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Commit 0540f45a authored by Felipe Cerqueira's avatar Felipe Cerqueira
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......@@ -66,16 +66,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF.
Section Proofs.
(* The EDF-specific bound is is monotonically increasing
with the size of the interval. *)
Lemma edf_specific_bound_monotonic :
forall tsk_other R R',
R <= R' ->
edf_specific_bound (tsk_other, R) <=
edf_specific_bound (tsk_other, R').
(* Proof of edf-specific bound should go here *)
End Proofs.
......@@ -65,6 +65,151 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
Section AuxiliaryLemmas.
Lemma unzip1_update_bound :
forall l rt_bounds,
unzip1 (map (update_bound rt_bounds) l) = unzip1 l.
induction l; first by done.
intros rt_bounds.
simpl; f_equal; last by done.
by unfold update_bound; desf.
Lemma interference_bound_edf_monotonic :
forall tsk x1 x2 tsk_other R R',
x1 <= x2 ->
R <= R' ->
task_period tsk_other > 0 ->
task_cost tsk_other <= R ->
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk x1 (tsk_other, R) <=
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk x2 (tsk_other, R').
intros tsk x1 x2 tsk_other R R' LEx LEr GEperiod LEcost.
unfold interference_bound_edf, interference_bound.
rewrite leq_min; apply/andP; split.
rewrite leq_min; apply/andP; split.
apply leq_trans with (n := (minn (W task_cost task_period (fst (tsk_other, R))
(snd (tsk_other, R)) x1)
(x1 - task_cost tsk + 1)));
first by apply geq_minl.
apply leq_trans with (n := W task_cost task_period (fst (tsk_other, R)) (snd (tsk_other, R)) x1);
[by apply geq_minl | simpl].
by apply W_monotonic.
apply leq_trans with (n := minn (W task_cost task_period (fst (tsk_other, R)) (snd (tsk_other, R)) x1) (x1 - task_cost tsk + 1));
first by apply geq_minl.
apply leq_trans with (n := x1 - task_cost tsk + 1);
first by apply geq_minr.
by rewrite leq_add2r leq_sub2r.
apply leq_trans with (n := edf_specific_bound task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk (tsk_other, R));
first by apply geq_minr.
unfold edf_specific_bound; simpl.
rewrite leq_add2l leq_min; apply/andP; split; first by apply geq_minl.
by apply leq_trans with (n := task_deadline tsk %% task_period tsk_other -
task_deadline tsk_other + R);
[by apply geq_minr | by rewrite leq_add2l].
Lemma unzip1_edf_iteration :
forall l k,
unzip1 (iter k edf_rta_iteration (initial_state l)) = l.
intros l k; clear -k.
induction k; simpl.
unfold initial_state.
induction l; first by done.
by simpl; rewrite IHl.
unfold edf_rta_iteration.
by rewrite unzip1_update_bound.
(* The following lemma states that the response-time bounds
computed using R_list are valid. *)
Lemma R_list_ge_cost :
forall ts rt_bounds tsk R,
R_list_edf ts = Some rt_bounds ->
(tsk, R) \in rt_bounds ->
R >= task_cost tsk.
intros ts rt_bounds tsk R SOME PAIR.
unfold R_list_edf in SOME.
destruct (all R_le_deadline (iter (max_steps ts) edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts)));
last by ins.
inversion SOME as [EQ]; clear SOME; subst.
generalize dependent R.
induction (max_steps ts) as [| step]; simpl in *.
intros R IN; unfold initial_state in IN.
move: IN => /mapP IN; destruct IN as [tsk' IN EQ]; inversion EQ; subst.
by apply leqnn.
intros R IN.
set prev_state := iter step edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts).
fold prev_state in IN, IHstep.
unfold edf_rta_iteration at 1 in IN.
move: IN => /mapP IN; destruct IN as [(tsk',R') IN EQ].
inversion EQ as [[xxx EQ']]; subst.
by apply leq_addr.
Lemma R_list_le_deadline :
forall ts rt_bounds tsk R,
R_list_edf ts = Some rt_bounds ->
(tsk, R) \in rt_bounds ->
R <= task_deadline tsk.
intros ts rt_bounds tsk R SOME PAIR; unfold R_list_edf in SOME.
destruct (all R_le_deadline (iter (max_steps ts)
edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts))) eqn:DEADLINE;
last by done.
inversion SOME as [EQ]; rewrite -EQ in PAIR.
by specialize (DEADLINE (tsk, R) PAIR).
Lemma R_list_has_R_for_every_tsk :
forall ts rt_bounds tsk,
R_list_edf ts = Some rt_bounds ->
tsk \in ts ->
exists R,
(tsk, R) \in rt_bounds.
intros ts rt_bounds tsk SOME IN.
unfold R_list_edf in SOME.
destruct (all R_le_deadline (iter (max_steps ts) edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts)));
last by done.
inversion SOME as [EQ]; clear SOME EQ.
generalize dependent tsk.
induction (max_steps ts) as [| step]; simpl in *.
intros tsk IN; unfold initial_state.
exists (task_cost tsk).
by apply/mapP; exists tsk.
intros tsk IN.
set prev_state := iter step edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts).
fold prev_state in IN, IHstep.
specialize (IHstep tsk IN); des.
exists (response_time_bound prev_state tsk R).
by apply/mapP; exists (tsk, R); [by done | by f_equal].
End AuxiliaryLemmas.
Section Proof.
......@@ -140,72 +285,6 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
Section HelperLemma.
Lemma unzip1_update_bound :
forall l rt_bounds,
unzip1 (map (update_bound rt_bounds) l) = unzip1 l.
induction l; first by done.
intros rt_bounds.
simpl; f_equal; last by done.
by unfold update_bound; desf.
Lemma unzip1_edf_iteration :
forall l k,
unzip1 (iter k edf_rta_iteration (initial_state l)) = l.
intros l k; clear -k.
induction k; simpl.
unfold initial_state.
induction l; first by done.
by simpl; rewrite IHl.
unfold edf_rta_iteration.
by rewrite unzip1_update_bound.
Lemma interference_bound_edf_monotonic :
forall tsk x1 x2 tsk_other R R',
x1 <= x2 ->
R <= R' ->
task_period tsk_other > 0 ->
task_cost tsk_other <= R ->
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk x1 (tsk_other, R) <=
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk x2 (tsk_other, R').
intros tsk x1 x2 tsk_other R R' LEx LEr GEperiod LEcost.
unfold interference_bound_edf, interference_bound.
rewrite leq_min; apply/andP; split.
rewrite leq_min; apply/andP; split.
apply leq_trans with (n := (minn (W task_cost task_period (fst (tsk_other, R))
(snd (tsk_other, R)) x1)
(x1 - task_cost tsk + 1)));
first by apply geq_minl.
apply leq_trans with (n := W task_cost task_period (fst (tsk_other, R)) (snd (tsk_other, R)) x1);
[by apply geq_minl | simpl].
by apply W_monotonic.
apply leq_trans with (n := minn (W task_cost task_period (fst (tsk_other, R)) (snd (tsk_other, R)) x1) (x1 - task_cost tsk + 1));
first by apply geq_minl.
apply leq_trans with (n := x1 - task_cost tsk + 1);
first by apply geq_minr.
by rewrite leq_add2r leq_sub2r.
apply leq_trans with (n := edf_specific_bound task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk (tsk_other, R));
first by apply geq_minr.
by apply edf_specific_bound_monotonic.
Lemma R_list_converges_helper :
forall rt_bounds,
R_list_edf ts = Some rt_bounds ->
......@@ -300,40 +379,53 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
assert (MONiter:forall x1 x2,
(*valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline (unzip1 x1) ->
valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline (unzip1 x2) ->*)
all_le (initial_state ts) x1 ->
all_le x1 x2 ->
all_le (edf_rta_iteration x1) (edf_rta_iteration x2)).
move => x1 x2 /andP [/eqP ZIP LE]; unfold all_le.
intros x1 x2 LEinit LE.
assert (LEinit': all_le (initial_state ts) x2).
by unfold transitive in TRANS; apply TRANS with (y := x1).
move: LE => /andP [/eqP ZIP LE]; unfold all_le.
assert (UNZIP': unzip1 (edf_rta_iteration x1) = unzip1 (edf_rta_iteration x2)).
by rewrite 2!unzip1_update_bound.
apply/andP; split; first by rewrite UNZIP'.
apply f_equal with (B := nat) (f := fun x => size x) in UNZIP'.
rename UNZIP' into SIZE.
rewrite size_map [size (unzip1 _)]size_map in SIZE.
move: LE => /(zipP (fun x y => snd x <= snd y)) LE.
destruct x1, x2; try (by ins).
destruct x1 as [| p0 x1'], x2 as [| p0' x2']; try (by ins).
apply/(zipP (fun x y => snd x <= snd y));
[by apply (t,0) | by done |].
[by apply (p0,0) | by done |].
intros i LTi.
exploit LE; first by rewrite 2!size_map in SIZE.
by rewrite size_zip 2!size_map -size_zip in LTi; apply LTi.
rewrite 2!size_map in SIZE.
instantiate (1 := t); intro LEi.
rewrite (nth_map t);
instantiate (1 := p0); intro LEi.
rewrite (nth_map p0);
last by rewrite size_zip 2!size_map -SIZE minnn in LTi.
rewrite (nth_map t);
rewrite (nth_map p0);
last by rewrite size_zip 2!size_map SIZE minnn in LTi.
unfold update_bound, response_time_bound; desf; simpl.
assert (EQtsk: s = s0).
rename s into tsk_i, s0 into tsk_i', n into R_i, n0 into R_i', Heq0 into EQ,Heq1 into EQ'.
assert (EQtsk: tsk_i = tsk_i').
rename s into tsk0, n into R0, Heq0 into EQ.
rename s0 into tsk0', n0 into R0', Heq1 into EQ'.
destruct t, t0; simpl in H2; subst.
have MAP := @nth_map _ (s0,n) _ s0 (fun x => fst x) i ((s0, n) :: x1).
have MAP' := @nth_map _ (s0,n) _ s0 (fun x => fst x) i ((s0, n0) :: x2).
assert (FSTeq: fst (nth (s0, n)((s0, n) :: x1) i) = fst (nth (s0,n) ((s0, n0) :: x2) i)).
destruct p0 as [tsk0 R0], p0' as [tsk0' R0']; simpl in H2; subst.
have MAP := @nth_map _ (tsk0',R0) _ tsk0' (fun x => fst x) i ((tsk0', R0) :: x1').
have MAP' := @nth_map _ (tsk0',R0) _ tsk0' (fun x => fst x) i ((tsk0', R0') :: x2').
assert (FSTeq: fst (nth (tsk0', R0)((tsk0', R0) :: x1') i) = fst (nth (tsk0',R0) ((tsk0', R0') :: x2') i)).
rewrite -MAP;
last by simpl; rewrite size_zip 2!size_map /= -H0 minnn in LTi.
......@@ -345,32 +437,46 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
apply f_equal with (B := sporadic_task) (f := fun x => fst x) in EQ'.
by rewrite FSTeq EQ' /= in EQ; rewrite EQ.
subst s0; rewrite leq_add2l.
subst tsk_i'; rewrite leq_add2l.
unfold I, total_interference_bound_edf; apply leq_div2r.
rewrite 2!big_cons.
destruct t as [tsk0 R0], t0 as [tsk0' R0'].
destruct p0 as [tsk0 R0], p0' as [tsk0' R0'].
simpl in H2; subst tsk0'.
rename n into delta, n0 into delta'.
rewrite Heq0 Heq1 in LEi; simpl in LEi.
rename H0 into SIZE, H1 into UNZIP; clear Heq0 Heq1.
rename R_i into delta, R_i' into delta'.
rewrite EQ EQ' in LEi; simpl in LEi.
rename H0 into SIZE, H1 into UNZIP; clear EQ EQ'.
assert (SUBST: forall l delta,
\sum_(j <- l | let '(tsk_other, _) := j in
is_interfering_task_jlfp s tsk_other)
is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk_i tsk_other)
(let '(tsk_other, R_other) := j in
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline s delta
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk_i delta
(tsk_other, R_other)) =
\sum_(j <- l | is_interfering_task_jlfp s (fst j))
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline s delta j).
\sum_(j <- l | is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk_i (fst j))
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk_i delta j).
intros l x; clear -l.
induction l; first by rewrite 2!big_nil.
by rewrite 2!big_cons; rewrite IHl; desf; rewrite /= Heq in Heq0.
} rewrite 2!SUBST; clear SUBST.
assert (LESUM: \sum_(j <- x1 | is_interfering_task_jlfp s (fst j))
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline s delta j <= \sum_(j <- x2 | is_interfering_task_jlfp s (fst j))
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline s delta' j).
assert (VALID': valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline (unzip1 ((tsk0, R0) :: x1'))).
move: LEinit => /andP [/eqP EQinit _].
rewrite -EQinit; unfold valid_sporadic_taskset.
move => tsk /mapP IN. destruct IN as [p INinit EQ]; subst.
by move: INinit => /mapP INinit; destruct INinit as [tsk INtsk]; subst; apply VALID.
} clear LEinit.
assert (GE_COST: all (fun p => task_cost (fst p) <= snd p) ((tsk0, R0) :: x1')).
move: GE_COST => /allP GE_COST.
assert (LESUM: \sum_(j <- x1' | is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk_i (fst j))
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk_i delta j <= \sum_(j <- x2' | is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk_i (fst j))
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk_i delta' j).
set elem := (tsk0, R0); rewrite 2!(big_nth elem).
rewrite -SIZE.
......@@ -378,12 +484,12 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
rewrite big_seq_cond [\sum_(_ <- _ | true) _]big_seq_cond.
apply leq_sum; intros j; rewrite andbT; intros INj.
rewrite mem_iota add0n subn0 in INj; move: INj => /andP [_ INj].
assert (FSTeq: fst (nth elem x1 j) = fst (nth elem x2 j)).
assert (FSTeq: fst (nth elem x1' j) = fst (nth elem x2' j)).
have MAP := @nth_map _ elem _ tsk0 (fun x => fst x).
by rewrite -2?MAP -?SIZE //; f_equal.
} rewrite -FSTeq.
destruct (is_interfering_task_jlfp s (fst (nth elem x1 j))) eqn:INTERF;
destruct (is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk_i (fst (nth elem x1' j))) eqn:INTERF;
last by done.
exploit (LE elem); [by rewrite /= SIZE | | intro LEj].
......@@ -392,27 +498,38 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
by rewrite size_zip /= -SIZE minnn; apply (leq_ltn_trans INj).
simpl in LEj.
destruct (nth elem x1 j) as [tsk_j R_j], (nth elem x2 j) as [tsk_j' R_j'].
simpl in FSTeq; rewrite -FSTeq; simpl in LEj.
apply interference_bound_edf_monotonic; try (by ins).
admit. admit.
exploit (VALID' (fst (nth elem x1' j))); last intro VALIDj.
apply/mapP; exists (nth elem x1' j); last by done.
by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right; rewrite mem_nth.
exploit (GE_COST (nth elem x1' j)); last intro GE_COSTj.
by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right; rewrite mem_nth.
unfold is_valid_sporadic_task in *.
destruct (nth elem x1' j) as [tsk_j R_j], (nth elem x2' j) as [tsk_j' R_j'].
simpl in FSTeq; rewrite -FSTeq; simpl in LEj; simpl in VALIDj; des.
by apply interference_bound_edf_monotonic.
destruct (is_interfering_task_jlfp s tsk0) eqn:INTERFtsk0; last by done.
destruct (is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk_i tsk0) eqn:INTERFtsk0; last by done.
apply leq_add; last by done.
exploit (LE (tsk0, R0)); [by rewrite /= SIZE | | intro LEj];
first by instantiate (1 := 0); rewrite size_zip /= -SIZE minnn.
simpl in LEj; apply interference_bound_edf_monotonic;
try (by done).
admit. admit.
exploit (VALID' tsk0); first by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left.
exploit (GE_COST (tsk0, R0)); first by rewrite in_cons eq_refl orTb.
unfold is_valid_sporadic_task; intros GE_COST0 VALID0; des; simpl in LEj.
by apply interference_bound_edf_monotonic.
assert (GROWS: forall k, all_le (f k) (f k.+1)).
unfold f.
intros k; apply fun_mon_iter_mon_generic with (x1 := k) (x2 := k.+1);
try (by ins); by apply leqnSn.
try (by ins); first by apply leqnSn.
(* Either f converges by the deadline or not. *)
......@@ -646,84 +763,25 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
R = task_cost tsk + div_floor (I rt_bounds tsk R) num_cpus.
intros tsk R rt_bounds SOME IN.
unfold R_list_edf in SOME; desf.
(* The following lemma states that the response-time bounds
computed using R_list are valid. *)
Lemma R_list_ge_cost :
forall rt_bounds tsk R,
R_list_edf ts = Some rt_bounds ->
(tsk, R) \in rt_bounds ->
R >= task_cost tsk.
intros rt_bounds tsk R SOME PAIR.
unfold R_list_edf in SOME.
destruct (all R_le_deadline (iter (max_steps ts) edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts)));
last by ins.
inversion SOME as [EQ]; clear SOME; subst.
generalize dependent R.
induction (max_steps ts) as [| step]; simpl in *.
intros R IN; unfold initial_state in IN.
move: IN => /mapP IN; destruct IN as [tsk' IN EQ]; inversion EQ; subst.
by apply leqnn.
intros R IN.
set prev_state := iter step edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts).
fold prev_state in IN, IHstep.
unfold edf_rta_iteration at 1 in IN.
move: IN => /mapP IN; destruct IN as [(tsk',R') IN EQ].
inversion EQ as [[xxx EQ']]; subst.
by apply leq_addr.
Lemma R_list_le_deadline :
forall rt_bounds tsk R,
R_list_edf ts = Some rt_bounds ->
(tsk, R) \in rt_bounds ->
R <= task_deadline tsk.
intros rt_bounds tsk R SOME PAIR; unfold R_list_edf in SOME.
destruct (all R_le_deadline (iter (max_steps ts)
edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts))) eqn:DEADLINE;
last by done.
inversion SOME as [EQ]; rewrite -EQ in PAIR.
by specialize (DEADLINE (tsk, R) PAIR).
have CONV := R_list_converges_helper rt_bounds.
unfold R_list_edf in *; desf.
exploit (CONV); [by done | by done | intro ITER; clear CONV].
Lemma R_list_has_R_for_every_tsk :
forall rt_bounds tsk,
R_list_edf ts = Some rt_bounds ->
tsk \in ts ->
exists R,
(tsk, R) \in rt_bounds.
intros rt_bounds tsk SOME IN.
unfold R_list_edf in SOME.
destruct (all R_le_deadline (iter (max_steps ts) edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts)));
last by done.
inversion SOME as [EQ]; clear SOME EQ.
generalize dependent tsk.
induction (max_steps ts) as [| step]; simpl in *.
cut (update_bound (iter (max_steps ts)
edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts)) (tsk,R) = (tsk, R)).
intros tsk IN; unfold initial_state.
exists (task_cost tsk).
by apply/mapP; exists tsk.
intros tsk IN.
set prev_state := iter step edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts).
fold prev_state in IN, IHstep.
specialize (IHstep tsk IN); des.
exists (response_time_bound prev_state tsk R).
by apply/mapP; exists (tsk, R); [by done | by f_equal].
intros EQ.
have F := @f_equal _ _ (fun x => snd x) _ (tsk, R).
by apply F in EQ; simpl in EQ.
set s := iter (max_steps ts) edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts).
fold s in ITER, IN.
move: IN => /(nthP (tsk,0)) IN; destruct IN as [i LT EQ].
generalize EQ; rewrite ITER iterS in EQ; intro EQ'.
fold s in EQ.
unfold edf_rta_iteration in EQ.
have MAP := @nth_map _ (tsk,0) _ _ (update_bound s).
by rewrite MAP // EQ' in EQ; rewrite EQ.
Lemma R_list_has_response_time_bounds :
......@@ -742,8 +800,8 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
(task_deadline := task_deadline) (job_deadline := job_deadline)
(job_task := job_task) (ts := ts) (tsk := tsk) (rt_bounds := rt_bounds); try (by ins).
by ins; apply R_list_converges.
by ins; apply R_list_ge_cost with (rt_bounds := rt_bounds).
by ins; apply R_list_le_deadline with (rt_bounds := rt_bounds).
by ins; rewrite (R_list_ge_cost ts rt_bounds).
by ins; rewrite (R_list_le_deadline ts rt_bounds).
End HelperLemma.
......@@ -770,13 +828,15 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
move => tsk INtsk j /eqP JOBtsk.
have RLIST := (R_list_has_response_time_bounds).
have DL := (R_list_le_deadline).
have HAS := (R_list_has_R_for_every_tsk).
have DL := (R_list_le_deadline ts).
have HAS := (R_list_has_R_for_every_tsk ts).
destruct (R_list_edf ts) as [rt_bounds |]; last by ins.
exploit (HAS rt_bounds tsk); [by ins | by ins | clear HAS; intro HAS; des].
exploit (RLIST rt_bounds tsk R); [by ins | by ins | by apply JOBtsk | intro COMPLETED ].
exploit (DL rt_bounds tsk R); [by ins | by ins | clear DL; intro DL].
exploit (RLIST rt_bounds tsk R);
[by ins | by ins | by apply JOBtsk | intro COMPLETED ].
exploit (DL rt_bounds tsk R);
[by ins | by ins | clear DL; intro DL].
rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split; first by apply service_interval_le_cost.
apply leq_trans with (n := service rate sched j (job_arrival j + R)); last first.
......@@ -804,8 +864,8 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
intros tsk IN.
unfold edf_schedulable in *.
have BOUNDS := (R_list_has_response_time_bounds).
have DL := (R_list_le_deadline).
have HAS := (R_list_has_R_for_every_tsk).
have DL := (R_list_le_deadline ts).
have HAS := (R_list_has_R_for_every_tsk ts).
destruct (R_list_edf ts) as [rt_bounds |]; last by ins.
exploit (HAS rt_bounds tsk); [by ins | by ins | clear HAS; intro HAS; des].
exists R; split.
......@@ -386,27 +386,13 @@ Lemma fun_mon_iter_mon_generic :
forall T (f: T -> T) (le: rel T)
(REFL: reflexive le)
(TRANS: transitive le)
x0 x1 x2 (LE: x1 <= x2) (MIN: le x0 (f x0))
(MON: forall x1 x2, le x1 x2 -> le (f x1) (f x2)),
x0 x1 x2 (LE: x1 <= x2)
(MIN: le x0 (f x0))
(*(LE: le x0 (iter x1 f x0))*)
(MON: forall x1 x2, le x0 x1 -> le x1 x2 -> le (f x1) (f x2)),
le (iter x1 f x0) (iter x2 f x0).
unfold reflexive, transitive in *.
ins; revert LE; revert x2; rewrite leq_as_delta; intros delta.
induction x1; try rewrite add0n.
induction delta; first by apply REFL.
apply TRANS with (y := iter delta f x0); first by done.
clear IHdelta.
induction delta; first by done.
rewrite 2!iterS; apply MON.
apply IHdelta.
rewrite iterS -addn1 -addnA [1 + delta]addnC addnA addn1 iterS.
by apply MON, IHx1.
(*Lemma fun_monotonic_iter_monotonic :
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