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Commit 65f56071 authored by Hai Dang's avatar Hai Dang Committed by Ralf Jung
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Append-only list RA

parent 6ce8b332
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......@@ -170,7 +170,10 @@ iris_heap_lang/lib/arith.v
(* This file is still experimental. See its tracking issue for details on remaining
issues before stabilization. *)
From iris.algebra Require Export agree list gmap updates.
From iris.algebra Require Import local_updates proofmode_classes.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Definition max_prefix_list (A : Type) := gmap nat (agree A).
Definition max_prefix_listR (A : ofe) := gmapUR nat (agreeR A).
Definition max_prefix_listUR (A : ofe) := gmapUR nat (agreeR A).
Definition to_max_prefix_list {A} (l : list A) : gmap nat (agree A) :=
to_agree <$> map_seq 0 l.
Instance: Params (@to_max_prefix_list) 1 := {}.
Typeclasses Opaque to_max_prefix_list.
Section max_prefix_list.
Context {A : ofe}.
Implicit Types l : list A.
Global Instance to_max_prefix_list_ne : NonExpansive (@to_max_prefix_list A).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance to_max_prefix_list_proper :
Proper (() ==> ()) (@to_max_prefix_list A).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance to_max_prefix_list_dist_inj n :
Inj (dist n) (dist n) (@to_max_prefix_list A).
rewrite /to_max_prefix_list. intros l1 l2 Hl. apply list_dist_lookup=> i.
move: (Hl i). rewrite !lookup_fmap !lookup_map_seq Nat.sub_0_r.
rewrite !option_guard_True; [|lia..].
destruct (l1 !! i), (l2 !! i); inversion_clear 1;
constructor; by apply (inj to_agree).
Global Instance to_max_prefix_list_inj : Inj () () (@to_max_prefix_list A).
intros l1 l2. rewrite !equiv_dist=> ? n. by apply (inj to_max_prefix_list).
Global Instance mono_list_lb_core_id (m : max_prefix_list A) : CoreId m := _.
Global Lemma to_max_prefix_list_valid l : to_max_prefix_list l.
intros i. rewrite /to_max_prefix_list lookup_fmap.
by destruct (map_seq 0 l !! i).
Global Lemma to_max_prefix_list_validN n l : {n} to_max_prefix_list l.
Proof. apply cmra_valid_validN, to_max_prefix_list_valid. Qed.
Local Lemma to_max_prefix_list_app l1 l2 :
to_max_prefix_list (l1 ++ l2)
to_max_prefix_list l1 (to_agree <$> map_seq (length l1) l2).
rewrite /to_max_prefix_list map_seq_app=> i /=. rewrite lookup_op !lookup_fmap.
destruct (map_seq 0 l1 !! i) as [x|] eqn:Hl1; simpl; last first.
{ by rewrite lookup_union_r // left_id. }
rewrite (lookup_union_Some_l _ _ _ x) //=.
assert (map_seq (M:=gmap nat A) (length l1) l2 !! i = None) as ->.
{ apply lookup_map_seq_None.
apply lookup_map_seq_Some in Hl1 as [_ ?%lookup_lt_Some]. lia. }
by rewrite /= right_id.
Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_l l1 l2 :
l1 `prefix_of` l2
to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2 to_max_prefix_list l2.
Proof. intros [l ->]. by rewrite to_max_prefix_list_app assoc -core_id_dup. Qed.
Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_r l1 l2 :
l1 `prefix_of` l2
to_max_prefix_list l2 to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2.
Proof. intros. by rewrite comm to_max_prefix_list_op_l. Qed.
Lemma max_prefix_list_included_includedN (ml1 ml2 : max_prefix_list A) :
ml1 ml2 n, ml1 {n} ml2.
split; [intros; by apply: cmra_included_includedN|].
intros Hincl. exists ml2. apply equiv_dist=> n. destruct (Hincl n) as [l ->].
by rewrite assoc -core_id_dup.
Local Lemma to_max_prefix_list_includedN_aux n l1 l2 :
to_max_prefix_list l1 {n} to_max_prefix_list l2
l2 {n} l1 ++ drop (length l1) l2.
rewrite lookup_includedN=> Hincl. apply list_dist_lookup=> i.
rewrite lookup_app. move: (Hincl i).
rewrite /to_max_prefix_list !lookup_fmap !lookup_map_seq Nat.sub_0_r.
rewrite !option_guard_True; [|lia..].
rewrite option_includedN_total fmap_None.
intros [Hi|(?&?&(a2&->&->)%fmap_Some&(a1&->&->)%fmap_Some&Ha)].
- rewrite lookup_drop Hi. apply lookup_ge_None in Hi. f_equiv; lia.
- f_equiv. symmetry. by apply to_agree_includedN.
Lemma to_max_prefix_list_includedN n l1 l2 :
to_max_prefix_list l1 {n} to_max_prefix_list l2 l, l2 {n} l1 ++ l.
- intros. eexists. by apply to_max_prefix_list_includedN_aux.
- intros [l ->]. rewrite to_max_prefix_list_app. apply: cmra_includedN_l.
Lemma to_max_prefix_list_included l1 l2 :
to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2 l, l2 l1 ++ l.
- intros. eexists. apply equiv_dist=> n.
apply to_max_prefix_list_includedN_aux. by apply: cmra_included_includedN.
- intros [l ->]. rewrite to_max_prefix_list_app. apply: cmra_included_l.
Lemma to_max_prefix_list_included_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} l1 l2 :
to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2 l1 `prefix_of` l2.
Proof. rewrite to_max_prefix_list_included /prefix. naive_solver. Qed.
Local Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_validN_aux n l1 l2 :
length l1 length l2
{n} (to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2)
l2 {n} l1 ++ drop (length l1) l2.
intros Hlen Hvalid. apply list_dist_lookup=> i. move: (Hvalid i).
rewrite /to_max_prefix_list lookup_op !lookup_fmap !lookup_map_seq Nat.sub_0_r.
rewrite !option_guard_True; [|lia..].
intros ?. rewrite lookup_app.
destruct (l1 !! i) as [x1|] eqn:Hi1, (l2 !! i) as [x2|] eqn:Hi2; simpl in *.
- f_equiv. symmetry. by apply to_agree_op_validN.
- apply lookup_lt_Some in Hi1; apply lookup_ge_None in Hi2. lia.
- apply lookup_ge_None in Hi1. rewrite lookup_drop -Hi2. f_equiv; lia.
- apply lookup_ge_None in Hi1. rewrite lookup_drop -Hi2. f_equiv; lia.
Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_validN n l1 l2 :
{n} (to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2)
( l, l2 {n} l1 ++ l) ( l, l1 {n} l2 ++ l).
- destruct (decide (length l1 length l2)).
+ left. eexists. by eapply to_max_prefix_list_op_validN_aux.
+ right. eexists. eapply to_max_prefix_list_op_validN_aux; [lia|by rewrite comm].
- intros [[l ->]|[l ->]].
+ rewrite to_max_prefix_list_op_l; last by apply prefix_app_r.
apply to_max_prefix_list_validN.
+ rewrite to_max_prefix_list_op_r; last by apply prefix_app_r.
apply to_max_prefix_list_validN.
Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_valid l1 l2 :
(to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2)
( l, l2 l1 ++ l) ( l, l1 l2 ++ l).
- destruct (decide (length l1 length l2)).
+ left. eexists. apply equiv_dist=> n'.
by eapply to_max_prefix_list_op_validN_aux, cmra_valid_validN.
+ right. eexists. apply equiv_dist=> n'.
by eapply to_max_prefix_list_op_validN_aux,
cmra_valid_validN; [lia|by rewrite comm].
- intros [[l ->]|[l ->]].
+ rewrite to_max_prefix_list_op_l; last by apply prefix_app_r.
apply to_max_prefix_list_valid.
+ rewrite to_max_prefix_list_op_r; last by apply prefix_app_r.
apply to_max_prefix_list_valid.
Lemma to_max_prefix_list_op_valid_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} l1 l2 :
(to_max_prefix_list l1 to_max_prefix_list l2)
l1 `prefix_of` l2 l2 `prefix_of` l1.
Proof. rewrite to_max_prefix_list_op_valid /prefix. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma max_prefix_list_local_update l1 l2 :
l1 `prefix_of` l2
(to_max_prefix_list l1, to_max_prefix_list l1) ~l~>
(to_max_prefix_list l2, to_max_prefix_list l2).
intros [l ->]. rewrite to_max_prefix_list_app (comm _ (to_max_prefix_list l1)).
apply op_local_update=> n _. rewrite comm -to_max_prefix_list_app.
apply to_max_prefix_list_validN.
End max_prefix_list.
(* This file is still experimental. See its tracking issue for details on remaining
issues before stabilization. *)
From iris.algebra Require Export auth dfrac.
From iris.staging.algebra Require Export max_prefix_list.
From iris.algebra Require Import updates local_updates proofmode_classes.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
(** Authoritative CMRA of append-only lists, where the fragment represents a
snap-shot of the list, and the authoritative element can only grow by
appending. *)
Definition mono_listR (A : ofe) : cmra := authR (max_prefix_listUR A).
Definition mono_listUR (A : ofe) : ucmra := authUR (max_prefix_listUR A).
Definition mono_list_auth {A : ofe} (q : dfrac) (l : list A) : mono_listR A :=
{q} (to_max_prefix_list l) (to_max_prefix_list l).
Definition mono_list_lb {A : ofe} (l : list A) : mono_listR A :=
(to_max_prefix_list l).
Instance: Params (@mono_list_auth) 2 := {}.
Instance: Params (@mono_list_lb) 1 := {}.
Typeclasses Opaque mono_list_auth mono_list_lb.
(** FIXME: Refactor these notations using custom entries once Coq bug #13654
has been fixed. *)
Notation "●ML{ dq } l" :=
(mono_list_auth dq l) (at level 20, format "●ML{ dq } l").
Notation "●ML{# q } l" :=
(mono_list_auth (DfracOwn q) l) (at level 20, format "●ML{# q } l").
Notation "●□ML l" := (mono_list_auth DfracDiscarded l) (at level 20).
Notation "●ML l" := (mono_list_auth (DfracOwn 1) l) (at level 20).
Notation "◯ML l" := (mono_list_lb l) (at level 20).
Section mono_list_props.
Context {A : ofe}.
Implicit Types l : list A.
Implicit Types q : frac.
Implicit Types dq : dfrac.
(** Setoid properties *)
Global Instance mono_list_auth_ne dq : NonExpansive (@mono_list_auth A dq).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance mono_list_auth_proper dq : Proper (() ==> ()) (@mono_list_auth A dq).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance mono_list_lb_ne : NonExpansive (@mono_list_lb A).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance mono_list_lb_proper : Proper (() ==> ()) (@mono_list_lb A).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance mono_list_lb_dist_inj n : Inj (dist n) (dist n) (@mono_list_lb A).
Proof. rewrite /mono_list_lb. by intros ?? ?%(inj _)%(inj _). Qed.
Global Instance mono_list_lb_inj : Inj () () (@mono_list_lb A).
Proof. rewrite /mono_list_lb. by intros ?? ?%(inj _)%(inj _). Qed.
(** * Operation *)
Global Instance mono_list_lb_core_id l : CoreId (ML l).
Proof. rewrite /mono_list_lb. apply _. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_auth_dfrac_op dq1 dq2 l :
ML{dq1 dq2} l ML{dq1} l ML{dq2} l.
rewrite /mono_list_auth auth_auth_dfrac_op.
rewrite (comm _ ({dq2} _)) -!assoc (assoc _ ( _)).
by rewrite -core_id_dup (comm _ ( _)).
Lemma mono_list_auth_frac_op q1 q2 l :
ML{#(q1 + q2)} l ML{#q1} l ML{#q2} l.
Proof. by rewrite -mono_list_auth_dfrac_op dfrac_op_own. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_lb_op_l l1 l2 : l1 `prefix_of` l2 ML l1 ML l2 ML l2.
Proof. intros ?. by rewrite /mono_list_lb -auth_frag_op to_max_prefix_list_op_l. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_lb_op_r l1 l2 : l1 `prefix_of` l2 ML l2 ML l1 ML l2.
Proof. intros ?. by rewrite /mono_list_lb -auth_frag_op to_max_prefix_list_op_r. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_auth_lb_op dq l : ML{dq} l ML{dq} l ML l.
by rewrite /mono_list_auth /mono_list_lb -!assoc -auth_frag_op -core_id_dup.
Global Instance mono_list_lb_is_op l : IsOp' (ML l) (ML l) (ML l).
Proof. by rewrite /IsOp' /IsOp -core_id_dup. Qed.
(** * Validity *)
Lemma mono_list_auth_dfrac_validN n dq l : {n} (ML{dq} l) dq.
rewrite /mono_list_auth auth_both_dfrac_validN.
naive_solver apply to_max_prefix_list_validN.
Lemma mono_list_auth_validN n l : {n} (ML l).
Proof. by apply mono_list_auth_dfrac_validN. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_auth_dfrac_valid dq l : (ML{dq} l) dq.
rewrite /mono_list_auth auth_both_dfrac_valid.
naive_solver apply to_max_prefix_list_valid.
Lemma mono_list_auth_valid l : (ML l).
Proof. by apply mono_list_auth_dfrac_valid. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_auth_dfrac_op_validN n dq1 dq2 l1 l2 :
{n} (ML{dq1} l1 ML{dq2} l2) (dq1 dq2) l1 {n} l2.
rewrite /mono_list_auth (comm _ ({dq2} _)) -!assoc (assoc _ ( _)).
rewrite -auth_frag_op (comm _ ( _)) assoc. split.
- move=> /cmra_validN_op_l /auth_auth_dfrac_op_validN.
rewrite (inj_iff to_max_prefix_list). naive_solver.
- intros [? ->]. rewrite -core_id_dup -auth_auth_dfrac_op auth_both_dfrac_validN.
naive_solver apply to_max_prefix_list_validN.
Lemma mono_list_auth_frac_op_validN n q1 q2 l1 l2 :
{n} (ML{#q1} l1 ML{#q2} l2) (q1 + q2 1)%Qp l1 {n} l2.
Proof. by apply mono_list_auth_dfrac_op_validN. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_auth_op_validN n l1 l2 : {n} (ML l1 ML l2) False.
Proof. rewrite mono_list_auth_dfrac_op_validN. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_auth_dfrac_op_valid dq1 dq2 l1 l2 :
(ML{dq1} l1 ML{dq2} l2) (dq1 dq2) l1 l2.
rewrite cmra_valid_validN equiv_dist.
setoid_rewrite mono_list_auth_dfrac_op_validN. naive_solver eauto using O.
Lemma mono_list_auth_frac_op_valid q1 q2 l1 l2 :
(ML{#q1} l1 ML{#q2} l2) (q1 + q2 1)%Qp l1 l2.
Proof. by apply mono_list_auth_dfrac_op_valid. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_auth_op_valid l1 l2 : (ML l1 ML l2) False.
Proof. rewrite mono_list_auth_dfrac_op_valid. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_auth_dfrac_op_valid_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} dq1 dq2 l1 l2 :
(ML{dq1} l1 ML{dq2} l2) (dq1 dq2) l1 = l2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply mono_list_auth_dfrac_op_valid. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_auth_frac_op_valid_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} q1 q2 l1 l2 :
(ML{#q1} l1 ML{#q2} l2) (q1 + q2 1)%Qp l1 = l2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply mono_list_auth_frac_op_valid. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_both_dfrac_validN n dq l1 l2 :
{n} (ML{dq} l1 ML l2) dq l, l1 {n} l2 ++ l.
rewrite /mono_list_auth /mono_list_lb -assoc
-auth_frag_op auth_both_dfrac_validN -to_max_prefix_list_includedN.
f_equiv; split.
- intros [Hincl _]. etrans; [apply: cmra_includedN_r|done].
- intros. split; [|by apply to_max_prefix_list_validN].
rewrite {2}(core_id_dup (to_max_prefix_list l1)). by f_equiv.
Lemma mono_list_both_validN n l1 l2 :
{n} (ML l1 ML l2) l, l1 {n} l2 ++ l.
Proof. rewrite mono_list_both_dfrac_validN. split; [naive_solver|done]. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_both_dfrac_valid dq l1 l2 :
(ML{dq} l1 ML l2) dq l, l1 l2 ++ l.
rewrite /mono_list_auth /mono_list_lb -assoc -auth_frag_op
auth_both_dfrac_valid -max_prefix_list_included_includedN
f_equiv; split.
- intros [Hincl _]. etrans; [apply: cmra_included_r|done].
- intros. split; [|by apply to_max_prefix_list_valid].
rewrite {2}(core_id_dup (to_max_prefix_list l1)). by f_equiv.
Lemma mono_list_both_valid l1 l2 :
(ML l1 ML l2) l, l1 l2 ++ l.
Proof. rewrite mono_list_both_dfrac_valid. split; [naive_solver|done]. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_both_dfrac_valid_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} dq l1 l2 :
(ML{dq} l1 ML l2) dq l2 `prefix_of` l1.
Proof. rewrite /prefix. rewrite mono_list_both_dfrac_valid. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_both_valid_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} l1 l2 :
(ML l1 ML l2) l2 `prefix_of` l1.
Proof. rewrite /prefix. rewrite mono_list_both_valid. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_lb_op_validN n l1 l2 :
{n} (ML l1 ML l2) ( l, l2 {n} l1 ++ l) ( l, l1 {n} l2 ++ l).
Proof. by rewrite auth_frag_op_validN to_max_prefix_list_op_validN. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_lb_op_valid l1 l2 :
(ML l1 ML l2) ( l, l2 l1 ++ l) ( l, l1 l2 ++ l).
Proof. by rewrite auth_frag_op_valid to_max_prefix_list_op_valid. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_lb_op_valid_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} l1 l2 :
(ML l1 ML l2) l1 `prefix_of` l2 l2 `prefix_of` l1.
Proof. rewrite mono_list_lb_op_valid / prefix. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_lb_op_valid_1_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} l1 l2 :
(ML l1 ML l2) l1 `prefix_of` l2 l2 `prefix_of` l1.
Proof. by apply mono_list_lb_op_valid_L. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_lb_op_valid_2_L `{!LeibnizEquiv A} l1 l2 :
l1 `prefix_of` l2 l2 `prefix_of` l1 (ML l1 ML l2).
Proof. by apply mono_list_lb_op_valid_L. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_lb_mono l1 l2 : l1 `prefix_of` l2 ML l1 ML l2.
Proof. intros. exists (ML l2). by rewrite mono_list_lb_op_l. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_included dq l : ML l ML{dq} l.
Proof. apply cmra_included_r. Qed.
(** * Update *)
Lemma mono_list_update {l1} l2 : l1 `prefix_of` l2 ML l1 ~~> ML l2.
Proof. intros ?. by apply auth_update, max_prefix_list_local_update. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_update_auth_persist dq l : ML{dq} l ~~> ●□ML l.
rewrite /mono_list_auth. apply cmra_update_op; [|done].
by apply auth_update_auth_persist.
End mono_list_props.
(* This file is still experimental. See its tracking issue for details on remaining
issues before stabilization. *)
(** Ghost state for a append-only list, wrapping the [mono_listR] RA. This
provides three assertions:
- an authoritative proposition [mono_list_auth_own γ q l] for the authoritative
list [l]
- a persistent assertion [mono_list_lb_own γ l] witnessing that the authoritative
list is at least [l]
- a persistent assertion [mono_list_idx_own γ i a] witnessing that the index [i]
is [a] in the authoritative list.
The key rules are [mono_list_lb_own_valid], which asserts that an auth at [l]
and a lower-bound at [l'] imply that [l' `prefix_of` l], and [mono_list_update],
which allows one to grow the auth element by appending only. At any time the
auth list can be "snapshotted" with [mono_list_lb_own_get] to produce a
persistent lower-bound. *)
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.staging.algebra Require Import mono_list.
From Require Import fractional.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Export own.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
Class mono_listG (A : Type) Σ :=
MonoListG { mono_list_inG :> inG Σ (mono_listR (leibnizO A)) }.
Definition mono_listΣ (A : Type) : gFunctors :=
#[GFunctor (mono_listR (leibnizO A))].
Global Instance subG_mono_listΣ {A Σ} :
subG (mono_listΣ A) Σ (mono_listG A) Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
Definition mono_list_auth_own_def `{!mono_listG A Σ}
(γ : gname) (q : Qp) (l : list A) : iProp Σ :=
own γ (ML{#q} (l : listO (leibnizO A))).
Definition mono_list_auth_own_aux : seal (@mono_list_auth_own_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition mono_list_auth_own := mono_list_auth_own_aux.(unseal).
Definition mono_list_auth_own_eq :
@mono_list_auth_own = @mono_list_auth_own_def := mono_list_auth_own_aux.(seal_eq).
Global Arguments mono_list_auth_own {A Σ _} γ q l.
Definition mono_list_lb_own_def `{!mono_listG A Σ}
(γ : gname) (l : list A) : iProp Σ :=
own γ (ML (l : listO (leibnizO A))).
Definition mono_list_lb_own_aux : seal (@mono_list_lb_own_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition mono_list_lb_own := mono_list_lb_own_aux.(unseal).
Definition mono_list_lb_own_eq :
@mono_list_lb_own = @mono_list_lb_own_def := mono_list_lb_own_aux.(seal_eq).
Global Arguments mono_list_lb_own {A Σ _} γ l.
Definition mono_list_idx_own `{!mono_listG A Σ}
(γ : gname) (i : nat) (a : A) : iProp Σ :=
l : list A, l !! i = Some a mono_list_lb_own γ l.
Local Ltac unseal := rewrite
/mono_list_idx_own ?mono_list_auth_own_eq /mono_list_auth_own_def
?mono_list_lb_own_eq /mono_list_lb_own_def.
Section mono_list_own.
Context `{!mono_listG A Σ}.
Implicit Types (l : list A) (i : nat) (a : A).
Global Instance mono_list_auth_own_timeless γ q l : Timeless (mono_list_auth_own γ q l).
Proof. unseal. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance mono_list_lb_own_timeless γ l : Timeless (mono_list_lb_own γ l).
Proof. unseal. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance mono_list_lb_own_persistent γ l : Persistent (mono_list_lb_own γ l).
Proof. unseal. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance mono_list_idx_own_timeless γ i a :
Timeless (mono_list_idx_own γ i a) := _.
Global Instance mono_list_idx_own_persistent γ i a :
Persistent (mono_list_idx_own γ i a) := _.
Global Instance mono_list_auth_own_fractional γ l :
Fractional (λ q, mono_list_auth_own γ q l).
Proof. unseal. intros p q. by rewrite -own_op mono_list_auth_frac_op. Qed.
Global Instance mono_list_auth_own_as_fractional γ q l :
AsFractional (mono_list_auth_own γ q l) (λ q, mono_list_auth_own γ q l) q.
Proof. split; [auto|apply _]. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_auth_own_agree γ q1 q2 l1 l2 :
mono_list_auth_own γ q1 l1 -∗
mono_list_auth_own γ q2 l2 -∗
(q1 + q2 1)%Qp l1 = l2⌝.
unseal. iIntros "H1 H2".
by iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H1 H2") as %?%mono_list_auth_frac_op_valid_L.
Lemma mono_list_auth_own_exclusive γ l1 l2 :
mono_list_auth_own γ 1 l1 -∗ mono_list_auth_own γ 1 l2 -∗ False.
iIntros "H1 H2".
iDestruct (mono_list_auth_own_agree with "H1 H2") as %[]; done.
Lemma mono_list_auth_lb_valid γ q l1 l2 :
mono_list_auth_own γ q l1 -∗
mono_list_lb_own γ l2 -∗
(q 1)%Qp l2 `prefix_of` l1 ⌝.
unseal. iIntros "Hauth Hlb".
by iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hauth Hlb") as %?%mono_list_both_dfrac_valid_L.
Lemma mono_list_lb_valid γ l1 l2 :
mono_list_lb_own γ l1 -∗
mono_list_lb_own γ l2 -∗
l1 `prefix_of` l2 l2 `prefix_of` l1 ⌝.
unseal. iIntros "H1 H2".
by iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H1 H2") as %?%mono_list_lb_op_valid_L.
Lemma mono_list_idx_agree γ i a1 a2 :
mono_list_idx_own γ i a1 -∗ mono_list_idx_own γ i a2 -∗ a1 = a2 ⌝.
iDestruct 1 as (l1 Hl1) "H1". iDestruct 1 as (l2 Hl2) "H2".
iDestruct (mono_list_lb_valid with "H1 H2") as %Hpre.
destruct Hpre as [Hpre|Hpre]; eapply prefix_lookup in Hpre; eauto; congruence.
Lemma mono_list_auth_idx_lookup γ q l i a :
mono_list_auth_own γ q l -∗ mono_list_idx_own γ i a -∗ l !! i = Some a ⌝.
iIntros "Hauth". iDestruct 1 as (l1 Hl1) "Hl1".
iDestruct (mono_list_auth_lb_valid with "Hauth Hl1") as %[_ Hpre].
eapply prefix_lookup in Hpre; eauto; congruence.
Lemma mono_list_lb_own_get γ q l :
mono_list_auth_own γ q l -∗ mono_list_lb_own γ l.
Proof. intros. unseal. by apply own_mono, mono_list_included. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_lb_own_le {γ l} l' :
l' `prefix_of` l
mono_list_lb_own γ l -∗ mono_list_lb_own γ l'.
Proof. unseal. intros. by apply own_mono, mono_list_lb_mono. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_idx_own_get {γ l} i a :
l !! i = Some a
mono_list_lb_own γ l -∗ mono_list_idx_own γ i a.
Proof. iIntros (Hli) "Hl". iExists l. by iFrame. Qed.
Lemma mono_list_own_alloc l :
|==> γ, mono_list_auth_own γ 1 l mono_list_lb_own γ l.
unseal. setoid_rewrite <- own_op. by apply own_alloc, mono_list_both_valid_L.
Lemma mono_list_auth_own_update {γ l} l' :
l `prefix_of` l'
mono_list_auth_own γ 1 l ==∗ mono_list_auth_own γ 1 l' mono_list_lb_own γ l'.
iIntros (?) "Hauth".
iAssert (mono_list_auth_own γ 1 l') with "[> Hauth]" as "Hauth".
{ unseal. iApply (own_update with "Hauth"). by apply mono_list_update. }
iModIntro. iSplit; [done|]. by iApply mono_list_lb_own_get.
Lemma mono_list_auth_own_update_app {γ l} l' :
mono_list_auth_own γ 1 l ==∗
mono_list_auth_own γ 1 (l ++ l') mono_list_lb_own γ (l ++ l').
Proof. by apply mono_list_auth_own_update, prefix_app_r. Qed.
End mono_list_own.
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