Definition loc_253 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 199 25 199 39.
+  Definition loc_254 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 2 198 22.
+  Definition loc_255 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 2 198 11.
+  Definition loc_256 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 2 198 3.
+  Definition loc_257 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 2 198 3.
+  Definition loc_258 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 25 198 39.
+  Definition loc_259 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 2 196 3.
+  Definition loc_260 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 34 196 3.
+  Definition loc_261 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 191 4 191 23.
+  Definition loc_262 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 192 4 192 30.
+  Definition loc_263 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 4 194 30.
+  Definition loc_264 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 4 195 45.
+  Definition loc_265 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 2 196 3.
+  Definition loc_266 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 2 196 3.
+  Definition loc_267 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 4 195 19.
+  Definition loc_268 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 4 195 19.
+  Definition loc_269 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 20 195 31.
+  Definition loc_270 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 20 195 31.
+  Definition loc_271 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 20 195 21.
+  Definition loc_272 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 20 195 21.
+  Definition loc_273 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 33 195 37.
+  Definition loc_274 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 33 195 37.
+  Definition loc_275 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 39 195 43.
+  Definition loc_276 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 39 195 43.
+  Definition loc_277 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 4 194 9.
+  Definition loc_278 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 12 194 29.
+  Definition loc_279 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 12 194 29.
+  Definition loc_280 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 12 194 17.
+  Definition loc_281 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 12 194 17.
+  Definition loc_282 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 192 18 192 29.
+  Definition loc_283 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 192 18 192 29.
+  Definition loc_284 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 192 18 192 23.
+  Definition loc_285 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 192 18 192 23.
+  Definition loc_288 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 191 17 191 22.
+  Definition loc_289 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 191 17 191 22.
+  Definition loc_292 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 9 190 32.
+  Definition loc_293 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 9 190 14.
+  Definition loc_294 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 9 190 14.
+  Definition loc_295 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 18 190 32.
+  Definition loc_296 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 2 184 3.
+  Definition loc_297 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 34 184 3.
+  Definition loc_298 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 4 181 23.
+  Definition loc_299 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 4 182 24.
+  Definition loc_300 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 4 183 34.
+  Definition loc_301 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 2 184 3.
+  Definition loc_302 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 2 184 3.
+  Definition loc_303 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 4 183 14.
+  Definition loc_304 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 4 183 14.
+  Definition loc_305 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 15 183 26.
+  Definition loc_306 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 15 183 26.
+  Definition loc_307 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 15 183 16.
+  Definition loc_308 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 15 183 16.
+  Definition loc_309 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 28 183 32.
+  Definition loc_310 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 28 183 32.
+  Definition loc_311 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 4 182 9.
+  Definition loc_312 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 12 182 23.
+  Definition loc_313 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 12 182 23.
+  Definition loc_314 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 12 182 17.
+  Definition loc_315 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 12 182 17.
+  Definition loc_316 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 17 181 22.
+  Definition loc_317 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 17 181 22.
+  Definition loc_320 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 9 180 32.
+  Definition loc_321 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 9 180 14.
+  Definition loc_322 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 9 180 14.
+  Definition loc_323 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 18 180 32.
+  Definition loc_324 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 2 175 7.
+  Definition loc_325 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 10 175 30.
+  Definition loc_326 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 10 175 30.
+  Definition loc_327 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 10 175 19.
+  Definition loc_328 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 10 175 11.
+  Definition loc_329 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 10 175 11.
+  Definition loc_330 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 2 174 7.
+  Definition loc_331 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 30.
+  Definition loc_332 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 30.
+  Definition loc_333 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 19.
+  Definition loc_334 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 11.
+  Definition loc_335 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 11.
+  Definition loc_336 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 37 172 3.
+  Definition loc_337 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 171 4 171 11.
+  Definition loc_340 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 6 170 35.
+  Definition loc_341 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 6 170 17.
+  Definition loc_342 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 6 170 17.
+  Definition loc_343 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 6 170 7.
+  Definition loc_344 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 6 170 7.
+  Definition loc_345 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 21 170 35.
+  Definition loc_348 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 2 260 20.
+  Definition loc_349 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 2 261 40.
+  Definition loc_350 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 40 261 3.
+  Definition loc_351 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 2 268 3.
+  Definition loc_352 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 2 271 31.
+  Definition loc_353 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 272 2 276 3.
+  Definition loc_354 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 2 285 3.
+  Definition loc_355 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 287 2 287 14.
+  Definition loc_356 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 287 14 290 22.
+  Definition loc_357 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 290 2 290 22.
+  Definition loc_358 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 292 2 292 13.
+  Definition loc_359 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 292 9 292 12.
+  Definition loc_360 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 292 9 292 12.
+  Definition loc_361 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 290 2 290 11.
+  Definition loc_362 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 290 2 290 11.
+  Definition loc_363 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 290 12 290 20.
+  Definition loc_364 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 290 13 290 20.
+  Definition loc_365 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 290 13 290 14.
+  Definition loc_366 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 290 13 290 14.
+  Definition loc_367 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 287 2 287 5.
+  Definition loc_368 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 287 8 287 13.
+  Definition loc_369 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 287 8 287 13.
+  Definition loc_370 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 36 280 3.
+  Definition loc_371 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 279 4 279 45.
+  Definition loc_372 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 279 4 279 24.
+  Definition loc_373 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 279 4 279 13.
+  Definition loc_374 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 279 4 279 5.
+  Definition loc_375 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 279 4 279 5.
+  Definition loc_376 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 279 27 279 44.
+  Definition loc_377 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 279 27 279 44.
+  Definition loc_378 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 279 27 279 32.
+  Definition loc_379 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 279 27 279 32.
+  Definition loc_380 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 9 285 3.
+  Definition loc_381 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 4 281 79.
+  Definition loc_382 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 4 282 46.
+  Definition loc_383 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 4 283 50.
+  Definition loc_384 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 284 4 284 37.
+  Definition loc_385 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 284 4 284 24.
+  Definition loc_386 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 284 4 284 13.
+  Definition loc_387 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 284 4 284 5.
+  Definition loc_388 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 284 4 284 5.
+  Definition loc_389 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 284 27 284 36.
+  Definition loc_390 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 284 27 284 36.
+  Definition loc_391 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 4 283 19.
+  Definition loc_392 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 4 283 13.
+  Definition loc_393 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 4 283 13.
+  Definition loc_394 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 22 283 49.
+  Definition loc_395 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 22 283 33.
+  Definition loc_396 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 22 283 33.
+  Definition loc_397 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 22 283 27.
+  Definition loc_398 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 22 283 27.
+  Definition loc_399 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 36 283 49.
+  Definition loc_400 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 36 283 49.
+  Definition loc_401 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 36 283 37.
+  Definition loc_402 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 36 283 37.
+  Definition loc_403 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 4 282 25.
+  Definition loc_404 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 4 282 13.
+  Definition loc_405 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 4 282 13.
+  Definition loc_406 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 28 282 45.
+  Definition loc_407 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 28 282 45.
+  Definition loc_408 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 28 282 33.
+  Definition loc_409 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 28 282 33.
+  Definition loc_410 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 4 281 13.
+  Definition loc_411 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 16 281 78.
+  Definition loc_412 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 38 281 78.
+  Definition loc_413 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 39 281 61.
+  Definition loc_414 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 56 281 61.
+  Definition loc_415 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 56 281 61.
+  Definition loc_416 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 64 281 77.
+  Definition loc_417 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 64 281 77.
+  Definition loc_418 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 64 281 65.
+  Definition loc_419 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 64 281 65.
+  Definition loc_420 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 6 278 34.
+  Definition loc_421 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 6 278 19.
+  Definition loc_422 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 6 278 19.
+  Definition loc_423 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 6 278 7.
+  Definition loc_424 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 6 278 7.
+  Definition loc_425 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 23 278 34.
+  Definition loc_426 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 23 278 34.
+  Definition loc_427 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 23 278 28.
+  Definition loc_428 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 23 278 28.
+  Definition loc_429 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 272 31 276 3.
+  Definition loc_430 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 274 4 274 25.
+  Definition loc_431 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 275 4 275 14.
+  Definition loc_432 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 274 4 274 7.
+  Definition loc_433 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 274 10 274 24.
+  Definition loc_435 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 272 6 272 29.
+  Definition loc_436 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 272 6 272 11.
+  Definition loc_437 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 272 6 272 11.
+  Definition loc_438 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 272 15 272 29.
+  Definition loc_439 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 2 271 7.
+  Definition loc_440 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 10 271 30.
+  Definition loc_441 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 10 271 30.
+  Definition loc_442 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 10 271 19.
+  Definition loc_443 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 10 271 11.
+  Definition loc_444 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 10 271 11.
+  Definition loc_445 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 46 268 3.
+  Definition loc_446 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 263 4 263 53.
+  Definition loc_447 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 4 265 39.
+  Definition loc_448 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 266 4 266 16.
+  Definition loc_449 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 267 4 267 14.
+  Definition loc_450 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 266 4 266 7.
+  Definition loc_451 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 266 10 266 15.
+  Definition loc_452 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 266 10 266 15.
+  Definition loc_453 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 4 265 24.
+  Definition loc_454 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 4 265 13.
+  Definition loc_455 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 4 265 5.
+  Definition loc_456 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 4 265 5.
+  Definition loc_457 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 27 265 38.
+  Definition loc_458 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 27 265 38.
+  Definition loc_459 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 27 265 32.
+  Definition loc_460 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 27 265 32.
+  Definition loc_461 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 263 32 263 52.
+  Definition loc_462 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 263 32 263 52.
+  Definition loc_463 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 263 32 263 41.
+  Definition loc_464 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 263 32 263 33.
+  Definition loc_465 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 263 32 263 33.
+  Definition loc_469 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 6 262 44.
+  Definition loc_470 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 6 262 26.
+  Definition loc_471 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 6 262 26.
+  Definition loc_472 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 6 262 15.
+  Definition loc_473 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 6 262 7.
+  Definition loc_474 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 6 262 7.
+  Definition loc_475 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 30 262 44.
+  Definition loc_476 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 27 261 39.
+  Definition loc_477 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 28 261 39.
+  Definition loc_478 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 29 261 30.
+  Definition loc_479 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 29 261 30.
+  Definition loc_480 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 2 260 9.
+  Definition loc_481 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 2 260 9.
+  Definition loc_482 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 10 260 18.
+  Definition loc_483 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 11 260 18.
+  Definition loc_484 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 11 260 12.
+  Definition loc_485 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 11 260 12.
+  Definition loc_488 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 2 305 41.
+  Definition loc_489 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 2 308 3.
+  Definition loc_490 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 309 2 309 18.
+  Definition loc_491 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 2 319 3.
+  Definition loc_492 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 321 2 321 24.
+  Definition loc_493 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 321 9 321 23.
+  Definition loc_494 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 2 319 3.
+  Definition loc_495 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 30 319 3.
+  Definition loc_496 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 4 314 37.
+  Definition loc_497 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 315 4 317 5.
+  Definition loc_498 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 318 4 318 20.
+  Definition loc_499 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 2 319 3.
+  Definition loc_500 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 2 319 3.
+  Definition loc_501 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 318 4 318 5.
+  Definition loc_502 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 318 8 318 19.
+  Definition loc_503 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 318 8 318 19.
+  Definition loc_504 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 318 8 318 9.
+  Definition loc_505 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 318 8 318 9.
+  Definition loc_506 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 315 31 317 5.
+  Definition loc_507 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 316 6 316 17.
+  Definition loc_508 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 316 13 316 16.
+  Definition loc_509 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 316 13 316 16.
+  Definition loc_511 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 315 8 315 29.
+  Definition loc_512 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 315 8 315 11.
+  Definition loc_513 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 315 8 315 11.
+  Definition loc_514 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 315 15 315 29.
+  Definition loc_515 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 4 314 7.
+  Definition loc_516 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 10 314 36.
+  Definition loc_517 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 10 314 33.
+  Definition loc_518 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 10 314 33.
+  Definition loc_519 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 34 314 35.
+  Definition loc_520 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 34 314 35.
+  Definition loc_521 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 9 313 28.
+  Definition loc_522 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 9 313 10.
+  Definition loc_523 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 9 313 10.
+  Definition loc_524 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 14 313 28.
+  Definition loc_525 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 309 2 309 3.
+  Definition loc_526 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 309 6 309 17.
+  Definition loc_527 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 309 6 309 17.
+  Definition loc_528 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 309 6 309 7.
+  Definition loc_529 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 309 6 309 7.
+  Definition loc_530 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 29 308 3.
+  Definition loc_531 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 307 4 307 15.
+  Definition loc_532 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 307 11 307 14.
+  Definition loc_533 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 307 11 307 14.
+  Definition loc_535 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 6 306 27.
+  Definition loc_536 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 6 306 9.
+  Definition loc_537 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 6 306 9.
+  Definition loc_538 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 13 306 27.
+  Definition loc_539 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 14 305 40.
+  Definition loc_540 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 14 305 37.
+  Definition loc_541 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 14 305 37.
+  Definition loc_542 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 38 305 39.
+  Definition loc_543 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 38 305 39.
+  Definition loc_548 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 362 2 362 29.
+  Definition loc_549 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 364 2 364 25.
+  Definition loc_550 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 2 366 20.
+  Definition loc_551 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 367 2 367 40.
+  Definition loc_552 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 367 40 367 3.
+  Definition loc_553 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 373 2 373 31.
+  Definition loc_554 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 383 2 429 3.
+  Definition loc_555 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 430 2 430 11.
+  Definition loc_556 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 430 11 430 3.
+  Definition loc_557 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 432 2 432 22.
+  Definition loc_558 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 434 2 434 13.
+  Definition loc_559 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 434 9 434 12.
+  Definition loc_560 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 434 9 434 12.
+  Definition loc_561 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 432 2 432 11.
+  Definition loc_562 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 432 2 432 11.
+  Definition loc_563 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 432 12 432 20.
+  Definition loc_564 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 432 13 432 20.
+  Definition loc_565 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 432 13 432 14.
+  Definition loc_566 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 432 13 432 14.
+  Definition loc_567 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 430 2 430 10.
+  Definition loc_568 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 430 3 430 10.
+  Definition loc_569 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 430 5 430 9.
+  Definition loc_570 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 430 5 430 9.
+  Definition loc_571 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 383 2 429 3.
+  Definition loc_572 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 383 34 429 3.
+  Definition loc_573 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 386 4 386 38.
+  Definition loc_574 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 390 4 390 67.
+  Definition loc_575 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 4 426 5.
+  Definition loc_576 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 428 4 428 30.
+  Definition loc_577 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 383 2 429 3.
+  Definition loc_578 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 383 2 429 3.
+  Definition loc_579 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 428 4 428 8.
+  Definition loc_580 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 428 11 428 29.
+  Definition loc_581 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 428 12 428 29.
+  Definition loc_582 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 428 12 428 17.
+  Definition loc_583 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 428 12 428 17.
+  Definition loc_584 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 61 426 5.
+  Definition loc_585 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 398 6 398 38.
+  Definition loc_586 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 399 6 399 57.
+  Definition loc_587 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 6 400 42.
+  Definition loc_588 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 42 400 7.
+  Definition loc_589 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 401 6 401 52.
+  Definition loc_590 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 6 410 7.
+  Definition loc_591 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 6 420 7.
+  Definition loc_592 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 6 422 16.
+  Definition loc_593 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 16 422 7.
+  Definition loc_594 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 423 6 423 55.
+  Definition loc_595 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 423 55 423 7.
+  Definition loc_596 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 424 6 424 26.
+  Definition loc_597 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 425 6 425 12.
+  Definition loc_598 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 424 6 424 9.
+  Definition loc_599 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 424 12 424 25.
+  Definition loc_600 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 424 20 424 25.
+  Definition loc_601 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 424 20 424 25.
+  Definition loc_602 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 423 45 423 54.
+  Definition loc_603 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 423 46 423 54.
+  Definition loc_604 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 423 48 423 53.
+  Definition loc_605 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 423 48 423 53.
+  Definition loc_606 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 6 422 15.
+  Definition loc_607 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 7 422 15.
+  Definition loc_608 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 9 422 14.
+  Definition loc_609 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 9 422 14.
+  Definition loc_610 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 41 420 7.
+  Definition loc_611 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 8 417 34.
+  Definition loc_612 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 8 418 22.
+  Definition loc_613 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 419 8 419 35.
+  Definition loc_614 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 419 8 419 19.
+  Definition loc_615 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 419 8 419 13.
+  Definition loc_616 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 419 8 419 13.
+  Definition loc_617 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 419 22 419 34.
+  Definition loc_618 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 419 22 419 34.
+  Definition loc_619 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 8 418 13.
+  Definition loc_620 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 9 418 13.
+  Definition loc_621 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 9 418 13.
+  Definition loc_622 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 16 418 21.
+  Definition loc_623 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 16 418 21.
+  Definition loc_624 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 8 417 25.
+  Definition loc_625 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 8 417 13.
+  Definition loc_626 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 8 417 13.
+  Definition loc_627 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 28 417 33.
+  Definition loc_628 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 28 417 33.
+  Definition loc_629 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 29 417 33.
+  Definition loc_630 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 29 417 33.
+  Definition loc_632 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 10 416 39.
+  Definition loc_633 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 10 416 22.
+  Definition loc_634 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 10 416 22.
+  Definition loc_635 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 26 416 39.
+  Definition loc_636 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 26 416 39.
+  Definition loc_637 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 26 416 27.
+  Definition loc_638 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 26 416 27.
+  Definition loc_639 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 62 405 7.
+  Definition loc_640 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 404 8 404 27.
+  Definition loc_641 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 404 8 404 13.
+  Definition loc_642 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 404 9 404 13.
+  Definition loc_643 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 404 9 404 13.
+  Definition loc_644 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 404 16 404 26.
+  Definition loc_645 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 404 16 404 26.
+  Definition loc_646 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 13 410 7.
+  Definition loc_647 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 8 406 76.
+  Definition loc_648 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 8 407 78.
+  Definition loc_649 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 8 408 43.
+  Definition loc_650 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 409 8 409 26.
+  Definition loc_651 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 409 8 409 13.
+  Definition loc_652 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 409 9 409 13.
+  Definition loc_653 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 409 9 409 13.
+  Definition loc_654 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 409 16 409 25.
+  Definition loc_655 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 409 16 409 25.
+  Definition loc_656 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 8 408 29.
+  Definition loc_657 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 8 408 17.
+  Definition loc_658 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 8 408 17.
+  Definition loc_659 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 32 408 42.
+  Definition loc_660 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 32 408 42.
+  Definition loc_661 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 8 407 23.
+  Definition loc_662 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 8 407 17.
+  Definition loc_663 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 8 407 17.
+  Definition loc_664 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 26 407 77.
+  Definition loc_665 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 26 407 36.
+  Definition loc_666 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 26 407 36.
+  Definition loc_667 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 39 407 77.
+  Definition loc_668 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 40 407 52.
+  Definition loc_669 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 40 407 52.
+  Definition loc_670 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 55 407 76.
+  Definition loc_671 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 55 407 60.
+  Definition loc_672 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 55 407 60.
+  Definition loc_673 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 63 407 76.
+  Definition loc_674 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 63 407 76.
+  Definition loc_675 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 63 407 64.
+  Definition loc_676 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 63 407 64.
+  Definition loc_677 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 8 406 17.
+  Definition loc_678 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 20 406 75.
+  Definition loc_679 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 42 406 75.
+  Definition loc_680 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 43 406 48.
+  Definition loc_681 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 43 406 48.
+  Definition loc_682 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 51 406 74.
+  Definition loc_683 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 52 406 57.
+  Definition loc_684 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 52 406 57.
+  Definition loc_685 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 60 406 73.
+  Definition loc_686 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 60 406 73.
+  Definition loc_687 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 60 406 61.
+  Definition loc_688 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 60 406 61.
+  Definition loc_689 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 10 403 60.
+  Definition loc_690 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 10 403 46.
+  Definition loc_691 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 10 403 22.
+  Definition loc_692 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 10 403 22.
+  Definition loc_693 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 25 403 46.
+  Definition loc_694 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 25 403 30.
+  Definition loc_695 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 25 403 30.
+  Definition loc_696 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 33 403 46.
+  Definition loc_697 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 33 403 46.
+  Definition loc_698 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 33 403 34.
+  Definition loc_699 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 33 403 34.
+  Definition loc_700 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 50 403 60.
+  Definition loc_701 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 50 403 60.
+  Definition loc_702 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 401 6 401 11.
+  Definition loc_703 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 401 14 401 51.
+  Definition loc_704 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 401 14 401 36.
+  Definition loc_705 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 401 31 401 36.
+  Definition loc_706 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 401 31 401 36.
+  Definition loc_707 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 401 39 401 51.
+  Definition loc_708 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 401 39 401 51.
+  Definition loc_709 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 32 400 41.
+  Definition loc_710 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 33 400 41.
+  Definition loc_711 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 35 400 40.
+  Definition loc_712 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 35 400 40.
+  Definition loc_713 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 399 39 399 56.
+  Definition loc_714 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 399 39 399 56.
+  Definition loc_715 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 399 39 399 44.
+  Definition loc_716 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 399 39 399 44.
+  Definition loc_719 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 398 26 398 37.
+  Definition loc_720 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 398 26 398 37.
+  Definition loc_721 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 398 26 398 31.
+  Definition loc_722 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 398 26 398 31.
+  Definition loc_726 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 8 397 59.
+  Definition loc_727 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 8 397 44.
+  Definition loc_728 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 8 397 20.
+  Definition loc_729 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 8 397 20.
+  Definition loc_730 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 23 397 44.
+  Definition loc_731 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 23 397 28.
+  Definition loc_732 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 23 397 28.
+  Definition loc_733 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 31 397 44.
+  Definition loc_734 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 31 397 44.
+  Definition loc_735 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 31 397 32.
+  Definition loc_736 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 31 397 32.
+  Definition loc_737 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 48 397 59.
+  Definition loc_738 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 48 397 59.
+  Definition loc_739 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 48 397 53.
+  Definition loc_740 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 48 397 53.
+  Definition loc_741 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 390 4 390 20.
+  Definition loc_742 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 390 4 390 20.
+  Definition loc_743 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 390 21 390 43.
+  Definition loc_744 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 390 38 390 43.
+  Definition loc_745 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 390 38 390 43.
+  Definition loc_746 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 390 45 390 50.
+  Definition loc_747 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 390 45 390 50.
+  Definition loc_748 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 390 52 390 65.
+  Definition loc_749 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 390 53 390 65.
+  Definition loc_750 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 386 32 386 37.
+  Definition loc_751 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 386 32 386 37.
+  Definition loc_752 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 386 33 386 37.
+  Definition loc_753 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 386 33 386 37.
+  Definition loc_756 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 383 9 383 32.
+  Definition loc_757 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 383 9 383 14.
+  Definition loc_758 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 383 9 383 14.
+  Definition loc_759 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 383 10 383 14.
+  Definition loc_760 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 383 10 383 14.
+  Definition loc_761 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 383 18 383 32.
+  Definition loc_762 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 373 2 373 6.
+  Definition loc_763 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 373 9 373 30.
+  Definition loc_764 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 373 10 373 30.
+  Definition loc_765 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 373 10 373 19.
+  Definition loc_766 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 373 10 373 11.
+  Definition loc_767 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 373 10 373 11.
+  Definition loc_768 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 367 27 367 39.
+  Definition loc_769 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 367 28 367 39.
+  Definition loc_770 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 367 29 367 30.
+  Definition loc_771 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 367 29 367 30.
+  Definition loc_772 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 2 366 9.
+  Definition loc_773 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 2 366 9.
+  Definition loc_774 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 10 366 18.
+  Definition loc_775 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 11 366 18.
+  Definition loc_776 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 11 366 12.
+  Definition loc_777 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 11 366 12.
+  Definition loc_778 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 364 2 364 7.
+  Definition loc_779 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 364 2 364 24.
+  Definition loc_780 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 364 2 364 7.
+  Definition loc_781 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 364 2 364 7.
+  Definition loc_782 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 364 11 364 24.
+  Definition loc_783 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 364 11 364 24.
+  Definition loc_784 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 364 11 364 12.
+  Definition loc_785 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 364 11 364 12.
+  Definition loc_786 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 362 14 362 28.
+  Definition loc_791 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 457 2 457 66.
+  Definition loc_792 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 459 2 461 3.
+  Definition loc_793 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 463 2 463 18.
+  Definition loc_794 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 2 476 3.
+  Definition loc_795 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 478 2 478 24.
+  Definition loc_796 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 478 9 478 23.
+  Definition loc_797 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 2 476 3.
+  Definition loc_798 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 30 476 3.
+  Definition loc_799 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 468 4 468 62.
+  Definition loc_800 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 470 4 472 5.
+  Definition loc_801 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 474 4 474 20.
+  Definition loc_802 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 2 476 3.
+  Definition loc_803 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 2 476 3.
+  Definition loc_804 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 474 4 474 5.
+  Definition loc_805 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 474 8 474 19.
+  Definition loc_806 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 474 8 474 19.
+  Definition loc_807 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 474 8 474 9.
+  Definition loc_808 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 474 8 474 9.
+  Definition loc_809 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 470 31 472 5.
+  Definition loc_810 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 471 6 471 17.
+  Definition loc_811 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 471 13 471 16.
+  Definition loc_812 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 471 13 471 16.
+  Definition loc_814 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 470 8 470 29.
+  Definition loc_815 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 470 8 470 11.
+  Definition loc_816 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 470 8 470 11.
+  Definition loc_817 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 470 15 470 29.
+  Definition loc_818 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 468 4 468 7.
+  Definition loc_819 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 468 10 468 61.
+  Definition loc_820 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 468 10 468 44.
+  Definition loc_821 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 468 10 468 44.
+  Definition loc_822 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 468 45 468 46.
+  Definition loc_823 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 468 45 468 46.
+  Definition loc_824 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 468 48 468 53.
+  Definition loc_825 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 468 48 468 53.
+  Definition loc_826 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 468 55 468 60.
+  Definition loc_827 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 468 55 468 60.
+  Definition loc_828 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 9 467 28.
+  Definition loc_829 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 9 467 10.
+  Definition loc_830 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 9 467 10.
+  Definition loc_831 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 14 467 28.
+  Definition loc_832 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 463 2 463 3.
+  Definition loc_833 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 463 6 463 17.
+  Definition loc_834 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 463 6 463 17.
+  Definition loc_835 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 463 6 463 7.
+  Definition loc_836 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 463 6 463 7.
+  Definition loc_837 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 459 29 461 3.
+  Definition loc_838 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 460 4 460 15.
+  Definition loc_839 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 460 11 460 14.
+  Definition loc_840 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 460 11 460 14.
+  Definition loc_842 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 459 6 459 27.
+  Definition loc_843 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 459 6 459 9.
+  Definition loc_844 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 459 6 459 9.
+  Definition loc_845 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 459 13 459 27.
+  Definition loc_846 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 457 14 457 65.
+  Definition loc_847 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 457 14 457 48.
+  Definition loc_848 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 457 14 457 48.
+  Definition loc_849 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 457 49 457 50.
+  Definition loc_850 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 457 49 457 50.
+  Definition loc_851 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 457 52 457 57.
+  Definition loc_852 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 457 52 457 57.
+  Definition loc_853 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 457 59 457 64.
+  Definition loc_854 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 457 59 457 64.
+  (* Definition of struct [atomic_flag]. *)
+  Program Definition struct_atomic_flag := {|
+    sl_members := [
+      (Some "_Value", it_layout bool_it)
+    ];
+  |}.
+  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
+  (* Definition of struct [spinlock]. *)
+  Program Definition struct_spinlock := {|
+    sl_members := [
+      (Some "lock", it_layout bool_it)
+    ];
+  |}.
+  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
+  (* Definition of struct [mpool_chunk]. *)
+  Program Definition struct_mpool_chunk := {|
+    sl_members := [
+      (Some "size", it_layout size_t);
+      (Some "next_chunk", LPtr)
+    ];
+  |}.
+  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
+  (* Definition of struct [mpool_entry]. *)
+  Program Definition struct_mpool_entry := {|
+    sl_members := [
+      (Some "next", LPtr)
+    ];
+  |}.
+  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
+  (* Definition of struct [mpool_locked_inner]. *)
+  Program Definition struct_mpool_locked_inner := {|
+    sl_members := [
+      (Some "chunk_list", LPtr);
+      (Some "entry_list", LPtr)
+    ];
+  |}.
+  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
+  (* Definition of struct [mpool]. *)
+  Program Definition struct_mpool := {|
+    sl_members := [
+      (Some "entry_size", it_layout size_t);
+      (Some "lock", layout_of struct_spinlock);
+      (None, mk_layout 7%nat 0%nat);
+      (Some "locked", layout_of struct_mpool_locked_inner);
+      (Some "fallback", LPtr)
+    ];
+  |}.
+  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
+  (* Definition of function [mpool_add_chunk]. *)
+  Definition impl_mpool_add_chunk (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("p", LPtr);
+      ("begin", LPtr);
+      ("size", it_layout size_t)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+      ("chunk", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_2 ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_62 (&(LocInfoE loc_63 ((LocInfoE loc_64 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_65 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_57 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_57 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_57 ((LocInfoE loc_58 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_59 ("size")))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_60 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_61 (i2v 0 i32)))))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_54 ;
+          Goto "#2"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_5 ;
+          Goto "#3"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#1" :=
+        locinfo: loc_5 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_50 ("chunk") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_51 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_52 ("begin"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_6 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_45 ((LocInfoE loc_46 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_47 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_48 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_49 ("size"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_7 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_40 (sl_lock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_41 (&(LocInfoE loc_42 ((LocInfoE loc_43 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_44 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_8 ;
+        annot: (UnlockA) ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_35 (&(LocInfoE loc_36 ((LocInfoE loc_37 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_38 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_10 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_27 ((LocInfoE loc_28 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_29 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_30 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_31 ((LocInfoE loc_32 ((LocInfoE loc_33 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_34 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_11 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_21 ((LocInfoE loc_22 ((LocInfoE loc_23 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_24 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_25 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_26 ("chunk"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_12 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_16 (sl_unlock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_17 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_17 (&(LocInfoE loc_18 ((LocInfoE loc_19 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_20 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_13 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_14 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_14 (i2v 1 i32))))
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#2" :=
+        locinfo: loc_54 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_55 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_55 (i2v 0 i32))))
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#3" :=
+        locinfo: loc_5 ;
+        Goto "#1"
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [mpool_free]. *)
+  Definition impl_mpool_free (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("p", LPtr);
+      ("ptr", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+      ("e", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        "e" <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_111 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_111 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_112 ("ptr"))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_69 ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_107 (&(LocInfoE loc_108 ((LocInfoE loc_109 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_110 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_71 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_102 (sl_lock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_103 (&(LocInfoE loc_104 ((LocInfoE loc_105 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_106 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_72 ;
+        annot: (UnlockA) ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_97 (&(LocInfoE loc_98 ((LocInfoE loc_99 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_100 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_74 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_89 ((LocInfoE loc_90 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_91 ("e")))) at{struct_mpool_entry} "next") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_92 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_93 ((LocInfoE loc_94 ((LocInfoE loc_95 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_96 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_75 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_83 ((LocInfoE loc_84 ((LocInfoE loc_85 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_86 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_87 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_88 ("e"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_76 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_78 (sl_unlock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_79 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_79 (&(LocInfoE loc_80 ((LocInfoE loc_81 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_82 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))))) ] ;
+        Return (VOID)
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [mpool_init]. *)
+  Definition impl_mpool_init (sl_init : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("p", LPtr);
+      ("entry_size", it_layout size_t)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_117 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_142 ((LocInfoE loc_143 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_144 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_145 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_146 ("entry_size"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_118 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_137 ((LocInfoE loc_138 ((LocInfoE loc_139 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_140 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_141 (NULL) ;
+        locinfo: loc_119 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_132 ((LocInfoE loc_133 ((LocInfoE loc_134 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_135 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_136 (NULL) ;
+        locinfo: loc_120 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_128 ((LocInfoE loc_129 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_130 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_131 (NULL) ;
+        locinfo: loc_121 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_123 (sl_init) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_124 (&(LocInfoE loc_125 ((LocInfoE loc_126 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_127 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
+        Return (VOID)
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [mpool_init_from]. *)
+  Definition impl_mpool_init_from (sl_lock sl_unlock mpool_init : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("p", LPtr);
+      ("from", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_149 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_211 (mpool_init) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_212 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_213 ("p"))) ;
+          LocInfoE loc_214 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_215 ((LocInfoE loc_216 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_217 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_150 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_205 (sl_lock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_206 (&(LocInfoE loc_207 ((LocInfoE loc_208 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_209 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_151 ;
+        annot: (UnlockA) ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_200 (&(LocInfoE loc_201 ((LocInfoE loc_202 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_203 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_153 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_191 ((LocInfoE loc_192 ((LocInfoE loc_193 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_194 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_195 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_196 ((LocInfoE loc_197 ((LocInfoE loc_198 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_199 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_154 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_182 ((LocInfoE loc_183 ((LocInfoE loc_184 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_185 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_186 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_187 ((LocInfoE loc_188 ((LocInfoE loc_189 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_190 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_155 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_175 ((LocInfoE loc_176 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_177 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_178 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_179 ((LocInfoE loc_180 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_181 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_156 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_170 ((LocInfoE loc_171 ((LocInfoE loc_172 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_173 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_174 (NULL) ;
+        locinfo: loc_157 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_165 ((LocInfoE loc_166 ((LocInfoE loc_167 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_168 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_169 (NULL) ;
+        locinfo: loc_158 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_160 (sl_unlock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_161 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_161 (&(LocInfoE loc_162 ((LocInfoE loc_163 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_164 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))))) ] ;
+        Return (VOID)
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [mpool_init_with_fallback]. *)
+  Definition impl_mpool_init_with_fallback (mpool_init : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("p", LPtr);
+      ("fallback", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_220 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_228 (mpool_init) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_229 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_230 ("p"))) ;
+          LocInfoE loc_231 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_232 ((LocInfoE loc_233 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_234 ("fallback")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_221 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_222 ((LocInfoE loc_223 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_224 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_225 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_226 ("fallback"))) ;
+        Return (VOID)
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [mpool_fini]. *)
+  Definition impl_mpool_fini (mpool_add_chunk mpool_free : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("p", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+      ("size", it_layout size_t);
+      ("ptr1", LPtr);
+      ("ptr2", LPtr);
+      ("entry", LPtr);
+      ("chunk", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_340 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_340 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_340 ((LocInfoE loc_341 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_342 ((LocInfoE loc_343 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_344 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback")))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_345 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_337 ;
+          Goto "#8"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_238 ;
+          Goto "#9"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#1" :=
+        locinfo: loc_238 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_330 ("entry") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_331 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_332 ((LocInfoE loc_333 ((LocInfoE loc_334 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_335 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_239 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_324 ("chunk") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_325 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_326 ((LocInfoE loc_327 ((LocInfoE loc_328 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_329 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_240 ;
+        Goto "#2"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#2" :=
+        locinfo: loc_320 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_320 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_320 ((LocInfoE loc_321 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_322 ("entry")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_323 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        Goto "#3"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_241 ;
+          Goto "#4"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#3" :=
+        "ptr1" <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_316 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_316 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_317 ("entry"))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_299 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_311 ("entry") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_312 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_313 ((LocInfoE loc_314 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_315 ("entry")))) at{struct_mpool_entry} "next"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_300 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_304 (mpool_free) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_305 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_306 ((LocInfoE loc_307 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_308 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
+          LocInfoE loc_309 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_310 ("ptr1"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_301 ;
+        Goto "continue9"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#4" :=
+        locinfo: loc_241 ;
+        Goto "#5"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#5" :=
+        locinfo: loc_292 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_292 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_292 ((LocInfoE loc_293 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_294 ("chunk")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_295 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        Goto "#6"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_242 ;
+          Goto "#7"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#6" :=
+        "ptr2" <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_288 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_288 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_289 ("chunk"))))) ;
+        "size" <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_282 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_283 ((LocInfoE loc_284 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_285 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_263 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_277 ("chunk") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_278 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_279 ((LocInfoE loc_280 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_281 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_264 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_268 (mpool_add_chunk) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_269 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_270 ((LocInfoE loc_271 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_272 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
+          LocInfoE loc_273 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_274 ("ptr2"))) ;
+          LocInfoE loc_275 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_276 ("size"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_265 ;
+        Goto "continue11"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#7" :=
+        locinfo: loc_242 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_254 ((LocInfoE loc_255 ((LocInfoE loc_256 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_257 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_258 (NULL) ;
+        locinfo: loc_243 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_249 ((LocInfoE loc_250 ((LocInfoE loc_251 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_252 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_253 (NULL) ;
+        locinfo: loc_244 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_245 ((LocInfoE loc_246 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_247 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_248 (NULL) ;
+        Return (VOID)
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#8" :=
+        locinfo: loc_337 ;
+        Return (VOID)
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#9" :=
+        locinfo: loc_238 ;
+        Goto "#1"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "continue11" :=
+        locinfo: loc_241 ;
+        Goto "#5"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "continue9" :=
+        locinfo: loc_240 ;
+        Goto "#2"
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [mpool_alloc_no_fallback]. *)
+  Definition impl_mpool_alloc_no_fallback (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("p", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+      ("new_chunk", LPtr);
+      ("entry", LPtr);
+      ("ret", LPtr);
+      ("chunk", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_348 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_481 (sl_lock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_482 (&(LocInfoE loc_483 ((LocInfoE loc_484 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_485 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_349 ;
+        annot: (UnlockA) ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_476 (&(LocInfoE loc_477 ((LocInfoE loc_478 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_479 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_469 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_469 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_469 ((LocInfoE loc_470 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_471 ((LocInfoE loc_472 ((LocInfoE loc_473 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_474 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_475 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        Goto "#8"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_352 ;
+          Goto "#9"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#1" :=
+        locinfo: loc_352 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_439 ("chunk") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_440 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_441 ((LocInfoE loc_442 ((LocInfoE loc_443 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_444 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_435 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_435 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_435 ((LocInfoE loc_436 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_437 ("chunk")))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_438 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_430 ;
+          Goto "#6"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_420 ;
+          Goto "#7"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#2" :=
+        locinfo: loc_420 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_420 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_420 ((LocInfoE loc_421 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_422 ((LocInfoE loc_423 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_424 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))) ≥{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_425 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_426 ((LocInfoE loc_427 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_428 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size")))))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_371 ;
+          Goto "#4"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_381 ;
+          Goto "#5"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#3" :=
+        locinfo: loc_355 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_367 ("ret") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_368 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_369 ("chunk"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_356 ;
+        Goto "exit"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#4" :=
+        locinfo: loc_371 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_372 ((LocInfoE loc_373 ((LocInfoE loc_374 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_375 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_376 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_377 ((LocInfoE loc_378 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_379 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_355 ;
+        Goto "#3"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#5" :=
+        locinfo: loc_381 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_410 ("new_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_411 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_412 ((LocInfoE loc_413 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_414 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_415 ("chunk")))))) at_offset{it_layout u8, PtrOp, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_416 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_417 ((LocInfoE loc_418 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_419 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_382 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_403 ((LocInfoE loc_404 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_405 ("new_chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_406 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_407 ((LocInfoE loc_408 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_409 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_383 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_391 ((LocInfoE loc_392 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_393 ("new_chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_394 ((LocInfoE loc_395 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_396 ((LocInfoE loc_397 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_398 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size")))) -{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_399 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_400 ((LocInfoE loc_401 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_402 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_384 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_385 ((LocInfoE loc_386 ((LocInfoE loc_387 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_388 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_389 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_390 ("new_chunk"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_355 ;
+        Goto "#3"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#6" :=
+        locinfo: loc_430 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_432 ("ret") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_433 (NULL) ;
+        locinfo: loc_431 ;
+        Goto "exit"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#7" :=
+        locinfo: loc_420 ;
+        Goto "#2"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#8" :=
+        "entry" <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_461 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_462 ((LocInfoE loc_463 ((LocInfoE loc_464 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_465 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_447 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_453 ((LocInfoE loc_454 ((LocInfoE loc_455 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_456 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_457 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_458 ((LocInfoE loc_459 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_460 ("entry")))) at{struct_mpool_entry} "next"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_448 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_450 ("ret") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_451 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_452 ("entry"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_449 ;
+        Goto "exit"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#9" :=
+        locinfo: loc_352 ;
+        Goto "#1"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "exit" :=
+        locinfo: loc_357 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_362 (sl_unlock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_363 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_363 (&(LocInfoE loc_364 ((LocInfoE loc_365 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_366 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_358 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_359 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_360 ("ret"))))
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [mpool_alloc]. *)
+  Definition impl_mpool_alloc (mpool_alloc_no_fallback : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("p", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+      ("ret", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_539 ;
+        "$1" <- LocInfoE loc_541 (mpool_alloc_no_fallback) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_542 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_543 ("p"))) ] ;
+        "ret" <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_539 ("$1") ;
+        locinfo: loc_535 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_535 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_535 ((LocInfoE loc_536 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_537 ("ret")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_538 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_531 ;
+          Goto "#8"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_490 ;
+          Goto "#9"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#1" :=
+        locinfo: loc_490 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_525 ("p") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_526 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_527 ((LocInfoE loc_528 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_529 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_491 ;
+        Goto "#2"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#2" :=
+        locinfo: loc_521 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_521 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_521 ((LocInfoE loc_522 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_523 ("p")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_524 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_516 ;
+          Goto "#3"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_492 ;
+          Goto "#4"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#3" :=
+        locinfo: loc_516 ;
+        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_518 (mpool_alloc_no_fallback) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_519 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_520 ("p"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_496 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_515 ("ret") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_516 ("$0") ;
+        locinfo: loc_511 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_511 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_511 ((LocInfoE loc_512 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_513 ("ret")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_514 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_507 ;
+          Goto "#6"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_498 ;
+          Goto "#7"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#4" :=
+        locinfo: loc_492 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_493 (NULL))
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#5" :=
+        locinfo: loc_498 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_501 ("p") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_502 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_503 ((LocInfoE loc_504 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_505 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_499 ;
+        Goto "continue25"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#6" :=
+        locinfo: loc_507 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_508 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_509 ("ret"))))
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#7" :=
+        locinfo: loc_498 ;
+        Goto "#5"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#8" :=
+        locinfo: loc_531 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_532 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_533 ("ret"))))
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#9" :=
+        locinfo: loc_490 ;
+        Goto "#1"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "continue25" :=
+        locinfo: loc_491 ;
+        Goto "#2"
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback]. *)
+  Definition impl_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback (sl_lock sl_unlock round_pointer_up : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("p", LPtr);
+      ("count", it_layout size_t);
+      ("align", it_layout size_t)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+      ("prev", LPtr);
+      ("before_start", it_layout size_t);
+      ("chunk_next", LPtr);
+      ("new_chunk", LPtr);
+      ("start", LPtr);
+      ("ret", LPtr);
+      ("chunk_size", it_layout size_t);
+      ("chunk", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        "ret" <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_786 (NULL) ;
+        locinfo: loc_549 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_778 ("align") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_779 ((LocInfoE loc_780 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_781 ("align")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_782 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_783 ((LocInfoE loc_784 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_785 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_550 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_773 (sl_lock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_774 (&(LocInfoE loc_775 ((LocInfoE loc_776 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_777 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_551 ;
+        annot: (UnlockA) ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_768 (&(LocInfoE loc_769 ((LocInfoE loc_770 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_771 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_553 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_762 ("prev") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_763 (&(LocInfoE loc_764 ((LocInfoE loc_765 ((LocInfoE loc_766 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_767 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_554 ;
+        Goto "#1"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#1" :=
+        locinfo: loc_756 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_756 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_756 ((LocInfoE loc_757 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_759 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_760 ("prev")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_761 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        Goto "#2"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_555 ;
+          Goto "#3"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#10" :=
+        locinfo: loc_640 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_642 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_643 ("prev"))) <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_644 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_645 ("chunk_next"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_632 ;
+        Goto "#6"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#11" :=
+        locinfo: loc_647 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_677 ("new_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_678 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_679 ((LocInfoE loc_680 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_681 ("start")))) at_offset{it_layout u8, PtrOp, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_682 ((LocInfoE loc_683 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_684 ("count")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_685 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_686 ((LocInfoE loc_687 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_688 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))))))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_648 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_661 ((LocInfoE loc_662 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_663 ("new_chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_664 ((LocInfoE loc_665 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_666 ("chunk_size")))) -{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_667 ((LocInfoE loc_668 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_669 ("before_start")))) +{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_670 ((LocInfoE loc_671 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_672 ("count")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_673 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_674 ((LocInfoE loc_675 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_676 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))))))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_649 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_656 ((LocInfoE loc_657 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_658 ("new_chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_659 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_660 ("chunk_next"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_650 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_652 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_653 ("prev"))) <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_654 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_655 ("new_chunk"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_632 ;
+        Goto "#6"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#12" :=
+        locinfo: loc_576 ;
+        Goto "#4"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#2" :=
+        "chunk" <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_750 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_752 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_753 ("prev"))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_574 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_742 (round_pointer_up) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_743 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_744 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_745 ("chunk"))))) ;
+          LocInfoE loc_746 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_747 ("align"))) ;
+          LocInfoE loc_748 (&(LocInfoE loc_749 ("before_start"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_726 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_726 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_726 ((LocInfoE loc_727 ((LocInfoE loc_728 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_729 ("before_start")))) +{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_730 ((LocInfoE loc_731 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_732 ("count")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_733 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_734 ((LocInfoE loc_735 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_736 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))))))) ≤{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_737 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_738 ((LocInfoE loc_739 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_740 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size")))))))
+        then
+        Goto "#5"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_576 ;
+          Goto "#12"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#3" :=
+        locinfo: loc_555 ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_567 (&(LocInfoE loc_569 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_570 ("prev")))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_557 ;
+        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_562 (sl_unlock) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_563 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_563 (&(LocInfoE loc_564 ((LocInfoE loc_565 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_566 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_558 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_559 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_560 ("ret"))))
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#4" :=
+        locinfo: loc_576 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_579 ("prev") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_580 (&(LocInfoE loc_581 ((LocInfoE loc_582 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_583 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_577 ;
+        Goto "continue32"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#5" :=
+        "chunk_size" <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_719 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_720 ((LocInfoE loc_721 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_722 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size"))) ;
+        "chunk_next" <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_713 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_714 ((LocInfoE loc_715 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_716 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_587 ;
+        annot: (ToUninit) ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_709 (&(LocInfoE loc_711 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_712 ("chunk")))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_589 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_702 ("start") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_703 ((LocInfoE loc_704 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_705 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_706 ("chunk")))))) at_offset{it_layout u8, PtrOp, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_707 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_708 ("before_start"))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_689 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_689 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_689 ((LocInfoE loc_690 ((LocInfoE loc_691 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_692 ("before_start")))) +{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_693 ((LocInfoE loc_694 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_695 ("count")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_696 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_697 ((LocInfoE loc_698 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_699 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))))))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_700 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_701 ("chunk_size")))))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_640 ;
+          Goto "#10"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_647 ;
+          Goto "#11"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#6" :=
+        locinfo: loc_632 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_632 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_632 ((LocInfoE loc_633 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_634 ("before_start")))) ≥{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_635 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_636 ((LocInfoE loc_637 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_638 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_611 ;
+          Goto "#8"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_592 ;
+          Goto "#9"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#7" :=
+        locinfo: loc_592 ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_606 (&(LocInfoE loc_608 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_609 ("chunk")))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_594 ;
+        annot: (UninitStrengthenAlign) ;
+        expr: (LocInfoE loc_602 (&(LocInfoE loc_604 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_605 ("start")))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_596 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_598 ("ret") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_599 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_600 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_601 ("start"))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_555 ;
+        Goto "#3"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#8" :=
+        locinfo: loc_611 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_624 ((LocInfoE loc_625 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_626 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_627 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_629 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_630 ("prev"))))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_612 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_620 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_621 ("prev"))) <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_622 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_623 ("chunk"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_613 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_614 ((LocInfoE loc_615 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_616 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
+          LocInfoE loc_617 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_618 ("before_start"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_592 ;
+        Goto "#7"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#9" :=
+        locinfo: loc_592 ;
+        Goto "#7"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "continue32" :=
+        locinfo: loc_554 ;
+        Goto "#1"
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+  (* Definition of function [mpool_alloc_contiguous]. *)
+  Definition impl_mpool_alloc_contiguous (mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback : loc): function := {|
+    f_args := [
+      ("p", LPtr);
+      ("count", it_layout size_t);
+      ("align", it_layout size_t)
+    ];
+    f_local_vars := [
+      ("ret", LPtr)
+    ];
+    f_init := "#0";
+    f_code := (
+      <[ "#0" :=
+        locinfo: loc_846 ;
+        "$1" <- LocInfoE loc_848 (mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_849 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_850 ("p"))) ;
+          LocInfoE loc_851 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_852 ("count"))) ;
+          LocInfoE loc_853 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_854 ("align"))) ] ;
+        "ret" <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_846 ("$1") ;
+        locinfo: loc_842 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_842 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_842 ((LocInfoE loc_843 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_844 ("ret")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_845 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_838 ;
+          Goto "#8"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_793 ;
+          Goto "#9"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#1" :=
+        locinfo: loc_793 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_832 ("p") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_833 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_834 ((LocInfoE loc_835 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_836 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_794 ;
+        Goto "#2"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#2" :=
+        locinfo: loc_828 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_828 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_828 ((LocInfoE loc_829 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_830 ("p")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_831 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_819 ;
+          Goto "#3"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_795 ;
+          Goto "#4"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#3" :=
+        locinfo: loc_819 ;
+        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_821 (mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback) with
+          [ LocInfoE loc_822 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_823 ("p"))) ;
+          LocInfoE loc_824 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_825 ("count"))) ;
+          LocInfoE loc_826 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_827 ("align"))) ] ;
+        locinfo: loc_799 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_818 ("ret") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_819 ("$0") ;
+        locinfo: loc_814 ;
+        if: LocInfoE loc_814 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_814 ((LocInfoE loc_815 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_816 ("ret")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_817 (NULL)))))
+        then
+        locinfo: loc_810 ;
+          Goto "#6"
+        else
+        locinfo: loc_801 ;
+          Goto "#7"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#4" :=
+        locinfo: loc_795 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_796 (NULL))
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#5" :=
+        locinfo: loc_801 ;
+        LocInfoE loc_804 ("p") <-{ LPtr }
+          LocInfoE loc_805 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_806 ((LocInfoE loc_807 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_808 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
+        locinfo: loc_802 ;
+        Goto "continue41"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#6" :=
+        locinfo: loc_810 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_811 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_812 ("ret"))))
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#7" :=
+        locinfo: loc_801 ;
+        Goto "#5"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#8" :=
+        locinfo: loc_838 ;
+        Return (LocInfoE loc_839 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_840 ("ret"))))
+      ]> $
+      <[ "#9" :=
+        locinfo: loc_793 ;
+        Goto "#1"
+      ]> $
+      <[ "continue41" :=
+        locinfo: loc_794 ;
+        Goto "#2"
+      ]> $∅
+    )%E
+  |}.
+End code.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/mpool/dune b/examples/+rc+/mpool/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e882920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.mpool)
+ (theories refinedc.examples.spinlock refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d90112b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_add_chunk.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_add_chunk.v
similarity index 86%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_add_chunk.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_add_chunk.v
index a8c99ada..26ba44d4 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_add_chunk.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_add_chunk.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_add_chunk.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc.v
similarity index 88%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc.v
index dd75c8b3..a06ee64d 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_alloc.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous.v
similarity index 90%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous.v
index b50d4de2..bfdcb7ab 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback.v
similarity index 94%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback.v
index 1b82ecc3..a274c6d9 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_no_fallback.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_no_fallback.v
similarity index 87%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_no_fallback.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_no_fallback.v
index de1045bf..8edbce88 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_alloc_no_fallback.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_alloc_no_fallback.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_alloc_no_fallback.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_fini.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_fini.v
similarity index 92%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_fini.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_fini.v
index b6009aee..6c60fdca 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_fini.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_fini.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_fini.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_free.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_free.v
similarity index 85%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_free.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_free.v
index fa4c7498..93f3e049 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_free.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_free.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_free.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init.v
similarity index 83%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init.v
index f5045d2a..f21ccba3 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_init.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init_from.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init_from.v
similarity index 86%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init_from.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init_from.v
index 7a8e858d..3433c169 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init_from.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init_from.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_init_from.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init_with_fallback.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init_with_fallback.v
similarity index 86%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init_with_fallback.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init_with_fallback.v
index f4c43eba..82e26174 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_proof_mpool_init_with_fallback.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/proof_mpool_init_with_fallback.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_init_with_fallback.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool/spec.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool/spec.v
index 45a60a51..5b377b7f 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool/spec.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import mpool_code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool Require Import code.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_code.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/code.v
similarity index 98%
rename from theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_code.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/code.v
index e6b5466a..2e3bae20 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_code.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/code.v
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
 From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
 Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c".
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/mpool_simpl.c".
   Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 4 21 29.
   Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 4 21 17.
   Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 4 21 5.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/dune b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eaa4b3aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl)
+ (theories refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5033308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_main.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_main.v
similarity index 83%
rename from theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_main.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_main.v
index d6a04ed1..ece357ff 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_main.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_main.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import mpool_simpl_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import mpool_simpl_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
 Section proof_main.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_get.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_get.v
similarity index 77%
rename from theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_get.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_get.v
index 09e61622..9cabcc31 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_get.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_get.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import mpool_simpl_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import mpool_simpl_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_get.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_init.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_init.v
similarity index 76%
rename from theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_init.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_init.v
index 40ae6e47..841ac265 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_init.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_init.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import mpool_simpl_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import mpool_simpl_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_init.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_put.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_put.v
similarity index 77%
rename from theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_put.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_put.v
index 6676b05f..7c3dd2ba 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_proof_mpool_put.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/proof_mpool_put.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import mpool_simpl_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import mpool_simpl_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
 Section proof_mpool_put.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/spec.v
similarity index 97%
rename from theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/spec.v
index 6ab780e9..10703938 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mpool_simpl/spec.v
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import mpool_simpl_code.
+From refinedc.examples.mpool_simpl Require Import code.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mpool_simpl.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_code.v b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/code.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_code.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mutable_map/code.v
index 8da06635..e3710dab 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_code.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/code.v
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
 From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mutable_map.c]. *)
 Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c".
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/mutable_map.c".
   Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 223 2 225 3.
   Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 2 227 89.
   Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 230 2 230 33.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/dune b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a82f6ea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.mutable_map)
+ (theories refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_extra.v b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/mutable_map_extra.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_extra.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mutable_map/mutable_map_extra.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_compute_min_count.v b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_compute_min_count.v
similarity index 80%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_compute_min_count.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_compute_min_count.v
index 1ed80622..97d4d475 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_compute_min_count.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_compute_min_count.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_extra.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mutable_map.c]. *)
 Section proof_compute_min_count.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f54bf321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_get.v b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_get.v
similarity index 83%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_get.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_get.v
index e115fe34..cf91fb8b 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_get.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_get.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_extra.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mutable_map.c]. *)
 Section proof_fsm_get.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_init.v b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_init.v
similarity index 88%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_init.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_init.v
index e1e1fe00..84546256 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_init.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_init.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_extra.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mutable_map.c]. *)
 Section proof_fsm_init.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_insert.v b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_insert.v
similarity index 85%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_insert.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_insert.v
index 5c591a8f..6a00f163 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_insert.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_insert.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_extra.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mutable_map.c]. *)
 Section proof_fsm_insert.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_probe.v b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_probe.v
similarity index 89%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_probe.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_probe.v
index e549646a..494c1ebc 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_probe.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_probe.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_extra.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mutable_map.c]. *)
 Section proof_fsm_probe.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_realloc_if_necessary.v b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_realloc_if_necessary.v
similarity index 94%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_realloc_if_necessary.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_realloc_if_necessary.v
index c5591850..18dc7dba 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_realloc_if_necessary.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_realloc_if_necessary.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_extra.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mutable_map.c]. *)
 Section proof_fsm_realloc_if_necessary.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_remove.v b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_remove.v
similarity index 83%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_remove.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_remove.v
index bda70d3f..c6e1d8b0 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_remove.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_remove.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_extra.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mutable_map.c]. *)
 Section proof_fsm_remove.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_slot_for_key.v b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_slot_for_key.v
similarity index 81%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_slot_for_key.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_slot_for_key.v
index 9c5f51b7..50380928 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_proof_fsm_slot_for_key.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/proof_fsm_slot_for_key.v
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_code.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_extra.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mutable_map.c]. *)
 Section proof_fsm_slot_for_key.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/spec.v
similarity index 98%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/mutable_map/spec.v
index 22d3d4f0..b41ad3e0 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/mutable_map/spec.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_code.
+From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import code.
 From refinedc.examples.mutable_map Require Import mutable_map_extra.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/mutable_map.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/queue/queue_code.v b/examples/+rc+/queue/code.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/queue/queue_code.v
rename to examples/+rc+/queue/code.v
index ea9d9787..e11638e1 100644
--- a/theories/examples/queue/queue_code.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/queue/code.v
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
 From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/queue/queue.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/queue.c]. *)
 Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/queue/queue.c".
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/queue.c".
   Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 28 2 28 46.
   Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 2 29 31.
   Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 2 30 29.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/queue/dune b/examples/+rc+/queue/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40d5105b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/queue/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.queue)
+ (theories refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_dequeue.v b/examples/+rc+/queue/proof_dequeue.v
similarity index 81%
rename from theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_dequeue.v
rename to examples/+rc+/queue/proof_dequeue.v
index 34fda014..0764e805 100644
--- a/theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_dequeue.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/queue/proof_dequeue.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import queue_code.
-From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import queue_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/queue/queue.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/queue.c]. *)
 Section proof_dequeue.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_enqueue.v b/examples/+rc+/queue/proof_enqueue.v
similarity index 81%
rename from theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_enqueue.v
rename to examples/+rc+/queue/proof_enqueue.v
index c35e4f72..1bb0435e 100644
--- a/theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_enqueue.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/queue/proof_enqueue.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import queue_code.
-From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import queue_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/queue/queue.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/queue.c]. *)
 Section proof_enqueue.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/queue/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/queue/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6822717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/queue/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_init_queue.v b/examples/+rc+/queue/proof_init_queue.v
similarity index 81%
rename from theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_init_queue.v
rename to examples/+rc+/queue/proof_init_queue.v
index 7620b1e8..2acec51b 100644
--- a/theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_init_queue.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/queue/proof_init_queue.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import queue_code.
-From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import queue_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/queue/queue.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/queue.c]. *)
 Section proof_init_queue.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_is_empty.v b/examples/+rc+/queue/proof_is_empty.v
similarity index 79%
rename from theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_is_empty.v
rename to examples/+rc+/queue/proof_is_empty.v
index 189f0248..69d46571 100644
--- a/theories/examples/queue/queue_proof_is_empty.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/queue/proof_is_empty.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import queue_code.
-From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import queue_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/queue/queue.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/queue.c]. *)
 Section proof_is_empty.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/queue/queue_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/queue/spec.v
similarity index 98%
rename from theories/examples/queue/queue_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/queue/spec.v
index 8433f874..c4417f72 100644
--- a/theories/examples/queue/queue_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/queue/spec.v
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import queue_code.
+From refinedc.examples.queue Require Import code.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/queue/queue.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/queue.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_code.v b/examples/+rc+/reverse/code.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/reverse/reverse_code.v
rename to examples/+rc+/reverse/code.v
index 3defe858..51f4a71b 100644
--- a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_code.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/code.v
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
 From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/reverse.c]. *)
 Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c".
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/reverse.c".
   Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 4 16 26.
   Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 11 16 25.
   Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 4 23 19.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/reverse/dune b/examples/+rc+/reverse/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d818161a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.reverse)
+ (theories refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b19ae06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_forward.v b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_forward.v
similarity index 84%
rename from theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_forward.v
rename to examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_forward.v
index c508c2d2..75901415 100644
--- a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_forward.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_forward.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_code.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/reverse.c]. *)
 Section proof_forward.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_init.v b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_init.v
similarity index 77%
rename from theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_init.v
rename to examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_init.v
index 44f41b0d..d4b499d2 100644
--- a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_init.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_init.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_code.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/reverse.c]. *)
 Section proof_init.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_member.v b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_member.v
similarity index 87%
rename from theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_member.v
rename to examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_member.v
index 9c460895..c479f503 100644
--- a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_member.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_member.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_code.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/reverse.c]. *)
 Section proof_member.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_member_rec.v b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_member_rec.v
similarity index 82%
rename from theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_member_rec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_member_rec.v
index 8e6225ba..34063e05 100644
--- a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_member_rec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_member_rec.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_code.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/reverse.c]. *)
 Section proof_member_rec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_pop.v b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_pop.v
similarity index 77%
rename from theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_pop.v
rename to examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_pop.v
index 60ad120c..a984c5fc 100644
--- a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_pop.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_pop.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_code.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/reverse.c]. *)
 Section proof_pop.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_push.v b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_push.v
similarity index 78%
rename from theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_push.v
rename to examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_push.v
index 4ce2c093..87be1a95 100644
--- a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_push.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_push.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_code.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/reverse.c]. *)
 Section proof_push.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_reverse.v b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_reverse.v
similarity index 85%
rename from theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_reverse.v
rename to examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_reverse.v
index 1931a59e..848658d8 100644
--- a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_reverse.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_reverse.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_code.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/reverse.c]. *)
 Section proof_reverse.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_test.v b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_test.v
similarity index 89%
rename from theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_test.v
rename to examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_test.v
index f44e0983..d6825f53 100644
--- a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_proof_test.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/proof_test.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_code.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/reverse.c]. *)
 Section proof_test.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/reverse/spec.v
similarity index 97%
rename from theories/examples/reverse/reverse_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/reverse/spec.v
index c4e62a3d..034b7367 100644
--- a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/reverse/spec.v
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import reverse_code.
+From refinedc.examples.reverse Require Import code.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/reverse.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/misc/shift_code.v b/examples/+rc+/shift/code.v
similarity index 93%
rename from theories/examples/misc/shift_code.v
rename to examples/+rc+/shift/code.v
index ac444b31..5afa9412 100644
--- a/theories/examples/misc/shift_code.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/shift/code.v
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
 From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/misc/shift.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/shift.c]. *)
 Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/misc/shift.c".
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/shift.c".
   Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 6 2 6 16.
   Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 6 9 6 15.
   Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 6 9 6 10.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/shift/dune b/examples/+rc+/shift/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e44f1842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/shift/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.shift)
+ (theories refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/theories/examples/misc/shift_proof_div_two.v b/examples/+rc+/shift/proof_div_two.v
similarity index 82%
rename from theories/examples/misc/shift_proof_div_two.v
rename to examples/+rc+/shift/proof_div_two.v
index 5fe47937..396b5a70 100644
--- a/theories/examples/misc/shift_proof_div_two.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/shift/proof_div_two.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.misc Require Import shift_code.
-From refinedc.examples.misc Require Import shift_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.shift Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.shift Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/misc/shift.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/shift.c]. *)
 Section proof_div_two.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/shift/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/shift/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7355275c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/shift/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/misc/shift_proof_times_two.v b/examples/+rc+/shift/proof_times_two.v
similarity index 80%
rename from theories/examples/misc/shift_proof_times_two.v
rename to examples/+rc+/shift/proof_times_two.v
index 5079e8a8..631d54e4 100644
--- a/theories/examples/misc/shift_proof_times_two.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/shift/proof_times_two.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.misc Require Import shift_code.
-From refinedc.examples.misc Require Import shift_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.shift Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.shift Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/misc/shift.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/shift.c]. *)
 Section proof_times_two.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/misc/shift_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/shift/spec.v
similarity index 83%
rename from theories/examples/misc/shift_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/shift/spec.v
index 864de4ba..d9657fcf 100644
--- a/theories/examples/misc/shift_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/shift/spec.v
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.misc Require Import shift_code.
+From refinedc.examples.shift Require Import code.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/misc/shift.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/shift.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_code.v b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/code.v
similarity index 98%
rename from theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_code.v
rename to examples/+rc+/simple_union/code.v
index 1e03ed8b..c730e238 100644
--- a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_code.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/code.v
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
 From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/simple_union.c]. *)
 Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c".
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/simple_union.c".
   Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 4 53 25.
   Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 54 4 54 25.
   Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 54 4 54 20.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/simple_union/dune b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0382eb0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.simple_union)
+ (theories refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f26a8c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_modify_entry.v b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_modify_entry.v
similarity index 79%
rename from theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_modify_entry.v
rename to examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_modify_entry.v
index 4350794f..5f5ec1b0 100644
--- a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_modify_entry.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_modify_entry.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import simple_union_code.
-From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import simple_union_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/simple_union.c]. *)
 Section proof_test_item_modify_entry.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_set_empty.v b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_set_empty.v
similarity index 78%
rename from theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_set_empty.v
rename to examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_set_empty.v
index 584acdd8..21d57c62 100644
--- a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_set_empty.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_set_empty.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import simple_union_code.
-From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import simple_union_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/simple_union.c]. *)
 Section proof_test_item_set_empty.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_set_entry.v b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_set_entry.v
similarity index 78%
rename from theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_set_entry.v
rename to examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_set_entry.v
index 2e7fdedd..788b0bdb 100644
--- a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_proof_test_item_set_entry.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/proof_test_item_set_entry.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import simple_union_code.
-From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import simple_union_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/simple_union.c]. *)
 Section proof_test_item_set_entry.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/spec.v
similarity index 95%
rename from theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/simple_union/spec.v
index 160e2745..8f64b5fd 100644
--- a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/simple_union/spec.v
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import simple_union_code.
+From refinedc.examples.simple_union Require Import code.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/simple_union.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_code.v b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/code.v
similarity index 97%
rename from theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_code.v
rename to examples/+rc+/spinlock/code.v
index 04112022..274cbda9 100644
--- a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_code.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/code.v
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_annot.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/spinlock.c]. *)
 Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c".
+  Definition file_0 : string := "examples/spinlock.c".
   Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 6 4 6 19.
   Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 6 4 6 14.
   Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 6 4 6 8.
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/spinlock/dune b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/dune
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..772832da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.
+ (flags -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
+ (name refinedc.examples.spinlock)
+ (theories refinedc.lang refinedc.typing refinedc.typing.automation refinedc.lithium))
diff --git a/examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_files b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a403539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_files
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_init.v b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_init.v
similarity index 70%
rename from theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_init.v
rename to examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_init.v
index 47eb6179..ef1b12c7 100644
--- a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_init.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_init.v
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_code.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_proof.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/spinlock.c]. *)
 Section proof_sl_init.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_lock.v b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_lock.v
similarity index 70%
rename from theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_lock.v
rename to examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_lock.v
index 2665e806..47a11e76 100644
--- a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_lock.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_lock.v
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_code.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_proof.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/spinlock.c]. *)
 Section proof_sl_lock.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_unlock.v b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_unlock.v
similarity index 71%
rename from theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_unlock.v
rename to examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_unlock.v
index 2b03e1c6..0a1cea4b 100644
--- a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof_sl_unlock.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/proof_sl_unlock.v
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_code.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_spec.
+From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import code.
+From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spec.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_proof.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/spinlock.c]. *)
 Section proof_sl_unlock.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_spec.v b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/spec.v
similarity index 90%
rename from theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_spec.v
rename to examples/+rc+/spinlock/spec.v
index 61b54914..d3c591c7 100644
--- a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_spec.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/spec.v
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_code.
+From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import code.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c]. *)
+(* Generated from [examples/spinlock.c]. *)
 Section spec.
   Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
   Context `{!lockG Σ}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_annot.v b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/spinlock_annot.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_annot.v
rename to examples/+rc+/spinlock/spinlock_annot.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_def.v b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/spinlock_def.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_def.v
rename to examples/+rc+/spinlock/spinlock_def.v
index 667cab47..c3b7543a 100644
--- a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_def.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/spinlock_def.v
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_annot spinlock_code.
+From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_annot code.
 From iris.algebra Require Import csum excl auth cmra_big_op.
 From iris.algebra Require Import big_op gset frac agree.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
diff --git a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof.v b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/spinlock_proof.v
similarity index 93%
rename from theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof.v
rename to examples/+rc+/spinlock/spinlock_proof.v
index 3db9eec9..7b3be0fe 100644
--- a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock_proof.v
+++ b/examples/+rc+/spinlock/spinlock_proof.v
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ From iris.algebra Require Import csum excl auth cmra_big_op.
 From iris.algebra Require Import big_op gset frac agree.
 From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
 From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_code.
+From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import code spec.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Section type.
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree.c b/examples/btree.c
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree.c
rename to examples/btree.c
index 2cc986fa..289ae8de 100644
--- a/theories/examples/btree/btree.c
+++ b/examples/btree.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+#include <refinedc.h>
+#include <alloc.h>
 #include "btree.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "../inc/refinedc.h"
 //@rc::import btree_learn from refinedc.examples.btree (for proofs only)
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree.h b/examples/btree.h
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/btree/btree.h
rename to examples/btree.h
diff --git a/theories/examples/misc/flags.c b/examples/flags.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/misc/flags.c
rename to examples/flags.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/alloc.h b/examples/include/alloc.h
similarity index 95%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/alloc.h
rename to examples/include/alloc.h
index 25200c38..77ad2179 100644
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/alloc.h
+++ b/examples/include/alloc.h
@@ -25,3 +25,6 @@ void *alloc_array(size_t size, size_t n);
 [[rc::requires("{size * n < it_max size_t}", "{(8 | size)}")]]
 [[rc::args("size @ int<size_t>", "n @ int<size_t>", "&own<array<{mk_layout size 3}, {replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))}>>")]]
 void free_array(size_t size, size_t n, void *ptr);
+#define ALLOC(sz) alloc(sz)
+#define FREE(sz,ptr) free(sz,ptr)
diff --git a/theories/examples/latch/latch.h b/examples/include/latch.h
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/latch/latch.h
rename to examples/include/latch.h
diff --git a/theories/examples/inc/spinlock.h b/examples/include/spinlock.h
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/inc/spinlock.h
rename to examples/include/spinlock.h
diff --git a/theories/examples/latch/latch.c b/examples/latch.c
similarity index 91%
rename from theories/examples/latch/latch.c
rename to examples/latch.c
index a4a4ea8d..918ca2e5 100644
--- a/theories/examples/latch/latch.c
+++ b/examples/latch.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #include <stdbool.h>
-#include "latch.h"
+#include <latch.h>
 void latch_wait(struct latch* latch) {
   while(atomic_load(&latch->released) == (_Bool)false) {}
diff --git a/theories/examples/lock/lock.c b/examples/lock.c
similarity index 97%
rename from theories/examples/lock/lock.c
rename to examples/lock.c
index 8109b1ce..a2804d4c 100644
--- a/theories/examples/lock/lock.c
+++ b/examples/lock.c
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include <stddef.h>
-#include "../inc/refinedc.h"
-#include "../inc/spinlock.h"
+#include <refinedc.h>
+#include <spinlock.h>
+//@rc::require refinedc.examples.spinlock
 struct [[rc::refined_by("n1 : Z", "n2 : Z", "n3 : Z")]]
diff --git a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c b/examples/malloc1.c
similarity index 97%
rename from theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c
rename to examples/malloc1.c
index 7c62ba7d..a014a425 100644
--- a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c
+++ b/examples/malloc1.c
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 // based on
 // and
-#include "stddef.h"
-#include "stdint.h"
-#include "../inc/refinedc.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <refinedc.h>
 typedef struct [[rc::ptr_type("freelist_t:{(0 < len)%nat} @ optional<&own<...>>")]]
                [[rc::parameters("entry_size: nat")]]
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c b/examples/mpool.c
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c
rename to examples/mpool.c
index 05bc619b..75ee1f1d 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c
+++ b/examples/mpool.c
@@ -17,8 +17,9 @@
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <stdbool.h>
-#include "../inc/refinedc.h"
-#include "../inc/spinlock.h"
+#include <refinedc.h>
+#include <spinlock.h>
+//@rc::require refinedc.examples.spinlock
 [[rc::parameters("p : loc", "size : loc", "align : nat")]]
 [[rc::args("p @ ptr", "align @ int<size_t>", "size @ &own<uninit<size_t>>")]]
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c b/examples/mpool_simpl.c
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c
rename to examples/mpool_simpl.c
index 7c2b75dd..e0d658ec 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c
+++ b/examples/mpool_simpl.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #define NULL (void*)0
-#include "../inc/refinedc.h"
+#include <refinedc.h>
 //@rc::inlined Definition ENTRY_LAYOUT := {| ly_size := 16%nat; ly_align_log := 3%nat |}.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c b/examples/mutable_map.c
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c
rename to examples/mutable_map.c
index e940a9ed..7ec6eeb9 100644
--- a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c
+++ b/examples/mutable_map.c
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <stdbool.h>
-#include "../inc/refinedc.h"
-#include "../tutorial/alloc.h"
+#include <refinedc.h>
+#include <alloc.h>
 // see
 // and
diff --git a/theories/examples/queue/queue.c b/examples/queue.c
similarity index 97%
rename from theories/examples/queue/queue.c
rename to examples/queue.c
index 8719003c..97b73ad4 100644
--- a/theories/examples/queue/queue.c
+++ b/examples/queue.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #include <stdbool.h>
-#include "../inc/refinedc.h"
-#include "../tutorial/alloc.h"
+#include <refinedc.h>
+#include <alloc.h>
 typedef struct [[rc::parameters("cont : type")]]
                [[rc::refined_by("ty: type")]]
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c b/examples/reverse.c
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c
rename to examples/reverse.c
index f7532bfe..1433b192 100644
--- a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c
+++ b/examples/reverse.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "../inc/refinedc.h"
+#include <refinedc.h>
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include <stdbool.h>
diff --git a/theories/examples/misc/shift.c b/examples/shift.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/misc/shift.c
rename to examples/shift.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c b/examples/simple_union.c
similarity index 98%
rename from theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c
rename to examples/simple_union.c
index 0d28f16e..df5c27af 100644
--- a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c
+++ b/examples/simple_union.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <stdbool.h>
-#include "../inc/refinedc.h"
+#include <refinedc.h>
 #define ITEM_EMPTY ((size_t)0)
 #define ITEM_ENTRY ((size_t)1)
diff --git a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c b/examples/spinlock.c
similarity index 95%
rename from theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c
rename to examples/spinlock.c
index 374621c0..a922e4e1 100644
--- a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c
+++ b/examples/spinlock.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #include <stdbool.h>
-#include "../inc/spinlock.h"
+#include <spinlock.h>
  [[rc::manual_proof("refinedc.examples.spinlock:spinlock_proof, type_sl_init")]]
 void sl_init(struct spinlock* lock) {
diff --git a/frontend/ b/frontend/
index 31760f34..59b180f6 100644
--- a/frontend/
+++ b/frontend/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 type comment_annots =
   { ca_inlined       : string list
+  ; ca_requires      : string list
   ; ca_imports       : (string * string) list
   ; ca_proof_imports : (string * string) list
   ; ca_code_imports  : (string * string) list
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ let parse_annots : string list -> comment_annots = fun ls ->
     Panic.panic_no_pos "Comment annotation error: %s." msg
   let imports = ref [] in
+  let requires = ref [] in
   let inlined = ref [] in
   let typedefs = ref [] in
   let context = ref [] in
@@ -93,6 +95,12 @@ let parse_annots : string list -> comment_annots = fun ls ->
                 | None    ->
                     error ("invalid [rc::import] annotation")
+          | "require" ->
+              begin
+                check_inline false;
+                let s = String.trim (get_payload ()) in
+                requires := s :: !requires; loop inline ls
+              end
           | "typedef" ->
                 check_inline false;
@@ -125,5 +133,6 @@ let parse_annots : string list -> comment_annots = fun ls ->
   ; ca_proof_imports  = (fun (f,m,_) -> (f,m)) proof_imports
   ; ca_code_imports   = (fun (f,m,_) -> (f,m)) code_imports
   ; ca_imports        = (fun (f,m,_) -> (f,m)) imports
+  ; ca_requires       = List.rev !requires
   ; ca_context        = List.rev !context
   ; ca_typedefs       = List.rev !typedefs }
diff --git a/frontend/ b/frontend/
index 97462eff..0d6b131b 100644
--- a/frontend/
+++ b/frontend/
@@ -179,8 +179,10 @@ let run : config -> string -> unit = fun cfg c_file ->
   (* Prepare the CPP configuration. *)
   let cpp_config =
     let cpp_include =
-      let cpp_include = cfg.cpp_config.cpp_include in
-      let cpp_include = cpp_include @ project_config.project_cpp_include in
+      let project_include =
+ (Filename.concat root_dir) project_config.project_cpp_include
+      in
+      let cpp_include = cfg.cpp_config.cpp_include @ project_include in
       match (refinedc_include, project_config.project_cpp_with_rc) with
       | (_      , false) -> cpp_include
       | (Some(d), true ) -> d :: cpp_include
@@ -231,10 +233,11 @@ let run : config -> string -> unit = fun cfg c_file ->
   List.iter write_proof coq_ast.functions;
   (* Generate the dune file. *)
   let theories =
+    let glob = coq_path_to_string project_config.project_theories in
     let imports = ca.ca_imports @ ca.ca_proof_imports @ ca.ca_code_imports in
     let imports = List.sort_uniq imports in
     ignore imports; (* TODO some dependency analysis based on [imports]. *)
- (String.concat ".") project_config.project_theories
+    ca.ca_requires @ glob
   write_file dune_file [
     "; Generated by [refinedc], do not edit.";
diff --git a/rc-project.toml b/rc-project.toml
index 7fadfd13..26e75281 100644
--- a/rc-project.toml
+++ b/rc-project.toml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 # Custom RefinedC project file for the examples in the repository.
-coq_root = "refinedc.examples"
+coq_root = "refinedc"
-include = [ "include" ]
+include = [ "include", "examples/include" ]
 use_rc_include = false
diff --git a/theories/examples/.dir-locals.el b/theories/examples/.dir-locals.el
deleted file mode 100644
index ad68e682..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/.dir-locals.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-((nil . ((company-clang-arguments "-fdouble-square-bracket-attributes") (flycheck-clang-args "-fdouble-square-bracket-attributes" "-Wno-unknown-attributes"))))
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/alloc.h b/theories/examples/btree/alloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9038e4c9..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/btree/alloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "../tutorial/alloc.h"
-#define ALLOC(sz) alloc(sz)
-#define FREE(sz,ptr) free(sz,ptr)
diff --git a/theories/examples/btree/btree.c.generate b/theories/examples/btree/btree.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/inc/refinedc.h b/theories/examples/inc/refinedc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a0faf0b..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/inc/refinedc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef REFINEDC_H
-#define REFINEDC_H
-#define rc_unfold(e)                                     \
-    _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")                       \
-    _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-value\"") \
-    &(e);                                                \
-    _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
-#define rc_unfold_int(e)                                 \
-    _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")                       \
-    _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-value\"") \
-    e + 0;                                               \
-    _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
-#define rc_annot(e, ...)                                 \
-    _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")                       \
-    _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-value\"") \
-    [[rc::annot(__VA_ARGS__)]] &(e);                     \
-    _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
-#define rc_unlock(e) rc_annot(e, "UnlockA")
-#define rc_to_uninit(e) rc_annot(e, "ToUninit")
-#define rc_uninit_strengthen_align(e) rc_annot(e, "UninitStrengthenAlign")
-#define rc_stop(e) rc_annot(e, "StopAnnot")
-#define rc_share(e) rc_annot(e, "ShareAnnot")
-#define rc_unfold_once(e) rc_annot(e, "UnfoldOnceAnnot")
-#define rc_learn(e) rc_annot(e, "LearnAnnot")
-#define RC_FOCUS ,rc::trust_me
-#define RC_FOCUS_X
-#define RC_FOCUS
-#define RC_FOCUS_X
diff --git a/theories/examples/lock/lock.c.generate b/theories/examples/lock/lock.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/lock/lock_code.v b/theories/examples/lock/lock_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f2f22ae..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/lock/lock_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_annot.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/lock/lock.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/lock/lock.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 4 34 19.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 4 35 22.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 4 36 27.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 4 37 28.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 4 38 22.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 4 38 11.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 4 38 11.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 12 38 20.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 13 38 20.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 13 38 14.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 13 38 14.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 4 37 22.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 4 37 20.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 4 37 5.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 4 37 5.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 25 37 27.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 4 36 22.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 4 36 20.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 4 36 5.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 4 36 5.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 25 36 26.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 4 35 17.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 4 35 5.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 4 35 5.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 20 35 21.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 4 34 14.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 4 34 5.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 4 34 5.
-  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 17 34 18.
-  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 4 45 19.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 4 45 14.
-  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 4 45 5.
-  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 4 45 5.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 17 45 18.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 17 45 18.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 4 53 22.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 11 53 21.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 11 53 21.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 11 53 12.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 11 53 12.
-  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 4 60 22.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 4 62 46.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 46 62 5.
-  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 4 64 22.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 4 65 24.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 4 65 13.
-  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 4 65 13.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 14 65 22.
-  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 15 65 22.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 15 65 16.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 15 65 16.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 4 64 17.
-  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 4 64 5.
-  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 4 64 5.
-  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 20 64 21.
-  Definition loc_63 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 20 64 21.
-  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 29 62 45.
-  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 30 62 45.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 31 62 32.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 31 62 32.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 4 60 11.
-  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 4 60 11.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 12 60 20.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 13 60 20.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 13 60 14.
-  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 13 60 14.
-  Definition loc_76 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 4 74 22.
-  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 4 75 46.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 46 75 5.
-  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 4 77 31.
-  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 4 79 24.
-  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 4 80 15.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 11 80 14.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 11 80 14.
-  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 4 79 13.
-  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 4 79 13.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 14 79 22.
-  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 15 79 22.
-  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 15 79 16.
-  Definition loc_89 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 15 79 16.
-  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 17 77 30.
-  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 17 77 30.
-  Definition loc_92 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 17 77 18.
-  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 17 77 18.
-  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 29 75 45.
-  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 30 75 45.
-  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 31 75 32.
-  Definition loc_99 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 31 75 32.
-  Definition loc_100 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 4 74 11.
-  Definition loc_101 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 4 74 11.
-  Definition loc_102 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 12 74 20.
-  Definition loc_103 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 13 74 20.
-  Definition loc_104 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 13 74 14.
-  Definition loc_105 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 13 74 14.
-  Definition loc_108 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 4 89 22.
-  Definition loc_109 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 4 90 49.
-  Definition loc_110 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 49 90 5.
-  Definition loc_111 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 4 95 5.
-  Definition loc_112 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 96 4 96 36.
-  Definition loc_113 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 98 4 98 24.
-  Definition loc_114 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 99 4 99 15.
-  Definition loc_115 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 99 11 99 14.
-  Definition loc_116 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 99 11 99 14.
-  Definition loc_117 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 98 4 98 13.
-  Definition loc_118 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 98 4 98 13.
-  Definition loc_119 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 98 14 98 22.
-  Definition loc_120 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 98 15 98 22.
-  Definition loc_121 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 98 15 98 16.
-  Definition loc_122 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 98 15 98 16.
-  Definition loc_123 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 96 17 96 35.
-  Definition loc_124 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 96 17 96 35.
-  Definition loc_125 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 96 17 96 33.
-  Definition loc_126 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 96 17 96 18.
-  Definition loc_127 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 96 17 96 18.
-  Definition loc_130 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 40 95 5.
-  Definition loc_131 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 32.
-  Definition loc_132 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 32.
-  Definition loc_133 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 26.
-  Definition loc_134 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 24.
-  Definition loc_135 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 9.
-  Definition loc_136 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 9.
-  Definition loc_137 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 31.
-  Definition loc_138 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 26.
-  Definition loc_139 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 26.
-  Definition loc_140 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 24.
-  Definition loc_141 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 9.
-  Definition loc_142 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 8 94 9.
-  Definition loc_143 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 30 94 31.
-  Definition loc_144 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 26.
-  Definition loc_145 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 24.
-  Definition loc_146 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 9.
-  Definition loc_147 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 9.
-  Definition loc_148 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 31.
-  Definition loc_149 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 26.
-  Definition loc_150 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 26.
-  Definition loc_151 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 24.
-  Definition loc_152 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 9.
-  Definition loc_153 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 8 93 9.
-  Definition loc_154 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 30 93 31.
-  Definition loc_156 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 8 92 38.
-  Definition loc_157 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 8 92 26.
-  Definition loc_158 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 8 92 26.
-  Definition loc_159 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 8 92 24.
-  Definition loc_160 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 8 92 9.
-  Definition loc_161 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 8 92 9.
-  Definition loc_162 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 29 92 38.
-  Definition loc_163 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 37 92 38.
-  Definition loc_164 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 29 90 48.
-  Definition loc_165 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 30 90 48.
-  Definition loc_166 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 31 90 32.
-  Definition loc_167 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 31 90 32.
-  Definition loc_168 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 4 89 11.
-  Definition loc_169 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 4 89 11.
-  Definition loc_170 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 12 89 20.
-  Definition loc_171 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 13 89 20.
-  Definition loc_172 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 13 89 14.
-  Definition loc_173 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 13 89 14.
-  (* Definition of struct [atomic_flag]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_atomic_flag := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "_Value", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [spinlock]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_spinlock := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "lock", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [lock_test_inner]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_lock_test_inner := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "a", it_layout size_t);
-      (Some "b", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [lock_test]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_lock_test := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "outside", it_layout size_t);
-      (Some "lock", layout_of struct_spinlock);
-      (None, mk_layout 7%nat 0%nat);
-      (Some "locked_int", it_layout size_t);
-      (Some "locked_struct", layout_of struct_lock_test_inner)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of function [init]. *)
-  Definition impl_init (sl_init : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_27 ((LocInfoE loc_28 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_29 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "outside") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_30 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_30 (i2v 0 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_23 ((LocInfoE loc_24 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_25 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_int") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_26 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_26 (i2v 0 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_18 ((LocInfoE loc_19 ((LocInfoE loc_20 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_21 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "a") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_22 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_22 (i2v 0 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_5 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_13 ((LocInfoE loc_14 ((LocInfoE loc_15 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_16 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "b") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_17 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_17 (i2v 10 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_6 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_8 (sl_init) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_9 (&(LocInfoE loc_10 ((LocInfoE loc_11 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_12 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [write_outside]. *)
-  Definition impl_write_outside : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("n", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_33 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_34 ((LocInfoE loc_35 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_36 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "outside") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_37 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_38 ("n"))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [read_outside]. *)
-  Definition impl_read_outside : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_41 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_42 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_43 ((LocInfoE loc_44 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_45 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "outside"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [write_locked]. *)
-  Definition impl_write_locked (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("n", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_48 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_69 (sl_lock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_70 (&(LocInfoE loc_71 ((LocInfoE loc_72 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_73 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_49 ;
-        annot: (UnlockA) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_64 (&(LocInfoE loc_65 ((LocInfoE loc_66 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_67 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_int")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_51 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_59 ((LocInfoE loc_60 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_61 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_int") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_62 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_63 ("n"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_52 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_54 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_55 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_55 (&(LocInfoE loc_56 ((LocInfoE loc_57 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_58 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [read_locked]. *)
-  Definition impl_read_locked (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("ret", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_76 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_101 (sl_lock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_102 (&(LocInfoE loc_103 ((LocInfoE loc_104 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_105 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_77 ;
-        annot: (UnlockA) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_96 (&(LocInfoE loc_97 ((LocInfoE loc_98 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_99 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_int")))) ;
-        "ret" <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_90 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_91 ((LocInfoE loc_92 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_93 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_int"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_80 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_85 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_86 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_86 (&(LocInfoE loc_87 ((LocInfoE loc_88 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_89 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_81 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_82 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_83 ("ret"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [increment]. *)
-  Definition impl_increment (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("ret", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_108 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_169 (sl_lock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_170 (&(LocInfoE loc_171 ((LocInfoE loc_172 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_173 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_109 ;
-        annot: (UnlockA) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_164 (&(LocInfoE loc_165 ((LocInfoE loc_166 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_167 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_156 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_156 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_156 ((LocInfoE loc_157 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_158 ((LocInfoE loc_159 ((LocInfoE loc_160 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_161 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "b")))) >{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_162 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_163 (i2v 0 i32)))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_131 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        "ret" <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_123 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_124 ((LocInfoE loc_125 ((LocInfoE loc_126 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_127 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "a"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_113 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_118 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_119 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_119 (&(LocInfoE loc_120 ((LocInfoE loc_121 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_122 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_114 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_115 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_116 ("ret"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_131 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_144 ((LocInfoE loc_145 ((LocInfoE loc_146 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_147 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "a") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_148 ((LocInfoE loc_149 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_150 ((LocInfoE loc_151 ((LocInfoE loc_152 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_153 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "a")))) +{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_154 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_154 (i2v 1 i32))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_132 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_133 ((LocInfoE loc_134 ((LocInfoE loc_135 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_136 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "b") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_137 ((LocInfoE loc_138 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_139 ((LocInfoE loc_140 ((LocInfoE loc_141 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_142 ("t")))) at{struct_lock_test} "locked_struct")) at{struct_lock_test_inner} "b")))) -{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_143 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_143 (i2v 1 i32))))) ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c.generate b/theories/examples/malloc1/malloc1.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c.generate b/theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_code.v b/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 84dbcae2..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/mpool/mpool_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1651 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_annot.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/mpool/mpool.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 223 2 223 19.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 223 19 223 3.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 226 2 228 3.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 230 2 230 16.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 231 2 231 21.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 233 2 233 20.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 2 234 40.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 40 234 3.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 2 235 43.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 2 236 31.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 2 237 22.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 239 2 239 11.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 239 9 239 10.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 2 237 11.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 2 237 11.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 12 237 20.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 13 237 20.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 13 237 14.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 13 237 14.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 2 236 22.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 2 236 11.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 2 236 3.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 2 236 3.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 25 236 30.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 236 25 236 30.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 2 235 19.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 2 235 7.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 2 235 7.
-  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 22 235 42.
-  Definition loc_31 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 22 235 42.
-  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 22 235 31.
-  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 22 235 23.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 235 22 235 23.
-  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 27 234 39.
-  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 28 234 39.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 29 234 30.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 234 29 234 30.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 233 2 233 9.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 233 2 233 9.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 233 10 233 18.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 233 11 233 18.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 233 11 233 12.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 233 11 233 12.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 231 2 231 13.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 231 2 231 7.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 231 2 231 7.
-  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 231 16 231 20.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 231 16 231 20.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 230 2 230 7.
-  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 230 10 230 15.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 230 10 230 15.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 226 26 228 3.
-  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 4 227 13.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 11 227 12.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 226 6 226 24.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 226 6 226 10.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 226 6 226 10.
-  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 226 14 226 24.
-  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 226 23 226 24.
-  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 223 2 223 18.
-  Definition loc_63 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 223 3 223 18.
-  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 223 4 223 5.
-  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 223 4 223 5.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 333 2 333 30.
-  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 334 2 334 19.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 334 19 334 3.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 337 2 337 20.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 2 338 40.
-  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 40 338 3.
-  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 2 339 33.
-  Definition loc_75 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 2 340 27.
-  Definition loc_76 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 2 341 22.
-  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 2 341 11.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 2 341 11.
-  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 12 341 20.
-  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 13 341 20.
-  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 13 341 14.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 341 13 341 14.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 2 340 22.
-  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 2 340 11.
-  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 2 340 3.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 2 340 3.
-  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 25 340 26.
-  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 340 25 340 26.
-  Definition loc_89 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 2 339 9.
-  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 2 339 3.
-  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 2 339 3.
-  Definition loc_92 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 12 339 32.
-  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 12 339 32.
-  Definition loc_94 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 12 339 21.
-  Definition loc_95 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 12 339 13.
-  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 339 12 339 13.
-  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 27 338 39.
-  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 28 338 39.
-  Definition loc_99 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 29 338 30.
-  Definition loc_100 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 338 29 338 30.
-  Definition loc_101 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 337 2 337 9.
-  Definition loc_102 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 337 2 337 9.
-  Definition loc_103 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 337 10 337 18.
-  Definition loc_104 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 337 11 337 18.
-  Definition loc_105 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 337 11 337 12.
-  Definition loc_106 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 337 11 337 12.
-  Definition loc_107 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 334 2 334 18.
-  Definition loc_108 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 334 3 334 18.
-  Definition loc_109 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 334 4 334 5.
-  Definition loc_110 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 334 4 334 5.
-  Definition loc_111 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 333 26 333 29.
-  Definition loc_112 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 333 26 333 29.
-  Definition loc_117 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 2 110 29.
-  Definition loc_118 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 2 111 40.
-  Definition loc_119 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 2 112 40.
-  Definition loc_120 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 2 113 31.
-  Definition loc_121 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 2 114 20.
-  Definition loc_122 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 2 114 9.
-  Definition loc_123 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 2 114 9.
-  Definition loc_124 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 10 114 18.
-  Definition loc_125 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 11 114 18.
-  Definition loc_126 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 11 114 12.
-  Definition loc_127 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 11 114 12.
-  Definition loc_128 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 2 113 13.
-  Definition loc_129 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 2 113 3.
-  Definition loc_130 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 2 113 3.
-  Definition loc_131 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 16 113 30.
-  Definition loc_132 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 2 112 22.
-  Definition loc_133 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 2 112 11.
-  Definition loc_134 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 2 112 3.
-  Definition loc_135 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 2 112 3.
-  Definition loc_136 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 25 112 39.
-  Definition loc_137 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 2 111 22.
-  Definition loc_138 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 2 111 11.
-  Definition loc_139 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 2 111 3.
-  Definition loc_140 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 2 111 3.
-  Definition loc_141 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 25 111 39.
-  Definition loc_142 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 2 110 15.
-  Definition loc_143 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 2 110 3.
-  Definition loc_144 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 2 110 3.
-  Definition loc_145 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 18 110 28.
-  Definition loc_146 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 18 110 28.
-  Definition loc_149 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 2 129 34.
-  Definition loc_150 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 2 131 23.
-  Definition loc_151 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 2 132 43.
-  Definition loc_152 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 43 132 3.
-  Definition loc_153 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 2 134 49.
-  Definition loc_154 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 49.
-  Definition loc_155 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 2 136 31.
-  Definition loc_156 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 138 2 138 43.
-  Definition loc_157 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 2 139 43.
-  Definition loc_158 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 142 2 142 25.
-  Definition loc_159 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 142 2 142 11.
-  Definition loc_160 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 142 2 142 11.
-  Definition loc_161 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 142 12 142 23.
-  Definition loc_162 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 142 13 142 23.
-  Definition loc_163 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 142 13 142 17.
-  Definition loc_164 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 142 13 142 17.
-  Definition loc_165 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 2 139 25.
-  Definition loc_166 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 2 139 14.
-  Definition loc_167 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 2 139 6.
-  Definition loc_168 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 2 139 6.
-  Definition loc_169 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 28 139 42.
-  Definition loc_170 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 138 2 138 25.
-  Definition loc_171 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 138 2 138 14.
-  Definition loc_172 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 138 2 138 6.
-  Definition loc_173 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 138 2 138 6.
-  Definition loc_174 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 138 28 138 42.
-  Definition loc_175 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 2 136 13.
-  Definition loc_176 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 2 136 3.
-  Definition loc_177 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 2 136 3.
-  Definition loc_178 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 16 136 30.
-  Definition loc_179 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 16 136 30.
-  Definition loc_180 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 16 136 20.
-  Definition loc_181 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 16 136 20.
-  Definition loc_182 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 22.
-  Definition loc_183 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 11.
-  Definition loc_184 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 3.
-  Definition loc_185 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 3.
-  Definition loc_186 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 25 135 48.
-  Definition loc_187 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 25 135 48.
-  Definition loc_188 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 25 135 37.
-  Definition loc_189 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 25 135 29.
-  Definition loc_190 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 25 135 29.
-  Definition loc_191 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 2 134 22.
-  Definition loc_192 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 2 134 11.
-  Definition loc_193 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 2 134 3.
-  Definition loc_194 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 2 134 3.
-  Definition loc_195 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 25 134 48.
-  Definition loc_196 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 25 134 48.
-  Definition loc_197 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 25 134 37.
-  Definition loc_198 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 25 134 29.
-  Definition loc_199 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 25 134 29.
-  Definition loc_200 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 27 132 42.
-  Definition loc_201 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 28 132 42.
-  Definition loc_202 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 29 132 33.
-  Definition loc_203 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 29 132 33.
-  Definition loc_204 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 2 131 9.
-  Definition loc_205 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 2 131 9.
-  Definition loc_206 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 10 131 21.
-  Definition loc_207 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 11 131 21.
-  Definition loc_208 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 11 131 15.
-  Definition loc_209 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 11 131 15.
-  Definition loc_210 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 2 129 12.
-  Definition loc_211 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 2 129 12.
-  Definition loc_212 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 13 129 14.
-  Definition loc_213 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 13 129 14.
-  Definition loc_214 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 16 129 32.
-  Definition loc_215 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 16 129 32.
-  Definition loc_216 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 16 129 20.
-  Definition loc_217 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 16 129 20.
-  Definition loc_220 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 2 154 38.
-  Definition loc_221 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 2 155 25.
-  Definition loc_222 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 2 155 13.
-  Definition loc_223 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 2 155 3.
-  Definition loc_224 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 2 155 3.
-  Definition loc_225 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 16 155 24.
-  Definition loc_226 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 16 155 24.
-  Definition loc_227 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 2 154 12.
-  Definition loc_228 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 2 154 12.
-  Definition loc_229 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 13 154 14.
-  Definition loc_230 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 13 154 14.
-  Definition loc_231 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 16 154 36.
-  Definition loc_232 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 16 154 36.
-  Definition loc_233 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 16 154 24.
-  Definition loc_234 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 16 154 24.
-  Definition loc_237 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 2 171 3.
-  Definition loc_238 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 2 173 31.
-  Definition loc_239 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 2 174 31.
-  Definition loc_240 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 2 183 3.
-  Definition loc_241 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 2 195 3.
-  Definition loc_242 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 197 2 197 40.
-  Definition loc_243 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 2 198 40.
-  Definition loc_244 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 199 2 199 31.
-  Definition loc_245 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 199 2 199 13.
-  Definition loc_246 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 199 2 199 3.
-  Definition loc_247 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 199 2 199 3.
-  Definition loc_248 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 199 16 199 30.
-  Definition loc_249 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 2 198 22.
-  Definition loc_250 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 2 198 11.
-  Definition loc_251 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 2 198 3.
-  Definition loc_252 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 2 198 3.
-  Definition loc_253 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 25 198 39.
-  Definition loc_254 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 197 2 197 22.
-  Definition loc_255 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 197 2 197 11.
-  Definition loc_256 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 197 2 197 3.
-  Definition loc_257 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 197 2 197 3.
-  Definition loc_258 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 197 25 197 39.
-  Definition loc_259 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 2 195 3.
-  Definition loc_260 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 34 195 3.
-  Definition loc_261 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 4 190 23.
-  Definition loc_262 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 191 4 191 30.
-  Definition loc_263 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 193 4 193 30.
-  Definition loc_264 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 4 194 45.
-  Definition loc_265 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 2 195 3.
-  Definition loc_266 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 2 195 3.
-  Definition loc_267 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 4 194 19.
-  Definition loc_268 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 4 194 19.
-  Definition loc_269 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 20 194 31.
-  Definition loc_270 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 20 194 31.
-  Definition loc_271 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 20 194 21.
-  Definition loc_272 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 20 194 21.
-  Definition loc_273 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 33 194 37.
-  Definition loc_274 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 33 194 37.
-  Definition loc_275 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 39 194 43.
-  Definition loc_276 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 194 39 194 43.
-  Definition loc_277 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 193 4 193 9.
-  Definition loc_278 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 193 12 193 29.
-  Definition loc_279 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 193 12 193 29.
-  Definition loc_280 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 193 12 193 17.
-  Definition loc_281 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 193 12 193 17.
-  Definition loc_282 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 191 18 191 29.
-  Definition loc_283 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 191 18 191 29.
-  Definition loc_284 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 191 18 191 23.
-  Definition loc_285 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 191 18 191 23.
-  Definition loc_288 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 17 190 22.
-  Definition loc_289 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 190 17 190 22.
-  Definition loc_292 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 9 189 32.
-  Definition loc_293 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 9 189 14.
-  Definition loc_294 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 9 189 14.
-  Definition loc_295 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 18 189 32.
-  Definition loc_296 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 2 183 3.
-  Definition loc_297 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 34 183 3.
-  Definition loc_298 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 4 180 23.
-  Definition loc_299 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 4 181 24.
-  Definition loc_300 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 4 182 34.
-  Definition loc_301 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 2 183 3.
-  Definition loc_302 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 2 183 3.
-  Definition loc_303 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 4 182 14.
-  Definition loc_304 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 4 182 14.
-  Definition loc_305 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 15 182 26.
-  Definition loc_306 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 15 182 26.
-  Definition loc_307 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 15 182 16.
-  Definition loc_308 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 15 182 16.
-  Definition loc_309 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 28 182 32.
-  Definition loc_310 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 28 182 32.
-  Definition loc_311 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 4 181 9.
-  Definition loc_312 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 12 181 23.
-  Definition loc_313 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 12 181 23.
-  Definition loc_314 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 12 181 17.
-  Definition loc_315 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 12 181 17.
-  Definition loc_316 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 17 180 22.
-  Definition loc_317 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 17 180 22.
-  Definition loc_320 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 9 179 32.
-  Definition loc_321 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 9 179 14.
-  Definition loc_322 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 9 179 14.
-  Definition loc_323 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 18 179 32.
-  Definition loc_324 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 2 174 7.
-  Definition loc_325 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 30.
-  Definition loc_326 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 30.
-  Definition loc_327 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 19.
-  Definition loc_328 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 11.
-  Definition loc_329 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 11.
-  Definition loc_330 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 2 173 7.
-  Definition loc_331 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 10 173 30.
-  Definition loc_332 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 10 173 30.
-  Definition loc_333 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 10 173 19.
-  Definition loc_334 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 10 173 11.
-  Definition loc_335 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 10 173 11.
-  Definition loc_336 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 37 171 3.
-  Definition loc_337 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 4 170 11.
-  Definition loc_340 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 6 169 35.
-  Definition loc_341 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 6 169 17.
-  Definition loc_342 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 6 169 17.
-  Definition loc_343 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 6 169 7.
-  Definition loc_344 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 6 169 7.
-  Definition loc_345 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 21 169 35.
-  Definition loc_348 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 2 259 20.
-  Definition loc_349 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 2 260 40.
-  Definition loc_350 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 40 260 3.
-  Definition loc_351 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 2 267 3.
-  Definition loc_352 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 270 2 270 31.
-  Definition loc_353 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 2 275 3.
-  Definition loc_354 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 277 2 284 3.
-  Definition loc_355 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 286 2 286 14.
-  Definition loc_356 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 286 14 289 22.
-  Definition loc_357 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 289 2 289 22.
-  Definition loc_358 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 291 2 291 13.
-  Definition loc_359 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 291 9 291 12.
-  Definition loc_360 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 291 9 291 12.
-  Definition loc_361 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 289 2 289 11.
-  Definition loc_362 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 289 2 289 11.
-  Definition loc_363 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 289 12 289 20.
-  Definition loc_364 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 289 13 289 20.
-  Definition loc_365 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 289 13 289 14.
-  Definition loc_366 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 289 13 289 14.
-  Definition loc_367 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 286 2 286 5.
-  Definition loc_368 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 286 8 286 13.
-  Definition loc_369 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 286 8 286 13.
-  Definition loc_370 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 277 36 279 3.
-  Definition loc_371 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 4 278 45.
-  Definition loc_372 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 4 278 24.
-  Definition loc_373 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 4 278 13.
-  Definition loc_374 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 4 278 5.
-  Definition loc_375 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 4 278 5.
-  Definition loc_376 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 27 278 44.
-  Definition loc_377 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 27 278 44.
-  Definition loc_378 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 27 278 32.
-  Definition loc_379 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 278 27 278 32.
-  Definition loc_380 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 279 9 284 3.
-  Definition loc_381 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 4 280 79.
-  Definition loc_382 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 4 281 46.
-  Definition loc_383 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 4 282 50.
-  Definition loc_384 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 4 283 37.
-  Definition loc_385 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 4 283 24.
-  Definition loc_386 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 4 283 13.
-  Definition loc_387 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 4 283 5.
-  Definition loc_388 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 4 283 5.
-  Definition loc_389 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 27 283 36.
-  Definition loc_390 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 283 27 283 36.
-  Definition loc_391 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 4 282 19.
-  Definition loc_392 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 4 282 13.
-  Definition loc_393 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 4 282 13.
-  Definition loc_394 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 22 282 49.
-  Definition loc_395 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 22 282 33.
-  Definition loc_396 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 22 282 33.
-  Definition loc_397 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 22 282 27.
-  Definition loc_398 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 22 282 27.
-  Definition loc_399 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 36 282 49.
-  Definition loc_400 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 36 282 49.
-  Definition loc_401 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 36 282 37.
-  Definition loc_402 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 282 36 282 37.
-  Definition loc_403 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 4 281 25.
-  Definition loc_404 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 4 281 13.
-  Definition loc_405 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 4 281 13.
-  Definition loc_406 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 28 281 45.
-  Definition loc_407 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 28 281 45.
-  Definition loc_408 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 28 281 33.
-  Definition loc_409 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 281 28 281 33.
-  Definition loc_410 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 4 280 13.
-  Definition loc_411 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 16 280 78.
-  Definition loc_412 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 38 280 78.
-  Definition loc_413 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 39 280 61.
-  Definition loc_414 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 56 280 61.
-  Definition loc_415 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 56 280 61.
-  Definition loc_416 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 64 280 77.
-  Definition loc_417 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 64 280 77.
-  Definition loc_418 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 64 280 65.
-  Definition loc_419 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 280 64 280 65.
-  Definition loc_420 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 277 6 277 34.
-  Definition loc_421 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 277 6 277 19.
-  Definition loc_422 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 277 6 277 19.
-  Definition loc_423 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 277 6 277 7.
-  Definition loc_424 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 277 6 277 7.
-  Definition loc_425 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 277 23 277 34.
-  Definition loc_426 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 277 23 277 34.
-  Definition loc_427 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 277 23 277 28.
-  Definition loc_428 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 277 23 277 28.
-  Definition loc_429 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 31 275 3.
-  Definition loc_430 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 273 4 273 25.
-  Definition loc_431 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 274 4 274 14.
-  Definition loc_432 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 273 4 273 7.
-  Definition loc_433 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 273 10 273 24.
-  Definition loc_435 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 6 271 29.
-  Definition loc_436 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 6 271 11.
-  Definition loc_437 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 6 271 11.
-  Definition loc_438 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 271 15 271 29.
-  Definition loc_439 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 270 2 270 7.
-  Definition loc_440 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 270 10 270 30.
-  Definition loc_441 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 270 10 270 30.
-  Definition loc_442 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 270 10 270 19.
-  Definition loc_443 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 270 10 270 11.
-  Definition loc_444 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 270 10 270 11.
-  Definition loc_445 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 46 267 3.
-  Definition loc_446 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 4 262 53.
-  Definition loc_447 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 4 264 39.
-  Definition loc_448 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 4 265 16.
-  Definition loc_449 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 266 4 266 14.
-  Definition loc_450 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 4 265 7.
-  Definition loc_451 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 10 265 15.
-  Definition loc_452 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 265 10 265 15.
-  Definition loc_453 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 4 264 24.
-  Definition loc_454 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 4 264 13.
-  Definition loc_455 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 4 264 5.
-  Definition loc_456 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 4 264 5.
-  Definition loc_457 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 27 264 38.
-  Definition loc_458 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 27 264 38.
-  Definition loc_459 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 27 264 32.
-  Definition loc_460 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 27 264 32.
-  Definition loc_461 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 32 262 52.
-  Definition loc_462 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 32 262 52.
-  Definition loc_463 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 32 262 41.
-  Definition loc_464 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 32 262 33.
-  Definition loc_465 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 32 262 33.
-  Definition loc_469 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 6 261 44.
-  Definition loc_470 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 6 261 26.
-  Definition loc_471 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 6 261 26.
-  Definition loc_472 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 6 261 15.
-  Definition loc_473 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 6 261 7.
-  Definition loc_474 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 6 261 7.
-  Definition loc_475 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 30 261 44.
-  Definition loc_476 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 27 260 39.
-  Definition loc_477 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 28 260 39.
-  Definition loc_478 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 29 260 30.
-  Definition loc_479 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 29 260 30.
-  Definition loc_480 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 2 259 9.
-  Definition loc_481 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 2 259 9.
-  Definition loc_482 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 10 259 18.
-  Definition loc_483 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 11 259 18.
-  Definition loc_484 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 11 259 12.
-  Definition loc_485 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 11 259 12.
-  Definition loc_488 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 304 2 304 41.
-  Definition loc_489 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 2 307 3.
-  Definition loc_490 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 308 2 308 18.
-  Definition loc_491 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 2 318 3.
-  Definition loc_492 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 320 2 320 24.
-  Definition loc_493 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 320 9 320 23.
-  Definition loc_494 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 2 318 3.
-  Definition loc_495 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 30 318 3.
-  Definition loc_496 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 4 313 37.
-  Definition loc_497 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 4 316 5.
-  Definition loc_498 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 317 4 317 20.
-  Definition loc_499 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 2 318 3.
-  Definition loc_500 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 2 318 3.
-  Definition loc_501 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 317 4 317 5.
-  Definition loc_502 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 317 8 317 19.
-  Definition loc_503 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 317 8 317 19.
-  Definition loc_504 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 317 8 317 9.
-  Definition loc_505 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 317 8 317 9.
-  Definition loc_506 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 31 316 5.
-  Definition loc_507 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 315 6 315 17.
-  Definition loc_508 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 315 13 315 16.
-  Definition loc_509 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 315 13 315 16.
-  Definition loc_511 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 8 314 29.
-  Definition loc_512 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 8 314 11.
-  Definition loc_513 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 8 314 11.
-  Definition loc_514 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 314 15 314 29.
-  Definition loc_515 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 4 313 7.
-  Definition loc_516 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 10 313 36.
-  Definition loc_517 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 10 313 33.
-  Definition loc_518 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 10 313 33.
-  Definition loc_519 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 34 313 35.
-  Definition loc_520 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 313 34 313 35.
-  Definition loc_521 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 9 312 28.
-  Definition loc_522 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 9 312 10.
-  Definition loc_523 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 9 312 10.
-  Definition loc_524 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 14 312 28.
-  Definition loc_525 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 308 2 308 3.
-  Definition loc_526 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 308 6 308 17.
-  Definition loc_527 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 308 6 308 17.
-  Definition loc_528 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 308 6 308 7.
-  Definition loc_529 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 308 6 308 7.
-  Definition loc_530 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 29 307 3.
-  Definition loc_531 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 4 306 15.
-  Definition loc_532 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 11 306 14.
-  Definition loc_533 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 11 306 14.
-  Definition loc_535 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 6 305 27.
-  Definition loc_536 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 6 305 9.
-  Definition loc_537 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 6 305 9.
-  Definition loc_538 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 305 13 305 27.
-  Definition loc_539 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 304 14 304 40.
-  Definition loc_540 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 304 14 304 37.
-  Definition loc_541 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 304 14 304 37.
-  Definition loc_542 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 304 38 304 39.
-  Definition loc_543 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 304 38 304 39.
-  Definition loc_548 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 361 2 361 29.
-  Definition loc_549 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 363 2 363 25.
-  Definition loc_550 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 365 2 365 20.
-  Definition loc_551 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 2 366 40.
-  Definition loc_552 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 40 366 3.
-  Definition loc_553 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 372 2 372 31.
-  Definition loc_554 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 382 2 428 3.
-  Definition loc_555 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 429 2 429 11.
-  Definition loc_556 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 429 11 429 3.
-  Definition loc_557 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 431 2 431 22.
-  Definition loc_558 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 433 2 433 13.
-  Definition loc_559 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 433 9 433 12.
-  Definition loc_560 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 433 9 433 12.
-  Definition loc_561 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 431 2 431 11.
-  Definition loc_562 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 431 2 431 11.
-  Definition loc_563 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 431 12 431 20.
-  Definition loc_564 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 431 13 431 20.
-  Definition loc_565 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 431 13 431 14.
-  Definition loc_566 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 431 13 431 14.
-  Definition loc_567 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 429 2 429 10.
-  Definition loc_568 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 429 3 429 10.
-  Definition loc_569 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 429 5 429 9.
-  Definition loc_570 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 429 5 429 9.
-  Definition loc_571 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 382 2 428 3.
-  Definition loc_572 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 382 34 428 3.
-  Definition loc_573 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 385 4 385 38.
-  Definition loc_574 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 389 4 389 67.
-  Definition loc_575 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 4 425 5.
-  Definition loc_576 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 427 4 427 30.
-  Definition loc_577 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 382 2 428 3.
-  Definition loc_578 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 382 2 428 3.
-  Definition loc_579 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 427 4 427 8.
-  Definition loc_580 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 427 11 427 29.
-  Definition loc_581 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 427 12 427 29.
-  Definition loc_582 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 427 12 427 17.
-  Definition loc_583 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 427 12 427 17.
-  Definition loc_584 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 61 425 5.
-  Definition loc_585 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 6 397 38.
-  Definition loc_586 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 398 6 398 57.
-  Definition loc_587 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 399 6 399 42.
-  Definition loc_588 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 399 42 399 7.
-  Definition loc_589 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 6 400 52.
-  Definition loc_590 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 6 409 7.
-  Definition loc_591 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 415 6 419 7.
-  Definition loc_592 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 421 6 421 16.
-  Definition loc_593 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 421 16 421 7.
-  Definition loc_594 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 6 422 55.
-  Definition loc_595 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 55 422 7.
-  Definition loc_596 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 423 6 423 26.
-  Definition loc_597 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 424 6 424 12.
-  Definition loc_598 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 423 6 423 9.
-  Definition loc_599 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 423 12 423 25.
-  Definition loc_600 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 423 20 423 25.
-  Definition loc_601 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 423 20 423 25.
-  Definition loc_602 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 45 422 54.
-  Definition loc_603 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 46 422 54.
-  Definition loc_604 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 48 422 53.
-  Definition loc_605 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 422 48 422 53.
-  Definition loc_606 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 421 6 421 15.
-  Definition loc_607 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 421 7 421 15.
-  Definition loc_608 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 421 9 421 14.
-  Definition loc_609 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 421 9 421 14.
-  Definition loc_610 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 415 41 419 7.
-  Definition loc_611 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 8 416 34.
-  Definition loc_612 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 8 417 22.
-  Definition loc_613 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 8 418 35.
-  Definition loc_614 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 8 418 19.
-  Definition loc_615 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 8 418 13.
-  Definition loc_616 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 8 418 13.
-  Definition loc_617 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 22 418 34.
-  Definition loc_618 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 418 22 418 34.
-  Definition loc_619 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 8 417 13.
-  Definition loc_620 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 9 417 13.
-  Definition loc_621 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 9 417 13.
-  Definition loc_622 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 16 417 21.
-  Definition loc_623 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 417 16 417 21.
-  Definition loc_624 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 8 416 25.
-  Definition loc_625 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 8 416 13.
-  Definition loc_626 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 8 416 13.
-  Definition loc_627 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 28 416 33.
-  Definition loc_628 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 28 416 33.
-  Definition loc_629 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 29 416 33.
-  Definition loc_630 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 416 29 416 33.
-  Definition loc_632 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 415 10 415 39.
-  Definition loc_633 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 415 10 415 22.
-  Definition loc_634 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 415 10 415 22.
-  Definition loc_635 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 415 26 415 39.
-  Definition loc_636 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 415 26 415 39.
-  Definition loc_637 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 415 26 415 27.
-  Definition loc_638 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 415 26 415 27.
-  Definition loc_639 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 62 404 7.
-  Definition loc_640 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 8 403 27.
-  Definition loc_641 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 8 403 13.
-  Definition loc_642 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 9 403 13.
-  Definition loc_643 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 9 403 13.
-  Definition loc_644 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 16 403 26.
-  Definition loc_645 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 403 16 403 26.
-  Definition loc_646 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 404 13 409 7.
-  Definition loc_647 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 8 405 76.
-  Definition loc_648 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 8 406 78.
-  Definition loc_649 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 8 407 43.
-  Definition loc_650 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 8 408 26.
-  Definition loc_651 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 8 408 13.
-  Definition loc_652 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 9 408 13.
-  Definition loc_653 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 9 408 13.
-  Definition loc_654 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 16 408 25.
-  Definition loc_655 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 408 16 408 25.
-  Definition loc_656 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 8 407 29.
-  Definition loc_657 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 8 407 17.
-  Definition loc_658 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 8 407 17.
-  Definition loc_659 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 32 407 42.
-  Definition loc_660 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 407 32 407 42.
-  Definition loc_661 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 8 406 23.
-  Definition loc_662 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 8 406 17.
-  Definition loc_663 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 8 406 17.
-  Definition loc_664 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 26 406 77.
-  Definition loc_665 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 26 406 36.
-  Definition loc_666 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 26 406 36.
-  Definition loc_667 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 39 406 77.
-  Definition loc_668 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 40 406 52.
-  Definition loc_669 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 40 406 52.
-  Definition loc_670 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 55 406 76.
-  Definition loc_671 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 55 406 60.
-  Definition loc_672 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 55 406 60.
-  Definition loc_673 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 63 406 76.
-  Definition loc_674 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 63 406 76.
-  Definition loc_675 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 63 406 64.
-  Definition loc_676 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 406 63 406 64.
-  Definition loc_677 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 8 405 17.
-  Definition loc_678 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 20 405 75.
-  Definition loc_679 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 42 405 75.
-  Definition loc_680 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 43 405 48.
-  Definition loc_681 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 43 405 48.
-  Definition loc_682 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 51 405 74.
-  Definition loc_683 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 52 405 57.
-  Definition loc_684 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 52 405 57.
-  Definition loc_685 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 60 405 73.
-  Definition loc_686 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 60 405 73.
-  Definition loc_687 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 60 405 61.
-  Definition loc_688 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 405 60 405 61.
-  Definition loc_689 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 10 402 60.
-  Definition loc_690 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 10 402 46.
-  Definition loc_691 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 10 402 22.
-  Definition loc_692 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 10 402 22.
-  Definition loc_693 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 25 402 46.
-  Definition loc_694 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 25 402 30.
-  Definition loc_695 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 25 402 30.
-  Definition loc_696 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 33 402 46.
-  Definition loc_697 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 33 402 46.
-  Definition loc_698 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 33 402 34.
-  Definition loc_699 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 33 402 34.
-  Definition loc_700 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 50 402 60.
-  Definition loc_701 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 50 402 60.
-  Definition loc_702 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 6 400 11.
-  Definition loc_703 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 14 400 51.
-  Definition loc_704 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 14 400 36.
-  Definition loc_705 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 31 400 36.
-  Definition loc_706 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 31 400 36.
-  Definition loc_707 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 39 400 51.
-  Definition loc_708 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 400 39 400 51.
-  Definition loc_709 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 399 32 399 41.
-  Definition loc_710 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 399 33 399 41.
-  Definition loc_711 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 399 35 399 40.
-  Definition loc_712 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 399 35 399 40.
-  Definition loc_713 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 398 39 398 56.
-  Definition loc_714 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 398 39 398 56.
-  Definition loc_715 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 398 39 398 44.
-  Definition loc_716 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 398 39 398 44.
-  Definition loc_719 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 26 397 37.
-  Definition loc_720 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 26 397 37.
-  Definition loc_721 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 26 397 31.
-  Definition loc_722 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 397 26 397 31.
-  Definition loc_726 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 8 396 59.
-  Definition loc_727 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 8 396 44.
-  Definition loc_728 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 8 396 20.
-  Definition loc_729 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 8 396 20.
-  Definition loc_730 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 23 396 44.
-  Definition loc_731 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 23 396 28.
-  Definition loc_732 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 23 396 28.
-  Definition loc_733 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 31 396 44.
-  Definition loc_734 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 31 396 44.
-  Definition loc_735 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 31 396 32.
-  Definition loc_736 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 31 396 32.
-  Definition loc_737 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 48 396 59.
-  Definition loc_738 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 48 396 59.
-  Definition loc_739 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 48 396 53.
-  Definition loc_740 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 396 48 396 53.
-  Definition loc_741 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 389 4 389 20.
-  Definition loc_742 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 389 4 389 20.
-  Definition loc_743 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 389 21 389 43.
-  Definition loc_744 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 389 38 389 43.
-  Definition loc_745 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 389 38 389 43.
-  Definition loc_746 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 389 45 389 50.
-  Definition loc_747 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 389 45 389 50.
-  Definition loc_748 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 389 52 389 65.
-  Definition loc_749 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 389 53 389 65.
-  Definition loc_750 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 385 32 385 37.
-  Definition loc_751 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 385 32 385 37.
-  Definition loc_752 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 385 33 385 37.
-  Definition loc_753 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 385 33 385 37.
-  Definition loc_756 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 382 9 382 32.
-  Definition loc_757 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 382 9 382 14.
-  Definition loc_758 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 382 9 382 14.
-  Definition loc_759 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 382 10 382 14.
-  Definition loc_760 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 382 10 382 14.
-  Definition loc_761 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 382 18 382 32.
-  Definition loc_762 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 372 2 372 6.
-  Definition loc_763 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 372 9 372 30.
-  Definition loc_764 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 372 10 372 30.
-  Definition loc_765 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 372 10 372 19.
-  Definition loc_766 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 372 10 372 11.
-  Definition loc_767 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 372 10 372 11.
-  Definition loc_768 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 27 366 39.
-  Definition loc_769 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 28 366 39.
-  Definition loc_770 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 29 366 30.
-  Definition loc_771 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 366 29 366 30.
-  Definition loc_772 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 365 2 365 9.
-  Definition loc_773 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 365 2 365 9.
-  Definition loc_774 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 365 10 365 18.
-  Definition loc_775 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 365 11 365 18.
-  Definition loc_776 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 365 11 365 12.
-  Definition loc_777 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 365 11 365 12.
-  Definition loc_778 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 363 2 363 7.
-  Definition loc_779 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 363 2 363 24.
-  Definition loc_780 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 363 2 363 7.
-  Definition loc_781 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 363 2 363 7.
-  Definition loc_782 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 363 11 363 24.
-  Definition loc_783 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 363 11 363 24.
-  Definition loc_784 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 363 11 363 12.
-  Definition loc_785 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 363 11 363 12.
-  Definition loc_786 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 361 14 361 28.
-  Definition loc_791 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 456 2 456 66.
-  Definition loc_792 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 458 2 460 3.
-  Definition loc_793 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 462 2 462 18.
-  Definition loc_794 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 466 2 475 3.
-  Definition loc_795 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 477 2 477 24.
-  Definition loc_796 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 477 9 477 23.
-  Definition loc_797 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 466 2 475 3.
-  Definition loc_798 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 466 30 475 3.
-  Definition loc_799 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 4 467 62.
-  Definition loc_800 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 469 4 471 5.
-  Definition loc_801 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 473 4 473 20.
-  Definition loc_802 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 466 2 475 3.
-  Definition loc_803 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 466 2 475 3.
-  Definition loc_804 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 473 4 473 5.
-  Definition loc_805 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 473 8 473 19.
-  Definition loc_806 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 473 8 473 19.
-  Definition loc_807 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 473 8 473 9.
-  Definition loc_808 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 473 8 473 9.
-  Definition loc_809 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 469 31 471 5.
-  Definition loc_810 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 470 6 470 17.
-  Definition loc_811 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 470 13 470 16.
-  Definition loc_812 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 470 13 470 16.
-  Definition loc_814 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 469 8 469 29.
-  Definition loc_815 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 469 8 469 11.
-  Definition loc_816 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 469 8 469 11.
-  Definition loc_817 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 469 15 469 29.
-  Definition loc_818 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 4 467 7.
-  Definition loc_819 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 10 467 61.
-  Definition loc_820 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 10 467 44.
-  Definition loc_821 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 10 467 44.
-  Definition loc_822 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 45 467 46.
-  Definition loc_823 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 45 467 46.
-  Definition loc_824 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 48 467 53.
-  Definition loc_825 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 48 467 53.
-  Definition loc_826 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 55 467 60.
-  Definition loc_827 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 467 55 467 60.
-  Definition loc_828 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 466 9 466 28.
-  Definition loc_829 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 466 9 466 10.
-  Definition loc_830 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 466 9 466 10.
-  Definition loc_831 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 466 14 466 28.
-  Definition loc_832 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 462 2 462 3.
-  Definition loc_833 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 462 6 462 17.
-  Definition loc_834 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 462 6 462 17.
-  Definition loc_835 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 462 6 462 7.
-  Definition loc_836 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 462 6 462 7.
-  Definition loc_837 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 458 29 460 3.
-  Definition loc_838 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 459 4 459 15.
-  Definition loc_839 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 459 11 459 14.
-  Definition loc_840 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 459 11 459 14.
-  Definition loc_842 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 458 6 458 27.
-  Definition loc_843 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 458 6 458 9.
-  Definition loc_844 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 458 6 458 9.
-  Definition loc_845 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 458 13 458 27.
-  Definition loc_846 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 456 14 456 65.
-  Definition loc_847 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 456 14 456 48.
-  Definition loc_848 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 456 14 456 48.
-  Definition loc_849 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 456 49 456 50.
-  Definition loc_850 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 456 49 456 50.
-  Definition loc_851 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 456 52 456 57.
-  Definition loc_852 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 456 52 456 57.
-  Definition loc_853 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 456 59 456 64.
-  Definition loc_854 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 456 59 456 64.
-  (* Definition of struct [atomic_flag]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_atomic_flag := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "_Value", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [spinlock]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_spinlock := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "lock", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [mpool_chunk]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_mpool_chunk := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "size", it_layout size_t);
-      (Some "next_chunk", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [mpool_entry]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_mpool_entry := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "next", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [mpool_locked_inner]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_mpool_locked_inner := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "chunk_list", LPtr);
-      (Some "entry_list", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [mpool]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_mpool := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "entry_size", it_layout size_t);
-      (Some "lock", layout_of struct_spinlock);
-      (None, mk_layout 7%nat 0%nat);
-      (Some "locked", layout_of struct_mpool_locked_inner);
-      (Some "fallback", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of function [mpool_add_chunk]. *)
-  Definition impl_mpool_add_chunk (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr);
-      ("begin", LPtr);
-      ("size", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("chunk", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_62 (&(LocInfoE loc_63 ((LocInfoE loc_64 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_65 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_57 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_57 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_57 ((LocInfoE loc_58 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_59 ("size")))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_60 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_61 (i2v 0 i32)))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_54 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_5 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_5 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_50 ("chunk") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_51 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_52 ("begin"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_6 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_45 ((LocInfoE loc_46 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_47 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_48 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_49 ("size"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_7 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_40 (sl_lock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_41 (&(LocInfoE loc_42 ((LocInfoE loc_43 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_44 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_8 ;
-        annot: (UnlockA) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_35 (&(LocInfoE loc_36 ((LocInfoE loc_37 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_38 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_10 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_27 ((LocInfoE loc_28 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_29 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_30 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_31 ((LocInfoE loc_32 ((LocInfoE loc_33 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_34 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_11 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_21 ((LocInfoE loc_22 ((LocInfoE loc_23 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_24 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_25 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_26 ("chunk"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_12 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_16 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_17 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_17 (&(LocInfoE loc_18 ((LocInfoE loc_19 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_20 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_13 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_14 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_14 (i2v 1 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_54 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_55 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_55 (i2v 0 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_5 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [mpool_free]. *)
-  Definition impl_mpool_free (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr);
-      ("ptr", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("e", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "e" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_111 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_111 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_112 ("ptr"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_69 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_107 (&(LocInfoE loc_108 ((LocInfoE loc_109 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_110 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_71 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_102 (sl_lock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_103 (&(LocInfoE loc_104 ((LocInfoE loc_105 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_106 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_72 ;
-        annot: (UnlockA) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_97 (&(LocInfoE loc_98 ((LocInfoE loc_99 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_100 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_74 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_89 ((LocInfoE loc_90 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_91 ("e")))) at{struct_mpool_entry} "next") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_92 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_93 ((LocInfoE loc_94 ((LocInfoE loc_95 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_96 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_75 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_83 ((LocInfoE loc_84 ((LocInfoE loc_85 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_86 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_87 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_88 ("e"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_76 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_78 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_79 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_79 (&(LocInfoE loc_80 ((LocInfoE loc_81 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_82 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [mpool_init]. *)
-  Definition impl_mpool_init (sl_init : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr);
-      ("entry_size", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_117 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_142 ((LocInfoE loc_143 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_144 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_145 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_146 ("entry_size"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_118 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_137 ((LocInfoE loc_138 ((LocInfoE loc_139 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_140 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_141 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_119 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_132 ((LocInfoE loc_133 ((LocInfoE loc_134 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_135 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_136 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_120 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_128 ((LocInfoE loc_129 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_130 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_131 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_121 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_123 (sl_init) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_124 (&(LocInfoE loc_125 ((LocInfoE loc_126 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_127 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [mpool_init_from]. *)
-  Definition impl_mpool_init_from (sl_lock sl_unlock mpool_init : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr);
-      ("from", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_149 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_211 (mpool_init) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_212 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_213 ("p"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_214 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_215 ((LocInfoE loc_216 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_217 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_150 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_205 (sl_lock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_206 (&(LocInfoE loc_207 ((LocInfoE loc_208 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_209 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_151 ;
-        annot: (UnlockA) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_200 (&(LocInfoE loc_201 ((LocInfoE loc_202 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_203 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_153 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_191 ((LocInfoE loc_192 ((LocInfoE loc_193 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_194 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_195 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_196 ((LocInfoE loc_197 ((LocInfoE loc_198 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_199 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_154 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_182 ((LocInfoE loc_183 ((LocInfoE loc_184 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_185 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_186 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_187 ((LocInfoE loc_188 ((LocInfoE loc_189 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_190 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_155 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_175 ((LocInfoE loc_176 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_177 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_178 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_179 ((LocInfoE loc_180 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_181 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_156 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_170 ((LocInfoE loc_171 ((LocInfoE loc_172 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_173 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_174 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_157 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_165 ((LocInfoE loc_166 ((LocInfoE loc_167 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_168 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_169 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_158 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_160 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_161 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_161 (&(LocInfoE loc_162 ((LocInfoE loc_163 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_164 ("from")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [mpool_init_with_fallback]. *)
-  Definition impl_mpool_init_with_fallback (mpool_init : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr);
-      ("fallback", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_220 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_228 (mpool_init) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_229 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_230 ("p"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_231 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_232 ((LocInfoE loc_233 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_234 ("fallback")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_221 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_222 ((LocInfoE loc_223 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_224 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_225 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_226 ("fallback"))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [mpool_fini]. *)
-  Definition impl_mpool_fini (mpool_add_chunk mpool_free : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("size", it_layout size_t);
-      ("ptr1", LPtr);
-      ("ptr2", LPtr);
-      ("entry", LPtr);
-      ("chunk", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_340 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_340 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_340 ((LocInfoE loc_341 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_342 ((LocInfoE loc_343 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_344 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback")))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_345 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_337 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_238 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_238 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_330 ("entry") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_331 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_332 ((LocInfoE loc_333 ((LocInfoE loc_334 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_335 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_239 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_324 ("chunk") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_325 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_326 ((LocInfoE loc_327 ((LocInfoE loc_328 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_329 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_240 ;
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_320 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_320 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_320 ((LocInfoE loc_321 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_322 ("entry")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_323 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        Goto "#3"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_241 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        "ptr1" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_316 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_316 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_317 ("entry"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_299 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_311 ("entry") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_312 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_313 ((LocInfoE loc_314 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_315 ("entry")))) at{struct_mpool_entry} "next"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_300 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_304 (mpool_free) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_305 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_306 ((LocInfoE loc_307 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_308 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_309 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_310 ("ptr1"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_301 ;
-        Goto "continue9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_241 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_292 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_292 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_292 ((LocInfoE loc_293 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_294 ("chunk")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_295 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_242 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        "ptr2" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_288 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_288 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_289 ("chunk"))))) ;
-        "size" <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_282 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_283 ((LocInfoE loc_284 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_285 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_263 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_277 ("chunk") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_278 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_279 ((LocInfoE loc_280 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_281 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_264 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_268 (mpool_add_chunk) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_269 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_270 ((LocInfoE loc_271 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_272 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_273 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_274 ("ptr2"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_275 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_276 ("size"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_265 ;
-        Goto "continue11"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_242 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_254 ((LocInfoE loc_255 ((LocInfoE loc_256 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_257 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_258 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_243 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_249 ((LocInfoE loc_250 ((LocInfoE loc_251 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_252 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_253 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_244 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_245 ((LocInfoE loc_246 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_247 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_248 (NULL) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_337 ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_238 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue11" :=
-        locinfo: loc_241 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_240 ;
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [mpool_alloc_no_fallback]. *)
-  Definition impl_mpool_alloc_no_fallback (sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("new_chunk", LPtr);
-      ("entry", LPtr);
-      ("ret", LPtr);
-      ("chunk", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_348 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_481 (sl_lock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_482 (&(LocInfoE loc_483 ((LocInfoE loc_484 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_485 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_349 ;
-        annot: (UnlockA) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_476 (&(LocInfoE loc_477 ((LocInfoE loc_478 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_479 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_469 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_469 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_469 ((LocInfoE loc_470 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_471 ((LocInfoE loc_472 ((LocInfoE loc_473 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_474 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_475 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_352 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_352 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_439 ("chunk") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_440 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_441 ((LocInfoE loc_442 ((LocInfoE loc_443 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_444 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_435 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_435 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_435 ((LocInfoE loc_436 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_437 ("chunk")))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_438 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_430 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_420 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_420 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_420 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_420 ((LocInfoE loc_421 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_422 ((LocInfoE loc_423 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_424 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))) ≥{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_425 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_426 ((LocInfoE loc_427 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_428 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_371 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_381 ;
-          Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_355 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_367 ("ret") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_368 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_369 ("chunk"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_356 ;
-        Goto "exit"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_371 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_372 ((LocInfoE loc_373 ((LocInfoE loc_374 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_375 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_376 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_377 ((LocInfoE loc_378 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_379 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_355 ;
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_381 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_410 ("new_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_411 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_412 ((LocInfoE loc_413 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_414 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_415 ("chunk")))))) at_offset{it_layout u8, PtrOp, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_416 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_417 ((LocInfoE loc_418 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_419 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_382 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_403 ((LocInfoE loc_404 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_405 ("new_chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_406 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_407 ((LocInfoE loc_408 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_409 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_383 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_391 ((LocInfoE loc_392 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_393 ("new_chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_394 ((LocInfoE loc_395 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_396 ((LocInfoE loc_397 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_398 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size")))) -{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_399 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_400 ((LocInfoE loc_401 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_402 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_384 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_385 ((LocInfoE loc_386 ((LocInfoE loc_387 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_388 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_389 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_390 ("new_chunk"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_355 ;
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_430 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_432 ("ret") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_433 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_431 ;
-        Goto "exit"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_420 ;
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        "entry" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_461 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_462 ((LocInfoE loc_463 ((LocInfoE loc_464 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_465 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_447 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_453 ((LocInfoE loc_454 ((LocInfoE loc_455 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_456 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "entry_list") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_457 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_458 ((LocInfoE loc_459 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_460 ("entry")))) at{struct_mpool_entry} "next"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_448 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_450 ("ret") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_451 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_452 ("entry"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_449 ;
-        Goto "exit"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_352 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "exit" :=
-        locinfo: loc_357 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_362 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_363 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_363 (&(LocInfoE loc_364 ((LocInfoE loc_365 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_366 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_358 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_359 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_360 ("ret"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [mpool_alloc]. *)
-  Definition impl_mpool_alloc (mpool_alloc_no_fallback : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("ret", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_539 ;
-        "$1" <- LocInfoE loc_541 (mpool_alloc_no_fallback) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_542 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_543 ("p"))) ] ;
-        "ret" <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_539 ("$1") ;
-        locinfo: loc_535 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_535 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_535 ((LocInfoE loc_536 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_537 ("ret")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_538 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_531 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_490 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_490 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_525 ("p") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_526 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_527 ((LocInfoE loc_528 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_529 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_491 ;
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_521 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_521 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_521 ((LocInfoE loc_522 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_523 ("p")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_524 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_516 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_492 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_516 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_518 (mpool_alloc_no_fallback) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_519 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_520 ("p"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_496 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_515 ("ret") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_516 ("$0") ;
-        locinfo: loc_511 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_511 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_511 ((LocInfoE loc_512 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_513 ("ret")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_514 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_507 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_498 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_492 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_493 (NULL))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_498 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_501 ("p") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_502 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_503 ((LocInfoE loc_504 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_505 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_499 ;
-        Goto "continue25"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_507 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_508 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_509 ("ret"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_498 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_531 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_532 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_533 ("ret"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_490 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue25" :=
-        locinfo: loc_491 ;
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback]. *)
-  Definition impl_mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback (sl_lock sl_unlock round_pointer_up : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr);
-      ("count", it_layout size_t);
-      ("align", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("prev", LPtr);
-      ("before_start", it_layout size_t);
-      ("chunk_next", LPtr);
-      ("new_chunk", LPtr);
-      ("start", LPtr);
-      ("ret", LPtr);
-      ("chunk_size", it_layout size_t);
-      ("chunk", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "ret" <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_786 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_549 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_778 ("align") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_779 ((LocInfoE loc_780 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_781 ("align")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_782 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_783 ((LocInfoE loc_784 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_785 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_550 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_773 (sl_lock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_774 (&(LocInfoE loc_775 ((LocInfoE loc_776 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_777 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_551 ;
-        annot: (UnlockA) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_768 (&(LocInfoE loc_769 ((LocInfoE loc_770 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_771 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_553 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_762 ("prev") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_763 (&(LocInfoE loc_764 ((LocInfoE loc_765 ((LocInfoE loc_766 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_767 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "locked")) at{struct_mpool_locked_inner} "chunk_list"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_554 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_756 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_756 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_756 ((LocInfoE loc_757 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_759 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_760 ("prev")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_761 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_555 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#10" :=
-        locinfo: loc_640 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_642 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_643 ("prev"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_644 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_645 ("chunk_next"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_632 ;
-        Goto "#6"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#11" :=
-        locinfo: loc_647 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_677 ("new_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_678 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_679 ((LocInfoE loc_680 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_681 ("start")))) at_offset{it_layout u8, PtrOp, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_682 ((LocInfoE loc_683 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_684 ("count")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_685 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_686 ((LocInfoE loc_687 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_688 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_648 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_661 ((LocInfoE loc_662 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_663 ("new_chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_664 ((LocInfoE loc_665 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_666 ("chunk_size")))) -{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_667 ((LocInfoE loc_668 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_669 ("before_start")))) +{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_670 ((LocInfoE loc_671 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_672 ("count")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_673 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_674 ((LocInfoE loc_675 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_676 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size"))))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_649 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_656 ((LocInfoE loc_657 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_658 ("new_chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_659 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_660 ("chunk_next"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_650 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_652 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_653 ("prev"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_654 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_655 ("new_chunk"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_632 ;
-        Goto "#6"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#12" :=
-        locinfo: loc_576 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        "chunk" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_750 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_752 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_753 ("prev"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_574 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_742 (round_pointer_up) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_743 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_744 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_745 ("chunk"))))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_746 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_747 ("align"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_748 (&(LocInfoE loc_749 ("before_start"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_726 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_726 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_726 ((LocInfoE loc_727 ((LocInfoE loc_728 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_729 ("before_start")))) +{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_730 ((LocInfoE loc_731 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_732 ("count")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_733 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_734 ((LocInfoE loc_735 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_736 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))))))) ≤{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_737 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_738 ((LocInfoE loc_739 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_740 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size")))))))
-        then
-        Goto "#5"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_576 ;
-          Goto "#12"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_555 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_567 (&(LocInfoE loc_569 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_570 ("prev")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_557 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_562 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_563 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_563 (&(LocInfoE loc_564 ((LocInfoE loc_565 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_566 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_558 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_559 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_560 ("ret"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_576 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_579 ("prev") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_580 (&(LocInfoE loc_581 ((LocInfoE loc_582 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_583 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_577 ;
-        Goto "continue32"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        "chunk_size" <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_719 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_720 ((LocInfoE loc_721 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_722 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size"))) ;
-        "chunk_next" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_713 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_714 ((LocInfoE loc_715 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_716 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_587 ;
-        annot: (ToUninit) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_709 (&(LocInfoE loc_711 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_712 ("chunk")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_589 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_702 ("start") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_703 ((LocInfoE loc_704 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_705 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_706 ("chunk")))))) at_offset{it_layout u8, PtrOp, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_707 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_708 ("before_start"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_689 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_689 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_689 ((LocInfoE loc_690 ((LocInfoE loc_691 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_692 ("before_start")))) +{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_693 ((LocInfoE loc_694 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_695 ("count")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_696 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_697 ((LocInfoE loc_698 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_699 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))))))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_700 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_701 ("chunk_size")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_640 ;
-          Goto "#10"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_647 ;
-          Goto "#11"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_632 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_632 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_632 ((LocInfoE loc_633 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_634 ("before_start")))) ≥{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_635 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_636 ((LocInfoE loc_637 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_638 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "entry_size")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_611 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_592 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_592 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_606 (&(LocInfoE loc_608 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_609 ("chunk")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_594 ;
-        annot: (UninitStrengthenAlign) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_602 (&(LocInfoE loc_604 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_605 ("start")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_596 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_598 ("ret") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_599 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_600 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_601 ("start"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_555 ;
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_611 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_624 ((LocInfoE loc_625 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_626 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "next_chunk") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_627 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_629 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_630 ("prev"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_612 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_620 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_621 ("prev"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_622 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_623 ("chunk"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_613 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_614 ((LocInfoE loc_615 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_616 ("chunk")))) at{struct_mpool_chunk} "size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_617 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_618 ("before_start"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_592 ;
-        Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_592 ;
-        Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue32" :=
-        locinfo: loc_554 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [mpool_alloc_contiguous]. *)
-  Definition impl_mpool_alloc_contiguous (mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr);
-      ("count", it_layout size_t);
-      ("align", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("ret", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_846 ;
-        "$1" <- LocInfoE loc_848 (mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_849 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_850 ("p"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_851 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_852 ("count"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_853 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_854 ("align"))) ] ;
-        "ret" <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_846 ("$1") ;
-        locinfo: loc_842 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_842 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_842 ((LocInfoE loc_843 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_844 ("ret")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_845 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_838 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_793 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_793 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_832 ("p") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_833 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_834 ((LocInfoE loc_835 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_836 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_794 ;
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_828 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_828 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_828 ((LocInfoE loc_829 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_830 ("p")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_831 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_819 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_795 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_819 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_821 (mpool_alloc_contiguous_no_fallback) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_822 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_823 ("p"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_824 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_825 ("count"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_826 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_827 ("align"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_799 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_818 ("ret") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_819 ("$0") ;
-        locinfo: loc_814 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_814 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_814 ((LocInfoE loc_815 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_816 ("ret")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_817 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_810 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_801 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_795 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_796 (NULL))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_801 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_804 ("p") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_805 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_806 ((LocInfoE loc_807 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_808 ("p")))) at{struct_mpool} "fallback"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_802 ;
-        Goto "continue41"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_810 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_811 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_812 ("ret"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_801 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_838 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_839 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_840 ("ret"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_793 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue41" :=
-        locinfo: loc_794 ;
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c.generate b/theories/examples/mpool_simpl/mpool_simpl.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c.generate b/theories/examples/mutable_map/mutable_map.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/queue/queue.c.generate b/theories/examples/queue/queue.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c.generate b/theories/examples/reverse/reverse.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c.generate b/theories/examples/simple_union/simple_union.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c.generate b/theories/examples/spinlock/spinlock.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f00e3ab2..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_annot.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 2 19 3.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 2 20 17.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 2 21 28.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 9 21 27.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 9 21 18.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 9 21 18.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 9 21 10.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 9 21 10.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 21 21 27.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 21 21 27.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 21 21 22.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 21 21 22.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 2 20 8.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 2 20 3.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 2 20 3.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 2 20 16.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 2 20 8.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 2 20 8.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 2 20 3.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 2 20 3.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 12 20 16.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 12 20 16.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 20 19 3.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 4 18 26.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 11 18 25.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 5 17 18.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 5 17 9.
-  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 5 17 9.
-  Definition loc_31 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 12 17 18.
-  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 12 17 18.
-  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 12 17 13.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 12 17 13.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 2 37 17.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 2 38 35.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 35 38 3.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 2 39 33.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 2 40 19.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 2 41 13.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 9 41 12.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 9 41 12.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 2 40 11.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 2 40 11.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 12 40 17.
-  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 13 40 17.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 14 39 32.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 14 39 19.
-  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 14 39 19.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 20 39 25.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 21 39 25.
-  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 27 39 31.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 27 39 31.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 27 38 34.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 28 38 34.
-  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 2 37 9.
-  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 2 37 9.
-  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 10 37 15.
-  Definition loc_63 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 11 37 15.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 2 62 23.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 2 69 3.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 2 70 24.
-  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 2 71 21.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 2 72 21.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 2 73 15.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 2 73 6.
-  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 3 73 6.
-  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 3 73 6.
-  Definition loc_75 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 9 73 14.
-  Definition loc_76 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 9 73 14.
-  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 2 72 13.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 2 72 7.
-  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 2 72 7.
-  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 16 72 20.
-  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 16 72 20.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 17 72 20.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 17 72 20.
-  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 2 71 13.
-  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 2 71 7.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 2 71 7.
-  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 16 71 20.
-  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 16 71 20.
-  Definition loc_89 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 19 70 23.
-  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 19 70 23.
-  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 2 69 3.
-  Definition loc_94 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 32 69 3.
-  Definition loc_95 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 4 67 35.
-  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 68 4 68 24.
-  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 2 69 3.
-  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 2 69 3.
-  Definition loc_99 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 68 4 68 7.
-  Definition loc_100 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 68 10 68 23.
-  Definition loc_101 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 68 11 68 23.
-  Definition loc_102 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 68 11 68 17.
-  Definition loc_103 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 68 11 68 17.
-  Definition loc_104 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 68 13 68 16.
-  Definition loc_105 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 68 13 68 16.
-  Definition loc_106 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 29 67 35.
-  Definition loc_108 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 7 67 27.
-  Definition loc_109 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 7 67 11.
-  Definition loc_110 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 7 67 11.
-  Definition loc_111 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 15 67 27.
-  Definition loc_112 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 15 67 27.
-  Definition loc_113 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 15 67 21.
-  Definition loc_114 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 15 67 21.
-  Definition loc_115 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 17 67 20.
-  Definition loc_116 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 17 67 20.
-  Definition loc_117 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 8 66 30.
-  Definition loc_118 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 8 66 12.
-  Definition loc_119 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 8 66 12.
-  Definition loc_120 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 9 66 12.
-  Definition loc_121 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 9 66 12.
-  Definition loc_122 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 66 16 66 30.
-  Definition loc_123 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 18 62 22.
-  Definition loc_124 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 18 62 22.
-  Definition loc_129 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 84 2 84 10.
-  Definition loc_130 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 84 2 84 4.
-  Definition loc_131 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 84 2 84 4.
-  Definition loc_132 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 84 2 84 4.
-  Definition loc_133 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 84 5 84 8.
-  Definition loc_134 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 84 5 84 8.
-  Definition loc_137 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 2 90 24.
-  Definition loc_138 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 2 91 30.
-  Definition loc_139 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 2 91 19.
-  Definition loc_140 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 2 91 19.
-  Definition loc_141 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 20 91 28.
-  Definition loc_142 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 20 91 28.
-  Definition loc_143 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 21 91 28.
-  Definition loc_144 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 21 91 28.
-  Definition loc_145 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 20 90 23.
-  Definition loc_146 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 20 90 23.
-  Definition loc_151 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 100 2 100 12.
-  Definition loc_152 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 101 2 101 47.
-  Definition loc_153 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 102 2 102 23.
-  Definition loc_154 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 102 2 102 19.
-  Definition loc_155 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 102 2 102 19.
-  Definition loc_156 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 102 20 102 21.
-  Definition loc_157 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 101 2 101 6.
-  Definition loc_158 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 101 2 101 6.
-  Definition loc_159 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 101 7 101 37.
-  Definition loc_160 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 101 39 101 45.
-  Definition loc_161 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 101 40 101 45.
-  Definition loc_162 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 100 2 100 7.
-  Definition loc_163 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 100 10 100 11.
-  (* Definition of struct [atomic_flag]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_atomic_flag := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "_Value", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [spinlock]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_spinlock := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "lock", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [alloc_data]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_alloc_data := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "len", it_layout size_t);
-      (Some "buffer", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [chunk]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_chunk := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "size", it_layout size_t);
-      (Some "next", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of function [alloc]. *)
-  Definition impl_alloc : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("d", LPtr);
-      ("size", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_28 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_28 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_28 ((LocInfoE loc_29 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_30 ("size")))) >{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_31 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_32 ((LocInfoE loc_33 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_34 ("d")))) at{struct_alloc_data} "len")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_25 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_14 ((LocInfoE loc_15 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_16 ("d")))) at{struct_alloc_data} "len") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_17 ((LocInfoE loc_18 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_19 ((LocInfoE loc_20 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_21 ("d")))) at{struct_alloc_data} "len")))) -{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_22 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_23 ("size"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_5 ((LocInfoE loc_6 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_7 ((LocInfoE loc_8 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_9 ("d")))) at{struct_alloc_data} "buffer")))) at_offset{it_layout u8, PtrOp, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_10 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_11 ((LocInfoE loc_12 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_13 ("d")))) at{struct_alloc_data} "len"))))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_25 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_26 (NULL))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [thread_safe_alloc]. *)
-  Definition impl_thread_safe_alloc (lock data sl_lock sl_unlock alloc : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("size", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("ret", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_37 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_61 (sl_lock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_62 (&(LocInfoE loc_63 (lock))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_38 ;
-        annot: (UnlockA) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_58 (&(LocInfoE loc_59 (data)))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_49 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_51 (alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_52 (&(LocInfoE loc_53 (data))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_54 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_55 ("size"))) ] ;
-        "ret" <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_49 ("$0") ;
-        locinfo: loc_41 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_46 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_47 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_47 (&(LocInfoE loc_48 (lock))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_42 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_43 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_44 ("ret"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [free]. *)
-  Definition impl_free : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("list", LPtr);
-      ("data", LPtr);
-      ("size", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("cur", LPtr);
-      ("entry", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "cur" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_123 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_124 ("list"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_67 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_117 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_117 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_117 ((LocInfoE loc_118 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_120 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_121 ("cur")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_122 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_108 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_108 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_108 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_108 ((LocInfoE loc_109 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_110 ("size")))) ≤{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_111 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_112 ((LocInfoE loc_113 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_115 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_116 ("cur")))))) at{struct_chunk} "size")))))))
-        then
-        Goto "#5"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_96 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        "entry" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_89 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_89 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_90 ("data"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_69 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_84 ((LocInfoE loc_85 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_86 ("entry")))) at{struct_chunk} "size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_87 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_88 ("size"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_70 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_77 ((LocInfoE loc_78 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_79 ("entry")))) at{struct_chunk} "next") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_80 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_82 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_83 ("cur"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_71 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_73 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_74 ("cur"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_75 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_76 ("entry"))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_96 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_99 ("cur") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_100 (&(LocInfoE loc_101 ((LocInfoE loc_102 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_104 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_105 ("cur")))))) at{struct_chunk} "next"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_97 ;
-        Goto "continue7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_96 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_67 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [fork]. *)
-  Definition impl_fork : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("fn", LPtr);
-      ("arg", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_129 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_131 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_132 ("fn"))) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_133 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_134 ("arg"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn]. *)
-  Definition impl_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn (thread_safe_alloc : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("num", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("num_int", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "num_int" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_145 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_145 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_146 ("num"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_138 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_140 (thread_safe_alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_141 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_143 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_144 ("num_int"))))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [test_thread_safe_alloc]. *)
-  Definition impl_test_thread_safe_alloc (param thread_safe_alloc fork test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_151 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_162 (param) <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_163 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_163 (i2v 5 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_152 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_158 (fork) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_159 (test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_160 (&(LocInfoE loc_161 (param))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_153 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_155 (thread_safe_alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_156 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_156 (i2v 5 i32))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_alloc.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_alloc.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cd28733..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_alloc.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c]. *)
-Section proof_alloc.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [alloc]. *)
-  Lemma type_alloc :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_alloc type_of_alloc.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "alloc" ([[nlen nsize] p]) => arg_d arg_size.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "alloc" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "alloc".
-  Qed.
-End proof_alloc.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_fork.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_fork.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a94acd0..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_fork.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c]. *)
-Section proof_fork.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [fork]. *)
-  Lemma type_fork :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_fork type_of_fork.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "fork" ([ty P]) => arg_fn arg_arg.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "fork" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "fork".
-  Qed.
-End proof_fork.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_free.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_free.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f05f4374..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_free.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c]. *)
-Section proof_free.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [free]. *)
-  Lemma type_free :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_free type_of_free.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "free" ([[s p] ly]) => arg_list arg_data arg_size local_cur local_entry.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        ∃ cp : loc,
-        ∃ cs : gmultiset layout,
-        arg_data ◁ₗ (&own (uninit (ly))) ∗
-        arg_size ◁ₗ ((ly.(ly_size)) @ (int (size_t))) ∗
-        local_entry ◁ₗ uninit LPtr ∗
-        local_cur ◁ₗ (cp @ (&own (cs @ (chunks_t)))) ∗
-        arg_list ◁ₗ (p @ (&own (wand (cp ◁ₗ ({[ly]} ⊎ cs) @ chunks_t) (({[ly]} ⊎ s) @ (chunks_t)))))
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "free" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "free" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: multiset_solver.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "free".
-  Qed.
-End proof_free.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_test_thread_safe_alloc.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_test_thread_safe_alloc.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e912c64..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_test_thread_safe_alloc.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c]. *)
-Section proof_test_thread_safe_alloc.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [test_thread_safe_alloc]. *)
-  Lemma type_test_thread_safe_alloc (param thread_safe_alloc fork test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn : loc) :
-    global_locs !! "param" = Some param →
-    thread_safe_alloc ◁ᵥ thread_safe_alloc @ function_ptr type_of_thread_safe_alloc -∗
-    fork ◁ᵥ fork @ function_ptr type_of_fork -∗
-    test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn ◁ᵥ test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn @ function_ptr type_of_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn -∗
-    typed_function (impl_test_thread_safe_alloc param thread_safe_alloc fork test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn) type_of_test_thread_safe_alloc.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "test_thread_safe_alloc" (lid).
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "test_thread_safe_alloc" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "test_thread_safe_alloc".
-  Qed.
-End proof_test_thread_safe_alloc.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 944476f8..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c]. *)
-Section proof_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn]. *)
-  Lemma type_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn (thread_safe_alloc : loc) :
-    thread_safe_alloc ◁ᵥ thread_safe_alloc @ function_ptr type_of_thread_safe_alloc -∗
-    typed_function (impl_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn thread_safe_alloc) type_of_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn" ([]) => arg_num local_num_int.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn".
-  Qed.
-End proof_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_thread_safe_alloc.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_thread_safe_alloc.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 43b64a10..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_proof_thread_safe_alloc.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c]. *)
-Section proof_thread_safe_alloc.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [thread_safe_alloc]. *)
-  Lemma type_thread_safe_alloc (lock data sl_lock sl_unlock alloc : loc) :
-    global_locs !! "lock" = Some lock →
-    global_locs !! "data" = Some data →
-    global_initialized_types !! "lock" = Some (GT lock_id (λ 'lid, (spinlock (lid)) : type)) →
-    global_initialized_types !! "data" = Some (GT lock_id (λ 'lid, (spinlocked (lid) ("data") (alloc_data)) : type)) →
-    sl_lock ◁ᵥ sl_lock @ function_ptr type_of_sl_lock -∗
-    sl_unlock ◁ᵥ sl_unlock @ function_ptr type_of_sl_unlock -∗
-    alloc ◁ᵥ alloc @ function_ptr type_of_alloc -∗
-    typed_function (impl_thread_safe_alloc lock data sl_lock sl_unlock alloc) type_of_thread_safe_alloc.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "thread_safe_alloc" ([lid nsize]) => arg_size local_ret.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "thread_safe_alloc" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "thread_safe_alloc".
-  Qed.
-End proof_thread_safe_alloc.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f6d9dfe..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import misc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Definition of type [alloc_data]. *)
-  Definition alloc_data_rec : (nat -d> typeO) → (nat -d> typeO) := (λ self nlen,
-    struct struct_alloc_data [@{type}
-      (nlen @ (int (size_t))) ;
-      (&own (uninit (ly_set_size u8 nlen)))
-    ]
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque alloc_data_rec.
-  Global Instance alloc_data_rec_ne : Contractive alloc_data_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition alloc_data : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := nat;
-    rty r__ := fixp alloc_data_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma alloc_data_unfold (nlen : nat) :
-    (nlen @ alloc_data)%I ≡@{type} (
-      struct struct_alloc_data [@{type}
-        (nlen @ (int (size_t))) ;
-        (&own (uninit (ly_set_size u8 nlen)))
-      ]
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance alloc_data_rmovable : RMovable alloc_data :=
-    {| rmovable 'nlen := movable_eq _ _ (alloc_data_unfold nlen) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance alloc_data_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (nlen : nat) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ (nlen @ alloc_data)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (alloc_data_unfold _)).
-  Global Instance alloc_data_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (nlen : nat) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ (nlen @ alloc_data)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (alloc_data_unfold _)).
-  Global Program Instance alloc_data_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (nlen : nat) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ (nlen @ alloc_data)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (alloc_data_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance alloc_data_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (nlen : nat) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ (nlen @ alloc_data)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (alloc_data_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Definition of type [chunks_t]. *)
-  Definition chunks_t_rec : ((gmultiset layout) -d> typeO) → ((gmultiset layout) -d> typeO) := (λ self s,
-    ((s ≠ ∅) @ (optional (&own (
-      tyexists (λ ly : layout,
-      tyexists (λ tail : gmultiset layout,
-      constrained (padded (struct struct_chunk [@{type}
-        ((ly.(ly_size)) @ (int (size_t))) ;
-        (guarded ("chunks_t_0") (apply_dfun self (tail)))
-      ]) struct_chunk ly) (
-        ⌜s = {[ly]} ⊎ tail⌝ ∗
-        ⌜∀ k, k ∈ tail → ly.(ly_size) ≤ k.(ly_size)⌝
-      )))
-    )) (null)))
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque chunks_t_rec.
-  Global Instance chunks_t_rec_ne : Contractive chunks_t_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition chunks_t : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := (gmultiset layout);
-    rty r__ := fixp chunks_t_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma chunks_t_unfold (s : gmultiset layout) :
-    (s @ chunks_t)%I ≡@{type} (
-      ((s ≠ ∅) @ (optional (&own (
-        tyexists (λ ly : layout,
-        tyexists (λ tail : gmultiset layout,
-        constrained (padded (struct struct_chunk [@{type}
-          ((ly.(ly_size)) @ (int (size_t))) ;
-          (guarded "chunks_t_0" (tail @ chunks_t))
-        ]) struct_chunk ly) (
-          ⌜s = {[ly]} ⊎ tail⌝ ∗
-          ⌜∀ k, k ∈ tail → ly.(ly_size) ≤ k.(ly_size)⌝
-        )))
-      )) (null)))
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance chunks_t_rmovable : RMovable chunks_t :=
-    {| rmovable 's := movable_eq _ _ (chunks_t_unfold s) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance chunks_t_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (s : gmultiset layout) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ (s @ chunks_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (chunks_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Instance chunks_t_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (s : gmultiset layout) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ (s @ chunks_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (chunks_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Program Instance chunks_t_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (s : gmultiset layout) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ (s @ chunks_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (chunks_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance chunks_t_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (s : gmultiset layout) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ (s @ chunks_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (chunks_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Function [atomic_thread_fence] has been skipped. *)
-  (* Function [atomic_signal_fence] has been skipped. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [sl_init]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sl_init :=
-    fn(∀ p : loc; (p @ (&own (uninit (struct_spinlock)))); True)
-      → ∃ gamma : lock_id, (void); (p ◁ₗ (spinlock (gamma))).
-  (* Specifications for function [sl_lock]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sl_lock :=
-    fn(∀ (p, gamma, beta) : loc * lock_id * own_state; (p @ (&frac{beta} (spinlock (gamma)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ{beta} (spinlock (gamma))) ∗ (spinlock_token gamma []).
-  (* Specifications for function [sl_unlock]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sl_unlock :=
-    fn(∀ (p, gamma, beta) : loc * lock_id * own_state; (p @ (&frac{beta} (spinlock (gamma)))); (spinlock_token gamma []))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ{beta} (spinlock (gamma))).
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc :=
-    fn(∀ (nlen, nsize, p) : nat * nat * loc; (p @ (&own (nlen @ (alloc_data)))), (nsize @ (int (size_t))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((nsize <= nlen) @ (optional (&own (uninit (ly_set_size u8 nsize))) (null))); (p ◁ₗ ((if bool_decide(nsize <= nlen) then (nlen - nsize)%nat else nlen) @ (alloc_data))).
-  (* Specifications for function [thread_safe_alloc]. *)
-  Definition type_of_thread_safe_alloc :=
-    fn(∀ (lid, nsize) : lock_id * nat; (nsize @ (int (size_t))); (initialized "lock" lid) ∗ (initialized "data" lid))
-      → ∃ () : (), (optionalO (λ _ : unit,
-        &own (uninit (ly_set_size u8 nsize)) ) (null)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free :=
-    fn(∀ (s, p, ly) : (gmultiset layout) * loc * layout; (p @ (&own (s @ (chunks_t)))), (&own (uninit (ly))), ((ly.(ly_size)) @ (int (size_t))); ⌜layout_of struct_chunk ⊑ ly⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ (({[ly]} ⊎ s) @ (chunks_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [fork]. *)
-  Definition type_of_fork :=
-    fn(∀ (ty, P) : type * (iProp Σ); (function_ptr (fn(∀ () : (); &own ty; P) → ∃ () : (), void; True)), (&own (ty)); (P))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn]. *)
-  Definition type_of_test_thread_safe_alloc_fork_fn :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (&own (tyexists (λ n : nat, n @ (int (size_t))))); (∃ lid : gname, initialized "lock" lid ∗ initialized "data" lid))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [test_thread_safe_alloc]. *)
-  Definition type_of_test_thread_safe_alloc :=
-    fn(∀ lid : gname; (initialized "lock" lid) ∗ (initialized "data" lid) ∗ (global_with_type "param" Own (uninit size_t)))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-End spec.
-Typeclasses Opaque alloc_data_rec.
-Typeclasses Opaque chunks_t_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c0412e97..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 2 28 3.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 27 26 3.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 25 4 25 11.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 25 4 25 6.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 25 5 25 6.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 25 5 25 6.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 25 9 25 10.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 25 9 25 10.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 9 28 3.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 4 27 27.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 4 27 10.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 4 27 10.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 11 27 22.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 12 27 22.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 12 27 16.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 12 27 16.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 14 27 15.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 14 27 15.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 24 27 25.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 24 27 25.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 5 24 25.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 5 24 7.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 5 24 7.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 6 24 7.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 6 24 7.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 11 24 25.
-  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 2 51 3.
-  Definition loc_31 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 27 41 3.
-  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 4 40 26.
-  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 11 40 25.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 9 51 3.
-  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 4 42 48.
-  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 4 43 21.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 4 50 5.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 27 48 5.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 6 45 22.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 6 46 24.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 6 47 18.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 13 47 17.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 13 47 17.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 6 46 16.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 6 46 10.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 6 46 10.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 19 46 23.
-  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 19 46 23.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 6 45 8.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 7 45 8.
-  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 7 45 8.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 11 45 21.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 11 45 21.
-  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 11 45 15.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 11 45 15.
-  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 13 45 14.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 13 45 14.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 11 50 5.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 6 49 18.
-  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 13 49 17.
-  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 13 49 17.
-  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 7 44 25.
-  Definition loc_63 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 7 44 16.
-  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 7 44 16.
-  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 7 44 11.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 7 44 11.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 9 44 10.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 9 44 10.
-  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 20 44 25.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 20 44 25.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 18 43 20.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 18 43 20.
-  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 19 43 20.
-  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 19 43 20.
-  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 18 42 47.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 18 42 27.
-  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 18 42 27.
-  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 28 42 39.
-  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 29 42 39.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 29 42 33.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 29 42 33.
-  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 31 42 32.
-  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 31 42 32.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 41 42 46.
-  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 41 42 46.
-  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 5 39 25.
-  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 5 39 7.
-  Definition loc_92 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 5 39 7.
-  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 6 39 7.
-  Definition loc_94 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 6 39 7.
-  Definition loc_95 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 11 39 25.
-  (* Definition of struct [list_node]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_list_node := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "val", it_layout i32);
-      (None, mk_layout 4%nat 0%nat);
-      (Some "next", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of function [append]. *)
-  Definition impl_append (append : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("l", LPtr);
-      ("k", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_22 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_22 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_22 ((LocInfoE loc_23 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_25 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_26 ("l")))))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_27 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-          Goto "#1"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_11 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_6 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_7 ("l"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_8 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_9 ("k"))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_11 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_13 (append) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_14 (&(LocInfoE loc_15 ((LocInfoE loc_16 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_18 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_19 ("l")))))) at{struct_list_node} "next"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_20 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_21 ("k"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [partition]. *)
-  Definition impl_partition (partition : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("l", LPtr);
-      ("pivot", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("rest", LPtr);
-      ("head", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_90 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_90 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_90 ((LocInfoE loc_91 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_93 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_94 ("l")))))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_95 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_32 ;
-          Goto "#1"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_77 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_32 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_33 (NULL))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_77 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_79 (partition) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_80 (&(LocInfoE loc_81 ((LocInfoE loc_82 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_84 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_85 ("l")))))) at{struct_list_node} "next"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_86 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_87 ("pivot"))) ] ;
-        "rest" <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_77 ("$0") ;
-        "head" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_71 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_73 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_74 ("l"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_62 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_62 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_62 ((LocInfoE loc_63 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_64 ((LocInfoE loc_65 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_67 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_68 ("l")))))) at{struct_list_node} "val")))) ≤{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_69 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_70 ("pivot")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_39 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_59 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_39 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_50 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_51 ("l"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_52 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_53 ((LocInfoE loc_54 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_56 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_57 ("l")))))) at{struct_list_node} "next"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_40 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_44 ((LocInfoE loc_45 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_46 ("head")))) at{struct_list_node} "next") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_47 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_48 ("rest"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_41 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_42 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_43 ("head"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_59 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_60 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_61 ("rest"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_proof_append.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_proof_append.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 013bb671..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_proof_append.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From Require Import quicksort_code.
-From Require Import quicksort_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort.c]. *)
-Section proof_append.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [append]. *)
-  Lemma type_append (append : loc) :
-    append ◁ᵥ append @ function_ptr type_of_append -∗
-    typed_function (impl_append append) type_of_append.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "append" ([[p xs] ys]) => arg_l arg_k.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "append" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "append".
-  Qed.
-End proof_append.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_proof_partition.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_proof_partition.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd90cd2..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_proof_partition.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From Require Import quicksort_code.
-From Require Import quicksort_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort.c]. *)
-Section proof_partition.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [partition]. *)
-  Lemma type_partition (partition : loc) :
-    partition ◁ᵥ partition @ function_ptr type_of_partition -∗
-    typed_function (impl_partition partition) type_of_partition.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "partition" ([[p xs] z]) => arg_l arg_pivot local_rest local_head.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "partition" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by rewrite filter_cons; solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "partition".
-  Qed.
-End proof_partition.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c2f851c2..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From Require Import quicksort_code.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Definition of type [list_t]. *)
-  Definition list_t_rec : ((list Z) -d> typeO) → ((list Z) -d> typeO) := (λ self xs,
-    ((xs <> []) @ (optional (&own (
-      tyexists (λ y : Z,
-      tyexists (λ ys : list Z,
-      constrained (struct struct_list_node [@{type}
-        (y @ (int (i32))) ;
-        (guarded ("list_t_0") (apply_dfun self (ys)))
-      ]) (
-        ⌜xs = y :: ys⌝
-      )))
-    )) (null)))
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque list_t_rec.
-  Global Instance list_t_rec_ne : Contractive list_t_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition list_t : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := (list Z);
-    rty r__ := fixp list_t_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma list_t_unfold (xs : list Z) :
-    (xs @ list_t)%I ≡@{type} (
-      ((xs <> []) @ (optional (&own (
-        tyexists (λ y : Z,
-        tyexists (λ ys : list Z,
-        constrained (struct struct_list_node [@{type}
-          (y @ (int (i32))) ;
-          (guarded "list_t_0" (ys @ list_t))
-        ]) (
-          ⌜xs = y :: ys⌝
-        )))
-      )) (null)))
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance list_t_rmovable : RMovable list_t :=
-    {| rmovable 'xs := movable_eq _ _ (list_t_unfold xs) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance list_t_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (xs : list Z) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ (xs @ list_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (list_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Instance list_t_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (xs : list Z) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ (xs @ list_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (list_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Program Instance list_t_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (xs : list Z) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ (xs @ list_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (list_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance list_t_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (xs : list Z) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ (xs @ list_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (list_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [append]. *)
-  Definition type_of_append :=
-    fn(∀ (p, xs, ys) : loc * (list Z) * (list Z); (p @ (&own (xs @ (list_t)))), (ys @ (list_t)); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ ((xs ++ ys) @ (list_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [partition]. *)
-  Definition type_of_partition :=
-    fn(∀ (p, xs, z) : loc * (list Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (xs @ (list_t)))), (z @ (int (i32))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((filter (λ v, v <= z) xs) @ (list_t)); (p ◁ₗ ((filter (λ v, v > z) xs) @ (list_t))).
-End spec.
-Typeclasses Opaque list_t_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index bd8133cd..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 2 39 19.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 2 52 3.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 2 53 12.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 9 53 11.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 10 53 11.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 2 52 3.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 15 52 3.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 4 44 28.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 4 51 5.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 2 52 3.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 2 52 3.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 20 47 5.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 6 46 15.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 13 46 14.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 13 46 14.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 11 51 5.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 26 49 7.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 6 48 16.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 6 48 7.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 10 48 15.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 10 48 11.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 10 48 11.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 14 48 15.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 13 51 5.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 50 6 50 12.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 50 6 50 7.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 50 10 50 11.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 50 10 50 11.
-  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 15 47 24.
-  Definition loc_31 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 15 47 20.
-  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 15 47 20.
-  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 15 47 20.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 15 47 17.
-  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 15 47 17.
-  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 18 47 19.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 18 47 19.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 23 47 24.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 23 47 24.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 8 45 18.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 8 45 13.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 8 45 13.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 8 45 13.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 8 45 10.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 8 45 10.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 11 45 12.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 11 45 12.
-  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 17 45 18.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 17 45 18.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 12 44 27.
-  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 12 44 13.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 12 44 13.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 16 44 27.
-  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 16 44 23.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 17 44 18.
-  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 17 44 18.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 21 44 22.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 21 44 22.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 26 44 27.
-  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 8 43 13.
-  Definition loc_63 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 8 43 9.
-  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 8 43 9.
-  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 12 43 13.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 12 43 13.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 17 39 18.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 17 39 18.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 10 39 11.
-  (* Definition of function [binary_search]. *)
-  Definition impl_binary_search : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("xs", LPtr);
-      ("n", it_layout i32);
-      ("x", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("r", it_layout i32);
-      ("l", it_layout i32);
-      ("k", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "l" <-{ it_layout i32 } LocInfoE loc_71 (i2v 0 i32) ;
-        "r" <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_67 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_68 ("n"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_62 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_62 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_62 ((LocInfoE loc_63 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_64 ("l")))) <{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_65 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_66 ("r")))))))
-        then
-        Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        "k" <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_50 ((LocInfoE loc_51 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_52 ("l")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_53 ((LocInfoE loc_54 ((LocInfoE loc_55 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_56 ("r")))) -{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_57 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_58 ("l")))))) /{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_59 (i2v 2 i32))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_40 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_40 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_40 ((LocInfoE loc_41 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_43 ((LocInfoE loc_44 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_45 ("xs")))) at_offset{it_layout i32, PtrOp, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_46 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_47 ("k")))))))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_48 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_49 ("x")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_14 ;
-          Goto "#5"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_30 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_5 (UnOp NegOp (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_6 (i2v 1 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_11 ;
-        Goto "continue2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_14 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_15 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_16 ("k"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_30 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_30 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_30 ((LocInfoE loc_31 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_33 ((LocInfoE loc_34 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_35 ("xs")))) at_offset{it_layout i32, PtrOp, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_36 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_37 ("k")))))))) <{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_38 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_39 ("x")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_19 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_26 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_19 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_20 ("l") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_21 ((LocInfoE loc_22 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_23 ("k")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_24 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_11 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_26 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_27 ("r") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_28 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_29 ("k"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_11 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_proof_binary_search.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_proof_binary_search.v
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f412e3..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_proof_binary_search.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t0_intro_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t0_intro_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import binary_search_defs.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro.c]. *)
-Section proof_binary_search.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [binary_search]. *)
-  Lemma type_binary_search :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_binary_search type_of_binary_search.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "binary_search" ([[ls x] p]) => arg_xs arg_n arg_x local_r local_l local_k.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        ∃ vl : nat,
-        ∃ vr : nat,
-        arg_xs ◁ₗ (p @ (&own (array (i32) (ls `at_type` int i32)))) ∗
-        arg_n ◁ₗ ((length ls) @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        arg_x ◁ₗ (x @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        local_k ◁ₗ uninit (it_layout i32) ∗
-        local_l ◁ₗ (vl @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        local_r ◁ₗ (vr @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        ⌜vl <= vr⌝ ∗
-        ⌜vr <= length ls⌝ ∗
-        ⌜must_be_in_range ls vl vr x⌝
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "binary_search" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "binary_search" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: elem_of_list_lookup_2; solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: must_be_in_range_full; solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: must_be_in_range_not_in; solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: must_be_in_range_sorted_r; solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: must_be_in_range_sorted_l; solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "binary_search".
-  Qed.
-End proof_binary_search.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index edd305ff..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t0_intro_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import binary_search_defs.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [binary_search]. *)
-  Definition type_of_binary_search :=
-    fn(∀ (ls, x, p) : (list Z) * Z * loc; (p @ (&own (array (i32) (ls `at_type` int i32)))), ((length ls) @ (int (i32))), (x @ (int (i32))); ⌜StronglySorted (≤) ls⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((x ∈ ls) @ (optional (tyexists (λ i : nat, constrained (i @ (int (i32))) ⌜ls !! i = Some x⌝)) ((-1) @ (int (i32))))); (p ◁ₗ (array (i32) (ls `at_type` int i32))).
-End spec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 03d10624..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 2 7 18.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 2 10 18.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 2 13 18.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 2 13 18.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 16 13 18.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 2 13 18.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 2 13 18.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 8 13 14.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 8 13 9.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 8 13 9.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 13 13 14.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 2 10 18.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 16 10 18.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 2 10 18.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 2 10 18.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 8 10 14.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 8 10 9.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 8 10 9.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 13 10 14.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 2 7 18.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 16 7 18.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 2 7 18.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 2 7 18.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 8 7 14.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 8 7 9.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 8 7 9.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 13 7 14.
-  (* Definition of function [loop_without_annot]. *)
-  Definition impl_loop_without_annot : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("a", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_25 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_25 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_25 ((LocInfoE loc_26 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_27 ("a")))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_28 (i2v 1 i32)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_23 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_23 ;
-        Goto "continue2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_17 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_17 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_17 ((LocInfoE loc_18 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_19 ("a")))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_20 (i2v 1 i32)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_15 ;
-          Goto "#5"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_15 ;
-        Goto "continue4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-        Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_9 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_9 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_9 ((LocInfoE loc_10 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_11 ("a")))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_12 (i2v 1 i32)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_7 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_7 ;
-        Goto "continue6"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-        Goto "#7"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_proof_loop_without_annot.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_proof_loop_without_annot.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dbcf6d8..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_proof_loop_without_annot.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t10_loops_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t10_loops_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops.c]. *)
-Section proof_loop_without_annot.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [loop_without_annot]. *)
-  Lemma type_loop_without_annot :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_loop_without_annot type_of_loop_without_annot.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "loop_without_annot" ([]) => arg_a.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        arg_a ◁ₗ (int (i32))
-    ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        arg_a ◁ₗ (int (i32))
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        arg_a ◁ₗ (int (i32))
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "loop_without_annot" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "loop_without_annot" "#7".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "loop_without_annot" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "loop_without_annot".
-  Qed.
-End proof_loop_without_annot.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2205fa4f..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t10_loops_code.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [loop_without_annot]. *)
-  Definition type_of_loop_without_annot :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (int (i32)); True) → ∃ () : (), (void); ⌜True⌝.
-End spec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index d945e0f0..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1227 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 2 26 24.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 9 26 23.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 2 35 49.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 2 36 30.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 2 37 18.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 2 38 31.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 2 39 14.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 9 39 13.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 9 39 13.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 2 38 13.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 2 38 6.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 2 38 6.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 16 38 30.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 2 37 11.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 2 37 6.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 2 37 6.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 14 37 17.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 14 37 17.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 2 36 12.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 2 36 6.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 2 36 6.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 15 36 29.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 22 35 48.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 22 35 27.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 22 35 27.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 28 35 47.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 2 49 49.
-  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 50 2 50 20.
-  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 2 51 18.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 52 2 52 22.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 2 53 14.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 9 53 13.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 9 53 13.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 52 2 52 13.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 52 2 52 6.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 52 2 52 6.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 52 16 52 21.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 52 16 52 21.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 2 51 11.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 2 51 6.
-  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 2 51 6.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 14 51 17.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 14 51 17.
-  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 50 2 50 12.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 50 2 50 6.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 50 2 50 6.
-  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 50 15 50 19.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 50 15 50 19.
-  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 22 49 48.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 22 49 27.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 22 49 27.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 28 49 47.
-  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 2 65 3.
-  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 26 65 3.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 4 62 29.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 4 63 30.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 4 64 34.
-  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 4 64 8.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 4 64 8.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 9 64 28.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 30 64 32.
-  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 30 64 32.
-  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 31 64 32.
-  Definition loc_75 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 64 31 64 32.
-  Definition loc_76 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 4 63 13.
-  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 4 63 13.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 14 63 28.
-  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 15 63 28.
-  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 16 63 20.
-  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 16 63 20.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 18 63 19.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 18 63 19.
-  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 4 62 13.
-  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 4 62 13.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 14 62 27.
-  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 15 62 27.
-  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 16 62 20.
-  Definition loc_89 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 16 62 20.
-  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 18 62 19.
-  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 18 62 19.
-  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 5 61 25.
-  Definition loc_94 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 5 61 7.
-  Definition loc_95 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 5 61 7.
-  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 6 61 7.
-  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 6 61 7.
-  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 11 61 25.
-  Definition loc_101 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 2 74 36.
-  Definition loc_102 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 2 75 30.
-  Definition loc_103 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 2 76 56.
-  Definition loc_104 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 2 77 39.
-  Definition loc_105 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 9 77 38.
-  Definition loc_106 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 9 77 19.
-  Definition loc_107 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 9 77 19.
-  Definition loc_108 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 20 77 34.
-  Definition loc_109 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 21 77 34.
-  Definition loc_110 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 22 77 26.
-  Definition loc_111 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 22 77 26.
-  Definition loc_112 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 24 77 25.
-  Definition loc_113 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 24 77 25.
-  Definition loc_114 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 36 77 37.
-  Definition loc_115 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 36 77 37.
-  Definition loc_116 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 20 76 56.
-  Definition loc_117 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 27 76 55.
-  Definition loc_118 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 27 76 37.
-  Definition loc_119 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 27 76 37.
-  Definition loc_120 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 38 76 51.
-  Definition loc_121 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 39 76 51.
-  Definition loc_122 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 40 76 44.
-  Definition loc_123 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 40 76 44.
-  Definition loc_124 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 42 76 43.
-  Definition loc_125 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 42 76 43.
-  Definition loc_126 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 53 76 54.
-  Definition loc_127 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 53 76 54.
-  Definition loc_129 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 5 76 18.
-  Definition loc_130 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 5 76 6.
-  Definition loc_131 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 5 76 6.
-  Definition loc_132 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 9 76 18.
-  Definition loc_133 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 9 76 18.
-  Definition loc_134 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 9 76 13.
-  Definition loc_135 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 9 76 13.
-  Definition loc_136 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 11 76 12.
-  Definition loc_137 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 11 76 12.
-  Definition loc_138 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 21 75 30.
-  Definition loc_139 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 28 75 29.
-  Definition loc_141 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 5 75 19.
-  Definition loc_142 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 5 75 14.
-  Definition loc_143 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 5 75 14.
-  Definition loc_144 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 5 75 9.
-  Definition loc_145 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 5 75 9.
-  Definition loc_146 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 7 75 8.
-  Definition loc_147 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 7 75 8.
-  Definition loc_148 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 18 75 19.
-  Definition loc_149 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 18 75 19.
-  Definition loc_150 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 27 74 36.
-  Definition loc_151 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 34 74 35.
-  Definition loc_153 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 5 74 25.
-  Definition loc_154 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 5 74 7.
-  Definition loc_155 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 5 74 7.
-  Definition loc_156 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 6 74 7.
-  Definition loc_157 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 6 74 7.
-  Definition loc_158 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 11 74 25.
-  Definition loc_161 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 2 86 20.
-  Definition loc_162 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 2 99 3.
-  Definition loc_163 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 100 2 100 11.
-  Definition loc_164 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 100 9 100 10.
-  Definition loc_165 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 2 99 3.
-  Definition loc_166 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 31 99 3.
-  Definition loc_167 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 4 93 34.
-  Definition loc_168 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 4 98 5.
-  Definition loc_169 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 2 99 3.
-  Definition loc_170 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 2 99 3.
-  Definition loc_171 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 23 96 5.
-  Definition loc_172 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 6 95 28.
-  Definition loc_173 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 6 95 9.
-  Definition loc_174 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 12 95 27.
-  Definition loc_175 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 13 95 27.
-  Definition loc_176 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 14 95 20.
-  Definition loc_177 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 14 95 20.
-  Definition loc_178 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 16 95 19.
-  Definition loc_179 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 95 16 95 19.
-  Definition loc_180 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 96 11 98 5.
-  Definition loc_181 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 6 97 29.
-  Definition loc_182 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 6 97 9.
-  Definition loc_183 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 12 97 28.
-  Definition loc_184 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 13 97 28.
-  Definition loc_185 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 14 97 20.
-  Definition loc_186 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 14 97 20.
-  Definition loc_187 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 16 97 19.
-  Definition loc_188 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 97 16 97 19.
-  Definition loc_189 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 7 94 22.
-  Definition loc_190 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 7 94 8.
-  Definition loc_191 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 7 94 8.
-  Definition loc_192 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 11 94 22.
-  Definition loc_193 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 11 94 22.
-  Definition loc_194 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 11 94 17.
-  Definition loc_195 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 11 94 17.
-  Definition loc_196 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 13 94 16.
-  Definition loc_197 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 13 94 16.
-  Definition loc_198 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 25 93 34.
-  Definition loc_199 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 32 93 33.
-  Definition loc_201 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 7 93 23.
-  Definition loc_202 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 7 93 18.
-  Definition loc_203 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 7 93 18.
-  Definition loc_204 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 7 93 13.
-  Definition loc_205 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 7 93 13.
-  Definition loc_206 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 9 93 12.
-  Definition loc_207 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 9 93 12.
-  Definition loc_208 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 22 93 23.
-  Definition loc_209 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 22 93 23.
-  Definition loc_210 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 8 92 30.
-  Definition loc_211 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 8 92 12.
-  Definition loc_212 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 8 92 12.
-  Definition loc_213 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 9 92 12.
-  Definition loc_214 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 9 92 12.
-  Definition loc_215 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 16 92 30.
-  Definition loc_216 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 16 86 19.
-  Definition loc_217 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 17 86 19.
-  Definition loc_218 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 18 86 19.
-  Definition loc_219 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 18 86 19.
-  Definition loc_224 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 2 118 3.
-  Definition loc_225 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 26 111 3.
-  Definition loc_226 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 4 110 49.
-  Definition loc_227 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 4 110 6.
-  Definition loc_228 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 5 110 6.
-  Definition loc_229 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 5 110 6.
-  Definition loc_230 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 9 110 48.
-  Definition loc_231 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 9 110 13.
-  Definition loc_232 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 9 110 13.
-  Definition loc_233 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 14 110 28.
-  Definition loc_234 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 30 110 31.
-  Definition loc_235 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 30 110 31.
-  Definition loc_236 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 33 110 47.
-  Definition loc_237 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 9 118 3.
-  Definition loc_238 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 4 112 30.
-  Definition loc_239 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 4 117 5.
-  Definition loc_240 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 21 115 5.
-  Definition loc_241 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 6 114 35.
-  Definition loc_242 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 6 114 16.
-  Definition loc_243 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 6 114 16.
-  Definition loc_244 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 17 114 30.
-  Definition loc_245 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 18 114 30.
-  Definition loc_246 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 19 114 23.
-  Definition loc_247 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 19 114 23.
-  Definition loc_248 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 21 114 22.
-  Definition loc_249 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 21 114 22.
-  Definition loc_250 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 32 114 33.
-  Definition loc_251 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 32 114 33.
-  Definition loc_252 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 115 11 117 5.
-  Definition loc_253 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 116 6 116 36.
-  Definition loc_254 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 116 6 116 16.
-  Definition loc_255 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 116 6 116 16.
-  Definition loc_256 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 116 17 116 31.
-  Definition loc_257 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 116 18 116 31.
-  Definition loc_258 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 116 19 116 23.
-  Definition loc_259 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 116 19 116 23.
-  Definition loc_260 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 116 21 116 22.
-  Definition loc_261 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 116 21 116 22.
-  Definition loc_262 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 116 33 116 34.
-  Definition loc_263 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 116 33 116 34.
-  Definition loc_264 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 7 113 20.
-  Definition loc_265 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 7 113 8.
-  Definition loc_266 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 7 113 8.
-  Definition loc_267 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 11 113 20.
-  Definition loc_268 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 11 113 20.
-  Definition loc_269 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 11 113 15.
-  Definition loc_270 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 11 113 15.
-  Definition loc_271 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 13 113 14.
-  Definition loc_272 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 13 113 14.
-  Definition loc_273 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 23 112 30.
-  Definition loc_276 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 7 112 21.
-  Definition loc_277 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 7 112 16.
-  Definition loc_278 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 7 112 16.
-  Definition loc_279 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 7 112 11.
-  Definition loc_280 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 7 112 11.
-  Definition loc_281 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 9 112 10.
-  Definition loc_282 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 9 112 10.
-  Definition loc_283 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 20 112 21.
-  Definition loc_284 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 20 112 21.
-  Definition loc_285 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 5 109 25.
-  Definition loc_286 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 5 109 7.
-  Definition loc_287 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 5 109 7.
-  Definition loc_288 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 6 109 7.
-  Definition loc_289 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 6 109 7.
-  Definition loc_290 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 11 109 25.
-  Definition loc_293 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 2 127 20.
-  Definition loc_294 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 2 139 3.
-  Definition loc_295 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 2 141 49.
-  Definition loc_296 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 2 141 6.
-  Definition loc_297 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 3 141 6.
-  Definition loc_298 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 3 141 6.
-  Definition loc_299 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 9 141 48.
-  Definition loc_300 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 9 141 13.
-  Definition loc_301 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 9 141 13.
-  Definition loc_302 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 14 141 28.
-  Definition loc_303 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 30 141 31.
-  Definition loc_304 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 30 141 31.
-  Definition loc_305 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 33 141 47.
-  Definition loc_306 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 2 139 3.
-  Definition loc_307 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 31 139 3.
-  Definition loc_308 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 4 133 32.
-  Definition loc_309 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 4 138 5.
-  Definition loc_310 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 2 139 3.
-  Definition loc_311 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 2 139 3.
-  Definition loc_312 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 23 136 5.
-  Definition loc_313 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 6 135 28.
-  Definition loc_314 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 6 135 9.
-  Definition loc_315 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 12 135 27.
-  Definition loc_316 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 13 135 27.
-  Definition loc_317 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 14 135 20.
-  Definition loc_318 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 14 135 20.
-  Definition loc_319 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 16 135 19.
-  Definition loc_320 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 16 135 19.
-  Definition loc_321 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 11 138 5.
-  Definition loc_322 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 6 137 29.
-  Definition loc_323 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 6 137 9.
-  Definition loc_324 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 12 137 28.
-  Definition loc_325 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 13 137 28.
-  Definition loc_326 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 14 137 20.
-  Definition loc_327 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 14 137 20.
-  Definition loc_328 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 16 137 19.
-  Definition loc_329 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 16 137 19.
-  Definition loc_330 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 7 134 22.
-  Definition loc_331 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 7 134 8.
-  Definition loc_332 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 7 134 8.
-  Definition loc_333 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 11 134 22.
-  Definition loc_334 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 11 134 22.
-  Definition loc_335 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 11 134 17.
-  Definition loc_336 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 11 134 17.
-  Definition loc_337 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 13 134 16.
-  Definition loc_338 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 134 13 134 16.
-  Definition loc_339 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 25 133 32.
-  Definition loc_342 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 7 133 23.
-  Definition loc_343 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 7 133 18.
-  Definition loc_344 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 7 133 18.
-  Definition loc_345 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 7 133 13.
-  Definition loc_346 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 7 133 13.
-  Definition loc_347 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 9 133 12.
-  Definition loc_348 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 9 133 12.
-  Definition loc_349 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 22 133 23.
-  Definition loc_350 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 22 133 23.
-  Definition loc_351 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 8 132 30.
-  Definition loc_352 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 8 132 12.
-  Definition loc_353 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 8 132 12.
-  Definition loc_354 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 9 132 12.
-  Definition loc_355 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 9 132 12.
-  Definition loc_356 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 16 132 30.
-  Definition loc_357 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 16 127 19.
-  Definition loc_358 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 17 127 19.
-  Definition loc_359 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 18 127 19.
-  Definition loc_360 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 18 127 19.
-  Definition loc_365 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 2 155 3.
-  Definition loc_366 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 2 156 22.
-  Definition loc_367 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 22 156 3.
-  Definition loc_368 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 2 157 34.
-  Definition loc_369 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 9 157 33.
-  Definition loc_370 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 9 157 17.
-  Definition loc_371 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 9 157 17.
-  Definition loc_372 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 18 157 32.
-  Definition loc_373 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 19 157 32.
-  Definition loc_374 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 20 157 24.
-  Definition loc_375 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 20 157 24.
-  Definition loc_376 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 22 157 23.
-  Definition loc_377 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 22 157 23.
-  Definition loc_378 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 2 156 21.
-  Definition loc_379 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 3 156 21.
-  Definition loc_380 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 4 156 15.
-  Definition loc_381 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 4 156 15.
-  Definition loc_382 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 4 156 8.
-  Definition loc_383 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 4 156 8.
-  Definition loc_384 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 6 156 7.
-  Definition loc_385 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 6 156 7.
-  Definition loc_386 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 36 155 3.
-  Definition loc_387 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 4 154 21.
-  Definition loc_388 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 11 154 20.
-  Definition loc_389 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 11 154 20.
-  Definition loc_390 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 11 154 15.
-  Definition loc_391 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 11 154 15.
-  Definition loc_392 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 13 154 14.
-  Definition loc_393 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 13 154 14.
-  Definition loc_395 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 5 153 34.
-  Definition loc_396 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 5 153 16.
-  Definition loc_397 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 5 153 16.
-  Definition loc_398 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 5 153 9.
-  Definition loc_399 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 5 153 9.
-  Definition loc_400 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 7 153 8.
-  Definition loc_401 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 7 153 8.
-  Definition loc_402 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 20 153 34.
-  Definition loc_405 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 2 172 3.
-  Definition loc_406 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 2 189 3.
-  Definition loc_407 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 21 185 3.
-  Definition loc_408 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 4 184 5.
-  Definition loc_409 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 36 180 5.
-  Definition loc_410 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 6 176 25.
-  Definition loc_411 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 25 176 7.
-  Definition loc_412 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 6 177 32.
-  Definition loc_413 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 6 178 29.
-  Definition loc_414 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 6 179 20.
-  Definition loc_415 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 6 179 15.
-  Definition loc_416 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 6 179 10.
-  Definition loc_417 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 6 179 10.
-  Definition loc_418 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 8 179 9.
-  Definition loc_419 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 8 179 9.
-  Definition loc_420 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 18 179 19.
-  Definition loc_421 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 179 18 179 19.
-  Definition loc_422 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 6 178 12.
-  Definition loc_423 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 6 178 12.
-  Definition loc_424 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 13 178 24.
-  Definition loc_425 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 14 178 24.
-  Definition loc_426 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 14 178 18.
-  Definition loc_427 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 14 178 18.
-  Definition loc_428 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 16 178 17.
-  Definition loc_429 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 16 178 17.
-  Definition loc_430 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 26 178 27.
-  Definition loc_431 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 26 178 27.
-  Definition loc_432 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 6 177 7.
-  Definition loc_433 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 10 177 31.
-  Definition loc_434 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 10 177 18.
-  Definition loc_435 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 10 177 18.
-  Definition loc_436 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 19 177 30.
-  Definition loc_437 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 20 177 30.
-  Definition loc_438 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 20 177 24.
-  Definition loc_439 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 20 177 24.
-  Definition loc_440 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 22 177 23.
-  Definition loc_441 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 22 177 23.
-  Definition loc_442 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 6 176 24.
-  Definition loc_443 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 7 176 24.
-  Definition loc_444 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 8 176 18.
-  Definition loc_445 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 8 176 18.
-  Definition loc_446 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 8 176 12.
-  Definition loc_447 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 8 176 12.
-  Definition loc_448 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 10 176 11.
-  Definition loc_449 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 10 176 11.
-  Definition loc_450 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 180 11 184 5.
-  Definition loc_451 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 6 181 24.
-  Definition loc_452 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 6 182 36.
-  Definition loc_453 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 6 183 15.
-  Definition loc_454 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 6 183 8.
-  Definition loc_455 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 7 183 8.
-  Definition loc_456 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 7 183 8.
-  Definition loc_457 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 11 183 14.
-  Definition loc_458 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 183 11 183 14.
-  Definition loc_459 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 6 182 10.
-  Definition loc_460 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 6 182 10.
-  Definition loc_461 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 11 182 30.
-  Definition loc_462 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 32 182 34.
-  Definition loc_463 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 32 182 34.
-  Definition loc_464 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 33 182 34.
-  Definition loc_465 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 182 33 182 34.
-  Definition loc_466 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 6 181 9.
-  Definition loc_467 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 12 181 23.
-  Definition loc_468 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 12 181 23.
-  Definition loc_469 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 12 181 16.
-  Definition loc_470 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 12 181 16.
-  Definition loc_471 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 14 181 15.
-  Definition loc_472 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 181 14 181 15.
-  Definition loc_473 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 7 175 35.
-  Definition loc_474 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 7 175 17.
-  Definition loc_475 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 7 175 17.
-  Definition loc_476 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 7 175 11.
-  Definition loc_477 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 7 175 11.
-  Definition loc_478 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 9 175 10.
-  Definition loc_479 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 9 175 10.
-  Definition loc_480 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 21 175 35.
-  Definition loc_481 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 185 9 189 3.
-  Definition loc_482 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 185 26 187 3.
-  Definition loc_483 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 186 4 186 27.
-  Definition loc_484 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 186 4 186 10.
-  Definition loc_485 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 186 4 186 10.
-  Definition loc_486 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 186 11 186 22.
-  Definition loc_487 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 186 12 186 22.
-  Definition loc_488 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 186 12 186 16.
-  Definition loc_489 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 186 12 186 16.
-  Definition loc_490 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 186 14 186 15.
-  Definition loc_491 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 186 14 186 15.
-  Definition loc_492 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 186 24 186 25.
-  Definition loc_493 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 186 24 186 25.
-  Definition loc_494 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 187 9 189 3.
-  Definition loc_495 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 188 4 188 28.
-  Definition loc_496 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 188 4 188 10.
-  Definition loc_497 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 188 4 188 10.
-  Definition loc_498 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 188 11 188 23.
-  Definition loc_499 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 188 12 188 23.
-  Definition loc_500 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 188 12 188 16.
-  Definition loc_501 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 188 12 188 16.
-  Definition loc_502 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 188 14 188 15.
-  Definition loc_503 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 188 14 188 15.
-  Definition loc_504 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 188 25 188 26.
-  Definition loc_505 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 188 25 188 26.
-  Definition loc_506 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 185 12 185 25.
-  Definition loc_507 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 185 12 185 13.
-  Definition loc_508 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 185 12 185 13.
-  Definition loc_509 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 185 16 185 25.
-  Definition loc_510 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 185 16 185 25.
-  Definition loc_511 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 185 16 185 20.
-  Definition loc_512 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 185 16 185 20.
-  Definition loc_513 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 185 18 185 19.
-  Definition loc_514 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 185 18 185 19.
-  Definition loc_515 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 5 174 19.
-  Definition loc_516 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 5 174 6.
-  Definition loc_517 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 5 174 6.
-  Definition loc_518 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 19.
-  Definition loc_519 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 19.
-  Definition loc_520 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 14.
-  Definition loc_521 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 10 174 14.
-  Definition loc_522 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 12 174 13.
-  Definition loc_523 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 12 174 13.
-  Definition loc_524 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 27 172 3.
-  Definition loc_525 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 171 4 171 11.
-  Definition loc_528 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 5 170 25.
-  Definition loc_529 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 5 170 7.
-  Definition loc_530 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 5 170 7.
-  Definition loc_531 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 6 170 7.
-  Definition loc_532 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 6 170 7.
-  Definition loc_533 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 11 170 25.
-  Definition loc_536 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 2 195 21.
-  Definition loc_537 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 196 2 196 14.
-  Definition loc_538 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 200 2 200 16.
-  Definition loc_539 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 202 2 202 24.
-  Definition loc_540 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 203 2 203 24.
-  Definition loc_541 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 205 2 205 16.
-  Definition loc_542 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 208 2 208 16.
-  Definition loc_543 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 209 2 209 24.
-  Definition loc_544 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 211 2 211 16.
-  Definition loc_545 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 214 2 214 16.
-  Definition loc_546 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 216 2 216 11.
-  Definition loc_547 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 216 9 216 10.
-  Definition loc_548 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 214 2 214 11.
-  Definition loc_549 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 214 2 214 11.
-  Definition loc_550 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 214 12 214 14.
-  Definition loc_551 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 214 13 214 14.
-  Definition loc_552 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 211 2 211 8.
-  Definition loc_553 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 211 2 211 8.
-  Definition loc_554 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 211 9 211 11.
-  Definition loc_555 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 211 10 211 11.
-  Definition loc_556 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 211 13 211 14.
-  Definition loc_557 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 209 9 209 22.
-  Definition loc_558 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 209 9 209 15.
-  Definition loc_559 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 209 9 209 15.
-  Definition loc_560 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 209 16 209 18.
-  Definition loc_561 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 209 17 209 18.
-  Definition loc_562 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 209 20 209 21.
-  Definition loc_563 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 208 2 208 8.
-  Definition loc_564 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 208 2 208 8.
-  Definition loc_565 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 208 9 208 11.
-  Definition loc_566 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 208 10 208 11.
-  Definition loc_567 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 208 13 208 14.
-  Definition loc_568 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 205 2 205 8.
-  Definition loc_569 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 205 2 205 8.
-  Definition loc_570 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 205 9 205 11.
-  Definition loc_571 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 205 10 205 11.
-  Definition loc_572 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 205 13 205 14.
-  Definition loc_573 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 203 9 203 22.
-  Definition loc_574 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 203 9 203 15.
-  Definition loc_575 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 203 9 203 15.
-  Definition loc_576 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 203 16 203 18.
-  Definition loc_577 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 203 17 203 18.
-  Definition loc_578 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 203 20 203 21.
-  Definition loc_579 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 202 9 202 22.
-  Definition loc_580 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 202 9 202 15.
-  Definition loc_581 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 202 9 202 15.
-  Definition loc_582 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 202 16 202 18.
-  Definition loc_583 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 202 17 202 18.
-  Definition loc_584 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 202 20 202 21.
-  Definition loc_585 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 200 2 200 8.
-  Definition loc_586 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 200 2 200 8.
-  Definition loc_587 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 200 9 200 11.
-  Definition loc_588 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 200 10 200 11.
-  Definition loc_589 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 200 13 200 14.
-  Definition loc_590 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 196 2 196 3.
-  Definition loc_591 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 196 6 196 13.
-  Definition loc_592 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 196 6 196 10.
-  Definition loc_593 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 196 6 196 10.
-  Definition loc_594 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 196 11 196 12.
-  Definition loc_595 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 13 195 20.
-  Definition loc_596 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 13 195 18.
-  Definition loc_597 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 195 13 195 18.
-  (* Definition of struct [tree]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_tree := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "left", LPtr);
-      (Some "right", LPtr);
-      (Some "key", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of function [empty]. *)
-  Definition impl_empty : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_3 (NULL))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [init]. *)
-  Definition impl_init (alloc : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("key", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("node", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_26 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_28 (alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_29 (i2v (layout_of struct_tree).(ly_size) size_t) ] ;
-        "node" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_26 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_26 ("$0"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_7 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_22 ((LocInfoE loc_23 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_24 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "left") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_25 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_8 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_17 ((LocInfoE loc_18 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_19 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "key") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_20 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_21 ("key"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_9 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_13 ((LocInfoE loc_14 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_15 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "right") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_16 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_10 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_11 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_12 ("node"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [node]. *)
-  Definition impl_node (alloc : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("left", LPtr);
-      ("key", it_layout size_t);
-      ("right", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("node", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_56 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_58 (alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_59 (i2v (layout_of struct_tree).(ly_size) size_t) ] ;
-        "node" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_56 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_56 ("$0"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_35 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_51 ((LocInfoE loc_52 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_53 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "left") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_54 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_55 ("left"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_36 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_46 ((LocInfoE loc_47 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_48 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "key") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_49 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_50 ("key"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_37 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_41 ((LocInfoE loc_42 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_43 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "right") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_44 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_45 ("right"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_38 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_39 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_40 ("node"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [free_tree]. *)
-  Definition impl_free_tree (free free_tree : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_93 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_93 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_93 ((LocInfoE loc_94 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_96 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_97 ("t")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_98 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_66 ;
-          Goto "#1"
-        else
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_66 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_85 (free_tree) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_86 (&(LocInfoE loc_87 ((LocInfoE loc_88 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_90 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_91 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_67 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_77 (free_tree) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_78 (&(LocInfoE loc_79 ((LocInfoE loc_80 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_82 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_83 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_68 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_70 (free) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_71 (i2v (layout_of struct_tree).(ly_size) size_t) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_72 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_74 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_75 ("t"))))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [member_rec]. *)
-  Definition impl_member_rec (member_rec : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_153 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_153 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_153 ((LocInfoE loc_154 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_156 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_157 ("t")))))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_158 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_150 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_141 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_141 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_141 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_141 ((LocInfoE loc_142 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_143 ((LocInfoE loc_144 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_146 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_147 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_148 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_149 ("k")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_138 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_129 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_129 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_129 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_129 ((LocInfoE loc_130 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_131 ("k")))) <{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_132 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_133 ((LocInfoE loc_134 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_136 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_137 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_117 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_105 ;
-          Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_105 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_107 (member_rec) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_108 (&(LocInfoE loc_109 ((LocInfoE loc_110 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_112 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_113 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_114 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_115 ("k"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_104 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_105 ("$0"))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_117 ;
-        "$1" <- LocInfoE loc_119 (member_rec) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_120 (&(LocInfoE loc_121 ((LocInfoE loc_122 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_124 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_125 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_126 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_127 ("k"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_116 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_117 ("$1"))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_105 ;
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_138 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_139 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_139 (i2v 1 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_129 ;
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_150 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_151 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_151 (i2v 0 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_141 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [member]. *)
-  Definition impl_member : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("cur", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "cur" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_216 (&(LocInfoE loc_218 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_219 ("t"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_162 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_210 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_210 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_210 ((LocInfoE loc_211 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_213 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_214 ("cur")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_215 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_201 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_163 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_201 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_201 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_201 ((LocInfoE loc_202 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_203 ((LocInfoE loc_204 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_206 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_207 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_208 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_209 ("k")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_198 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_189 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_163 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_164 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_164 (i2v 0 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_189 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_189 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_189 ((LocInfoE loc_190 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_191 ("k")))) <{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_192 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_193 ((LocInfoE loc_194 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_196 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_197 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_172 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_181 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_169 ;
-        Goto "continue13"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_172 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_173 ("cur") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_174 (&(LocInfoE loc_175 ((LocInfoE loc_176 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_178 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_179 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_169 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_181 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_182 ("cur") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_183 (&(LocInfoE loc_184 ((LocInfoE loc_185 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_187 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_188 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_169 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_198 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_199 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_199 (i2v 1 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_189 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue13" :=
-        locinfo: loc_162 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [insert_rec]. *)
-  Definition impl_insert_rec (node insert_rec : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_285 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_285 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_285 ((LocInfoE loc_286 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_288 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_289 ("t")))))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_290 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_230 ;
-          Goto "#1"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_276 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_230 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_232 (node) with [ LocInfoE loc_233 (NULL) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_234 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_235 ("k"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_236 (NULL) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_226 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_228 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_229 ("t"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_230 ("$0") ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_276 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_276 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_276 ((LocInfoE loc_277 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_278 ((LocInfoE loc_279 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_281 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_282 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_283 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_284 ("k")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_273 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_264 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_264 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_264 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_264 ((LocInfoE loc_265 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_266 ("k")))) <{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_267 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_268 ((LocInfoE loc_269 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_271 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_272 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_241 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_253 ;
-          Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_241 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_243 (insert_rec) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_244 (&(LocInfoE loc_245 ((LocInfoE loc_246 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_248 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_249 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_250 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_251 ("k"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_253 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_255 (insert_rec) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_256 (&(LocInfoE loc_257 ((LocInfoE loc_258 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_260 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_261 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_262 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_263 ("k"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_273 ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_264 ;
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [insert]. *)
-  Definition impl_insert (node : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("cur", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "cur" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_357 (&(LocInfoE loc_359 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_360 ("t"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_294 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_351 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_351 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_351 ((LocInfoE loc_352 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_354 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_355 ("cur")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_356 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_342 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_299 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_342 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_342 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_342 ((LocInfoE loc_343 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_344 ((LocInfoE loc_345 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_347 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_348 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_349 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_350 ("k")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_339 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_330 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_299 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_301 (node) with [ LocInfoE loc_302 (NULL) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_303 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_304 ("k"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_305 (NULL) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_295 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_297 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_298 ("cur"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_299 ("$0") ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_330 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_330 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_330 ((LocInfoE loc_331 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_332 ("k")))) <{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_333 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_334 ((LocInfoE loc_335 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_337 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_338 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_313 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_322 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_310 ;
-        Goto "continue25"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_313 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_314 ("cur") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_315 (&(LocInfoE loc_316 ((LocInfoE loc_317 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_319 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_320 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_310 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_322 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_323 ("cur") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_324 (&(LocInfoE loc_325 ((LocInfoE loc_326 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_328 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_329 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_310 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_339 ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_330 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue25" :=
-        locinfo: loc_294 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [tree_max]. *)
-  Definition impl_tree_max (tree_max : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_395 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_395 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_395 ((LocInfoE loc_396 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_397 ((LocInfoE loc_398 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_400 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_401 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right")))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_402 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_387 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_366 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_366 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_378 (&(LocInfoE loc_379 ((LocInfoE loc_380 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_381 ((LocInfoE loc_382 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_384 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_385 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right")))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_369 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_371 (tree_max) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_372 (&(LocInfoE loc_373 ((LocInfoE loc_374 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_376 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_377 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_368 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_369 ("$0"))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_387 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_388 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_389 ((LocInfoE loc_390 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_392 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_393 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_366 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [remove]. *)
-  Definition impl_remove (free tree_max remove : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("m", it_layout size_t);
-      ("tmp", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_528 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_528 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_528 ((LocInfoE loc_529 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_531 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_532 ("t")))))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_533 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_525 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_515 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_515 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_515 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_515 ((LocInfoE loc_516 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_517 ("k")))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_518 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_519 ((LocInfoE loc_520 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_522 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_523 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_473 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_506 ;
-          Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_473 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_473 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_473 ((LocInfoE loc_474 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_475 ((LocInfoE loc_476 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_478 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_479 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_480 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_410 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_451 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_410 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_442 (&(LocInfoE loc_443 ((LocInfoE loc_444 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_445 ((LocInfoE loc_446 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_448 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_449 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left")))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_433 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_435 (tree_max) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_436 (&(LocInfoE loc_437 ((LocInfoE loc_438 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_440 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_441 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_412 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_432 ("m") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_433 ("$0") ;
-        locinfo: loc_413 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_423 (remove) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_424 (&(LocInfoE loc_425 ((LocInfoE loc_426 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_428 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_429 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_430 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_431 ("m"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_414 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_415 ((LocInfoE loc_416 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_418 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_419 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_420 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_421 ("m"))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_451 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_466 ("tmp") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_467 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_468 ((LocInfoE loc_469 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_471 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_472 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_452 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_460 (free) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_461 (i2v (layout_of struct_tree).(ly_size) size_t) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_462 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_464 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_465 ("t"))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_453 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_455 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_456 ("t"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_457 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_458 ("tmp"))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_506 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_506 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_506 ((LocInfoE loc_507 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_508 ("k")))) <{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_509 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_510 ((LocInfoE loc_511 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_513 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_514 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_483 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_495 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_483 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_485 (remove) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_486 (&(LocInfoE loc_487 ((LocInfoE loc_488 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_490 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_491 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_492 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_493 ("k"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_495 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_497 (remove) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_498 (&(LocInfoE loc_499 ((LocInfoE loc_500 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_502 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_503 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_504 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_505 ("k"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_525 ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_515 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [main]. *)
-  Definition impl_main (empty init free_tree member insert remove : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_595 ;
-        "$4" <- LocInfoE loc_597 (empty) with [  ] ;
-        "t" <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_595 ("$4") ;
-        locinfo: loc_591 ;
-        "$3" <- LocInfoE loc_593 (init) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_594 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_594 (i2v 3 i32))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_537 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_590 ("t") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_591 ("$3") ;
-        locinfo: loc_538 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_586 (insert) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_587 (&(LocInfoE loc_588 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_589 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_589 (i2v 2 i32))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_579 ;
-        "$2" <- LocInfoE loc_581 (member) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_582 (&(LocInfoE loc_583 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_584 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_584 (i2v 2 i32))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_539 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_579 ("$2")) ;
-        locinfo: loc_573 ;
-        "$1" <- LocInfoE loc_575 (member) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_576 (&(LocInfoE loc_577 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_578 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_578 (i2v 3 i32))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_540 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_573 ("$1")) ;
-        locinfo: loc_541 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_569 (remove) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_570 (&(LocInfoE loc_571 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_572 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_572 (i2v 3 i32))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_542 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_564 (insert) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_565 (&(LocInfoE loc_566 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_567 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_567 (i2v 3 i32))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_557 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_559 (member) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_560 (&(LocInfoE loc_561 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_562 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_562 (i2v 2 i32))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_543 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_557 ("$0")) ;
-        locinfo: loc_544 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_553 (remove) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_554 (&(LocInfoE loc_555 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_556 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_556 (i2v 3 i32))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_545 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_549 (free_tree) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_550 (&(LocInfoE loc_551 ("t"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_546 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_547 (i2v 0 i32))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_empty.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_empty.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fbdd8f9..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_empty.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section proof_empty.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [empty]. *)
-  Lemma type_empty :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_empty type_of_empty.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "empty" ([]).
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "empty" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "empty".
-  Qed.
-End proof_empty.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_free_tree.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_free_tree.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 77587568..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_free_tree.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section proof_free_tree.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [free_tree]. *)
-  Lemma type_free_tree (free free_tree : loc) :
-    free ◁ᵥ free @ function_ptr type_of_free -∗
-    free_tree ◁ᵥ free_tree @ function_ptr type_of_free_tree -∗
-    typed_function (impl_free_tree free free_tree) type_of_free_tree.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "free_tree" (p) => arg_t.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "free_tree" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "free_tree".
-  Qed.
-End proof_free_tree.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_init.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_init.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d17c926..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_init.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section proof_init.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [init]. *)
-  Lemma type_init (alloc : loc) :
-    alloc ◁ᵥ alloc @ function_ptr type_of_alloc -∗
-    typed_function (impl_init alloc) type_of_init.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "init" (k) => arg_key local_node.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "init" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by set_solver.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "init".
-  Qed.
-End proof_init.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_insert.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_insert.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e38524e5..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_insert.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section proof_insert.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [insert]. *)
-  Lemma type_insert (node : loc) :
-    node ◁ᵥ node @ function_ptr type_of_node -∗
-    typed_function (impl_insert node) type_of_insert.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "insert" ([[p s] k]) => arg_t arg_k local_cur.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        ∃ cur_p : loc,
-        ∃ cur_s : gset Z,
-        arg_k ◁ₗ (k @ (int (size_t))) ∗
-        local_cur ◁ₗ (cur_p @ (&own (cur_s @ (tree_t)))) ∗
-        arg_t ◁ₗ (p @ (&own (wand (cur_p ◁ₗ ({[k]} ∪ cur_s) @ tree_t) (({[k]} ∪ s) @ (tree_t)))))
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "insert" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "insert" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by set_unfold; solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "insert".
-  Qed.
-End proof_insert.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_insert_rec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_insert_rec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f9e8b137..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_insert_rec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section proof_insert_rec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [insert_rec]. *)
-  Lemma type_insert_rec (node insert_rec : loc) :
-    node ◁ᵥ node @ function_ptr type_of_node -∗
-    insert_rec ◁ᵥ insert_rec @ function_ptr type_of_insert_rec -∗
-    typed_function (impl_insert_rec node insert_rec) type_of_insert_rec.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "insert_rec" ([[p s] k]) => arg_t arg_k.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "insert_rec" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by set_unfold; solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "insert_rec".
-  Qed.
-End proof_insert_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_main.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_main.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aa74555..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_main.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section proof_main.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [main]. *)
-  Lemma type_main (empty init free_tree member insert remove : loc) :
-    empty ◁ᵥ empty @ function_ptr type_of_empty -∗
-    init ◁ᵥ init @ function_ptr type_of_init -∗
-    free_tree ◁ᵥ free_tree @ function_ptr type_of_free_tree -∗
-    member ◁ᵥ member @ function_ptr type_of_member -∗
-    insert ◁ᵥ insert @ function_ptr type_of_insert -∗
-    remove ◁ᵥ remove @ function_ptr type_of_remove -∗
-    typed_function (impl_main empty init free_tree member insert remove) type_of_main.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "main" ([]) => local_t.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "main" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "main".
-  Qed.
-End proof_main.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_member.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_member.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c85e1d73..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_member.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section proof_member.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [member]. *)
-  Lemma type_member :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_member type_of_member.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "member" ([[p s] k]) => arg_t arg_k local_cur.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        ∃ cur_p : loc,
-        ∃ cur_s : gset Z,
-        arg_k ◁ₗ (k @ (int (size_t))) ∗
-        local_cur ◁ₗ (cur_p @ (&own (cur_s @ (tree_t)))) ∗
-        arg_t ◁ₗ (p @ (&own (wand (cur_p ◁ₗ cur_s @ tree_t) (s @ (tree_t))))) ∗
-        ⌜k ∈ s ↔ k ∈ cur_s⌝
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "member" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "member" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by set_unfold; naive_solver lia.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "member".
-  Qed.
-End proof_member.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_member_rec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_member_rec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 80c6784e..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_member_rec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section proof_member_rec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [member_rec]. *)
-  Lemma type_member_rec (member_rec : loc) :
-    member_rec ◁ᵥ member_rec @ function_ptr type_of_member_rec -∗
-    typed_function (impl_member_rec member_rec) type_of_member_rec.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "member_rec" ([[p s] k]) => arg_t arg_k.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "member_rec" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by set_unfold; naive_solver lia.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "member_rec".
-  Qed.
-End proof_member_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_node.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_node.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ef637814..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_node.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section proof_node.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [node]. *)
-  Lemma type_node (alloc : loc) :
-    alloc ◁ᵥ alloc @ function_ptr type_of_alloc -∗
-    typed_function (impl_node alloc) type_of_node.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "node" ([[sl k] sr]) => arg_left arg_key arg_right local_node.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "node" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by set_solver.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "node".
-  Qed.
-End proof_node.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_remove.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_remove.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c9ab61c..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_remove.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section proof_remove.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [remove]. *)
-  Lemma type_remove (free tree_max remove : loc) :
-    free ◁ᵥ free @ function_ptr type_of_free -∗
-    tree_max ◁ᵥ tree_max @ function_ptr type_of_tree_max -∗
-    remove ◁ᵥ remove @ function_ptr type_of_remove -∗
-    typed_function (impl_remove free tree_max remove) type_of_remove.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "remove" ([[p s] k]) => arg_t arg_k local_m local_tmp.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "remove" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try apply Z.le_neq.
-    all: try (rewrite difference_union_L !difference_union_distr_l_L !difference_diag_L !difference_disjoint_L; move: (H0 x2) (H1 x2); clear -H9).
-    all: try by set_unfold; naive_solver lia.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "remove".
-  Qed.
-End proof_remove.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_tree_max.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_tree_max.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dd21ea5..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_proof_tree_max.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section proof_tree_max.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [tree_max]. *)
-  Lemma type_tree_max (tree_max : loc) :
-    tree_max ◁ᵥ tree_max @ function_ptr type_of_tree_max -∗
-    typed_function (impl_tree_max tree_max) type_of_tree_max.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "tree_max" ([p s]) => arg_t.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "tree_max" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: by set_unfold; naive_solver lia.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "tree_max".
-  Qed.
-End proof_tree_max.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a844c54..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t11_tree_set_code.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Inlined code. *)
-  Definition alloc_initialized := initialized "allocator_state" ().
-  (* Definition of type [tree_t]. *)
-  Definition tree_t_rec : ((gset Z) -d> typeO) → ((gset Z) -d> typeO) := (λ self s,
-    ((s ≠ ∅) @ (optional (&own (
-      tyexists (λ sl : gset Z,
-      tyexists (λ sr : gset Z,
-      tyexists (λ k : Z,
-      constrained (struct struct_tree [@{type}
-        (guarded ("tree_t_0") (apply_dfun self (sl))) ;
-        (guarded ("tree_t_1") (apply_dfun self (sr))) ;
-        (k @ (int (size_t)))
-      ]) (
-        ⌜s = sl ∪ {[k]} ∪ sr⌝ ∗
-        ⌜∀ i, i ∈ sl → i < k⌝ ∗
-        ⌜∀ i, i ∈ sr → k < i⌝
-      ))))
-    )) null))
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque tree_t_rec.
-  Global Instance tree_t_rec_ne : Contractive tree_t_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition tree_t : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := (gset Z);
-    rty r__ := fixp tree_t_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma tree_t_unfold (s : gset Z) :
-    (s @ tree_t)%I ≡@{type} (
-      ((s ≠ ∅) @ (optional (&own (
-        tyexists (λ sl : gset Z,
-        tyexists (λ sr : gset Z,
-        tyexists (λ k : Z,
-        constrained (struct struct_tree [@{type}
-          (guarded "tree_t_0" (sl @ tree_t)) ;
-          (guarded "tree_t_1" (sr @ tree_t)) ;
-          (k @ (int (size_t)))
-        ]) (
-          ⌜s = sl ∪ {[k]} ∪ sr⌝ ∗
-          ⌜∀ i, i ∈ sl → i < k⌝ ∗
-          ⌜∀ i, i ∈ sr → k < i⌝
-        ))))
-      )) null))
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance tree_t_rmovable : RMovable tree_t :=
-    {| rmovable 's := movable_eq _ _ (tree_t_unfold s) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance tree_t_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (s : gset Z) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ (s @ tree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (tree_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Instance tree_t_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (s : gset Z) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ (s @ tree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (tree_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Program Instance tree_t_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (s : gset Z) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ (s @ tree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (tree_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance tree_t_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (s : gset Z) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ (s @ tree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (tree_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); (alloc_initialized) ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size * n + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); ⌜size * n < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [empty]. *)
-  Definition type_of_empty :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); True) → ∃ () : (), ((∅) @ (tree_t)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [init]. *)
-  Definition type_of_init :=
-    fn(∀ k : Z; (k @ (int (size_t))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (({[k]}) @ (tree_t)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [node]. *)
-  Definition type_of_node :=
-    fn(∀ (sl, k, sr) : (gset Z) * Z * (gset Z); (sl @ (tree_t)), (k @ (int (size_t))), (sr @ (tree_t)); (alloc_initialized) ∗ ⌜∀ i, i ∈ sl → i < k⌝ ∗ ⌜∀ i, i ∈ sr → k < i⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((sl ∪ {[k]} ∪ sr) @ (tree_t)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free_tree]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free_tree :=
-    fn(∀ p : loc; (p @ (&own (tree_t))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ (uninit (LPtr))).
-  (* Specifications for function [member_rec]. *)
-  Definition type_of_member_rec :=
-    fn(∀ (p, s, k) : loc * (gset Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (s @ (tree_t)))), (k @ (int (size_t))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((bool_decide (k ∈ s)) @ (boolean (bool_it))); (p ◁ₗ (s @ (tree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [member]. *)
-  Definition type_of_member :=
-    fn(∀ (p, s, k) : loc * (gset Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (s @ (tree_t)))), (k @ (int (size_t))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((bool_decide (k ∈ s)) @ (boolean (bool_it))); (p ◁ₗ (s @ (tree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [insert_rec]. *)
-  Definition type_of_insert_rec :=
-    fn(∀ (p, s, k) : loc * (gset Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (s @ (tree_t)))), (k @ (int (size_t))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ (({[k]} ∪ s) @ (tree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [insert]. *)
-  Definition type_of_insert :=
-    fn(∀ (p, s, k) : loc * (gset Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (s @ (tree_t)))), (k @ (int (size_t))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ (({[k]} ∪ s) @ (tree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [tree_max]. *)
-  Definition type_of_tree_max :=
-    fn(∀ (p, s) : loc * (gset Z); (p @ (&own (s @ (tree_t)))); ⌜s ≠ ∅⌝)
-      → ∃ m : Z, (m @ (int (size_t))); ⌜m ∈ s⌝ ∗ ⌜∀ i, i ∈ s → i ≤ m⌝ ∗ (p ◁ₗ (s @ (tree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [remove]. *)
-  Definition type_of_remove :=
-    fn(∀ (p, s, k) : loc * (gset Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (s @ (tree_t)))), (k @ (int (size_t))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ ((s ∖ {[k]}) @ (tree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [main]. *)
-  Definition type_of_main :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), ((0) @ (int (i32))); True.
-End spec.
-Typeclasses Opaque tree_t_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ae526d9c..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 4 35 13.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 11 35 12.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 11 35 12.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 4 128 13.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 11 128 12.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 11 128 12.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 4 154 17.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 11 154 16.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 11 154 12.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 11 154 12.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 154 15 154 16.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 4 264 5.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 267 4 267 19.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 268 4 268 19.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 269 4 269 13.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 269 11 269 12.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 269 11 269 12.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 268 11 268 17.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 268 11 268 12.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 268 11 268 12.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 268 16 268 17.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 268 16 268 17.
-  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 267 11 267 17.
-  Definition loc_31 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 267 11 267 12.
-  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 267 11 267 12.
-  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 267 16 267 17.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 267 16 267 17.
-  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 14 262 5.
-  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 8 261 14.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 8 261 9.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 12 261 13.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 12 261 13.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 262 11 264 5.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 263 8 263 14.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 263 8 263 9.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 263 12 263 13.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 263 12 263 13.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 7 260 12.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 7 260 8.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 7 260 8.
-  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 11 260 12.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 260 11 260 12.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 4 311 5.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 4 312 13.
-  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 11 312 12.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 312 11 312 12.
-  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 4 311 5.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 17 311 5.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 307 8 307 12.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 310 8 310 12.
-  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 4 311 5.
-  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 4 311 5.
-  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 310 8 310 9.
-  Definition loc_63 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 307 8 307 9.
-  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 10 306 15.
-  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 10 306 11.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 10 306 11.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 306 14 306 15.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 4 402 13.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 4 402 8.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 5 402 8.
-  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 5 402 8.
-  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 402 11 402 12.
-  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 413 2 413 15.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 414 2 414 15.
-  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 414 2 414 10.
-  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 414 2 414 10.
-  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 414 11 414 13.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 414 12 414 13.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 413 2 413 10.
-  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 413 2 413 10.
-  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 413 11 413 13.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 413 12 413 13.
-  Definition loc_89 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 434 4 434 34.
-  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 435 4 435 13.
-  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 435 4 435 10.
-  Definition loc_92 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 435 4 435 7.
-  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 435 4 435 7.
-  Definition loc_94 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 434 4 434 8.
-  Definition loc_95 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 434 5 434 8.
-  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 434 5 434 8.
-  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 434 11 434 33.
-  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 434 11 434 33.
-  Definition loc_101 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 434 31 434 32.
-  (* Definition of struct [basic]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_basic := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "a", it_layout i32);
-      (Some "b", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of function [int_id]. *)
-  Definition impl_int_id : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("a", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_3 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_4 ("a"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [int_id2]. *)
-  Definition impl_int_id2 : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("a", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_7 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_8 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_9 ("a"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [add1]. *)
-  Definition impl_add1 : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("a", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_12 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_13 ((LocInfoE loc_14 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_15 ("a")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_16 (i2v 1 i32))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [min]. *)
-  Definition impl_min : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("a", it_layout i32);
-      ("b", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("r", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_45 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_45 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_45 ((LocInfoE loc_46 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_47 ("a")))) <{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_48 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_49 ("b")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_36 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_41 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_20 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_30 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_30 ((LocInfoE loc_31 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_32 ("r")))) ≤{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_33 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_34 ("b")))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_21 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_25 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_25 ((LocInfoE loc_26 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_27 ("r")))) ≤{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_28 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_29 ("a")))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_22 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_23 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_24 ("r"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_36 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_37 ("r") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_38 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_39 ("a"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_20 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_41 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_42 ("r") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_43 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_44 ("b"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_20 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [looping_add]. *)
-  Definition impl_looping_add : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("a", it_layout i32);
-      ("b", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_52 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_64 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_64 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_64 ((LocInfoE loc_65 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_66 ("a")))) >{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_67 (i2v 0 i32)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_58 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_53 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_58 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_63 ("b") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_58 ((LocInfoE loc_58 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_63 ("b")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_58 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_59 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_62 ("a") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_59 ((LocInfoE loc_59 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_62 ("a")))) -{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_59 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_60 ;
-        Goto "continue12"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_53 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_54 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_55 ("b"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue12" :=
-        locinfo: loc_52 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [init_int]. *)
-  Definition impl_init_int : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("out", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_70 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_72 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_73 ("out"))) <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_74 (i2v 1 i32) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [init_int_test]. *)
-  Definition impl_init_int_test (init_int : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("out", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("i", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_77 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_84 (init_int) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_85 (&(LocInfoE loc_86 ("i"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_78 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_80 (init_int) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_81 (&(LocInfoE loc_82 ("i"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [struct_test]. *)
-  Definition impl_struct_test : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("out", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_89 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_95 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_96 ("out"))) <-{ layout_of struct_basic }
-          StructInit struct_basic [
-            ("a", LocInfoE loc_101 (i2v 1 i32) : expr) ;
-            ("b", i2v 0 i32 : expr)
-          ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_90 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_91 ((LocInfoE loc_92 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_93 ("out")))) at{struct_basic} "a") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_90 ((LocInfoE loc_90 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_91 ((LocInfoE loc_92 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_93 ("out")))) at{struct_basic} "a")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_90 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_add1.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_add1.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 168c9cca..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_add1.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c]. *)
-Section proof_add1.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [add1]. *)
-  Lemma type_add1 :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_add1 type_of_add1.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "add1" (n) => arg_a.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "add1" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "add1".
-  Qed.
-End proof_add1.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_init_int.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_init_int.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b2e4c6..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_init_int.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c]. *)
-Section proof_init_int.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [init_int]. *)
-  Lemma type_init_int :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_init_int type_of_init_int.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "init_int" (p) => arg_out.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "init_int" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "init_int".
-  Qed.
-End proof_init_int.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_init_int_test.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_init_int_test.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 03e2b352..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_init_int_test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c]. *)
-Section proof_init_int_test.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [init_int_test]. *)
-  Lemma type_init_int_test (init_int : loc) :
-    init_int ◁ᵥ init_int @ function_ptr type_of_init_int -∗
-    typed_function (impl_init_int_test init_int) type_of_init_int_test.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "init_int_test" (p) => arg_out local_i.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "init_int_test" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "init_int_test".
-  Qed.
-End proof_init_int_test.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_int_id.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_int_id.v
deleted file mode 100644
index fcb6c3a9..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_int_id.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c]. *)
-Section proof_int_id.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [int_id]. *)
-  Lemma type_int_id :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_int_id type_of_int_id.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "int_id" ([]) => arg_a.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "int_id" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "int_id".
-  Qed.
-End proof_int_id.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_int_id2.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_int_id2.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b02e625..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_int_id2.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c]. *)
-Section proof_int_id2.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [int_id2]. *)
-  Lemma type_int_id2 :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_int_id2 type_of_int_id2.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "int_id2" (n) => arg_a.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "int_id2" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "int_id2".
-  Qed.
-End proof_int_id2.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_looping_add.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_looping_add.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5194585f..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_looping_add.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c]. *)
-Section proof_looping_add.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [looping_add]. *)
-  Lemma type_looping_add :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_looping_add type_of_looping_add.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "looping_add" ([va vb]) => arg_a arg_b.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        ∃ acc : Z,
-        arg_a ◁ₗ (acc @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        arg_b ◁ₗ ((va + vb - acc) @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        ⌜0 <= acc⌝
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "looping_add" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "looping_add" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "looping_add".
-  Qed.
-End proof_looping_add.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_min.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_min.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ea09f3b..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_min.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c]. *)
-Section proof_min.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [min]. *)
-  Lemma type_min :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_min type_of_min.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "min" ([a b]) => arg_a arg_b local_r.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "min" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "min".
-  Qed.
-End proof_min.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_struct_test.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_struct_test.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 828dc7d4..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_proof_struct_test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c]. *)
-Section proof_struct_test.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [struct_test]. *)
-  Lemma type_struct_test :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_struct_test type_of_struct_test.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "struct_test" (p) => arg_out.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "struct_test" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "struct_test".
-  Qed.
-End proof_struct_test.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 338920a5..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t1_basic_code.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [int_id]. *)
-  Definition type_of_int_id :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (int (i32)); True) → ∃ () : (), (int (i32)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [int_id2]. *)
-  Definition type_of_int_id2 :=
-    fn(∀ n : Z; (n @ (int (i32))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (n @ (int (i32))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [add1]. *)
-  Definition type_of_add1 :=
-    fn(∀ n : Z; (n @ (int (i32))); ⌜n + 1 < it_max i32⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((n + 1) @ (int (i32))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [min]. *)
-  Definition type_of_min :=
-    fn(∀ (a, b) : Z * Z; (a @ (int (i32))), (b @ (int (i32))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((a `min` b) @ (int (i32))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [looping_add]. *)
-  Definition type_of_looping_add :=
-    fn(∀ (va, vb) : Z * Z; (va @ (int (i32))), (vb @ (int (i32))); ⌜va + vb < it_max i32⌝ ∗ ⌜0 <= va⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((va + vb) @ (int (i32))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [init_int]. *)
-  Definition type_of_init_int :=
-    fn(∀ p : loc; (p @ (&own (uninit (i32)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ ((1) @ (int (i32)))).
-  (* Specifications for function [init_int_test]. *)
-  Definition type_of_init_int_test :=
-    fn(∀ p : loc; (p @ (&own (uninit (i32)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [struct_test]. *)
-  Definition type_of_struct_test :=
-    fn(∀ p : loc; (p @ (&own (uninit (struct_basic)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ (struct (struct_basic) [@{type} (2) @ (int (i32)) ; (0) @ (int (i32)) ])).
-End spec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 19be6bdb..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 4 14 14.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 11 14 13.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 11 14 13.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 12 14 13.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 12 14 13.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 19 4 19 18.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 4 20 32.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 4 21 26.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 22 4 22 23.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 22 11 22 21.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 22 11 22 16.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 22 11 22 16.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 22 20 22 21.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 11 21 24.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 11 21 16.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 11 21 16.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 20 21 24.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 20 21 24.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 15 20 31.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 15 20 23.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 15 20 23.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 24 20 30.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 25 20 30.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 19 16 19 17.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 4 29 19.
-  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 4 30 11.
-  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 31 4 31 24.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 31 11 31 22.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 31 11 31 13.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 31 11 31 13.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 31 12 31 13.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 31 12 31 13.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 31 17 31 22.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 31 17 31 22.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 4 30 6.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 5 30 6.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 5 30 6.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 9 30 10.
-  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 16 29 18.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 16 29 18.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 17 29 18.
-  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 17 29 18.
-  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 4 36 23.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 4 38 13.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 4 47 5.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 10 43 5.
-  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 8 40 20.
-  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 8 41 19.
-  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 8 42 14.
-  Definition loc_63 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 14 42 9.
-  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 8 42 13.
-  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 9 42 13.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 11 42 12.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 11 42 12.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 8 41 13.
-  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 16 41 18.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 16 41 18.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 17 41 18.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 17 41 18.
-  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 8 40 13.
-  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 16 40 19.
-  Definition loc_75 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 16 40 19.
-  Definition loc_76 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 11 47 5.
-  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 8 44 19.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 8 45 14.
-  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 14 45 9.
-  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 8 46 20.
-  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 8 46 13.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 16 46 19.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 16 46 19.
-  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 8 45 13.
-  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 9 45 13.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 11 45 12.
-  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 11 45 12.
-  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 8 44 13.
-  Definition loc_89 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 16 44 18.
-  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 16 44 18.
-  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 17 44 18.
-  Definition loc_92 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 17 44 18.
-  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 7 39 8.
-  Definition loc_94 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 39 7 39 8.
-  Definition loc_95 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 4 38 5.
-  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 8 38 12.
-  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 38 9 38 12.
-  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 14 36 15.
-  Definition loc_103 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 54 4 54 11.
-  Definition loc_104 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 4 55 11.
-  Definition loc_105 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 56 4 64 5.
-  Definition loc_106 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 56 10 60 5.
-  Definition loc_107 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 8 57 12.
-  Definition loc_108 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 8 58 15.
-  Definition loc_109 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 15 58 9.
-  Definition loc_110 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 8 59 12.
-  Definition loc_111 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 8 59 11.
-  Definition loc_112 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 8 59 11.
-  Definition loc_113 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 9 59 11.
-  Definition loc_114 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 9 59 11.
-  Definition loc_115 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 8 58 14.
-  Definition loc_116 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 9 58 14.
-  Definition loc_117 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 11 58 13.
-  Definition loc_118 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 11 58 13.
-  Definition loc_119 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 8 57 11.
-  Definition loc_120 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 8 57 11.
-  Definition loc_121 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 9 57 11.
-  Definition loc_122 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 9 57 11.
-  Definition loc_123 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 11 64 5.
-  Definition loc_124 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 8 61 12.
-  Definition loc_125 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 8 62 15.
-  Definition loc_126 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 15 62 9.
-  Definition loc_127 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 8 63 12.
-  Definition loc_128 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 8 63 11.
-  Definition loc_129 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 8 63 11.
-  Definition loc_130 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 9 63 11.
-  Definition loc_131 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 9 63 11.
-  Definition loc_132 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 8 62 14.
-  Definition loc_133 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 9 62 14.
-  Definition loc_134 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 11 62 13.
-  Definition loc_135 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 11 62 13.
-  Definition loc_136 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 8 61 11.
-  Definition loc_137 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 8 61 11.
-  Definition loc_138 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 9 61 11.
-  Definition loc_139 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 9 61 11.
-  Definition loc_140 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 56 7 56 8.
-  Definition loc_141 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 56 7 56 8.
-  Definition loc_142 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 4 55 6.
-  Definition loc_143 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 9 55 10.
-  Definition loc_144 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 9 55 10.
-  Definition loc_145 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 54 4 54 6.
-  Definition loc_146 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 54 9 54 10.
-  Definition loc_147 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 54 9 54 10.
-  Definition loc_150 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 4 71 12.
-  Definition loc_151 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 4 80 5.
-  Definition loc_152 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 10 76 5.
-  Definition loc_153 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 8 73 13.
-  Definition loc_154 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 8 74 15.
-  Definition loc_155 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 15 74 9.
-  Definition loc_156 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 8 75 11.
-  Definition loc_157 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 8 75 10.
-  Definition loc_158 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 8 75 10.
-  Definition loc_159 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 9 75 10.
-  Definition loc_160 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 9 75 10.
-  Definition loc_161 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 8 74 14.
-  Definition loc_162 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 9 74 14.
-  Definition loc_163 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 11 74 13.
-  Definition loc_164 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 11 74 13.
-  Definition loc_165 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 8 73 12.
-  Definition loc_166 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 8 73 12.
-  Definition loc_167 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 9 73 12.
-  Definition loc_168 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 9 73 12.
-  Definition loc_169 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 10 73 12.
-  Definition loc_170 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 10 73 12.
-  Definition loc_171 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 11 80 5.
-  Definition loc_172 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 8 77 11.
-  Definition loc_173 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 8 78 13.
-  Definition loc_174 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 8 79 15.
-  Definition loc_175 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 15 79 9.
-  Definition loc_176 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 8 79 14.
-  Definition loc_177 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 9 79 14.
-  Definition loc_178 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 11 79 13.
-  Definition loc_179 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 79 11 79 13.
-  Definition loc_180 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 8 78 12.
-  Definition loc_181 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 8 78 12.
-  Definition loc_182 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 9 78 12.
-  Definition loc_183 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 9 78 12.
-  Definition loc_184 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 10 78 12.
-  Definition loc_185 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 10 78 12.
-  Definition loc_186 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 8 77 10.
-  Definition loc_187 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 8 77 10.
-  Definition loc_188 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 9 77 10.
-  Definition loc_189 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 9 77 10.
-  Definition loc_190 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 7 72 8.
-  Definition loc_191 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 7 72 8.
-  Definition loc_192 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 4 71 6.
-  Definition loc_193 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 9 71 11.
-  Definition loc_194 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 10 71 11.
-  (* Definition of function [read_int]. *)
-  Definition impl_read_int : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("a", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_3 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_5 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_6 ("a"))))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [use_read_int]. *)
-  Definition impl_use_read_int (read_int : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("local", it_layout i32);
-      ("read", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "local" <-{ it_layout i32 } LocInfoE loc_29 (i2v 1 i32) ;
-        locinfo: loc_22 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_24 (read_int) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_25 (&(LocInfoE loc_26 ("local"))) ] ;
-        "read" <-{ it_layout i32 } LocInfoE loc_22 ("$0") ;
-        locinfo: loc_11 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_17 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_17 ((LocInfoE loc_18 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_19 ("local")))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_20 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_21 ("read")))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_12 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_13 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_13 ((LocInfoE loc_14 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_15 ("local")))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_16 (i2v 1 i32)))))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [no_alias]. *)
-  Definition impl_no_alias : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("a", LPtr);
-      ("b", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("old_b", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "old_b" <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_48 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_50 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_51 ("b"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_35 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_45 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_46 ("a"))) <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_47 (i2v 1 i32) ;
-        locinfo: loc_36 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_37 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_37 ((LocInfoE loc_38 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_40 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_41 ("b")))))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_42 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_43 ("old_b")))))))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [local_vars]. *)
-  Definition impl_local_vars : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("b", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("var", it_layout i32);
-      ("dummy", it_layout i32);
-      ("p", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "var" <-{ it_layout i32 } LocInfoE loc_98 (i2v 1 i32) ;
-        locinfo: loc_57 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_95 ("p") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_96 (&(LocInfoE loc_97 ("var"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_93 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_93 (use{it_layout bool_it} (LocInfoE loc_94 ("b")))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_60 ;
-          Goto "#1"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_77 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_60 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_73 ("dummy") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_74 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_75 ("var"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_61 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_68 ("dummy") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_69 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_71 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_72 ("p"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_62 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_64 (&(LocInfoE loc_66 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_67 ("p")))))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_77 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_88 ("dummy") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_89 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_91 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_92 ("p"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_78 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_84 (&(LocInfoE loc_86 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_87 ("p")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_80 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_81 ("dummy") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_82 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_83 ("var"))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [ptrs]. *)
-  Definition impl_ptrs : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("b", it_layout bool_it);
-      ("p", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("p1", LPtr);
-      ("p2", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_103 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_145 ("p1") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_146 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_147 ("p"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_104 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_142 ("p2") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_143 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_144 ("p"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_140 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_140 (use{it_layout bool_it} (LocInfoE loc_141 ("b")))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_107 ;
-          Goto "#1"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_124 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_107 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_119 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_121 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_122 ("p1")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_108 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_115 (&(LocInfoE loc_117 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_118 ("p1")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_110 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_111 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_113 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_114 ("p2")))))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_124 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_136 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_138 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_139 ("p2")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_125 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_132 (&(LocInfoE loc_134 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_135 ("p2")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_127 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_128 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_130 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_131 ("p1")))))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [ptrs2]. *)
-  Definition impl_ptrs2 : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("b", it_layout bool_it);
-      ("p", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("p1", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_150 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_192 ("p1") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_193 (&(LocInfoE loc_194 ("p"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_190 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_190 (use{it_layout bool_it} (LocInfoE loc_191 ("b")))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_153 ;
-          Goto "#1"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_172 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_153 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_165 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_167 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_169 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_170 ("p1")))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_154 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_161 (&(LocInfoE loc_163 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_164 ("p1")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_156 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_157 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_159 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_160 ("p")))))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_172 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_186 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_188 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_189 ("p")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_173 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_180 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_182 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_184 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_185 ("p1")))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_174 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_176 (&(LocInfoE loc_178 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_179 ("p1")))))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_local_vars.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_local_vars.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e710add1..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_local_vars.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c]. *)
-Section proof_local_vars.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [local_vars]. *)
-  Lemma type_local_vars :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_local_vars type_of_local_vars.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "local_vars" ([]) => arg_b local_var local_dummy local_p.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "local_vars" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "local_vars".
-  Qed.
-End proof_local_vars.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_no_alias.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_no_alias.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a559cb2d..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_no_alias.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c]. *)
-Section proof_no_alias.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [no_alias]. *)
-  Lemma type_no_alias :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_no_alias type_of_no_alias.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "no_alias" ([p q]) => arg_a arg_b local_old_b.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "no_alias" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "no_alias".
-  Qed.
-End proof_no_alias.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_ptrs.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_ptrs.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2610afbc..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_ptrs.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c]. *)
-Section proof_ptrs.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [ptrs]. *)
-  Lemma type_ptrs :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_ptrs type_of_ptrs.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "ptrs" (p) => arg_b arg_p local_p1 local_p2.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "ptrs" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "ptrs".
-  Qed.
-End proof_ptrs.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_ptrs2.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_ptrs2.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 33c6e300..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_ptrs2.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c]. *)
-Section proof_ptrs2.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [ptrs2]. *)
-  Lemma type_ptrs2 :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_ptrs2 type_of_ptrs2.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "ptrs2" (p) => arg_b arg_p local_p1.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "ptrs2" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "ptrs2".
-  Qed.
-End proof_ptrs2.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_read_int.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_read_int.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e03e3236..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_read_int.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c]. *)
-Section proof_read_int.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [read_int]. *)
-  Lemma type_read_int :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_read_int type_of_read_int.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "read_int" ([p n]) => arg_a.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "read_int" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "read_int".
-  Qed.
-End proof_read_int.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_use_read_int.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_use_read_int.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 33927290..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_proof_use_read_int.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c]. *)
-Section proof_use_read_int.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [use_read_int]. *)
-  Lemma type_use_read_int (read_int : loc) :
-    read_int ◁ᵥ read_int @ function_ptr type_of_read_int -∗
-    typed_function (impl_use_read_int read_int) type_of_use_read_int.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "use_read_int" ([]) => local_local local_read.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "use_read_int" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "use_read_int".
-  Qed.
-End proof_use_read_int.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 9346f5a0..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t2_pointers_code.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [read_int]. *)
-  Definition type_of_read_int :=
-    fn(∀ (p, n) : loc * Z; (p @ (&own (n @ (int (i32))))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (n @ (int (i32))); (p ◁ₗ (n @ (int (i32)))).
-  (* Specifications for function [use_read_int]. *)
-  Definition type_of_use_read_int :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); True) → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [no_alias]. *)
-  Definition type_of_no_alias :=
-    fn(∀ (p, q) : loc * loc; (p @ (&own (int (i32)))), (q @ (&own (int (i32)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ ((1) @ (int (i32)))) ∗ (q ◁ₗ (int (i32))).
-  (* Specifications for function [local_vars]. *)
-  Definition type_of_local_vars :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (boolean (bool_it)); True) → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [ptrs]. *)
-  Definition type_of_ptrs :=
-    fn(∀ p : loc; (boolean (bool_it)), (p @ (&own (int (i32)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [ptrs2]. *)
-  Definition type_of_ptrs2 :=
-    fn(∀ p : loc; (boolean (bool_it)), (p @ (&own (int (i32)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-End spec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ca93b793..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,833 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 124 4 124 25.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 125 4 125 42.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 4 126 42.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 4 127 42.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 4 129 28.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 4 131 15.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 4 132 15.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 4 133 15.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 4 135 29.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 4 136 29.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 4 137 29.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 4 139 29.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 4 141 25.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 4 143 29.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 4 145 23.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 4 146 23.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 147 4 147 23.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 4 149 28.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 151 4 151 32.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 152 4 152 32.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 4 153 32.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 4 155 32.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 4 156 32.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 4 157 32.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 4 157 8.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 4 157 8.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 9 157 23.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 25 157 30.
-  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 157 25 157 30.
-  Definition loc_31 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 4 156 8.
-  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 4 156 8.
-  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 9 156 23.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 25 156 30.
-  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 156 25 156 30.
-  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 4 155 8.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 4 155 8.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 9 155 23.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 25 155 30.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 155 25 155 30.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 11 153 30.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 11 153 17.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 11 153 17.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 12 153 17.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 12 153 17.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 21 153 30.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 153 29 153 30.
-  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 152 11 152 30.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 152 11 152 17.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 152 11 152 17.
-  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 152 12 152 17.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 152 12 152 17.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 152 21 152 30.
-  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 152 29 152 30.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 151 11 151 30.
-  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 151 11 151 17.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 151 11 151 17.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 151 12 151 17.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 151 12 151 17.
-  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 151 21 151 30.
-  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 151 29 151 30.
-  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 11 149 26.
-  Definition loc_63 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 11 149 19.
-  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 11 149 19.
-  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 20 149 25.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 21 149 25.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 147 4 147 9.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 147 12 147 22.
-  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 147 12 147 15.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 147 12 147 15.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 147 16 147 21.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 147 17 147 21.
-  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 4 146 9.
-  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 12 146 22.
-  Definition loc_75 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 12 146 15.
-  Definition loc_76 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 12 146 15.
-  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 16 146 21.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 17 146 21.
-  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 4 145 9.
-  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 12 145 22.
-  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 12 145 15.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 12 145 15.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 16 145 21.
-  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 17 145 21.
-  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 11 143 27.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 11 143 17.
-  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 11 143 17.
-  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 18 143 23.
-  Definition loc_89 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 19 143 23.
-  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 143 25 143 26.
-  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 4 141 8.
-  Definition loc_92 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 11 141 24.
-  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 11 141 18.
-  Definition loc_94 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 11 141 18.
-  Definition loc_95 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 19 141 23.
-  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 141 19 141 23.
-  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 11 139 27.
-  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 11 139 17.
-  Definition loc_99 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 11 139 17.
-  Definition loc_100 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 18 139 23.
-  Definition loc_101 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 19 139 23.
-  Definition loc_102 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 139 25 139 26.
-  Definition loc_103 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 4 137 8.
-  Definition loc_104 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 11 137 28.
-  Definition loc_105 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 11 137 15.
-  Definition loc_106 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 11 137 15.
-  Definition loc_107 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 16 137 20.
-  Definition loc_108 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 16 137 20.
-  Definition loc_109 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 22 137 27.
-  Definition loc_110 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 137 22 137 27.
-  Definition loc_111 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 4 136 8.
-  Definition loc_112 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 11 136 28.
-  Definition loc_113 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 11 136 15.
-  Definition loc_114 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 11 136 15.
-  Definition loc_115 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 16 136 20.
-  Definition loc_116 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 16 136 20.
-  Definition loc_117 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 22 136 27.
-  Definition loc_118 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 136 22 136 27.
-  Definition loc_119 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 4 135 8.
-  Definition loc_120 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 11 135 28.
-  Definition loc_121 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 11 135 15.
-  Definition loc_122 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 11 135 15.
-  Definition loc_123 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 16 135 20.
-  Definition loc_124 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 16 135 20.
-  Definition loc_125 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 22 135 27.
-  Definition loc_126 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 22 135 27.
-  Definition loc_127 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 4 133 10.
-  Definition loc_128 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 5 133 10.
-  Definition loc_129 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 5 133 10.
-  Definition loc_130 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 133 13 133 14.
-  Definition loc_131 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 4 132 10.
-  Definition loc_132 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 5 132 10.
-  Definition loc_133 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 5 132 10.
-  Definition loc_134 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 132 13 132 14.
-  Definition loc_135 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 4 131 10.
-  Definition loc_136 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 5 131 10.
-  Definition loc_137 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 5 131 10.
-  Definition loc_138 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 13 131 14.
-  Definition loc_139 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 11 129 26.
-  Definition loc_140 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 11 129 19.
-  Definition loc_141 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 11 129 19.
-  Definition loc_142 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 20 129 25.
-  Definition loc_143 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 21 129 25.
-  Definition loc_144 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 20 127 41.
-  Definition loc_145 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 20 127 25.
-  Definition loc_146 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 20 127 25.
-  Definition loc_147 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 26 127 40.
-  Definition loc_150 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 20 126 41.
-  Definition loc_151 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 20 126 25.
-  Definition loc_152 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 20 126 25.
-  Definition loc_153 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 26 126 40.
-  Definition loc_156 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 125 20 125 41.
-  Definition loc_157 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 125 20 125 25.
-  Definition loc_158 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 125 20 125 25.
-  Definition loc_159 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 125 26 125 40.
-  Definition loc_162 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 124 18 124 24.
-  Definition loc_163 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 124 18 124 22.
-  Definition loc_164 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 124 18 124 22.
-  Definition loc_169 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 4 27 26.
-  Definition loc_170 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 11 27 25.
-  Definition loc_173 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 4 35 32.
-  Definition loc_174 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 11 35 31.
-  Definition loc_175 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 11 35 13.
-  Definition loc_176 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 11 35 13.
-  Definition loc_177 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 12 35 13.
-  Definition loc_178 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 12 35 13.
-  Definition loc_179 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 17 35 31.
-  Definition loc_182 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 4 43 51.
-  Definition loc_183 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 4 44 19.
-  Definition loc_184 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 4 45 19.
-  Definition loc_185 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 4 46 16.
-  Definition loc_186 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 11 46 15.
-  Definition loc_187 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 11 46 15.
-  Definition loc_188 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 4 45 14.
-  Definition loc_189 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 4 45 8.
-  Definition loc_190 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 4 45 8.
-  Definition loc_191 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 17 45 18.
-  Definition loc_192 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 17 45 18.
-  Definition loc_193 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 4 44 14.
-  Definition loc_194 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 4 44 8.
-  Definition loc_195 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 4 44 8.
-  Definition loc_196 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 17 44 18.
-  Definition loc_197 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 17 44 18.
-  Definition loc_198 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 24 43 50.
-  Definition loc_199 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 24 43 29.
-  Definition loc_200 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 24 43 29.
-  Definition loc_201 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 30 43 49.
-  Definition loc_206 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 2 57 3.
-  Definition loc_207 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 2 58 25.
-  Definition loc_208 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 2 59 25.
-  Definition loc_209 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 2 60 18.
-  Definition loc_210 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 2 61 34.
-  Definition loc_211 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 2 62 13.
-  Definition loc_212 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 9 62 12.
-  Definition loc_213 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 9 62 12.
-  Definition loc_214 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 2 61 6.
-  Definition loc_215 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 2 61 6.
-  Definition loc_216 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 7 61 26.
-  Definition loc_217 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 28 61 32.
-  Definition loc_218 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 28 61 32.
-  Definition loc_219 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 2 60 4.
-  Definition loc_220 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 3 60 4.
-  Definition loc_221 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 3 60 4.
-  Definition loc_222 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 7 60 17.
-  Definition loc_223 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 7 60 17.
-  Definition loc_224 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 7 60 11.
-  Definition loc_225 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 7 60 11.
-  Definition loc_226 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 14 59 24.
-  Definition loc_227 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 14 59 24.
-  Definition loc_228 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 14 59 18.
-  Definition loc_229 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 14 59 18.
-  Definition loc_232 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 22 58 24.
-  Definition loc_233 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 22 58 24.
-  Definition loc_234 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 23 58 24.
-  Definition loc_235 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 23 58 24.
-  Definition loc_238 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 28 57 3.
-  Definition loc_239 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 56 6 56 28.
-  Definition loc_240 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 56 13 56 27.
-  Definition loc_242 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 6 55 26.
-  Definition loc_243 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 6 55 8.
-  Definition loc_244 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 6 55 8.
-  Definition loc_245 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 7 55 8.
-  Definition loc_246 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 7 55 8.
-  Definition loc_247 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 55 12 55 26.
-  Definition loc_250 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 4 70 23.
-  Definition loc_251 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 4 79 5.
-  Definition loc_252 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 4 80 13.
-  Definition loc_253 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 11 80 12.
-  Definition loc_254 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 80 11 80 12.
-  Definition loc_255 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 4 79 5.
-  Definition loc_256 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 32 79 5.
-  Definition loc_257 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 8 75 20.
-  Definition loc_258 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 8 76 20.
-  Definition loc_259 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 8 77 14.
-  Definition loc_260 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 8 78 14.
-  Definition loc_261 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 4 79 5.
-  Definition loc_262 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 4 79 5.
-  Definition loc_263 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 8 78 9.
-  Definition loc_264 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 12 78 13.
-  Definition loc_265 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 78 12 78 13.
-  Definition loc_266 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 8 77 9.
-  Definition loc_267 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 12 77 13.
-  Definition loc_268 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 77 12 77 13.
-  Definition loc_269 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 8 76 15.
-  Definition loc_270 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 8 76 9.
-  Definition loc_271 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 8 76 9.
-  Definition loc_272 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 18 76 19.
-  Definition loc_273 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 18 76 19.
-  Definition loc_274 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 8 75 9.
-  Definition loc_275 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 12 75 19.
-  Definition loc_276 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 12 75 19.
-  Definition loc_277 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 12 75 13.
-  Definition loc_278 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 12 75 13.
-  Definition loc_279 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 11 74 30.
-  Definition loc_280 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 11 74 12.
-  Definition loc_281 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 11 74 12.
-  Definition loc_282 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 16 74 30.
-  Definition loc_283 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 4 70 5.
-  Definition loc_284 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 8 70 22.
-  Definition loc_287 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 87 2 87 19.
-  Definition loc_288 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 2 93 3.
-  Definition loc_289 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 2 94 12.
-  Definition loc_290 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 2 94 6.
-  Definition loc_291 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 3 94 6.
-  Definition loc_292 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 3 94 6.
-  Definition loc_293 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 9 94 11.
-  Definition loc_294 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 94 9 94 11.
-  Definition loc_295 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 2 93 3.
-  Definition loc_296 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 31 93 3.
-  Definition loc_297 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 4 92 26.
-  Definition loc_298 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 2 93 3.
-  Definition loc_299 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 2 93 3.
-  Definition loc_300 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 4 92 7.
-  Definition loc_301 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 10 92 25.
-  Definition loc_302 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 11 92 25.
-  Definition loc_303 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 12 92 18.
-  Definition loc_304 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 12 92 18.
-  Definition loc_305 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 14 92 17.
-  Definition loc_306 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 14 92 17.
-  Definition loc_307 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 8 91 30.
-  Definition loc_308 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 8 91 12.
-  Definition loc_309 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 8 91 12.
-  Definition loc_310 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 9 91 12.
-  Definition loc_311 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 9 91 12.
-  Definition loc_312 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 16 91 30.
-  Definition loc_313 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 87 16 87 18.
-  Definition loc_314 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 87 16 87 18.
-  Definition loc_319 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 104 4 104 21.
-  Definition loc_320 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 4 118 5.
-  Definition loc_321 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 119 4 119 13.
-  Definition loc_322 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 119 11 119 12.
-  Definition loc_323 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 4 118 5.
-  Definition loc_324 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 35 118 5.
-  Definition loc_325 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 8 110 27.
-  Definition loc_326 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 8 112 33.
-  Definition loc_327 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 8 115 9.
-  Definition loc_328 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 117 8 117 26.
-  Definition loc_329 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 4 118 5.
-  Definition loc_330 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 4 118 5.
-  Definition loc_331 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 117 8 117 12.
-  Definition loc_332 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 117 15 117 25.
-  Definition loc_333 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 117 16 117 25.
-  Definition loc_334 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 117 16 117 19.
-  Definition loc_335 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 117 16 117 19.
-  Definition loc_336 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 23 115 9.
-  Definition loc_337 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 12 114 21.
-  Definition loc_338 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 114 19 114 20.
-  Definition loc_340 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 11 113 21.
-  Definition loc_341 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 11 113 16.
-  Definition loc_342 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 11 113 16.
-  Definition loc_343 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 12 113 16.
-  Definition loc_344 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 12 113 16.
-  Definition loc_345 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 20 113 21.
-  Definition loc_346 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 113 20 113 21.
-  Definition loc_347 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 23 112 32.
-  Definition loc_348 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 23 112 32.
-  Definition loc_349 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 23 112 26.
-  Definition loc_350 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 112 23 112 26.
-  Definition loc_353 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 21 110 26.
-  Definition loc_354 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 21 110 26.
-  Definition loc_355 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 22 110 26.
-  Definition loc_356 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 22 110 26.
-  Definition loc_359 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 10 109 33.
-  Definition loc_360 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 10 109 15.
-  Definition loc_361 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 10 109 15.
-  Definition loc_362 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 11 109 15.
-  Definition loc_363 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 11 109 15.
-  Definition loc_364 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 19 109 33.
-  Definition loc_365 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 104 19 104 20.
-  Definition loc_366 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 104 19 104 20.
-  Definition loc_371 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 2 164 18.
-  Definition loc_372 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 2 179 3.
-  Definition loc_373 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 2 179 3.
-  Definition loc_374 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 31 179 3.
-  Definition loc_375 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 4 175 25.
-  Definition loc_376 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 4 176 20.
-  Definition loc_377 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 4 177 14.
-  Definition loc_378 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 4 178 19.
-  Definition loc_379 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 2 179 3.
-  Definition loc_380 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 2 179 3.
-  Definition loc_381 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 4 178 7.
-  Definition loc_382 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 10 178 18.
-  Definition loc_383 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 10 178 18.
-  Definition loc_384 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 4 177 7.
-  Definition loc_385 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 5 177 7.
-  Definition loc_386 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 5 177 7.
-  Definition loc_387 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 10 177 13.
-  Definition loc_388 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 10 177 13.
-  Definition loc_389 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 4 176 13.
-  Definition loc_390 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 4 176 7.
-  Definition loc_391 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 4 176 7.
-  Definition loc_392 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 16 176 19.
-  Definition loc_393 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 16 176 19.
-  Definition loc_394 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 17 176 19.
-  Definition loc_395 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 17 176 19.
-  Definition loc_396 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 4 175 12.
-  Definition loc_397 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 15 175 24.
-  Definition loc_398 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 15 175 24.
-  Definition loc_399 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 15 175 18.
-  Definition loc_400 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 15 175 18.
-  Definition loc_401 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 8 174 29.
-  Definition loc_402 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 8 174 11.
-  Definition loc_403 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 8 174 11.
-  Definition loc_404 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 174 15 174 29.
-  Definition loc_405 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 15 164 17.
-  Definition loc_406 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 15 164 17.
-  (* Definition of struct [list]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_list := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "head", LPtr);
-      (Some "tail", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of function [test]. *)
-  Definition impl_test (alloc free init is_empty push pop reverse member : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("list", LPtr);
-      ("elem2", LPtr);
-      ("elem1", LPtr);
-      ("elem3", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_162 ;
-        "$14" <- LocInfoE loc_164 (init) with [  ] ;
-        "list" <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_162 ("$14") ;
-        locinfo: loc_156 ;
-        "$13" <- LocInfoE loc_158 (alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_159 (i2v (it_layout size_t).(ly_size) size_t) ] ;
-        "elem1" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_156 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_156 ("$13"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_150 ;
-        "$12" <- LocInfoE loc_152 (alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_153 (i2v (it_layout size_t).(ly_size) size_t) ] ;
-        "elem2" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_150 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_150 ("$12"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_144 ;
-        "$11" <- LocInfoE loc_146 (alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_147 (i2v (it_layout size_t).(ly_size) size_t) ] ;
-        "elem3" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_144 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_144 ("$11"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_139 ;
-        "$10" <- LocInfoE loc_141 (is_empty) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_142 (&(LocInfoE loc_143 ("list"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_6 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_139 ("$10")) ;
-        locinfo: loc_7 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_136 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_137 ("elem1"))) <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_138 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_138 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_8 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_132 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_133 ("elem2"))) <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_134 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_134 (i2v 2 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_9 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_128 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_129 ("elem3"))) <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_130 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_130 (i2v 3 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_120 ;
-        "$9" <- LocInfoE loc_122 (push) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_123 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_124 ("list"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_125 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_126 ("elem1"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_10 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_119 ("list") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_120 ("$9") ;
-        locinfo: loc_112 ;
-        "$8" <- LocInfoE loc_114 (push) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_115 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_116 ("list"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_117 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_118 ("elem2"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_11 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_111 ("list") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_112 ("$8") ;
-        locinfo: loc_104 ;
-        "$7" <- LocInfoE loc_106 (push) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_107 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_108 ("list"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_109 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_110 ("elem3"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_12 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_103 ("list") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_104 ("$7") ;
-        locinfo: loc_97 ;
-        "$6" <- LocInfoE loc_99 (member) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_100 (&(LocInfoE loc_101 ("list"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_102 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_102 (i2v 1 i32))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_13 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_97 ("$6")) ;
-        locinfo: loc_92 ;
-        "$5" <- LocInfoE loc_94 (reverse) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_95 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_96 ("list"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_14 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_91 ("list") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_92 ("$5") ;
-        locinfo: loc_85 ;
-        "$4" <- LocInfoE loc_87 (member) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_88 (&(LocInfoE loc_89 ("list"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_90 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_90 (i2v 1 i32))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_15 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_85 ("$4")) ;
-        locinfo: loc_80 ;
-        "$3" <- LocInfoE loc_82 (pop) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_83 (&(LocInfoE loc_84 ("list"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_16 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_79 ("elem1") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_80 ("$3") ;
-        locinfo: loc_74 ;
-        "$2" <- LocInfoE loc_76 (pop) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_77 (&(LocInfoE loc_78 ("list"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_17 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_73 ("elem2") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_74 ("$2") ;
-        locinfo: loc_68 ;
-        "$1" <- LocInfoE loc_70 (pop) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_71 (&(LocInfoE loc_72 ("list"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_18 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_67 ("elem3") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_68 ("$1") ;
-        locinfo: loc_62 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_64 (is_empty) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_65 (&(LocInfoE loc_66 ("list"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_19 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_62 ("$0")) ;
-        locinfo: loc_20 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_55 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_55 ((LocInfoE loc_56 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_58 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_59 ("elem1")))))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_60 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_61 (i2v 1 i32)))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_21 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_48 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_48 ((LocInfoE loc_49 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_51 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_52 ("elem2")))))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_53 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_54 (i2v 2 i32)))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_22 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_41 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_41 ((LocInfoE loc_42 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_44 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_45 ("elem3")))))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_46 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_47 (i2v 3 i32)))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_23 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_37 (free) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_38 (i2v (it_layout size_t).(ly_size) size_t) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_39 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_40 ("elem1"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_24 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_32 (free) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_33 (i2v (it_layout size_t).(ly_size) size_t) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_34 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_35 ("elem2"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_25 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_27 (free) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_28 (i2v (it_layout size_t).(ly_size) size_t) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_29 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_30 ("elem3"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [init]. *)
-  Definition impl_init : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_169 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_170 (NULL))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [is_empty]. *)
-  Definition impl_is_empty : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("l", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_173 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_174 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_174 ((LocInfoE loc_175 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_177 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_178 ("l")))))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_179 (NULL))))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [push]. *)
-  Definition impl_push (alloc : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr);
-      ("e", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("node", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_198 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_200 (alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_201 (i2v (layout_of struct_list).(ly_size) size_t) ] ;
-        "node" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_198 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_198 ("$0"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_183 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_193 ((LocInfoE loc_194 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_195 ("node")))) at{struct_list} "head") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_196 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_197 ("e"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_184 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_188 ((LocInfoE loc_189 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_190 ("node")))) at{struct_list} "tail") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_191 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_192 ("p"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_185 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_186 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_187 ("node"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [pop]. *)
-  Definition impl_pop (free : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("node", LPtr);
-      ("ret", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_242 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_242 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_242 ((LocInfoE loc_243 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_245 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_246 ("p")))))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_247 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_239 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        "node" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_232 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_234 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_235 ("p"))))) ;
-        "ret" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_226 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_227 ((LocInfoE loc_228 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_229 ("node")))) at{struct_list} "head"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_209 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_220 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_221 ("p"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_222 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_223 ((LocInfoE loc_224 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_225 ("node")))) at{struct_list} "tail"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_210 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_215 (free) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_216 (i2v (layout_of struct_list).(ly_size) size_t) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_217 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_218 ("node"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_211 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_212 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_213 ("ret"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_239 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_240 (NULL))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [reverse]. *)
-  Definition impl_reverse : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("w", LPtr);
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_250 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_283 ("w") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_284 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_251 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_279 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_279 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_279 ((LocInfoE loc_280 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_281 ("p")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_282 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_257 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_252 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_257 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_274 ("t") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_275 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_276 ((LocInfoE loc_277 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_278 ("p")))) at{struct_list} "tail"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_258 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_269 ((LocInfoE loc_270 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_271 ("p")))) at{struct_list} "tail") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_272 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_273 ("w"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_259 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_266 ("w") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_267 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_268 ("p"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_260 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_263 ("p") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_264 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_265 ("t"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_261 ;
-        Goto "continue11"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_252 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_253 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_254 ("w"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue11" :=
-        locinfo: loc_251 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [append]. *)
-  Definition impl_append : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("l1", LPtr);
-      ("l2", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("end", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "end" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_313 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_314 ("l1"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_288 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_307 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_307 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_307 ((LocInfoE loc_308 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_310 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_311 ("end")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_312 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_297 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_289 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_297 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_300 ("end") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_301 (&(LocInfoE loc_302 ((LocInfoE loc_303 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_305 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_306 ("end")))))) at{struct_list} "tail"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_298 ;
-        Goto "continue15"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_289 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_291 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_292 ("end"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_293 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_294 ("l2"))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue15" :=
-        locinfo: loc_288 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [member]. *)
-  Definition impl_member : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("p", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("prev", LPtr);
-      ("cur", LPtr);
-      ("head", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "prev" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_365 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_366 ("p"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_320 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_359 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_359 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_359 ((LocInfoE loc_360 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_362 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_363 ("prev")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_364 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_321 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        "cur" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_353 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_355 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_356 ("prev"))))) ;
-        "head" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_347 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_347 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_348 ((LocInfoE loc_349 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_350 ("cur")))) at{struct_list} "head"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_340 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_340 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_340 ((LocInfoE loc_341 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_343 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_344 ("head")))))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_345 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_346 ("k")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_337 ;
-          Goto "#5"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_328 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_321 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_322 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_322 (i2v 0 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_328 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_331 ("prev") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_332 (&(LocInfoE loc_333 ((LocInfoE loc_334 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_335 ("cur")))) at{struct_list} "tail"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_329 ;
-        Goto "continue19"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_337 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_338 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_338 (i2v 1 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_328 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue19" :=
-        locinfo: loc_320 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [rev_append]. *)
-  Definition impl_rev_append : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("l1", LPtr);
-      ("l2", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("cur", LPtr);
-      ("cur_tail", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "cur" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_405 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_406 ("l1"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_372 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_401 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_401 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_401 ((LocInfoE loc_402 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_403 ("cur")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_404 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_375 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_375 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_396 ("cur_tail") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_397 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_398 ((LocInfoE loc_399 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_400 ("cur")))) at{struct_list} "tail"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_376 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_389 ((LocInfoE loc_390 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_391 ("cur")))) at{struct_list} "tail") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_392 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_394 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_395 ("l2"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_377 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_385 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_386 ("l2"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_387 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_388 ("cur"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_378 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_381 ("cur") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_382 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_383 ("cur_tail"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_379 ;
-        Goto "continue26"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue26" :=
-        locinfo: loc_372 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_append.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_append.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cad06ba..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_append.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c]. *)
-Section proof_append.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [append]. *)
-  Lemma type_append :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_append type_of_append.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "append" ([[p l1] l2]) => arg_l1 arg_l2 local_end.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        ∃ pl : loc,
-        ∃ l1_suffix : list type,
-        arg_l2 ◁ₗ (l2 @ (list_t)) ∗
-        local_end ◁ₗ (pl @ (&own (l1_suffix @ (list_t)))) ∗
-        arg_l1 ◁ₗ (p @ (&own (wand (pl ◁ₗ (l1_suffix ++ l2) @ list_t) ((l1 ++ l2) @ (list_t)))))
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "append" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "append" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "append".
-  Qed.
-End proof_append.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_init.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_init.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac50ee8..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_init.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c]. *)
-Section proof_init.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [init]. *)
-  Lemma type_init :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_init type_of_init.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "init" ([]).
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "init" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "init".
-  Qed.
-End proof_init.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_is_empty.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_is_empty.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 439da44b..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_is_empty.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c]. *)
-Section proof_is_empty.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [is_empty]. *)
-  Lemma type_is_empty :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_is_empty type_of_is_empty.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "is_empty" ([p l]) => arg_l.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "is_empty" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "is_empty".
-  Qed.
-End proof_is_empty.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_member.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_member.v
deleted file mode 100644
index cefc8938..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_member.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c]. *)
-Section proof_member.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [member]. *)
-  Lemma type_member :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_member type_of_member.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "member" ([[l p] n]) => arg_p arg_k local_prev local_cur local_head.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        ∃ l1 : list Z,
-        ∃ pc : loc,
-        arg_k ◁ₗ (n @ (int (size_t))) ∗
-        local_cur ◁ₗ uninit LPtr ∗
-        local_head ◁ₗ uninit LPtr ∗
-        local_prev ◁ₗ (pc @ (&own ((l1 `at_type` int size_t) @ (list_t)))) ∗
-        arg_p ◁ₗ (p @ (&own (wand (pc ◁ₗ (l1 `at_type` int size_t) @ list_t) ((l `at_type` int size_t) @ (list_t))))) ∗
-        ⌜n ∈ l ↔ n ∈ l1⌝
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "member" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "member" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try set_unfold; refined_solver.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "member".
-  Qed.
-End proof_member.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_pop.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_pop.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cb40340..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_pop.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c]. *)
-Section proof_pop.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [pop]. *)
-  Lemma type_pop (free : loc) :
-    free ◁ᵥ free @ function_ptr type_of_free -∗
-    typed_function (impl_pop free) type_of_pop.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "pop" ([l p]) => arg_p local_node local_ret.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "pop" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "pop".
-  Qed.
-End proof_pop.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_push.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_push.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e533a3dc..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_push.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c]. *)
-Section proof_push.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [push]. *)
-  Lemma type_push (alloc : loc) :
-    alloc ◁ᵥ alloc @ function_ptr type_of_alloc -∗
-    typed_function (impl_push alloc) type_of_push.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "push" ([l ty]) => arg_p arg_e local_node.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "push" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "push".
-  Qed.
-End proof_push.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_rev_append.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_rev_append.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 162f56ae..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_rev_append.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c]. *)
-Section proof_rev_append.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [rev_append]. *)
-  Lemma type_rev_append :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_rev_append type_of_rev_append.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "rev_append" ([[p l1] l2]) => arg_l1 arg_l2 local_cur local_cur_tail.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        ∃ l1_prefix : list type,
-        ∃ l1_suffix : list type,
-        ∃ cur_l2 : list type,
-        local_cur_tail ◁ₗ uninit LPtr ∗
-        local_cur ◁ₗ (l1_suffix @ (list_t)) ∗
-        arg_l2 ◁ₗ (p @ (&own (cur_l2 @ (list_t)))) ∗
-        arg_l1 ◁ₗ (uninit (LPtr)) ∗
-        ⌜cur_l2 = l1_prefix ++ l2⌝ ∗
-        ⌜l1 = rev l1_prefix ++ l1_suffix⌝
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "rev_append" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "rev_append" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "rev_append".
-  Qed.
-End proof_rev_append.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_reverse.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_reverse.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c44e4ea3..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_reverse.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c]. *)
-Section proof_reverse.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [reverse]. *)
-  Lemma type_reverse :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_reverse type_of_reverse.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "reverse" (l) => arg_p local_w local_t.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        ∃ l1 : list type,
-        ∃ l2 : list type,
-        local_t ◁ₗ uninit LPtr ∗
-        local_w ◁ₗ (l1 @ (list_t)) ∗
-        arg_p ◁ₗ (l2 @ (list_t)) ∗
-        ⌜l = rev l1 ++ l2⌝
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "reverse" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "reverse" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "reverse".
-  Qed.
-End proof_reverse.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_test.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_test.v
deleted file mode 100644
index eec6adc9..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_proof_test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c]. *)
-Section proof_test.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [test]. *)
-  Lemma type_test (alloc free init is_empty push pop reverse member : loc) :
-    alloc ◁ᵥ alloc @ function_ptr type_of_alloc -∗
-    free ◁ᵥ free @ function_ptr type_of_free -∗
-    init ◁ᵥ init @ function_ptr type_of_init -∗
-    is_empty ◁ᵥ is_empty @ function_ptr type_of_is_empty -∗
-    push ◁ᵥ push @ function_ptr type_of_push -∗
-    pop ◁ᵥ pop @ function_ptr type_of_pop -∗
-    reverse ◁ᵥ reverse @ function_ptr type_of_reverse -∗
-    member ◁ᵥ member @ function_ptr type_of_member -∗
-    typed_function (impl_test alloc free init is_empty push pop reverse member) type_of_test.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "test" ([]) => local_list local_elem2 local_elem1 local_elem3.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "test" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by set_unfold; refined_solver.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "test".
-  Qed.
-End proof_test.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f0533c1..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t3_list_code.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Inlined code. *)
-  Definition alloc_initialized := initialized "allocator_state" ().
-  (* Definition of type [list_t]. *)
-  Definition list_t_rec : ((list type) -d> typeO) → ((list type) -d> typeO) := (λ self l,
-    ((maybe2 cons l) @ (optionalO (λ patt__,
-      let ty := patt__.1 in
-      let l := patt__.2 in
-      &own (
-        struct struct_list [@{type}
-          (&own (ty)) ;
-          (guarded ("list_t_0") (apply_dfun self (l)))
-        ]
-      )
-    ) null))
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque list_t_rec.
-  Global Instance list_t_rec_ne : Contractive list_t_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition list_t : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := (list type);
-    rty r__ := fixp list_t_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma list_t_unfold (l : list type) :
-    (l @ list_t)%I ≡@{type} (
-      ((maybe2 cons l) @ (optionalO (λ patt__,
-        let ty := patt__.1 in
-        let l := patt__.2 in
-        &own (
-          struct struct_list [@{type}
-            (&own (ty)) ;
-            (guarded "list_t_0" (l @ list_t))
-          ]
-        )
-      ) null))
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance list_t_rmovable : RMovable list_t :=
-    {| rmovable 'l := movable_eq _ _ (list_t_unfold l) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance list_t_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (l : list type) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ (l @ list_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (list_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Instance list_t_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (l : list type) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ (l @ list_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (list_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Program Instance list_t_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (l : list type) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ (l @ list_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (list_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance list_t_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (l : list type) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ (l @ list_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (list_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); (alloc_initialized) ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size * n + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); ⌜size * n < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [test]. *)
-  Definition type_of_test :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (alloc_initialized)) → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [init]. *)
-  Definition type_of_init :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); True) → ∃ () : (), (([]) @ (list_t)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [is_empty]. *)
-  Definition type_of_is_empty :=
-    fn(∀ (p, l) : loc * (list type); (p @ (&own (l @ (list_t)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((bool_decide (l = [])) @ (boolean (bool_it))); (p ◁ₗ (l @ (list_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [push]. *)
-  Definition type_of_push :=
-    fn(∀ (l, ty) : (list type) * type; (l @ (list_t)), (&own (ty)); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), ((ty :: l) @ (list_t)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [pop]. *)
-  Definition type_of_pop :=
-    fn(∀ (l, p) : (list type) * loc; (p @ (&own (l @ (list_t)))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), ((maybe2 cons l) @ (optionalO (λ patt__,
-        let ty := patt__.1 in
-        let l := patt__.2 in
-        &own (ty) ) null)); (p ◁ₗ ((tail l) @ (list_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [reverse]. *)
-  Definition type_of_reverse :=
-    fn(∀ l : (list type); (l @ (list_t)); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((rev l) @ (list_t)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [append]. *)
-  Definition type_of_append :=
-    fn(∀ (p, l1, l2) : loc * (list type) * (list type); (p @ (&own (l1 @ (list_t)))), (l2 @ (list_t)); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ ((l1 ++ l2) @ (list_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [member]. *)
-  Definition type_of_member :=
-    fn(∀ (l, p, n) : (list Z) * loc * Z; (p @ (&own ((l `at_type` int size_t) @ (list_t)))), (n @ (int (size_t))); True)
-      → ∃ b : bool, (b @ (boolean (bool_it))); (p ◁ₗ ((l `at_type` int size_t) @ (list_t))) ∗ ⌜b ↔ n ∈ l⌝.
-  (* Specifications for function [rev_append]. *)
-  Definition type_of_rev_append :=
-    fn(∀ (p, l1, l2) : loc * (list type) * (list type); (l1 @ (list_t)), (p @ (&own (l2 @ (list_t)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ (((rev l1) ++ l2) @ (list_t))).
-End spec.
-Typeclasses Opaque list_t_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 347f20ff..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_annot.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 2 45 3.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 2 45 3.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 11 45 3.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 4 14 35.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 4 15 53.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 53 15 5.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 4 18 48.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 4 41 5.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 4 43 13.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 13 43 5.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 4 44 37.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 2 45 3.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 2 45 3.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 4 44 13.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 4 44 13.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 14 44 35.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 15 44 35.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 15 44 30.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 4 43 12.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 5 43 12.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 7 43 11.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 7 43 11.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 4 41 5.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 35 41 5.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 6 24 32.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 6 31 7.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 6 38 7.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 6 40 24.
-  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 4 41 5.
-  Definition loc_31 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 4 41 5.
-  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 6 40 10.
-  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 13 40 23.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 14 40 23.
-  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 14 40 17.
-  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 40 14 40 17.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 57 38 7.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 8 33 26.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 8 34 54.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 8 35 17.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 17 35 9.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 8 36 41.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 8 37 19.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 15 37 18.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 15 37 18.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 8 36 17.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 8 36 17.
-  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 18 36 39.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 19 36 39.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 19 36 34.
-  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 8 35 16.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 9 35 16.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 11 35 15.
-  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 11 35 15.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 20 34 53.
-  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 21 34 40.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 37 34 40.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 37 34 40.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 43 34 52.
-  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 43 34 52.
-  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 43 34 46.
-  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 43 34 46.
-  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 8 33 17.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 8 33 11.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 8 33 11.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 8 33 25.
-  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 8 33 17.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 8 33 17.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 8 33 11.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 8 33 11.
-  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 21 33 25.
-  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 21 33 25.
-  Definition loc_76 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 9 32 55.
-  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 9 32 18.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 9 32 18.
-  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 9 32 12.
-  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 9 32 12.
-  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 22 32 55.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 22 32 26.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 22 32 26.
-  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 29 32 55.
-  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 28 31 7.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 8 27 26.
-  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 28 8 28 17.
-  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 28 17 28 9.
-  Definition loc_89 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 8 29 41.
-  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 8 30 19.
-  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 15 30 18.
-  Definition loc_92 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 15 30 18.
-  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 8 29 17.
-  Definition loc_94 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 8 29 17.
-  Definition loc_95 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 18 29 39.
-  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 19 29 39.
-  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 19 29 34.
-  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 28 8 28 16.
-  Definition loc_99 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 28 9 28 16.
-  Definition loc_100 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 28 11 28 15.
-  Definition loc_101 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 28 11 28 15.
-  Definition loc_102 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 8 27 13.
-  Definition loc_103 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 9 27 13.
-  Definition loc_104 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 9 27 13.
-  Definition loc_105 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 16 27 25.
-  Definition loc_106 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 16 27 25.
-  Definition loc_107 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 16 27 19.
-  Definition loc_108 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 16 27 19.
-  Definition loc_110 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 9 26 26.
-  Definition loc_111 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 9 26 18.
-  Definition loc_112 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 9 26 18.
-  Definition loc_113 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 9 26 12.
-  Definition loc_114 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 9 26 12.
-  Definition loc_115 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 22 26 26.
-  Definition loc_116 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 22 26 26.
-  Definition loc_117 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 26 24 31.
-  Definition loc_118 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 26 24 31.
-  Definition loc_119 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 27 24 31.
-  Definition loc_120 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 27 24 31.
-  Definition loc_123 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 10 23 33.
-  Definition loc_124 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 10 23 15.
-  Definition loc_125 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 10 23 15.
-  Definition loc_126 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 11 23 15.
-  Definition loc_127 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 11 23 15.
-  Definition loc_128 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 23 19 23 33.
-  Definition loc_129 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 26 18 47.
-  Definition loc_130 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 27 18 47.
-  Definition loc_131 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 27 18 42.
-  Definition loc_134 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 29 15 52.
-  Definition loc_135 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 30 15 52.
-  Definition loc_136 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 31 15 46.
-  Definition loc_137 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 4 14 11.
-  Definition loc_138 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 4 14 11.
-  Definition loc_139 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 12 14 33.
-  Definition loc_140 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 13 14 33.
-  Definition loc_141 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 13 14 28.
-  Definition loc_142 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 8 13 9.
-  Definition loc_145 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 2 54 3.
-  Definition loc_146 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 56 2 56 34.
-  Definition loc_147 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 2 57 21.
-  Definition loc_148 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 2 59 33.
-  Definition loc_149 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 2 60 51.
-  Definition loc_150 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 51 60 3.
-  Definition loc_151 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 2 62 37.
-  Definition loc_152 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 2 63 31.
-  Definition loc_153 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 2 65 35.
-  Definition loc_154 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 2 65 11.
-  Definition loc_155 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 2 65 11.
-  Definition loc_156 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 12 65 33.
-  Definition loc_157 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 13 65 33.
-  Definition loc_158 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 65 13 65 28.
-  Definition loc_159 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 2 63 22.
-  Definition loc_160 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 2 63 17.
-  Definition loc_161 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 25 63 30.
-  Definition loc_162 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 63 25 63 30.
-  Definition loc_163 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 2 62 13.
-  Definition loc_164 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 2 62 7.
-  Definition loc_165 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 2 62 7.
-  Definition loc_166 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 16 62 36.
-  Definition loc_167 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 16 62 36.
-  Definition loc_168 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 16 62 31.
-  Definition loc_169 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 27 60 50.
-  Definition loc_170 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 28 60 50.
-  Definition loc_171 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 29 60 44.
-  Definition loc_172 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 2 59 9.
-  Definition loc_173 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 2 59 9.
-  Definition loc_174 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 10 59 31.
-  Definition loc_175 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 11 59 31.
-  Definition loc_176 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 11 59 26.
-  Definition loc_177 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 2 57 13.
-  Definition loc_178 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 2 57 7.
-  Definition loc_179 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 2 57 7.
-  Definition loc_180 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 16 57 20.
-  Definition loc_181 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 16 57 20.
-  Definition loc_182 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 56 30 56 33.
-  Definition loc_183 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 56 30 56 33.
-  Definition loc_186 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 41 54 3.
-  Definition loc_187 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 53 4 53 11.
-  Definition loc_190 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 6 51 39.
-  Definition loc_191 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 6 51 10.
-  Definition loc_192 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 6 51 10.
-  Definition loc_193 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 13 51 39.
-  Definition loc_196 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 2 81 25.
-  Definition loc_197 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 9 81 24.
-  Definition loc_198 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 9 81 14.
-  Definition loc_199 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 9 81 14.
-  Definition loc_200 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 15 81 23.
-  Definition loc_201 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 15 81 16.
-  Definition loc_202 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 15 81 16.
-  Definition loc_203 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 19 81 23.
-  Definition loc_204 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 81 19 81 23.
-  Definition loc_207 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 2 86 22.
-  Definition loc_208 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 2 86 6.
-  Definition loc_209 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 2 86 6.
-  Definition loc_210 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 7 86 15.
-  Definition loc_211 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 7 86 8.
-  Definition loc_212 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 7 86 8.
-  Definition loc_213 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 11 86 15.
-  Definition loc_214 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 11 86 15.
-  Definition loc_215 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 17 86 20.
-  Definition loc_216 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 86 17 86 20.
-  Definition loc_219 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 69 2 69 33.
-  Definition loc_220 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 2 70 40.
-  Definition loc_221 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 2 74 12.
-  Definition loc_222 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 12 74 13.
-  Definition loc_223 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 2 76 49.
-  Definition loc_224 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 49 76 3.
-  Definition loc_225 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 30 76 48.
-  Definition loc_226 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 76 31 76 48.
-  Definition loc_227 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 2 74 12.
-  Definition loc_228 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 10 74 12.
-  Definition loc_229 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 2 74 12.
-  Definition loc_230 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 2 74 12.
-  Definition loc_231 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 74 8 74 9.
-  Definition loc_232 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 2 70 22.
-  Definition loc_233 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 2 70 17.
-  Definition loc_234 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 25 70 39.
-  Definition loc_235 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 69 2 69 9.
-  Definition loc_236 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 69 2 69 9.
-  Definition loc_237 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 69 10 69 31.
-  Definition loc_238 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 69 11 69 31.
-  Definition loc_239 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 69 11 69 26.
-  (* Definition of struct [atomic_flag]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_atomic_flag := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "_Value", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [spinlock]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_spinlock := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "lock", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [alloc_entry]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_alloc_entry := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "size", it_layout size_t);
-      (Some "next", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [alloc_state]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_alloc_state := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "lock", layout_of struct_spinlock);
-      (None, mk_layout 7%nat 0%nat);
-      (Some "data", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of function [alloc]. *)
-  Definition impl_alloc (allocator_state sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("size", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("prev", LPtr);
-      ("cur", LPtr);
-      ("ret", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_142 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_142 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_142 (i2v 1 i32)))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_5 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#10" :=
-        locinfo: loc_29 ;
-        Goto "#8"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#11" :=
-        locinfo: loc_86 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_103 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_104 ("prev"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_105 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_106 ((LocInfoE loc_107 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_108 ("cur")))) at{struct_alloc_entry} "next"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_87 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_98 (&(LocInfoE loc_100 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_101 ("prev")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_89 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_94 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_95 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_95 (&(LocInfoE loc_96 ((LocInfoE loc_97 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_90 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_91 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_92 ("cur"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#12" :=
-        locinfo: loc_76 ;
-        Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_5 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_138 (sl_lock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_139 (&(LocInfoE loc_140 ((LocInfoE loc_141 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "lock"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_6 ;
-        annot: (UnlockA) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_134 (&(LocInfoE loc_135 ((LocInfoE loc_136 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "data")))) ;
-        "prev" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_129 (&(LocInfoE loc_130 ((LocInfoE loc_131 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "data"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_9 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_123 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_123 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_123 ((LocInfoE loc_124 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_126 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_127 ("prev")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_128 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        Goto "#5"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_10 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        "cur" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_117 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_119 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_120 ("prev"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_110 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_110 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_110 ((LocInfoE loc_111 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_112 ((LocInfoE loc_113 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_114 ("cur")))) at{struct_alloc_entry} "size")))) ={IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_115 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_116 ("size")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_86 ;
-          Goto "#11"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_76 ;
-          Goto "#12"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_10 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_20 (&(LocInfoE loc_22 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_23 ("prev")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_12 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_16 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_17 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_17 (&(LocInfoE loc_18 ((LocInfoE loc_19 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_13 ;
-        Goto "continue2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_76 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_76 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_76 ((LocInfoE loc_77 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_78 ((LocInfoE loc_79 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_80 ("cur")))) at{struct_alloc_entry} "size")))) ≥{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_81 ((LocInfoE loc_82 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_83 ("size")))) +{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_84 (i2v (layout_of struct_alloc_entry).(ly_size) size_t)))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_38 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_29 ;
-          Goto "#10"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_29 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_32 ("prev") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_33 (&(LocInfoE loc_34 ((LocInfoE loc_35 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_36 ("cur")))) at{struct_alloc_entry} "next"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_30 ;
-        Goto "continue4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_38 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_65 ((LocInfoE loc_66 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_67 ("cur")))) at{struct_alloc_entry} "size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_68 ((LocInfoE loc_69 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_70 ((LocInfoE loc_71 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_72 ("cur")))) at{struct_alloc_entry} "size")))) -{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_73 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_74 ("size"))))) ;
-        "ret" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_55 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_55 ((LocInfoE loc_56 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_57 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_58 ("cur")))))) at_offset{it_layout u8, PtrOp, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_59 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_60 ((LocInfoE loc_61 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_62 ("cur")))) at{struct_alloc_entry} "size"))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_40 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_51 (&(LocInfoE loc_53 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_54 ("prev")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_42 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_47 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_48 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_48 (&(LocInfoE loc_49 ((LocInfoE loc_50 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_43 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_44 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_45 ("ret"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_9 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [free]. *)
-  Definition impl_free (allocator_state sl_lock sl_unlock : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("size", it_layout size_t);
-      ("ptr", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("entry", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_190 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_190 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_190 ((LocInfoE loc_191 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_192 ("size")))) <{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_193 (i2v (layout_of struct_alloc_entry).(ly_size) size_t)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_187 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        "entry" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_182 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_182 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_183 ("ptr"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_147 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_177 ((LocInfoE loc_178 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_179 ("entry")))) at{struct_alloc_entry} "size") <-{ it_layout size_t }
-          LocInfoE loc_180 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_181 ("size"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_148 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_173 (sl_lock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_174 (&(LocInfoE loc_175 ((LocInfoE loc_176 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "lock"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_149 ;
-        annot: (UnlockA) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_169 (&(LocInfoE loc_170 ((LocInfoE loc_171 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "data")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_151 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_163 ((LocInfoE loc_164 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_165 ("entry")))) at{struct_alloc_entry} "next") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_166 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_167 ((LocInfoE loc_168 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "data"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_152 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_159 ((LocInfoE loc_160 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "data") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_161 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_162 ("entry"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_153 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_155 (sl_unlock) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_156 (AnnotExpr 1%nat LockA (LocInfoE loc_156 (&(LocInfoE loc_157 ((LocInfoE loc_158 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "lock"))))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_187 ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [alloc_array]. *)
-  Definition impl_alloc_array (alloc : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("size", it_layout size_t);
-      ("n", it_layout size_t)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_197 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_199 (alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_200 ((LocInfoE loc_201 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_202 ("n")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_203 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_204 ("size"))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_196 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_197 ("$0"))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [free_array]. *)
-  Definition impl_free_array (free : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("size", it_layout size_t);
-      ("n", it_layout size_t);
-      ("ptr", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_207 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_209 (free) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_210 ((LocInfoE loc_211 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_212 ("n")))) ×{IntOp size_t, IntOp size_t} (LocInfoE loc_213 (use{it_layout size_t} (LocInfoE loc_214 ("size"))))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_215 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_216 ("ptr"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [init_alloc]. *)
-  Definition impl_init_alloc (allocator_state sl_init : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_219 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_236 (sl_init) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_237 (&(LocInfoE loc_238 ((LocInfoE loc_239 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "lock"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_220 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_232 ((LocInfoE loc_233 (allocator_state)) at{struct_alloc_state} "data") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_234 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_221 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_231 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_231 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_231 (i2v 0 i32)))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_229 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_223 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_229 ;
-        Goto "continue13"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_223 ;
-        annot: (ShareAnnot) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_225 (&(LocInfoE loc_226 (allocator_state)))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue13" :=
-        locinfo: loc_221 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_alloc.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_alloc.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 193dd1b4..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_alloc.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t4_alloc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t4_alloc_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c]. *)
-Section proof_alloc.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [alloc]. *)
-  Lemma type_alloc (allocator_state sl_lock sl_unlock : loc) :
-    global_locs !! "allocator_state" = Some allocator_state →
-    global_initialized_types !! "allocator_state" = Some (GT () (λ '(), (alloc_state) : type)) →
-    sl_lock ◁ᵥ sl_lock @ function_ptr type_of_sl_lock -∗
-    sl_unlock ◁ᵥ sl_unlock @ function_ptr type_of_sl_unlock -∗
-    typed_function (impl_alloc allocator_state sl_lock sl_unlock) type_of_alloc.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "alloc" (size) => arg_size local_prev local_cur local_ret.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        arg_size ◁ₗ (size @ (int (size_t))) ∗
-        local_prev ◁ₗ uninit LPtr ∗
-        local_cur ◁ₗ uninit LPtr ∗
-        local_ret ◁ₗ uninit LPtr ∗
-        (initialized "allocator_state" ())
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        ∃ pc : loc,
-        arg_size ◁ₗ (size @ (int (size_t))) ∗
-        local_cur ◁ₗ uninit LPtr ∗
-        local_ret ◁ₗ uninit LPtr ∗
-        local_prev ◁ₗ (pc @ (&own (alloc_entry_t))) ∗
-        (allocator_state at{struct_alloc_state}ₗ "data" ◁ₗ wand (pc ◁ₗ alloc_entry_t) alloc_entry_t)
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "alloc" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "alloc" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "alloc".
-  Qed.
-End proof_alloc.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_alloc_array.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_alloc_array.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f7c273d..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_alloc_array.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t4_alloc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t4_alloc_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c]. *)
-Section proof_alloc_array.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [alloc_array]. *)
-  Lemma type_alloc_array (alloc : loc) :
-    alloc ◁ᵥ alloc @ function_ptr type_of_alloc -∗
-    typed_function (impl_alloc_array alloc) type_of_alloc_array.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "alloc_array" ([size n]) => arg_size arg_n.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "alloc_array" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by rewrite /layout_wf ?Nat2Z.inj_mul ? //; repeat apply Z.divide_mul_r.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "alloc_array".
-  Qed.
-End proof_alloc_array.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_free.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_free.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 990c85cb..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_free.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t4_alloc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t4_alloc_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c]. *)
-Section proof_free.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [free]. *)
-  Lemma type_free (allocator_state sl_lock sl_unlock : loc) :
-    global_locs !! "allocator_state" = Some allocator_state →
-    global_initialized_types !! "allocator_state" = Some (GT () (λ '(), (alloc_state) : type)) →
-    sl_lock ◁ᵥ sl_lock @ function_ptr type_of_sl_lock -∗
-    sl_unlock ◁ᵥ sl_unlock @ function_ptr type_of_sl_unlock -∗
-    typed_function (impl_free allocator_state sl_lock sl_unlock) type_of_free.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "free" (size) => arg_size arg_ptr local_entry.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "free" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by rewrite ?Nat2Z.inj_mul ? //; apply Z.divide_factor_r.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "free".
-  Qed.
-End proof_free.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_free_array.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_free_array.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 28cd0001..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_free_array.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t4_alloc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t4_alloc_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c]. *)
-Section proof_free_array.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [free_array]. *)
-  Lemma type_free_array (free : loc) :
-    free ◁ᵥ free @ function_ptr type_of_free -∗
-    typed_function (impl_free_array free) type_of_free_array.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "free_array" ([size n]) => arg_size arg_n arg_ptr.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "free_array" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by rewrite /layout_wf ?Nat2Z.inj_mul ? //; repeat apply Z.divide_mul_r.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "free_array".
-  Qed.
-End proof_free_array.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_init_alloc.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_init_alloc.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 3408da8e..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_proof_init_alloc.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t4_alloc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t4_alloc_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c]. *)
-Section proof_init_alloc.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [init_alloc]. *)
-  Lemma type_init_alloc (allocator_state sl_init : loc) :
-    global_locs !! "allocator_state" = Some allocator_state →
-    global_initialized_types !! "allocator_state" = Some (GT () (λ '(), (alloc_state) : type)) →
-    sl_init ◁ᵥ sl_init @ function_ptr type_of_sl_init -∗
-    typed_function (impl_init_alloc allocator_state sl_init) type_of_init_alloc.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "init_alloc" ([]).
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        (allocator_state ◁ₗ (alloc_state))
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "init_alloc" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "init_alloc" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "init_alloc".
-  Qed.
-End proof_init_alloc.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index b76cfde1..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t4_alloc_code.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Inlined code. *)
-  Definition alloc_initialized := initialized "allocator_state" ().
-  (* Definition of type [alloc_entry_t]. *)
-  Definition alloc_entry_t_rec : ((list nat) -d> typeO) → ((list nat) -d> typeO) := (λ self sizes,
-    ((maybe2 cons sizes) @ (optionalO (λ patt__ : (nat * _),
-      let size := patt__.1 in
-      let l := patt__.2 in
-      &own (
-        constrained (padded (struct struct_alloc_entry [@{type}
-          (size @ (int (size_t))) ;
-          (guarded ("alloc_entry_t_0") (apply_dfun self (l)))
-        ]) struct_alloc_entry (mk_layout size 3)) (
-          ⌜(8 | size)⌝
-        )
-      )
-    ) null))
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque alloc_entry_t_rec.
-  Global Instance alloc_entry_t_rec_ne : Contractive alloc_entry_t_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition alloc_entry_t : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := (list nat);
-    rty r__ := fixp alloc_entry_t_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma alloc_entry_t_unfold (sizes : list nat) :
-    (sizes @ alloc_entry_t)%I ≡@{type} (
-      ((maybe2 cons sizes) @ (optionalO (λ patt__ : (nat * _),
-        let size := patt__.1 in
-        let l := patt__.2 in
-        &own (
-          constrained (padded (struct struct_alloc_entry [@{type}
-            (size @ (int (size_t))) ;
-            (guarded "alloc_entry_t_0" (l @ alloc_entry_t))
-          ]) struct_alloc_entry (mk_layout size 3)) (
-            ⌜(8 | size)⌝
-          )
-        )
-      ) null))
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance alloc_entry_t_rmovable : RMovable alloc_entry_t :=
-    {| rmovable 'sizes := movable_eq _ _ (alloc_entry_t_unfold sizes) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance alloc_entry_t_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (sizes : list nat) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ (sizes @ alloc_entry_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (alloc_entry_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Instance alloc_entry_t_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (sizes : list nat) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ (sizes @ alloc_entry_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (alloc_entry_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Program Instance alloc_entry_t_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (sizes : list nat) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ (sizes @ alloc_entry_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (alloc_entry_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance alloc_entry_t_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (sizes : list nat) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ (sizes @ alloc_entry_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (alloc_entry_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Definition of type [alloc_state]. *)
-  Definition alloc_state_rec : (unit -d> typeO) → (unit -d> typeO) := (λ self n,
-    tyexists (λ lid : lock_id,
-    struct struct_alloc_state [@{type}
-      (spinlock (lid)) ;
-      (spinlocked (lid) ("data") (alloc_entry_t))
-    ])
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque alloc_state_rec.
-  Global Instance alloc_state_rec_ne : Contractive alloc_state_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition alloc_state : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := unit;
-    rty r__ := fixp alloc_state_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma alloc_state_unfold (n : unit) :
-    (n @ alloc_state)%I ≡@{type} (
-      tyexists (λ lid : lock_id,
-      struct struct_alloc_state [@{type}
-        (spinlock (lid)) ;
-        (spinlocked (lid) ("data") (alloc_entry_t))
-      ])
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance alloc_state_rmovable : RMovable alloc_state :=
-    {| rmovable 'n := movable_eq _ _ (alloc_state_unfold n) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance alloc_state_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (n : unit) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ (n @ alloc_state)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (alloc_state_unfold _)).
-  Global Instance alloc_state_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (n : unit) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ (n @ alloc_state)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (alloc_state_unfold _)).
-  Global Program Instance alloc_state_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (n : unit) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ (n @ alloc_state)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (alloc_state_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance alloc_state_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (n : unit) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ (n @ alloc_state)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (alloc_state_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Function [atomic_thread_fence] has been skipped. *)
-  (* Function [atomic_signal_fence] has been skipped. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [sl_init]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sl_init :=
-    fn(∀ p : loc; (p @ (&own (uninit (struct_spinlock)))); True)
-      → ∃ gamma : lock_id, (void); (p ◁ₗ (spinlock (gamma))).
-  (* Specifications for function [sl_lock]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sl_lock :=
-    fn(∀ (p, gamma, beta) : loc * lock_id * own_state; (p @ (&frac{beta} (spinlock (gamma)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ{beta} (spinlock (gamma))) ∗ (spinlock_token gamma []).
-  (* Specifications for function [sl_unlock]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sl_unlock :=
-    fn(∀ (p, gamma, beta) : loc * lock_id * own_state; (p @ (&frac{beta} (spinlock (gamma)))); (spinlock_token gamma []))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ{beta} (spinlock (gamma))).
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); (alloc_initialized) ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size * n + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); ⌜size * n < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [init_alloc]. *)
-  Definition type_of_init_alloc :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (global_with_type "allocator_state" Own (uninit struct_alloc_state)))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (alloc_initialized).
-End spec.
-Typeclasses Opaque alloc_entry_t_rec.
-Typeclasses Opaque alloc_state_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 79fcb1a8..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_annot.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 4 16 17.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 4 17 32.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 4 18 32.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 4 20 11.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 4 21 13.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 21 11 21 12.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 4 20 8.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 20 4 20 8.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 4 18 17.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 4 18 17.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 18 18 30.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 19 18 30.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 4 17 8.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 4 17 8.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 9 17 14.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 16 17 30.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 17 16 17 30.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 4 16 14.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 4 16 14.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 4 27 29.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 4 29 11.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 4 30 13.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 11 30 12.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 4 29 8.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 4 29 8.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 4 27 14.
-  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 4 27 14.
-  Definition loc_31 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 15 27 27.
-  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 16 27 27.
-  (* Definition of struct [atomic_flag]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_atomic_flag := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "_Value", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [spinlock]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_spinlock := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "lock", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [alloc_entry]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_alloc_entry := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "size", it_layout size_t);
-      (Some "next", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [alloc_state]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_alloc_state := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "lock", layout_of struct_spinlock);
-      (None, mk_layout 7%nat 0%nat);
-      (Some "data", LPtr)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [latch]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_latch := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "released", it_layout bool_it)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of function [main]. *)
-  Definition impl_main (initialized allocator_data test free init_alloc latch_release : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_20 (init_alloc) with [  ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_15 (free) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_16 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp size_t) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_16 (i2v 10000 i32))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_17 (&(LocInfoE loc_18 (allocator_data))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_11 (latch_release) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_12 (&(LocInfoE loc_13 (initialized))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_5 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_9 (test) with [  ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_6 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_7 (i2v 0 i32))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [main2]. *)
-  Definition impl_main2 (initialized test latch_wait : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_23 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_30 (latch_wait) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_31 (&(LocInfoE loc_32 (initialized))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_24 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_28 (test) with [  ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_25 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_26 (i2v 0 i32))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_proof_main.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_proof_main.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 181c2656..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_proof_main.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t5_main_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t5_main_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main.c]. *)
-Section proof_main.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [main]. *)
-  Lemma type_main (initialized allocator_data test free init_alloc latch_release : loc) :
-    global_locs !! "initialized" = Some initialized →
-    global_locs !! "allocator_data" = Some allocator_data →
-    global_initialized_types !! "initialized" = Some (GT () (λ '(), (latch (alloc_initialized)) : type)) →
-    test ◁ᵥ test @ function_ptr type_of_test -∗
-    free ◁ᵥ free @ function_ptr type_of_free -∗
-    init_alloc ◁ᵥ init_alloc @ function_ptr type_of_init_alloc -∗
-    latch_release ◁ᵥ latch_release @ function_ptr type_of_latch_release -∗
-    typed_function (impl_main initialized allocator_data test free init_alloc latch_release) type_of_main.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "main" ([]).
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "main" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "main".
-  Qed.
-End proof_main.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_proof_main2.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_proof_main2.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 836fbbb2..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_proof_main2.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t5_main_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t5_main_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main.c]. *)
-Section proof_main2.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [main2]. *)
-  Lemma type_main2 (initialized test latch_wait : loc) :
-    global_locs !! "initialized" = Some initialized →
-    global_initialized_types !! "initialized" = Some (GT () (λ '(), (latch (alloc_initialized)) : type)) →
-    test ◁ᵥ test @ function_ptr type_of_test -∗
-    latch_wait ◁ᵥ latch_wait @ function_ptr type_of_latch_wait -∗
-    typed_function (impl_main2 initialized test latch_wait) type_of_main2.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "main2" ([]).
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "main2" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "main2".
-  Qed.
-End proof_main2.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 061c871f..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t5_main_code.
-From refinedc.examples.spinlock Require Import spinlock_def.
-From refinedc.examples.latch Require Import latch_def.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  Context `{!lockG Σ}.
-  (* Inlined code. *)
-  Definition alloc_initialized := initialized "allocator_state" ().
-  (* Definition of type [alloc_entry_t]. *)
-  Definition alloc_entry_t_rec : ((list nat) -d> typeO) → ((list nat) -d> typeO) := (λ self sizes,
-    ((maybe2 cons sizes) @ (optionalO (λ patt__ : (nat * _),
-      let size := patt__.1 in
-      let l := patt__.2 in
-      &own (
-        constrained (padded (struct struct_alloc_entry [@{type}
-          (size @ (int (size_t))) ;
-          (guarded ("alloc_entry_t_0") (apply_dfun self (l)))
-        ]) struct_alloc_entry (mk_layout size 3)) (
-          ⌜(8 | size)⌝
-        )
-      )
-    ) null))
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque alloc_entry_t_rec.
-  Global Instance alloc_entry_t_rec_ne : Contractive alloc_entry_t_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition alloc_entry_t : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := (list nat);
-    rty r__ := fixp alloc_entry_t_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma alloc_entry_t_unfold (sizes : list nat) :
-    (sizes @ alloc_entry_t)%I ≡@{type} (
-      ((maybe2 cons sizes) @ (optionalO (λ patt__ : (nat * _),
-        let size := patt__.1 in
-        let l := patt__.2 in
-        &own (
-          constrained (padded (struct struct_alloc_entry [@{type}
-            (size @ (int (size_t))) ;
-            (guarded "alloc_entry_t_0" (l @ alloc_entry_t))
-          ]) struct_alloc_entry (mk_layout size 3)) (
-            ⌜(8 | size)⌝
-          )
-        )
-      ) null))
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance alloc_entry_t_rmovable : RMovable alloc_entry_t :=
-    {| rmovable 'sizes := movable_eq _ _ (alloc_entry_t_unfold sizes) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance alloc_entry_t_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (sizes : list nat) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ (sizes @ alloc_entry_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (alloc_entry_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Instance alloc_entry_t_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (sizes : list nat) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ (sizes @ alloc_entry_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (alloc_entry_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Program Instance alloc_entry_t_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (sizes : list nat) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ (sizes @ alloc_entry_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (alloc_entry_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance alloc_entry_t_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (sizes : list nat) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ (sizes @ alloc_entry_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (alloc_entry_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Definition of type [alloc_state]. *)
-  Definition alloc_state_rec : (unit -d> typeO) → (unit -d> typeO) := (λ self n,
-    tyexists (λ lid : lock_id,
-    struct struct_alloc_state [@{type}
-      (spinlock (lid)) ;
-      (spinlocked (lid) ("data") (alloc_entry_t))
-    ])
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque alloc_state_rec.
-  Global Instance alloc_state_rec_ne : Contractive alloc_state_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition alloc_state : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := unit;
-    rty r__ := fixp alloc_state_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma alloc_state_unfold (n : unit) :
-    (n @ alloc_state)%I ≡@{type} (
-      tyexists (λ lid : lock_id,
-      struct struct_alloc_state [@{type}
-        (spinlock (lid)) ;
-        (spinlocked (lid) ("data") (alloc_entry_t))
-      ])
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance alloc_state_rmovable : RMovable alloc_state :=
-    {| rmovable 'n := movable_eq _ _ (alloc_state_unfold n) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance alloc_state_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (n : unit) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ (n @ alloc_state)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (alloc_state_unfold _)).
-  Global Instance alloc_state_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (n : unit) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ (n @ alloc_state)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (alloc_state_unfold _)).
-  Global Program Instance alloc_state_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (n : unit) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ (n @ alloc_state)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (alloc_state_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance alloc_state_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (n : unit) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ (n @ alloc_state)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (alloc_state_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [test]. *)
-  Definition type_of_test :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (alloc_initialized)) → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Function [atomic_thread_fence] has been skipped. *)
-  (* Function [atomic_signal_fence] has been skipped. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [sl_init]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sl_init :=
-    fn(∀ p : loc; (p @ (&own (uninit (struct_spinlock)))); True)
-      → ∃ gamma : lock_id, (void); (p ◁ₗ (spinlock (gamma))).
-  (* Specifications for function [sl_lock]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sl_lock :=
-    fn(∀ (p, gamma, beta) : loc * lock_id * own_state; (p @ (&frac{beta} (spinlock (gamma)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ{beta} (spinlock (gamma))) ∗ (spinlock_token gamma []).
-  (* Specifications for function [sl_unlock]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sl_unlock :=
-    fn(∀ (p, gamma, beta) : loc * lock_id * own_state; (p @ (&frac{beta} (spinlock (gamma)))); (spinlock_token gamma []))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ{beta} (spinlock (gamma))).
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); (alloc_initialized) ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size * n + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); ⌜size * n < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [init_alloc]. *)
-  Definition type_of_init_alloc :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (global_with_type "allocator_state" Own (uninit struct_alloc_state)))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (alloc_initialized).
-  (* Specifications for function [latch_wait]. *)
-  Definition type_of_latch_wait :=
-    fn(∀ (p, beta, P) : loc * own_state * (iProp Σ); (p @ (&frac{beta} (latch (P)))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ{beta} (latch (P))) ∗ (P).
-  (* Specifications for function [latch_release]. *)
-  Definition type_of_latch_release :=
-    fn(∀ (p, beta, P) : loc * own_state * (iProp Σ); (p @ (&frac{beta} (latch (P)))); (□ P))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ{beta} (latch (P))).
-  (* Specifications for function [main]. *)
-  Definition type_of_main :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (initialized "initialized" ()) ∗ (global_with_type "allocator_state" Own (uninit struct_alloc_state)) ∗ (global_with_type "allocator_data" Own (uninit (mk_layout (Z.to_nat 10000) 3))))
-      → ∃ () : (), (int (i32)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [main2]. *)
-  Definition type_of_main2 :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (initialized "initialized" ()))
-      → ∃ () : (), (int (i32)); True.
-End spec.
-Typeclasses Opaque alloc_entry_t_rec.
-Typeclasses Opaque alloc_state_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b5aa6bb..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 2 18 50.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 9 18 49.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 9 18 49.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 46 18 47.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 46 18 47.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 38 18 39.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 38 18 39.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 30 18 31.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 18 30 18 31.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 25 2 25 30.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 2 26 11.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 9 26 10.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 9 26 10.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 25 26 25 27.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 25 26 25 27.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 2 33 35.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 9 33 34.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 9 33 34.
-  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 31 33 32.
-  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 31 33 32.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 2 41 31.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 2 42 11.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 9 42 10.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 42 9 42 10.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 2 41 3.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 6 41 30.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 6 41 30.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 27 41 28.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 27 41 28.
-  (* Definition of struct [color]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_color := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "r", it_layout u8);
-      (Some "g", it_layout u8);
-      (Some "b", it_layout u8)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of function [rgb]. *)
-  Definition impl_rgb : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("r", it_layout u8);
-      ("g", it_layout u8);
-      ("b", it_layout u8)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        Return (StructInit struct_color [
-                  ("r", LocInfoE loc_10 (use{it_layout u8} (LocInfoE loc_11 ("r"))) : expr) ;
-                  ("g", LocInfoE loc_8 (use{it_layout u8} (LocInfoE loc_9 ("g"))) : expr) ;
-                  ("b", LocInfoE loc_6 (use{it_layout u8} (LocInfoE loc_7 ("b"))) : expr)
-                ])
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [red]. *)
-  Definition impl_red : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("r", it_layout u8)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("c", layout_of struct_color)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "c" <-{ layout_of struct_color }
-          StructInit struct_color [
-            ("r", LocInfoE loc_21 (use{it_layout u8} (LocInfoE loc_22 ("r"))) : expr) ;
-            ("g", UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp u8) (IntOp i32) (i2v 0 i32) : expr) ;
-            ("b", UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp u8) (IntOp i32) (i2v 0 i32) : expr)
-          ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_15 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_16 (use{layout_of struct_color} (LocInfoE loc_17 ("c"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [green]. *)
-  Definition impl_green : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("g", it_layout u8)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_27 ;
-        Return (StructInit struct_color [
-                  ("r", UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp u8) (IntOp i32) (i2v 0 i32) : expr) ;
-                  ("g", LocInfoE loc_32 (use{it_layout u8} (LocInfoE loc_33 ("g"))) : expr) ;
-                  ("b", UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp u8) (IntOp i32) (i2v 0 i32) : expr)
-                ])
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [blue]. *)
-  Definition impl_blue : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("b", it_layout u8)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("c", layout_of struct_color)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_37 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_41 ("c") <-{ layout_of struct_color }
-          StructInit struct_color [
-            ("r", UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp u8) (IntOp i32) (i2v 0 i32) : expr) ;
-            ("g", UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp u8) (IntOp i32) (i2v 0 i32) : expr) ;
-            ("b", LocInfoE loc_45 (use{it_layout u8} (LocInfoE loc_46 ("b"))) : expr)
-          ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_38 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_39 (use{layout_of struct_color} (LocInfoE loc_40 ("c"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_blue.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_blue.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a4722b92..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_blue.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t6_struct_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t6_struct_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c]. *)
-Section proof_blue.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [blue]. *)
-  Lemma type_blue :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_blue type_of_blue.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "blue" (b) => arg_b local_c.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "blue" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "blue".
-  Qed.
-End proof_blue.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_green.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_green.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d6772ac..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_green.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t6_struct_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t6_struct_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c]. *)
-Section proof_green.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [green]. *)
-  Lemma type_green :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_green type_of_green.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "green" (g) => arg_g.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "green" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "green".
-  Qed.
-End proof_green.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_red.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_red.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f8affe7..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_red.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t6_struct_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t6_struct_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c]. *)
-Section proof_red.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [red]. *)
-  Lemma type_red :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_red type_of_red.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "red" (r) => arg_r local_c.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "red" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "red".
-  Qed.
-End proof_red.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_rgb.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_rgb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f33a684b..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_proof_rgb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t6_struct_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t6_struct_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c]. *)
-Section proof_rgb.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [rgb]. *)
-  Lemma type_rgb :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_rgb type_of_rgb.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "rgb" ([[r g] b]) => arg_r arg_g arg_b.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "rgb" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "rgb".
-  Qed.
-End proof_rgb.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 838b0642..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t6_struct_code.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Definition of type [color]. *)
-  Definition color_rec : (nat * nat * nat -d> typeO) → (nat * nat * nat -d> typeO) := (λ self patt__,
-    let r := patt__.1.1 in
-    let g := patt__.1.2 in
-    let b := patt__.2 in
-    struct struct_color [@{type}
-      (r @ (int (u8))) ;
-      (g @ (int (u8))) ;
-      (b @ (int (u8)))
-    ]
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque color_rec.
-  Global Instance color_rec_ne : Contractive color_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition color : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := nat * nat * nat;
-    rty r__ := fixp color_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma color_unfold (r : nat) (g : nat) (b : nat) :
-    ((r, g, b) @ color)%I ≡@{type} (
-      struct struct_color [@{type}
-        (r @ (int (u8))) ;
-        (g @ (int (u8))) ;
-        (b @ (int (u8)))
-      ]
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance color_rmovable : RMovable color :=
-    {| rmovable '(r, g, b) := movable_eq _ _ (color_unfold r g b) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance color_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (r : nat) (g : nat) (b : nat) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ ((r, g, b) @ color)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (color_unfold _ _ _)).
-  Global Instance color_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (r : nat) (g : nat) (b : nat) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ ((r, g, b) @ color)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (color_unfold _ _ _)).
-  Global Program Instance color_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (r : nat) (g : nat) (b : nat) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ ((r, g, b) @ color)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (color_unfold _ _ _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance color_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (r : nat) (g : nat) (b : nat) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ ((r, g, b) @ color)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (color_unfold _ _ _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [rgb]. *)
-  Definition type_of_rgb :=
-    fn(∀ (r, g, b) : nat * nat * nat; (r @ (int (u8))), (g @ (int (u8))), (b @ (int (u8))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (((r, g, b)) @ (color)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [red]. *)
-  Definition type_of_red :=
-    fn(∀ r : nat; (r @ (int (u8))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (((r, 0, 0)%nat) @ (color)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [green]. *)
-  Definition type_of_green :=
-    fn(∀ g : nat; (g @ (int (u8))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (((0, g, 0)%nat) @ (color)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [blue]. *)
-  Definition type_of_blue :=
-    fn(∀ b : nat; (b @ (int (u8))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (((0, 0, b)%nat) @ (color)); True.
-End spec.
-Typeclasses Opaque color_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index b1c0b8c1..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 2 14 16.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 2 15 16.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 2 16 12.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 2 16 7.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 2 16 7.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 2 16 4.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 2 16 4.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 5 16 6.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 5 16 6.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 10 16 11.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 10 16 11.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 2 15 7.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 2 15 7.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 2 15 4.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 2 15 4.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 5 15 6.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 5 15 6.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 10 15 15.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 10 15 15.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 10 15 15.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 10 15 12.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 10 15 12.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 13 15 14.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 15 13 15 14.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 10 14 15.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 10 14 15.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 10 14 15.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 10 14 12.
-  Definition loc_30 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 10 14 12.
-  Definition loc_31 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 13 14 14.
-  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 14 13 14 14.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 2 32 23.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 2 34 14.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 2 45 3.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 2 45 3.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 2 45 3.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 2 47 13.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 9 47 12.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 9 47 12.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 28 45 3.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 4 44 32.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 2 45 3.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 24 43 25.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 24 44 32.
-  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 24 44 27.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 30 44 31.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 30 44 31.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 7 44 22.
-  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 7 44 12.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 7 44 12.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 7 44 12.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 7 44 9.
-  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 7 44 9.
-  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 10 44 11.
-  Definition loc_62 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 10 44 11.
-  Definition loc_63 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 15 44 22.
-  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 15 44 22.
-  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 15 44 22.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 15 44 17.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 15 44 17.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 18 44 21.
-  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 18 44 21.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 17 43 22.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 17 43 18.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 17 43 18.
-  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 21 43 22.
-  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 21 43 22.
-  Definition loc_75 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 14 43 15.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 12 34 13.
-  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 13 32 23.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 20 32 22.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 21 32 22.
-  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 5 32 11.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 5 32 6.
-  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 5 32 6.
-  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 32 10 32 11.
-  (* Definition of function [permute]. *)
-  Definition impl_permute : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("ar", LPtr);
-      ("i", it_layout i32);
-      ("j", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("k", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "k" <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_26 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_28 ((LocInfoE loc_29 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_30 ("ar")))) at_offset{it_layout i32, PtrOp, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_31 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_32 ("i"))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_14 ((LocInfoE loc_15 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_16 ("ar")))) at_offset{it_layout i32, PtrOp, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_17 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_18 ("i"))))) <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_19 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_21 ((LocInfoE loc_22 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_23 ("ar")))) at_offset{it_layout i32, PtrOp, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_24 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_25 ("j"))))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_6 ((LocInfoE loc_7 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_8 ("ar")))) at_offset{it_layout i32, PtrOp, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_9 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_10 ("j"))))) <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_11 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_12 ("k"))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [min_array]. *)
-  Definition impl_min_array : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("ar", LPtr);
-      ("n", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("i", it_layout i32);
-      ("res", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_85 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_85 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_85 ((LocInfoE loc_86 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_87 ("n")))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_88 (i2v 0 i32)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_81 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        "res" <-{ it_layout i32 } LocInfoE loc_78 (i2v 0 i32) ;
-        "i" <-{ it_layout i32 } LocInfoE loc_75 (i2v 1 i32) ;
-        locinfo: loc_41 ;
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_70 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_70 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_70 ((LocInfoE loc_71 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_72 ("i")))) <{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_73 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_74 ("n")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_55 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_42 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_55 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_55 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_55 ((LocInfoE loc_56 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_58 ((LocInfoE loc_59 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_60 ("ar")))) at_offset{it_layout i32, PtrOp, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_61 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_62 ("i")))))))) <{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_63 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_65 ((LocInfoE loc_66 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_67 ("ar")))) at_offset{it_layout i32, PtrOp, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_68 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_69 ("res")))))))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_50 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_47 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_42 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_43 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_44 ("res"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_47 ;
-        Goto "continue4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_50 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_51 ("res") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_52 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_53 ("i"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_47 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_47 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_81 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_82 (UnOp NegOp (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_83 (i2v 1 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue4" :=
-        LocInfoE loc_49 ("i") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_49 ("i"))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (i2v 1 i32) ;
-        locinfo: loc_41 ;
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_proof_min_array.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_proof_min_array.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f77f524..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_proof_min_array.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t7_arrays_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t7_arrays_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t7_arrays_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays.c]. *)
-Section proof_min_array.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [min_array]. *)
-  Lemma type_min_array :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_min_array type_of_min_array.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "min_array" ([[ar elts] n]) => arg_ar arg_n local_i local_res.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        ∃ res : nat,
-        ∃ i : nat,
-        arg_ar ◁ₗ (ar @ (&own (array (i32) (elts `at_type` (int i32))))) ∗
-        arg_n ◁ₗ (n @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        local_res ◁ₗ (res @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        local_i ◁ₗ (i @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        ⌜(i ≤ n)%nat⌝ ∗
-        ⌜(res < min i n)%nat⌝ ∗
-        ⌜(n ≤ length elts)%nat⌝ ∗
-        ⌜index_of_min_list_Z (take i elts) res⌝
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "min_array" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "min_array" "#2".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: index_of_min_list_Z_take_1; solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: index_of_min_list_Z_take_last; solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: index_of_min_list_Z_take_not_last; solve_goal.
-    all: try (rewrite list_lookup_fmap H8; solve_goal).
-    all: try (assert (i = n) by lia; solve_goal).
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "min_array".
-  Qed.
-End proof_min_array.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_proof_permute.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_proof_permute.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ffb68312..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_proof_permute.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t7_arrays_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t7_arrays_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t7_arrays_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays.c]. *)
-Section proof_permute.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [permute]. *)
-  Lemma type_permute :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_permute type_of_permute.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "permute" ([[[[[ar elts] i] j] v1] v2]) => arg_ar arg_i arg_j local_k.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "permute" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "permute".
-  Qed.
-End proof_permute.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index cce99d5f..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t7_arrays_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t7_arrays_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [permute]. *)
-  Definition type_of_permute :=
-    fn(∀ (ar, elts, i, j, v1, v2) : loc * (list Z) * nat * nat * Z * Z; (ar @ (&own (array (i32) (elts `at_type` (int i32))))), (i @ (int (i32))), (j @ (int (i32))); ⌜elts !! i = Some v1⌝ ∗ ⌜elts !! j = Some v2⌝ ∗ ⌜i ≠ j⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (ar ◁ₗ (array (i32) (<[j:=v1]>(<[i:=v2]>elts) `at_type` (int i32)))).
-  (* Specifications for function [min_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_min_array :=
-    fn(∀ (ar, elts, n) : loc * (list Z) * nat; (ar @ (&own (array (i32) (elts `at_type` (int i32))))), (n @ (int (i32))); ⌜(n ≤ length elts)%nat⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((n ≠ 0%nat) @ (optional (tyexists (λ i : nat, constrained (i @ (int (i32))) ⌜index_of_min_list_Z (take n elts) i⌝)) ((-1) @ (int (i32))))); True.
-End spec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c958600..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1423 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 25 2 25 24.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 25 9 25 23.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 2 33 49.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 2 34 30.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 2 35 18.
-  Definition loc_9 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 2 36 31.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 2 37 14.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 9 37 13.
-  Definition loc_12 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 37 9 37 13.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 2 36 13.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 2 36 6.
-  Definition loc_15 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 2 36 6.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 36 16 36 30.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 2 35 11.
-  Definition loc_18 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 2 35 6.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 2 35 6.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 14 35 17.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 35 14 35 17.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 2 34 12.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 2 34 6.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 2 34 6.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 15 34 29.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 22 33 48.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 22 33 27.
-  Definition loc_28 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 22 33 27.
-  Definition loc_29 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 33 28 33 47.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 2 45 49.
-  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 2 46 20.
-  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 2 47 18.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 2 48 22.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 2 49 14.
-  Definition loc_39 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 9 49 13.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 49 9 49 13.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 2 48 13.
-  Definition loc_42 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 2 48 6.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 2 48 6.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 16 48 21.
-  Definition loc_45 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 16 48 21.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 2 47 11.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 2 47 6.
-  Definition loc_48 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 2 47 6.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 14 47 17.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 14 47 17.
-  Definition loc_51 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 2 46 12.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 2 46 6.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 2 46 6.
-  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 15 46 19.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 15 46 19.
-  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 22 45 48.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 22 45 27.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 22 45 27.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 28 45 47.
-  Definition loc_64 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 2 61 3.
-  Definition loc_65 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 26 61 3.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 4 58 29.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 4 59 30.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 4 60 34.
-  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 4 60 8.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 4 60 8.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 9 60 28.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 30 60 32.
-  Definition loc_73 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 30 60 32.
-  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 31 60 32.
-  Definition loc_75 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 60 31 60 32.
-  Definition loc_76 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 4 59 13.
-  Definition loc_77 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 4 59 13.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 14 59 28.
-  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 15 59 28.
-  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 16 59 20.
-  Definition loc_81 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 16 59 20.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 18 59 19.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 18 59 19.
-  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 4 58 13.
-  Definition loc_85 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 4 58 13.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 14 58 27.
-  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 15 58 27.
-  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 16 58 20.
-  Definition loc_89 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 16 58 20.
-  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 18 58 19.
-  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 58 18 58 19.
-  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 5 57 25.
-  Definition loc_94 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 5 57 7.
-  Definition loc_95 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 5 57 7.
-  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 6 57 7.
-  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 6 57 7.
-  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 57 11 57 25.
-  Definition loc_101 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 2 70 36.
-  Definition loc_102 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 2 71 30.
-  Definition loc_103 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 2 72 56.
-  Definition loc_104 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 2 73 39.
-  Definition loc_105 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 9 73 38.
-  Definition loc_106 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 9 73 19.
-  Definition loc_107 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 9 73 19.
-  Definition loc_108 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 20 73 34.
-  Definition loc_109 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 21 73 34.
-  Definition loc_110 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 22 73 26.
-  Definition loc_111 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 22 73 26.
-  Definition loc_112 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 24 73 25.
-  Definition loc_113 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 24 73 25.
-  Definition loc_114 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 36 73 37.
-  Definition loc_115 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 73 36 73 37.
-  Definition loc_116 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 20 72 56.
-  Definition loc_117 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 27 72 55.
-  Definition loc_118 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 27 72 37.
-  Definition loc_119 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 27 72 37.
-  Definition loc_120 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 38 72 51.
-  Definition loc_121 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 39 72 51.
-  Definition loc_122 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 40 72 44.
-  Definition loc_123 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 40 72 44.
-  Definition loc_124 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 42 72 43.
-  Definition loc_125 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 42 72 43.
-  Definition loc_126 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 53 72 54.
-  Definition loc_127 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 53 72 54.
-  Definition loc_129 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 5 72 18.
-  Definition loc_130 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 5 72 6.
-  Definition loc_131 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 5 72 6.
-  Definition loc_132 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 9 72 18.
-  Definition loc_133 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 9 72 18.
-  Definition loc_134 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 9 72 13.
-  Definition loc_135 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 9 72 13.
-  Definition loc_136 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 11 72 12.
-  Definition loc_137 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 11 72 12.
-  Definition loc_138 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 21 71 30.
-  Definition loc_139 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 28 71 29.
-  Definition loc_141 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 5 71 19.
-  Definition loc_142 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 5 71 14.
-  Definition loc_143 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 5 71 14.
-  Definition loc_144 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 5 71 9.
-  Definition loc_145 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 5 71 9.
-  Definition loc_146 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 7 71 8.
-  Definition loc_147 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 7 71 8.
-  Definition loc_148 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 18 71 19.
-  Definition loc_149 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 18 71 19.
-  Definition loc_150 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 27 70 36.
-  Definition loc_151 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 34 70 35.
-  Definition loc_153 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 5 70 25.
-  Definition loc_154 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 5 70 7.
-  Definition loc_155 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 5 70 7.
-  Definition loc_156 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 6 70 7.
-  Definition loc_157 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 6 70 7.
-  Definition loc_158 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 11 70 25.
-  Definition loc_161 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 82 2 82 20.
-  Definition loc_162 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 88 2 95 3.
-  Definition loc_163 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 96 2 96 11.
-  Definition loc_164 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 96 9 96 10.
-  Definition loc_165 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 88 2 95 3.
-  Definition loc_166 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 88 31 95 3.
-  Definition loc_167 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 4 89 34.
-  Definition loc_168 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 4 94 5.
-  Definition loc_169 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 88 2 95 3.
-  Definition loc_170 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 88 2 95 3.
-  Definition loc_171 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 23 92 5.
-  Definition loc_172 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 6 91 28.
-  Definition loc_173 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 6 91 9.
-  Definition loc_174 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 12 91 27.
-  Definition loc_175 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 13 91 27.
-  Definition loc_176 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 14 91 20.
-  Definition loc_177 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 14 91 20.
-  Definition loc_178 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 16 91 19.
-  Definition loc_179 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 91 16 91 19.
-  Definition loc_180 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 92 11 94 5.
-  Definition loc_181 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 6 93 29.
-  Definition loc_182 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 6 93 9.
-  Definition loc_183 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 12 93 28.
-  Definition loc_184 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 13 93 28.
-  Definition loc_185 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 14 93 20.
-  Definition loc_186 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 14 93 20.
-  Definition loc_187 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 16 93 19.
-  Definition loc_188 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 93 16 93 19.
-  Definition loc_189 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 7 90 22.
-  Definition loc_190 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 7 90 8.
-  Definition loc_191 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 7 90 8.
-  Definition loc_192 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 11 90 22.
-  Definition loc_193 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 11 90 22.
-  Definition loc_194 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 11 90 17.
-  Definition loc_195 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 11 90 17.
-  Definition loc_196 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 13 90 16.
-  Definition loc_197 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 90 13 90 16.
-  Definition loc_198 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 25 89 34.
-  Definition loc_199 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 32 89 33.
-  Definition loc_201 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 7 89 23.
-  Definition loc_202 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 7 89 18.
-  Definition loc_203 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 7 89 18.
-  Definition loc_204 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 7 89 13.
-  Definition loc_205 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 7 89 13.
-  Definition loc_206 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 9 89 12.
-  Definition loc_207 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 9 89 12.
-  Definition loc_208 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 22 89 23.
-  Definition loc_209 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 89 22 89 23.
-  Definition loc_210 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 88 8 88 30.
-  Definition loc_211 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 88 8 88 12.
-  Definition loc_212 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 88 8 88 12.
-  Definition loc_213 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 88 9 88 12.
-  Definition loc_214 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 88 9 88 12.
-  Definition loc_215 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 88 16 88 30.
-  Definition loc_216 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 82 16 82 19.
-  Definition loc_217 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 82 17 82 19.
-  Definition loc_218 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 82 18 82 19.
-  Definition loc_219 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 82 18 82 19.
-  Definition loc_224 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 104 2 113 3.
-  Definition loc_225 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 104 26 106 3.
-  Definition loc_226 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 105 4 105 49.
-  Definition loc_227 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 105 4 105 6.
-  Definition loc_228 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 105 5 105 6.
-  Definition loc_229 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 105 5 105 6.
-  Definition loc_230 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 105 9 105 48.
-  Definition loc_231 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 105 9 105 13.
-  Definition loc_232 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 105 9 105 13.
-  Definition loc_233 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 105 14 105 28.
-  Definition loc_234 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 105 30 105 31.
-  Definition loc_235 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 105 30 105 31.
-  Definition loc_236 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 105 33 105 47.
-  Definition loc_237 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 106 9 113 3.
-  Definition loc_238 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 107 4 107 30.
-  Definition loc_239 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 108 4 112 5.
-  Definition loc_240 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 108 21 110 5.
-  Definition loc_241 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 6 109 35.
-  Definition loc_242 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 6 109 16.
-  Definition loc_243 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 6 109 16.
-  Definition loc_244 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 17 109 30.
-  Definition loc_245 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 18 109 30.
-  Definition loc_246 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 19 109 23.
-  Definition loc_247 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 19 109 23.
-  Definition loc_248 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 21 109 22.
-  Definition loc_249 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 21 109 22.
-  Definition loc_250 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 32 109 33.
-  Definition loc_251 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 109 32 109 33.
-  Definition loc_252 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 110 11 112 5.
-  Definition loc_253 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 6 111 36.
-  Definition loc_254 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 6 111 16.
-  Definition loc_255 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 6 111 16.
-  Definition loc_256 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 17 111 31.
-  Definition loc_257 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 18 111 31.
-  Definition loc_258 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 19 111 23.
-  Definition loc_259 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 19 111 23.
-  Definition loc_260 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 21 111 22.
-  Definition loc_261 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 21 111 22.
-  Definition loc_262 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 33 111 34.
-  Definition loc_263 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 111 33 111 34.
-  Definition loc_264 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 108 7 108 20.
-  Definition loc_265 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 108 7 108 8.
-  Definition loc_266 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 108 7 108 8.
-  Definition loc_267 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 108 11 108 20.
-  Definition loc_268 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 108 11 108 20.
-  Definition loc_269 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 108 11 108 15.
-  Definition loc_270 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 108 11 108 15.
-  Definition loc_271 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 108 13 108 14.
-  Definition loc_272 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 108 13 108 14.
-  Definition loc_273 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 107 23 107 30.
-  Definition loc_276 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 107 7 107 21.
-  Definition loc_277 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 107 7 107 16.
-  Definition loc_278 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 107 7 107 16.
-  Definition loc_279 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 107 7 107 11.
-  Definition loc_280 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 107 7 107 11.
-  Definition loc_281 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 107 9 107 10.
-  Definition loc_282 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 107 9 107 10.
-  Definition loc_283 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 107 20 107 21.
-  Definition loc_284 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 107 20 107 21.
-  Definition loc_285 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 104 5 104 25.
-  Definition loc_286 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 104 5 104 7.
-  Definition loc_287 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 104 5 104 7.
-  Definition loc_288 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 104 6 104 7.
-  Definition loc_289 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 104 6 104 7.
-  Definition loc_290 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 104 11 104 25.
-  Definition loc_293 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 121 2 121 20.
-  Definition loc_294 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 2 133 3.
-  Definition loc_295 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 49.
-  Definition loc_296 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 2 135 6.
-  Definition loc_297 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 3 135 6.
-  Definition loc_298 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 3 135 6.
-  Definition loc_299 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 9 135 48.
-  Definition loc_300 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 9 135 13.
-  Definition loc_301 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 9 135 13.
-  Definition loc_302 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 14 135 28.
-  Definition loc_303 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 30 135 31.
-  Definition loc_304 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 30 135 31.
-  Definition loc_305 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 135 33 135 47.
-  Definition loc_306 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 2 133 3.
-  Definition loc_307 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 31 133 3.
-  Definition loc_308 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 4 127 32.
-  Definition loc_309 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 4 132 5.
-  Definition loc_310 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 2 133 3.
-  Definition loc_311 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 2 133 3.
-  Definition loc_312 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 23 130 5.
-  Definition loc_313 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 6 129 28.
-  Definition loc_314 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 6 129 9.
-  Definition loc_315 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 12 129 27.
-  Definition loc_316 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 13 129 27.
-  Definition loc_317 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 14 129 20.
-  Definition loc_318 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 14 129 20.
-  Definition loc_319 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 16 129 19.
-  Definition loc_320 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 129 16 129 19.
-  Definition loc_321 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 130 11 132 5.
-  Definition loc_322 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 6 131 29.
-  Definition loc_323 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 6 131 9.
-  Definition loc_324 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 12 131 28.
-  Definition loc_325 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 13 131 28.
-  Definition loc_326 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 14 131 20.
-  Definition loc_327 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 14 131 20.
-  Definition loc_328 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 16 131 19.
-  Definition loc_329 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 131 16 131 19.
-  Definition loc_330 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 7 128 22.
-  Definition loc_331 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 7 128 8.
-  Definition loc_332 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 7 128 8.
-  Definition loc_333 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 11 128 22.
-  Definition loc_334 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 11 128 22.
-  Definition loc_335 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 11 128 17.
-  Definition loc_336 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 11 128 17.
-  Definition loc_337 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 13 128 16.
-  Definition loc_338 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 128 13 128 16.
-  Definition loc_339 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 25 127 32.
-  Definition loc_342 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 7 127 23.
-  Definition loc_343 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 7 127 18.
-  Definition loc_344 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 7 127 18.
-  Definition loc_345 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 7 127 13.
-  Definition loc_346 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 7 127 13.
-  Definition loc_347 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 9 127 12.
-  Definition loc_348 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 9 127 12.
-  Definition loc_349 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 22 127 23.
-  Definition loc_350 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 127 22 127 23.
-  Definition loc_351 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 8 126 30.
-  Definition loc_352 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 8 126 12.
-  Definition loc_353 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 8 126 12.
-  Definition loc_354 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 9 126 12.
-  Definition loc_355 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 9 126 12.
-  Definition loc_356 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 126 16 126 30.
-  Definition loc_357 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 121 16 121 19.
-  Definition loc_358 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 121 17 121 19.
-  Definition loc_359 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 121 18 121 19.
-  Definition loc_360 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 121 18 121 19.
-  Definition loc_365 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 4 147 5.
-  Definition loc_366 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 148 4 148 24.
-  Definition loc_367 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 148 24 148 5.
-  Definition loc_368 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 4 149 36.
-  Definition loc_369 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 11 149 35.
-  Definition loc_370 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 11 149 19.
-  Definition loc_371 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 11 149 19.
-  Definition loc_372 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 20 149 34.
-  Definition loc_373 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 21 149 34.
-  Definition loc_374 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 22 149 26.
-  Definition loc_375 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 22 149 26.
-  Definition loc_376 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 24 149 25.
-  Definition loc_377 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 149 24 149 25.
-  Definition loc_378 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 148 4 148 23.
-  Definition loc_379 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 148 5 148 23.
-  Definition loc_380 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 148 6 148 17.
-  Definition loc_381 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 148 6 148 17.
-  Definition loc_382 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 148 6 148 10.
-  Definition loc_383 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 148 6 148 10.
-  Definition loc_384 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 148 8 148 9.
-  Definition loc_385 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 148 8 148 9.
-  Definition loc_386 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 38 147 5.
-  Definition loc_387 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 8 146 25.
-  Definition loc_388 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 15 146 24.
-  Definition loc_389 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 15 146 24.
-  Definition loc_390 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 15 146 19.
-  Definition loc_391 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 15 146 19.
-  Definition loc_392 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 17 146 18.
-  Definition loc_393 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 146 17 146 18.
-  Definition loc_395 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 7 145 36.
-  Definition loc_396 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 7 145 18.
-  Definition loc_397 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 7 145 18.
-  Definition loc_398 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 7 145 11.
-  Definition loc_399 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 7 145 11.
-  Definition loc_400 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 9 145 10.
-  Definition loc_401 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 9 145 10.
-  Definition loc_402 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 145 22 145 36.
-  Definition loc_405 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 160 2 162 3.
-  Definition loc_406 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 2 179 3.
-  Definition loc_407 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 21 175 3.
-  Definition loc_408 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 165 4 174 5.
-  Definition loc_409 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 165 36 170 5.
-  Definition loc_410 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 166 6 166 25.
-  Definition loc_411 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 166 25 166 7.
-  Definition loc_412 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 167 6 167 32.
-  Definition loc_413 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 168 6 168 29.
-  Definition loc_414 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 6 169 20.
-  Definition loc_415 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 6 169 15.
-  Definition loc_416 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 6 169 10.
-  Definition loc_417 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 6 169 10.
-  Definition loc_418 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 8 169 9.
-  Definition loc_419 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 8 169 9.
-  Definition loc_420 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 18 169 19.
-  Definition loc_421 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 169 18 169 19.
-  Definition loc_422 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 168 6 168 12.
-  Definition loc_423 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 168 6 168 12.
-  Definition loc_424 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 168 13 168 24.
-  Definition loc_425 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 168 14 168 24.
-  Definition loc_426 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 168 14 168 18.
-  Definition loc_427 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 168 14 168 18.
-  Definition loc_428 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 168 16 168 17.
-  Definition loc_429 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 168 16 168 17.
-  Definition loc_430 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 168 26 168 27.
-  Definition loc_431 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 168 26 168 27.
-  Definition loc_432 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 167 6 167 7.
-  Definition loc_433 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 167 10 167 31.
-  Definition loc_434 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 167 10 167 18.
-  Definition loc_435 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 167 10 167 18.
-  Definition loc_436 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 167 19 167 30.
-  Definition loc_437 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 167 20 167 30.
-  Definition loc_438 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 167 20 167 24.
-  Definition loc_439 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 167 20 167 24.
-  Definition loc_440 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 167 22 167 23.
-  Definition loc_441 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 167 22 167 23.
-  Definition loc_442 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 166 6 166 24.
-  Definition loc_443 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 166 7 166 24.
-  Definition loc_444 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 166 8 166 18.
-  Definition loc_445 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 166 8 166 18.
-  Definition loc_446 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 166 8 166 12.
-  Definition loc_447 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 166 8 166 12.
-  Definition loc_448 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 166 10 166 11.
-  Definition loc_449 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 166 10 166 11.
-  Definition loc_450 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 170 11 174 5.
-  Definition loc_451 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 171 6 171 24.
-  Definition loc_452 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 172 6 172 36.
-  Definition loc_453 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 6 173 15.
-  Definition loc_454 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 6 173 8.
-  Definition loc_455 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 7 173 8.
-  Definition loc_456 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 7 173 8.
-  Definition loc_457 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 11 173 14.
-  Definition loc_458 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 173 11 173 14.
-  Definition loc_459 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 172 6 172 10.
-  Definition loc_460 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 172 6 172 10.
-  Definition loc_461 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 172 11 172 30.
-  Definition loc_462 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 172 32 172 34.
-  Definition loc_463 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 172 32 172 34.
-  Definition loc_464 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 172 33 172 34.
-  Definition loc_465 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 172 33 172 34.
-  Definition loc_466 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 171 6 171 9.
-  Definition loc_467 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 171 12 171 23.
-  Definition loc_468 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 171 12 171 23.
-  Definition loc_469 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 171 12 171 16.
-  Definition loc_470 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 171 12 171 16.
-  Definition loc_471 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 171 14 171 15.
-  Definition loc_472 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 171 14 171 15.
-  Definition loc_473 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 165 7 165 35.
-  Definition loc_474 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 165 7 165 17.
-  Definition loc_475 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 165 7 165 17.
-  Definition loc_476 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 165 7 165 11.
-  Definition loc_477 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 165 7 165 11.
-  Definition loc_478 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 165 9 165 10.
-  Definition loc_479 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 165 9 165 10.
-  Definition loc_480 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 165 21 165 35.
-  Definition loc_481 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 9 179 3.
-  Definition loc_482 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 26 177 3.
-  Definition loc_483 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 4 176 27.
-  Definition loc_484 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 4 176 10.
-  Definition loc_485 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 4 176 10.
-  Definition loc_486 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 11 176 22.
-  Definition loc_487 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 12 176 22.
-  Definition loc_488 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 12 176 16.
-  Definition loc_489 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 12 176 16.
-  Definition loc_490 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 14 176 15.
-  Definition loc_491 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 14 176 15.
-  Definition loc_492 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 24 176 25.
-  Definition loc_493 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 176 24 176 25.
-  Definition loc_494 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 177 9 179 3.
-  Definition loc_495 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 4 178 28.
-  Definition loc_496 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 4 178 10.
-  Definition loc_497 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 4 178 10.
-  Definition loc_498 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 11 178 23.
-  Definition loc_499 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 12 178 23.
-  Definition loc_500 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 12 178 16.
-  Definition loc_501 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 12 178 16.
-  Definition loc_502 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 14 178 15.
-  Definition loc_503 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 14 178 15.
-  Definition loc_504 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 25 178 26.
-  Definition loc_505 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 178 25 178 26.
-  Definition loc_506 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 12 175 25.
-  Definition loc_507 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 12 175 13.
-  Definition loc_508 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 12 175 13.
-  Definition loc_509 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 16 175 25.
-  Definition loc_510 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 16 175 25.
-  Definition loc_511 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 16 175 20.
-  Definition loc_512 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 16 175 20.
-  Definition loc_513 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 18 175 19.
-  Definition loc_514 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 175 18 175 19.
-  Definition loc_515 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 5 164 19.
-  Definition loc_516 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 5 164 6.
-  Definition loc_517 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 5 164 6.
-  Definition loc_518 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 10 164 19.
-  Definition loc_519 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 10 164 19.
-  Definition loc_520 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 10 164 14.
-  Definition loc_521 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 10 164 14.
-  Definition loc_522 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 12 164 13.
-  Definition loc_523 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 164 12 164 13.
-  Definition loc_524 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 160 27 162 3.
-  Definition loc_525 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 161 4 161 11.
-  Definition loc_528 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 160 5 160 25.
-  Definition loc_529 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 160 5 160 7.
-  Definition loc_530 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 160 5 160 7.
-  Definition loc_531 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 160 6 160 7.
-  Definition loc_532 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 160 6 160 7.
-  Definition loc_533 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 160 11 160 25.
-  Definition loc_536 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 2 189 17.
-  Definition loc_537 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 9 189 16.
-  Definition loc_538 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 9 189 14.
-  Definition loc_539 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 189 9 189 14.
-  Definition loc_542 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 2 198 19.
-  Definition loc_543 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 9 198 18.
-  Definition loc_544 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 9 198 13.
-  Definition loc_545 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 9 198 13.
-  Definition loc_546 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 14 198 17.
-  Definition loc_547 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 198 14 198 17.
-  Definition loc_550 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 206 2 206 41.
-  Definition loc_551 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 206 41 206 3.
-  Definition loc_552 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 207 2 207 15.
-  Definition loc_553 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 207 2 207 11.
-  Definition loc_554 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 207 2 207 11.
-  Definition loc_555 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 207 12 207 13.
-  Definition loc_556 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 207 12 207 13.
-  Definition loc_557 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 206 35 206 40.
-  Definition loc_558 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 206 36 206 40.
-  Definition loc_559 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 206 38 206 39.
-  Definition loc_560 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 206 38 206 39.
-  Definition loc_563 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 217 2 217 41.
-  Definition loc_564 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 217 41 217 3.
-  Definition loc_565 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 218 2 218 22.
-  Definition loc_566 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 218 9 218 21.
-  Definition loc_567 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 218 9 218 15.
-  Definition loc_568 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 218 9 218 15.
-  Definition loc_569 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 218 16 218 17.
-  Definition loc_570 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 218 16 218 17.
-  Definition loc_571 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 218 19 218 20.
-  Definition loc_572 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 218 19 218 20.
-  Definition loc_573 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 217 35 217 40.
-  Definition loc_574 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 217 36 217 40.
-  Definition loc_575 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 217 38 217 39.
-  Definition loc_576 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 217 38 217 39.
-  Definition loc_579 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 2 227 41.
-  Definition loc_580 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 41 227 3.
-  Definition loc_581 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 228 2 228 15.
-  Definition loc_582 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 228 2 228 8.
-  Definition loc_583 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 228 2 228 8.
-  Definition loc_584 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 228 9 228 10.
-  Definition loc_585 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 228 9 228 10.
-  Definition loc_586 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 228 12 228 13.
-  Definition loc_587 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 228 12 228 13.
-  Definition loc_588 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 35 227 40.
-  Definition loc_589 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 36 227 40.
-  Definition loc_590 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 38 227 39.
-  Definition loc_591 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 227 38 227 39.
-  Definition loc_594 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 2 237 41.
-  Definition loc_595 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 41 237 3.
-  Definition loc_596 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 2 238 15.
-  Definition loc_597 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 2 238 8.
-  Definition loc_598 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 2 238 8.
-  Definition loc_599 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 9 238 10.
-  Definition loc_600 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 9 238 10.
-  Definition loc_601 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 12 238 13.
-  Definition loc_602 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 238 12 238 13.
-  Definition loc_603 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 35 237 40.
-  Definition loc_604 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 36 237 40.
-  Definition loc_605 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 38 237 39.
-  Definition loc_606 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 237 38 237 39.
-  Definition loc_609 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 245 2 245 22.
-  Definition loc_610 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 246 2 246 15.
-  Definition loc_611 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 250 2 250 17.
-  Definition loc_612 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 252 2 252 25.
-  Definition loc_613 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 253 2 253 25.
-  Definition loc_614 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 255 2 255 17.
-  Definition loc_615 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 258 2 258 17.
-  Definition loc_616 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 2 259 25.
-  Definition loc_617 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 2 261 17.
-  Definition loc_618 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 2 264 17.
-  Definition loc_619 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 266 2 266 11.
-  Definition loc_620 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 266 9 266 10.
-  Definition loc_621 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 2 264 12.
-  Definition loc_622 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 2 264 12.
-  Definition loc_623 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 13 264 15.
-  Definition loc_624 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 264 14 264 15.
-  Definition loc_625 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 2 261 9.
-  Definition loc_626 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 2 261 9.
-  Definition loc_627 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 10 261 12.
-  Definition loc_628 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 11 261 12.
-  Definition loc_629 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 261 14 261 15.
-  Definition loc_630 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 9 259 23.
-  Definition loc_631 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 9 259 16.
-  Definition loc_632 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 9 259 16.
-  Definition loc_633 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 17 259 19.
-  Definition loc_634 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 18 259 19.
-  Definition loc_635 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 259 21 259 22.
-  Definition loc_636 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 258 2 258 9.
-  Definition loc_637 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 258 2 258 9.
-  Definition loc_638 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 258 10 258 12.
-  Definition loc_639 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 258 11 258 12.
-  Definition loc_640 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 258 14 258 15.
-  Definition loc_641 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 255 2 255 9.
-  Definition loc_642 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 255 2 255 9.
-  Definition loc_643 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 255 10 255 12.
-  Definition loc_644 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 255 11 255 12.
-  Definition loc_645 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 255 14 255 15.
-  Definition loc_646 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 253 9 253 23.
-  Definition loc_647 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 253 9 253 16.
-  Definition loc_648 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 253 9 253 16.
-  Definition loc_649 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 253 17 253 19.
-  Definition loc_650 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 253 18 253 19.
-  Definition loc_651 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 253 21 253 22.
-  Definition loc_652 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 252 9 252 23.
-  Definition loc_653 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 252 9 252 16.
-  Definition loc_654 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 252 9 252 16.
-  Definition loc_655 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 252 17 252 19.
-  Definition loc_656 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 252 18 252 19.
-  Definition loc_657 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 252 21 252 22.
-  Definition loc_658 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 250 2 250 9.
-  Definition loc_659 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 250 2 250 9.
-  Definition loc_660 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 250 10 250 12.
-  Definition loc_661 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 250 11 250 12.
-  Definition loc_662 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 250 14 250 15.
-  Definition loc_663 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 246 2 246 3.
-  Definition loc_664 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 246 6 246 14.
-  Definition loc_665 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 246 6 246 11.
-  Definition loc_666 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 246 6 246 11.
-  Definition loc_667 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 246 12 246 13.
-  Definition loc_668 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 245 13 245 21.
-  Definition loc_669 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 245 13 245 19.
-  Definition loc_670 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 245 13 245 19.
-  (* Definition of struct [tree]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_tree := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "left", LPtr);
-      (Some "right", LPtr);
-      (Some "key", it_layout i32);
-      (None, mk_layout 4%nat 0%nat)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of struct [dummy]. *)
-  Program Definition struct_dummy := {|
-    sl_members := [
-      (Some "a", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-  |}.
-  Solve Obligations with solve_struct_obligations.
-  (* Definition of function [empty]. *)
-  Definition impl_empty : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_2 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_3 (NULL))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [init]. *)
-  Definition impl_init (alloc : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("key", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("node", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_26 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_28 (alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_29 (i2v (layout_of struct_tree).(ly_size) size_t) ] ;
-        "node" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_26 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_26 ("$0"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_7 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_22 ((LocInfoE loc_23 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_24 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "left") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_25 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_8 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_17 ((LocInfoE loc_18 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_19 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "key") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_20 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_21 ("key"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_9 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_13 ((LocInfoE loc_14 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_15 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "right") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_16 (NULL) ;
-        locinfo: loc_10 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_11 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_12 ("node"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [node]. *)
-  Definition impl_node (alloc : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("left", LPtr);
-      ("key", it_layout i32);
-      ("right", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("node", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_56 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_58 (alloc) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_59 (i2v (layout_of struct_tree).(ly_size) size_t) ] ;
-        "node" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_56 (UnOp (CastOp $ PtrOp) (PtrOp) (LocInfoE loc_56 ("$0"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_35 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_51 ((LocInfoE loc_52 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_53 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "left") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_54 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_55 ("left"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_36 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_46 ((LocInfoE loc_47 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_48 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "key") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_49 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_50 ("key"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_37 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_41 ((LocInfoE loc_42 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_43 ("node")))) at{struct_tree} "right") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_44 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_45 ("right"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_38 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_39 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_40 ("node"))))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [free_tree]. *)
-  Definition impl_free_tree (free free_tree : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_93 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_93 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_93 ((LocInfoE loc_94 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_96 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_97 ("t")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_98 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_66 ;
-          Goto "#1"
-        else
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_66 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_85 (free_tree) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_86 (&(LocInfoE loc_87 ((LocInfoE loc_88 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_90 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_91 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_67 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_77 (free_tree) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_78 (&(LocInfoE loc_79 ((LocInfoE loc_80 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_82 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_83 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_68 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_70 (free) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_71 (i2v (layout_of struct_tree).(ly_size) size_t) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_72 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_74 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_75 ("t"))))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [member_rec]. *)
-  Definition impl_member_rec (member_rec : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_153 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_153 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_153 ((LocInfoE loc_154 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_156 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_157 ("t")))))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_158 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_150 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_141 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_141 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_141 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_141 ((LocInfoE loc_142 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_143 ((LocInfoE loc_144 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_146 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_147 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_148 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_149 ("k")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_138 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_129 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_129 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_129 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_129 ((LocInfoE loc_130 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_131 ("k")))) <{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_132 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_133 ((LocInfoE loc_134 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_136 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_137 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_117 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_105 ;
-          Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_105 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_107 (member_rec) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_108 (&(LocInfoE loc_109 ((LocInfoE loc_110 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_112 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_113 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_114 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_115 ("k"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_104 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_105 ("$0"))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_117 ;
-        "$1" <- LocInfoE loc_119 (member_rec) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_120 (&(LocInfoE loc_121 ((LocInfoE loc_122 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_124 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_125 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_126 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_127 ("k"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_116 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_117 ("$1"))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_105 ;
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_138 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_139 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_139 (i2v 1 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_129 ;
-        Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_150 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_151 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_151 (i2v 0 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_141 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [member]. *)
-  Definition impl_member : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("cur", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "cur" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_216 (&(LocInfoE loc_218 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_219 ("t"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_162 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_210 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_210 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_210 ((LocInfoE loc_211 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_213 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_214 ("cur")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_215 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_201 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_163 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_201 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_201 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_201 ((LocInfoE loc_202 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_203 ((LocInfoE loc_204 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_206 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_207 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_208 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_209 ("k")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_198 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_189 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_163 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_164 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_164 (i2v 0 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_189 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_189 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_189 ((LocInfoE loc_190 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_191 ("k")))) <{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_192 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_193 ((LocInfoE loc_194 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_196 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_197 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_172 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_181 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_169 ;
-        Goto "continue13"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_172 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_173 ("cur") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_174 (&(LocInfoE loc_175 ((LocInfoE loc_176 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_178 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_179 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_169 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_181 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_182 ("cur") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_183 (&(LocInfoE loc_184 ((LocInfoE loc_185 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_187 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_188 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_169 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_198 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_199 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_199 (i2v 1 i32))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_189 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue13" :=
-        locinfo: loc_162 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [insert_rec]. *)
-  Definition impl_insert_rec (node insert_rec : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_285 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_285 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_285 ((LocInfoE loc_286 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_288 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_289 ("t")))))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_290 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_230 ;
-          Goto "#1"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_276 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_230 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_232 (node) with [ LocInfoE loc_233 (NULL) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_234 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_235 ("k"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_236 (NULL) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_226 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_228 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_229 ("t"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_230 ("$0") ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_276 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_276 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_276 ((LocInfoE loc_277 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_278 ((LocInfoE loc_279 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_281 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_282 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_283 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_284 ("k")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_273 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_264 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_264 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_264 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_264 ((LocInfoE loc_265 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_266 ("k")))) <{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_267 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_268 ((LocInfoE loc_269 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_271 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_272 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_241 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_253 ;
-          Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_241 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_243 (insert_rec) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_244 (&(LocInfoE loc_245 ((LocInfoE loc_246 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_248 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_249 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_250 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_251 ("k"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_253 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_255 (insert_rec) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_256 (&(LocInfoE loc_257 ((LocInfoE loc_258 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_260 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_261 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_262 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_263 ("k"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_273 ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_264 ;
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [insert]. *)
-  Definition impl_insert (node : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("cur", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "cur" <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_357 (&(LocInfoE loc_359 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_360 ("t"))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_294 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_351 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_351 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_351 ((LocInfoE loc_352 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_354 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_355 ("cur")))))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_356 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_342 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_299 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_342 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_342 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_342 ((LocInfoE loc_343 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_344 ((LocInfoE loc_345 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_347 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_348 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_349 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_350 ("k")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_339 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_330 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_299 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_301 (node) with [ LocInfoE loc_302 (NULL) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_303 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_304 ("k"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_305 (NULL) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_295 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_297 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_298 ("cur"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_299 ("$0") ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_330 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_330 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_330 ((LocInfoE loc_331 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_332 ("k")))) <{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_333 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_334 ((LocInfoE loc_335 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_337 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_338 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_313 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_322 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_310 ;
-        Goto "continue25"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_313 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_314 ("cur") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_315 (&(LocInfoE loc_316 ((LocInfoE loc_317 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_319 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_320 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_310 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_322 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_323 ("cur") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_324 (&(LocInfoE loc_325 ((LocInfoE loc_326 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_328 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_329 ("cur")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_310 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_339 ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_330 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue25" :=
-        locinfo: loc_294 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [tree_max]. *)
-  Definition impl_tree_max (tree_max : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_395 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_395 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_395 ((LocInfoE loc_396 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_397 ((LocInfoE loc_398 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_400 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_401 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right")))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_402 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_387 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_366 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_366 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_378 (&(LocInfoE loc_379 ((LocInfoE loc_380 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_381 ((LocInfoE loc_382 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_384 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_385 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right")))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_369 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_371 (tree_max) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_372 (&(LocInfoE loc_373 ((LocInfoE loc_374 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_376 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_377 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_368 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_369 ("$0"))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_387 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_388 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_389 ((LocInfoE loc_390 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_392 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_393 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_366 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [remove]. *)
-  Definition impl_remove (free tree_max remove : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("m", it_layout i32);
-      ("tmp", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_528 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_528 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_528 ((LocInfoE loc_529 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_531 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_532 ("t")))))) ={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_533 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_525 ;
-          Goto "#8"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_515 ;
-          Goto "#9"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_515 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_515 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_515 ((LocInfoE loc_516 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_517 ("k")))) ={IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_518 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_519 ((LocInfoE loc_520 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_522 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_523 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_473 ;
-          Goto "#2"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_506 ;
-          Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_473 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_473 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_473 ((LocInfoE loc_474 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_475 ((LocInfoE loc_476 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_478 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_479 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left")))) !={PtrOp, PtrOp} (LocInfoE loc_480 (NULL)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_410 ;
-          Goto "#3"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_451 ;
-          Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_410 ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_442 (&(LocInfoE loc_443 ((LocInfoE loc_444 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_445 ((LocInfoE loc_446 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_448 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_449 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left")))) at{struct_tree} "key")))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_433 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_435 (tree_max) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_436 (&(LocInfoE loc_437 ((LocInfoE loc_438 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_440 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_441 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_412 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_432 ("m") <-{ it_layout i32 } LocInfoE loc_433 ("$0") ;
-        locinfo: loc_413 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_423 (remove) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_424 (&(LocInfoE loc_425 ((LocInfoE loc_426 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_428 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_429 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_430 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_431 ("m"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_414 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_415 ((LocInfoE loc_416 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_418 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_419 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_420 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_421 ("m"))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_451 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_466 ("tmp") <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_467 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_468 ((LocInfoE loc_469 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_471 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_472 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_452 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_460 (free) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_461 (i2v (layout_of struct_tree).(ly_size) size_t) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_462 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_464 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_465 ("t"))))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_453 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_455 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_456 ("t"))) <-{ LPtr }
-          LocInfoE loc_457 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_458 ("tmp"))) ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_506 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_506 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_506 ((LocInfoE loc_507 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_508 ("k")))) <{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_509 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_510 ((LocInfoE loc_511 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_513 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_514 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "key")))))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_483 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_495 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_483 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_485 (remove) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_486 (&(LocInfoE loc_487 ((LocInfoE loc_488 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_490 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_491 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "left"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_492 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_493 ("k"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_495 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_497 (remove) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_498 (&(LocInfoE loc_499 ((LocInfoE loc_500 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_502 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_503 ("t")))))) at{struct_tree} "right"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_504 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_505 ("k"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_525 ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_515 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [sempty]. *)
-  Definition impl_sempty (empty : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_537 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_539 (empty) with [  ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_536 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_537 ("$0"))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [sinit]. *)
-  Definition impl_sinit (init : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("key", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_543 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_545 (init) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_546 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_547 ("key"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_542 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_543 ("$0"))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [sfree_tree]. *)
-  Definition impl_sfree_tree (free_tree : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_550 ;
-        annot: (UnfoldOnceAnnot) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_557 (&(LocInfoE loc_559 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_560 ("t")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_552 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_554 (free_tree) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_555 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_556 ("t"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [smember]. *)
-  Definition impl_smember (member : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_563 ;
-        annot: (UnfoldOnceAnnot) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_573 (&(LocInfoE loc_575 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_576 ("t")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_566 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_568 (member) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_569 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_570 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_571 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_572 ("k"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_565 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_566 ("$0"))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [sinsert]. *)
-  Definition impl_sinsert (insert : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_579 ;
-        annot: (UnfoldOnceAnnot) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_588 (&(LocInfoE loc_590 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_591 ("t")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_581 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_583 (insert) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_584 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_585 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_586 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_587 ("k"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [sremove]. *)
-  Definition impl_sremove (remove : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("t", LPtr);
-      ("k", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_594 ;
-        annot: (UnfoldOnceAnnot) ;
-        expr: (LocInfoE loc_603 (&(LocInfoE loc_605 (!{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_606 ("t")))))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_596 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_598 (remove) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_599 (use{LPtr} (LocInfoE loc_600 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_601 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_602 ("k"))) ] ;
-        Return (VOID)
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [main]. *)
-  Definition impl_main (sempty sinit sfree_tree smember sinsert sremove : loc): function := {|
-    f_args := [
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("t", LPtr)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        locinfo: loc_668 ;
-        "$4" <- LocInfoE loc_670 (sempty) with [  ] ;
-        "t" <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_668 ("$4") ;
-        locinfo: loc_664 ;
-        "$3" <- LocInfoE loc_666 (sinit) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_667 (i2v 3 i32) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_610 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_663 ("t") <-{ LPtr } LocInfoE loc_664 ("$3") ;
-        locinfo: loc_611 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_659 (sinsert) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_660 (&(LocInfoE loc_661 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_662 (i2v 2 i32) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_652 ;
-        "$2" <- LocInfoE loc_654 (smember) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_655 (&(LocInfoE loc_656 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_657 (i2v 2 i32) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_612 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_652 ("$2")) ;
-        locinfo: loc_646 ;
-        "$1" <- LocInfoE loc_648 (smember) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_649 (&(LocInfoE loc_650 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_651 (i2v 3 i32) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_613 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_646 ("$1")) ;
-        locinfo: loc_614 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_642 (sremove) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_643 (&(LocInfoE loc_644 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_645 (i2v 3 i32) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_615 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_637 (sinsert) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_638 (&(LocInfoE loc_639 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_640 (i2v 3 i32) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_630 ;
-        "$0" <- LocInfoE loc_632 (smember) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_633 (&(LocInfoE loc_634 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_635 (i2v 2 i32) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_616 ;
-        assert: (LocInfoE loc_630 ("$0")) ;
-        locinfo: loc_617 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_626 (sremove) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_627 (&(LocInfoE loc_628 ("t"))) ;
-          LocInfoE loc_629 (i2v 3 i32) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_618 ;
-        "_" <- LocInfoE loc_622 (sfree_tree) with
-          [ LocInfoE loc_623 (&(LocInfoE loc_624 ("t"))) ] ;
-        locinfo: loc_619 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_620 (i2v 0 i32))
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_empty.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_empty.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c617445a..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_empty.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_empty.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [empty]. *)
-  Lemma type_empty :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_empty type_of_empty.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "empty" ([]).
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "empty" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "empty".
-  Qed.
-End proof_empty.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_free_tree.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_free_tree.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4358d013..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_free_tree.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_free_tree.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [free_tree]. *)
-  Lemma type_free_tree (free free_tree : loc) :
-    free ◁ᵥ free @ function_ptr type_of_free -∗
-    free_tree ◁ᵥ free_tree @ function_ptr type_of_free_tree -∗
-    typed_function (impl_free_tree free free_tree) type_of_free_tree.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "free_tree" (p) => arg_t.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "free_tree" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "free_tree".
-  Qed.
-End proof_free_tree.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_init.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_init.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 17a1920f..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_init.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_init.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [init]. *)
-  Lemma type_init (alloc : loc) :
-    alloc ◁ᵥ alloc @ function_ptr type_of_alloc -∗
-    typed_function (impl_init alloc) type_of_init.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "init" (k) => arg_key local_node.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "init" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "init".
-  Qed.
-End proof_init.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_insert.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_insert.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2308c401..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_insert.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_insert.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [insert]. *)
-  Lemma type_insert (node : loc) :
-    node ◁ᵥ node @ function_ptr type_of_node -∗
-    typed_function (impl_insert node) type_of_insert.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "insert" ([[p t] k]) => arg_t arg_k local_cur.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        ∃ p_cur : loc,
-        ∃ branch : tree Z,
-        arg_k ◁ₗ (k @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        local_cur ◁ₗ (p_cur @ (&own (branch @ (tree_t)))) ∗
-        arg_t ◁ₗ (p @ (&own (wand (p_cur ◁ₗ (tree_insert k branch) @ tree_t) ((tree_insert k t) @ (tree_t)))))
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "insert" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "insert" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "insert".
-  Qed.
-End proof_insert.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_insert_rec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_insert_rec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index b5e35476..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_insert_rec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_insert_rec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [insert_rec]. *)
-  Lemma type_insert_rec (node insert_rec : loc) :
-    node ◁ᵥ node @ function_ptr type_of_node -∗
-    insert_rec ◁ᵥ insert_rec @ function_ptr type_of_insert_rec -∗
-    typed_function (impl_insert_rec node insert_rec) type_of_insert_rec.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "insert_rec" ([[p t] k]) => arg_t arg_k.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "insert_rec" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "insert_rec".
-  Qed.
-End proof_insert_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_main.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_main.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 481270d9..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_main.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_main.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [main]. *)
-  Lemma type_main (sempty sinit sfree_tree smember sinsert sremove : loc) :
-    sempty ◁ᵥ sempty @ function_ptr type_of_sempty -∗
-    sinit ◁ᵥ sinit @ function_ptr type_of_sinit -∗
-    sfree_tree ◁ᵥ sfree_tree @ function_ptr type_of_sfree_tree -∗
-    smember ◁ᵥ smember @ function_ptr type_of_smember -∗
-    sinsert ◁ᵥ sinsert @ function_ptr type_of_sinsert -∗
-    sremove ◁ᵥ sremove @ function_ptr type_of_sremove -∗
-    typed_function (impl_main sempty sinit sfree_tree smember sinsert sremove) type_of_main.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "main" ([]) => local_t.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "main" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "main".
-  Qed.
-End proof_main.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_member.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_member.v
deleted file mode 100644
index aee9d1ac..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_member.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_member.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [member]. *)
-  Lemma type_member :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_member type_of_member.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "member" ([[p t] k]) => arg_t arg_k local_cur.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        ∃ p_cur : loc,
-        ∃ branch : tree Z,
-        arg_k ◁ₗ (k @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        local_cur ◁ₗ (p_cur @ (&own (branch @ (tree_t)))) ∗
-        arg_t ◁ₗ (p @ (&own (wand (p_cur ◁ₗ branch @ tree_t) (t @ (tree_t))))) ∗
-        ⌜tree_member k t ↔ tree_member k branch⌝
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "member" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "member" "#1".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "member".
-  Qed.
-End proof_member.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_member_rec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_member_rec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c97d6bf5..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_member_rec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_member_rec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [member_rec]. *)
-  Lemma type_member_rec (member_rec : loc) :
-    member_rec ◁ᵥ member_rec @ function_ptr type_of_member_rec -∗
-    typed_function (impl_member_rec member_rec) type_of_member_rec.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "member_rec" ([[p t] k]) => arg_t arg_k.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "member_rec" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "member_rec".
-  Qed.
-End proof_member_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_node.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_node.v
deleted file mode 100644
index eee8838a..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_node.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_node.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [node]. *)
-  Lemma type_node (alloc : loc) :
-    alloc ◁ᵥ alloc @ function_ptr type_of_alloc -∗
-    typed_function (impl_node alloc) type_of_node.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "node" ([[l k] r]) => arg_left arg_key arg_right local_node.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "node" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "node".
-  Qed.
-End proof_node.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_remove.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_remove.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f3eb398..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_remove.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_remove.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [remove]. *)
-  Lemma type_remove (free tree_max remove : loc) :
-    free ◁ᵥ free @ function_ptr type_of_free -∗
-    tree_max ◁ᵥ tree_max @ function_ptr type_of_tree_max -∗
-    remove ◁ᵥ remove @ function_ptr type_of_remove -∗
-    typed_function (impl_remove free tree_max remove) type_of_remove.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "remove" ([[p t] k]) => arg_t arg_k local_m local_tmp.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "remove" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by case_bool_decide => //; simplify_eq.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "remove".
-  Qed.
-End proof_remove.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sempty.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sempty.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a01c49e..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sempty.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_sempty.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [sempty]. *)
-  Lemma type_sempty (empty : loc) :
-    empty ◁ᵥ empty @ function_ptr type_of_empty -∗
-    typed_function (impl_sempty empty) type_of_sempty.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "sempty" ([]).
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "sempty" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: LeafRel; solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "sempty".
-  Qed.
-End proof_sempty.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sfree_tree.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sfree_tree.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 49d95fc1..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sfree_tree.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_sfree_tree.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [sfree_tree]. *)
-  Lemma type_sfree_tree (free_tree : loc) :
-    free_tree ◁ᵥ free_tree @ function_ptr type_of_free_tree -∗
-    typed_function (impl_sfree_tree free_tree) type_of_sfree_tree.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "sfree_tree" (p) => arg_t.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "sfree_tree" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "sfree_tree".
-  Qed.
-End proof_sfree_tree.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sinit.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sinit.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ab6daf4e..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sinit.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_sinit.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [sinit]. *)
-  Lemma type_sinit (init : loc) :
-    init ◁ᵥ init @ function_ptr type_of_init -∗
-    typed_function (impl_sinit init) type_of_sinit.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "sinit" (k) => arg_key.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "sinit" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: NodeRel; try apply LeafRel; set_solver.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "sinit".
-  Qed.
-End proof_sinit.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sinsert.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sinsert.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 132bc5f1..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sinsert.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_sinsert.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [sinsert]. *)
-  Lemma type_sinsert (insert : loc) :
-    insert ◁ᵥ insert @ function_ptr type_of_insert -∗
-    typed_function (impl_sinsert insert) type_of_sinsert.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "sinsert" ([[p s] k]) => arg_t arg_k.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "sinsert" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: tree_rel_insert; solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "sinsert".
-  Qed.
-End proof_sinsert.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_smember.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_smember.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ff136f9d..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_smember.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_smember.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [smember]. *)
-  Lemma type_smember (member : loc) :
-    member ◁ᵥ member @ function_ptr type_of_member -∗
-    typed_function (impl_smember member) type_of_smember.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "smember" ([[p s] k]) => arg_t arg_k.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "smember" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by etrans; [done|]; symmetry; apply tree_rel_member.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "smember".
-  Qed.
-End proof_smember.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sremove.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sremove.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 03654fb8..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_sremove.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_sremove.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [sremove]. *)
-  Lemma type_sremove (remove : loc) :
-    remove ◁ᵥ remove @ function_ptr type_of_remove -∗
-    typed_function (impl_sremove remove) type_of_sremove.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "sremove" ([[p s] k]) => arg_t arg_k.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "sremove" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: try by apply: tree_rel_remove; solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "sremove".
-  Qed.
-End proof_sremove.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_tree_max.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_tree_max.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 61eaa16d..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_proof_tree_max.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_spec.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section proof_tree_max.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [tree_max]. *)
-  Lemma type_tree_max (tree_max : loc) :
-    tree_max ◁ᵥ tree_max @ function_ptr type_of_tree_max -∗
-    typed_function (impl_tree_max tree_max) type_of_tree_max.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "tree_max" ([[[p l] k] r]) => arg_t.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "tree_max" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "tree_max".
-  Qed.
-End proof_tree_max.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 91042b66..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t8_tree_extra.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Inlined code. *)
-  Definition alloc_initialized := initialized "allocator_state" ().
-  (* Definition of type [tree_t]. *)
-  Definition tree_t_rec : ((tree Z) -d> typeO) → ((tree Z) -d> typeO) := (λ self t,
-    ((node_data t) @ (optionalO (λ patt__,
-      let l := patt__.1.1 in
-      let k := patt__.1.2 in
-      let r := patt__.2 in
-      &own (
-        struct struct_tree [@{type}
-          (guarded ("tree_t_0") (apply_dfun self (l))) ;
-          (guarded ("tree_t_1") (apply_dfun self (r))) ;
-          (k @ (int (i32)))
-        ]
-      )
-    ) null))
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque tree_t_rec.
-  Global Instance tree_t_rec_ne : Contractive tree_t_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition tree_t : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := (tree Z);
-    rty r__ := fixp tree_t_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma tree_t_unfold (t : tree Z) :
-    (t @ tree_t)%I ≡@{type} (
-      ((node_data t) @ (optionalO (λ patt__,
-        let l := patt__.1.1 in
-        let k := patt__.1.2 in
-        let r := patt__.2 in
-        &own (
-          struct struct_tree [@{type}
-            (guarded "tree_t_0" (l @ tree_t)) ;
-            (guarded "tree_t_1" (r @ tree_t)) ;
-            (k @ (int (i32)))
-          ]
-        )
-      ) null))
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance tree_t_rmovable : RMovable tree_t :=
-    {| rmovable 't := movable_eq _ _ (tree_t_unfold t) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance tree_t_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (t : tree Z) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ (t @ tree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (tree_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Instance tree_t_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (t : tree Z) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ (t @ tree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (tree_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Program Instance tree_t_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (t : tree Z) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ (t @ tree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (tree_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance tree_t_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (t : tree Z) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ (t @ tree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (tree_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Definition of type [stree_t]. *)
-  Definition stree_t_rec : ((gset Z) -d> typeO) → ((gset Z) -d> typeO) := (λ self s,
-    (tyexists (λ t, constrained (t @ (tree_t)) ⌜tree_rel s t⌝))
-  )%I.
-  Typeclasses Opaque stree_t_rec.
-  Global Instance stree_t_rec_ne : Contractive stree_t_rec.
-  Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
-  Definition stree_t : rtype := {|
-    rty_type := (gset Z);
-    rty r__ := fixp stree_t_rec r__
-  |}.
-  Lemma stree_t_unfold (s : gset Z) :
-    (s @ stree_t)%I ≡@{type} (
-      (tyexists (λ t, constrained (t @ (tree_t)) ⌜tree_rel s t⌝))
-    )%I.
-  Proof. by rewrite {1}/with_refinement/=fixp_unfold. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance stree_t_rmovable : RMovable stree_t :=
-    {| rmovable 's := movable_eq _ _ (stree_t_unfold s) |}.
-  Next Obligation. solve_ty_layout_eq. Qed.
-  Global Instance stree_t_simplify_hyp_place_inst l_ β_ (s : gset Z) :
-    SimplifyHypPlace l_ β_ (s @ stree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (stree_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Instance stree_t_simplify_goal_place_inst l_ β_ (s : gset Z) :
-    SimplifyGoalPlace l_ β_ (s @ stree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_eq l_ β_ _ _ T (stree_t_unfold _)).
-  Global Program Instance stree_t_simplify_hyp_val_inst v_ (s : gset Z) :
-    SimplifyHypVal v_ (s @ stree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_eq v_ _ _ (stree_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  Global Program Instance stree_t_simplify_goal_val_inst v_ (s : gset Z) :
-    SimplifyGoalVal v_ (s @ stree_t)%I (Some 100%N) :=
-    λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_eq v_ _ _ (stree_t_unfold _) T _).
-  Next Obligation. done. Qed.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free :=
-    fn(∀ size : nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (&own (uninit (mk_layout size 3))); (alloc_initialized) ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [alloc_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_alloc_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))); ⌜size * n + 16 < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free_array]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free_array :=
-    fn(∀ (size, n) : nat * nat; (size @ (int (size_t))), (n @ (int (size_t))), (&own (array (mk_layout size 3) (replicate n (uninit (mk_layout size 3))))); ⌜size * n < it_max size_t⌝ ∗ ⌜(8 | size)⌝ ∗ (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [empty]. *)
-  Definition type_of_empty :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); True) → ∃ () : (), (leaf @ (tree_t)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [init]. *)
-  Definition type_of_init :=
-    fn(∀ k : Z; (k @ (int (i32))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), ((node leaf k leaf) @ (tree_t)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [node]. *)
-  Definition type_of_node :=
-    fn(∀ (l, k, r) : (tree Z) * Z * (tree Z); (l @ (tree_t)), (k @ (int (i32))), (r @ (tree_t)); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), ((node l k r) @ (tree_t)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [free_tree]. *)
-  Definition type_of_free_tree :=
-    fn(∀ p : loc; (p @ (&own (tree_t))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ (uninit (LPtr))).
-  (* Specifications for function [member_rec]. *)
-  Definition type_of_member_rec :=
-    fn(∀ (p, t, k) : loc * (tree Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (t @ (tree_t)))), (k @ (int (i32))); True)
-      → ∃ b : bool, (b @ (boolean (bool_it))); (p ◁ₗ (t @ (tree_t))) ∗ ⌜b ↔ tree_member k t⌝.
-  (* Specifications for function [member]. *)
-  Definition type_of_member :=
-    fn(∀ (p, t, k) : loc * (tree Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (t @ (tree_t)))), (k @ (int (i32))); True)
-      → ∃ b : bool, (b @ (boolean (bool_it))); (p ◁ₗ (t @ (tree_t))) ∗ ⌜b ↔ tree_member k t⌝.
-  (* Specifications for function [insert_rec]. *)
-  Definition type_of_insert_rec :=
-    fn(∀ (p, t, k) : loc * (tree Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (t @ (tree_t)))), (k @ (int (i32))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ ((tree_insert k t) @ (tree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [insert]. *)
-  Definition type_of_insert :=
-    fn(∀ (p, t, k) : loc * (tree Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (t @ (tree_t)))), (k @ (int (i32))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ ((tree_insert k t) @ (tree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [tree_max]. *)
-  Definition type_of_tree_max :=
-    fn(∀ (p, l, k, r) : loc * (tree Z) * Z * (tree Z); (p @ (&own ((node l k r) @ (tree_t)))); True)
-      → ∃ res : Z, (res @ (int (i32))); ⌜tree_max (node l k r) = Some res⌝ ∗ (p ◁ₗ ((node l k r) @ (tree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [remove]. *)
-  Definition type_of_remove :=
-    fn(∀ (p, t, k) : loc * (tree Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (t @ (tree_t)))), (k @ (int (i32))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ ((tree_remove k t) @ (tree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [sempty]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sempty :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); True) → ∃ () : (), ((∅) @ (stree_t)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [sinit]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sinit :=
-    fn(∀ k : Z; (k @ (int (i32))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (({[k]}) @ (stree_t)); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [sfree_tree]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sfree_tree :=
-    fn(∀ p : loc; (p @ (&own (stree_t))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ (uninit (LPtr))).
-  (* Specifications for function [smember]. *)
-  Definition type_of_smember :=
-    fn(∀ (p, s, k) : loc * (gset Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (s @ (stree_t)))), (k @ (int (i32))); True)
-      → ∃ b : bool, (b @ (boolean (bool_it))); (p ◁ₗ (s @ (stree_t))) ∗ ⌜b ↔ k ∈ s⌝.
-  (* Specifications for function [sinsert]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sinsert :=
-    fn(∀ (p, s, k) : loc * (gset Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (s @ (stree_t)))), (k @ (int (i32))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ (({[k]} ∪ s) @ (stree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [sremove]. *)
-  Definition type_of_sremove :=
-    fn(∀ (p, s, k) : loc * (gset Z) * Z; (p @ (&own (s @ (stree_t)))), (k @ (int (i32))); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), (void); (p ◁ₗ ((s ∖ {[k]}) @ (stree_t))).
-  (* Specifications for function [main]. *)
-  Definition type_of_main :=
-    fn(∀ () : (); (alloc_initialized))
-      → ∃ () : (), ((0) @ (int (i32))); True.
-End spec.
-Typeclasses Opaque tree_t_rec.
-Typeclasses Opaque stree_t_rec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c.generate b/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c.generate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_code.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_code.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f9ee5fea..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_code.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.lang Require Export notation.
-From refinedc.lang Require Import tactics.
-From refinedc.typing Require Import annotations.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c]. *)
-Section code.
-  Definition file_0 : string := "theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c".
-  Definition loc_2 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 2 7 12.
-  Definition loc_3 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 9 2 14 3.
-  Definition loc_4 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 2 16 11.
-  Definition loc_5 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 9 16 10.
-  Definition loc_6 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 16 9 16 10.
-  Definition loc_7 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 9 13 14 3.
-  Definition loc_8 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 9 14 10 14.
-  Definition loc_10 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 10 10 14.
-  Definition loc_11 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 14 11 14.
-  Definition loc_13 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 11 10 11 14.
-  Definition loc_14 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 11 14 12 14.
-  Definition loc_16 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 12 10 12 14.
-  Definition loc_17 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 12 14 13 14.
-  Definition loc_19 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 10 13 14.
-  Definition loc_20 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 13 10 13 11.
-  Definition loc_21 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 12 10 12 11.
-  Definition loc_22 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 11 10 11 11.
-  Definition loc_23 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 10 10 10 11.
-  Definition loc_24 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 9 10 9 11.
-  Definition loc_25 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 9 10 9 11.
-  Definition loc_26 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 10 7 11.
-  Definition loc_27 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 7 10 7 11.
-  Definition loc_32 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 2 24 12.
-  Definition loc_33 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 2 32 3.
-  Definition loc_34 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 2 34 11.
-  Definition loc_35 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 9 34 10.
-  Definition loc_36 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 34 9 34 10.
-  Definition loc_37 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 13 32 3.
-  Definition loc_38 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 14 27 14.
-  Definition loc_40 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 10 27 14.
-  Definition loc_41 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 14 28 14.
-  Definition loc_43 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 28 10 28 14.
-  Definition loc_44 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 28 14 29 14.
-  Definition loc_46 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 10 29 14.
-  Definition loc_47 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 14 30 14.
-  Definition loc_49 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 10 30 14.
-  Definition loc_50 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 14 31 15.
-  Definition loc_52 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 31 11 31 15.
-  Definition loc_53 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 31 11 31 12.
-  Definition loc_54 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 30 10 30 11.
-  Definition loc_55 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 29 10 29 11.
-  Definition loc_56 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 28 10 28 11.
-  Definition loc_57 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 27 10 27 11.
-  Definition loc_58 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 10 26 11.
-  Definition loc_59 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 26 10 26 11.
-  Definition loc_60 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 10 24 11.
-  Definition loc_61 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 24 10 24 11.
-  Definition loc_66 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 2 41 12.
-  Definition loc_67 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 2 49 3.
-  Definition loc_68 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 2 51 11.
-  Definition loc_69 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 9 51 10.
-  Definition loc_70 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 51 9 51 10.
-  Definition loc_71 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 13 49 3.
-  Definition loc_72 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 14 44 14.
-  Definition loc_74 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 10 44 14.
-  Definition loc_75 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 15 44 21.
-  Definition loc_76 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 21 45 14.
-  Definition loc_78 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 10 45 14.
-  Definition loc_79 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 15 45 21.
-  Definition loc_80 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 21 46 14.
-  Definition loc_82 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 10 46 14.
-  Definition loc_83 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 15 46 21.
-  Definition loc_84 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 21 47 14.
-  Definition loc_86 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 10 47 14.
-  Definition loc_87 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 15 47 21.
-  Definition loc_88 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 21 48 14.
-  Definition loc_90 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 10 48 14.
-  Definition loc_91 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 15 48 21.
-  Definition loc_92 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 48 10 48 11.
-  Definition loc_93 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 47 10 47 11.
-  Definition loc_94 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 46 10 46 11.
-  Definition loc_95 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 45 10 45 11.
-  Definition loc_96 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 44 10 44 11.
-  Definition loc_97 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 10 43 11.
-  Definition loc_98 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 43 10 43 11.
-  Definition loc_99 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 10 41 11.
-  Definition loc_100 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 41 10 41 11.
-  Definition loc_105 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 2 59 12.
-  Definition loc_106 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 2 61 22.
-  Definition loc_107 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 2 73 3.
-  Definition loc_108 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 2 75 11.
-  Definition loc_109 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 9 75 10.
-  Definition loc_110 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 75 9 75 10.
-  Definition loc_111 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 17 73 3.
-  Definition loc_112 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 18 72 26.
-  Definition loc_114 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 10 72 26.
-  Definition loc_116 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 10 72 26.
-  Definition loc_117 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 13 72 11.
-  Definition loc_118 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 15 67 19.
-  Definition loc_119 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 19 68 14.
-  Definition loc_121 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 68 10 68 14.
-  Definition loc_122 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 68 14 69 14.
-  Definition loc_124 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 69 10 69 14.
-  Definition loc_125 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 69 14 70 14.
-  Definition loc_127 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 10 70 14.
-  Definition loc_128 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 12 71 16.
-  Definition loc_129 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 10 72 26.
-  Definition loc_130 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 10 72 26.
-  Definition loc_131 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 14 71 15.
-  Definition loc_132 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 12 71 15.
-  Definition loc_133 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 14 71 15.
-  Definition loc_134 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 71 14 71 15.
-  Definition loc_136 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 70 10 70 11.
-  Definition loc_137 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 69 10 69 11.
-  Definition loc_138 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 68 10 68 11.
-  Definition loc_139 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 67 15 67 16.
-  Definition loc_140 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 19 72 24.
-  Definition loc_141 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 19 72 20.
-  Definition loc_142 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 19 72 20.
-  Definition loc_143 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 72 23 72 24.
-  Definition loc_144 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 10 62 15.
-  Definition loc_145 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 10 62 11.
-  Definition loc_146 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 10 62 11.
-  Definition loc_147 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 62 14 62 15.
-  Definition loc_148 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 10 61 21.
-  Definition loc_149 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 10 61 17.
-  Definition loc_150 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 11 61 12.
-  Definition loc_151 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 11 61 12.
-  Definition loc_152 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 15 61 16.
-  Definition loc_153 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 61 20 61 21.
-  Definition loc_156 : location_info := LocationInfo file_0 59 10 59 11.
-  (* Definition of function [test_switch]. *)
-  Definition impl_test_switch : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("i", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("o", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "o" <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_26 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_27 ("i"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_3 ;
-        Switch i32
-          (LocInfoE loc_24 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_25 ("i"))))
-          (
-            <[ 0 := 0%nat ]> $
-            <[ 1 := 1%nat ]> $
-            <[ 2 := 2%nat ]> $
-            <[ 3 := 3%nat ]> ∅
-          )
-          (
-            (locinfo: loc_8 ;
-            Goto "#2") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_11 ;
-            Goto "#3") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_14 ;
-            Goto "#4") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_17 ;
-            Goto "#5") :: []
-          )
-          (locinfo: loc_4 ;
-          Goto "#1")
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_5 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_6 ("o"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_10 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_23 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_10 ((LocInfoE loc_10 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_23 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_10 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_11 ;
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_13 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_22 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_13 ((LocInfoE loc_13 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_22 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_13 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_14 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_16 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_21 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_16 ((LocInfoE loc_16 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_21 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_16 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_17 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_19 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_20 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_19 ((LocInfoE loc_19 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_20 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_19 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_4 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [test_switch_default]. *)
-  Definition impl_test_switch_default : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("i", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("o", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "o" <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_60 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_61 ("i"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_33 ;
-        Switch i32
-          (LocInfoE loc_58 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_59 ("i"))))
-          (
-            <[ 0 := 0%nat ]> $
-            <[ 1 := 1%nat ]> $
-            <[ 2 := 2%nat ]> $
-            <[ 3 := 3%nat ]> ∅
-          )
-          (
-            (locinfo: loc_38 ;
-            Goto "#2") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_41 ;
-            Goto "#3") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_44 ;
-            Goto "#4") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_47 ;
-            Goto "#5") :: []
-          )
-          (locinfo: loc_50 ;
-          Goto "#6")
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_34 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_35 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_36 ("o"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_40 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_57 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_40 ((LocInfoE loc_40 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_57 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_40 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_41 ;
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_43 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_56 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_43 ((LocInfoE loc_43 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_56 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_43 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_44 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_46 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_55 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_46 ((LocInfoE loc_46 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_55 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_46 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_47 ;
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_49 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_54 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_49 ((LocInfoE loc_49 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_54 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_49 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_50 ;
-        Goto "#6"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_52 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_53 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_52 ((LocInfoE loc_52 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_53 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_52 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_34 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_34 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [incr_less_than_5]. *)
-  Definition impl_incr_less_than_5 : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("i", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("o", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "o" <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_99 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_100 ("i"))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_67 ;
-        Switch i32
-          (LocInfoE loc_97 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_98 ("i"))))
-          (
-            <[ 0 := 0%nat ]> $
-            <[ 1 := 1%nat ]> $
-            <[ 2 := 2%nat ]> $
-            <[ 3 := 3%nat ]> $
-            <[ 4 := 4%nat ]> ∅
-          )
-          (
-            (locinfo: loc_72 ;
-            Goto "#2") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_76 ;
-            Goto "#3") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_80 ;
-            Goto "#4") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_84 ;
-            Goto "#5") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_88 ;
-            Goto "#6") :: []
-          )
-          (locinfo: loc_68 ;
-          Goto "#1")
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_68 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_69 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_70 ("o"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_74 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_96 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_74 ((LocInfoE loc_74 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_96 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_74 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_68 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_78 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_95 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_78 ((LocInfoE loc_78 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_95 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_78 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_68 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_82 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_94 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_82 ((LocInfoE loc_82 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_94 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_82 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_68 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_86 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_93 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_86 ((LocInfoE loc_86 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_93 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_86 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_68 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_90 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_92 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_90 ((LocInfoE loc_90 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_92 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_90 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_68 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_68 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-  (* Definition of function [duffs_identity]. *)
-  Definition impl_duffs_identity : function := {|
-    f_args := [
-      ("i", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_local_vars := [
-      ("o", it_layout i32);
-      ("n", it_layout i32)
-    ];
-    f_init := "#0";
-    f_code := (
-      <[ "#0" :=
-        "o" <-{ it_layout i32 } LocInfoE loc_156 (i2v 0 i32) ;
-        "n" <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_148 ((LocInfoE loc_149 ((LocInfoE loc_150 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_151 ("i")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_152 (i2v 3 i32)))) /{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_153 (i2v 4 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_107 ;
-        Switch i32
-          (LocInfoE loc_144 ((LocInfoE loc_145 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_146 ("i")))) %{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_147 (i2v 4 i32))))
-          (
-            <[ 0 := 0%nat ]> $
-            <[ 3 := 1%nat ]> $
-            <[ 2 := 2%nat ]> $
-            <[ 1 := 3%nat ]> ∅
-          )
-          (
-            (locinfo: loc_112 ;
-            Goto "#2") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_119 ;
-            Goto "#3") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_122 ;
-            Goto "#4") ::
-            (locinfo: loc_125 ;
-            Goto "#8") :: []
-          )
-          (locinfo: loc_108 ;
-          Goto "#1")
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#1" :=
-        locinfo: loc_108 ;
-        Return (LocInfoE loc_109 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_110 ("o"))))
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#2" :=
-        locinfo: loc_114 ;
-        Goto "#6"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#3" :=
-        locinfo: loc_121 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_138 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_121 ((LocInfoE loc_121 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_138 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_121 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_122 ;
-        Goto "#4"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#4" :=
-        locinfo: loc_124 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_137 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_124 ((LocInfoE loc_124 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_137 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_124 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_125 ;
-        Goto "#8"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        locinfo: loc_140 ;
-        if: LocInfoE loc_140 (UnOp (CastOp $ IntOp bool_it) (IntOp i32) (LocInfoE loc_140 ((LocInfoE loc_141 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_142 ("n")))) >{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_143 (i2v 0 i32)))))
-        then
-        locinfo: loc_114 ;
-          Goto "#6"
-        else
-        locinfo: loc_108 ;
-          Goto "#7"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#6" :=
-        locinfo: loc_118 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_139 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_118 ((LocInfoE loc_118 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_139 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_118 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_119 ;
-        Goto "#3"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#7" :=
-        locinfo: loc_108 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#8" :=
-        locinfo: loc_127 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_136 ("o") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_127 ((LocInfoE loc_127 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_136 ("o")))) +{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (LocInfoE loc_127 (i2v 1 i32))) ;
-        locinfo: loc_128 ;
-        LocInfoE loc_131 ("n") <-{ it_layout i32 }
-          LocInfoE loc_132 ((LocInfoE loc_133 (use{it_layout i32} (LocInfoE loc_134 ("n")))) -{IntOp i32, IntOp i32} (i2v 1 i32)) ;
-        locinfo: loc_129 ;
-        Goto "continue12"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "#9" :=
-        locinfo: loc_108 ;
-        Goto "#1"
-      ]> $
-      <[ "continue12" :=
-        Goto "#5"
-      ]> $∅
-    )%E
-  |}.
-End code.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_duffs_identity.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_duffs_identity.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 15d9d515..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_duffs_identity.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t9_switch_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t9_switch_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c]. *)
-Section proof_duffs_identity.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [duffs_identity]. *)
-  Lemma type_duffs_identity :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_duffs_identity type_of_duffs_identity.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "duffs_identity" (i) => arg_i local_o local_n.
-    split_blocks ((
-      <[ "#5" :=
-        ∃ n : Z,
-        arg_i ◁ₗ (i @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        local_n ◁ₗ (n @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        local_o ◁ₗ ((i - 4 * n) @ (int (i32))) ∗
-        ⌜0 ≤ n⌝
-    ]> $
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "duffs_identity" "#0".
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "duffs_identity" "#5".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "duffs_identity".
-  Qed.
-End proof_duffs_identity.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_incr_less_than_5.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_incr_less_than_5.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5444ea1e..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_incr_less_than_5.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t9_switch_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t9_switch_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c]. *)
-Section proof_incr_less_than_5.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [incr_less_than_5]. *)
-  Lemma type_incr_less_than_5 :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_incr_less_than_5 type_of_incr_less_than_5.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "incr_less_than_5" (i) => arg_i local_o.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "incr_less_than_5" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "incr_less_than_5".
-  Qed.
-End proof_incr_less_than_5.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_test_switch.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_test_switch.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a0ec263..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_test_switch.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t9_switch_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t9_switch_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c]. *)
-Section proof_test_switch.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [test_switch]. *)
-  Lemma type_test_switch :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_test_switch type_of_test_switch.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "test_switch" (i) => arg_i local_o.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "test_switch" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "test_switch".
-  Qed.
-End proof_test_switch.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_test_switch_default.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_test_switch_default.v
deleted file mode 100644
index d6ab44d1..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_proof_test_switch_default.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t9_switch_code.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t9_switch_spec.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c]. *)
-Section proof_test_switch_default.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Typing proof for [test_switch_default]. *)
-  Lemma type_test_switch_default :
-    ⊢ typed_function impl_test_switch_default type_of_test_switch_default.
-  Proof.
-    start_function "test_switch_default" (i) => arg_i local_o.
-    split_blocks ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)) ((
-      ∅
-    )%I : gmap block_id (iProp Σ)).
-    - repeat liRStep; liShow.
-      all: print_typesystem_goal "test_switch_default" "#0".
-    Unshelve. all: prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal.
-    all: print_sidecondition_goal "test_switch_default".
-  Qed.
-End proof_test_switch_default.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_spec.v b/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_spec.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e0dd9b2..00000000
--- a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch_spec.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
-From refinedc.examples.tutorial Require Import t9_switch_code.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* Generated from [theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c]. *)
-Section spec.
-  Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
-  (* Type definitions. *)
-  (* Specifications for function [test_switch]. *)
-  Definition type_of_test_switch :=
-    fn(∀ i : nat; (i @ (int (i32))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), ((if bool_decide (i ≤ 4)%nat then 4%nat else i) @ (int (i32))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [test_switch_default]. *)
-  Definition type_of_test_switch_default :=
-    fn(∀ i : nat; (i @ (int (i32))); ⌜i + 1 < it_max i32⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), (((if bool_decide (i ≤ 4) then 5 else i + 1)%nat) @ (int (i32))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [incr_less_than_5]. *)
-  Definition type_of_incr_less_than_5 :=
-    fn(∀ i : nat; (i @ (int (i32))); True)
-      → ∃ () : (), (((if bool_decide (i ≤ 4) then i + 1 else i)%nat) @ (int (i32))); True.
-  (* Specifications for function [duffs_identity]. *)
-  Definition type_of_duffs_identity :=
-    fn(∀ i : Z; (i @ (int (i32))); ⌜0 < i⌝ ∗ ⌜i + 3 < it_max i32⌝)
-      → ∃ () : (), (i @ (int (i32))); True.
-End spec.
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/alloc_internal.h b/tutorial/alloc_internal.h
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/alloc_internal.h
rename to tutorial/alloc_internal.h
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/binary_search_defs.v b/tutorial/binary_search_defs.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/binary_search_defs.v
rename to tutorial/binary_search_defs.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/exercises/quicksort.c b/tutorial/exercises/quicksort.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/exercises/quicksort.c
rename to tutorial/exercises/quicksort.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/list.h b/tutorial/list.h
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/list.h
rename to tutorial/list.h
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c b/tutorial/misc.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/misc.c
rename to tutorial/misc.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort.c b/tutorial/solutions/quicksort.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/solutions/quicksort.c
rename to tutorial/solutions/quicksort.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro.c b/tutorial/t0_intro.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t0_intro.c
rename to tutorial/t0_intro.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops.c b/tutorial/t10_loops.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t10_loops.c
rename to tutorial/t10_loops.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c b/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t11_tree_set.c
rename to tutorial/t11_tree_set.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c b/tutorial/t1_basic.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t1_basic.c
rename to tutorial/t1_basic.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c b/tutorial/t2_pointers.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t2_pointers.c
rename to tutorial/t2_pointers.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c b/tutorial/t3_list.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t3_list.c
rename to tutorial/t3_list.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c b/tutorial/t4_alloc.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t4_alloc.c
rename to tutorial/t4_alloc.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main.c b/tutorial/t5_main.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t5_main.c
rename to tutorial/t5_main.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c b/tutorial/t6_struct.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t6_struct.c
rename to tutorial/t6_struct.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays.c b/tutorial/t7_arrays.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays.c
rename to tutorial/t7_arrays.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_extra.v b/tutorial/t7_arrays_extra.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t7_arrays_extra.v
rename to tutorial/t7_arrays_extra.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c b/tutorial/t8_tree.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree.c
rename to tutorial/t8_tree.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_extra.v b/tutorial/t8_tree_extra.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t8_tree_extra.v
rename to tutorial/t8_tree_extra.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c b/tutorial/t9_switch.c
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t9_switch.c
rename to tutorial/t9_switch.c
diff --git a/theories/examples/tutorial/t_adequacy.v b/tutorial/t_adequacy.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/tutorial/t_adequacy.v
rename to tutorial/t_adequacy.v