diff --git a/stdlib/iterator/RefinedRust.toml b/stdlib/iterator/RefinedRust.toml
index e23c3dc166514fee147a3e6b4ccfe50c4462e516..f4b9c77e7623daebfc92e147e08a4c62d0f59a9c 100644
--- a/stdlib/iterator/RefinedRust.toml
+++ b/stdlib/iterator/RefinedRust.toml
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 lib_load_paths = ["../"]
 generate_dune_project = false
+extra_specs = "extra_specs.v"
diff --git a/stdlib/iterator/extra_specs.v b/stdlib/iterator/extra_specs.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca78e6674423caecf21b6c42735b7439e852fc43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/iterator/extra_specs.v
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Section trans.
+  Fixpoint IteratorNextFusedTrans {Self_rt Item_rt : Type} 
+    (attrs : traits_iterator_Iterator_spec_attrs Self_rt Item_rt)
+    (s1 : Self_rt) (els : list (Item_rt)) (s2 : Self_rt) : iProp Σ
+    :=
+    match els with
+    | [] => ⌜s1 = s2⌝
+    | (e1 :: els) => 
+      ∃ s1', 
+        attrs.(traits_iterator_Iterator_Next) s1 (Some e1) s1' ∗
+        IteratorNextFusedTrans attrs s1' els s2
+    end.
+  (* Steps for loops with iterators:
+     - set a variable with the initial state in the context
+       (we need a special identifier for that, I guess?)
+     - add invariant using IteratorNextFusedTrans from the initial state to the current iterator state.
+     Frontend: 
+     - identify that we have a for loop
+     - find the iterator variable
+     - add it to the set of variables we need an invariant on
+     - etc. 
+   *)
+  (* TODO: we might need some Lithium instances to automate the SL reasoning here. 
+     Is Next opaque for us? I guess it should unfold. Let's just see how it works.
+  *)
+End trans.
diff --git a/stdlib/iterator/src/traits/iterator.rs b/stdlib/iterator/src/traits/iterator.rs
index 6dd53c9e9838571f599587d8ff9ebe2df083c548..f355010824bfdb8a4775cac1abd2e6035e0bc584 100644
--- a/stdlib/iterator/src/traits/iterator.rs
+++ b/stdlib/iterator/src/traits/iterator.rs
@@ -81,3 +81,29 @@ pub trait Iterator {
     // Basically, we should have a common interface for types implementing the Iterator trait, and
     // when we generate a specific instantiation, we want to instantiate that interface.
+#[rr::exists("into_iter" : "{rt_of Self} → {rt_of IntoIter}")]
+pub trait IntoIterator {
+    /// The type of the elements being iterated over.
+    type Item;
+    /// Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?
+    type IntoIter: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;
+    #[rr::exists("res")]
+    #[rr::ensures("$# res = {into_iter} ($# self)")]
+    #[rr::returns("res")]
+    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter;
+#[rr::instantiate("into_iter" := "id")]
+impl<I> IntoIterator for I where I: Iterator {
+    type Item = <I as Iterator>::Item;
+    type IntoIter = I;
+    #[rr::default_spec]
+    fn into_iter(self) -> I {
+        self
+    }
diff --git a/stdlib/iterator/theories/iterator.v b/stdlib/iterator/theories/iterator.v
index 9bbef573011487c4aa133abd4ecdcc4e49b7ff9e..e619e6706541886eb61b356d086c7ca05986c9ac 100644
--- a/stdlib/iterator/theories/iterator.v
+++ b/stdlib/iterator/theories/iterator.v
@@ -1,50 +1,2 @@
 From refinedrust Require Import typing.
-  iteration state for vector:
-  - (index)
-  - remaining vector elements that will be output
-  - (for mut: information to resolve previous elements)
-   next for vec::IterMut:
-    it_state: (x :: remaining_els, vars)
-    ∃ γi,
-    it_state: (remaining_els, vars ++ [γi])
-    returns (#x, γi)
-    put into our generic interface: 
-      Define type 
-        Record VecIterMutState (T_rt : Type) := {
-          vec_iter_mut_state_remaining : list T_rt;
-          vec_iter_mut_state_vars : list gname;
-        }.
-      Refine vec::IterMut by VecIterMutState
-      Define an instance of Iterator, 
-      Definition vec_iterator (T_rt : Type) := {|
-        iterator_state := VecIterMutState T_rt;
-        iterator_next s1 elem s2 :=
-          ∃ remaining, s1.(vec_iter_mut_state_remaining) = elem :: remaining ∧
-          ∃ γi, ....
-      |}.
-   If I drop vec::IterMut:
-    then I get an observation of the whole vector having the vars elements
-  Note: iterator_next needs to be a relation, as it may allocate new ghost resources
-    This relation is pure, but we need to prove the reflection of it into Iris when proving the spec
-  Important: the class should be indexed by the state type, not by the elem type, as that is relevant for inference and avoiding ambiguity.
- *)
-Class Iterator (it_state : Type) (it_elem : Type) := {
-  iterator_next : it_state → it_elem → it_state → Prop;
-  iterator_done : it_state → Prop;
-  iterator_done_dec x : Decision (iterator_done x);