"git-rts@gitlab.mpi-sws.org:wmansky/iris.git" did not exist on "20145c5fb916b1f9fe36f2bcd274e741ccb86e27"
https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/iris/-/issues/414 for details on remaining
issues before stabilization. *)
From iris.algebra Require Export cmra.
From iris.algebra Require Import updates local_updates.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
(** Given a preorder [R] on a type [A] we construct the "monotone" resource
algebra [mra R] and an injection [principal : A → mra R] such that:
Here, [≼] is the extension order of the [mra R] resource algebra. This is
exactly what the lemma [principal_included] shows.
This resource algebra is useful for reasoning about monotonicity. See the
following paper for more details:
Reasoning About Monotonicity in Separation Logic
Amin Timany and Lars Birkedal
in Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) 2021
Robbert Krebbers
Definition principal {A} {R : relation A} (a : A) : mra R :=
{| mra_car := [a] |}.
Global Arguments mra_car {_ _} _.
Implicit Types a b : A.
Implicit Types x y : mra R.
Local Definition below (a : A) (x : mra R) := ∃ b, b ∈ mra_car x ∧ R a b.
Robbert Krebbers
Local Lemma below_principal a b : below a (principal b) ↔ R a b.
(* OFE *)
Local Instance mra_equiv : Equiv (mra R) := λ x y,
∀ a, below a x ↔ below a y.
Local Instance mra_equiv_equiv : Equivalence mra_equiv.
Proof. unfold mra_equiv; split; intros ?; naive_solver. Qed.
Canonical Structure mraO := discreteO (mra R).
Local Instance mra_valid : Valid (mra R) := λ x, True.
Local Instance mra_validN : ValidN (mra R) := λ n x, True.
Local Program Instance mra_op : Op (mra R) := λ x y,
{| mra_car := mra_car x ++ mra_car y |}.
Local Instance mra_pcore : PCore (mra R) := Some.
Lemma mra_cmra_mixin : CmraMixin (mra R).
apply discrete_cmra_mixin; first apply _.
apply ra_total_mixin; try done.
- (* [Proper] of [op] *) intros x y z Hyz a. specialize (Hyz a). set_solver.
- (* [Proper] of [core] *) apply _.
- (* [Assoc] *) intros x y z a. set_solver.
- (* [Comm] *) intros x y a. set_solver.
- (* [core x ⋅ x ≡ x] *) intros x a. set_solver.
Canonical Structure mraR : cmra := Cmra (mra R) mra_cmra_mixin.
Global Instance mra_cmra_total : CmraTotal mraR.
Proof. rewrite /CmraTotal; eauto. Qed.
Proof. by constructor. Qed.
Global Instance mra_cmra_discrete : CmraDiscrete mraR.
Proof. split; last done. intros ? ?; done. Qed.
Local Instance mra_unit : Unit (mra R) := {| mra_car := [] |}.
Lemma auth_ucmra_mixin : UcmraMixin (mra R).
Proof. split; done. Qed.
Canonical Structure mraUR := Ucmra (mra R) auth_ucmra_mixin.
(* Laws *)
Lemma mra_idemp x : x ⋅ x ≡ x.
Proof. intros a. set_solver. Qed.
split; [|by intros ?; exists y].
intros [z ->]; rewrite assoc mra_idemp; done.
Lemma principal_R_op `{!Transitive R} a b :
Robbert Krebbers
principal a ⋅ principal b ≡ principal b.
Robbert Krebbers
principal a ≼ principal b ↔ R a b.
Robbert Krebbers
- intros ?; exists (principal b). by rewrite principal_R_op.
Lemma mra_local_update_grow `{!Transitive R} a x b:
R a b →
Robbert Krebbers
(principal a, x) ~l~> (principal b, principal b).
intros Hana. apply local_update_unital_discrete=> z _ Habz.
split; first done. intros c. specialize (Habz c). set_solver.
Lemma mra_local_update_get_frag `{!PreOrder R} a b:
R b a →
Robbert Krebbers
(principal a, ε) ~l~> (principal a, principal b).
intros Hana. apply local_update_unital_discrete=> z _.
rewrite left_id. intros <-. split; first done.
apply mra_included; by apply principal_included.
Global Arguments mraR {_} _.
Global Arguments mraUR {_} _.
(** If [R] is a partial order, relative to a reflexive relation [S] on the
Robbert Krebbers
carrier [A], then [principal] is proper and injective. The theory for
arbitrary relations [S] is overly general, so we do not declare the results
as instances. Below we provide instances for [S] being [=] and [≡]. *)
Implicit Types a b : A.
Implicit Types x y : mra R.
Lemma principal_rel_proper :
Reflexive S →
Proper (S ==> S ==> iff) R →
Robbert Krebbers
Proper (S ==> (≡@{mra R})) (principal).
Proof. intros ? HR a1 a2 Ha b. rewrite !below_principal. by apply HR. Qed.
Lemma principal_rel_inj :
Reflexive R →
AntiSymm S R →
Robbert Krebbers
Inj S (≡@{mra R}) (principal).
intros ?? a b Hab. move: (Hab a) (Hab b). rewrite !below_principal.
intros. apply (anti_symm R); naive_solver.
Global Instance principal_inj {A} {R : relation A} :
Reflexive R →
AntiSymm (=) R →
Robbert Krebbers
Inj (=) (≡@{mra R}) (principal) | 0. (* Lower cost than [principal_inj] *)
Proof. intros. by apply (principal_rel_inj (=)). Qed.
Global Instance principal_proper `{Equiv A} {R : relation A} :
Reflexive (≡@{A}) →
Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> iff) R →
Robbert Krebbers
Proper ((≡) ==> (≡@{mra R})) (principal).
Proof. intros. by apply (principal_rel_proper (≡)). Qed.
Global Instance principal_equiv_inj `{Equiv A} {R : relation A} :
Reflexive R →
AntiSymm (≡) R →
Robbert Krebbers
Inj (≡) (≡@{mra R}) (principal) | 1.