Forked from
RT-PROOFS / PROSA - Formally Proven Schedulability Analysis
704 commits behind the upstream repository.
Björn Brandenburg authored
Rationale: reserve the behavior folder for trace-based semantics. These lemmas really constitute an analysis of the basic consequences arising from the chosen semantics and hence logically belong to the "analysis" part of Prosa.
Björn Brandenburg authoredRationale: reserve the behavior folder for trace-based semantics. These lemmas really constitute an analysis of the basic consequences arising from the chosen semantics and hence logically belong to the "analysis" part of Prosa.
prefix.v 3.39 KiB
From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat ssrbool fintype.
From rt.restructuring.behavior Require Import schedule.
From rt.restructuring.analysis Require Import basic_facts.all.
(** This file provides an operation that transforms a finite prefix of
a given schedule by applying a point-wise transformation to each
instant up to a given horizon. *)
Section SchedulePrefixMap.
(* For any type of jobs and... *)
Context {Job : JobType}.
(* ... any given type of processor states ... *)
Context {PState: eqType}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(* ... we define a procedure that applies a given function to every
point in a given finite prefix of the schedule.
The point-wise transformation f is given a schedule and the point
to transform, and must yield a transformed schedule that is used
in subsequent operations. *)
Fixpoint prefix_map
(sched: schedule PState)
(f: schedule PState -> instant -> schedule PState)
(horizon: instant) :=
match horizon with
| 0 => sched
| S t =>
prefix := prefix_map sched f t
in f prefix t
(** We provide a utility lemma that establishes that, if the
point-wise transformation maintains a given property of the
original schedule, then the prefix_map does so as well. *)
Section PropertyPreservation.
(* Given any property of schedules... *)
Variable P: schedule PState -> Prop.
(* ...and a point-wise transformation [f],... *)
Variable f: schedule PState -> instant -> schedule PState.
(* ...if [f] maintains property [P],... *)
Hypothesis H_f_maintains_P: forall sched t, P sched -> P (f sched t).
(* ...then so does a prefix map of [f]. *)
Lemma prefix_map_property_invariance:
forall sched h, P sched -> P (prefix_map sched f h).
move=> sched h P_sched.
induction h; first by rewrite /prefix_map.
rewrite /prefix_map -/prefix_map.
by apply: H_f_maintains_P.
End PropertyPreservation.
(** Next, we consider the case where the point-wise transformation
establishes a new property step-by-step. *)
Section PointwiseProperty.
(* Given any property of schedules [P],... *)
Variable P: schedule PState -> Prop.
(* ...any point-wise property [Q],... *)
Variable Q: schedule PState -> instant -> Prop.
(* ...and a point-wise transformation [f],... *)
Variable f: schedule PState -> instant -> schedule PState.
(* ...if [f] maintains [P]... *)
Hypothesis H_f_maintains_P:
forall sched t_ref,
P sched -> P (f sched t_ref).
(* ...and establishes [Q] (provided that [P] holds)... *)
Hypothesis H_f_grows_Q:
forall sched t_ref,
P sched ->
(forall t', t' < t_ref -> Q sched t') ->
forall t', t' <= t_ref -> Q (f sched t_ref) t'.
(* ...then the prefix-map operation will "grow" [Q] up to the horizon. *)
Lemma prefix_map_pointwise_property:
forall sched horizon,
P sched ->
forall t,
t < horizon ->
Q (prefix_map sched f horizon) t.
move=> sched h P_holds.
induction h as [|h Q_holds_before_h]; first by rewrite /prefix_map.
rewrite /prefix_map -/prefix_map => t.
rewrite ltnS => LE_t_h.
apply H_f_grows_Q => //.
by apply prefix_map_property_invariance.
End PointwiseProperty.
End SchedulePrefixMap.