Forked from
RT-PROOFS / PROSA - Formally Proven Schedulability Analysis
806 commits behind the upstream repository.
end_time.v 11.75 KiB
Require Import Arith Nat.
Require Import rt.util.all rt.util.tactics_gr.
Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.task
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
Module end_time.
Import UniprocessorSchedule Job ResponseTime.
Section Task.
Context {task: eqType}.
Variable task_cost: task -> time.
Variable task_period: task -> time.
Variable task_deadline: task -> time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
Variable job_deadline: Job -> time.
Variable job_task: Job -> task.
(* instant option, to be used in end_time_option *)
Inductive diagnosis_option : Set :=
| OK : instant -> diagnosis_option
| Failure : instant -> diagnosis_option.
Section Job_end_time_Def.
(* Jobs will be scheduled on an uniprocessor *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* Consider any job *)
Variable job:Job.
(* Recall the definition of scheduled_at for testing wether this job can
be scheduled at time t *)
Let job_scheduled_at t:= scheduled_at sched job t = true.
(* We define the function calculating the job's end time.
It takes three arguments:
t : job arrival [instant]
c : job cost [duration]
wf: an extra parameter that allows to realize a well-founded fixpoint
with the type [nat]. It is supposed big enough to return the actual end time.
Otherwise (i.e., it reaches 0), the function returns Failure t *)
Fixpoint end_time_option (t:instant) (c:duration) (wf:nat):=
match c with
| 0 => OK t
| S c'=> match wf with
| 0 => Failure t
| S wf'=> if scheduled_at sched job t then end_time_option (S t) c' wf'
else end_time_option (S t) c wf'
(* We define an end time predicate with three arguments:
the job arrival [instant], the job cost [duration] and
the job end time [instant]. Its three constructors
correspond to the cases:
- cost = 0 and job has ended
- cost > 0 and job cannot be scheduled at instant t
- cost > 0 and job can be scheduled at instant t
Inductive end_time_predicate : instant-> duration->instant->Prop:=
|C0_: forall t, end_time_predicate t 0 t
|S_C_not_sched: forall t c e,
~job_scheduled_at t->
end_time_predicate (S t) (S c) e->
end_time_predicate t (S c) e
|S_C_sched: forall t c e,
job_scheduled_at t->
end_time_predicate (S t) c e->
end_time_predicate t (S c) e.
(* The predicate completes_at specifies the instant a job ends
according to its arrival and cost *)
Definition completes_at (t:instant):=
end_time_predicate (job_arrival job) (job_cost job) t.
End Job_end_time_Def.
Section Lemmas.
(* Consider any job *)
Variable job:Job.
(* ... and and uniprocessor schedule this job*)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* ... where jobs do not execute before their arrival times nor after completion *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched.
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
Hypothesis H_valid_job:
valid_realtime_job job_cost job_deadline job.
(* Recall the function end_time_option*)
Let job_end_time_function:= end_time_option sched job.
(* Recall the end time predicate*)
Let job_end_time_p:= end_time_predicate sched job.
(* Recall the definition of completes_at*)
Let job_completes_at := completes_at sched job.
(* Recall the definition of scheduled_at for testing wether this job can
be scheduled at time t.*)
Let job_scheduled_at t:= scheduled_at sched job t = true.
(* Then, the job_end_time_function (if it terminates successfully) returns
the same result as the job_end_time_p predicate *)
(* function -> predicate *)
Theorem end_time_function_predicat_equivalence:
forall e wf t c,
job_end_time_function t c wf = OK e ->
job_end_time_p t c e.
induction wf as [| wf' IHwf']; intros t c; simpl.
- destruct c; intros H; inverts H.
apply C0_.
- intros IHSwf. cases (scheduled_at sched job t) as Hcases; destruct c.
+ inversion IHSwf. apply C0_.
+ apply IHwf' in IHSwf. apply S_C_sched with (c:=c)(e:=e).
apply Hcases. apply IHSwf.
+ inversion IHSwf. apply C0_.
+ apply IHwf' in IHSwf. apply S_C_not_sched with (c:=c)(e:=e).
* rewrite Hcases. done.
* apply IHSwf.
(* The end time given by the predicate job_end_time_p is the same as
the result returned by the function job_end_time_function (provided
wf is large enough) *)
Theorem end_time_predicat_function_equivalence:
forall t c e ,
job_end_time_p t c e ->
exists wf, job_end_time_function t c wf = OK e.
induction H as [t|t c e Hcase1 Hpre [wf Hwf] |t c e Hcase2 Hpre [wf Hwf]].
- exists 1. done.
- exists (1+wf).
cases (scheduled_at sched job t) as Csa.
+ false.
+ simpl. rewrite Csa. apply Hwf.
- exists (1+wf). simpl.
rewrite Hcase2. apply Hwf.
(* If we consider a time t where the job is not scheduled, then
the end_time_predicate returns the same end time starting from t or t+1 *)
Lemma end_time_predicate_not_sched:
forall t c e,
~(job_scheduled_at t) ->
end_time_predicate sched job t c.+1 e ->
end_time_predicate sched job t.+1 c.+1 e.
intros* Hcase1 Hpre.
induction t as [| t' IHt'];
inversion Hpre; try apply H2; false.
(* If we consider a time t where the job is scheduled, then the end_time_predicate
returns the same end time starting from t with a cost c+1 than from t+1 with a cost c*)
Lemma end_time_predicate_sched:
forall t c e,
job_scheduled_at t ->
end_time_predicate sched job t c.+1 e ->
end_time_predicate sched job t.+1 c e.
intros* Hcase2 Hpre.
induction t as [| t' IHt'];
inversion Hpre; try apply H2; false.
(* Assume that the job end time is job_end *)
Variable job_end: instant.
(* Recall the definition of completed_by defined in
model/schedule/uni/schedule.v *)
Let job_completed_by:=
completed_by job_cost sched.
(* Recall the definition of service_during defined in
model/schedule/uni/schedule.v *)
Let job_service_during:=
service_during sched job.
(* then the job arrival is less than or equal to job end time *)
Lemma arrival_le_end:
forall t c e, job_end_time_p t c e -> t <= e.
intros* G.
induction G as [t|t c e Hcase1 Hpre |t c e Hcase2 Hpre]; ssromega.
(* the sum of job arrival and job cost is less than or equal to
job end time*)
Lemma arrival_add_cost_le_end:
forall t c e,
job_end_time_p t c e ->
intros* h1.
induction h1 as [t|t c e Hcase1 Hpre |t c e Hcase2 Hpre]; ssromega.
(* The servive received between the job arrival
and the job end is equal to the job cost*)
Lemma service_eq_cost_at_end_time:
job_completes_at job_end ->
job_service_during (job_arrival job) job_end = job_cost job.
intros job_cmplted.
induction job_cmplted as [t|t c e Hcase1 Hpre |t c e Hcase2 Hpre];
unfold job_service_during, service_during in *.
- by rewrite big_geq.
- apply arrival_le_end in Hpre.
rewrite big_ltn // IHHpre /service_at.
cases (scheduled_at sched job t) as cases; try easy; false.
- apply arrival_le_end in Hpre.
rewrite big_ltn // IHHpre /service_at.
rewrite Hcase2 //.
(* A job is completed by job end time*)
Lemma completed_by_end_time:
job_completes_at job_end ->
job_completed_by job job_end.
intro job_cmplted.
unfold job_completed_by, completed_by, service, service_during.
rewrite (ignore_service_before_arrival job_arrival sched ) //.
- apply service_eq_cost_at_end_time in job_cmplted.
by apply /eqP.
- by apply arrival_le_end in job_cmplted.
(* The job end time is positive *)
Corollary end_time_positive:
job_completes_at job_end -> job_end > 0.
intro h1.
assert (H_slot: job_cost job > 0) by (apply H_valid_job).
apply completed_by_end_time in h1.
unfold job_completed_by, completed_by, service, service_during in h1.
destruct job_end; trivial.
rewrite big_geq // in h1.
(* The service received between job arrival and the previous instant
of job end time is exactly job cost-1*)
Lemma job_uncompletes_at_end_time_sub_1:
job_completes_at job_end ->
job_service_during (job_arrival job) (job_end .-1) = (job_cost job) .-1.
intros job_cmplted.
induction job_cmplted as [t|t c e Hcase1 Hpre |t c e Hcase2 Hpre];
unfold job_service_during, service_during in*.
- apply big_geq, leq_pred.
- apply arrival_add_cost_le_end, leq_sub2r with (p:=1) in Hpre.
rewrite subn1 addnS //= addSn subn1 in Hpre.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (m:=t) in Hpre; try (apply leq_addr).
rewrite big_ltn // IHHpre /service_at /service_during.
cases (scheduled_at sched job t). false. done.
- destruct c.
+ inversion Hpre. apply big_geq. ssromega.
+ apply arrival_add_cost_le_end, leq_sub2r with (p:=1) in Hpre.
rewrite subn1 addnS //= addSn subn1 in Hpre.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (m:=t) in Hpre; try (apply leq_addr).
rewrite big_ltn // /service_at / service_during IHHpre Hcase2 //.
(* At any instant from the job arrival and before the job end time,
job cannot be finished; the service received is always less than job cost*)
Lemma job_uncompleted_before_end_time:
job_completes_at job_end ->
forall t', job_arrival job <= t' /\ t'<= job_end.-1 ->
job_service_during (job_arrival job) t' < job_cost job.
intros job_cmplted t' [ht1 ht2].
assert (H_slot: job_cost job > 0) by (apply H_valid_job).
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n:= (job_cost job).-1); last ssromega.
rewrite -job_uncompletes_at_end_time_sub_1 // /job_service_during /service_during.
assert (H_lt: exists delta, t' + delta = job_end.-1).
- move/leP:ht2 => ht2.
apply Nat.le_exists_sub in ht2.
destruct ht2 as [p [ht21 ht22]]. exists p. ssromega.
- destruct H_lt as [delta ht']. rewrite -ht'.
replace (\sum_(job_arrival job <= t < t' + delta) service_at sched job t)
with (addn_monoid(\big[addn_monoid/0]_(job_arrival job <= i < t') service_at sched job i)
(\big[addn_monoid/0]_(t' <= i < t'+delta) service_at sched job i)); simpl; try ssromega.
symmetry. apply big_cat_nat; ssromega.
End Lemmas.
End Task.
End end_time.