(** Requires:

   opam repo add iris-dev https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/FP/opam-dev.git
   opam update
   opam install coq-iris=branch.gen_proofmode.2018-05-29.0.9b14f90a


   This file contains an instantiation of the Generalized Proof Mode
   (extending Iris) for CFML.

Set Implicit Arguments.
From TLC Require Export LibCore.
From Sep Require Export TLCbuffer SepFunctor.

From iris Require bi proofmode.tactics.
(* We undo the setup done by Stdpp. *)
Global Generalizable No Variables.
Global Obligation Tactic := Coq.Program.Tactics.program_simpl.

(* ********************************************************************** *)
(* * Extension to the core interface that needs to be exposed to GPM *)

Module Type SepCoreHemptySig (SC : SepCore).
Import SC.

(** Implement a definition of heap_empty *)

Parameter heap_empty : heap.

(** Forces the definition of [hempty] to be the canonical one *)

Parameter hempty_eq : 
  hempty = (fun h => h = heap_empty).

End SepCoreHemptySig.

(* ********************************************************************** *)
(* * Subset of the interface of SepLogicSetup that needs to be exposed to GPM *)

Module Type SepSetupGPMSig (SC : SepCore).
Export SC.

Implicit Types h : heap.
Implicit Types H : hprop.
Implicit Types P : Prop.

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ** Definition of heap predicates *)

Definition hpure (P:Prop) : hprop :=
  hexists (fun (p:P) => hempty).

Definition hor (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
  fun h => H1 h \/ H2 h.

Definition hand (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
  fun h => H1 h /\ H2 h.

Definition hwand (H1 H2 : hprop) : hprop :=
  hexists (fun (H:hprop) => H \* (hpure (H \* H1 ==> H2))).

Definition qwand A (Q1 Q2:A->hprop) :=
  hforall (fun x => hwand (Q1 x) (Q2 x)).

Definition htop : hprop :=
  hexists (fun (H:hprop) => H).

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ** Some notation *)

Notation "'Hexists' x1 , H" := (hexists (fun x1 => H))
  (at level 39, x1 ident, H at level 50) : heap_scope.
Notation "'Hexists' x1 x2 , H" := (Hexists x1, Hexists x2, H)
  (at level 39, x1 ident, x2 ident, H at level 50) : heap_scope.
Notation "'Hexists' x1 x2 x3 , H" := (Hexists x1, Hexists x2, Hexists x3, H)
  (at level 39, x1 ident, x2 ident, x3 ident, H at level 50) : heap_scope.

Notation "\[ P ]" := (hpure P)
  (at level 0, P at level 99, format "\[ P ]") : heap_scope.

Notation "\Top" := (htop) : heap_scope.

Notation "H1 \--* H2" := (hwand H1 H2)
  (at level 43) : heap_scope.

Notation "Q1 \---* Q2" := (qwand Q1 Q2)
  (at level 43) : heap_scope.

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ** Definition of [local] *)

Notation "'~~' B" := (hprop->(B->hprop)->Prop)
  (at level 8, only parsing) : type_scope.

Definition local B (F:~~B) : ~~B :=
  fun (H:hprop) (Q:B->hprop) =>
    H ==> Hexists H1 H2 Q1,
       H1 \* H2 \* \[F H1 Q1 /\ Q1 \*+ H2 ===> Q \*+ \Top].

Definition is_local B (F:~~B) :=
  F = local F.

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ** Properties *)

Parameter himpl_frame_r : forall H1 H2 H2',
  H2 ==> H2' ->
  (H1 \* H2) ==> (H1 \* H2').

Parameter hstar_pure : forall P H h,
  (\[P] \* H) h = (P /\ H h).

Parameter hpure_intro : forall P h,
  \[] h ->
  P ->
  \[P] h.

Parameter hpure_inv : forall P h,
  \[P] h ->
  P /\ \[] h.

Parameter htop_intro : forall h,
  \Top h.

Parameter himpl_htop_r : forall H H',
  H ==> H' ->
  H ==> H' \* \Top.

Global Opaque hempty hpure hstar hexists htop.

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ** Tactics *)

Ltac hpull_xpull_iris_hook := idtac.

Ltac xlocal_core := idtac.

Parameter local_ramified_frame : forall B (Q1:B->hprop) H1 F H Q,
  is_local F ->
  F H1 Q1 ->
  H ==> H1 \* (Q1 \---* Q) ->
  F H Q.

End SepSetupGPMSig.

(* ********************************************************************** *)
(* * Proof Mode *)

Module SepLogicGPM (SC : SepCore) (SCH: SepCoreHemptySig SC) (SS : SepSetupGPMSig SC).
Export SS SCH.

(* ********************************************************************** *)
(* * Instantiating Iris Proof Mode *)

Module ProofModeInstantiate.

Import iris.bi.bi iris.proofmode.coq_tactics.
Export iris.proofmode.tactics.

Canonical Structure hpropC := leibnizC hprop.

Definition hpersistently (H : hprop) : hprop :=
  fun _ => H heap_empty.

(* Proofmode's hpure has to be absorbing. So we redefine it here, and
   we add later by hand the necessary infrastructure for CFML's hpure. *)
Definition hpure_abs (φ : Prop) : hprop := \[φ] \* \Top.

Program Canonical Structure hpropI : bi :=
  Bi hprop _ _ (@pred_incl _) hempty hpure_abs hand hor
     (@pred_impl _) hforall hexists hstar hwand hpersistently _ _.
Next Obligation. apply discrete_ofe_mixin, _. Qed.
Next Obligation.
  Transparent hempty.
  split; [split|..].
  - intros ??; apply himpl_refl.
  - intros ???; apply himpl_trans.
  - intros. rewrite leibniz_equiv_iff. split=>?.
    + subst. auto.
    + apply himpl_antisym; naive_solver.
  - by intros ??? ->%LibAxioms.prop_ext.
  - solve_proper.
  - solve_proper.
  - solve_proper.
  - by intros ???? ->%fun_ext_1.
  - by intros ???? ->%fun_ext_1.
  - solve_proper.
  - solve_proper.
  - solve_proper.
  - intros ?????. rewrite /hpure_abs hstar_pure.
    split; [done|apply htop_intro].
  - intros ??. rewrite /hpure_abs=>Hφ h Hh. apply Hφ.
    + rewrite /hpure_abs hstar_pure in Hh. apply Hh.
    + rewrite hstar_pure. split; [done|]. apply htop_intro.
  - rewrite /hpure_abs=>??? H. rewrite hstar_pure.
    split; [|by apply htop_intro]. intros x. specialize (H x).
    rewrite hstar_pure in H. apply H.
  - by intros ??? [? _].
  - by intros ??? [_ ?].
  - intros P Q R HQ HR ?. by split; [apply HQ|apply HR].
  - by left.
  - by right.
  - intros P Q R HP HQ ? [|]. by apply HP. by apply HQ.
  - intros P Q R H ???. apply H. by split.
  - intros P Q R H ? []. by apply H.
  - intros A P Ψ H ???. by apply H.
  - intros A Ψ a ? H. apply H.
  - by eexists.
  - intros A Φ Q H ? []. by eapply H.
  - intros ??????. eapply pred_incl_trans. by apply himpl_frame_r.
    rewrite (hstar_comm P Q') (hstar_comm Q Q'). by apply himpl_frame_r.
  - intros. by rewrite hstar_hempty_l.
  - intros. by rewrite hstar_hempty_l.
  - intros. by rewrite hstar_comm.
  - intros. by rewrite hstar_assoc.
  - intros P Q R H ??. exists P. rewrite hstar_comm hstar_pure. auto.
  - intros P Q R H. eapply pred_incl_trans.
    { rewrite hstar_comm. by apply himpl_frame_r. }
    unfold hwand. rewrite hstar_comm hstar_hexists=>h [F HF].
    rewrite (hstar_comm F) hstar_assoc hstar_pure in HF. destruct HF as [HR HF].
    by apply HR.
  - intros P Q H h. apply H.
  - auto.
  - unfold hpersistently. rewrite hempty_eq. intros h _. auto.
  - auto.
  - auto.
  - intros P Q h. replace (hpersistently P) with (\[P heap_empty] \* \Top).
    { rewrite hstar_assoc !hstar_pure=>-[? _]. auto using htop_intro. }
    extens=>h'. rewrite hstar_pure /hpersistently. naive_solver auto using htop_intro.
  - intros P Q h [HP HQ]. rewrite -(hstar_hempty_l Q) in HQ.
    eapply himpl_frame_l, HQ. rewrite hempty_eq. intros ? ->. apply HP.

Lemma hpure_pure φ : \[φ] = bi_affinely ⌜φ⌝.
  extens=>h. split.
  - split; [by eapply hpure_inv|by apply (himpl_htop_r (H:=\[φ]))].
  - intros [? Hφ]. apply hpure_intro; [done|].
    change ((\[φ] \* \Top%I) h) in Hφ. rewrite hstar_pure in Hφ. naive_solver.
Lemma htop_True : \Top = True%I.
  extens=>h. split=>?.
  - rewrite /bi_pure /= /hpure_abs hstar_pure. auto.
  - apply htop_intro.
Opaque hpure_abs.

Ltac unfold_proofmode :=
  change (@bi_and hpropI) with hand;
  change (@bi_or hpropI) with hor;
  change (@bi_emp hpropI) with hempty;
  change (@bi_forall hpropI) with hforall;
  change (@bi_exist hpropI) with hexists;
  change (@bi_sep hpropI) with hstar;
  change (@bi_wand hpropI) with hwand.

End ProofModeInstantiate.

(* ********************************************************************** *)
(* * Tactics for better integration of Iris Proof Mode with CFML Iris *)

Module ProofMode.

Export ProofModeInstantiate.
Import iris.proofmode.coq_tactics. (* TODO: should it be Export? *)

(* We need to repeat all these hints appearing in proofmode/tactics.v,
   so that they state something about CFML connectives. [Hint Extern]
   patterns are not matched modulo canonical structure unification. *)

Hint Extern 0 (_ ==> _) => iStartProof.
Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (hpure _)) => iPureIntro.
Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (hempty)) => iEmpIntro.
Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (hforall _)) => iIntros (?).
Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (hwand _ _)) => iIntros "?".

Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (hand _ _)) => iSplit.
Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (hstar _ _)) => iSplit.
Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (hexists _)) => iExists _.
Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (hor _ _)) => iLeft.
Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (hor _ _)) => iRight.

Hint Extern 2 (envs_entails _ (hstar _ _)) => progress iFrame : iFrame.

(* Specific instances for CFML. *)

Hint Extern 3 (envs_entails _ ?P) => is_evar P; iAccu.
Hint Extern 3 (envs_entails _ (?P _)) => is_evar P; iAccu.

Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (\[_] \* _)) => iSplitR.
Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (\[_] ∗ _)) => iSplitR.
Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (_ \* \[_])) => iSplitL.
Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (_ ∗ \[_])) => iSplitL.

Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (\[] \* _)) => iSplitR.
Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (\[] ∗ _)) => iSplitR.
Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (_ \* \[])) => iSplitL.
Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (_ ∗ \[])) => iSplitL.

(** * Specific Proofmode instances about hpure and htop. *)

Global Instance htop_absorbing : Absorbing \Top.
Proof. intros ??. apply htop_intro. Qed.
Global Instance htop_persistent : Persistent \Top.
Proof. intros ??. apply htop_intro. Qed.

Global Instance htop_into_pure : IntoPure \Top True.
Proof. unfold IntoPure. auto. Qed.
Global Instance htrop_from_pure a : FromPure a \Top True.
Proof. intros ??. apply htop_intro. Qed.

Global Instance hpure_affine φ : Affine \[φ].
Proof. rewrite hpure_pure. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance hpure_persistent φ : Persistent \[φ].
Proof. rewrite hpure_pure. apply _. Qed.

Global Instance hpure_into_pure φ : IntoPure \[φ] φ.
Proof. rewrite hpure_pure /IntoPure. by iDestruct 1 as "%". Qed.
Global Instance hpure_from_pure φ : FromPure true \[φ] φ.
Proof. by rewrite hpure_pure /FromPure /= /bi_affinely stdpp.base.comm. Qed.

Global Instance from_and_hpure φ ψ : FromAnd \[φ ∧ ψ] \[φ] \[ψ].
Proof. rewrite /FromAnd. auto. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_hpure φ ψ : FromSep \[φ ∧ ψ] \[φ] \[ψ].
Proof. rewrite /FromSep. auto. Qed.
Global Instance into_and_hpure (p : bool) φ ψ : IntoAnd p \[φ ∧ ψ] \[φ] \[ψ].
Proof. rewrite /IntoAnd. (*  do 2 f_equiv. auto. TODO *) admit. Qed.
Global Instance into_sep_hpure φ ψ : IntoSep \[φ ∧ ψ] \[φ] \[ψ].
Proof. rewrite /IntoSep. auto. Qed.
Global Instance from_or_hpure φ ψ : FromOr \[φ ∨ ψ] \[φ] \[ψ].
Proof. rewrite /FromOr. auto. Qed.
Global Instance into_or_hpure φ ψ : IntoOr \[φ ∨ ψ] \[φ] \[ψ].
Proof. rewrite /IntoOr. auto. Qed.
Global Instance from_exist_hpure {A} (φ : A → Prop) :
  FromExist \[∃ x : A, φ x] (λ a : A, \[φ a]).
Proof. rewrite /FromExist. auto. Qed.
Global Instance into_exist_hpure {A} (φ : A → Prop) :
  IntoExist \[∃ x : A, φ x] (λ a : A, \[φ a]).
Proof. rewrite /IntoExist. auto. Qed.
Global Instance from_forall_hpure {A : Type} `{Inhabited A} (φ : A → Prop) :
  FromForall \[∀ a : A, φ a] (λ a : A, \[φ a]).
Proof. rewrite /FromForall. auto. Qed.
Global Instance frame_here_hpure p (φ : Prop) Q :
   FromPure true Q φ → Frame p \[φ] Q emp.
  rewrite /FromPure /Frame=><- /=. destruct p=>/=; iIntros "[% _] !%"; auto.

(** [PrepareHProp] / [iPrepare] tactic. *)

Class PrepareHProp (P Q : hprop) := prepare_hprop_eq : P = Q.
Hint Mode PrepareHProp ! - : typeclass_instances.
Arguments PrepareHProp _%I _%I.

Instance prepare_hprop_default (P : hprop) : PrepareHProp P P | 100.
Proof. done. Qed.

(* In the case [P ∗ Q] is under a definition, we do not wnat ot apply
   this instance, because it would unfold the definition. Hence, we
   use [Hint Extern] that will apply only if the star match without a
   definition. *)
Lemma prepare_hprop_curry (P Q R S : hprop) :
  PrepareHProp (P -∗ Q -∗ R) S → PrepareHProp (P ∗ Q -∗ R) S.
  rewrite /PrepareHProp=><-. apply leibniz_equiv. iSplit.
  - iIntros "H ? ?"; iApply "H"; iFrame.
  - iIntros "H [??]". by iApply ("H" with "[$]").
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp ((_ ∗ _) -∗ _) _) =>
  simple eapply prepare_hprop_curry : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp ((_ \* _) -∗ _) _) =>
  simple eapply prepare_hprop_curry : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp ((_ ∗ _)%I \--* _) _) =>
  simple eapply prepare_hprop_curry : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp ((_ \* _) \--* _) _) =>
  simple eapply prepare_hprop_curry : typeclass_instances.

Instance prepare_hprop_hempty_wand (P Q : hprop) :
  PrepareHProp P Q → PrepareHProp (\[] -∗ P) Q.
  rewrite /PrepareHProp=><-. apply leibniz_equiv. iSplit; [|by iIntros "$ _"].
  iIntros "H". by iApply "H".
Instance prepare_hprop_next (P Q R : hprop) :
  PrepareHProp P Q → PrepareHProp (R -∗ P) (R -∗ Q) | 10.
Proof. by rewrite /PrepareHProp=> ->. Qed.

Instance prepare_hprop_forall {A} (Φ Ψ : A → hprop) :
  (∀ x, PrepareHProp (Φ x) (Ψ x)) → PrepareHProp (∀ x, Φ x) (∀ x, Ψ x).
Proof. rewrite /PrepareHProp=> H. by setoid_rewrite H. Qed.

Instance prepare_hprop_hstar (P P' Q Q' : hprop) :
  PrepareHProp P P' → PrepareHProp Q Q' → PrepareHProp (P ∗ Q) (P' ∗ Q') | 10.
Proof. by rewrite /PrepareHProp=>-> ->. Qed.

Lemma prepare_hprop_hemp_hstar (P Q : hprop) :
  PrepareHProp P Q → PrepareHProp (\[] \* P) Q.
Proof. rewrite /PrepareHProp=>->. by rewrite left_id. Qed.
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp (\[] \* _) _) =>
  simple apply prepare_hprop_hemp_hstar : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp (\[] ∗ _) _) =>
  simple apply prepare_hprop_hemp_hstar : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp (emp%I \* _)%I _) =>
  simple apply prepare_hprop_hemp_hstar : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp (emp ∗ _) _) =>
  simple apply prepare_hprop_hemp_hstar : typeclass_instances.

Lemma prepare_hprop_hstar_hemp (P Q : hprop) :
  PrepareHProp P Q → PrepareHProp (P \* \[]) Q.
Proof. rewrite /PrepareHProp=>->. by rewrite right_id. Qed.
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp (_ \* \[]) _) =>
  simple apply prepare_hprop_hstar_hemp : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp (_ ∗ \[]) _) =>
  simple apply prepare_hprop_hstar_hemp : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp (_ \* emp%I)%I _) =>
  simple apply prepare_hprop_hstar_hemp : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (PrepareHProp (_ ∗ emp) _) =>
  simple apply prepare_hprop_hstar_hemp : typeclass_instances.

Instance prepare_hprop_absorbingly (P Q : hprop) :
  PrepareHProp P Q → PrepareHProp (<absorb> P) (<absorb> Q).
Proof. by unfold PrepareHProp=>->. Qed.

Lemma tac_prepare Δ (P Q : hprop) :
  PrepareHProp P Q →
  envs_entails Δ Q →
  envs_entails Δ P.
Proof. by rewrite /PrepareHProp=>->. Qed.

Ltac iPrepare :=
  eapply tac_prepare; [apply _|cbv beta].

(* ProofMode's [iIntros] tend to move pure facts in Coq's context.
   While, in general, this is desirable, this is not what we want
   after having applied [local_ramified_frame] because we would loose
   pure facts that will not be unified in [Q] when [Q] is an evar. As
   a result, we use a specific version of this lemma where Q1 is
   locked, and hence pure facts cannot escape.

   This specific version is only used when the post-condition is
   indeed an evar. *)
Lemma local_ramified_frame_locked {B} : forall (Q1 : B → hprop) H1 F H Q,
  is_local F ->
  F H1 Q1 ->
  H ==> H1 \* (locked Q1 \---* Q) ->
  F H Q.
Proof using. unlock. apply local_ramified_frame. Qed.

Ltac ram_apply lem :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- ?F _ ?Q =>
    (is_evar Q; eapply local_ramified_frame_locked) ||
    eapply local_ramified_frame
  end; [xlocal_core tt|eapply lem|iPrepare].

(** Fix for hpull/xpull to unfold proof mode functions *)

Ltac hpull_xpull_iris_hook tt ::=

End ProofMode.

End SepLogicGPM.