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Commit f5c015fe authored by Heiko Becker's avatar Heiko Becker
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Add a mock-up certificate checker

parent 5c46b6f1
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1 merge request!15Add a mock-up certificate checker
Pipeline #52037 passed
open realTheory realLib RealArith stringTheory;
open renameTheory realPolyTheory;
open renameTheory realPolyTheory transcLangTheory;
open preamble;
val _ = new_theory"checkerDefs";
certificate = <|
transc : real->real; (* transcendental function to be approximated *)
poly : poly; (* real-number polynomial approximation *)
omega: real list; (* the x_i's from Remez *)
eps: real (* approximation error *)
certificate =
transc : transc; (* transcendental function to be approximated *)
poly : poly; (* real-number polynomial approximation *)
omega : real list; (* the x_i's from Remez *)
eps : real; (* approximation error *)
iv: real # real; (* the interval on which the function is approximated *)
zeroes : (real # real) list (* list of intervals in which a zero could be found *)
result = VALID (* the checker succeeded *)
| INVALID string (* the checker failed with an error message *)
result = Valid (* the checker succeeded *)
| Invalid string (* the checker failed with an error message *)
Definition interpResult_def:
......@@ -3,17 +3,77 @@
open realTheory realLib RealArith stringTheory;
open renameTheory realPolyTheory checkerDefsTheory pointCheckerTheory;
open renameTheory realPolyTheory transcLangTheory sturmComputeTheory
checkerDefsTheory pointCheckerTheory;
open preamble;
val _ = new_theory "checker";
Approximate a function described by transcLang with a real-number polynomial,
also returns the approximation error
(* TODO: Approximate transcendental functions on a case-by-case basis *)
Definition approx_def:
approx transc (iv:real#real) :(poly#real) =
case transc of
| FUN "exp" VAR =>
if iv = (0, 0.5) then ([], 0) else ([], 0)
| _ => ([],0)
Checks that the zero intervals encoded in the certificate actually are
all of the zeroes of derivative of the difference between the approximated
polynomial and the transcendental function
(* TODO: Is this sufficient for a check? *)
Definition checkZeroes_def:
checkZeroes numZeroes deriv zeroes =
if LENGTH zeroes numZeroes
then Invalid "Incorrect number of zeroes found"
else Valid
Checks that the value at the extrema of the error polynomial are less than or
equal to the actual error encoded in the certificate **)
(* TODO: Is this the correct way of checking the zeroes?? Check Harrison paper *)
Definition validateZeroesLeqErr_def:
validateZeroesLeqErr diffPoly iv [] approxErr eps =
(if poly diffPoly (FST iv) + approxErr eps poly diffPoly (SND iv) + approxErr eps
then Valid
else Invalid "Outer points")
validateZeroesLeqErr diffPoly iv ((z1,z2)::zeroes) approxErr eps =
(if poly diffPoly z1 + approxErr eps poly diffPoly z2 + approxErr eps
then validateZeroesLeqErr diffPoly iv zeroes approxErr eps
else Invalid "Zero of derivate not an extremal point or extrema too big")
Overall certificate checker combines all of the above functions into one that
runs over the full certificate **)
Definition checker_def:
checker (cert:certificate) :result =
let pointRes = pointChecker cert in
if pointRes = VALID then
INVALID "Not implemented"
else pointRes
case pointChecker cert of
| Invalid s => Invalid s
| Valid =>
let (transp, err) = approx cert.transc cert.iv;
errorp = transp -p cert.poly;
deriv = derive errorp
case sturm_seq errorp deriv of
NONE => Invalid "Could not compute sturm sequence"
| SOME sseq =>
let numZeroes =
(variation (MAP (λp. poly p (FST cert.iv)) sseq) -
variation (MAP (λp. poly p (SND cert.iv)) sseq));
case checkZeroes numZeroes deriv cert.zeroes of
| Valid =>
validateZeroesLeqErr errorp cert.iv cert.zeroes err cert.eps
| Invalid s => Invalid s
val _ = export_theory();
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ val _ = new_theory "pointCheckerProofs";
Theorem pointChecker_intermed:
omega transc poly eps.
pointCheckerHelper omega transc poly eps = VALID
pointCheckerHelper omega transc poly eps = Valid
MEM xi omega
abs (evalPoly poly xi transc xi) = eps
......@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ QED
Theorem pointCheckerSound:
pointChecker cert = VALID
pointChecker cert = Valid
MEM xi
abs ((evalPoly cert.poly xi) - cert.transc xi) = cert.eps
abs ((evalPoly cert.poly xi) - (λ x. interp cert.transc x) xi) = cert.eps
>> rpt gen_tac >> cond_cases_tac >> gs[]
......@@ -6,28 +6,25 @@
open realTheory realLib RealArith stringTheory;
open renameTheory realPolyTheory checkerDefsTheory;
open renameTheory realPolyTheory transcLangTheory checkerDefsTheory;
open preamble;
val _ = new_theory "pointChecker";
(* TODO: Check for each xi in Omega that p(xi) - f(xi) = cert.eps *)
Definition pointCheckerHelper_def:
pointCheckerHelper [] transc poly eps = VALID
pointCheckerHelper [] transc poly eps = Valid
pointCheckerHelper (x1::xs) transc poly eps =
if (abs (evalPoly poly x1 - transc x1) = eps)
then (pointCheckerHelper xs transc poly eps)
else INVALID "Point discrepancy"
else Invalid "Point discrepancy"
Definition pointChecker_def:
pointChecker (cert:certificate): result =
if (LENGTH = 0) then INVALID "Empty set" else
(pointCheckerHelper cert.transc cert.poly cert.eps)
if (LENGTH = 0) then Invalid "Empty set" else
(pointCheckerHelper (λ x. interp cert.transc x) cert.poly cert.eps)
val _ = export_theory();
Define a simple "language" for describing transcendental
functions. For now we only allow combinations, i.e.
exp (sin (cos ...) but no additional operators like +,-,*,/
open realTheory realLib RealArith transcTheory;
open preamble;
val _ = new_theory "transcLang";
transc = FUN string transc | VAR
Definition getFun_def:
getFun s =
case s of
|"sqrt" => sqrt
| "exp" => exp
| "sin" => sin
| "cos" => cos
| "tan" => tan
| _ => λ x. x
Definition interp_def:
interp VAR x = x
interp (FUN s trans) x =
(getFun s) (interp trans x)
val _ = export_theory();
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