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move existing arrival facts to behavior/facts/arrivals.v

parent bd5383a1
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From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect seq ssrnat ssrbool bigop eqtype ssrfun.
From rt.behavior Require Export time job.
From rt.util Require Import all.
From rt.util Require Import notation.
(* Definitions and properties of job arrival sequences. *)
......@@ -50,14 +49,14 @@ Section ArrivalSequenceProperties.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* We say that arrival times are consistent if any job that arrives in the sequence
has the corresponding arrival time. *)
(* We say that arrival times are consistent if any job that arrives in the
sequence has the corresponding arrival time. *)
Definition arrival_times_are_consistent :=
forall j t,
arrives_at arr_seq j t -> job_arrival j = t.
(* We say that the arrival sequence is a set iff it doesn't contain duplicate jobs
at any given time. *)
(* We say that the arrival sequence is a set iff it doesn't contain duplicate
jobs at any given time. *)
Definition arrival_sequence_is_a_set := forall t, uniq (jobs_arriving_at arr_seq t).
End ArrivalSequenceProperties.
......@@ -72,20 +71,22 @@ Section PropertiesOfArrivalTime.
(* Let j be any job. *)
Variable j: Job.
(* We say that job j has arrived at time t iff it arrives at some time t_0 with t_0 <= t. *)
(* We say that job j has arrived at time t iff it arrives at some time t_0
with t_0 <= t. *)
Definition has_arrived (t : instant) := job_arrival j <= t.
(* Next, we say that job j arrived before t iff it arrives at some time t_0 with t_0 < t. *)
(* Next, we say that job j arrived before t iff it arrives at some time t_0
with t_0 < t. *)
Definition arrived_before (t : instant) := job_arrival j < t.
(* Finally, we say that job j arrives between t1 and t2 iff it arrives at some time t with
t1 <= t < t2. *)
(* Finally, we say that job j arrives between t1 and t2 iff it arrives at
some time t with t1 <= t < t2. *)
Definition arrived_between (t1 t2 : instant) := t1 <= job_arrival j < t2.
End PropertiesOfArrivalTime.
(* In this section, we define arrival sequence prefixes, which are useful
to define (computable) properties over sets of jobs in the schedule. *)
(* In this section, we define arrival sequence prefixes, which are useful to
define (computable) properties over sets of jobs in the schedule. *)
Section ArrivalSequencePrefix.
(* Assume that job arrival times are known. *)
......@@ -95,7 +96,8 @@ Section ArrivalSequencePrefix.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* By concatenation, we construct the list of jobs that arrived in the interval [t1, t2). *)
(* By concatenation, we construct the list of jobs that arrived in the
interval [t1, t2). *)
Definition jobs_arrived_between (t1 t2 : instant) :=
\cat_(t1 <= t < t2) jobs_arriving_at arr_seq t.
......@@ -105,130 +107,4 @@ Section ArrivalSequencePrefix.
(* ...and the list of jobs that arrived strictly before time t. *)
Definition jobs_arrived_before (t : instant) := jobs_arrived_between 0 t.
(* In this section, we prove some lemmas about arrival sequence prefixes. *)
Section Lemmas.
(* We begin with basic lemmas for manipulating the sequences. *)
Section Basic.
(* First, we show that the set of arriving jobs can be split
into disjoint intervals. *)
Lemma job_arrived_between_cat:
forall t1 t t2,
t1 <= t ->
t <= t2 ->
jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 = jobs_arrived_between t1 t ++ jobs_arrived_between t t2.
unfold jobs_arrived_between; intros t1 t t2 GE LE.
by rewrite (@big_cat_nat _ _ _ t).
Lemma jobs_arrived_between_mem_cat:
forall j t1 t t2,
t1 <= t ->
t <= t2 ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 =
(j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t ++ jobs_arrived_between t t2).
by intros j t1 t t2 GE LE; rewrite (job_arrived_between_cat _ t).
Lemma jobs_arrived_between_sub:
forall j t1 t1' t2 t2',
t1' <= t1 ->
t2 <= t2' ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1' t2'.
intros j t1 t1' t2 t2' GE1 LE2 IN.
move: (leq_total t1 t2) => /orP [BEFORE | AFTER];
last by rewrite /jobs_arrived_between big_geq // in IN.
rewrite /jobs_arrived_between.
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := t1); [simpl | by done | by apply: (leq_trans BEFORE)].
rewrite mem_cat; apply/orP; right.
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := t2); [simpl | by done | by done].
by rewrite mem_cat; apply/orP; left.
End Basic.
(* Next, we relate the arrival prefixes with job arrival times. *)
Section ArrivalTimes.
(* Assume that job arrival times are consistent. *)
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
arrival_times_are_consistent arr_seq.
(* First, we prove that if a job belongs to the prefix (jobs_arrived_before t),
then it arrives in the arrival sequence. *)
Lemma in_arrivals_implies_arrived:
forall j t1 t2,
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 ->
arrives_in arr_seq j.
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
intros j t1 t2 IN.
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in IN.
move: IN => [arr [IN _]].
by exists arr.
(* Next, we prove that if a job belongs to the prefix (jobs_arrived_between t1 t2),
then it indeed arrives between t1 and t2. *)
Lemma in_arrivals_implies_arrived_between:
forall j t1 t2,
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 ->
arrived_between j t1 t2.
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
intros j t1 t2 IN.
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in IN.
move: IN => [t0 [IN /= LT]].
by apply CONS in IN; rewrite /arrived_between IN.
(* Similarly, if a job belongs to the prefix (jobs_arrived_before t),
then it indeed arrives before time t. *)
Lemma in_arrivals_implies_arrived_before:
forall j t,
j \in jobs_arrived_before t ->
arrived_before j t.
intros j t IN.
Fail suff: arrived_between j 0 t by rewrite /arrived_between /=.
have: arrived_between j 0 t by apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_between.
by rewrite /arrived_between /=.
(* Similarly, we prove that if a job from the arrival sequence arrives before t,
then it belongs to the sequence (jobs_arrived_before t). *)
Lemma arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals:
forall j t1 t2,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
arrived_between j t1 t2 ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2.
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
move => j t1 t2 [a_j ARRj] BEFORE.
have SAME := ARRj; apply CONS in SAME; subst a_j.
by apply mem_bigcat_nat with (j := (job_arrival j)).
(* Next, we prove that if the arrival sequence doesn't contain duplicate jobs,
the same applies for any of its prefixes. *)
Lemma arrivals_uniq :
arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq ->
forall t1 t2, uniq (jobs_arrived_between t1 t2).
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
unfold jobs_arrived_up_to; intros SET t1 t2.
apply bigcat_nat_uniq; first by done.
intros x t t' IN1 IN2.
by apply CONS in IN1; apply CONS in IN2; subst.
End ArrivalTimes.
End Lemmas.
End ArrivalSequencePrefix.
......@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ Require Export rt.behavior.facts.service.
Require Export rt.behavior.facts.completion.
Require Export rt.behavior.facts.ideal_schedule.
Require Export rt.behavior.facts.sequential.
Require Export rt.behavior.facts.arrivals.
From rt.behavior.arrival Require Export arrival_sequence.
From rt.util Require Import all.
(* In this section, we establish useful facts about arrival sequence prefixes. *)
Section ArrivalSequencePrefix.
(* Assume that job arrival times are known. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* By concatenation, we construct the list of jobs that arrived in the
interval [t1, t2). *)
Definition jobs_arrived_between (t1 t2 : instant) :=
\cat_(t1 <= t < t2) jobs_arriving_at arr_seq t.
(* Based on that, we define the list of jobs that arrived up to time t, ...*)
Definition jobs_arrived_up_to (t : instant) := jobs_arrived_between 0 t.+1.
(* ...and the list of jobs that arrived strictly before time t. *)
Definition jobs_arrived_before (t : instant) := jobs_arrived_between 0 t.
(* In this section, we prove some lemmas about arrival sequence prefixes. *)
Section Lemmas.
(* We begin with basic lemmas for manipulating the sequences. *)
Section Composition.
(* First, we show that the set of arriving jobs can be split
into disjoint intervals. *)
Lemma job_arrived_between_cat:
forall t1 t t2,
t1 <= t ->
t <= t2 ->
jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 = jobs_arrived_between t1 t ++ jobs_arrived_between t t2.
unfold jobs_arrived_between; intros t1 t t2 GE LE.
by rewrite (@big_cat_nat _ _ _ t).
(* Second, the same observation applies to membership in the set of
arrived jobs. *)
Lemma jobs_arrived_between_mem_cat:
forall j t1 t t2,
t1 <= t ->
t <= t2 ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 =
(j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t ++ jobs_arrived_between t t2).
by intros j t1 t t2 GE LE; rewrite (job_arrived_between_cat _ t).
(* Third, we observe that we can grow the considered interval without
"losing" any arrived jobs, i.e., membership in the set of arrived jobs
is monotonic. *)
Lemma jobs_arrived_between_sub:
forall j t1 t1' t2 t2',
t1' <= t1 ->
t2 <= t2' ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1' t2'.
intros j t1 t1' t2 t2' GE1 LE2 IN.
move: (leq_total t1 t2) => /orP [BEFORE | AFTER];
last by rewrite /jobs_arrived_between big_geq // in IN.
rewrite /jobs_arrived_between.
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := t1); [simpl | by done | by apply: (leq_trans BEFORE)].
rewrite mem_cat; apply/orP; right.
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := t2); [simpl | by done | by done].
by rewrite mem_cat; apply/orP; left.
End Composition.
(* Next, we relate the arrival prefixes with job arrival times. *)
Section ArrivalTimes.
(* Assume that job arrival times are consistent. *)
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
arrival_times_are_consistent arr_seq.
(* First, we prove that if a job belongs to the prefix
(jobs_arrived_before t), then it arrives in the arrival sequence. *)
Lemma in_arrivals_implies_arrived:
forall j t1 t2,
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 ->
arrives_in arr_seq j.
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
intros j t1 t2 IN.
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in IN.
move: IN => [arr [IN _]].
by exists arr.
(* Next, we prove that if a job belongs to the prefix
(jobs_arrived_between t1 t2), then it indeed arrives between t1 and
t2. *)
Lemma in_arrivals_implies_arrived_between:
forall j t1 t2,
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 ->
arrived_between j t1 t2.
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
intros j t1 t2 IN.
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in IN.
move: IN => [t0 [IN /= LT]].
by apply CONS in IN; rewrite /arrived_between IN.
(* Similarly, if a job belongs to the prefix (jobs_arrived_before t),
then it indeed arrives before time t. *)
Lemma in_arrivals_implies_arrived_before:
forall j t,
j \in jobs_arrived_before t ->
arrived_before j t.
intros j t IN.
Fail suff: arrived_between j 0 t by rewrite /arrived_between /=.
have: arrived_between j 0 t by apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_between.
by rewrite /arrived_between /=.
(* Similarly, we prove that if a job from the arrival sequence arrives
before t, then it belongs to the sequence (jobs_arrived_before t). *)
Lemma arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals:
forall j t1 t2,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
arrived_between j t1 t2 ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2.
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
move => j t1 t2 [a_j ARRj] BEFORE.
have SAME := ARRj; apply CONS in SAME; subst a_j.
by apply mem_bigcat_nat with (j := (job_arrival j)).
(* Next, we prove that if the arrival sequence doesn't contain duplicate
jobs, the same applies for any of its prefixes. *)
Lemma arrivals_uniq :
arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq ->
forall t1 t2, uniq (jobs_arrived_between t1 t2).
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
unfold jobs_arrived_up_to; intros SET t1 t2.
apply bigcat_nat_uniq; first by done.
intros x t t' IN1 IN2.
by apply CONS in IN1; apply CONS in IN2; subst.
End ArrivalTimes.
End Lemmas.
End ArrivalSequencePrefix.
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