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RT-PROOFS / PROSA - Formally Proven Schedulability Analysis
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Björn Brandenburg authored
Use coqdoc's header feature to make it easier to find key concepts and improve/tweak a few comments.
Björn Brandenburg authoredUse coqdoc's header feature to make it easier to find key concepts and improve/tweak a few comments.
arrival_sequence.v 4.04 KiB
From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect seq ssrnat ssrbool bigop eqtype ssrfun.
From rt.restructuring.behavior Require Export time job.
From rt.util Require Import notation.
(** This module contains basic definitions and properties of job arrival
sequences. *)
(** * Notion of an Arrival Sequence *)
(** We begin by defining a job arrival sequence. *)
Section ArrivalSequence.
(** Given any job type with decidable equality, ... *)
Variable Job: JobType.
(** ..., an arrival sequence is a mapping from any time to a (finite) sequence of jobs. *)
Definition arrival_sequence := instant -> seq Job.
End ArrivalSequence.
(** * Arrival of a Job *)
(** Next, we define properties of jobs in a given arrival sequence. *)
Section JobProperties.
(** Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(** First, we define the sequence of jobs arriving at time t. *)
Definition arrivals_at (t : instant) := arr_seq t.
(** Next, we say that job j arrives at a given time t iff it belongs to the
corresponding sequence. *)
Definition arrives_at (j : Job) (t : instant) := j \in arrivals_at t.
(** Similarly, we define whether job j arrives at some (unknown) time t, i.e.,
whether it belongs to the arrival sequence. *)
Definition arrives_in (j : Job) := exists t, j \in arrivals_at t.
End JobProperties.
(** * Validity of an Arrival Sequence *)
(** Next, we define valid arrival sequences. *)
Section ValidArrivalSequence.
(** Assume that job arrival times are known. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
(** Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(** We say that arrival times are consistent if any job that arrives in the
sequence has the corresponding arrival time. *)
Definition consistent_arrival_times :=
forall j t,
arrives_at arr_seq j t -> job_arrival j = t.
(** We say that the arrival sequence is a set iff it doesn't contain duplicate
jobs at any given time. *)
Definition arrival_sequence_uniq := forall t, uniq (arrivals_at arr_seq t).
(** We say that the arrival sequence is valid iff it is a set and arrival times
are consistent *)
Definition valid_arrival_sequence :=
consistent_arrival_times /\ arrival_sequence_uniq.
End ValidArrivalSequence.
(** * Arrival Time Predicates *)
(** Next, we define properties of job arrival times. *)
Section ArrivalTimeProperties.
(** Assume that job arrival times are known. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
(** Let j be any job. *)
Variable j: Job.
(** We say that job j has arrived at time t iff it arrives at some time t_0
with t_0 <= t. *)
Definition has_arrived (t : instant) := job_arrival j <= t.
(** Next, we say that job j arrived before t iff it arrives at some time t_0
with t_0 < t. *)
Definition arrived_before (t : instant) := job_arrival j < t.
(** Finally, we say that job j arrives between t1 and t2 iff it arrives at
some time t with t1 <= t < t2. *)
Definition arrived_between (t1 t2 : instant) := t1 <= job_arrival j < t2.
End ArrivalTimeProperties.
(** * Finite Arrival Sequence Prefixes *)
(** In this section, we define arrival sequence prefixes, which are useful to
define (computable) properties over sets of jobs in the schedule. *)
Section ArrivalSequencePrefix.
(** Assume that job arrival times are known. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
(** Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(** By concatenation, we construct the list of jobs that arrived in the
interval [t1, t2). *)
Definition arrivals_between (t1 t2 : instant) :=
\cat_(t1 <= t < t2) arrivals_at arr_seq t.
(** Based on that, we define the list of jobs that arrived up to time t, ...*)
Definition arrivals_up_to (t : instant) := arrivals_between 0 t.+1.
(** ...and the list of jobs that arrived strictly before time t. *)
Definition arrivals_before (t : instant) := arrivals_between 0 t.
End ArrivalSequencePrefix.