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Forked from RT-PROOFS / PROSA - Formally Proven Schedulability Analysis
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  • Björn Brandenburg's avatar
    enable periodic->RBF auto conversion · 5d5f9c72
    Björn Brandenburg authored
    NB: This requires bumping up the "depth" parameter of `rt_auto` and `rt_eauto`.
    As a benefit, it becomes possible to automatically use RBFs in the
    context of periodic tasks, sporadic tasks, and tasks with arrival
    curves. Full example:
    Require Import prosa.model.task.arrival.periodic.
    Require Import prosa.model.task.arrival.periodic_as_sporadic.
    Require Import prosa.model.task.arrival.sporadic_as_curve.
    Require Import prosa.model.task.arrival.curve_as_rbf.
    Section AutoArrivalModelConversion.
      Context {Job : JobType} `{JobArrival Job}.
      Context {Task : TaskType} `{PeriodicModel Task} `{JobTask Job Task}.
      Variable ts : TaskSet Task.
      Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
      Hypothesis H_consistent_arrivals: consistent_arrival_times arr_seq.
      Hypothesis H_uniq_arr_seq: arrival_sequence_uniq arr_seq.
      Hypothesis H_valid_periods : valid_periods ts.
      Hypothesis H_respects : taskset_respects_periodic_task_model arr_seq ts.
      Context `{JobCost Job} `{TaskCost Task}.
      Hypothesis H_valid_costs : jobs_have_valid_job_costs.
      (** Interpret as an RBF. *)
      Goal valid_taskset_request_bound_function ts (task_max_rbf max_arrivals).
      Proof. by rt_auto. Qed.
      Goal taskset_respects_max_request_bound arr_seq ts.
      Proof. rt_eauto. Qed.
    End AutoArrivalModelConversion.
    enable periodic->RBF auto conversion
    Björn Brandenburg authored
    NB: This requires bumping up the "depth" parameter of `rt_auto` and `rt_eauto`.
    As a benefit, it becomes possible to automatically use RBFs in the
    context of periodic tasks, sporadic tasks, and tasks with arrival
    curves. Full example:
    Require Import prosa.model.task.arrival.periodic.
    Require Import prosa.model.task.arrival.periodic_as_sporadic.
    Require Import prosa.model.task.arrival.sporadic_as_curve.
    Require Import prosa.model.task.arrival.curve_as_rbf.
    Section AutoArrivalModelConversion.
      Context {Job : JobType} `{JobArrival Job}.
      Context {Task : TaskType} `{PeriodicModel Task} `{JobTask Job Task}.
      Variable ts : TaskSet Task.
      Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
      Hypothesis H_consistent_arrivals: consistent_arrival_times arr_seq.
      Hypothesis H_uniq_arr_seq: arrival_sequence_uniq arr_seq.
      Hypothesis H_valid_periods : valid_periods ts.
      Hypothesis H_respects : taskset_respects_periodic_task_model arr_seq ts.
      Context `{JobCost Job} `{TaskCost Task}.
      Hypothesis H_valid_costs : jobs_have_valid_job_costs.
      (** Interpret as an RBF. *)
      Goal valid_taskset_request_bound_function ts (task_max_rbf max_arrivals).
      Proof. by rt_auto. Qed.
      Goal taskset_respects_max_request_bound arr_seq ts.
      Proof. rt_eauto. Qed.
    End AutoArrivalModelConversion.