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Commit 3a2bf991 authored by Felipe Cerqueira's avatar Felipe Cerqueira
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Add pick-any, pick-min, pick-max

parent e4012a4d
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......@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ Require Export rt.util.sum.
Require Export rt.util.minmax.
Require Export rt.util.seqset.
Require Export rt.util.step_function.
Require Export rt.util.pick.
\ No newline at end of file
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq fintype.
(* In this file, we define functions for picking numbers in an interval [0, n). *)
(** Auxiliary Functions *)
Definition default0 {n} (x: option 'I_n) : nat := if x is Some y then y else 0.
Definition arg_pred_nat n (P: pred 'I_n) ord :=
[pred i | P i & [forall j: 'I_n, P j ==> ord i j]].
Definition pred_min_nat n (P: pred 'I_n) := arg_pred_nat n P leq.
Definition pred_max_nat n (P: pred 'I_n) := arg_pred_nat n P (fun x y => geq x y).
(** Defining Pick functions *)
(* (pick_any n P) returns some number < n that satisfies P, or 0 if it cannot be found. *)
Definition pick_any n (P: pred 'I_n) := default0 (pick P).
(* (pick_min n P) returns the smallest number < n that satisfies P, or 0 if it cannot be found. *)
Definition pick_min n (P: pred 'I_n) := default0 (pick (pred_min_nat n P)).
(* (pick_max n P) returns the largest number < n that satisfies P, or 0 if it cannot be found. *)
Definition pick_max n (P: pred 'I_n) := default0 (pick (pred_max_nat n P)).
(** Improved notation *)
(* Next we provide the following notation for the variations of pick:
[pick-any x <= N | P], [pick-any x < N | P]
[pick-min x <= N | P], [pick-min x < N | P]
[pick-max x <= N | P], [pick-max x < N | P]. *)
Notation "[ 'pick-any' x <= N | P ]" :=
(pick_any N.+1 (fun x : 'I_N.+1 => P%B))
(at level 0, x ident, only parsing) : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'pick-any' x < N | P ]" :=
(pick_any N (fun x : 'I_N => P%B))
(at level 0, x ident, only parsing) : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'pick-min' x <= N | P ]" :=
(pick_min N.+1 (fun x : 'I_N.+1 => P%B))
(at level 0, x ident, only parsing) : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'pick-min' x < N | P ]" :=
(pick_min N (fun x : 'I_N => P%B))
(at level 0, x ident, only parsing) : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'pick-max' x <= N | P ]" :=
(pick_max N.+1 (fun x : 'I_N.+1 => P%B))
(at level 0, x ident, only parsing) : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'pick-max' x < N | P ]" :=
(pick_max N (fun x : 'I_N => P%B))
(at level 0, x ident, only parsing) : form_scope.
(** Lemmas *)
(* First, we show that any property P of (pick_any n p) can be proven by showing that
P holds for any number < n that satisfies p. *)
Section PickAny.
Variable n: nat.
Variable p: pred 'I_n.
Variable P: nat -> Prop.
Hypothesis EX: exists x:'I_n, p x.
Hypothesis HOLDS: forall x, p x -> P x.
Lemma pick_any_holds: P (pick_any n p).
rewrite /pick_any /default0.
case: pickP; first by intros x PRED; apply HOLDS.
intros NONE; red in NONE; exfalso.
move: EX => [x PRED].
by specialize (NONE x); rewrite PRED in NONE.
End PickAny.
(* Next, we show that any property P of (pick_min n p) can be proven by showing that
P holds for the smallest number < n that satisfies p. *)
Section PickMin.
Variable n: nat.
Variable p: pred 'I_n.
Variable P: nat -> Prop.
Hypothesis EX: exists x:'I_n, p x.
Hypothesis MIN:
forall x,
p x ->
(forall y, p y -> x <= y) ->
P x.
Lemma pick_min_holds: P (pick_min n p).
rewrite /pick_min /odflt /oapp.
case: pickP.
move => x /andP [PRED /forallP ALL].
apply MIN; first by done.
by intros y Py; specialize (ALL y); move: ALL => /implyP ALL; apply ALL.
intros NONE; red in NONE; exfalso.
move: EX => [x PRED]; clear EX.
set argmin := arg_min x p id.
specialize (NONE argmin).
suff ARGMIN: (pred_min_nat n p) argmin by rewrite ARGMIN in NONE.
rewrite /argmin; case: arg_minP; first by done.
intros y Py MINy.
apply/andP; split; first by done.
by apply/forallP; intros y0; apply/implyP; intros Py0; apply MINy.
End PickMin.
(* Next, we show that any property P of (pick_max n p) can be proven by showing that
P holds for the largest number < n that satisfies p. *)
Section PickMax.
Variable n: nat.
Variable p: pred 'I_n.
Variable P: nat -> Prop.
Hypothesis EX: exists x:'I_n, p x.
Hypothesis MAX:
forall x,
p x ->
(forall y, p y -> x >= y) ->
P x.
Lemma pick_max_holds: P (pick_max n p).
rewrite /pick_max /odflt /oapp.
case: pickP.
move => x /andP [PRED /forallP ALL].
apply MAX; first by done.
by intros y Py; specialize (ALL y); move: ALL => /implyP ALL; apply ALL.
intros NONE; red in NONE; exfalso.
move: EX => [x PRED]; clear EX.
set argmax := arg_max x p id.
specialize (NONE argmax).
suff ARGMAX: (pred_max_nat n p) argmax by rewrite ARGMAX in NONE.
rewrite /argmax; case: arg_maxP; first by done.
intros y Py MAXy.
apply/andP; split; first by done.
by apply/forallP; intros y0; apply/implyP; intros Py0; apply MAXy.
End PickMax.
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