diff --git a/theories/heap_lang/lifting.v b/theories/heap_lang/lifting.v
index 8619893ad3e64c090ddd95139311b3af35b2043f..324dfa1da32e82643b9d8e88263e2094ad6b3f68 100644
--- a/theories/heap_lang/lifting.v
+++ b/theories/heap_lang/lifting.v
@@ -213,12 +213,26 @@ Proof. solve_pure_exec. Qed.
 Section lifting.
 Context `{!heapG Σ}.
 Implicit Types P Q : iProp Σ.
-Implicit Types Φ : val → iProp Σ.
+Implicit Types Φ Ψ : val → iProp Σ.
 Implicit Types efs : list expr.
 Implicit Types σ : state.
 Implicit Types v : val.
 Implicit Types l : loc.
+(** Recursive functions: we do not use this lemmas as it is easier to use Löb
+induction directly, but this demonstrates that we can state the expected
+reasoning principle for recursive functions, without any visible â–·. *)
+Lemma wp_rec_löb s E f x e Φ Ψ :
+  □ ((∀ v, Ψ v -∗ WP (rec: f x := e)%V v @ s; E {{ Φ }}) -∗
+     ∀ v, Ψ v -∗ WP (subst' x v (subst' f (rec: f x := e) e)) @ s; E {{ Φ }}) -∗
+  ∀ v, Ψ v -∗ WP (rec: f x := e)%V v @ s; E {{ Φ }}.
+  iIntros "#Hrec". iLöb as "IH". iIntros (v) "HΨ".
+  iApply lifting.wp_pure_step_later; first done.
+  iNext. iApply ("Hrec" with "[] HΨ"). iIntros (w) "HΨ".
+  iApply ("IH" with "HΨ").
 (** Fork: Not using Texan triples to avoid some unnecessary [True] *)
 Lemma wp_fork s E e Φ :
   ▷ WP e @ s; ⊤ {{ _, True }} -∗ ▷ Φ (LitV LitUnit) -∗ WP Fork e @ s; E {{ Φ }}.