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......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Section proofs.
Proof. intros ??. by rewrite -own_op. Qed.
Global Instance cinv_own_as_fractionnal γ q :
AsFractional (cinv_own γ q) (cinv_own γ) q.
Proof. done. Qed.
Proof. split. done. apply _. Qed.
Lemma cinv_own_valid γ q1 q2 : cinv_own γ q1 -∗ cinv_own γ q2 -∗ (q1 + q2)%Qp.
Proof. apply (own_valid_2 γ q1 q2). Qed.
......@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ From iris.proofmode Require Import classes class_instances.
Class Fractional {M} (Φ : Qp uPred M) :=
fractional p q : Φ (p + q)%Qp ⊣⊢ Φ p Φ q.
Class AsFractional {M} (P : uPred M) (Φ : Qp uPred M) (q : Qp) :=
as_fractional : P ⊣⊢ Φ q.
Class AsFractional {M} (P : uPred M) (Φ : Qp uPred M) (q : Qp) := {
as_fractional : P ⊣⊢ Φ q;
as_fractional_fractional :> Fractional Φ
Arguments fractional {_ _ _} _ _.
......@@ -78,11 +80,15 @@ Section fractional.
(** Mult instances *)
Global Instance mult_fractional_l Φ Ψ p :
( q, AsFractional (Φ q) Ψ (q * p)) Fractional Ψ Fractional Φ.
Proof. intros AF F q q'. by rewrite !AF Qp_mult_plus_distr_l F. Qed.
( q, AsFractional (Φ q) Ψ (q * p)) Fractional Φ.
intros H q q'. rewrite ->!as_fractional, Qp_mult_plus_distr_l. by apply H.
Global Instance mult_fractional_r Φ Ψ p :
( q, AsFractional (Φ q) Ψ (p * q)) Fractional Ψ Fractional Φ.
Proof. intros AF F q q'. by rewrite !AF Qp_mult_plus_distr_r F. Qed.
( q, AsFractional (Φ q) Ψ (p * q)) Fractional Φ.
intros H q q'. rewrite ->!as_fractional, Qp_mult_plus_distr_r. by apply H.
(* REMARK: These two instances do not work in either direction of the
......@@ -91,58 +97,71 @@ Section fractional.
with the goal does not work. *)
Instance mult_as_fractional_l P Φ p q :
AsFractional P Φ (q * p) AsFractional P (λ q, Φ (q * p)%Qp) q.
Proof. done. Qed.
intros H. split. apply H. eapply (mult_fractional_l _ Φ p).
split. done. apply H.
Instance mult_as_fractional_r P Φ p q :
AsFractional P Φ (p * q) AsFractional P (λ q, Φ (p * q)%Qp) q.
Proof. done. Qed.
intros H. split. apply H. eapply (mult_fractional_r _ Φ p).
split. done. apply H.
(** Proof mode instances *)
Global Instance from_sep_fractional_fwd P P1 P2 Φ q1 q2 :
AsFractional P Φ (q1 + q2) Fractional Φ
AsFractional P1 Φ q1 AsFractional P2 Φ q2
AsFractional P Φ (q1 + q2) AsFractional P1 Φ q1 AsFractional P2 Φ q2
FromSep P P1 P2.
Proof. by rewrite /FromSep=> -> -> -> ->. Qed.
Proof. by rewrite /FromSep=>-[-> ->] [-> _] [-> _]. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_fractional_bwd P P1 P2 Φ q1 q2 :
AsFractional P1 Φ q1 AsFractional P2 Φ q2 Fractional Φ
AsFractional P Φ (q1 + q2)
AsFractional P1 Φ q1 AsFractional P2 Φ q2 AsFractional P Φ (q1 + q2)
FromSep P P1 P2 | 10.
Proof. by rewrite /FromSep=> -> -> <- ->. Qed.
Proof. by rewrite /FromSep=>-[-> _] [-> <-] [-> _]. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_fractional_half_fwd P Q Φ q :
AsFractional P Φ q Fractional Φ
AsFractional Q Φ (q/2)
AsFractional P Φ q AsFractional Q Φ (q/2)
FromSep P Q Q | 10.
Proof. by rewrite /FromSep -{1}(Qp_div_2 q)=> -> -> ->. Qed.
Proof. by rewrite /FromSep -{1}(Qp_div_2 q)=>-[-> ->] [-> _]. Qed.
Global Instance from_sep_fractional_half_bwd P Q Φ q :
AsFractional P Φ (q/2) Fractional Φ
AsFractional Q Φ q
AsFractional P Φ (q/2) AsFractional Q Φ q
FromSep Q P P.
Proof. rewrite /FromSep=> -> <- ->. by rewrite Qp_div_2. Qed.
Proof. rewrite /FromSep=>-[-> <-] [-> _]. by rewrite Qp_div_2. Qed.
Global Instance into_and_fractional P P1 P2 Φ q1 q2 :
AsFractional P Φ (q1 + q2) Fractional Φ
AsFractional P1 Φ q1 AsFractional P2 Φ q2
AsFractional P Φ (q1 + q2) AsFractional P1 Φ q1 AsFractional P2 Φ q2
IntoAnd false P P1 P2.
Proof. by rewrite /AsFractional /IntoAnd=>->->->->. Qed.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoAnd=>-[-> ->] [-> _] [-> _]. Qed.
Global Instance into_and_fractional_half P Q Φ q :
AsFractional P Φ q Fractional Φ
AsFractional Q Φ (q/2)
AsFractional P Φ q AsFractional Q Φ (q/2)
IntoAnd false P Q Q | 100.
Proof. by rewrite /AsFractional /IntoAnd -{1}(Qp_div_2 q)=>->->->. Qed.
Global Instance frame_fractional_l R Q PP' QP' Φ r p p' :
AsFractional R Φ r AsFractional PP' Φ (p + p') Fractional Φ
Frame R (Φ p) Q MakeSep Q (Φ p') QP' Frame R PP' QP'.
Proof. rewrite /Frame=>->->-><-<-. by rewrite assoc. Qed.
Global Instance frame_fractional_r R Q PP' PQ Φ r p p' :
AsFractional R Φ r AsFractional PP' Φ (p + p') Fractional Φ
Frame R (Φ p') Q MakeSep (Φ p) Q PQ Frame R PP' PQ.
Proof. by rewrite /IntoAnd -{1}(Qp_div_2 q)=>-[->->][-> _]. Qed.
(* The instance [frame_fractional] can be tried at all the nodes of
the proof search. The proof search then fails almost always on
[AsFractional R Φ r], but the slowdown is still noticeable. For
that reason, we factorize the three instances that could ave been
defined for that purpose into one. *)
Inductive FrameFractionalHyps R Φ RES : Qp Qp Prop :=
| frame_fractional_hyps_l Q p p' r:
Frame R (Φ p) Q MakeSep Q (Φ p') RES
FrameFractionalHyps R Φ RES r (p + p')
| frame_fractional_hyps_r Q p p' r:
Frame R (Φ p') Q MakeSep Q (Φ p) RES
FrameFractionalHyps R Φ RES r (p + p')
| frame_fractional_hyps_half p:
AsFractional RES Φ (p/2)%Qp FrameFractionalHyps R Φ RES (p/2)%Qp p.
Existing Class FrameFractionalHyps.
Global Existing Instances frame_fractional_hyps_l frame_fractional_hyps_r
Global Instance frame_fractional R r Φ P p RES:
AsFractional R Φ r AsFractional P Φ p FrameFractionalHyps R Φ RES r p
Frame R P RES.
rewrite /Frame=>->->-><-<-. rewrite !assoc. f_equiv. by rewrite comm.
rewrite /Frame=>-[HR _][->?]H.
revert H HR=>-[Q p0 p0' r0|Q p0 p0' r0|p0].
- rewrite fractional=><-<-. by rewrite assoc.
- rewrite fractional=><-<-=>_.
rewrite (comm _ Q (Φ p0)) !assoc. f_equiv. by rewrite comm.
- move=>-[-> _]->. by rewrite -fractional Qp_div_2.
Global Instance frame_fractional_half P Q R Φ p:
AsFractional R Φ (p/2) AsFractional P Φ p Fractional Φ
AsFractional Q Φ (p/2)%Qp
Frame R P Q.
Proof. by rewrite /Frame -{2}(Qp_div_2 p)=>->->->->. Qed.
End fractional.
......@@ -78,10 +78,12 @@ Qed.
Lemma fin_to_nat_lt {n} (i : fin n) : fin_to_nat i < n.
Proof. induction i; simpl; lia. Qed.
Lemma fin_to_of_nat n m (H : n < m) : fin_to_nat (Fin.of_nat_lt H) = n.
Lemma fin_to_of_nat n m (H : n < m) : fin_to_nat (fin_of_nat H) = n.
revert m H. induction n; intros [|?]; simpl; auto; intros; exfalso; lia.
Lemma fin_of_to_nat {n} (i : fin n) H : @fin_of_nat (fin_to_nat i) n H = i.
Proof. apply (inj fin_to_nat), fin_to_of_nat. Qed.
Fixpoint fin_plus_inv {n1 n2} : (P : fin (n1 + n2) Type)
(H1 : i1 : fin n1, P (Fin.L n2 i1))
......@@ -258,16 +260,28 @@ Lemma vec_to_list_take_drop_lookup {A n} (v : vec A n) (i : fin n) :
vec_to_list v = take i v ++ v !!! i :: drop (S i) v.
Proof. rewrite <-(take_drop i v) at 1. by rewrite vec_to_list_drop_lookup. Qed.
Lemma vlookup_lookup {A n} (v : vec A n) (i : fin n) x :
v !!! i = x (v : list A) !! (i : nat) = Some x.
induction v as [|? ? v IH]; inv_fin i. simpl; split; congruence. done.
Lemma vlookup_lookup' {A n} (v : vec A n) (i : nat) x :
( H : i < n, v !!! (fin_of_nat H) = x) (v : list A) !! i = Some x.
- intros [Hlt ?]. rewrite <-(fin_to_of_nat i n Hlt). by apply vlookup_lookup.
- intros Hvix. assert (Hlt:=lookup_lt_Some _ _ _ Hvix).
rewrite vec_to_list_length in Hlt. exists Hlt.
apply vlookup_lookup. by rewrite fin_to_of_nat.
Lemma elem_of_vlookup {A n} (v : vec A n) x :
x vec_to_list v i, v !!! i = x.
- induction v; simpl; [by rewrite elem_of_nil |].
inversion 1; subst; [by eexists 0%fin|].
destruct IHv as [i ?]; trivial. by exists (FS i).
- intros [i ?]; subst. induction v as [|??? IH]; inv_fin i; [by left|].
right; apply IH.
rewrite elem_of_list_lookup. setoid_rewrite <-vlookup_lookup'.
split; [by intros (?&?&?); eauto|]. intros [i Hx].
exists i, (fin_to_nat_lt _). by rewrite fin_of_to_nat.
Lemma Forall_vlookup {A} (P : A Prop) {n} (v : vec A n) :
Forall P (vec_to_list v) i, P (v !!! i).
Proof. rewrite Forall_forall. setoid_rewrite elem_of_vlookup. naive_solver. Qed.
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Section gen_heap.
Global Instance mapsto_as_fractional l q v :
AsFractional (l {q} v) (λ q, l {q} v)%I q.
Proof. done. Qed.
Proof. split. done. apply _. Qed.
Lemma mapsto_agree l q1 q2 v1 v2 : l {q1} v1 l {q2} v2 v1 = v2⌝.
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Section gen_heap.
Global Instance heap_ex_mapsto_as_fractional l q :
AsFractional (l {q} -) (λ q, l {q} -)%I q.
Proof. done. Qed.
Proof. split. done. apply _. Qed.
Lemma mapsto_valid l q v : l {q} v q.
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