"theories/algebra/cmra_big_op.v" did not exist on "2b96b14d9e335a6342163e0f5a29ce5dc2b32dba"
- Nov 14, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
This gives a 25% speedup on some files (e.g. boxes). This commit contains some hacks to work arround Coq issue #5699. This commit requires Coq v8.7 together with https://github.com/coq/coq/pull/1006
- Nov 11, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Nov 01, 2017
Jacques-Henri Jourdan authored
(□ P) now means (bi_bare (bi_persistently P)). This is motivated by the fact that these two modalities are rarely used separately. In the case of an affine BI, we keep the □ notation. This means that a bi_bare is inserted each time we use □. Hence, a few adaptations need to be done in the proof mode class instances.
- Oct 30, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
The absence of this axiom has two consequences: - We no longer have `■ (P ∗ Q) ⊢ ■ P ∗ ■ Q` and `□ (P ∗ Q) ⊢ □ P ∗ □ Q`, and as a result, separating conjunctions in the unrestricted/persistent context cannot be eliminated. - When having `(P -∗ ⬕ Q) ∗ P`, we do not get `⬕ Q ∗ P`. In the proof mode this means when having: H1 : P -∗ ⬕ Q H2 : P We cannot say `iDestruct ("H1" with "H2") as "#H1"` and keep `H2`. However, there is now a type class `PositiveBI PROP`, and when there is an instance of this type class, one gets the above reasoning principle back. TODO: Can we describe positivity of individual propositions instead of the whole BI? That way, we would get the above reasoning principles even when the BI is not positive, but the propositions involved are.
Robbert Krebbers authored
As Aleš observed, in the ordered RA model it is not, unless the order on the unit is timeless.
Robbert Krebbers authored
Thanks to discussions with Ales and Amin.
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Oct 25, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
Rename `UCMRA` → `Ucmra` Rename `CMRA` → `Cmra` Rename `OFE` → `Ofe` (`Ofe` was already used partially, but many occurences were missing) Rename `STS` → `Sts` Rename `DRA` → `Dra`
- Apr 07, 2017
Jacques-Henri Jourdan authored
- Apr 05, 2017
Jacques-Henri Jourdan authored
- Apr 04, 2017
Jacques-Henri Jourdan authored
- Mar 09, 2017
Robbert Krebbers authored
Now, we never need to unfold LimitPreserving in LambdaRust, and hence the entails_lim tactic is no longer needed.
- Mar 01, 2017
Ralf Jung authored
- Jan 05, 2017
- Jan 03, 2017
Ralf Jung authored
This patch was created using find -name *.v | xargs -L 1 awk -i inplace '{from = 0} /^From/{ from = 1; ever_from = 1} { if (from == 0 && seen == 0 && ever_from == 1) { print "Set Default Proof Using \"Type*\"."; seen = 1 } }1 ' and some minor manual editing
- Dec 21, 2016
Ralf Jung authored
- Dec 13, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
This fixes the following issue by JH Jourdan: The fact of including uPred_[...] in the module uPred (in base_logic.v), implies that typeclasses instances are declared twice. Once in module uPred and once in module uPred_[...]. This has the unfortunate consequence that it has to backtrack to both instances each time the first one fails, making failure of type class search for e.g. PersistentP potentially exponential. Goal ((□ ∀ (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5: nat), True -∗ True) -∗ True : iProp Σ). Time iIntros "#H". Undo. Remove Hints uPred_derived.forall_persistent : typeclass_instances. Time iIntros "#H". Thanks to Jason Gross @ Coq club for suggesting this fix.
- Dec 09, 2016
Ralf Jung authored
- Dec 05, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
Using this new definition we can express being contractive using a Proper. This has the following advantages: - It makes it easier to state that a function with multiple arguments is contractive (in all or some arguments). - A solve_contractive tactic can be implemented by extending the solve_proper tactic.
- Nov 22, 2016
Ralf Jung authored
Use COFEs only for the recursive domain equation solver
- Oct 25, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored