@@ -61,6 +61,38 @@ For any language $\Lang$, we define the corresponding thread-pool semantics.
\section{Program Logic}
This section describes how to build a program logic for an arbitrary language (\cf\Sref{sec:language}) on top of the logic described in \Sref{sec:hogs}.
To introduce invariants into our logic, we will define weakest precondition to explicitly thread through the proof that all the invariants are maintained throughout program execution.
However, in order to be able to access invariants, we will also have to provide a way to \emph{temporarily disable} (or ``open'') them.
To this end, we use tokens that manage which invariants are currently enabled.
We assume to have the following four CMRAs available:
\textmon{Inv}\eqdef{}&\authm(\mathbb N \fpfn\agm(\latert\iPreProp)) \\
\textmon{En}\eqdef{}&\pset{\mathbb N}\\
\textmon{Dis}\eqdef{}&\finpset{\mathbb N}
The last two are the tokens used for managing invariants, $\textmon{Inv}$ is the monoid used to manage the invariants themselves.
Finally, $\textmon{State}$ is used to provide the program with a view of the physical state of the machine.
Furthermore, we assume that instances named $\gname_{\textmon{State}}$, $\gname_{\textmon{Inv}}$, $\gname_{\textmon{En}}$ and $\gname_{\textmon{Dis}}$ of these CMRAs have been created.
(We will discuss later how this assumption is discharged.)
We can now define the assertion $W$ (\emph{world satisfaction}) which ensures that the enabled invariants are actually maintained:
W \eqdef{}&\Exists I : \mathbb N \fpfn\Prop. \ownGhost{\gname_{\textmon{Inv}}}{\authfull\aginj(\latertinj(\wIso(I)))}
%(∃ I : gmap positive (iProp Σ),
% own invariant_name (● (invariant_unfold <$> I : gmap _ _)) ★
% [★ map] i ↦ Q ∈ I, ▷ Q ★ ownD {[i]} ∨ ownE {[i]})
\subsection{Lost stuff}
\ralf{TODO: Right now, this is a dump of all the things that moved out of the base...}
To instantiate Iris, you need to define the following parameters: