From iris.proofmode Require Import coq_tactics intro_patterns spec_patterns. From iris.algebra Require Export upred. From iris.proofmode Require Export notation. From iris.prelude Require Import stringmap hlist. Declare Reduction env_cbv := cbv [ env_lookup env_fold env_lookup_delete env_delete env_app env_replace env_split_go env_split decide (* operational classes *) sumbool_rec sumbool_rect (* sumbool *) bool_eq_dec bool_rec bool_rect bool_dec eqb andb (* bool *) assci_eq_dec ascii_to_digits Ascii.ascii_dec Ascii.ascii_rec Ascii.ascii_rect string_eq_dec string_rec string_rect (* strings *) himpl happly env_persistent env_spatial envs_persistent envs_lookup envs_lookup_delete envs_delete envs_app envs_simple_replace envs_replace envs_split envs_clear_spatial]. Ltac env_cbv := match goal with |- ?u => let v := eval env_cbv in u in change v end. (** * Misc *) Ltac iFresh := lazymatch goal with |- of_envs ?Δ ⊢ _ => match goal with | _ => eval vm_compute in (fresh_string_of_set "~" (dom stringset Δ)) | _ => (* [vm_compute fails] if [Δ] contains evars, so fall-back to [cbv] *) let Hs := eval cbv in (dom stringset Δ) in eval vm_compute in (fresh_string_of_set "~" Hs) end | _ => constr:"~" end. Tactic Notation "iTypeOf" constr(H) tactic(tac):= let Δ := match goal with |- of_envs ?Δ ⊢ _ => Δ end in match eval env_cbv in (envs_lookup H Δ) with | Some (?p,?P) => tac p P end. (** * Start a proof *) Tactic Notation "iProof" := lazymatch goal with | |- of_envs _ ⊢ _ => fail "iProof: already in Iris proofmode" | |- True ⊢ _ => apply tac_adequate | |- _ ⊢ _ => apply uPred.wand_entails, tac_adequate end. (** * Context manipulation *) Tactic Notation "iRename" constr(H1) "into" constr(H2) := eapply tac_rename with _ H1 H2 _ _; (* (i:=H1) (j:=H2) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iRename:" H1 "not found" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iRename:" H2 "not fresh"|]. Tactic Notation "iClear" constr(Hs) := let rec go Hs := match Hs with | [] => idtac | "★" :: ?Hs => eapply tac_clear_spatial; [env_cbv; reflexivity|go Hs] | ?H :: ?Hs => eapply tac_clear with _ H _ _; (* (i:=H) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iClear:" H "not found"|go Hs] end in let Hs := words Hs in go Hs. (** * Assumptions *) Tactic Notation "iExact" constr(H) := eapply tac_assumption with H _ _; (* (i:=H) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iExact:" H "not found" |let P := match goal with |- ToAssumption _ ?P _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iExact:" H ":" P "does not match goal"]. Tactic Notation "iAssumptionCore" := let rec find Γ i P := match Γ with | Esnoc ?Γ ?j ?Q => first [unify P Q; unify i j| find Γ i P] end in match goal with | |- envs_lookup ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs) = Some (_, ?P) => first [is_evar i; fail 1 | env_cbv; reflexivity] | |- envs_lookup ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs) = Some (_, ?P) => is_evar i; first [find Γp i P | find Γs i P]; env_cbv; reflexivity end. Tactic Notation "iAssumption" := let Hass := fresh in let rec find p Γ Q := match Γ with | Esnoc ?Γ ?j ?P => first [pose proof (_ : ToAssumption p P Q) as Hass; apply (tac_assumption _ j p P); [env_cbv; reflexivity|apply Hass] |find p Γ Q] end in match goal with | |- of_envs (Envs ?Γp ?Γs) ⊢ ?Q => first [find true Γp Q | find false Γs Q |fail "iAssumption:" Q "not found"] end. (** * False *) Tactic Notation "iExFalso" := apply tac_ex_falso. (** * Making hypotheses persistent or pure *) Local Tactic Notation "iPersistent" constr(H) := eapply tac_persistent with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iPersistent:" H "not found" |let Q := match goal with |- ToPersistentP ?Q _ => Q end in apply _ || fail "iPersistent:" H ":" Q "not persistent" |env_cbv; reflexivity|]. Local Tactic Notation "iPure" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) := eapply tac_pure with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H1) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iPure:" H "not found" |let P := match goal with |- ToPure ?P _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iPure:" H ":" P "not pure" |intros pat]. Tactic Notation "iPureIntro" := eapply tac_pure_intro; [let P := match goal with |- ToPure ?P _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iPureIntro:" P "not pure"|]. (** * Specialize *) Record iTrm {X As} := ITrm { itrm : X ; itrm_vars : hlist As ; itrm_hyps : string }. Arguments ITrm {_ _} _ _ _. Notation "( H $! x1 .. xn )" := (ITrm H (hcons x1 .. (hcons xn hnil) ..) "") (at level 0, x1, xn at level 0). Notation "( H $! x1 .. xn 'with' pat )" := (ITrm H (hcons x1 .. (hcons xn hnil) ..) pat) (at level 0, x1, xn at level 0). Notation "( H 'with' pat )" := (ITrm H hnil pat) (at level 0). Local Tactic Notation "iSpecializeArgs" constr(H) open_constr(xs) := match xs with | hnil => idtac | _ => eapply tac_forall_specialize with _ H _ _ _ xs; (* (i:=H) (a:=x) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail 1 "iSpecialize:" H "not found" |apply _ || fail 1 "iSpecialize:" H "not a forall of the right arity or type" |env_cbv; reflexivity|] end. Local Tactic Notation "iSpecializePat" constr(H) constr(pat) := let solve_to_wand H1 := let P := match goal with |- ToWand ?P _ _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 ":" P "not an implication/wand" in let rec go H1 pats := lazymatch pats with | [] => idtac | SForall :: ?pats => try (iSpecializeArgs H1 (hcons _ _)); go H1 pats | SName false ?H2 :: ?pats => eapply tac_specialize with _ _ H2 _ H1 _ _ _ _; (* (j:=H1) (i:=H2) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H2 "not found" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found" |let P := match goal with |- ToWand ?P ?Q _ => P end in let Q := match goal with |- ToWand ?P ?Q _ => Q end in apply _ || fail "iSpecialize: cannot instantiate" H1 ":" P "with" H2 ":" Q |env_cbv; reflexivity|go H1 pats] | SName true ?H2 :: ?pats => eapply tac_specialize_persistent with _ _ H1 _ _ _ _; [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found" |solve_to_wand H1 |env_cbv; reflexivity |iExact H2 || fail "iSpecialize:" H2 "not found or wrong type" |let Q1 := match goal with |- PersistentP ?Q1 ∨ _ => Q1 end in let Q2 := match goal with |- _ ∨ PersistentP ?Q2 => Q2 end in first [left; apply _ | right; apply _] || fail "iSpecialize:" Q1 "nor" Q2 "persistent" |go H1 pats] | SGoalPersistent :: ?pats => eapply tac_specialize_persistent with _ _ H1 _ _ _ _; [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found" |solve_to_wand H1 |env_cbv; reflexivity |(*goal*) |let Q1 := match goal with |- PersistentP ?Q1 ∨ _ => Q1 end in let Q2 := match goal with |- _ ∨ PersistentP ?Q2 => Q2 end in first [left; apply _ | right; apply _] || fail "iSpecialize:" Q1 "nor" Q2 "persistent" |go H1 pats] | SGoalPure :: ?pats => eapply tac_specialize_pure with _ H1 _ _ _ _ _; [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found" |solve_to_wand H1 |let Q := match goal with |- ToPure ?Q _ => Q end in apply _ || fail "iSpecialize:" Q "not pure" |env_cbv; reflexivity |(*goal*) |go H1 pats] | SGoal ?k ?lr ?Hs :: ?pats => eapply tac_specialize_assert with _ _ _ H1 _ lr Hs _ _ _ _; [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found" |solve_to_wand H1 |match k with | GoalStd => apply to_assert_fallthrough | GoalPvs => apply _ || fail "iSpecialize: cannot generate pvs goal" end |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" Hs "not found" |(*goal*) |go H1 pats] end in let pats := spec_pat.parse pat in go H pats. Tactic Notation "iSpecialize" open_constr(t) := match t with | ITrm ?H ?xs ?pat => iSpecializeArgs H xs; iSpecializePat H pat end. (** * Pose proof *) Local Tactic Notation "iPoseProofCore" open_constr(H1) "as" constr(H2) := lazymatch type of H1 with | string => eapply tac_pose_proof_hyp with _ _ H1 _ H2 _; [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iPoseProof:" H1 "not found" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iPoseProof:" H2 "not fresh"|] | _ => eapply tac_pose_proof with _ H2 _ _ _; (* (j:=H) *) [first [eapply H1|apply uPred.equiv_iff; eapply H1] |apply _ |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iPoseProof:" H2 "not fresh"|] end. Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(t) "as" constr(H) := lazymatch t with | ITrm ?H1 ?xs ?pat => iPoseProofCore H1 as H; last (iSpecializeArgs H xs; iSpecializePat H pat) | _ => iPoseProofCore t as H end. Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(t) := let H := iFresh in iPoseProof t as H. (** * Apply *) Tactic Notation "iApply" open_constr(t) := let finish H := first [iExact H |eapply tac_apply with _ H _ _ _; [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail 1 "iApply:" H "not found" |let P := match goal with |- ToWand ?P _ _ => P end in apply _ || fail 1 "iApply: cannot apply" H ":" P |lazy beta (* reduce betas created by instantiation *)]] in let Htmp := iFresh in lazymatch t with | ITrm ?H ?xs ?pat => iPoseProofCore H as Htmp; last ( iSpecializeArgs Htmp xs; try (iSpecializeArgs Htmp (hcons _ _)); iSpecializePat Htmp pat; last finish Htmp) | _ => iPoseProofCore t as Htmp; last ( try (iSpecializeArgs Htmp (hcons _ _)); finish Htmp) end; try apply _. (** * Revert *) Local Tactic Notation "iForallRevert" ident(x) := let A := type of x in lazymatch type of A with | Prop => revert x; apply tac_pure_revert | _ => revert x; apply tac_forall_revert end || fail "iRevert: cannot revert" x. Tactic Notation "iRevert" constr(Hs) := let rec go H2s := match H2s with | [] => idtac | "★" :: ?H2s => go H2s; eapply tac_revert_spatial; env_cbv | ?H2 :: ?H2s => go H2s; eapply tac_revert with _ H2 _ _; (* (i:=H2) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iRevert:" H2 "not found" |env_cbv] end in let Hs := words Hs in go Hs. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) "}" := iForallRevert x1. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) "}" := iForallRevert x2; iRevert { x1 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) "}" := iForallRevert x3; iRevert { x1 x2 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) "}" := iForallRevert x4; iRevert { x1 x2 x3 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) "}" := iForallRevert x5; iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) "}" := iForallRevert x6; iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) "}" := iForallRevert x7; iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) "}" := iForallRevert x8; iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) "}" constr(Hs) := iRevert Hs; iRevert { x1 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) "}" constr(Hs) := iRevert Hs; iRevert { x1 x2 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) "}" constr(Hs) := iRevert Hs; iRevert { x1 x2 x3 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) "}" constr(Hs) := iRevert Hs; iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) "}" constr(Hs) := iRevert Hs; iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) "}" constr(Hs) := iRevert Hs; iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) "}" constr(Hs) := iRevert Hs; iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 }. Tactic Notation "iRevert" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) "}" constr(Hs) := iRevert Hs; iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 }. (** * Disjunction *) Tactic Notation "iLeft" := eapply tac_or_l; [let P := match goal with |- OrSplit ?P _ _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iLeft:" P "not a disjunction"|]. Tactic Notation "iRight" := eapply tac_or_r; [let P := match goal with |- OrSplit ?P _ _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iRight:" P "not a disjunction"|]. Local Tactic Notation "iOrDestruct" constr(H) "as" constr(H1) constr(H2) := eapply tac_or_destruct with _ _ H _ H1 H2 _ _ _; (* (i:=H) (j1:=H1) (j2:=H2) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iOrDestruct:" H "not found" |let P := match goal with |- OrDestruct ?P _ _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iOrDestruct:" H ":" P "not a disjunction" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iOrDestruct:" H1 "not fresh" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iOrDestruct:" H2 "not fresh"| |]. (** * Conjunction and separating conjunction *) Tactic Notation "iSplit" := eapply tac_and_split; [let P := match goal with |- AndSplit ?P _ _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iSplit:" P "not a conjunction"| |]. Tactic Notation "iSplitL" constr(Hs) := let Hs := words Hs in eapply tac_sep_split with _ _ false Hs _ _; (* (js:=Hs) *) [let P := match goal with |- SepSplit ?P _ _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iSplitL:" P "not a separating conjunction" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iSplitL: hypotheses" Hs "not found"| |]. Tactic Notation "iSplitR" constr(Hs) := let Hs := words Hs in eapply tac_sep_split with _ _ true Hs _ _; (* (js:=Hs) *) [let P := match goal with |- SepSplit ?P _ _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iSplitR:" P "not a separating conjunction" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iSplitR: hypotheses" Hs "not found"| |]. Tactic Notation "iSplitL" := iSplitR "". Tactic Notation "iSplitR" := iSplitL "". Local Tactic Notation "iSepDestruct" constr(H) "as" constr(H1) constr(H2) := eapply tac_sep_destruct with _ H _ H1 H2 _ _ _; (* (i:=H) (j1:=H1) (j2:=H2) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iSepDestruct:" H "not found" |let P := match goal with |- SepDestruct _ ?P _ _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iSepDestruct:" H ":" P "not separating destructable" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iSepDestruct:" H1 "or" H2 " not fresh"|]. Tactic Notation "iFrame" constr(Hs) := let rec go Hs := match Hs with | [] => idtac | ?H :: ?Hs => eapply tac_frame with _ H _ _ _; [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iFrame:" H "not found" |let R := match goal with |- Frame ?R _ _ => R end in apply _ || fail "iFrame: cannot frame" R |lazy iota beta; go Hs] end in let Hs := words Hs in go Hs. Tactic Notation "iFrame" := let rec go Hs := match Hs with | [] => idtac | ?H :: ?Hs => try iFrame H; go Hs end in match goal with | |- of_envs ?Δ ⊢ _ => let Hs := eval cbv in (env_dom_list (env_spatial Δ)) in go Hs end. Tactic Notation "iCombine" constr(H1) constr(H2) "as" constr(H) := eapply tac_combine with _ _ _ H1 _ _ H2 _ _ H _; [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iCombine:" H1 "not found" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iCombine:" H2 "not found" |let P1 := match goal with |- SepSplit _ ?P1 _ => P1 end in let P2 := match goal with |- SepSplit _ _ ?P2 => P2 end in apply _ || fail "iCombine: cannot combine" H1 ":" P1 "and" H2 ":" P2 |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iCombine:" H "not fresh"|]. (** * Existential *) Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) := eapply tac_exist; [let P := match goal with |- ExistSplit ?P _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iExists:" P "not an existential" |cbv beta; eexists x1]. Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) := iExists x1; iExists x2. Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) := iExists x1; iExists x2, x3. Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) "," uconstr(x4) := iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4. Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) "," uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) := iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5. Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) "," uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) "," uconstr(x6) := iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5, x6. Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) "," uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) "," uconstr(x6) "," uconstr(x7) := iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7. Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) "," uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) "," uconstr(x6) "," uconstr(x7) "," uconstr(x8) := iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8. Local Tactic Notation "iExistDestruct" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(x) constr(Hx) := eapply tac_exist_destruct with H _ Hx _ _; (* (i:=H) (j:=Hx) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iExistDestruct:" H "not found" |let P := match goal with |- ExistDestruct ?P _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iExistDestruct:" H ":" P "not an existential"|]; let y := fresh in intros y; eexists; split; [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iExistDestruct:" Hx "not fresh" |revert y; intros x]. (** * Destruct tactic *) Local Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" constr(pat) := let rec go Hz pat := lazymatch pat with | IAnom => idtac | IAnomPure => iPure Hz as ? | IDrop => iClear Hz | IFrame => iFrame Hz | IName ?y => iRename Hz into y | IPersistent ?pat => iPersistent Hz; go Hz pat | IList [[]] => iExFalso; iExact Hz | IList [[?pat1; ?pat2]] => let Hy := iFresh in iSepDestruct Hz as Hz Hy; go Hz pat1; go Hy pat2 | IList [[?pat1];[?pat2]] => iOrDestruct Hz as Hz Hz; [go Hz pat1|go Hz pat2] | _ => fail "iDestruct:" pat "invalid" end in let pat := intro_pat.parse_one pat in go H pat. Local Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) "}" constr(pat) := iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as @ pat. Local Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) "}" constr(pat) := iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as { x2 } pat. Local Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) "}" constr(pat) := iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as { x2 x3 } pat. Local Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) "}" constr(pat) := iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as { x2 x3 x4 } pat. Local Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) "}" constr(pat) := iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as { x2 x3 x4 x5 } pat. Local Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) "}" constr(pat) := iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as { x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 } pat. Local Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) "}" constr(pat) := iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as { x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 } pat. Local Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8) "}" constr(pat) := iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as { x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 } pat. Tactic Notation "iDestructHelp" open_constr(lem) "as" tactic(tac) := lazymatch type of lem with | string => tac lem | iTrm => lazymatch lem with | @iTrm string ?H _ hnil ?pat => iSpecializePat H pat; last tac H | _ => let H := iFresh in iPoseProof lem as H; last tac H; try apply _ end | _ => let H := iFresh in iPoseProof lem as H; last tac H; try apply _ end. Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(H) "as" constr(pat) := iDestructHelp H as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat). Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) "}" constr(pat) := iDestructHelp H as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as { x1 } pat). Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) "}" constr(pat) := iDestructHelp H as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as { x1 x2 } pat). Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) "}" constr(pat) := iDestructHelp H as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as { x1 x2 x3 } pat). Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) "}" constr(pat) := iDestructHelp H as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as { x1 x2 x3 x4 } pat). Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) "}" constr(pat) := iDestructHelp H as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 } pat). Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) "}" constr(pat) := iDestructHelp H as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 } pat). Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) "}" constr(pat) := iDestructHelp H as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 } pat). Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(H) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8) "}" constr(pat) := iDestructHelp H as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 } pat). Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(H) "as" "%" simple_intropattern(pat) := let Htmp := iFresh in iDestruct H as Htmp; last iPure Htmp as pat. (** * Always *) Tactic Notation "iAlways":= apply tac_always_intro; [reflexivity || fail "iAlways: spatial context non-empty"|]. (** * Later *) Tactic Notation "iNext":= eapply tac_next; [apply _ |let P := match goal with |- upred_tactics.StripLaterL ?P _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iNext:" P "does not contain laters"|]. (** * Introduction tactic *) Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" "{" simple_intropattern(x) "}" := first [ (* (∀ _, _) *) apply tac_forall_intro; intros x | (* (?P → _) *) eapply tac_impl_intro_pure; [let P := match goal with |- ToPure ?P _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iIntro:" P "not pure" |intros x] | (* (?P -★ _) *) eapply tac_wand_intro_pure; [let P := match goal with |- ToPure ?P _ => P end in apply _ || fail "iIntro:" P "not pure" |intros x] |intros x]. Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" constr(H) := first [ (* (?Q → _) *) eapply tac_impl_intro with _ H; (* (i:=H) *) [reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro: introducing" H "into non-empty spatial context" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iIntro:" H "not fresh"|] | (* (_ -★ _) *) eapply tac_wand_intro with _ H; (* (i:=H) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro:" H "not fresh"|] | fail 1 "iIntro: nothing to introduce" ]. Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" "#" constr(H) := first [ (* (?P → _) *) eapply tac_impl_intro_persistent with _ H _; (* (i:=H) *) [let P := match goal with |- ToPersistentP ?P _ => P end in apply _ || fail 1 "iIntro: " P " not persistent" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro:" H "not fresh"|] | (* (?P -★ _) *) eapply tac_wand_intro_persistent with _ H _; (* (i:=H) *) [let P := match goal with |- ToPersistentP ?P _ => P end in apply _ || fail 1 "iIntro: " P " not persistent" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro:" H "not fresh"|] | fail 1 "iIntro: nothing to introduce" ]. Local Tactic Notation "iIntroForall" := lazymatch goal with | |- ∀ _, ?P => fail | |- ∀ _, _ => intro | |- _ ⊢ (∀ x : _, _) => iIntro {x} end. Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" := lazymatch goal with | |- _ → ?P => intro | |- _ ⊢ (_ -★ _) => iIntro {?} || let H := iFresh in iIntro #H || iIntro H | |- _ ⊢ (_ → _) => iIntro {?} || let H := iFresh in iIntro #H || iIntro H end. Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(pat) := let rec go pats := lazymatch pats with | [] => idtac | IForall :: ?pats => repeat iIntroForall; go pats | IAll :: ?pats => repeat (iIntroForall || iIntro); go pats | ISimpl :: ?pats => simpl; go pats | IAlways :: ?pats => iAlways; go pats | INext :: ?pats => iNext; go pats | IClear ?Hs :: ?pats => iClear Hs; go pats | IPersistent (IName ?H) :: ?pats => iIntro #H; go pats | IName ?H :: ?pats => iIntro H; go pats | IPersistent IAnom :: ?pats => let H := iFresh in iIntro #H; go pats | IAnom :: ?pats => let H := iFresh in iIntro H; go pats | IAnomPure :: ?pats => iIntro {?}; go pats | IPersistent ?pat :: ?pats => let H := iFresh in iIntro #H; iDestructHyp H as pat; go pats | ?pat :: ?pats => let H := iFresh in iIntro H; iDestructHyp H as pat; go pats | _ => fail "iIntro: failed with" pats end in let pats := intro_pat.parse pat in try iProof; go pats. Tactic Notation "iIntros" := iIntros "**". Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) "}" := try iProof; iIntro { x1 }. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) "}" := iIntros { x1 }; iIntro { x2 }. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) "}" := iIntros { x1 x2 }; iIntro { x3 }. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) "}" := iIntros { x1 x2 x3 }; iIntro { x4 }. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) "}" := iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 }; iIntro { x5 }. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) "}" := iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 }; iIntro { x6 }. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) "}" := iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 }; iIntro { x7 }. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8) "}" := iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 }; iIntro { x8 }. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) "}" constr(p) := iIntros { x1 }; iIntros p. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) "}" constr(p) := iIntros { x1 x2 }; iIntros p. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) "}" constr(p) := iIntros { x1 x2 x3 }; iIntros p. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) "}" constr(p) := iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 }; iIntros p. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) "}" constr(p) := iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 }; iIntros p. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{"simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) "}" constr(p) := iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 }; iIntros p. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) "}" constr(p) := iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 }; iIntros p. Tactic Notation "iIntros" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8) "}" constr(p) := iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 }; iIntros p. (* This is pretty ugly, but without Ltac support for manipulating lists of idents I do not know how to do this better. *) Local Ltac iLöbHelp IH tac_before tac_after := match goal with | |- of_envs ?Δ ⊢ _ => let Hs := constr:(reverse (env_dom_list (env_spatial Δ))) in iRevert ["★"]; tac_before; eapply tac_löb with _ IH; [reflexivity |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iLöb:" IH "not fresh"|]; tac_after; iIntros Hs end. Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) := iLöbHelp IH idtac idtac. Tactic Notation "iLöb" "{" ident(x1) "}" "as" constr (IH) := iLöbHelp IH ltac:(iRevert { x1 }) ltac:(iIntros { x1 }). Tactic Notation "iLöb" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) "}" "as" constr (IH) := iLöbHelp IH ltac:(iRevert { x1 x2 }) ltac:(iIntros { x1 x2 }). Tactic Notation "iLöb" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) "}" "as" constr (IH) := iLöbHelp IH ltac:(iRevert { x1 x2 x3 }) ltac:(iIntros { x1 x2 x3 }). Tactic Notation "iLöb" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) "}" "as" constr (IH):= iLöbHelp IH ltac:(iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 }) ltac:(iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 }). Tactic Notation "iLöb" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) "}" "as" constr (IH) := iLöbHelp IH ltac:(iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 }) ltac:(iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 }). Tactic Notation "iLöb" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) "}" "as" constr (IH) := iLöbHelp IH ltac:(iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 }) ltac:(iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 }). Tactic Notation "iLöb" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) "}" "as" constr (IH) := iLöbHelp IH ltac:(iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 }) ltac:(iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 }). Tactic Notation "iLöb" "{" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) "}" "as" constr (IH) := iLöbHelp IH ltac:(iRevert { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 }) ltac:(iIntros { x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 }). (** * Assert *) Tactic Notation "iAssert" constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs) "as" constr(pat) := let H := iFresh in let Hs := spec_pat.parse Hs in lazymatch Hs with | [SGoalPersistent] => eapply tac_assert_persistent with _ H Q; (* (j:=H) (P:=Q) *) [env_cbv; reflexivity |(*goal*) |apply _ || fail "iAssert:" Q "not persistent" |iDestructHyp H as pat] | [SGoal ?k ?lr ?Hs] => eapply tac_assert with _ _ _ lr Hs H Q _; (* (js:=Hs) (j:=H) (P:=Q) *) [match k with | GoalStd => apply to_assert_fallthrough | GoalPvs => apply _ || fail "iAssert: cannot generate pvs goal" end |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iAssert:" Hs "not found" |env_cbv; reflexivity| |iDestructHyp H as pat] | ?pat => fail "iAssert: invalid pattern" pat end. Tactic Notation "iAssert" constr(Q) "as" constr(pat) := iAssert Q with "[]" as pat. (** * Rewrite *) Local Ltac iRewriteFindPred := match goal with | |- _ ⊣⊢ ?Φ ?x => generalize x; match goal with |- (∀ y, @?Ψ y ⊣⊢ _) => unify Φ Ψ; reflexivity end end. Local Tactic Notation "iRewriteCore" constr(lr) open_constr(t) := let Heq := iFresh in iPoseProof t as Heq; last ( eapply (tac_rewrite _ Heq _ _ lr); [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iRewrite:" Heq "not found" |let P := match goal with |- ?P ⊢ _ => P end in reflexivity || fail "iRewrite:" Heq ":" P "not an equality" |iRewriteFindPred |intros ??? ->; reflexivity|lazy beta; iClear Heq]). Tactic Notation "iRewrite" open_constr(t) := iRewriteCore false t. Tactic Notation "iRewrite" "-" open_constr(t) := iRewriteCore true t. Local Tactic Notation "iRewriteCore" constr(lr) open_constr(t) "in" constr(H) := let Heq := iFresh in iPoseProof t as Heq; last ( eapply (tac_rewrite_in _ Heq _ _ H _ _ lr); [env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iRewrite:" Heq "not found" |env_cbv; reflexivity || fail "iRewrite:" H "not found" |let P := match goal with |- ?P ⊢ _ => P end in reflexivity || fail "iRewrite:" Heq ":" P "not an equality" |iRewriteFindPred |intros ??? ->; reflexivity |env_cbv; reflexivity|lazy beta; iClear Heq]). Tactic Notation "iRewrite" open_constr(t) "in" constr(H) := iRewriteCore false t in H. Tactic Notation "iRewrite" "-" open_constr(t) "in" constr(H) := iRewriteCore true t in H. (* Make sure that by and done solve trivial things in proof mode *) Hint Extern 0 (of_envs _ ⊢ _) => by iPureIntro. Hint Extern 0 (of_envs _ ⊢ _) => iAssumption. Hint Extern 0 (of_envs _ ⊢ _) => progress iIntros. Hint Resolve uPred.eq_refl'. (* Maybe make an [iReflexivity] tactic *) (* We should be able to write [Hint Extern 1 (of_envs _ ⊢ (_ ★ _)%I) => ...], but then [eauto] mysteriously fails. See bug 4762 *) Hint Extern 1 (of_envs _ ⊢ _) => match goal with | |- _ ⊢ (_ ∧ _)%I => iSplit | |- _ ⊢ (_ ★ _)%I => iSplit | |- _ ⊢ (▷ _)%I => iNext | |- _ ⊢ (□ _)%I => iClear "*"; iAlways | |- _ ⊢ (∃ _, _)%I => iExists _ end. Hint Extern 1 (of_envs _ ⊢ _) => match goal with |- _ ⊢ (_ ∨ _)%I => iLeft end. Hint Extern 1 (of_envs _ ⊢ _) => match goal with |- _ ⊢ (_ ∨ _)%I => iRight end.