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Commit 08c6f881 authored by Kimaya Bedarkar's avatar Kimaya Bedarkar Committed by Björn Brandenburg
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add two new utility lemmas about sums over set partitions

parent 3743b14e
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...@@ -401,3 +401,92 @@ Section SumOfTwoIntervals. ...@@ -401,3 +401,92 @@ Section SumOfTwoIntervals.
End SumOfTwoIntervals. End SumOfTwoIntervals.
(** In this section, we relate the sum of items with the sum over partitions of those items. *)
Section SumOverPartitions.
(** Consider an item type [X] and a partition type [Y]. *)
Variable X Y : eqType.
(** [x_to_y] is the mapping from an item to the partition it is contained in. *)
Variable x_to_y : X -> Y.
(** Consider [f], a function from [X] to [nat]. *)
Variable f : X -> nat.
(** Consider an arbitrary predicate [P] on [X]. *)
Variable P : pred X.
(** Consider a sequence of items [xs] and a sequence of partitions [ys]. *)
Variable xs : seq X.
Variable ys : seq Y.
(** We assume that any item in [xs] has its corresponding partition in the sequence of partitions [ys]. *)
Hypothesis H_no_partition_missing : forall x, x \in xs -> x_to_y x \in ys.
(** Consider the sum of [f x] over all [x] in a given partition [y]. *)
Let sum_of_partition y := \sum_(x <- xs | P x && (x_to_y x == y)) f x.
(** We prove that summation of [f x] over all [x] is less than or equal to the summation of
[sum_of_partition] over all partitions. *)
Lemma sum_over_partitions_le :
\sum_(x <- xs | P x) f x
<= \sum_(y <- ys) sum_of_partition y.
rewrite /sum_of_partition.
induction xs as [| x' xs' LE_TAIL]; first by rewrite big_nil.
have P_HOLDS: forall i j, true -> P j && (x_to_y j== i) -> P j by move=> ??? /andP [P_HOLDS _].
have IN_ys: forall x : X, x \in xs' -> x_to_y x \in ys.
{ by move=> ??; apply H_no_partition_missing => //; rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right. }
move: LE_TAIL; rewrite (exchange_big_dep P) => //= LE_TAIL.
rewrite (exchange_big_dep P) //= !big_cons.
case: (P x') => //=; last by apply LE_TAIL.
apply leq_add => //; last by apply LE_TAIL.
rewrite big_const_seq iter_addn_0.
apply leq_pmulr; rewrite -has_count.
apply /hasP; eapply ex_intro2 => //.
by apply H_no_partition_missing, mem_head.
(** In this section, we prove a stronger result about the equality between
the sum over all items and the sum over all partitions of those items. *)
Section Equality.
(** In order to prove the stronger result of equality, we additionally
assume that the sequences [xs] and [ys] are sets, i.e., that each
element is contained at most once. *)
Hypothesis H_xs_unique : uniq xs.
Hypothesis H_ys_unique : uniq ys.
(** We prove that summation of [f x] over all [x] is equal to the summation of
[sum_of_partition] over all partitions. *)
Lemma sum_over_partitions_eq :
\sum_(x <- xs | P x) f x
= \sum_(y <- ys) sum_of_partition y.
rewrite /sum_of_partition.
induction xs as [|x' xs' LE_TAIL]; first by rewrite big_nil big1_seq //= => ??; rewrite big_nil.
rewrite //= in LE_TAIL; feed_n 2 LE_TAIL.
{ by move => ??; apply H_no_partition_missing; rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right. }
{ by move: H_xs_unique; rewrite cons_uniq => /andP [??]. }
rewrite (exchange_big_dep P) //=; last by move=> ??? /andP[??].
rewrite !big_cons.
destruct (P x'); last by rewrite LE_TAIL (exchange_big_dep P) //=; move=> ??? /andP[??].
have -> : \sum_(i <- ys | true && ( x_to_y x' == i)) f x' = f x'.
{ rewrite //= -big_filter.
have -> : [seq i <- ys | x_to_y x' == i] = [:: x_to_y x']; last by rewrite unlock //= addn0.
have -> : [seq i <- ys | x_to_y x' == i] = [seq i <- ys | i == x_to_y x'].
{ clear H_no_partition_missing LE_TAIL.
induction ys as [| y' ys' LE_TAILy]; first by done.
feed LE_TAILy; first by move: H_ys_unique; rewrite cons_uniq => /andP [??].
by rewrite //= LE_TAILy //= eq_sym. }
apply filter_pred1_uniq => //.
by apply H_no_partition_missing; rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; left. }
apply /eqP; rewrite eqn_add2l; apply /eqP.
by rewrite LE_TAIL (exchange_big_dep P) //=; move=> ??? /andP[??].
End Equality.
End SumOverPartitions.
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