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RT-PROOFS / PROSA - Formally Proven Schedulability Analysis
650 commits behind the upstream repository.
Björn Brandenburg authored
Use coqdoc's header feature to make it easier to find key concepts and improve/tweak a few comments.
Björn Brandenburg authoredUse coqdoc's header feature to make it easier to find key concepts and improve/tweak a few comments.
schedule.v 3.15 KiB
From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool eqtype fintype bigop.
From rt.restructuring.behavior Require Export arrival_sequence.
(** * Generic Processor State *)
(** Rather than choosing a specific schedule representation up front, we define
the notion of a generic processor state, which allows us to state general
definitions of core concepts (such as "how much service has a job
received") that work across many possble scenarios (e.g., ideal
uniprocessor schedules, schedules with overheads, variable-speed
processors, multiprocessors, etc.).
A concrete processor state type precisely determines how all relevant
aspects of the execution environment are modeled (e.g., scheduled jobs,
overheads, spinning). Here, we define just the common interface of all
possible concrete processor states by means of a "type class", i.e., we
define a few generic predicates and an invariant that must be defined by
all concrete processor state types.
In the most simple case (i.e., an ideal uniprocessor state), at any time,
either a particular job is scheduled or the processor is idle. *)
Class ProcessorState (Job : JobType) (State : Type) :=
(** A [ProcessorState] instance provides a finite set of cores on which
jobs can be scheduled. In the case of uniprocessors, this is irrelevant
and may be ignored (by convention, the unit type is used as a
placeholder in uniprocessor schedules, but this is not
important). (Hint to the Coq novice: [finType] just means some type
with finitely many values, i.e., it is possible to enumerate all cores
of a multi-processor.) *)
Core : finType;
(** For a given processor state and core, the [scheduled_on] predicate
checks whether a given job is running on the given core. *)
scheduled_on : Job -> State -> Core -> bool;
(** For a given processor state, the [scheduled_in] predicate checks
whether a given job is running on any core in that state. *)
scheduled_in (j : Job) (s : State) : bool :=
[exists c : Core, scheduled_on j s c];
(** For a given processor state, the [service_in] function determines how
much service a given job receives in that state (across all cores). *)
service_in : Job -> State -> work;
(** For a given processor state, a job does not receive service if it is
not scheduled in that state *)
service_implies_scheduled :
forall j s, ~~ scheduled_in j s -> service_in j s = 0
(** * Schedule Representation *)
(** In Prosa, schedules are represented as functions, which allows us to model
potentially infinite schedules. More specifically, a schedule simply maps
each instant to a processor state, which reflects state of the computing
platform at the specific time (e.g., which job is presently scheduled). *)
Definition schedule (PState : Type) := instant -> PState.
(** The following line instructs Coq to not let proofs use knowledge of how
[scheduled_on], [scheduled_in], and [service_in] are defined. Instead,
proofs must rely on basic lemmas about processor state classes. *)
Global Opaque scheduled_on scheduled_in service_in.