From 0eaae21daeb93dda0ab13dc59d569133ccb6fc2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Sammler <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 2020 19:43:05 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] rename Z2Nat_inj_div and Z2Nat_inj_mod

---       |  4 ++++
 theories/numbers.v | 16 ++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 3e873810..dfff842b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ API-breaking change is listed.
 ## std++ master
+- Rename `Z2Nat_inj_div` and `Z2Nat_inj_mod` to `Nat2Z_inj_div` and
+  `Nat2Z_inj_mod` to follow the naming convention of `Nat2Z` and
+  `Z2Nat`. The names `Z2Nat_inj_div` and `Z2Nat_inj_mod` have been
+  repurposed for be the lemmas they should actually be.
 - Added `rotate` and `rotate_take` functions for accessing a list with
   wrap-around. Also added `rotate_nat_add` and `rotate_nat_sub` for
   computing indicies into a rotated list.
diff --git a/theories/numbers.v b/theories/numbers.v
index 46805624..ea913d89 100644
--- a/theories/numbers.v
+++ b/theories/numbers.v
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ Qed.
 Lemma Z2Nat_divide n m :
   0 ≤ n → 0 ≤ m → (Z.to_nat n | Z.to_nat m)%nat ↔ (n | m).
 Proof. intros. by rewrite <-Nat2Z_divide, ! by done. Qed.
-Lemma Z2Nat_inj_div x y : Z.of_nat (x `div` y) = x `div` y.
+Lemma Nat2Z_inj_div x y : Z.of_nat (x `div` y) = x `div` y.
   destruct (decide (y = 0%nat)); [by subst; destruct x |].
   apply Z.div_unique with (x `mod` y)%nat.
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ Proof.
     apply Nat.mod_bound_pos; lia. }
   by rewrite <-Nat2Z.inj_mul, <-Nat2Z.inj_add, <-Nat.div_mod.
-Lemma Z2Nat_inj_mod x y : Z.of_nat (x `mod` y) = x `mod` y.
+Lemma Nat2Z_inj_mod x y : Z.of_nat (x `mod` y) = x `mod` y.
   destruct (decide (y = 0%nat)); [by subst; destruct x |].
   apply Z.mod_unique with (x `div` y)%nat.
@@ -452,21 +452,21 @@ Proof.
     apply Nat.mod_bound_pos; lia. }
   by rewrite <-Nat2Z.inj_mul, <-Nat2Z.inj_add, <-Nat.div_mod.
-Lemma Nat2Z_inj_div x y :
+Lemma Z2Nat_inj_div x y :
   0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y →
   Z.to_nat (x `div` y) = (Z.to_nat x `div` Z.to_nat y)%nat.
   intros. destruct (decide (y = 0%nat)); [by subst; destruct x|].
   pose proof (Z.div_pos x y).
-  apply (inj Z.of_nat). by rewrite Z2Nat_inj_div, ! by lia.
+  apply (inj Z.of_nat). by rewrite Nat2Z_inj_div, ! by lia.
-Lemma Nat2Z_inj_mod x y :
+Lemma Z2Nat_inj_mod x y :
   0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y →
   Z.to_nat (x `mod` y) = (Z.to_nat x `mod` Z.to_nat y)%nat.
   intros. destruct (decide (y = 0%nat)); [by subst; destruct x|].
   pose proof (Z_mod_pos x y).
-  apply (inj Z.of_nat). by rewrite Z2Nat_inj_mod, ! by lia.
+  apply (inj Z.of_nat). by rewrite Nat2Z_inj_mod, ! by lia.
 Lemma Z_succ_pred_induction y (P : Z → Prop) :
   P y →
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ Lemma rotate_nat_add_lt base offset len :
   unfold rotate_nat_add. intros ?.
   pose proof (Nat.mod_upper_bound (base + offset) len).
-  rewrite Nat2Z_inj_mod, Z2Nat.inj_add, !; lia.
+  rewrite Z2Nat_inj_mod, Z2Nat.inj_add, !; lia.
 Lemma rotate_nat_sub_lt base offset len :
   0 < len → rotate_nat_sub base offset len < len.
@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ Lemma rotate_nat_add_add base offset len n:
   (rotate_nat_add base offset len + n) `mod` len.
   intros ?. unfold rotate_nat_add.
-  rewrite !Nat2Z_inj_mod, !Z2Nat.inj_add, ! by lia.
+  rewrite !Z2Nat_inj_mod, !Z2Nat.inj_add, ! by lia.
   by rewrite plus_assoc, Nat.add_mod_idemp_l by lia.