From 9b1415972488079e5989a84a31930800d309a604 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Jung <> Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 13:14:54 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] add a general lifting lemma for atomic steps, to help wp_alloc_pst... ...unfortunately, that proof actually got longer because some automation no longer works --- barrier/lifting.v | 23 ++++++++++++++--------- iris/lifting.v | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------ 2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/barrier/lifting.v b/barrier/lifting.v index 0d201ba4c..faf093142 100644 --- a/barrier/lifting.v +++ b/barrier/lifting.v @@ -21,16 +21,21 @@ Lemma wp_alloc_pst E σ e v Q : (ownP σ ★ ▷ (∀ l, ■(σ !! l = None) ∧ ownP (<[l:=v]>σ) -★ Q (LocV l))) ⊑ wp E (Alloc e) Q. Proof. - intros; set (φ e' σ' ef := ∃ l, e' = Loc l ∧ σ' = <[l:=v]>σ ∧ σ !! l = None - ∧ ef = (None : option expr)). - rewrite -(wp_lift_step E E φ _ _ σ) // /φ; last (by intros; inv_step; eauto); []. - rewrite -pvs_intro. apply sep_mono, later_mono; first done. - apply forall_intro=>e2; apply forall_intro=>σ2; apply forall_intro=>ef. + intros. + (* FIXME RJ: ssreflect rewrite does not work. *) + rewrite <-(wp_lift_atomic_step (Alloc e) + (λ v' σ', ∃ l, v' = LocV l ∧ σ' = <[l:=v]>σ ∧ σ !! l = None) σ)=> //; + last first. + { (* TODO RJ: Somehow automation used to kill all this...?? *) + intros. inv_step. eexists; split_ands; try done; []. + eexists; done. } + apply sep_mono, later_mono; first done. + apply forall_intro=>e2; apply forall_intro=>σ2. apply wand_intro_l. - rewrite -pvs_intro always_and_sep_l' -associative -always_and_sep_l'. - apply const_elim_l=>-[l [-> [-> [? ->]]]]. - rewrite right_id (forall_elim l) const_equiv //. - by rewrite left_id wand_elim_r -wp_value'. + rewrite always_and_sep_l' -associative -always_and_sep_l'. + apply const_elim_l=>-[l [-> [-> ?]]]. + rewrite (forall_elim l) const_equiv //. + by rewrite left_id wand_elim_r. Qed. Lemma wp_load_pst E σ l v Q : diff --git a/iris/lifting.v b/iris/lifting.v index eff6ff6fa..62e1fcc4c 100644 --- a/iris/lifting.v +++ b/iris/lifting.v @@ -55,6 +55,26 @@ Qed. (** Derived lifting lemmas. *) Opaque uPred_holds. Import uPred. + +Lemma wp_lift_atomic_step {E Q} e1 (φ : val Λ → state Λ → Prop) σ1 : + to_val e1 = None → + reducible e1 σ1 → + (∀ e' σ' ef, prim_step e1 σ1 e' σ' ef → ∃ v', ef = None ∧ to_val e' = Some v' ∧ φ v' σ') → + (ownP σ1 ★ ▷ ∀ v2 σ2, (■φ v2 σ2 ∧ ownP σ2 -★ Q v2)) ⊑ wp E e1 Q. +Proof. + intros He Hsafe Hstep. + rewrite -(wp_lift_step E E + (λ e' σ' ef, ∃ v', ef = None ∧ to_val e' = Some v' ∧ φ v' σ') _ e1 σ1) //; []. + rewrite -pvs_intro. apply sep_mono, later_mono; first done. + apply forall_intro=>e2'; apply forall_intro=>σ2'. + apply forall_intro=>ef; apply wand_intro_l. + rewrite always_and_sep_l' -associative -always_and_sep_l'. + apply const_elim_l=>-[v2' [-> [Hv ?]]] /=. + rewrite -pvs_intro right_id -wp_value'; last by eassumption. + rewrite (forall_elim v2') (forall_elim σ2') const_equiv //. + by rewrite left_id wand_elim_r. +Qed. + Lemma wp_lift_atomic_det_step {E Q e1} σ1 v2 σ2 : to_val e1 = None → reducible e1 σ1 → @@ -62,14 +82,14 @@ Lemma wp_lift_atomic_det_step {E Q e1} σ1 v2 σ2 : (ownP σ1 ★ ▷ (ownP σ2 -★ Q v2)) ⊑ wp E e1 Q. Proof. intros He Hsafe Hstep. - rewrite -(wp_lift_step E E (λ e' σ' ef, - ef = None ∧ e' = of_val v2 ∧ σ' = σ2) _ e1 σ1) //; []. - rewrite -pvs_intro. apply sep_mono, later_mono; first done. + rewrite -(wp_lift_atomic_step _ (λ v' σ', v' = v2 ∧ σ' = σ2) σ1) //; last first. + { intros. exists v2. apply Hstep in H. destruct_conjs; subst. + eauto using to_of_val. } + apply sep_mono, later_mono; first done. apply forall_intro=>e2'; apply forall_intro=>σ2'. - apply forall_intro=>ef; apply wand_intro_l. + apply wand_intro_l. rewrite always_and_sep_l' -associative -always_and_sep_l'. - apply const_elim_l=>-[-> [-> ->]] /=. - rewrite -pvs_intro right_id -wp_value. + apply const_elim_l=>-[-> ->] /=. by rewrite wand_elim_r. Qed. -- GitLab