Forked from
RT-PROOFS / PROSA - Formally Proven Schedulability Analysis
385 commits behind the upstream repository.
There are quite a few places where hypotheses about the task of a job are simply stated as equality (even though a proper predicate exists). This patch replaces the equalities with the predicate.
There are quite a few places where hypotheses about the task of a job are simply stated as equality (even though a proper predicate exists). This patch replaces the equalities with the predicate.
abstract_seq_rta.v 38.16 KiB
Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.task_schedule.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.rbf.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.task_arrivals.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.sequential.
Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.abstract_rta.
(** * Abstract Response-Time Analysis with sequential tasks *)
(** In this section we propose the general framework for response-time analysis (RTA)
of uni-processor scheduling of real-time tasks with arbitrary arrival models
and sequential tasks. *)
(** We prove that the maximum among the solutions of the response-time bound
recurrence for some set of parameters is a response-time bound for [tsk].
Note that in this section we _do_ rely on the hypothesis about task
sequentiality. This allows us to provide a more precise response-time
bound function, since jobs of the same task will be executed strictly
in the order they arrive. *)
Section Sequential_Abstract_RTA.
(** Consider any type of tasks ... *)
Context {Task : TaskType}.
Context `{TaskCost Task}.
Context `{TaskRunToCompletionThreshold Task}.
(** ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *)
Context {Job : JobType}.
Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Context `{JobPreemptable Job}.
(** Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals... *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent : consistent_arrival_times arr_seq.
Hypothesis H_arr_seq_is_a_set : arrival_sequence_uniq arr_seq.
(** Next, consider any ideal uniprocessor schedule of this arrival sequence...*)
Variable sched : schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence : jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.
(** ... where jobs do not execute before their arrival nor after completion. *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute : jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute : completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.
(** Assume that the job costs are no larger than the task costs. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_job_cost:
arrivals_have_valid_job_costs arr_seq.
(** Consider an arbitrary task set. *)
Variable ts : list Task.
(** Let [tsk] be any task in ts that is to be analyzed. *)
Variable tsk : Task.
Hypothesis H_tsk_in_ts : tsk \in ts.
(** Consider a valid preemption model... *)
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_model:
valid_preemption_model arr_seq sched.
(** ...and a valid task run-to-completion threshold function. That
is, [task_rtct tsk] is (1) no bigger than [tsk]'s cost, (2) for
any job of task [tsk] [job_rtct] is bounded by [task_rtct]. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_run_to_completion_threshold:
valid_task_run_to_completion_threshold arr_seq tsk.
(** Let max_arrivals be a family of valid arrival curves, i.e., for any task [tsk] in ts
[max_arrival tsk] is (1) an arrival bound of [tsk], and (2) it is a monotonic function
that equals [0] for the empty interval [delta = 0]. *)
Context `{MaxArrivals Task}.
Hypothesis H_valid_arrival_curve : valid_taskset_arrival_curve ts max_arrivals.
Hypothesis H_is_arrival_curve : taskset_respects_max_arrivals arr_seq ts.
(** Assume we are provided with abstract functions for interference and interfering workload. *)
Variable interference : Job -> instant -> bool.
Variable interfering_workload : Job -> instant -> duration.
(** Let's define some local names for clarity. *)
Let task_rbf := task_request_bound_function tsk.
Let busy_interval := busy_interval sched interference interfering_workload.
Let arrivals_between := arrivals_between arr_seq.
Let service_of_jobs_at := service_of_jobs_at sched.
Let task_workload_between := task_workload_between arr_seq tsk.
Let task_service_of_jobs_in := task_service_of_jobs_in sched tsk.
Let response_time_bounded_by := task_response_time_bound arr_seq sched.
(** In this section, we introduce a few new definitions to make it easier
to express the new bound of the worst-case execution time. *)
Section Definitions.
(** When assuming sequential tasks, we can introduce an additional hypothesis that
ensures that the values of interference and workload remain consistent. It states
that any of [tsk]'s job, that arrived before the busy interval, should be
completed by the beginning of the busy interval. *)
Definition interference_and_workload_consistent_with_sequential_tasks :=
forall (j : Job) (t1 t2 : instant),
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
job_of_task tsk j ->
job_cost j > 0 ->
busy_interval j t1 t2 ->
task_workload_between 0 t1 = task_service_of_jobs_in (arrivals_between 0 t1) 0 t1.
(** Next we introduce the notion of task interference. Intuitively, task [tsk] incurs
interference when some of the jobs of task [tsk] incur interference. As a result,
[tsk] cannot make any progress. More formally, task [tsk] experiences interference at
a time instant time [t], if at time t task [tsk] is not scheduled and there exists
a job of [tsk] that (1) experiences interference and (2) has arrived before some
time instant [upper_bound].
It is important to note two subtle points: according to our semantics of the
interference function, jobs from the same task can cause interference to each other.
In the definition of interference of a task we want to avoid such situations. That
is why we use the term [~~ task_scheduled_at tsk t].
Moreover, in order to make the definition constructive, we introduce an upper bound
on the arrival time of jobs from task [tsk]. As a result, we need to consider only a
finite number of jobs. For the function to produce the correct values it is enough
to specify a sufficiently large upper_bound. Usually as upper_bound one can use the
end of the corresponding busy interval. *)
Definition task_interference_received_before (tsk : Task) (upper_bound : instant) (t : instant) :=
(~~ task_scheduled_at sched tsk t)
&& has (fun j => interference j t) (task_arrivals_before arr_seq tsk upper_bound).
(** Next we define the cumulative task interference. *)
Definition cumul_task_interference tsk upper_bound t1 t2 :=
\sum_(t1 <= t < t2) task_interference_received_before tsk upper_bound t.
(** We say that task interference is bounded by task_interference_bound_function ([tIBF])
iff for any job [j] of task [tsk] cumulative _task_ interference within the interval
[t1, t1 + R) is bounded by function [tIBF(tsk, A, R)].
Note that this definition is almost the same as the definition of job_interference_is_bounded_by
from the non-necessary-sequential case. However, in this case we ignore the
interference that comes from jobs from the same task. *)
Definition task_interference_is_bounded_by
(task_interference_bound_function : Task -> duration -> duration -> duration) :=
forall j R t1 t2,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
job_of_task tsk j ->
t1 + R < t2 ->
~~ completed_by sched j (t1 + R) ->
busy_interval j t1 t2 ->
let offset := job_arrival j - t1 in
cumul_task_interference tsk t2 t1 (t1 + R) <= task_interference_bound_function tsk offset R.
End Definitions.
(** In this section, we prove that the maximum among the solutions of the
response-time bound recurrence is a response-time bound for [tsk]. *)
Section ResponseTimeBound.
(** For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
Let cumul_interference := cumul_interference interference.
Let cumul_workload := cumul_interfering_workload interfering_workload.
Let cumul_task_interference := cumul_task_interference tsk.
(** We assume that the schedule is work-conserving. *)
Hypothesis H_work_conserving:
work_conserving arr_seq sched tsk interference interfering_workload.
(** Unlike the previous theorem [uniprocessor_response_time_bound], we assume
that (1) tasks are sequential, moreover (2) functions interference and
interfering_workload are consistent with the hypothesis of sequential tasks. *)
Hypothesis H_sequential_tasks : sequential_tasks arr_seq sched.
Hypothesis H_interference_and_workload_consistent_with_sequential_tasks:
(** Assume we have a constant L which bounds the busy interval of any of [tsk]'s jobs. *)
Variable L : duration.
Hypothesis H_busy_interval_exists:
busy_intervals_are_bounded_by arr_seq sched tsk interference interfering_workload L.
(** Next, we assume that task_interference_bound_function is a bound on interference incurred by the task. *)
Variable task_interference_bound_function : Task -> duration -> duration -> duration.
Hypothesis H_task_interference_is_bounded:
task_interference_is_bounded_by task_interference_bound_function.
(** Given any job [j] of task [tsk] that arrives exactly [A] units after the beginning of the busy
interval, the bound on the total interference incurred by [j] within an interval of length [Δ]
is no greater than [task_rbf (A + ε) - task_cost tsk + task's IBF Δ]. Note that in case of
sequential tasks the bound consists of two parts: (1) the part that bounds the interference
received from other jobs of task [tsk] -- [task_rbf (A + ε) - task_cost tsk] and (2) any other
interference that is bounded by [task_IBF(tsk, A, Δ)]. *)
Let total_interference_bound (tsk : Task) (A Δ : duration) :=
task_rbf (A + ε) - task_cost tsk + task_interference_bound_function tsk A Δ.
(** Note that since we consider the modified interference bound function, the search space has
also changed. One can see that the new search space is guaranteed to include any A for which
[task_rbf (A) ≠ task_rbf (A + ε)], since this implies the fact that
[total_interference_bound (tsk, A, Δ) ≠ total_interference_bound (tsk, A + ε, Δ)]. *)
Let is_in_search_space_seq := is_in_search_space tsk L total_interference_bound.
(** Consider any value [R], and assume that for any relative arrival time [A] from the search
space there is a solution [F] of the response-time recurrence that is bounded by [R]. In
contrast to the formula in "non-sequential" Abstract RTA, assuming that tasks are
sequential leads to a more precise response-time bound. Now we can explicitly express
the interference caused by other jobs of the task under consideration.
To understand the right part of the fix-point in the equation it is helpful to note
that the bound on the total interference ([bound_of_total_interference]) is equal to
[task_rbf (A + ε) - task_cost tsk + tIBF tsk A Δ]. Besides, a job must receive
enough service to become non-preemptive [task_lock_in_service tsk]. The sum of
these two quantities is exactly the right-hand side of the equation. *)
Variable R : nat.
Hypothesis H_R_is_maximum_seq:
forall (A : duration),
is_in_search_space_seq A ->
exists (F : duration),
A + F >= (task_rbf (A + ε) - (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk))
+ task_interference_bound_function tsk A (A + F) /\
R >= F + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk).
(** In this section we prove a few simple lemmas about the completion of jobs from the task
considering the busy interval of the job under consideration. *)
Section CompletionOfJobsFromSameTask.
(** Consider any two jobs [j1] [j2] of [tsk]. *)
Variable j1 j2 : Job.
Hypothesis H_j1_arrives: arrives_in arr_seq j1.
Hypothesis H_j2_arrives: arrives_in arr_seq j2.
Hypothesis H_j1_from_tsk: job_of_task tsk j1.
Hypothesis H_j2_from_tsk: job_of_task tsk j2.
Hypothesis H_j1_cost_positive: job_cost_positive j1.
(** Consider the busy interval <<[t1, t2)>> of job j1. *)
Variable t1 t2 : instant.
Hypothesis H_busy_interval : busy_interval j1 t1 t2.
(** We prove that if a job from task [tsk] arrived before the beginning of the busy
interval, then it must be completed before the beginning of the busy interval *)
Lemma completed_before_beginning_of_busy_interval:
job_arrival j2 < t1 ->
completed_by sched j2 t1.
move => JA; move: (H_j2_from_tsk) => /eqP TSK2eq.
rewrite /completed_by.
move: (posnP (@job_cost _ H3 j2)) => [-> | POS]; first by done.
move: (H_interference_and_workload_consistent_with_sequential_tasks j1 t1 t2) => SWEQ.
feed_n 4 SWEQ; try by done.
apply all_jobs_have_completed_equiv_workload_eq_service with (j := j2) in SWEQ => //.
- by apply ideal_proc_model_provides_unit_service.
- by apply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals.
(** Next we prove that if a job is pending after the beginning
of the busy interval <<[t1, t2)>> then it arrives after t1. *)
Lemma arrives_after_beginning_of_busy_interval:
forall t,
t1 <= t ->
pending sched j2 t ->
arrived_between j2 t1 t.+1.
intros t GE PEND.
rewrite /arrived_between; apply/andP; split; last first.
{ by move: PEND => /andP [ARR _]; rewrite ltnS. }
rewrite leqNgt; apply/negP; intros LT.
move: (H_busy_interval) => [[/andP [AFR1 AFR2] [QT _]] _].
have L12 := completed_before_beginning_of_busy_interval LT.
apply completion_monotonic with (t' := t) in L12; try done.
by move: PEND => /andP [_ /negP T2].
End CompletionOfJobsFromSameTask.
(** Since we are going to use the [uniprocessor_response_time_bound] theorem to prove
the theorem of this section, we have to show that all the hypotheses are satisfied.
Namely, we need to show that hypotheses [H_sequential_tasks, H_i_w_are_task_consistent
and H_task_interference_is_bounded_by] imply [H_job_interference_is_bounded], and the
fact that [H_R_is_maximum_seq] implies [H_R_is_maximum]. *)
(** In this section we show that there exists a bound for cumulative interference for any
job of task [tsk], i.e., the hypothesis [H_job_interference_is_bounded] holds. *)
Section BoundOfCumulativeJobInterference.
(** Consider any job [j] of [tsk]. *)
Variable j : Job.
Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk : job_of_task tsk j.
Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive : job_cost_positive j.
(** Consider the busy interval <<[t1, t2)>> of job j. *)
Variable t1 t2 : instant.
Hypothesis H_busy_interval : busy_interval j t1 t2.
(** Let's define A as a relative arrival time of job j (with respect to time t1). *)
Let A : duration := job_arrival j - t1.
(** Consider an arbitrary time x ... *)
Variable x : duration.
(** ... such that (t1 + x) is inside the busy interval... *)
Hypothesis H_inside_busy_interval : t1 + x < t2.
(** ... and job j is not completed by time (t1 + x). *)
Hypothesis H_job_j_is_not_completed : ~~ completed_by sched j (t1 + x).
(** In this section, we show that the cumulative interference of job j in the interval <<[t1, t1 + x)>>
is bounded by the sum of the task workload in the interval [t1, t1 + A + ε) and the cumulative
interference of [j]'s task in the interval [t1, t1 + x). Note that the task workload is computed
only on the interval [t1, t1 + A + ε). Thanks to the hypothesis about sequential tasks, jobs of
task [tsk] that arrive after [t1 + A + ε] cannot interfere with j. *)
Section TaskInterferenceBoundsInterference.
(** We start by proving a simpler analog of the lemma which states that at
any time instant t ∈ <<[t1, t1 + x)>> the sum of [interference j t] and
[scheduled_at j t] is no larger than the sum of [the service received
by jobs of task tsk at time t] and [task_iterference tsk t]. *)
(** Next we consider 4 cases. *)
Section CaseAnalysis.
(** Consider an arbitrary time instant t ∈ <<[t1, t1 + x)>>. *)
Variable t : instant.
Hypothesis H_t_in_interval : t1 <= t < t1 + x.
Section Case1.
(** Assume the processor is idle at time [t]. *)
Hypothesis H_idle : sched t = None.
(** In case when the processor is idle, one can show that
[interference j t = 1, scheduled_at j t = 0]. But since
interference doesn't come from a job of task [tsk]
[task_interference tsk = 1]. Which reduces to [1 ≤ 1]. *)
Lemma interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_task_interference_idle:
interference j t + scheduled_at sched j t <=
service_of_jobs_at (job_of_task tsk) (arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε)) t +
task_interference_received_before tsk t2 t.
move: (H_busy_interval) => [[/andP [BUS LT] _] _].
rewrite /cumul_task_interference /definitions.cumul_interference
/Sequential_Abstract_RTA.cumul_task_interference /task_interference_received_before
/task_scheduled_at /task_schedule.task_scheduled_at /service_of_jobs_at
/service_of_jobs.service_of_jobs_at/= scheduled_at_def.
rewrite !H_idle/=.
rewrite big1_eq addn0 add0n.
case INT: (interference j t); last by done.
simpl; rewrite lt0b.
apply/hasP; exists j; last by done.
rewrite mem_filter; apply/andP; split; first by done.
by apply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals.
End Case1.
Section Case2.
(** Assume a job [j'] from another task is scheduled at time [t]. *)
Variable j' : Job.
Hypothesis H_sched : sched t = Some j'.
Hypothesis H_not_job_of_tsk : ~~ job_of_task tsk j'.
(** If a job [j]' from another task is scheduled at time [t],
then [interference j t = 1, scheduled_at j t = 0]. But
since interference doesn't come from a job of task [tsk]
[task_interference tsk = 1]. Which reduces to [1 ≤ 1]. *)
Lemma interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_task_interference_task:
interference j t + scheduled_at sched j t <=
service_of_jobs_at (job_of_task tsk) (arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε)) t +
task_interference_received_before tsk t2 t.
move: (H_busy_interval) => [[/andP [BUS LT] _] _].
rewrite /cumul_task_interference /definitions.cumul_interference
/Sequential_Abstract_RTA.cumul_task_interference /task_interference_received_before
/task_scheduled_at /task_schedule.task_scheduled_at /service_of_jobs_at
/service_of_jobs.service_of_jobs_at scheduled_at_def/=.
have ARRs: arrives_in arr_seq j'; first by apply H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence with t; rewrite scheduled_at_def; apply/eqP.
rewrite H_sched H_not_job_of_tsk; simpl.
have ->: Some j' == Some j = false; last rewrite addn0.
{ apply/negP => /eqP CONTR; inversion CONTR; subst j'.
by move: (H_not_job_of_tsk); rewrite H_job_of_tsk. }
have ZERO: \sum_(i <- arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε) | job_task i == tsk) (Some j' == Some i) = 0.
{ apply big1 => j2 TSK.
apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/negP => /eqP EQ; inversion EQ; subst j'.
by move: (H_not_job_of_tsk); rewrite / job_of_task TSK.
rewrite ZERO ?addn0 add0n; simpl; clear ZERO.
case INT: (interference j t); last by done.
simpl; rewrite lt0b.
apply/hasP; exists j; last by done.
rewrite mem_filter; apply/andP; split; first by done.
by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals.
End Case2.
Section Case3.
(** Assume a job [j'] (different from j) of task [tsk] is scheduled at time [t]. *)
Variable j' : Job.
Hypothesis H_sched : sched t = Some j'.
Hypothesis H_not_job_of_tsk : job_of_task tsk j'.
Hypothesis H_j_neq_j' : j != j'.
(** If a job [j'] (different from [j]) of task [tsk] is scheduled at time [t], then
[interference j t = 1, scheduled_at j t = 0]. Moreover, since interference
comes from a job of the same task [task_interference tsk = 0]. However,
in this case [service_of_jobs of tsk = 1]. Which reduces to [1 ≤ 1]. *)
Lemma interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_task_interference_job:
interference j t + scheduled_at sched j t <=
service_of_jobs_at (job_of_task tsk) (arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε)) t +
task_interference_received_before tsk t2 t.
move: (H_busy_interval) => [[/andP [BUS LT] _] _].
rewrite /cumul_task_interference /definitions.cumul_interference
/Sequential_Abstract_RTA.cumul_task_interference /task_interference_received_before
/task_scheduled_at /task_schedule.task_scheduled_at /service_of_jobs_at
/service_of_jobs.service_of_jobs_at scheduled_at_def/=.
have ARRs: arrives_in arr_seq j'; first by apply H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence with t; rewrite scheduled_at_def; apply/eqP.
move: (H_not_job_of_tsk) => /eqP; rewrite H_sched => ->; rewrite eq_refl addn0; simpl.
have ->: Some j' == Some j = false by
apply/negP => /eqP EQ; inversion EQ; subst j'; move:H_j_neq_j' => /negP NEQ; apply: NEQ.
replace (interference j t) with true; last first.
{ have NEQT: t1 <= t < t2.
{ by move: H_t_in_interval => /andP [NEQ1 NEQ2]; apply/andP; split; last apply ltn_trans with (t1 + x). }
move: (H_work_conserving j t1 t2 t H_j_arrives H_job_of_tsk H_job_cost_positive H_busy_interval NEQT) => [Hn _].
apply/eqP;rewrite eq_sym eqb_id; apply/negPn/negP; intros CONTR; move: CONTR => /negP CONTR.
apply Hn in CONTR; rewrite scheduled_at_def in CONTR; simpl in CONTR.
by move: CONTR; rewrite H_sched => /eqP EQ; inversion EQ; subst; move: H_j_neq_j' => /eqP.
rewrite big_mkcond; apply/sum_seq_gt0P; exists j'; split; last first.
{ by move: H_not_job_of_tsk => /eqP TSK; rewrite /job_of_task TSK eq_refl eq_refl. }
{ intros. have ARR:= arrives_after_beginning_of_busy_interval j j' _ _ _ _ _ t1 t2 _ t.
feed_n 8 ARR; try (done || by move: H_t_in_interval => /andP [T1 T2]).
{ move: H_sched => /eqP SCHEDt.
apply scheduled_implies_pending;
auto using ideal_proc_model_ensures_ideal_progress.
by rewrite scheduled_at_def. }
case_eq (job_arrival j' <= job_arrival j) => ARRNEQ.
{ move: ARR => /andP [РР _].
eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 2.
by apply/andP; split; last rewrite /A subnKC // addn1 ltnS. }
{ exfalso.
apply negbT in ARRNEQ; rewrite -ltnNge in ARRNEQ.
move: (H_sequential_tasks j j' t) => CONTR.
feed_n 5 CONTR; try done.
{ by rewrite /same_task eq_sym; move: (H_job_of_tsk) => /eqP ->. }
{ by move: H_sched => /eqP SCHEDt; rewrite scheduled_at_def. }
move: H_job_j_is_not_completed => /negP T; apply: T.
apply completion_monotonic with t; try done.
by apply ltnW; move: H_t_in_interval => /andP [_ NEQ]. } }
End Case3.
Section Case4.
(** Assume that job [j] is scheduled at time [t]. *)
Hypothesis H_sched : sched t = Some j.
(** If job [j] is scheduled at time [t], then [interference = 0, scheduled_at = 1], but
note that [service_of_jobs of tsk = 1], therefore inequality reduces to [1 ≤ 1]. *)
Lemma interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_task_interference_j:
interference j t + scheduled_at sched j t <=
service_of_jobs_at (job_of_task tsk) (arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε)) t +
task_interference_received_before tsk t2 t.
have j_is_in_arrivals_between: j \in arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε).
{ eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 2.
move: (H_busy_interval) => [[/andP [GE _] [_ _]] _].
by apply/andP; split; last rewrite /A subnKC // addn1.
} intros.
rewrite /cumul_task_interference /definitions.cumul_interference
/Sequential_Abstract_RTA.cumul_task_interference /task_interference_received_before
/task_scheduled_at /task_schedule.task_scheduled_at /service_of_jobs_at
/service_of_jobs.service_of_jobs_at scheduled_at_def.
rewrite H_sched; move: H_job_of_tsk => /eqP ->; rewrite eq_refl eq_refl addn0 //=.
move: (H_work_conserving j _ _ t H_j_arrives H_job_of_tsk H_job_cost_positive H_busy_interval) => WORK.
feed WORK.
{ move: H_t_in_interval => /andP [NEQ1 NEQ2].
by apply/andP; split; last apply ltn_trans with (t1 + x). }
move: WORK => [_ ZIJT].
feed ZIJT; first by rewrite scheduled_at_def H_sched; simpl.
move: ZIJT => /negP /eqP; rewrite eqb_negLR; simpl; move => /eqP ZIJT; rewrite ZIJT; simpl; rewrite add0n.
rewrite big_mkcond //=; apply/sum_seq_gt0P.
exists j; split.
- by apply j_is_in_arrivals_between.
- by move: (H_job_of_tsk) => ->; rewrite H_sched !eq_refl.
End Case4.
(** We use the above case analysis to prove that any time instant
t ∈ <<[t1, t1 + x)>> the sum of [interference j t] and [scheduled_at j t]
is no larger than the sum of [the service received by jobs of task
tsk at time t] and [task_iterference tsk t]. *)
Lemma interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_task_interference:
interference j t + scheduled_at sched j t
<= service_of_jobs_at (job_of_task tsk) (arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε)) t
+ task_interference_received_before tsk t2 t.
move: (H_busy_interval) => [[/andP [BUS LT] _] _].
case SCHEDt: (sched t) => [j1 | ].
2: by apply interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_task_interference_idle.
have ARRs: arrives_in arr_seq j1;
first by apply H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence with t; rewrite scheduled_at_def; apply/eqP.
case_eq (job_task j1 == tsk) => TSK.
2: by eapply interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_task_interference_task; [eassumption| apply/negbT].
case EQ: (j == j1); [move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst j1 | ].
1: by apply interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_task_interference_j.
eapply interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_task_interference_job;
auto; repeat split; eauto; apply/eqP; move: EQ => /eqP EQ; auto.
End CaseAnalysis.
(** Next we prove cumulative version of the lemma above. *)
Lemma cumul_interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_cumul_task_interference:
cumul_interference j t1 (t1 + x)
<= (task_service_of_jobs_in (arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε)) t1 (t1 + x)
- service_during sched j t1 (t1 + x)) + cumul_task_interference t2 t1 (t1 + x).
have j_is_in_arrivals_between: j \in arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε).
{ eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 2.
move: (H_busy_interval) => [[/andP [GE _] [_ _]] _].
by apply/andP; split; last rewrite /A subnKC // addn1.
rewrite /cumul_interference /cumul_interference /task_service_of_jobs_in
/service_of_jobs exchange_big //=.
rewrite -(leq_add2r (\sum_(t1 <= t < (t1 + x)) service_at sched j t)).
rewrite [X in _ <= X]addnC addnA subnKC; last first.
{ rewrite exchange_big //= (big_rem j) //=; auto using j_is_in_arrivals_between.
by rewrite H_job_of_tsk leq_addr. }
rewrite -big_split -big_split //=.
rewrite big_nat_cond [X in _ <= X]big_nat_cond leq_sum //; move => t /andP [NEQ _].
rewrite -scheduled_at_def.
by apply interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_task_interference.
(** On the other hand, the service terms in the inequality
above can be upper-bound by the workload terms. *)
Lemma serv_of_task_le_workload_of_task_plus:
task_service_of_jobs_in (arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε)) t1 (t1 + x)
- service_during sched j t1 (t1 + x) + cumul_task_interference t2 t1 (t1 + x)
<= (task_workload_between t1 (t1 + A + ε) - job_cost j)
+ cumul_task_interference t2 t1 (t1 + x).
have j_is_in_arrivals_between: j \in arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε).
{ eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 2.
move: (H_busy_interval) => [[/andP [GE _] [_ _]] _].
by apply/andP; split; last rewrite /A subnKC // addn1.
rewrite leq_add2r.
rewrite /task_workload /task_service_of_jobs_in
/service_of_jobs.task_service_of_jobs_in/service_of_jobs /workload_of_jobs.
rewrite (big_rem j) ?[X in _ <= X - _](big_rem j) //=; auto using j_is_in_arrivals_between.
rewrite H_job_of_tsk addnC -addnBA; last by done.
rewrite [X in _ <= X - _]addnC -addnBA; last by done.
rewrite !subnn !addn0.
by apply service_of_jobs_le_workload; auto using ideal_proc_model_provides_unit_service.
(** Finally, we show that the cumulative interference of job j in the interval <<[t1, t1 + x)>>
is bounded by the sum of the task workload in the interval [t1, t1 + A + ε) and
the cumulative interference of [j]'s task in the interval [t1, t1 + x). *)
Lemma cumulative_job_interference_le_task_interference_bound:
cumul_interference j t1 (t1 + x)
<= (task_workload_between t1 (t1 + A + ε) - job_cost j)
+ cumul_task_interference t2 t1 (t1 + x).
apply leq_trans with
(task_service_of_jobs_in (arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε)) t1 (t1 + x)
- service_during sched j t1 (t1 + x)
+ cumul_task_interference t2 t1 (t1 + x));
[ apply cumul_interference_plus_sched_le_serv_of_task_plus_cumul_task_interference
| apply serv_of_task_le_workload_of_task_plus].
End TaskInterferenceBoundsInterference.
(** In order to obtain a more convenient bound of the cumulative interference, we need to
abandon the actual workload in favor of a bound which depends on task parameters only.
So, we show that actual workload of the task excluding workload of any job [j] is no
greater than bound of workload excluding the cost of job [j]'s task. *)
Lemma task_rbf_excl_tsk_bounds_task_workload_excl_j:
task_workload_between t1 (t1 + A + ε) - job_cost j <= task_rbf (A + ε) - task_cost tsk.
move: H_j_arrives H_job_of_tsk H_busy_interval => ARR TSK [[/andP [JAGET1 JALTT2] _] _].
apply leq_trans with
(task_cost tsk * number_of_task_arrivals arr_seq tsk t1 (t1 + A + ε) - task_cost tsk); last first.
{ rewrite leq_sub2r // leq_mul2l; apply/orP; right.
rewrite -addnA -{2}[(A+1)](addKn t1).
by apply H_is_arrival_curve; auto using leq_addr. }
have Fact6: j \in arrivals_between (t1 + A) (t1 + A + ε).
{ apply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; try done.
apply/andP; split; rewrite /A subnKC //.
by rewrite addn1 ltnSn //. }
have Fact4: j \in arrivals_at arr_seq (t1 + A).
{ by move: ARR => [t ARR]; rewrite subnKC //; feed (H_arrival_times_are_consistent j t); try (subst t). }
have Fact1: 1 <= number_of_task_arrivals arr_seq tsk (t1 + A) (t1 + A + ε).
{ rewrite /number_of_task_arrivals /task_arrivals_between /arrival_sequence.arrivals_between.
by rewrite size_filter -has_count; apply/hasP; exists j; last rewrite TSK.
rewrite (@num_arrivals_of_task_cat _ _ _ _ _ (t1 + A)); last by apply/andP; split; rewrite leq_addr //.
rewrite mulnDr.
have Step1: task_workload_between t1 (t1 + A + ε)
= task_workload_between t1 (t1 + A) + task_workload_between (t1 + A) (t1 + A + ε).
{ by apply workload_of_jobs_cat; apply/andP; split; rewrite leq_addr. } rewrite Step1; clear Step1.
rewrite -!addnBA; first last.
{ by rewrite /task_workload_between /workload.task_workload_between /task_workload
/workload_of_jobs (big_rem j) //= TSK leq_addr. }
{ apply leq_trans with (task_cost tsk); first by done.
by rewrite -{1}[task_cost tsk]muln1 leq_mul2l; apply/orP; right. }
rewrite leq_add; [by done | by eapply task_workload_le_num_of_arrivals_times_cost; eauto | ].
rewrite /task_workload_between /workload.task_workload_between /task_workload /workload_of_jobs
/arrival_sequence.arrivals_between /number_of_task_arrivals /task_arrivals_between
rewrite {1}addn1 big_nat1 addn1 big_nat1.
rewrite (big_rem j) //= TSK //= addnC -addnBA // subnn addn0.
rewrite (filter_size_rem j); [ | by done | by rewrite TSK].
rewrite mulnDr mulnC muln1 -addnBA // subnn addn0 mulnC.
apply sum_majorant_constant.
move => j' ARR' /eqP TSK2.
by rewrite -TSK2; apply H_valid_job_cost; exists (t1 + A); apply rem_in in ARR'.
(** Finally, we use the lemmas above to obtain the bound on
[interference] in terms of [task_rbf] and [task_interference]. *)
Lemma cumulative_job_interference_bound:
cumul_interference j t1 (t1 + x)
<= (task_rbf (A + ε) - task_cost tsk) + cumul_task_interference t2 t1 (t1 + x).
set (y := t1 + x) in *.
have IN: j \in arrivals_between t1 (t1 + A + ε).
{ eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; eauto 2.
move: (H_busy_interval) => [[/andP [GE _] _] _].
by apply/andP; split; last rewrite /A subnKC // addn1.
apply leq_trans with (task_workload_between t1 (t1+A+ε) - job_cost j + cumul_task_interference t2 t1 y).
- by apply cumulative_job_interference_le_task_interference_bound.
- rewrite leq_add2r.
eapply task_rbf_excl_tsk_bounds_task_workload_excl_j; eauto 2.
End BoundOfCumulativeJobInterference.
(** In this section, we prove that [H_R_is_maximum_seq] implies [H_R_is_maximum]. *)
Section MaxInSeqHypothesisImpMaxInNonseqHypothesis.
(** Consider any job [j] of [tsk]. *)
Variable j : Job.
Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk : job_of_task tsk j.
(** For simplicity, let's define a local name for the search space. *)
Let is_in_search_space A :=
is_in_search_space tsk L total_interference_bound A.
(** We prove that [H_R_is_maximum] holds. *)
Lemma max_in_seq_hypothesis_implies_max_in_nonseq_hypothesis:
forall (A : duration),
is_in_search_space A ->
exists (F : duration),
A + F >= task_rtct tsk +
(task_rbf (A + ε) - task_cost tsk + task_interference_bound_function tsk A (A + F)) /\
R >= F + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk).
move: H_valid_run_to_completion_threshold => [PRT1 PRT2].
intros A INSP.
clear H_sequential_tasks H_interference_and_workload_consistent_with_sequential_tasks.
move: (H_R_is_maximum_seq _ INSP) => [F [FIX LE]].
exists F; split; last by done.
rewrite -{2}(leqRW FIX).
rewrite addnA leq_add2r.
rewrite addnBA; last first.
{ apply leq_trans with (task_rbf 1).
eapply task_rbf_1_ge_task_cost; eauto 2.
eapply task_rbf_monotone; eauto 2.
by rewrite addn1.
by rewrite subnBA; auto; rewrite addnC.
End MaxInSeqHypothesisImpMaxInNonseqHypothesis.
(** Finally, we apply the [uniprocessor_response_time_bound] theorem, and using the
lemmas above, we prove that all the requirements are satisfied. So, R is a response
time bound. *)
Theorem uniprocessor_response_time_bound_seq:
response_time_bounded_by tsk R.
intros j ARR TSK.
eapply uniprocessor_response_time_bound with
(interference_bound_function :=
fun tsk A R => task_rbf (A + ε) - task_cost tsk + task_interference_bound_function tsk A R)
(interfering_workload0 := interfering_workload); eauto 2.
apply ideal_proc_model_ensures_ideal_progress.
apply ideal_proc_model_provides_unit_service.
{ clear ARR TSK H_R_is_maximum_seq R j.
intros t1 t2 R j BUSY NEQ ARR TSK COMPL.
move: (posnP (@job_cost _ H3 j)) => [ZERO|POS].
{ exfalso.
move: COMPL => /negP COMPL; apply: COMPL.
by rewrite /service.completed_by /completed_by ZERO.
set (A := job_arrival j - t1) in *.
apply leq_trans with
(task_rbf (A + ε) - task_cost tsk + cumul_task_interference t2 t1 (t1 + R)).
- by eapply cumulative_job_interference_bound; eauto 2.
- by rewrite leq_add2l; apply H_task_interference_is_bounded.
{ by eapply max_in_seq_hypothesis_implies_max_in_nonseq_hypothesis; eauto. }
End ResponseTimeBound.
End Sequential_Abstract_RTA.