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Commit 253feec3 authored by Heiko Becker's avatar Heiko Becker
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Add missing soundness theorem

parent 68ceda80
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......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The first phase is defined across the files `transcApproxSemScript.sml` and
the low-level approximation function for approximating a single elementary function
with a single polynomial and proves soundness of this function.
Theorem 4 from section 3 is proven in file `transcApproxSemScript.sml` as `approxTransc_sound`.
Theorem 4 (First Phase Soundness) from section 3 is proven in file `transcApproxSemScript.sml` as `approxTransc_sound`.
Variants of Theorem 5 are proven for the supported elementary function in file `mcLaurinApproxScript.sml`
if they are not provided by HOL4.
Variants of Theorem 6 are proven for the supported elementary functions in file `approxPolyScript.sml`.
......@@ -37,12 +37,14 @@ The second phase is implemented and proven sound in the file `checkerScript.sml`
It relies on the implementation of computable Sturm sequences in `sturmComputeScript.sml`
and computable polynomial division in `euclidDivScript.sml`.
Theorem 7 from section 4 is proven in file `checkerScript.sml` as the combination of
Theorem 7 (Second Phase Soundness) from section 4 is proven in file `checkerScript.sml` as the combination of
`numZeros_sound`, `validBounds_is_valid`, and `validateZerosLeqErr_sound`.
Theorem 8 was ported from Harrison's HOL-Light proofs in file `drangScript.sml`
and is called `BOUND_THEOREM_INEXACT`.
Theorem 9 (Dandelion soundness) is called `checker_soundness` in file `checkerScript.sml`.
The extracted binary is created in the directory `binary`.
File `translateScript.sml` sets up the CakeML translation of the definitions of
Dandelion, file `certParserScript.sml` defines our (unverified) parser and lexer,
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
open realTheory realLib RealArith stringTheory polyTheory transcTheory;
open renameTheory realPolyTheory transcLangTheory sturmComputeTheory sturmTheory
drangTheory checkerDefsTheory pointCheckerTheory mcLaurinApproxTheory
realPolyProofsTheory approxPolyTheory transcIntvSemTheory
transcApproxSemTheory transcReflectTheory;
open preambleDandelion;
val _ = new_theory "checker";
......@@ -86,33 +87,40 @@ Definition validateZerosLeqErr_def:
else (Invalid "Bounding error too large", 0)
(* Unused for new structure
Overall certificate checker combines all of the above functions into one that
runs over the full certificate **)
Definition checker_def:
checker (cert:certificate) approxSteps :result =
if ~ EVEN approxSteps ∨ ~ EVEN (approxSteps DIV 2) ∨ approxSteps = 0
checker (cert:certificate) approxSteps zeroGuess :checkerDefs$result =
if ~ EVEN approxSteps ~ EVEN (approxSteps DIV 2) approxSteps = 0 LENGTH cert.iv 1
then Invalid "Need even number of approximation steps"
else case approxPoly cert.transc cert.iv cert.hints approxSteps of
| NONE => Invalid "Could not find appropriate approximation"
| SOME (transp, err) =>
let errorp = transp -p cert.poly;
deriv1 = diff errorp;
deriv2 = diff deriv1;
case sturm_seq deriv1 deriv2 of
NONE => Invalid "Could not compute sturm sequence"
| SOME sseq =>
case numZeros deriv1 deriv2 cert.iv sseq of
| (Valid, zeros ) =>
validateZerosLeqErr errorp cert.iv cert.zeros (cert.eps - err) zeros
| (Invalid s, _) => Invalid s
case interpIntv cert.transc cert.iv of
| NONE => Invalid "Could not compute IV bounds"
| SOME ivAnn =>
case approxTransc <| steps := approxSteps |> ivAnn of
| NONE => Invalid "Could not compute high-accuracy series"
| SOME errAnn =>
case reflectToPoly (erase errAnn) (FST (HD cert.iv)) of
| NONE => Invalid "Could not translate to polynomial"
| SOME transp =>
let errorp = transp -p cert.poly;
deriv1 = diff errorp;
deriv2 = diff deriv1;
if ~(FST (SND (HD cert.iv)) SND (SND (HD cert.iv))) then Invalid "Internal error"
case sturm_seq deriv1 deriv2 of
NONE => Invalid "Could not compute sturm sequence"
| SOME sseq =>
case numZeros deriv1 deriv2 (SND (HD cert.iv)) sseq of
| (Valid, zeros ) =>
FST (validateZerosLeqErr errorp (SND (HD cert.iv)) zeroGuess (cert.eps - (getAnn errAnn)) zeros)
| (Invalid s, _) => Invalid s
Theorem numZeros_sound:
sseq deriv1 iv zeros.
sseq deriv1 iv.
sturm_seq deriv1 (diff deriv1) = SOME sseq
numZeros deriv1 (diff deriv1) iv sseq = (Valid, n)
FST iv SND iv
......@@ -262,205 +270,66 @@ Proof
>> cond_cases_tac >> gs[EVERY_FILTER_TRUE]
Theorem getExpHint_SOME_MEM:
getExpHint hints = SOME n ⇒
MEM (EXP_UB_SPLIT n) hints
Theorem ivAnnot_is_inp:
f env g. interpIntv f env = SOME g erase g = f
Induct_on ‘hints’ >> gs[getExpHint_def, CaseEq"hint"]
Induct_on f >> simp[Once interpIntv_def]
>> rpt strip_tac >> res_tac
>> rpt VAR_EQ_TAC >> gs[erase_def]
Theorem checker_soundness:
∀ cert approxSteps.
checker cert approxSteps = Valid ⇒
cert approxSteps zeros.
checker cert approxSteps zeros = Valid
FST(cert.iv) ≤ x ∧ x ≤ SND (cert.iv) ⇒
abs (interp cert.transc x - poly cert.poly x) ≤ cert.eps
let iv = SND (HD (cert.iv)); var = FST (HD (cert.iv)) in
FST(iv) x x SND (iv)
r. interp cert.transc [(var,x)] = SOME r
abs (r - poly cert.poly x) cert.eps
rpt gen_tac >> gs[checker_def]
>> cond_cases_tac
>> gs[checker_def, approxPoly_def,
CaseEq"option", CaseEq"prod", CaseEq"result", CaseEq"transc"]
CaseEq"option", CaseEq"prod", CaseEq"checkerDefs$result", CaseEq"transc"]
>> rpt strip_tac >> rpt VAR_EQ_TAC
>> qpat_x_assum _ = Valid mp_tac >> cond_cases_tac
>> gs[CaseEq"option", CaseEq"prod", CaseEq"checkerDefs$result", CaseEq"transc"]
>> rpt strip_tac >> rpt VAR_EQ_TAC
(* Step 1: Approximate the transcendental fun with its taylor series *)
>> irule REAL_LE_TRANS
>> qexists_tac ‘abs (interp cert.transc x - poly transp x) + abs (poly transp x - poly cert.poly x)’
>> conj_tac
(* Approximation using triangle inequality *)
>- (
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac ‘abs (transc_fun - poly _ _) ≤ _’
>> ‘transc_fun - poly cert.poly x = (transc_fun - poly transp x) + (poly transp x - poly cert.poly x)’
by real_tac
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
(* Split the error into the error from Taylor series and the rest *)
>> ‘cert.eps = err + (cert.eps - err)’ by real_tac
>> pop_assum $ once_rewrite_tac o single
(* Split the proof into proving two separate approximations *)
>> irule REAL_LE_ADD2 >> reverse conj_tac
(* 1. error between Taylor series and certificate polynomial *)
>- (
gs[GSYM poly_compat, GSYM eval_simps]
>> rewrite_tac [poly_compat]
>> irule validateZerosLeqErr_sound
>> qexists_tac ‘diff (transp -p cert.poly)’ >> gs[]
>> qexists_tac ‘cert.iv’ >> gs[]
>> qexists_tac ‘cert.zeros’ >> gs[]
>> ‘FST cert.iv ≤ SND cert.iv’ by real_tac
>> drule numZeros_sound
>> disch_then drule >> gs[])
(* 2. error between transcendental function and Taylor series *)
(* TODO: Make separate soundness proof *)
>> ‘(tr = "exp" ∧
((cert.iv = (0, 1 * inv 2) ∧ getExpHint cert.hints = NONE) ∨
∃ n. getExpHint cert.hints = SOME n ∧ cert.iv = (0,&n * inv 2))) ∨
tr = "cos" ∨
tr = "sin"’
by (every_case_tac >> gs[getExpHint_SOME_MEM])
(* exp function, 0 to 1/2 *)
>> mp_with_then strip_assume_tac interpIntv _ _ = SOME _ interpIntv_sound
>> first_assum $ mp_then Any (drule_then mp_tac) approxTransc_sound
>> disch_then $ qspec_then [(FST (HD cert.iv), x)] mp_tac
>> impl_tac
>- (
gs[interp_def, getFun_def]
>> qspecl_then [‘x’, ‘approxSteps’] strip_assume_tac MCLAURIN_EXP_LE
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> ‘poly transp x = evalPoly (exp_poly approxSteps) x’
by (gs[poly_compat] (* >> EVAL_TAC *))
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> rewrite_tac[exp_sum_to_poly]
>> qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac ‘abs (exp_taylor + taylor_rem - exp_taylor) ≤ _’
>> ‘exp_taylor + taylor_rem - exp_taylor = taylor_rem’ by real_tac
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> unabbrev_all_tac
>> ‘exp_err_small approxSteps = inv (&FACT approxSteps * 2 pow (approxSteps - 1))’ by EVAL_TAC
>> qspecl_then [‘approxSteps’, ‘x’,‘t’] mp_tac exp_remainder_bounded_small
>> impl_tac >> gs[]
>> real_tac)
(* exp function, 0 to 1 *)
>- (
gs[interp_def, getFun_def]
>> ‘1 ≠ inv 2’
by (once_rewrite_tac [GSYM REAL_INV1]
>> pop_assum $ mp_tac o SIMP_RULE std_ss []
>> rewrite_tac[REAL_INV_INJ] >> real_tac)
>> ‘err = exp_err_big n approxSteps ∧ transp = exp_poly approxSteps’ by gs[]
>> rpt VAR_EQ_TAC
>> rewrite_tac[GSYM poly_compat, eval_simps]
(* >> ‘exp_poly_cst = exp_poly approxSteps’ by EVAL_TAC *)
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> rewrite_tac[exp_sum_to_poly]
>> qspecl_then [‘x’, ‘approxSteps’] strip_assume_tac MCLAURIN_EXP_LE
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac ‘abs (exp_taylor + taylor_rem - exp_taylor) ≤ _’
>> ‘exp_taylor + taylor_rem - exp_taylor = taylor_rem’ by real_tac
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> unabbrev_all_tac
>> ‘exp_err_big n approxSteps = 2 pow n * &n pow approxSteps * inv (&FACT approxSteps * 2 pow approxSteps)’
by (rewrite_tac[] >> EVAL_TAC)
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> qspecl_then [‘approxSteps’, ‘n’, ‘x’,‘t’] mp_tac exp_remainder_bounded_big
>> impl_tac
>- (rpt conj_tac >> gs[] >> real_tac)
>> rewrite_tac[])
(* cos function *)
>- (
gs[interp_def, getFun_def] >> rpt VAR_EQ_TAC
>> qspecl_then [‘x’, ‘approxSteps’] strip_assume_tac MCLAURIN_COS_LE
>> gs[]
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> ‘poly (cos_poly approxSteps) x = evalPoly (cos_poly approxSteps) x’
by (rewrite_tac [cos_poly_cst_EVAL_THM]
>> gs[poly_compat, cos_poly_cst_def])
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> gs[cos_sum_to_poly]
>> qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac ‘abs (cos_taylor + taylor_rem - cos_taylor) ≤ _’
>> ‘cos_taylor + taylor_rem - cos_taylor = taylor_rem’ by real_tac
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> unabbrev_all_tac
>> ‘(x pow approxSteps) * cos t * inv (&FACT approxSteps) =
(cos t * ((x pow approxSteps) * inv (&FACT approxSteps)))’
by real_tac
>> ‘-(x pow approxSteps) * cos t * inv (&FACT approxSteps) =
-(cos t * ((x pow approxSteps) * inv (&FACT approxSteps)))’
by real_tac
>> rewrite_tac []
>> ntac 2 $ pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> rewrite_tac [GSYM REAL_MUL_ASSOC]
>> qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac ‘abs (cos _ * err_cos_concr)’
>> irule REAL_LE_TRANS
>> qexists_tac ‘ 1 * abs err_cos_concr’ >> conj_tac
>- (rewrite_tac[ABS_MUL] >> irule REAL_LE_RMUL_IMP >> unabbrev_all_tac >> gs[COS_BOUND, ABS_POS])
>> rewrite_tac[REAL_MUL_LID]
>> ‘abs err_cos_concr = err_cos_concr’
by (unabbrev_all_tac
>> rewrite_tac[ABS_REFL]
>> irule REAL_LE_MUL >> conj_tac
>- (irule REAL_LE_INV >> gs[REAL_POS])
>> irule REAL_LE_MUL >> conj_tac
>> gs[REAL_POW_GE0])
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> unabbrev_all_tac
>> rewrite_tac [cos_err_def]
(* >> ‘abs (inv (&FACT approxSteps)) = inv (&FACT approxSteps)’
by (rewrite_tac[abs] >> EVAL_TAC >> gs[])
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single *)
>> imp_res_tac EVEN_ODD_EXISTS >> gs[POW_MINUS1]
(* >> rewrite_tac[ABS_MUL, real_div, REAL_MUL_LID] *)
>> irule REAL_LE_TRANS
>> qexists_tac ‘abs (x pow (2 * m))’ >> gs[ABS_LE, GSYM POW_ABS]
>> irule POW_LE >> gs[ABS_POS]
>> irule RealSimpsTheory.maxAbs >> gs[])
(* sin *)
>> gs[interp_def, getFun_def] >> rpt VAR_EQ_TAC
>> qspecl_then [‘x’, ‘approxSteps’] strip_assume_tac MCLAURIN_SIN_LE
>> gs[]
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> ‘poly (sin_poly approxSteps) x = evalPoly (sin_poly approxSteps) x’
by (rewrite_tac [sin_poly_cst_EVAL_THM]
>> gs[poly_compat, sin_poly_cst_def])
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> gs[sin_sum_to_poly]
>> qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac ‘abs (sin_taylor + taylor_rem - sin_taylor) ≤ _’
>> ‘sin_taylor + taylor_rem - sin_taylor = taylor_rem’ by real_tac
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> unabbrev_all_tac
>> ‘inv (&FACT approxSteps) * sin t * x pow approxSteps * -1 pow (approxSteps DIV 2) =
(sin t * ((x pow approxSteps) * inv (&FACT approxSteps) * -1 pow (approxSteps DIV 2)))’
by real_tac
>> ‘-(x pow approxSteps) * inv (&FACT approxSteps) * sin t =
-(sin t * ((x pow approxSteps) * inv (&FACT approxSteps)))’
by real_tac
>> rewrite_tac []
>> ntac 2 $ pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> rewrite_tac[GSYM REAL_MUL_ASSOC]
>> qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac ‘_ * err_sin_concr’
>> rewrite_tac [ABS_NEG, Once ABS_MUL]
>> irule REAL_LE_TRANS
>> qexists_tac ‘ 1 * abs err_sin_concr’ >> conj_tac
>- (irule REAL_LE_RMUL_IMP >> unabbrev_all_tac >> gs[SIN_BOUND, ABS_POS])
>> rewrite_tac [REAL_MUL_LID, sin_err_def, ABS_MUL]
>> ‘abs err_sin_concr = err_sin_concr’
by (unabbrev_all_tac
>> rewrite_tac[ABS_REFL]
>> irule REAL_LE_MUL >> conj_tac
>> gs[REAL_POW_GE0]
>> irule REAL_LE_MUL >> gs[REAL_POS, REAL_POW_GE0])
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single
>> unabbrev_all_tac
>> rewrite_tac [sin_err_def]
(* >> ‘abs (inv (&FACT approxSteps)) = inv (&FACT approxSteps)’
by (rewrite_tac[abs] >> EVAL_TAC >> gs[])
>> pop_assum $ rewrite_tac o single *)
>> imp_res_tac EVEN_ODD_EXISTS >> gs[POW_MINUS1]
(* >> rewrite_tac[ABS_MUL, real_div, REAL_MUL_LID] *)
gs[varsContained_def] >> Cases_on cert.iv >> gs[]
>> rpt strip_tac >> gs[FIND_def] >> rpt VAR_EQ_TAC
>> gs[INDEX_FIND_def] >> PairCases_on h >> gs[]
>> VAR_EQ_TAC >> gs[])
>> disch_then strip_assume_tac
>> interp cert.transc [(FST (HD cert.iv), x)] = SOME r1
by (imp_res_tac ivAnnot_is_inp >> gs[])
>> qexists_tac r1 >> gs[]
>> real_rw r1 - poly cert.poly x = r1 - r2 + (r2 - poly cert.poly x)
>> irule REAL_LE_TRANS
>> qexists_tac ‘abs (x pow (2 * m))’ >> gs[ABS_LE, GSYM POW_ABS]
>> irule POW_LE >> gs[ABS_POS]
>> irule RealSimpsTheory.maxAbs >> gs[]
>> qexists_tac abs (r1 - r2) + abs (r2 - poly cert.poly x)
>> real_once_rw cert.eps = getAnn errAnn + (cert.eps - getAnn errAnn)
>> irule REAL_LE_ADD2 >> gs[]
>> Cases_on validateZerosLeqErr (transp -p cert.poly) (SND (HD cert.iv)) zeros (cert.eps - getAnn errAnn) zeros'
>> gs[] >> rpt VAR_EQ_TAC
>> mpx_with_then strip_assume_tac reflectToPoly _ _ = _ (GEN_ALL reflectSemEquiv)
>> r2 = evalPoly transp x by gs[]
>> rewrite_tac [GSYM poly_compat, GSYM eval_simps]
>> rewrite_tac [poly_compat]
>> drule numZeros_sound >> disch_then $ drule_then drule
>> strip_tac
>> pop_assum $ mp_then Any mp_tac validateZerosLeqErr_sound
>> disch_then $ qspec_then transp -p cert.poly mp_tac
>> simp[]
>> disch_then drule
>> disch_then $ qspec_then x mp_tac
>> impl_tac >> gs[]
val _ = export_theory();
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